The Gun You Didn't Know You Needed...

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[Music] welcome to demolition ranch this episode is sponsored by simply safe and we're actually very glad to have simply safe as a sponsor mostly because YouTube's not a big fan of my videos as you can see here yeah the majority of my most recent videos all be monetized for some reason though my most recent video which was definitely the most dangerous is still monetized but I think it's only a matter of time simply safe is incredibly effective and reliable home security we're first interested in it because they make it super easy to set up and super easy to use it's not overly complicated installation is a breeze you can do it all yourself you don't have to have a crew come in like a lot of the security companies it's all monitored by professionals 24/7 and they will call you in the event of emergency and can even call police help if needed there's lots of thoughtful features like reminders when you leave the door open and the sensors are very small and really unnoticeable when they're on your house they have glass break sensors we also have motion detectors even a panic button so if you want to put this like in your kid's room so if they need to set on a alarm they're equipped for worst-case scenarios so even if you lose Wi-Fi it will still work if you lose power it will still work or if the system is attacked it will still work one huge thing for me is they have fair and honest prices and no contract and no hidden fees which you don't find a lot of these days it's super easy and intuitive to use super easy to install go to simply safecom slash demo ranch it helps out what we do here because YouTube's not helping us out too much and it's a great product that you're gonna enjoy and it can keep your family safe once again thank you to simply say for sponsoring this video welcome to demolition ranch I'm glad you're here you're gonna be glad you're here too we have some fun things going on over on that table right there Glock 43 by full concealed whole concealed took a Glock 43 they cut the frame literally in half you can see straight through it they added some hardware back here little latch they added a little hinge trigger guard up here and basically they made it so that it can fold down like that let me show you it looks like with a mag in there like that and so they make it so you can stick this thing in your pocket and it doesn't print like a firearm it doesn't look necessarily like a firearm poking through your clothes it looks like like a like a brick not like a gun and then it pops right back in place you can see that again pretty pretty cool the way just I mean like look at this boom they also did it to a Glock 19 a slightly bigger nine millimeter you can see the same cuts there through the frame the same latch mechanism back here and they hinge trigger guard and it just folds up out of the way and if you have a mag in it it looks like that and this thing will fit in a pocket and it does look like there's something large in your pocket but it does not look like you have a Glock 19 in your pocket it's interesting it's different it is a cool idea and they do feel really solid and well-made which I did not anticipate them feeling they have their own new triggers but let me show you what makes this super interesting CAA made something called the micro Roni which is basically something to stick your Glock into to turn your Glock pistol into a kind of like a little PDW a little submachine gun they make it so that your Glock can now be stable and you can have a big mag sticking out of it and lay down some more accurate shots now the problem with these is they would convert your pistol into a short barreled rifle which is an NFA controlled item you had to get a tax stamp you had to go through hoops we didn't see many of them because it was kind of a pain in the butt now they have this stock that is just a stabilizer brace so it's not a short barreled rifle it leaves your pistol configuration still a pistol and you can shoulder it and have a more stable platform let's install a Glock in it just like that just like that and now my Glock is in there this micro Roni is a full concealed micro Roni and what I mean by that is it is specifically made to take a full concealed Glock even with a Glock 18 33 round magazine so this will fold in here the magazine pushes up and stores just like that so you can have a very very small package don't hmm nah me though from this small package though if you do see a threat you can actually deploy it fairly quickly if you know what you're doing you just kind of flick it out and you have a full-size gun ready to go I know that this is gonna get some hate because it does sort of have that tacticool vibe to it but it it looks cool you have to admit it looks cool there's one in the chamber right now so theoretically there's no way that one could go off it just seems sketch but I guess it's not all of a sudden though there's a threat BAM we're ready to rock I have a lot of targets that we walk through the supermarket and we're like one of that stopped a bullet and you know what we should find out up first is 150 styrofoam plates there's no way yep straight through right there in the back yeah that was that was dumb we got better stuff next up seven pounds of baked beans and if that stops a bullet I'm gonna shoot through this another seven pounds of baked beans followed by a seven pound can of wolf brand chili those are giant oh I think it's gonna go through one I think it won't go through two but there's only one way to know [Applause] entrance/exit yeah and now the two cans on the left it did go in the back can and it came out the bottom how about three tins in a row I turned them all sideways so we'd be able to tell if they have a new bullet hole in them yeah I went through all three again so you know what has to be done now this was such a mistake Oh Mike I've never just seen beans flow like that Oh gross yeah fire extinguisher full propped up at an angle this reminds me of my equine reproduction class in vet school no reason whoa whoa whoa like I haven't given the Glock 43 any love so let's go ahead and try it out here's the thing right in the bottom and then launch it up like a rocket ideally yep that worked gross oh we just got a perfect shot by me but did not go through I don't hear it in there so it definitely went in and I guess the pressure shot it back out there's no other holes except for the one on the bottom but there's also no bullet in there just kind of interesting I thought it would either go all the way through or it would stay in I got one of these knockoff like canned coolers it's not like a name-brand and then I got flex seal I think it's gonna go through this I think it will also go through that and then we'll have flex seal all over my beans and fire extinguisher powder dripping out of the tree I do not want to get flex seal on me I know you guys can't see anything it shot up to those branches up there which are like 15 20 feet in the air you know I was thinking that table is just not gross enough yet so why don't we go ahead and see if a tub full of lard booth up a bullet I got open I've never seen a tub full of lard I just I want to know what it looks like [Applause] cool so there's lard is it weird that I kind of want to taste it can you yeah it's good you should totally try put on your toast in the mornings great 9-millimeter first the lard I think it's gonna go through yep so lard explode all out the back of that you know what I do not want to have to clean up that large so I'm just gonna go ahead shoot okay this thing is a legit Gauss ting helmet it was sent to me from a viewer who actually used it for jousting yeah people still do that apparently he sent me a picture of him wearing this helmet back before it was all rusty on a horse while he was jousting riding at another rider and they were trying to knock each other off the horse people apparently still do this that's a man's man if I've ever heard of one he wants me to see if it's bulletproof it's hard heavy steel I don't think it's gonna stop a 9-millimeter I think we'll pass straight through but if a manly man like this ask you to do something for him you do it no way Wow it definitely would have hurt and been very loud but you would have survived that bullet hit right here and stopped crazy okay now I did hit on two pieces of metal there let's shoot just one piece of metal and see if it goes through I mean it kind of makes sense because this is not like a dress up like costume type helmet this thing is actually made to protect somebody it's a real-deal helmet I kind of feel like I'm too close now now that I know it could stop let me push it back let's do this helmets got I think that one went through straight through but not out the other side it tried out look at that thing it was close to coming through there you go your helmet is pretty good probably would stop at 380 definitely would stop at 22 long rifle Stoke that is a pretty strong helmet crazy I am not saying that I'm gonna carry this gun but I'm not saying I'm not gonna carry this gun all I'm saying is I had a great time today I enjoyed shooting it it's fun to shoot I really like companies that think outside the box so they do things a little differently and I really like guns that are unique and different and that one definitely fits the bill watch this if you'd like to get the freedom is in free hoodie link in description below you're gonna love it I promise Bobby I'm a doctor yes
Channel: DemolitionRanch
Views: 7,589,804
Rating: 4.9081073 out of 5
Keywords: demo, demolition, demoranch, demolitionranch, ranch, vet, vetranch, offtheranch, off, the, testing, test, matt, dr. matt, dr matt, dr, dr.
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 14sec (854 seconds)
Published: Wed Jan 09 2019
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