(Uncovering Hidden Graves) Ghost Town Graveyard in Georgia (Part 2)

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this is the fence the fence was actually out here at one time i think about where i'm standing like me the bulldog just pushed it back and then turned and went that way they wanted that tree that's why we're standing in the community of new hope specifically we're standing in the old new hope cemetery which is one of the last remaining pieces of this great old community that used to be out here all right so this one at the top says father and mother this is flora blanton born may 4th 1823 and died may 3rd 18 93 and over here is wyatt s blanton born september 27th 1813 and died october 26th 1889. at the bottom it says blanton there's epitaphs on the back of these but what's interesting to note is that there is a blanton creek and i want to say there was a maybe a blanton fairy nearby here i could be wrong on that blanton fairy right i've heard that name before but i know this blank creek it says on the back kind angels watch dear mothers dust till trump shall sound to raise the just then may she waking sweetly rise and meet dear children in the skies a lot of years a life well spent then god for him the angel sent ready dear father closed his eyes to wake to glory in the skies there's another fieldstone marker this this area right here robert has several right where i'm standing in in this grass here's look there's one and here's the other stone to my left and then you take a step over here another one right there i know what should be another one right down here somewhere this grassy area right here got a lot of unmarked graves and then i care about that tree i see one standing by itself and so this is sacred to the memory of sally f wife of john a cochran born december 20th 1847 and died june 30th 1885. rest on sweetly dear sally with our three angel babes sleeping by your side till the pearly gates are open and heaven shall claim its own the bottom it says husband three children three children they're right here where i'm standing so there's the footstone for horrors you know over here i see another stone if i can get this right here that one robert let's make that out right there with your camera yep see this right here there's a stone ready man yeah that's it let me get my brush out we'll see if we can clean this off that's gonna be a tough one to make out yeah at least the epitaph will be c pennell g collins born january 3rd 1814 and died september 20th 18 86 possibly now there is an epitaph at the bottom but unfortunately i'm not going to be able to make that out it's so eroded look at the way the stone has eroded right here too it's interesting i think that's one right in front of you robert maybe i don't know there may just be some vine i don't know i hear something yeah that's that's one right there completely covered up i may have to go back to this oh wow look at this one cody just found i have to go back and get my wife yep there it is hold the stick for me a sec i'm gonna do it this way i should have brought should have brought more tools but i thought this would be a easier walk today hey you should have known better robert yeah the places we go never easy with you [Music] this is a like a white is this a white marble or something i don't know but it's amazing how these flat stones like this just tend to disappear [Music] cody you take the brush and you do what you got to do with the brush see if we can find something here i'll take the stick back you make anything out we'll get the light on it and see all right let's get that light down let's see in memory of in memory of oh there it is right there all the way down here but going down some more w will william william william here october 4th 18 69 and died oh look at that work right there oh what is that wow just work around the edge that's pretty neat all right died what does that say february february 5th 1903. like you said look at the little works follow my finger a little work all the way around it i think there's epic at the bottom too yeah there is he was he was an ever kind and loving husband and father sleep on dear one we are left to mourn but we will meet again in that bright home nothing at the bottom no marks at the top either right nope cody nope here thick brush is there someone next door nope but you did find another one right back there further over so let's go grandpa said always bring all your tools with you one of these days i'm gonna get that jeep and i'm gonna drive oh yeah yeah i'm gonna show you what you bring all right give me a hand here cody i'm gonna take my little stick and get it started oh yeah there you go now i'm gonna get my hand in there ugh oh here's a doctor listen to his name dr benjamin franklin meadows born may 31st 1833 died december 15th 1898 maybe he was the community doctor here well there was another doctor buried in a cemetery too oh yeah yeah you've been scouting the head well i looked online when was riding up here yeah you thought i was sleeping but i wasn't i got you we missed the now oh dearest loved one we miss thy fond and earnest care we're no longer around our family hearthstone can we thy loving counsel here all right so coming around on the back of the cemetery the back corner we looked over the fence at this grave but i wanted to come and take a look at it up close and see if we can read it it's obviously a child's grave and kind of by itself as far as march graves go over here we do have several unmarked graves throughout these woods but we're going to clean this off and see if we can't read a name little daisy little daisy infant daughter uh patillo patillo how you spell it p-a-t-t-i-l-o i-l-l-o born july 1878 died september 18th 1878 gone gone to jesus gone to jesus interesting all right so i just happened to have a chainsaw in my car today i'm gonna do a little bit of good while i'm out here try to remove some of this tree off of these poor little children right here all right [Music] wow [Applause] [Music] wow i'm about to pick one try here [Music] wow all right we did a little bit of good out here all right so if you remember just a minute ago we visited the grave of little daisy patillo well interestingly enough it seems like here she is again we got daisy patillo born july 23rd 1878 and died september 10th 1878. and the bottom it says at rest now i think that's pretty fascinating because it looks like she has two graves out here and over here these are the patillo children here this is maddie lee patillo born february 10th 1882 and died june 16th 1882. the bottom it says at rest and then over here is walter r patillo born october 1st 1878 1876 died august 21 1877. the bottom it says at rest so i just thought that was pretty fascinating and unless i'm unless i'm just blatantly missing something looks like little daisy has two graves that's interesting so over here right beside those children's graves this is a great example of a fault script that is broken many people ask me about fault scripts and with the missing side here you can see that the burial is not above ground it is a below ground burial you can also see the shapes of the cornerstones and just how they're put together and this is damage this is no doubt damage from a tree fall let's see if we can't make something out on it oh there we go there we go sacred to the memory of mary patillo consort of john patillo and daughter of nathan and elizabeth winfield born july 20th 1817 98 1798 and died september 11th 18 68. a devoted christian for nearly let's say 50 for nearly 50 years oh man this is going to be tough yeah i think i'm not going to be able to read the rest of that episode this video maybe it'll show up yeah lord she was she was thine and not hours maybe not maybe so not hours yeah can't make that out where i'm at anymore i can't make it out yeah the stone's just all busted and worn but now her husband john is buried right here john patillo born september 20th 1792 and died november 30th 18 73 blessed by the pure in heart for they shall see god he being dead yet speaketh you notice this vase right here there's not a it's got a seam right here robert it's like a fault bait and there's a little set little hole right there interesting yeah either nail or a brass pin but yeah see that so it's a modular type put together right not just one solid not a solid piece a lot of patchellos in this cemetery yeah there are more we'll take a look at right over there so as we make our way over to the other potillo graves i want to look at do you want to point these children's graves out here and there and there and no doubt many more out here saw the little small fault scripts were interesting also here's another doctor dr b g poer that's p-o-e-r born november 16th 1842 and died january 23 1914. so i looked up john on the internet and he had 10 children so those 10 children had children there's a lot of patellos here so he had 10 children interesting a lot of kids interesting this says beautiful home life laura josephine rowe wife of rs patillo born march 24 1843 and died august 3rd 1901 and over here is reuben s patillo born may 4th 1839 and died january 10 1913. an amiable father here lies at rest as ever god with his image blessed the friend of man the friend of truth the friend of age the guide of youth here's another pretty good example of a false crypt again one that is damaged and these unless this is repaired it'll be completely fallen and busted before too long you can see it's very close to falling now this is also a masonic grave it says sacred to the memory of joseph dewitt clinton davis joseph d witt clinton davis born december 18 21 1833 died november twentieth eighteen fifty nine seventy nine we'll try it this way see if it shows up any better myself anymore let's see i can't make that out either 59 or 79 yeah interesting i'm not going to try with the epitaph because i'm not going to be able to read it a sonic symbol too see that yep so this is a really fascinating marker we're about to take a look at and i don't know enough to speak on these markers but i was just reading about them not long ago because we filmed another one that was made of the same type of material so these are these are metal marker and i think it's like a white bronze or something like that it's called and these markers were sold off of the railroad if i'm not mistaken commonly sold off the railroad or just an alternative to the stone markers of the day so they are very fascinating to see and i've only seen two of them in the wild so they'll take more more learning about jd williams we just looked at him his actual name is uh jenkins devayne williams i just looked him up on the internet these are his children's name you got some interesting names maddie virginia john louisiana india emma laura ella ida and eliza you got a lot of children yeah and they're probably buried right here too you know the last grave that we're going to take a look at today is something that's very very very fascinating to see out here i'm always very fascinated when i see the grave of a patriot [Applause] this is alston s massey south carolina private continental army revolutionary war july 17 1853 was his death date now i don't believe that this is his this stone was placed here by the sons of the american revolution and this is probably not his exact grave site he's probably buried out here in an unmarked grave but it's still fascinating to know that he's out here so i did a little reading up on him and he was only in the revolutionary service for a couple of months so when he got out he didn't apply for his pension because he thought you had to be in there like six months or something and he married a couple times and i think his last wife uh applied for his pension like like well after he had passed away and i think he lived a long time i think he said he was 90. yeah he lived a long time and he it is thought it was reported that he died in alabama and was brought back here to be buried with family members but i don't think the grave is marked here however i do know that the uh sons of the revolutionary war kids really do a lot of research so they wouldn't put that here unless they were pretty sure he was here so i believe that's right and they have someone that looks after that once a year uh one of those members comes out and puts the flag up okay cody pack up my bag robert we ready to go i'm hungry gonna get me a whopper we gone no no no no no there we are no we've been there three hours we can't leave yet why we got something else we didn't done a cemetery we got something else to look at well if you look right over there you see it did you guys see it oh guys you
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 22,324
Rating: 4.986928 out of 5
Keywords: abandoned cemetery, cemetery, abandoned, haunted cemetery, abandoned places, abandoned cemetary, abandoned graveyard, abandoned cemetery house, exploring abandoned places, abandoned cementery, abandoned 200 year old cemetery, old cemetery, abandoned church, abandoned & overgrown cemetery in the florida woods, abandoned mausoleum, old abandoned cemetery, abandoned places uk, abandoned house, abandoned pet cemetery, abandned cemetery, old cemetery tour, abandoned maine cemetery
Id: 429x78MYJnE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 17sec (1637 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 20 2021
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