A Haunted Alabama Cemetery | Local Legend Visited

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everyone you're watching sidestep adventures today is gonna be a cemetery exploration we're gonna go check out a cemetery here over in Alabama that's allegedly haunted not just by the person we're gonna talk about but also by a little girl Anna and a dog too so let's go check it out right now it'll be a fun story all right so here we are entering the cemetery it's very old cemetery there's some recent more recent burials over here and let's make sure we keep our eyes out for the for the ghosts ease out here before we get to it take a look at some of these older graves over here we're not gonna check them all out today but is this one in particular that we need to talk about but this looks like this was somewhat recently placed for Ruben Pitt's Alabama Alabama sorry private company K 24th regiment Alabama infantry Confederate States of America his death date was June 24th 1904 looks like another there's a field stone headstone right there another Confederate headstone right here Zakaria Lam Company G 44th Georgia infantry see a Confederate States of America he was born 1847 and died in 1882 and man one thing I got to talk about is the cemetery is off a very very very busy road so there's a reason for these folks not to be resting here and haunting the grounds I can certainly understand that this is a damaged grave right here obviously as a lamb up there that's also broken and unfortunately a lot of this probably was not natural damage but there was actually been a lot of vandalism out at this Cemetery we'll talk more about that in a minute too this is in memory of mrs. Priscilla P it looks like Vincent wife of WP the names broken it was v it's VI NS Vincent VI and s o n born something 17th 1838 died September 23rd 1910 here lies one who in life devoted wife and loving I'm assuming that's gonna say mother but it's broken right there and here is SSA Willis Vincent Kompany K 34th Alabama infantry Confederate States of America someone's brought flowers out here to the cemetery relatively recently so that's pretty nice you how rocky the ground is here don't think those are placed here look like those look like they were probably push up here in this spot this is little Wilmer born May night as I say eighteen nineteen hundreds re born May 9th 1902 cember 16th 1900 was rocks are very cool so here we've got some more vandalism that we talked about a minute ago we could see that pieces broken there didn't just flip itself up like that someone came out here and did that this is Annie Murray O'Reilly April eighteenth 1843 to September 18th 1931 we'll walk over here maybe this letter grade says Joel Arthur Riley December 17th 1846 to April 9th 1915 he's got a Confederate States of America headstone looks like Company C 63rd Alabama infantry there's one right there that were marked it's just a rock rock formation this is in memory of EC Malloy born January 6 1855 and died February 26 1892 age 37 years one month and 20 days here we have James M Harris George's second lieutenant Sanford's company Georgia infantry us interesting Sanford Sanford company first Georgia infantry Indian War March 20th 1890 so that's pretty cool right there all right so we're coming up on the grave we're gonna talk about here here we have Eli Strauss who was born June 4th 1789 died February 21st 1871 and as you can see the one that was originally some riding on his grave right here and I can't make that out I'm not gonna attempt to here that's a newer headstone and that's obviously that's a very recent break I'm sure that was done intentionally honestly but you can also see this right here there's a story behind that and we're gonna get to that but first let me tell you a little bit about mr. Eli Stroud Suri life child is the one who alleged to haunt Beast Brown he was a American frontiersman down here in the south and a pioneer over here in Alabama in the 1830s did the exact date I'll provide some links in the comments so you can read all about this he was caught in what's known as the og massacre which was a Native American attack on the og family Oh G ly I may not be pronouncing that right and mr. Stroud family as he was traveling back to Georgia maybe I shouldn't walk around while I'm talking the leaves are so crunchy that was a spider that was on me all right so we're gonna sit here beside Eli Stroud and I'm gonna tell you a little bit about him I'm gonna read from a website that I found and I'll include a link to this website in the description so you guys can read in more detail that I'm gonna give right now search something dropping those webs over there pretty sure it wasn't a ghost it says perhaps one of the South's greatest frontier stories is that of Eli Stroud Eli Stroud was born in 1789 Jackson County Georgia he married Elizabeth Durban at 17 and moved to connect account II Alabama with his new bride that's funny lots of noises in the woods living among the natives in that area was hard but the Stroud family did so cautiously there was a relative peace among the white settlers in the Creek tribes until about 1813 when hostilities arose and an outbreak of destruction and murder took place Eli was committed to order and when the state of Alabama called for volunteers to control the Native American outbreak he was more than eager to oblige mr. Stroud trusty sidekick was a long-barrel rifle it had been in his family for more than 70 years it is rumored that this rifle brought down more than a thousand deer and that mr. Stroud was an excellent marksman killing as many as eleven turkeys in one shot don't know about all that with his trusty rifle he made captain over a small division of volunteers who he commanded through the Indian Wars his Abid sense of adventure and background as a frontiersman made elide the perfect individual to lead Alabama's militia but what Eli didn't know is that his adventurous soul would soon be put to the ultimate test Eli was in route to his home after visiting family in Georgia on march 13th 1818 when he happened to meet his longtime friend mr. William ogle on a passing road william offered his home to eli and his family for the evening eli knew that the road home was dangerous and still more than 20 miles away so he took williams offered to stay they spent the evening with their families in true pioneer fashion gathered around the campfire telling stories of the dangers of frontier life and the passing of friends and family who had lived the hard way as settlers in the south their trials and tribulation of living as settlers left them little hope of making a better life for both their families but they were optimistic while they sat in conversation their laughter caught the attention of a handful of disgruntled Native Americans as the angry native set quietly watching Eli and William from the surrounding forest Eli began to feel as if they were not alone his change in attitude sparked a cautious stance with William as well a moment of silence was violently interrupted when the Indians sprang out from the forest screaming the blood-curdling war cries that Eli and William knew meant disaster the Native Americans were armed with tomahawks and small caliber rifles a sudden panic-stricken chaos let out of the house as the women ran in to try and save the children William grabbed his rifle and began to fire on the angry assailants but was shot on his porch and killed almost instantly so that's all I'm gonna read off my phone right now I'm gonna tell you the rest from memory and then we'll get back to some more modern history so Eli survived that massacre his wife and child were not so fortunate alright guys sorry about that I got a little distracted with whatever that was that fell out of the street and then if you look close on the video you can actually see a deputy sheriff rolled up behind my Jeep over there so I went over there and talked to him for a minute he was just check and make sure the Jeep wasn't like stolen or abandoned over there and I told him I was over here taking pictures and doing some video and he was cool with that so anyway getting back to it Eli survived the massacre but his wife and child did not Eli later remarried he actually had two wives one of them is buried right here Eliza Perry Stroud who was born February 23rd 1803 and died the exact date is missing but it says 1890 in the 1980s someone dug up Eli Stroud's grave they took the cast iron coffin he was buried in and his remains a search was on for a while to recover the remains and eventually they were and were identified as alive Stroud's and he was reburied here and as you can see to prevent something like that from happening again there's concrete now on top of his grave so Eli Stroud definitely has not been allowed to rest in peace in this quiet little Cemetery that's of course not so quiet because it's against a very busy road it's believed his remains were dug up due to the persistent ghost stories surrounding him many people believe that Eli Stroud is still walking these woods searching for Native Americans and protecting his family so today we will leave Eli Stroud in peace his is a name that hasn't been forgotten to history and he's known locally as the legend of the Alabama frontiersman alright guys I hope you enjoyed this adventure today I actually been wanting to get out here and do a video of this place for a while I'm actually tried to a couple days ago and I was not successful the road was so busy there are so many cars going up and down that I kept getting distracted and just couldn't get into the groove of doing a video but we got it today I hope you enjoyed don't forget to Like share and subscribe and check out the link down there for some more information on Eli Stroud we'll see on the next adventure [Applause] so you like straddles body has definitely not been allowed to rest in peace and the ghost stories persist that he haunts this area does he well I don't know I'm not a believer I'm a skeptic all right let me see let me give this ghost let me give this ghost investigation stuff a try real quick all right you iced trout or any other spirits that are here do some ghosty stuff and let me know that you're here make your presence known or come out and let me talk to you on camera I'm sure he likes trout would have a ton of stories I'd love to talk to him anybody guess not
Channel: Sidestep Adventures
Views: 88,751
Rating: 4.9363422 out of 5
Keywords: haunted cemetery, haunted, cemetery, cemetery (quotation subject), haunted graveyard, maple hill cemetery (cemetery), the most haunted graveyard in alabama: bass cemetery, haunted bass cemetery, alabama bass cemetery, haunted alabama, haunted civil war cemetery, haunted graveyard cemetery, bass cemetery, haunted places, most haunted alabama, haunted cemetary 'bass cemetary', haunted cemetery at night, haunted places in tennessee
Id: cUp_nTYXo6M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 6sec (966 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 03 2019
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