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[Music] look what we got palette day that's right this is a palette of mystery boxes like completely and totally mystery boxes when we shop for this everything is brown we don't know what the heck anything is and it just said general merchandise general merchandise there's no labels no nothing so this will be interesting all right let's uh let's crack this thing open and see what we got I can't wait to see actually like I like mystery boxes better and I think a lot of people do this because of the I mean even if you know what's in there like if it has a list and it tells you what it is it's still exciting to open it cuz you don't know what kind of conditions gonna be yeah let's find out well said it was general merchandise and its customer returns general merchandise yeah [Music] it's actually wider than the palate so that's interesting they crammed it on here these look the boxes look the same face these two mine yeah these two do look so they might be the same thing see what you got oh yes mine is it Oh mine is that too Oh what is it they're microwave sweater guards okay so I got two in a box they're nice they're not cracked they're not used they're brand-new perfect that's great oh that's this way it's a hover we use these right yeah we do wait oh no it's that actually sticks it has magnets you guys she has a magnet you can magnetize it to the top of the thing and then let her it down when you need it on the top of the Michael yeah so you don't have to store it I love it I don't know why I'm thinking like the magnets in a microwave sounds dangerous but I guess not that's a great idea that's why it's called hover as seen on tv cool we're gonna test this do you think it floats at any point no but they'll reach that this first box we each open is one of these it's brand new yeah they're brand new that's a good thing and anything I've seen on TV isn't usually simple cheap so good oh don't use in the microwave for longer than 10 continuous minutes while cooking or defrosting but you can leave it in there forever splatter guard say that here oh yeah two three someone's jacked up should we look at that one just to see the damage or we're turning our backs to you guys oh hey let me take this over to the side here give me the pile you keep track of the count these are all splatter guards they're brand new yeah in two pegs twelve I think these will probably fly at the flame even in the Art Show well of them and they will see if there's some more but it looks like that was it maybe plus we don't know how much here this one has a note written on it says refuse to something I don't know what that meant well we're here refused for 28 and her name maybe I don't know this is funny this is st. it's heavy so you gotta use your you gotta use your legs with this ah there's two of them maybe these are the same thing you know it's a general that's been really drink a lot of tea lately this is a really sweet little teapot look at that cute it doesn't let hipped or broken you know these are usually when we get teapot yeah and look at the nice one thing at the top here I'll take it up little Daisy or whatever that would be on there that's adorable I love this okay this is weird this is excellent it looks new obviously look at the inside of it telling me to lift it with care though oh that's like it was right a dance or barbecue yeah let me smash them down brand-new we've sold um the Pioneers to go with something like this and we didn't have the top great remember that what okay check this out guys this you put your stakes down and this will get the sear on it it's brand new steak Smasher I like it I do too or panini press you can just make your sandwich flat or whatever it's gonna be I'm keeping this Bacon's are gonna curl up I might keep it I think that this is really cool it's heavy too let's make a pile of maybe keeps that way we don't have to go find them all in what do you think we don't usually pretend that we're gonna keep and then we actually get there on to it we're like let's just take it so we always get excited and then we change our minds this is the part where it's generous so that was what was heavy-handed one carrot yeah I got two of these okay so I've got so far I've got two two of these items this is brand new to brand new what is it I don't know it's a collapsible dish drainer with removable drain okay here hold on to this for me real quick I just wanna see what the heck expanding and collapsing expands and collapses that's actually cool so it's got a little dream a drain in the bottom so you can watch the same insert that goes in there says expanding oh it is the same there's it's a 2-pack great it's actually kind of cool okay so there you collapse that is that for your sink mm-hmm very nice so far guys everything's been from new I don't know even like I guess this is general merchandise there we go so you got multiples of this yep I like that there's two packs did we go to flea market just set them out a little stack them you know what I like before everything's brand new oh my gosh and good palette everything's cleaned so far the boxes are clean everything sweet let's open this up it says it's fragile oh that's pretty like see there's a nice design in there I don't know what it is well I can tell you what - right away so this one will just be done it's a wreath that's actually what is brand new they're real these are real you know real fake ones oh that is pretty that is look at that very pretty we know that up Wow no that kind of stuffs not cheap from getting it from Michaels yeah that's for sure wow it's pretty we're used to seeing this stuff damage and it's really nice to see it all that's really pretty perfect dad like at any season or got a Christmas thing I think it's any seasons like when you have your wreath on the door yeah when I know it's not Christmas so then you're rare route this here is getting more interesting by the minute look at this okay so you see the sides right and that looks pretty that dad why is it anybody's got a crack in there what do you think it is you show that there's not a crack but there's a there's a gap did it I guess well let's just open I have no idea what that is I would think this is some kind of puzzle oh I think I know what it is maybe like a cheese tray or something where you serve it and it's got that wood dowel the wood dowel goes in between two layers [Music] nice oh it's a toilet paper roll what yeah shut up no more paper towel that's paper towel oh if this was a toilet paper holder it is nice okay so we got the idea this dowel goes in there hold your paper towel this finale goes on top China whatever so you'll put your toilet paper water you put on this paper towel Oh paper towel that's really nice it is it's heavy too yeah Oh perfect condition oh it's an Easter a little platter but it's just chipped on the civil side cutting board like a nice serving cutting board or you can have two serving platters that's really really nice it feels like a nice quality that is it's that's heavy no this it doesn't feel sharp yeah just that's a shame I know that's nice damn table tennis winner that's bamboo yeah Wow so it's a nice little tiny board so I'm sure this will sell really yeah it's a weird kind of it's like what would you describe this is like feels like high-end type of decorative functional yeah cuz it's functional but it's very fast only it's got a nice it's just more faster that's pretty cool though I don't know how more stuff doesn't get broke what this is you gotta be looking in your boxes okay you keep peeking in the mind okay you guys know another one just bring this you know it's got to be a pressure cooker it's a pressure cooker of some rice steamer nice very nice the stove top one Wow it's not as heavy like it's expensive it says German technology it's a gremlin Revlon we're blown I bet you that six I don't know I like that the handles are nice and grippy this is cool it's a quick cooker quick cooker okay so it's got recipes for Bavaria pork stew cola count country ribs German technology nonstick I'm a little cut me some of these Cola I meant full copy some of these and stick them in my pressure cooker this is really nice it's really cool Anna we keep forgetting this is all brand new yeah everything's brand new right now yeah we clean any if you need a whole stood in there it's great really great wins last time you had a stew it's been hot nobody wins last time you have stood yeah no you did not do that laughs this past winter are you serious I'm not making I am I do live with you you have to make sure they see your face she hasn't had a stew you're making a sound like you just had a stew you know I went through it with ease the last time you I went through a soup phase where I made soups and stews all the time for a while there I remember that a few years ago yes it's been years yeah let me know how you guys have a stew I like steel well I'm just curious how often are people eat it's do I like to do a lot in the winter well this little baby lots of layers going on here I think stews are underrated these are just pretty everything taken out of them really pretty that's to put like cookies on another layer of that look at that I'm in the sky at ago lid stuff this is beautiful oh you mix that and take it to the it's you're bringing something to the party I don't know but it's nice and compact at least for this room you would put like crackers in this and in that one you'd put a bunch of dip it's really cute dips and crackers these are beautiful feel like out of place I'm not used to seeing this much fancy it feels fancy I like that though I like this opponent for some reason if you said I'm gonna make it brown eyebrow [Music] you could actually put a stew in there yeah maybe the mashed potatoes back this - I like that I like a stew that's got big chunks of steak like that like gross yeah and you know when you could if you took the meat out you could literally cut it with a fork that's a good stew and potatoes are kind of a month I have made that actually I've made gross enough this year you haven't made a stew though years hey guys [Music] nor fancy colors I know it like I know a lot of ladies watch this you guys have got to be fitted pretty nice right [Music] these are cheap quality movies too or whatever this is look this is a - it's gonna be a two-piece I gotta show you guys whatever this is a brand-new also all of these have been brand new okay so this feels weird even opening their because they don't okay so we got this baby right beautiful I mean absolutely beautiful yeah and then it's got these little it's got this lid for it because we got the same version holders multiples oh that's a little serving tray there's two of these sit in those scientists in those yes when it's hot you can just lift it up by this handle really nice and I've got silicone dish drying racks and looks like showing two pounds to two packs of them I'm gonna go ahead and now this is cute that is cute okay this is cute guys do we need a dish drying that this size I don't know nice oh this stuff is really nice this has been wrapped and wrapped and rest there's a lot of wrapping on this there's a knife sharpener or something that says in there well they just taped it up really maybe that's not what it is I don't know I got to take a break all this beauty is really starting to get to what okay first thing I open cards boxes for whatever reason like I don't know what on earth are these there's three of them they are little teeny knife sharpeners it looks like a tape dispenser here you have take it out let me see it oh they suction to your counter and they just glide your knife let me see that up close Wow oh this one's for scissors is it a little robot I'm gonna sharpen our scissors it looks like a we're keeping one of these are they offering a one scissor and one's a knife so scissor knife oh you suction them on your countertop yes you can really get snacks cool and this takes up way less than room than other ones that they need like the colors everything about this stuff is nice does that green light are the exactly the same just a different color you'll have to tell me yeah I'll put this up for you yes scissor and I broke a record we want to keep oh you could do both red you could do both yeah but you'll be using it right think of you whenever I do red cell oh oh and these little boxes go with it like a gift you can give it to that's what it is I'll begin to kids color the girls would they want this oh they have built-in sharpeners on their knife set this is neat though we're gonna keep this one keep as many as you want okay those are neat I really like these I'm gonna buy my pallet so dizzy stop I don't mind you stuff obviously we don't care but when you're reselling and you're getting stuff that's new haha you just cut everything in half you cut all the time and required to get rid of it and happen because you're doing no clean and none of this has been electronic we don't do any testing look at the texture is it's a 10 inch frypan a 10 inch I just Nietzsche pan it's definitely never been used oh there's a matching grill you and you've been doing some we have one and I've been using it it's a 12 inch grill pan these are so pretty the texture on this thing is nice yes done you're like paint it's got a weird like texture the only word I can come up with it has a texture to it yeah wow these are so nice these this stuff is gonna fly at a flea market or somebody sent this back because it seemed different to me seemed different to me why do you want it why do you want to return it seem different to me it didn't seem the same let's find out what it is this definitely wasn't in the right right bucks for this so it definitely was recent for oh my gosh it's heavy I know you got to cast iron this is the good styrofoam gonna believe it I see some electronic see Accord we finally got something electronic whoa it's brand-new it is some kind of electric electric it is a cooking oh this seems like it's expensive whoo the heating surface will remain spot during and after use dude there you go there you go I wonder why this is specifically for like eggs and says hot pan sear on and off so if you we're in like a motor home or something you don't need a stove or a dorm-room you use this every brand new or if you need an extra burner there we go brand new it's like a hot plate this is brand new and beautiful Wow this is good good I do so weird I don't know what this said that's the right thing on it okay what is this gonna be I'm guessing that's gonna be brand new yep but what is it I opened the wrong end look at this for microwave only it's metal I figured it out only I don't know a little bit a little microwave pot of some sort with rubber handles really adorable whatever it is wow what a great score I wouldn't find this again we've got to keep an eye out for these yeah weird knowing I know no that's the tough part some things are easy to find sometimes you just stumble upon a good palette like this and it they just didn't mark it correctly or mark it enough or promote it and you get a good deal Wow Wow adorable you do with this except maybe like like maybe taco bar you put cheese lettuce whatever or olives and different olives or different changes to Jesus wait they're so cute or ones deep ones shallow or you cook something as a little pipe plate I don't know somebody will know okay so they one has handles I've been dishwasher microwave safe old world it's really cute I don't know what this is biggest butter dish you've ever seen oh here's the problem here's the problem I'm going to take it out there this broke it's broke here okay let's throw that one away okay look this is how it works this little handle this goes in here straight from the oven to the table another thing do that's what you put on the table so it doesn't touch the table it's us it elevates it this is fantastic and work by itself no you cook like your casserole in the oven like this right then you take it out put it in the tray and then carry the tray over to the table okay oh yeah it's beautiful it's amazing all right so we got one broken that makes sense why that would be returned yeah that's not too bad so far the break ratio isn't too bad no check this puppy funny thing [Music] what is that Sharlee totes oh oh they're shallow oh it's um the insolent animal yeah so you got a Costco hey people are getting like now that people are now that people are using less plastic these are getting popular and whenever I go to the store I really even remember to bring these little thermo types I only have like one or two and they you want your berries and your frozen stuff in here your ice cream state to not get a billion degrees in the car this is so cute these might stay with me if I can remember it ever ran to the store they're very nice the thing I always forget hey guess what guess what this is brand-new by the way these are anybody guesses what this is let me know cuz I don't know oh no I know oh yeah and then they probably look guys that's really cool to Westham right nice yeah that it collapses like that that's a really nice quality what is this do you use in the bottom bottom Oh on the bottom okay there you go another new okay let's check this baby this one says fragile so it might be another ceramic hmm I see like maybe it's gonna be like a cheese spreader or some sort of a metal this really is an awesome like it'll be easy to sell it because it'll display nicely cheese platter that's the thing we're looking at a little fork a little knife and a little nice things like ivory or something adorable hey you've got a if you're into cheese seriously cheese so we got a cheese plate and it looks like a bamboo that's really nice bamboo board it's just the other one hold the ones yeah you've got that yeah what's the other one missing those maybe or maybe you I don't know maybe I missed them didn't see me that could be if you're into cheese though somebody says hey who cut the cheese you say I did with this people still say don't the cheese who cut the cheese you would know what it meant you're in the u.s. let's try it on this G means there's another work somebody anyways put that the teeth with my fancy cheese cutting knife yeah I think I sniff said I sliced this when I opened it isn't that thick I know oh well either better they did and then how to return to it probably did it's so cute it's a it's a casserole in a zipper sounds like it could could be cracked in there maybe so at the travel 100 sound like it's cracked it's got a spoon in there oh I'm ceramics flying out so it is a crack somewhere and oh it's the bottom there's something underneath abstract so this one's okay yeah I'm gonna take this out but let's show them what it did look like it was a little Christmas scene super cute but in pieces but it still comes with a little metal tray still be fine and the cute little bag what's really nice good I like this one wait till you see this Wow I don't drop it [Music] Wow is this for Valentine's Day that is pretty oh my gosh look at that how cute would that be like filled with little olives or little toppings for this was like oh shoot yeah you can cook things too but it's also serving thing make some heart muffins can you imagine they can have a dessert bar and having each of you a little toppings in each of those little hearts this is really cute glad I didn't break that man that thing's nice let me grab a piece from over here this is I mean I wouldn't even ever use this but I really like you wouldn't I wouldn't know what to do but I like looking at it [Music] baby Wow neat a big glass bowl it's awesome it's a Dutch oven that's a microwave Dutch oven or it's still top glass a stovetop Dutch oven made out of glass yeah wow that's pretty multifunction glass Dutch oven [Music] yeah for multi-function glass touch alright somebody needs a Dutch oven yeah okay what's this little guy gonna be okay got some foam everything's well protected but it doesn't always hold up what is that does something go in this circle yeah I bet you there's a little Bowl or something under here yeah look I think you put a face on this and then it's like a star it's fourth of July it's a little cheese ah here you hold it or a ball look at that oh my god is a good sized box right here this is weird this is look this is setting inside the styrofoam and it's this thing smells really good and then this is sitting inside the styrofoam yeah wow this smells okay Wow I know the candles going wow that's elaborate Wow look at that that is pretty and smelling roses what are these sprinkles do I don't know but when that box opened up the smell that came out is amazing look at this drink service Priya's decorative glass beads are to be placed inside at the bottom of the glass hurricane pillar candle is placed on top of the beads make sure the pillar candles stand straight and flat on top of the beads especially when candles lit what's it about I don't know this terrific that candle but it's Miller Wow great that's can't be chilly this is Rosie maybe or something something Rosie you know what this sort of trying to be extra careful with this one wow this is heavy and it says instead of eight whole set of two eight-foot pulls four string lights so and it looks like it's just poles in there I don't want to open it all up and check it out he threw his poles that probably stand in the ground [Music] okay here I show a picture of what it looks like here's what it is it's gonna be that we don't want to put it together right now but no it's like a cake stand or like a stand that you put in your kitchen to put plants on there's a main pantry yeah five tier thin main pen that's really cool and I'm sure that's not cheap pretty - really cool and it's got zip ties all over here williston - that's awesome also stick it in the yard if you don't want it for a pantry yeah we don't care where you put it no beds in a tree oh wow okay so there's two of them this got bent or it's supposed to be that way hmm maybe supposed to be this one's kind of went to okay so these would just sit in the yard you think oh it's a tall one and a short one there is occasionally like we could stick them right there two different sizes I like them why did you ever I heard you look at the vacuum out here I think there was something else in there yeah it's destroyed that's too bad it's like those people somebody you know what though I got a plant right here right stuck it there [Music] [Music] definitely her plant and this must sit on top of that I don't owe the plant goes in it like this yeah like a deep plan yeah so yeah if you could keep it just where they can only see that one side and then put put your little plants in there just plants way too small but no I have a plan sticking out of it yeah hey worst case that one's fine this is just yeah okay some pieces are gonna have to be damaged in these but that's not bad [Music] give too tall for space so this one might be fine we got to see it okay same wonders it's a shorter shorter one brother little brother there you go not awesome no they look smaller in these picture they're pretty big okay okay the last box this one looks really weird so get ready this is gonna be really strange [Music] [Music] wow what a weird thing I love this look at this okay Wow what do you do with that this is how cool is it it sits like that here get on that side with me what's wrong big it is it's huge this is crazy Wow from all over I know show them the back though look how elaborate this is yeah it looks like a real gigantic clam what if it had a did you imagine the pearl it would be in this thing is it a planter I I don't know what it is I can't picture what I would ever use it for it looks amazing though would it go like in somebody's garden and then they put some plants in it but it was just a bloodbath I think this stays in a house what's the underside look like oh okay it's made to sit on something yeah yeah you wouldn't put those fuzzy things this is in a house yeah why would you put in their towels like lay them in there like put a baby in this thing what a weird thing you guys let us know what we put in this thing what and it's amazing it's here let's count it I'm gonna set it in the house huge okay I'm gonna count up the boxes let you guys know how many we did okay so we just did forty six mystery boxes and this was a fantastic what a good palette easy to sell easy to know everything's clean so all we're doing is just gonna set it out and sell it it's all gonna fit in a van nice and square everything I checked did well this unboxing like relaxed me because it was as we're opening it everything's new and clean but I'm not used to seeing like lovely stuff you know you look at it and whether I would use it or not it's nice it's very delicate looking yeah and I was like this is so easy you were I thought you thought it was easy there was no okay we're gonna have to fix this or do that and like hardly anything broken only a couple items three items I can think of two ceramic things and one pot even that it's broke on the side that could still be used yeah but yeah the the ratio for damage to brand-new is staggering I mean it's like basically a brand new palette of it's no longer a mystery but it was a mystery that shows the mystery I'm looking forward to seeing what you guys are say about that yeah what would you guys put in it I like it I really do like it's so weird in like on our wet bar because our yeah I hate that the cheap styrofoam yeah but that thing on a wet bar just sitting there mm-hmm I mean we're not like arts here anything but it would just look cool and it's a conversation piece yeah people see that go what in the world is that stuff art is subjective $100 or is it $10 art is very subjective I wouldn't do $10 Oh how much would you guys sell it for I think it's expensive so we'll to look it up it had a brand on there so we'll look it up all right we got to clean up around here by the way we had our canopy I probably didn't mention that he was it's hot it's really hot we're really sweaty and hot but that was fun we need to get that done gonna clean up no yes and then on to the next all right guys that was really fun and enjoy bye guys
Channel: undefined
Views: 1,080,769
Rating: 4.7967973 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving, UNBOXING- WE BOUGHT 46 MYSTERY BOXES! WHAT DID WE GET?, unboxing, customer returns, liquidation, liquidation pallet, mystery box, mystery, mystery box unboxing, 46 mystery boxes
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 20sec (2660 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 23 2019
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