She Found these Gift Cards in the Trash- How much Money did She get?

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please wait while we process your request the balance remaining on your card is are you serious yes oh my goodness I'd love to pull my pants down at work why'd you have to pull your pants down for it hey everybody it's Steph from students to pre-sell killers and Steven Steph Channel and it's a giftcard day I'm ready to check my gift cards I've got them all peels with the pin numbers when I say that I mean every gift card almost everyone will have a little pin number on it under a little hidden thing here and you got peel it off with a quarter or a little pen scraper I use a plastic razor blade for mine it works really really good for that but anyway so all the more prep they're all in order by store got them all sorted here and I've got some fun ones in here there were some weird things that happened this month that you might remember seeing in videos so there's some that I've been dying to find out and this one I found yesterday and this is the reason this video is happening today is because I want to know what's on this this is us a 401 that we found in I think that dumpster was Famous Footwear dumpster but it was then there were like a couch couch cushions and stuff so this one I'm excited about and we got some gift cards from some storage units this time and those are gonna be fun because why would he keep them or is she why would they keep the gift card if there wasn't anything on it so I think we're gonna find some stuff today but I've got all the usual stuff - you like this mini I know last girth card video I said um I'm gonna maybe not grab Barnes & Noble ones anymore because not once have I ever found a balance on any of them and they all have the pin scraped off already and they use the reCAPTCHA so this many of them are Barnes & Noble is a box that actually is a Barnes a noble box so anyway so let's get started and see what happens okay so I've checked all of these all of these Barnes and Noble gift cards and not one had even a penny on it not one so I'm gonna see if I can handle not picking them up maybe I said that last time but every time I go to the dumpster I'm like oh maybe I did can't leave her behind I left some but I'm glad I didn't take them all now um I don't know there were some that didn't have the pin scratched on him and they still had nothing on him so yeah let's see what's next hey honey I forgot to ask you yeah what do you think we're gonna find today I already know there's nothing on the Barnes & Noble which is the majority of them but those aren't ones I was excited about what do you think you're not well come on in let's talk okay by the way everybody who's me Jerry gift cards these gift cards are activated gift cards they're ones that um this is Steve by the way he's my short husband he's not in a chair anyway so these gift cards have been activated at least they should be activated they're ones that were found in dumpsters or elsewhere that somebody bought and then put a balance on there so they say they got it for a gift or whatever and then the store used it and then they throw them away so these gift cards that'll keep finding that's Jerry not me he was bumping the table these gift cards we keep finding that have balances on them they he's just me groping around under there thumping the boat table on purpose can't blame me anyways I found balances yes so they have balances on him some of them the ones we found balances on they were ones that somebody used and then partially left a balance on there for whatever reason and then the story they threw it away handed them back the wrong gift card whatever we don't know what the story is but there's been each month that I've done one of these there's been money on at least a couple of them yeah sellers people have like people some people ask that question like how can it be money why would somebody leave it and then we've gotten it ton of comments on people who intentionally discard one when it has it has a dollar or something on it they just discard it yeah so and a lot of people have asked how do you use it or how do you get rid of the balance after you've got the card you just go on the website and buy something or you go in the store and buy something I just wanted to know oh what do you think like guessing anymore because I'm always wrong I was pretty skeptical before I used to just not want her to get gift cards it just takes a while for her to get I'm not that long but I was like let's move on to bigger things you got to watch her other couple videos they've been really good finds on there okay so I'm saying anything that you'll do probably what you've been averaging which is what I don't know I'm not I'm not saying that I'm saying you're gonna I'm not making it guess I've been wrong each time okay um I'm guessing it's gonna do a lot here tell me how many cards yet there were none on those Barnes and Nobles Oh none yeah that's a lot of Barnes and Noble I know I think I'm gonna try to not take them I'm gonna say optimistically fifty dollars okay and do you think I can refrain from taking Barnes and Noble gift cards no cuz there's that one thing all you need is one that's true if you get one most of these cards are gonna have nothing on them anyways so I'm used to that just the thing with Barnes and Noble is I've never found one and when you enter him in its annoying like they have to recapture if you guys don't know what that is I'll show you on one of these ones it's where they have I'll show you it takes extra time and it's more effort and not good at it when you're in a bag and it's a pile you almost have to take them I don't have to get check them that's a thing I don't have to but I'm going to good luck I hope we get a lot right okay come on jail sure now under the good ones I wasn't expecting anything on those ones okay so these never found any before at Sally Beauty but these were in a little bundle with a rubber band and it says nonworking merch cards so I'm guessing they're not gonna work but I did peel off the little thing on the but there's four of them and I'm gonna check them because I've actually never been on Sally's website so let's see what happens so I know a lot of people would be like this is so annoying but I'd really like typing these in it's fun for me no here's what recaps it might show you actually on this let me zoom in what recaptures about so you checkmark that and it says okay select out all images with mountains or Hills okay so I don't these could be mountains or Hills there's definitely mountain back there some checking that this one's definitely one this one's one then verify all right it liked my answer so now we want to check the balance okay gift card information you can you entered cannot be processed please verify or contact customer service so I'm guessing all four of these are probably gonna be that sort of way but I'm just gonna check them all real quick okay nothing on those and I only had one two three four four Altos to check that's it it's been really slim pickings on the Ulta gift cards oh I got five a lot of them have locks or no trespassing sign so it's just the random time when some of them don't have a lock on or they didn't lock it then I can find a few silently found five which stinks but I have found found money on these before so nothing on those I didn't find any on the bye bye baby or or Bed Bath & Beyond it's different but not as many this time of the regular places I checked Office Depot nothing on these little guys so that's different but I did want to show you guys this CVS one I put a little sticky note on there side remember to show you the CVS one was interesting it shows I'll to show you an example of what this one is it actually shows the history okay so I'm kind of Snoopy I like to I want to know like if I'm just sitting you're checking all these ones I want something fun you know to look at okay the code is 151 okay so like this one get card history that's fun I get to see what they spent it on I guess it doesn't tell me what they spin it on but so 48 dollars from April 25th April 20th April 19th so this was a nice sized card but current balance is zero but that's kind of fun get to see what's in there and if there was a balance but get to know what was that okay nothing @w nothing a Gamestop another Sally one I found nothing at Staples and nothing at Dick's Sporting Goods all these ones didn't have anything this is what we the store that we accidentally put our gift card number and PIN on and somebody used it which was a mistake so if you guys see any today it's gonna be blurred out or cut out so you won't be able to enter them in if we do find something so sneaky and next I'm doing Beth and Bodyworks and Petsmart and got a bunch of them I got some weird ones like this juice it up one I don't remember where I got this one but that'll be interesting just because I don't know where juice it up is even is so this one must have been found in some random dumpster and coming up here got some exciting ones ones I'm excited about okay in Barnes & Noble dumpster found randomly I think it was in the it was a bag in there that had like um baby it was maybe a diaper bag I don't know but anyway there were four oops one ceadeus four See's candy gift cards in there and that's weird and they all have like large amounts on them like these two say they're $25 gift cards so let's see if those have anything on them come on I don't want to do with it cities are all $25 $100 in seized gift card I guess I'd be buying Christmas presents with them or something let's see what's on that fingers crossed are reCAPTCHA far alright there's the tip of one they didn't like it see I got that wrong oh how do I get it wrong what's wrong with that ok there's the taxi all right you like that one come on fingers crossed check balance darn it it says there appears there's no funds available on this card so maybe they're all gonna be used let's check them out real quick I'm six oh three five seven one oh four zero six eight three one one two five oh sorry k reCAPTCHA recap just slows you down oops okay oh no funds available didn't ask me to recapture on that one okay check this one so six zero three five seven 104 three nine three eight eight okay [Music] come on no funds available darn it I had high hopes for these C's ones okay last one eight six eight nine six me too come on last one no funds available all right on to the next one okay this one these three we got a storage unit and we want it in an auction and inside there were some things like IDs and stuff but there were also three gift cards look Costco cash that's a gift card in a Starbucks Costco gift card Starbucks gift card one of them was Costco which I'm gonna be excited if that's in there and then to Starbucks and if you know me you know how I feel about my Starbucks so come on I don't know which one I want to have more like Costco Starbucks Costco Starbucks I'm going Starbucks of course but free Starbucks come on okay let's check I'm excited this is the one one of the ones I'm the most excited about right now just because why would he hold on to these and they were in a dude's locker it had a bunch of stuff in there I'll see what's in there card number six zero six four nine one three six two four nine one seven three five six three six zero one three eight one more time nope nothing darkness okay I'm this next one I of course have the Starbucks app on my phone I'm gonna enter these cards on my Starbucks app so that way I get them before anybody else you guys can walk you're welcome to see the pins or anything on this if they're in there because I'm gonna be able to see add a card okay card number okay see if it'll focus on that not me I had a card where is it oh there it is $2.95 yes I got it honey first one two dollars and 95 cents yeah that's fine but that might mean there's nothing what so that's our first one today 297 I know it Starbucks - yeah that's like a half a coffee that's exciting yeah okay here's the next one okay focus on there whoo $15.00 Starbucks we got a $15.00 one I got 17 17 what is our 1795 I know those from that storage auction our storage locker yeah I'm using it right now I'm putting it on I'm transferring it to my gold card right now I've never found a Starbucks gift card before speaking have never found a card before because we don't go in their dumpster I found this subway card look at how beat up it is it was in the drive or in that the driveway in the parking lot we went to her grandson's soccer game and it was at a high school and it was in the parking lot and it has definitely been run over so this is the next one I'm gonna check I guess I can check it online or I can call if you would like to your your rewards or gift card balance or your card has been frozen press 116 digit card number it's located [Music] the US balances six I'm on the weird ones right now was it 6:45 I forgot a Sharpie okay yeah nothing on this Tuesday morning I had to come on and nothing on five below but I have another one this is the one I was most excited about other than the ones the Starbucks of course but this is Sephora this we just found yesterday this is the reason I'm doing this video today is because I want to know what's on this this was in a bag in the bottom of the dumpster but a wallet no gift card is it really a good credit and it doesn't look like a gift card but in this little sleeve here there's a gift card so I'm gonna check it to receive the balance of your gift card in print one you receive your gift card account please enter the 16-digit gift card number located on the back of the part you have entered if this is correct press 1 if this is please wait while we process your request the balance remaining on your card is $75 us again the remaining balance is are you serious yes oh my goodness I'd love to pull my pants down at work oh honey kidding me yes oh yes that's not good torque and you have to look in the mirror oh oh there it is good one good one Wow very celebrate jury I'm excited Jerry come here now I gotta go buy something for 75 bucks okay honey you have to make sure you cut out those numbers uh when you edit this video oh yeah he had no expression at all they're in that like nothing boy is like it'd been for like Starbucks treats for him Pacino all it takes is one that's that's the fact right there you could do one and it makes it worth all of that and we don't have one we got four so far and more to check I'm so excited heart is beating in my throat okay I have to spin this before you post this video and I think I know what to get if it's still there I know it what I'm getting why can't it be here like a well I'm glad you're getting it my my Dick's one gets stolen so I know but I have this many more to check so Wow I smell this too we said in the video we thought it was leather or pleather it's leather and it says on here a gift card with more book a custom makeover it's complimentary when you redeem your card on $50 or more purchase as for details I'm not getting a makeover but I'm spending that $75 right now can anybody guess what I'm gonna get on think again but maybe we'll see okay I bet you guys didn't guess what I'm good you probably thought I was getting some for myself but I'm not I'm getting something to resell okay so two-faced has this little set here called sex on the peach it's for like their peach line and it comes with a full-sized powder this primer a setting spray and a mascara which the mascaras great but it's only $45 and it's $85 value if you spent you know bought all of those in their full-size there and it goes out of stock all the time so people will sell them for like 60 bucks when when it's out of stock because it cost it still would be 85 bucks for somebody to get all that other items so I'm getting these and getting two of these so I'm going to pay $15 so 75 bucks plus my $15 and I'm gonna sit on them and sell them as soon as they go to stop because they do all the time and that's the way I'm spending my money right now so $90 I got tax and then 75 bucks off right there um so my total is gonna be twenty two dollars and eighty cents and I'm gonna make one hundred and twenty I think for sure once this thing sells or once you know it goes out of stock which it will soon I'm sure yeah um used it checked out fifteen bucks that cost me and I got samples and I got a free mascara that was a another promo sample and I got free shipping because it got up in the free shipping section dollar amount and that's what they call retail arbitrage by the way where you buy something cheap or at a discount in order to resell it with the intention of reselling it to make some money so in this case it's cost me $15 to get what is it eighty ninety dollars worth of stuff and then I'm gonna sell it for probably 120 when I when it eventually happens I didn't need anything at Sephora I can't pay full price or anything for myself it's just too weird for me to do these days I'm buying these to flip and I'm proud of it I also used my Ebates account and got get cash back for that so I love doing stuff like that anyway that's what I'm doing my Sephora gift card Thank You Sephora that was awesome whoever threw that in the dumpster I'm excited and I'm gonna go check these other ones this card has four thousand dollars on it at least that's what we've been promised so we're gonna find out right now with you guys if this really does one of our subs left this in there with a note and it says it's gonna be $4,000 on it let's see if it does okay so this card this type of card we seem to have the best luck with ones that are either in the wrong dumpster for where they are because what are they doing there or if they've got like Visa or MasterCard the corner because the chances are that the store can't check the balance on it so if there's a mistake this gets thrown away and never checked so let's check it right now crosswalks I never know did I get them all like this could be a crosswalk over here this lady's getting ready to crosswalk do a check mark it I'm gonna do it it's probably not right nope they didn't like it I guess I wasn't supposed to do it so traffic lights bug me too because I think they count like a pole as a traffic light so I'm gonna check these these are the ones that I consider traffic lights guess that's one okay let's see verify it like that okay so continue no longer it's been closed no longer used okay so I'm really excited today was a fun one um thank you for joining us today so the question as it always is is it worth it to grab different whoops yes I think so it's worth the time it takes to check on takes a couple hours to get this money goes around 300 or so but I think it's worth it it's fun cuz I let's see it was 75 bucks $15.00 $2.97 and I forgot to write down what the subway was but I want to watch the video back we'll know what it was like six dollars or something like that um anyway I think it's worth it another month I'm doing this about once a month and it's averaging it's over 100 bucks usually each time I do it of the things that we find and it's been weird ones too like the last one I don't wanna spoil it if you guys haven't seen it but it's the cards that are out of place that seem to be the ones that happen to have something on it so if you see one in a parking lot you see one in Dempster of the wrong dumpster or just anywhere those are the ones to do if you want to leave a message in the comments below or look at our other videos that have had gift cards and read the comments there it's really fun reading where people say that they found gift cards it had this much money you know what they spin it on or I was just like right when they needed money they got needed groceries and they found a gift card in the parking lot just stuff like that it's really cool really fun how it all works out and if you've got stories to tell let us know the comments below let us know what you found gift card wise if you found them dumpster diving what's your biggest one you ever found if you found it just laying on the ground or if you needed money and all of a sudden you found ten dollar bill whatever it is we love finding the money story so and we know you guys like to read the comments and see the cool stuff too so feel free to do that and thanks for joining me I'll see you next month enjoy
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 408,238
Rating: 4.8346415 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving, She Found these Gift Cards in the Trash- How much Money did She get?, She Found these Gift Cards in the Trash, How much Money did She get?, My wife found all these gift cards while dumpster diving, Gift Cards, Trash, Free, Free Gift cards
Id: T9eZAQTLvk4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 27min 23sec (1643 seconds)
Published: Wed May 08 2019
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