The Creepy and Sad Cemetery

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well that's creepy hope that's not a grave oh man hey it's Robert and you're watching sidestep adventures I'm out here with Cody and we're about to explore it old cemetery this cemetery from what I understand who was originally a slave cemetery and then their ancestors continued burying out here well until the 1900s cemeteries in really sad shape these days it seems pretty well forgotten there's a couple newer tombstones out here like someone's placed them recently but otherwise most of the graves are just forgotten and in these woods here I'm gonna show them to you right now it's already in the cemetery and there's one right here it's unmarked and I'm gonna kind of Pan the camera around and you can see how these graves are actually kind of going down this hill right here you can see where it's a roading down into this creek bed and there's a there's piece of a grave right there and another piece right here there's another piece of grave right there probably all from the same grade but they're just going down this hill and that's actually how I first heard about this place or it was described to me as a cemetery where the graves were falling down a hill and so I came out and checked it out years ago and then honestly I kind of forgot about it until I saw a video that acqua [ __ ] had done on a cemetery that reminded me of this one and I thought hey I still got to do that cemetery this cemetery so here's one and this one actually looks like I'm not entirely sure if it looks like some of its been exposed I'm not sure exactly what that is it almost looks like the box that they seal the coffin in sometimes but this one's from 1971 so it's a newer one this is a military grave as you can see it's Monroe Hicks private first class US Army World War two born 1914 died 1971 and then there's more pieces of the grave and I hope I can find them all again because I saw some really cool and some depression-era grapes that were home made out here like here's and it's kind of it was cold last time I came out here and it's obviously springtime everything's grown up so stuffs a lot harder to see here's one right here this one is collapsed in she can kind of see and there's another one right there there's more back that way that I want to look at but I just saw this little section right here check them out here and go wipe some of these graves off and see if I can make out a name [Music] here's one born 1887 haven't gotten quite to the name yet I don't think I'm gonna be able to read it yeah I'm not gonna be able to read that you'll find a death date on it now I like standing in graves try to use my booth to clean it off a little bit death date was 1910 for this grave try to clean it off up here see if I can make out that name which I'm not gonna be able to here's another one right here [Music] this one is around the same time period looks like mr. Gardner Williams born 1886 died 1914 there's another grave right here it's gonna be a little bit harder to get to and you can see it sinking in to the ground as well so here's another military grave right here see if I can get to it so we can read the tombstone this is a Joseph Lawrence hallowing Hardaway sorry it's a World War two and this tombstone is from 1951 there's another military grave over there take a look at it watch my stuff and kind of step over these graves this one was William Dixon private first class World War two born November 1917 died January 1953 it's really very very sad to me every time I see a cemetery that's in this condition I said this in a comment one time but someone once told me that you die twice once when you die and the next time he dies the last time someone speaks your name and that phrase really stuck with me and that's really haunting to me and these people appear to just be completely forgotten which is really sad here's one of the newer tombstones I was talking about it looks like this was placed more recently but as an old greys it's Esther e Hardaway was just three years old there's another one in bad condition collapsing in here's George Hardaway 1882 1977 and this one then animal I guess has been digging out from under this one beside him is Rosa Hardaway 1883 to 1960 it looks like and there's another one that's up in here and I can't get to it because it's completely covered over by vines and trees that have fallen so we'll go back down here there's some more graves that I saw this is Otis Biggers for 1916 and died in 1975 I'm not sure if the grave is actually right here or not I don't really see any sinking into the ground like you usually see now that tombstone looks like it's been moved so it's hard to say there is a grave right here it doesn't appear to be marked so it could be that tombstone could go over here walk around this tree there's another grave right here you can tell it's sunken in and it's unmarked it's a lot of bricks scattered around it there's another World War two veteran Robert Lester and another one right there here's one of ones that I was talking about that was handmade now this is not doesn't appear to be depression-era it just appears to be probably a low-income burial is Georges Waller born looks like 3 1 1921 and died 6 5 and you can't read the rest of it right there and this graveyard just goes on and on and on down this hill actually it looks like it goes further than I went last time that I came out here and it you have to really look hard for these graves out here because there's so many that are just completely covered over is this one right here I'll try to uncover this one she's gonna be hard to read this one to this grave is from 1942 this is a child's grave born 1937 died 1942 and there's two more in the bush over there we walk down this Way's a little bit and you see me put my foot on these graves and trust me I mean no disrespect when I do that I always try not to step on grades I'm just trying to clean them off this is another handmade tombstone both of these are this is Miss Mamie rose Mitchel born 1934 and died in 1982 so this is a much newer grave out here mr. Robert Mitchell 1932 and I can't see the date at the bottom so I try to uncover it it's also 1982 these two people died very close to each other and then there's two more graves over there kind of difficult to get to though with this vine in the way walk around you can see all the erosion out here washing down washing away some of these graves which is very sad I know that aspect of it is natural but it's still sad nonetheless this is probably where we're standing right now it's probably an early grave with this little rock pile right here this could be the area that's slave burial grounds that's how many are buried in the Samantha Street graveyard it's a slave graveyard it wasn't continued to be used like this one once so notice this wall over here and go look at that real quick and even though this isn't a huge section of woods it's easy to get turned around out here and miss stuff because they're so hard to see I definitely didn't see this area before when I came out here it's much more intricate than what I'd seen before these are newer graves this 1980 1973 1950 1977 which is also sad to me because these are newer graves that also appear to be completely forgotten this in 1987 Betty Mae Jenkins that's a very short amount of time to be forgotten this entered the cemetery who have gone downhill so badly once again you can see how heavily eroded this areas where water's coming through and just taking down the soil probably a wet weather stream through here I don't see any more graves on this side I do over there though so we need to get back up there so I crossed over here on the opposite side where I said I didn't see any more graves just to walk down until I could cross back over to the other side and I've seen areas that look like there may be graves out here like right here and right there and it's kind of hard to tell with all the erosion out here but I'm pretty sure that these are because they've got the tell-tale indention in the ground and these are probably more of the slave graves right here that's impressive way the waters washed out there tree roots I'm gonna walk back up that way because I feel like it could be wrong but I feel like we're getting out of the cemetery grounds now at least the graves that are marked I thought I walk down here and see what it looked like down here you got a big rock in the ground right there [Music] over here I guess this is just rainwater collection I'm not a spring or anything it did rain heavily over the weekend all right we'll head back up this way look at some more of these graves I'm just scanning the woods as I walk along here we're gonna see if they say anything else that sticks out looks unnatural whether it be a graveside or any signs of old buildings or anything not seeing anything really other than some plant life looks like plants plant it around an old house so I'm gonna assume that this is the end of the cemetery right here it's barbed wire off and man look at the way it's until these trees were small and this barbed wire was placed here the way it just goes into almost the center of that tree the bottom piece too it's been here for a long time oh well like over here same thing over here say even bigger tree and it's just dead through the center that's amazing it's probably just a tiny little tree where this fence was put up that's really amazing right there it's been there for a long time right so obviously we've gotten more of these grapes and this is the area I was talking about earlier where I had not seen before I mainly focused on the ones up the hill behind me when I came out here before just some photography this one's 1895 in 1932 looks like Eva Walker if I find any more information out about the cemetery I'll put it in the comment so check down there after I close this video I'll look around and see if I can pick up anything else this grave was unmarked and there's one right beside it it's marked with a stone and this is one that's soon to wash away as the ground keeps eroding it's a lot of flower vases on the ground out here so at one time someone cared about these people unless they were just placed here when they were buried oh well this is amazing right here I hope you can see this miss Alva may Hawkins January 5th 1919 October 2nd 1969 this actually got a picture of her the tombstone there that's amazing that's really something right there there's a handmade tombstone right here I can't make out the top name what is 1892 to 1915 that's really amazing about the tombstone with the picture on it actually you see the names a lot it makes it a lot more real when you see the person and put a face to the name there's a plot of four more like a child over here make sure there's five more no there's a bunch more they're sucking into the ground quickly disappearing it's another one in animals been digging under that's another military grave died in 1955 world war two it looks like one thing I wonder and this may not be the case at all but being as a cemetery is so old is how many people are washed away in the erosion that's a very sad thought fill this dirt mound right here I guess it's just a natural formation that's probably what it is or a dirt that was dumped here from the digging of a grave I just have a rock placed on top of it but I imagine that if this was a grave it would have been long since washed away now looks like there's another one up here you just barely make out take a look at it this could be one right there in there and there's you can see the backside of some right through there some of the newer ones well that's creepy I hope that's not a grave oh man so I can't be agreed oh well that's weird it looks I don't think it's a grave it's open you can see that general outline of it it's a big square it's opened up right here and doesn't look like a grave though this it's not elongated like a grave is no no what this is kind of peeking in there and hoping nothing reaches up and grabs me and that's creepy I don't know what that is I well maybe a well your cistern being old it doesn't really look like that though looks like it was relatively recently dug out that's creepy yeah certainly there's no way that's a grave because it looks like it was made with that opening on it something's broken off of it you see huh that's creepy walk away from that before something comes out of it and grab this pulls us down if you know what that is let me know never seen anything like that and I graveyard before
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 727,109
Rating: 4.8418775 out of 5
Keywords: cemetery, creepy, creepy videos, history, georgia, exploring georgia, alabama exploring, grave yard, haunted, haunted cemetery, forgotten people, black history, slave history, slave cemetery
Id: W7D6XYiB1W8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 35sec (1475 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 27 2018
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