Taurus G2C 40S&W - Bigger is Better!

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if nine is better than creating then 40 is better than a nine in this video we're taking a look at the Taurus GCC in 40 Smith & Wesson [Music] [Music] what's up everyone welcome squat squat and welcome to slop guns a few months ago we looked at the very popular and very affordable tours g2c in nine-millimeter a compact carry pistol that brings great features at a price most americans can afford one of the advantages that the Taurus g2c has over the competition is the capacity bringing 12 rounds of ammo to what is typically a 10 round capacity frame Taurus alta makes the GTC in 40 Smith & Wesson despite looking exactly the same this gun fires the more powerful larger diameter bullet in the 40 Smith & Wesson cartridge ordinarily this would be a great time to make a joke about 40 Smith & Wesson being also known as 40 shortened week and probably something about how the gun is not fully ambidextrous and is not made for left-handed aka wrong handed people but apparently not everyone is a card-carrying member of the 10 millimeter society so we won't in all seriousness the 40 Smith & Wesson cartridge is a terrific cartridge and probably the cartridge that I have the most brass and bullets for considering it was the caliber with which I competed with until it hurt my wrist a couple of years ago considering that the gun looks and feels virtually identical to the nine-millimeter version which we previously looked at and discussed if you need a refresher or a comprehensive look at the features take a look at the video link above I think it's that side in this video let's take a quick overview of the features put some rounds downrange as I give you my shooting impressions and experiences with the gun and then I'll give you the bottom line this is a Taurus g2c a rebrand and an update of the original Taurus PT 111 or essentially PT 111 G 2 it's a compact pistol that is available in both 9 millimeter and 40 Smith and was in version calibers and a variety of colors and finishes this is the 40 Smith & Wesson the gun is identical in features with the 9 millimeter including the grip texturing the trigger the safety the slide and the magazine releases the primary difference is going to be in the caliber and the capacity while the Taurus GGC nine-millimeter holds 12 rounds the GTC 40 Smith & Wesson magazines have a 10 round capacity once again take a look at the previous video linked above for more in-depth look at the features what I would basically say one of the things I love about the gun is that it's gonna have a pretty nice loaded chamber indicator it's going to come out of the box with fairly nice adjustable sights the texturing on here is fantastic it does have the scalloped serrations on the side the magazine release the slide release and the safety are all nicely sized once again you do have to keep in mind that it is not ambidextrous to take it down it's going to be fairly simple takes down just like a Glock take the magazine out pull it back press the two buttons and you can just pull it right off put it back together the exact same way all right so let's load up some mags and take a look at how it shoots alright alright so I painted the steel targets I'm here let's talk about this real quick one of the things that you're going to notice if you're used to shooting a lot of full-size guns is this gun only has rear serrations so when you're manipulating it you're grabbing there you do have some scallops here that you can use but it's not obviously as grippy as if there's actual serrations there something to keep in mind I do think that if there were survey shion's in there it would possibly hang and catch on some of the holsters once again adjustable sights I haven't adjusted these do you seem to be pretty good the gun is primarily made for right-handers so you have your safety and your slide release both of these kind of like remind me the slide release definitely feels kind of like on a six two two six right around that size for both good fairly easy to manipulate in both cases trigger here right so let's talk about the trigger once again double strike so let's talk about in a standard function yeah so if you have the trigger let up you do have a long take-up you get to a wall fairly clean break probably right around like four and a half five pounds it feels like but take a look at the 9 millimeter video we talk about all the weights the reset it's okay it's not short but it's not long either and then you're back at the wall literally when it resets you're right back at the wall and there's no more take-up so that's good now the gun does have double Strait capability which once again it think of it as double action so if you pull the trigger and the gun doesn't go bang you can let the trigger out all the way you'll feel it reset and then you have a slightly well you have a heavier pull and the striker resets and you're pulling it a second shot so it's almost it's a double it's like a double single action but for the striker all right you do have a mount here for a light or laser and yes I've tried and bayonet barely fits but it fit texturing will put an aggressive side especially if you're shooting with like spear gold dots I felt that especially after I hurt my wrist it was a little snappy they were shooting regular Remington 180 180 grain stuff today so it'll be good the only thing I would add on the trigger is you do have the dot you have a dongle in there the dongle does not reset in all the way so when you are shooting standard ammo it's okay but when you're shooting plus P like the spear gold dots or a lot of the defensive ammo you will have energy transfer back into your finger through that dongle instead of the entire trigger because it looks at because it sticks out alright let's shoot so from where I'm standing we're about 13 yards the closest steel target we have the two plates and on other side one left-field looks right around 15 to 17 yards the one on the other side is look closer to 18 and then if you have a large steel plate in the back which from where I'm standing right now is right around 30 yards one of the things that I noticed look said when you're putting it in very easily it locks up even on full ten rounds you don't like to look really force it in there all right yeah double strike wasn't gonna save you on that all right so you see like one two three right on the left so it's likely left for me it's that one all right recoil is not bad one of the things that I quickly noticed after that one mag even though I have shorter hands the trigger on the reset it's like very close the length of pull is quite small on that so it's very easy for your finger to go in all the way on there and then you're gonna start pulling shots and it kind of did that on one of the targets over there but then again this is like a compact gun and I'm shooting at 18 yards so that's still not bad one thing I will say is for the first I have to play around with the grip on this but I do feel the recoil look right in this part right around here it started feeling a bit yeah right here so if you have a really strong c-clamp grip on here it's really not bad at all one of the things we didn't talk about yet the mag release quite effective it sticks out enough that you can find it but it's not small enough that you're hunting for it let's drive weekend there you go no limb for instinct there awesome alright so let me actually I'm gonna put in some footage of me shooting this with the gold dot plus peas and then we'll do the bottom line GGC 40 alright so I am out of like a regular 40 ammo so for shooting spear gold dot plus PS out of those gun that'll be interesting now I will say I shot this before this texturing I know I've said it's like I find it just right with the gold dots there's a matter of recoil on here the texturing here just suck a little so that's why partly why I'm wearing gloves all right so for this bag let's go once again 2 2 2 2 2 I originally requested the Taurus GTC nine-millimeter and was quite surprised when filling out the paperwork at my FFL I noticed that this was a 40 Smith & Wesson chambered gun instead interestingly a friend of mine who had zero interest in the gun thinking it was a 9-millimeter instantly perked up to find out whose chambered in 40 Smith & Wesson at the center the CCW debate is going to be the choice of calibers for the longest time gun owners are choosing between having a carry sized firearm in something like 380 acp or carrying a full size pistol in the larger caliber more recently we have seen manufacturers come out with compact and subcompact type guns chambered a 9 millimeter for some however it's still not enough of a caliber and this draws back to the FBI's choice and recommendation of 40 Smith & Wesson for most however the 40 Smith & Wesson caliber is just going to be a tad to snapping what was most surprising to me is just how pleasant this gun is to shoot even in the snappy 40 the recoil while it may be more than a 380 acp firearm is generally more pleasant than what you find in a 380 pocket gun if you haven't seen my previous video if this is a solid gun and the only reason it's not considered a $400 gun is the Taurus name if your budget is $300 or less and you're a right-handed shooter it's tough to go wrong with the Taurus GGC the question is in what caliber if you can comfortably handle the 40 the Taurus GGC and 40 Smith & Wesson is a terrific choice vs. 9-millimeter the 40 Smith & Wesson caliber is gonna have about 25% more bullet energy and is surely a better defensive round especially when using defensive bullets such as hollow points or expanding Full Metal Jacket most of all you're getting 10 rounds of 40 Smith & Wesson in the same size package that you generally will have 10 rounds of 9-millimeter bottom line just as a set in my previous video for around $250 or less this gun is a no-brainer it's functional it's comfortable and it comes with Tauruses limited lifetime warranty it's also gonna give you above-average capacity either 10 rounds of 40 Smith & Wesson or 12 rounds of 9-millimeter I hope you enjoyed this video and if you did please make sure to click the like button and share the video with your friends make sure you're subscribed and have the notification Belon to stay up to date on our latest videos be it about the Taurus GGC other modern handguns or if you're a fan of our series on precision rifles and probably some new calibers they're just about to come out and if you're watching this into month of June 2020 and you want more entries into our circa s3 giveaway use the code grab the bull wood spaces or without both will work so there you go as always thank you for watching keep on squatting and I'll see you next time
Channel: Slav Guns
Views: 23,705
Rating: 4.8087955 out of 5
Keywords: taurus g2c, taurus g2c review, Taurus G2c 40, taurus g2c 9mm, taurus g2c 9mm review
Id: 5tTM5F0jtmM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 04 2020
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