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and the divorce is the battleground.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/triplearms 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2021 🗫︎ replies

This is the brother of Lil Tay going off on the dad after winning custody and making a "100% Guaranteed from Fake Fundraisers" campaign to give money to save a kid from theft of her money - but no proof exists that can help anyone see who is doing what...

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/triplearms 📅︎︎ Apr 26 2021 🗫︎ replies
hi glad you're here you're just in time we were just about to look at the return of the youngest flexer of this century little t except um this time i am extremely concerned about her well-being now many of you probably remember her and she's back apparently but if i'm being honest the entire situation just makes me angry but before we get into that which is actually pretty serious first i'm going to look at my comment shout out dude can we just make the official i love d'angelo club already don't worry by subscribing you are automatically a member so lil tay was this super popular influencer she was known for being super rich but also only nine years old but she mysteriously disappeared at the actual height of her fame it was then revealed that she was actually going through a lot behind the scenes involving her brother and her parents divorcing and custody battles it was a lot but as of a couple of days ago little tay's account has been posting some very interesting statements so first i think we need to look at who she was and kind of some context before i give my opinion on what's going on right now so for those of you who don't remember um i envy you first of all but little tay broke out on instagram do people even get famous on instagram nowadays she seemed to have never ending access to things that are completely beyond the reach of any adult here she is with a stack of hundreds oh and the louis vuitton strap are you kidding me look she's in a bin's truck is that a bench truck i don't know what that is but it looks expensive oh my gosh a bmw as well this is so scary how does she get access to all these cars but it wasn't just that it was um houses as well if i remember it correctly let me tell you all something this [ __ ] cost more to your rent my toilet cost more to your rent everything in my bathroom cost more to your rent when i was six years old i lived in atlanta and i was broke as hell if something you own costs more than my rent that sounds like a personal problem as you can see her uh street sense was about as deep as a few lines from a random migos album i started in atlanta and now i don't live in atlanta anymore shout out donald glover apparently i'm only nine years old i ain't got no license but i still drive this sports car [ __ ] your favorite rapper ain't even doing it like lil tay my favorite rapper's doing like little tay they just they wouldn't be my favorite anymore you know it was just such an attempt to make up for the lack of actual street cred by putting on like the thickest black scent possible and i just hate to bring it to you but nobody talks like that nobody talks like that even if they do they don't talk like that like that you feel me so as with all people who just clearly should not be given attention because obviously something larger is at play and very wrong the internet was like we're gonna make you famous i remember it was like this 2018 to 2019 period where lil tay was just everywhere i remember pewdiepie did a reaction to her which now has 11 million views for context on just how many people were aware of her but like what i'm saying here is it wasn't just internet fame she was on television is it exploitation is it borderline abusive yes and yes how would you respond to critics who would say oh you're just going to try to profit off your daughter now no one's forcing me to do this that's not no no no no no this is already weird why did she just ask a fully grown mother a question and then the mom lets her nine-year-old daughter start answering for her this is a no for me i use my own instagram these images will live on and follow you for the rest of your life is a nine-year-old really capable of making this kind of decision this is my decision i'm happy with what i'm doing says every nine year old right before they do something like i don't know when i was small the dumb things that kids do didn't involve social media it was just more like i'm gonna jump off the swing at a really high point spent time with lil tay and her family six weeks after they moved from canada to hollywood i'm gonna have my name on one of these stars one day we were surprised to find a precocious soft-spoken nine-year-old wait you guys were surprised that a child was childlike social media has rotted y'all's brains like at this point log off forever she is a well-mannered and a great kid but that's not what comes across on the internet people think it's like funny i guess because i'm nine years old and i've accomplished so much i don't think a lot of people are believing that you're making millions of dollars at nine if they don't believe that then i don't really like care youtube okay wait wait i do think that's a good way to live your life honestly you know many are asking is this legal to allow your child to do all this well her mom says yes it is because the law does not care about children bro literally most laws actually are in favor of people who would do harm but we don't have time to talk about that besides the countless reaction videos and the television appearance and all of this stuff she was really getting big on social media 2 million followers on instagram is just let me show you let me show you just how many followers this actually is because i feel like we forget because so many people have more than this so if you go to the billboard hot 100 right now um there's some actually good songs on here one of them number four is peaches by justin bieber featuring daniel caesar and givion right so givion is literally famous he's number four on the charts right now with justin bieber he has 1.6 million followers and little tay had two another example ian dior at number 18 on the billboards chart another actually famous person here with uh 1.5 million followers which is obviously a lot but again lil tay was actually famous which is just mind-blowing to me she was doing all these collabs as you can see with people like bad baby right there and woah vicky actually what even happened to whoa vicky y'all remember she was that girl who got famous for pretending that she was black she claimed to be 25 black even though she was just a random white girl oh my gosh i literally googled her and it says right here she gained notoriety in 2017 after using the n word with a hard r and claiming that she was black imagine this just being you forever it wasn't just those two on the youtube side she found herself collaborating with people like logan paul oh actually it was jake paul is it bad that i made a literal series on these two and i still get them confused after all this time no it's not and um she even appeared in a chief keefe music video for some reason i keep are you okay anyway if you have not gotten the point here lil tay was obviously poised for a huge takeover she even had projects lined up that hadn't even come out yet before she disappeared like her unreleased song money way which is terrible wow okay you know what let's just move on anyway at that time it was like she popped off in 2018 and she disappeared in 2019 my opinion was pretty simple um why were people presenting like this was real this was so clearly like fake nothing about this seemed like it could even possibly be real and yet people were getting mad at it for some reason that's really weird in retrospect also the adults behind the situation who were putting her in all these places and giving her access to all this stuff really should have gotten more flack at the time but instead let's invite her on good morning america apparently like in 2019 i believe her situation raised more questions for me than it did answers who let her into these houses even before she was famous how did she get access to that who in the world bleached a child's hair [Music] this is my manager calling me anyway i shouldn't really have to say this but like don't do that children have even finer hair than adults do meaning bleach is actually somehow more damaging than it is otherwise literally everything about this situation was just weird and um then it just started getting weirder videos started coming out unreleased videos that people got their hands on where she was doing incredibly disturbing things and it just was so obvious that she was not the one coming up with this stuff her entire facade started falling apart when these leaked videos started popping up like okay obviously that was incredibly disturbing but um thankfully it's just a carrot even at that who gives a child a lighter and says hey pretend like you're smoking a big joint for the gram so if that wasn't bad enough which it literally is you can tell it's about to get worse because you see the world star hip-hop logo right there yeah that was that was a little tay smoking they really said you know it's better than pretending to smoke um just actually smoking besides that video came out of lil tay's brother who is 16 at the time coaching her this year cost me 10 000. and i just stopped saying ten thousand two thousand three thousand two thousand five hundred okay little t be popping on youtube right now you're gonna be like more ignorant what do i say so as you can see the situation was starting to come together right her brother was a failed youtuber who realized he was never going to be popular so instead he just settled on turning his little sister into the worst version of himself lilte's mother was an just incredibly exploitative person who was allowing tay access through her job to the houses and the cars that she was running into and she was one of those sneaky ones to just stay behind the scenes so that they don't get any flack because at the time the brother was the one catching most of this even though he was 16 years old keep in mind still a child which means there was an adult somewhere going wrong aka the mother and as for the father uh we'll get to him in a second now before that it's worth noting that this little tay thing was falling apart the internet's new obsession was like proving that little tape was fake they were like her name is actually claire and and she's a nice kid she's quiet look i stalked her and i found this video of her where she was like really quiet you little tight right you want to flex oh i want to see you flexible tiger i like that fly [ __ ] that's a nine-year-old my guy the fact that the internet didn't realize that this was fake in the first place to the point where they got surprised to find out that it wasn't real just we need help this sounds so fake in retrospect like this sounds like something i'm making up if you were there and you remember this happening in the comment section please confirm that i am not making this up and that the internet really hyped this goal up pretending that she was real and then acted surprised when she wasn't i would say the peak of this was when she got called out by snoop dogg for some reason like i literally forgot how popular little tay was to the point where we have the snoop dogg saying i found this tape of little tape being coached by her brother and how to be more ignorant she needs to be in school learning how to be a little girl not a dumb grown person facts clout chasers rest in peace i mean did he lie though so i guess the biggest question at this time was like where is the father right so far everyone is accounted for by him and then he showed up and little tate disappeared in a good way or so we thought so little tay's father this dude right here christopher hope came forward and he was like hey none of this is right my wife lotte's mother and her brother are clearly using her which is something i do not support however um i'm going to be handling it now and he basically said i will support her career but she doesn't need to make money which in my opinion is like the only valid way of treating a child who wants to do something like that now this is where things start getting a little cloudy in terms of details because this was happening in real life not on the internet but people suspect that little tay's father wound up with custody of her instead of the mother which would make sense because under the mother's custody little tay was literally smoking so and true to his word little tay actually just stopped posting online and i know a lot of people were like oh richie go but to me that's a good ending yay the nine-year-old is no longer being exploited i also feel like her situation shows you a lot about how fickle the internet is like one day they're hyping you up for being stupid and then the next day they're calling you out for being stupid and it's just don't don't don't use the internet stop watching this video go live in a cave and be happy from my perspective at the time the only person who seemed to be doing the right thing was little tape's father why because he denounced what she was doing and after that she never showed up in another collab or in an ad etc meaning he never signed a contract for her again and made her do something unlike her mother was all too happy to do because voltai's a child she can't sign contracts all that was her mom so from my pov that really should have been the end of it but like i said and the reason i'm making this video is now little tastes bad or more specifically little tay's instagram page is active again here let me just read it lilte's absentee father chris hope and his wife has stolen all of her money she's in court he and his wife have a history of abusing tay now there's photos that have been posted that i'm not gonna show all of them because some of them are a bit much but i will show the ones that are okay so we can get a better picture of what's going on here so this is the first post that lotte came back with two days ago by the way uh and it's just a video with no sound of lilte crying this was the moment in 2018 my mom showed tay the court my mom okay so this is the brother right if he's saying my mom and the brother's an adult now keep that in mind anyway this was the moment in 2018 my mom showed tay the court order from her abusive absentee father demanding custody money and control over her career wait then why were you recording it tay has no money left to pay lawyers for fighting for her freedom her father has stolen everything from her she has been physically and mentally abused by chris hope the father and his current wife please visit the link in bio for the full story and go fund me and donate and share your donation will go towards today's legal fees giving her a fighting chance at freedom in court you irritate his last hope in saving her from a life of abuse oh gosh okay well there's a lot going on here as you can tell first of all little tay is nowhere to be found okay as you can see this is an old video her hair is still dyed she's obviously still nine it's not like little tay came forward and said hey actually i'm in the situation and let me make something clear if she did i wouldn't be questioning it literally at all like if not well she would be like 11 now 11 or 12. if a 12 year old came to me and they were like hey i'm in this situation at home i'm literally not trying to get to the bottom of it i am just calling authorities instantly there would be no question for me i would not be one of the adults who contributes to justice being obstructed because i'm asking questions that being said little tay has not said anything so i feel compelled even to ask very many questions like where is she why are you the brother only saying something just now where is her mother if this is such a big deal next the brother post this video of him confronting the dad um i guess this is supposed to be proof that uh the dad is actually an absentee father he's a deadbeat and all this stuff you haven't been in our life for years and now you show up and now you want to use her career as blackmail to waive your child support expenses how can you even explain it and then you go on to manipulate the press to look like the hero parent have a good day sorry not funny it was kind of funny anyway like to me this is not proof this is literally just the kid listing a bunch of allegations and then the dad not responding to any of them which makes sense for context this dad is a lawyer so surely he of anyone would know do not admit or even deny to anything on camera you gonna come in and abuse my mom my sister now good job jason nice one what about the millions of dollars you stole real mature chris you're gonna act you're gonna act like you're the righteous like what is this proving again i'm not saying that it's not true i'm just saying this is not the serve the brother thinks it is next i guess the brother attempts to prove that chris has stolen the money um chris hope and his wife hannie hope previously known as rich and wait this is so much information anyway they've been living a lavish lifestyle and they're going on vacations all off today's money this is only one percent of the pictures i could get a hold of notice how tay is and none of them bro tay's not in any of the pictures you're posting either right now like this is so weird they have abused tay her whole life and now they are living off of the millions they stole from her everyone is saying not to donate to the gofundme because little tay's brother is running it i am not the beneficiary of the gofundme there's no option for me to withdraw anything from it um but little tay's a minor though meaning it's being organized for somebody who's not her so this is getting a little weird i'm posting on my sister's page because chris hope has silenced her so that she cannot speak about the truth these are some pictures of chris hope and hannie hope enjoying the millions they have stolen from tay while he was left silenced from telling the world truth so you're admitting that you made millions off of your sister and why am i blaming the brother here it's really the mother but now the brother's an adult yeah i'm gonna blame him for not even admitting in this post where these millions came from so here we have the dad and his current wife holding hands that's all the proof you need right there so they're on a cruise um [Music] he gave her something that we can't see this could literally be a pencil okay the bag is nice i will say the bag is pretty fancy as is the louis vuitton so like i get what the brother is trying to prove here look look here's the dad and his current wife tay's not on vacation with them what's going on where did they get the money from but like when were these pictures taken i don't know again this is literally not telling me anything and like i said the dad was already a lawyer it's not like he was just not capable of funding vacations himself this really has not proven anything then the last thing they posted was pictures of the alleged abuse obviously i'm not going to be showing them but i will say this i don't know y'all it's not like pictures of bruises or anything it it really looks like some sort of allergic reaction to something i don't know nobody is donating and i understand it is because there's stigma around my name and i am hosting the fundraiser for my sister gofundme has a 100 guarantee policy that eliminates fake fundraisers tay's been beaten and abused by chris hope and hani hope i do not want to see it happen again tay does not want this man to control her life he's done nothing but try to destroy her life he has stripped her of everything he's taken every last penny link is in bio your donation can help save tay post and tweet with save little tay tay can be brought back but only with your help now again this is not something i'm gonna give an opinion on of like whether or not this is like a real true situation because i don't know i am not the police this is out of my range it's not my job it's not my responsibility to figure out whether or not these allegations are correct however i'm just sticking with what i said initially which was that seeing as little tape is not the one coming forward with them and no proof has been actually given i really find that just difficult to believe right now okay so i'm cropping this so i don't dox anybody but people were saying well why didn't you um you know let the police know why are you telling instagram this and so he i guess is trying to prove that something was filed in 2014 and that there's an actual case number um again i don't know i literally don't if tay was coming forward i i would be happy to stand behind her but seeing as it's literally the worst person and his mother right now behind all of this this just is really really strange to come out with only now that being said to literally no one's surprised the gofundme started popping off lotte will be fighting for her life future in freedom starting april 23 2021 tay is in desperate need of funds to support her fight against her abusive father as a result of this situation she has been in a state of depression all funds raised through this gofundme will go towards state's legal fees to give her the fighting chance in court to save her from a life of abuse towards her future and freedom this is this is so much my sister tay has been silent on social media for the past three years because her father served my mother a court order my mother bro why is the brother organizing this and not the mother anyway he goes into a lot more detail about what's going on with tay allegedly and i really just want to stress i am not here to confirm or deny what happened because again that's not my job none of this needs to be handled by people like us all of this needs to be handled by the authorities i do not know if lotte is actually in trouble but if she is it's absolutely despicable that her brother waited until now and i guess it's even worse that her mother still apparently is doing nothing about it one of the posts said something like you know my mom has spent her life saving 750 000 on legal fees and that's why we need help now and it's just like if that's the case why in the world were you buying all of these things for a little tang like all the trips and moving to l.a and the gucci and all this stuff clearly there was a point where you were in control of her money right so why didn't you just put all that to her legal fees instead of spending so much of it on trying to sell this fake image of your extremely young daughter so no it's not like the mom or the brother gets a free pass here as for the father again obviously my hope is that this is not true i don't want it to be true that child is being abused but if he is obviously he needs to be dealt with just so many of these things are wrong like save lil tay why is it that instead of hashtag save claire like her name is not lil tay and i understand that that's how we know her but this is really just making it seem like they're still using her persona to generate money also this is so serious why in the world did the brother put back all of tay's old instagram photos if we've officially moved past this and this is now about helping this girl claire i really don't understand why lil tay still has so much to do with it when she never existed in the first place something is seriously wrong with little tay's mother the way she has not come forward or spoken up about this is just a lot and as for the father i don't know what he's doing he hasn't responded either so that's basically where we are with the situation i do find it interesting though that all the people who were hyping will tee up back then all too happy to give her the air time and make the reaction videos etc now they're nowhere to be found but um i would be lying if i said no surprise as for little tay i just feel sorry for her she's clearly still being exploited even if everything the weather is saying is true they are clearly still using her to generate money even if they need the money they mismanaged what they made off of her so poorly that they don't have enough right now and that's still problematic the mother and brother really just need to find a new gig look you have milked every penny out of the literal image that you fabricated of your child i get that you're allegedly bankrupt now but work on the moral bankruptcy get that get that together first as for the father i don't know i hope he says something about this because these are pretty serious allegations or if they're not true i hope he takes them to court if they are true i hope he gets taken care of you know legally and they just want taye to be in a safe home it's absolutely ridiculous that that home does not include her mother or her brother and allegedly her father if you've learned anything from this it's that behind every famous child there's just a whole slew of incredibly terrible adults anyway i'll be here all week folks at 2pm central time if it's monday wednesday friday that means i'm uploading a new video here if it's tuesday thursday saturday that means i'm going live over on twitch so basically what i'm saying is i'll see you tomorrow unless of course tomorrow is sunday in which case uh just watch this video again okay bye [Music] you
Channel: D'Angelo Wallace
Views: 1,136,020
Rating: 4.9725146 out of 5
Keywords: dangelno, dangelowallace
Id: it7Dyvfhvjc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 26min 53sec (1613 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 26 2021
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