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that startled me I thought it was a bug or something so these it's a frame frame is nice though we will let's don't get involved in that just yet cuz it's kind of where I end up making a mess boom so we got two two boxes that are sealed yeah we won't show the the address on that ok steps gonna grab a knife this thing is just so jammed we actually saw oh that's a big game stuff one this is game stops and apparently Joanne uses it there's all there they have a ton of boxes out and we actually saw them when we were pulling up they were walking away from here but this yeah that one I think it's just a cardboard but these boxes are sealed that one says cotton cotton swabs up CB diver Karen they threw away a sealed box I could see why advertisement premium novelty did somebody just over order on this or what was the deal alright and as it was exciting to think that we got plenty of boxes we don't need it any boxes at all and more advertisement yeah anti-pill alright let's go check on the inside one cuz this one a lot of bugs I guess they were throwing boxes away and we found two sealed boxes got overly excited and it's nothing remember this open from this end okay well they were look at what they've done down there and they brought these big pods in getting ready for Christmas I assume it's going near this thing this is in pate it is jammed there's a lot of these little feelers Oh pumpkin time pumpkin and this whatever this is marecus is it broke it was broke on the bottom but that's not a cool and look at this this is a piece of a pumpkin was it it's a ghost dumpster ghost over there are these all this thing I sing because I'm happy here let's see how many there are oh there's two isn't it three all the bottoms cool so the good bottoms can be that's a heavy we can wait let's go through this and then we'll take it you want to stick it into the box here sit in the box oh look there's some more so you would have been going and making five trips what is this oh there's more and more and this this is pretty nice this looks like a probably at a mistletoe hanging from this thing yeah that's Christmas time that's what people do greetings from sharni hey sharni and Australia that's cool like this is some offensive somewhat let me push on this way jams cardboard in here Fiskars dang you Fiskars wait is this something that's got up this might have some on the end of it stuff at least it's fills what's up Joanne thanks Shauna Green thank you and AXA I hope how do you say your name inks from Germany hello Cheyenne Warren thank you for the good luck wish those are neat well that's wood - I thought it was styrofoam is it Faye Santorum is watching from the Philippines Wow yeah but it's a solid gold headband don't discount the gold this board right here is it feels like there's something on the end of it I won't let it collapse what is that ribbon who won't wear the ribbon what's the show am i loud well right here I don't I can't help it though Zoe Wow stiff let me push up on this so you could really see okay I asked that's like a galvanized steel in there it's either a Y or or that what is it I don't have gloves on so I'm not gonna test the plastic that has stuff oozing out of it part of a oh that's a broken piece of wood so there was something on there Shirley said hi to us and Jerry you're a treasure trove man these are nice come they told me bump up bump bum that's one of my favorite Christmas songs here hold that for a second this is what I was it feels like it might have something on the end of it oh I wonder if it's got something going across from it some kind of ladder look here's the other part of its tip what is it is it a Christmas ladder this is a Christmas oh it's a hanger like stuff hangs off of it what is it I'm inclined because of the stuff we found to think that this is like a decorative piece look look at it Amanda loved those arrows what do you think hey Wendy Wendy in the UK do you don't think that this was like they would hang ornaments off of it that obviously bores her let's see what else there is holes quite a room yeah it's quality for what's going on here what our unicorn it's key I think hello but I am a mute how much was this originally $24.99 let's put I don't know if that skis gonna be any good look at this she's got a little crack right there but this looks pretty good it's heavy too it's Oh crafty time of the year it's the most crafty time of the year definitely want to take the glass out right now probably had a tea bit tea candle or something in there whatever you call it whoa this is part of the frame awesome okay don't get cut by it what else can't see it I think it's some kind of trap sounds like a bear trap that's poison ivy can't see the Poison Ivy's in the way if you want I can take boxes and I can set them in the other the other dumpster sub mark the dominant what's up Peter ray Peter Ray's adventures here let's get some of this out and then I'll put boxes over there because there might be some more in here there was a frame already okay it was all of this let me see she's rearranging stuff over there we'll take a peek in here Oh got a binder or something of some kind of help ow that hurt that thing might be one - stay here not anymore what do you suppose this is Stef what is this is it anything is that glitter no it's a ribbon that's a fancy fancy ribbon good thing we got that bucks easy guess this thing is getting that a new life elsewhere not from us your man this is just crammed crammed full of stuff I hope that's milk for teachers is it milk hodgepodge oh my gosh will totally take that there's running on it go ahead just keep it in a box keep it in the box there box Oh gross here hold on what the heck there's stuff in here hold on this has like I was trying to get stuff I was gonna let her use this bag but look in this bag Steph is that like a here you pull it out there's a rat or something in there there it is you're right look at the rat that's a that wrap got jacked up okay so that's you need a box for those for these Pasha's is that a pin okay Mod Podge this is like it's just a that's like gluten free milk you guys need man I got more stuff filling that box up there's a people there's stuff down there oh my goodness there's like a river a river of juice you say oh yeah okay yeah no I got it with this stretch magic I got the other scheming stretch of resistant flexible cool how totally is that whoa I guess we need Santa at some point it might have gone with that I think you went to that one what the ski are this this Santa the mod pod what maje pod and that size is about $40 there wow that's crazy Holley pulling my geese that stuff not cheap you know you know where modge podge come from it came from there was a show called the Mod Squad that's where that comes from Peter I forgot he's a moderator on this channel okay yeah look what is or is there a bunch of these little things in there that's just a bell oh I thought it was gonna be there was a planter catastrophe that is cute this was a major oh this one's good Steph look look that's a yeah okay this was the great in here I want to get some of those out first come on yeah wait wait let's take the whole box out let's take the whole box out hold up look at him he's going fast cuz he's an urgent mode I just saw that hot light Irene there's jo-ann's above the bathroom just now and I saw that hot light and it was like 60 something bucks yeah let's just leave that over here that's broken whatever that was let's get that for sure oh I don't know if this one's up there oh it's a USB oh my gosh oh nice it has a little damage that's so cute we need to hurry put this stuff in the car right now okay we need to put this stuff in the carton yes are they broken yep they're all broken I'll grab those paints are there bunch that are okay okay start taking dump and then Kate bare with me guys needed some of these planters Steph's gonna grab it's just gonna take some of this stuff plus we got that full box cuz right there that's the top of a container and they just opened it and they're over there that's Joanne's over there we gotta rescue these babies come on bear with me I've got to move you around a little bit because there's so many of these babies wow there's a lot better good staff there's a lot of these there's nothing wrong with it's my effect they probably all were good and it threw them in and tried to break them only they didn't break all of them come on little pumpkin pots like these planters could be year round right this is live plant so they throw it in a dumpster yeah it's live watch me kill it very nice yeah come on little guys we'll get you out of here man there's so many that's like eating there already oh sorry guy this one didn't make it come on come on Oh another dead one come on get back here well tried to save it should we have a moment of silence for the ones what Oh someone's coming all right taking this pocket whoa oh there they are they're doing a lot of work over there [Music] [Applause] plants like look at least there's two people drip bringing that in right now but they've got so much right now earlier that earlier there was a girl naughty girls can't do these things oh but that guy had that cart when we were first driving up he had the cart and he was pulling like one box and she was dragging this giant box I was like what is going on he's scared you're oh yeah Jerry looks terrified very very scary there yeah Jerry is he's terrified he's losing it he didn't hear the beeping I don't think did he how cool is that slid whoa he's really in a good place to play music we might come back by this dumpster later tonight and just see if there's more stuff because we dug some room out for him so they got rumors for more away but they have a big compactor so they never throw trash away in that Game Stop dumpster and then today they just have must have way too much or something happened to their trash machine but that was awesome we actually got a Joe and Joe yeah Joe and and that was awesome I don't think we've we might have found one light on here in there but not like yeah like nothing nothing like a real score so they're clearing things out for what we got some of them did yeah we could show we'll go we'll find a shady spot and show you it's pretty busy around right now that was a shocker I'm totally shocked I can't believe there was actually stuff there today yeah from jo-ann's yep we use their compactor and there were people out everywhere over there like employees were bringing stuff out constantly yeah it's tough not to the trash but to that we're getting stuff out of that bin well they're dumping these guys the second ones well that might be the company so that's today thanks oh we're gonna super check can you give jury a treat for me yes I can Gladys let me take one out he's kind of tired though but he will wake up for a treat he looks like a little a little poop right there look like a poop he looks a little brown turd let's see here's the streets you can't hear anymore so we'll see if he wakes up Jerry he doesn't hear that well Jerry you smell your teeth don't magaz alright let's take a peek at what we got the people that are joining late pooped out dog I know I do believe we got at least five pounds of gold allegedly cool yeah we got some gold okay I'm putting you guys in the holder you cut yourself hmm Steph cut her toe I need to rush you to the hospital no doesn't hurt you better clean it really good okay all right let's go see what we got she's gonna get so many comments about that so a mini man our bucks uh-oh sneak peek sneak peek of what we ran into earlier I guess I could tell you guys this stuff will probably tell you anyway so earlier there's gonna be a video where we ran into a ton of these we donated the ones that were not what is it laser yeah we donated the ones that were not laser printers but these you know these anyways that's a sneak peek it'll be a recorded video [Music] all right let's see all the hot lights honey well first let me show this because this is like working with it is it's very cute it's very cute and we got eight of these are actually maybe a little more I think more than eight but we got like eight of these planners they had a ton in there correct okay now carry on mod podge much wait it's mo d mod podge so mod podge two of those that's a milk it's a gluten free milk oh another one whoo these are Native odd light that one's a wellness the Wellness series look for the model yeah so that this little sleigh that thing's pretty cool well she's looking that up I'll show you these lovelies again this was these are live plants or they were live plants these plants came all the way from China yeah it says live plant they just willy-nilly threw them away see live plan $29.99 how much did it cost us how much okay Steph these little planters look what they cost yeah for those plants simply autumn potted plant 30 bucks okay that's the creative curves well she's looking that up I'll show you this that's a dinosaur on a skateboard it doesn't get any better than that look at that okay so this one is the creative curves led desk lamp hey that Mod Podge okay Beck I think it's Beck as I eat montages for arts and crafts is this the stuff is Mod Podge like they put they put pictures down and then they put that over it on like a table yeah cool you know what I'm like we watched well you just you just mod it you modify it and then you Podge it oh there's stuff in here wait does that have it has a name on the outside what does it say yeah crack smack we've got this stuff that you glue this with I forgot what it's called our they'll get it for free they can sort sort their stuff and you got this this picture frame is for dwarfs like dwarf pitchers family pitchers that yeah it's cute with the pitchers hang in there here's this sleigh sleigh is really neat oh this is iron-on shirt tape but check hearing tape Oh shirt tape I think this is the find of the day right here man like this is yeah it's got real hair and it was 24 Man crafts are expensive $24.99 well it's a neutered neutered unicorn this is a llama corn a llama unicorn it's not a horse unicorn it's a llama eater corn you stay right there for a second there okay there you go you stay there yeah Amanda likes that hole that arrows Michelle says it's a critter it says so on the tag so that's a critter instead of a unicorn its critter corn so they even if they were that long three of them here pull one out so we can get a good look at it it's easier if it's a little farther away from me can you help me with that that's the best I can get for you guys it's hard to let's see just got a break on it but the rest of these are okay but yeah so what and a happy year didn't happy here there's nothing wrong with that they're nice it's a hardwood there's a hardwood there I wonder if those on his skis he could ride those skis put him underneath him Oh have his two skis just sitting like that we got both of them yeah here he comes skiing down the slopes it's in there there I don't know if that's you think that's how it is careful his head looks like it's paint you're right Nancy Nancy Wright said and they throw this stuff away perfectly good yeah and this would be going into a landfill yes Jody small warrior princess that frame is for four drawers how ridiculous is this though to have this stuff thrown away and you know what it is they're like hey we got Christmas coming we got to get all this stuff out of here I didn't even see the bird it's a it's a point a dot bird like it's a bunch of dots and make up a bird flu that might be wet pink that's a nice ribbon and then stretch magic oh it's from jewelry stretchy beads and stuff like fixing for repairing a stretchy breast when you have like a bracelet this clean that's pretty good stretchy bracelets I don't think it's that I think it's uh um it looks like well it's dude that's the legs no this is his legs and we got to find the top there he is there it's Santa oh that's perfect uh-huh see wow you're a crafty person here and then he has this with it that's the boy that's it perfect craft a no no don't don't back up don't back up little critter don't back up I like the little critter a custom purse so they sell those too huh that's him how would you sew it like Oh in there and then you can have however big or small of a bag you want yeah wow that's nice nice little tote it's a nice nice tote I like that random little circle thing that's not too shabby for our very first jo-ann score because we they never put stuff in there it must just be because they are so full right now I got this nose ring it's not bad here I'll hold this for you and you set it up yeah you could also replace this with a candy cane oh yeah we had some of these from you know what like the ones from Michaels this feels like a harder wood yeah that would be cute it'd be a nice little project it's easy that's cool I like it well good thing they threw those away yeah hey what's that white thing there's a white it's a Grecian column oh is that a candleholder all right whatever it is periscope hello from Paris Illinois Illinois thank you very much thank you very much Linette Linette England from Paris Illinois you got it all covered Lynette yeah world traveler was this in their little Noel all the Greek oh yeah we gotta throw these in that thing whenever we've we've been finding this like constantly now and we just go in let's look at it we'll just throw these into the clothing bin there's a box over by actually where we were that's pretty cool let's see oh yeah actually you know what it is pretty good it looks normal yeah stand up that's a cool belt I gotta say it is no you gotta wear a tassel come on tassels are in it might not be a belt I really like the belt you're wearing it's like yeah it's like a um you just need a sword if you had a sword it would be done oh look at this one that's nice that's a serious belt you want to try this one on look at it look at this it's got a fancy bronze conch or whatever that is you know what I'm saying how do you know how to use that thing oh look good so it just I like that one too you make the belt look good yeah that's cool here let me try this one on you see what I'm saying let me see exactly what you're talking about here what is this oh I was like there's something dangling want you twerking that mm throw it up throw it up oh my gosh okay what's going on with the head your butt no nope that's better throw your butt up into your shoulders that's lovely yeah you used the head Davis I've done it before I don't know why I couldn't do it remember you look in the mirror oh yeah I gotta see it so I can figure it out okay so these belts the bag was just thrown in that same dumpster so they threw away the sealed signs or advertising but they gave us all this other stuff that's cool is that called Garlin this is baby's breath baby's breath Oh gross okay where you going case well Steph is sanitizing how to give you guys a sneak preview of that I don't yeah I don't want to show you anything else not that I don't want to I just don't want to spill the beans not everything oh yeah we've got stuff from Hello that we don't need it that they never got to see who donated it it was in the back of the truck when we went so it just got donated but well I'm trying not to tell him everything you have no Amanda she wants them but we tend some other stuff yesterday and we plan on showing you when he found something else after we're gonna open some stuff you just got donated we messed up what we're donating it yeah hey it's almost Thanksgiving guys and just a couple days in other countries just so you know it's on Thursday and we're giving things other countries they don't leave Thanksgiving I know that's what I mean they may not know what it is oh oh she's saying if you're in another country and you're not familiar with our we'll be having some turkeys giving ya on Thanksgiving I'm from Turkey oh we're having Turkey hey Nick how's it going Nick any Andrew what's that um Peter a what if anyone watches these lives etc who works at the places yes they probably do well we know they do hey let me get in there okay let's uh will tell you about Petco real quick it's a good thing about Petco it's a good thing about pet dog it's a really good thing so if Petco is watching we want you to know well we know that that Petco store watches because but when we came by yesterday owner dumpster diving we saw animal control it's not a it's a called animal friends at the valley yeah it's like a rest you know like dog rescue it's art yeah or an Amana troll yeah and they were parked out by the duster and we thought oh they're neat it's a cop because it had you know the lights on top yeah it was white vehicle and we saw a dude out and the door was open to Petco and the lady that we ran into the the one time that we have talked to somebody there that talked about the cat the cat that was oh yeah yeah we did a video where they brought a lot of attention to that that that store in Petco contacted us wanted to know what store it was it wasn't a cat that was trapped it was a misunderstanding on their part and it was not even they're building a building next door but anyway that lady said are you guys the one that did the video um yeah we are but she was out there and she was handing dog beds to this guy yeah so damaged ones either they were like everything looked nice yes like undamaged so your Petco is now decided to donate stuff because they saw our videos or they've been doing it all along doing it I think that somewhat amazing I love that somebody said that they support like they think that they do that kind of stuff but they're they do this they support like the dog shelter like no kill shelter or something that's what I heard yes don't know for a fact but it was nice to see or it could be that when that guy came out just put the trap up for that cat and he kept coming everyday to check on it maybe he talked to him and said hey you guys have stuff that you could ever give away whatever that's what all of them should do it's amazing I'm so so happy that they're doing that yeah because the animals at the shelters they need the dog beds and whatever and they're not destroying him it didn't look like they look like she thought it was nice I did probably returns or whatever so good for you guys yeah Petco good job picked out but you're still throwing too much stuff away no seriously okay that's great you're doing that try to do more yeah do a little more yeah like if people return their dog food ask them was there anything wrong with it no my dad just didn't like it or whatever it would be my dad passed away and then did this extra whatever will be I have no idea what the reasons would be usually probably the dog didn't like it then those ones that could set aside and donate to shelters that would be awesome if they knew hey these aren't poisoned but maybe they wouldn't do it cuz a liability I don't know Thank You sandy but I think it's great a great step in the right direction why does cat trees we've seen spray-painted in there they can put those in the shelter's get to work clearly I can't treat her sit on you know be awesome let's add a few people okay good which Nick and aundrea hills yeah these stores should donate all all stuff really yes for sure I mean the shelter can decide if they don't want to put it out you know Wow Giselle is an Labrador Canada oh thanks for sending that love animal since I'm right back at you Shirley same Shirley's got to work saying I'll buy the Jerry someone said they wanted me to snuggle Jerry Debra I can snuggle up getting a reaching my feet Bubba hold on isn't it exciting good see Jerry get snuggled only the best dog ever so Pittsburgh picks one birthday dinner for Pittsburgh pick Linda hi Linda I just want to say I have some people okay Patricia say say where you're from and hey New York how's it goin she's the one that sent us the cool stuff other day offices yesterday day before whenever it was we open it and had cute little Jerry little thing in Steve's awesome but tons of tons of treats for Jerry so cool so cool frugal frugal mr. roogle nice dad Josie Rosales think you sold our first luggage found at the dumpster dive on offer up $35 oh no great hey those local apps man we've been selling so much on those late like we start living it up again and it's just it's just like so easy there's one I don't see when you get stuff for free Paulo's in male abort wait if it's a video I don't I what we didn't get it you didn't get the GoPro on in time that way my friend from the or that nighttime did recover a little bit on the ring doorbell do it because you didn't get the GoPro on in time for the cancer the door yeah so but he wanted to film it but we did sell to in a lady Texas who has like eight little girls beauty parlor yeah Beauty show and so when we saw what she needed it for would she get from my saloon Lana Tom Jones oh she got all the gift bags you know those gift bags made 120 gift bags and she bought them for 30 bucks I'm not Nancy and therefore her shop but then when we found that out you know when I found that bolta like that tray that rolls around and then you put your beauty tools on as you're doing somebody's hair and had a rubber man had wheels told her that or but her husband came picked up he bought that chuckle a they also got some of the stands from like the acrylic displays that we pulled some of them some of them we've thrown away but we're actually gonna start listing those now Trisha because apparently little shops and stuff might buy him Joe got a couple of those her husband came he came and picked it up and neighbors buy it yeah three she's getting three hair dryers and he was buying other stay was really surprising the things that people will buy if you just put it out there yeah here's what we're gonna do like we've come up with a more solid plan on the locals is we're gonna get the stuff list it right away and we'll give it a week if it's not sold in a week unless it's something expensive like more expensive stuff will do on eBay yeah and if we can't lights if we can't give it away like if none of our friends or family want it then we donate it but we'll try to sell it we're going to sell it well I got here I saw sled that sleds going on a look but I mean it may not be that expensive but we still gotta slivers if you put it in your in your listing and start your listing that you have lots of things available please check your other listings they're more likely to come if there's a few things they want in Burbank Janet is in Burbank nice Janet Janet you're fairly close to us yeah so anyway so stuff assemblies will collapse and another thing that's really cool is as much as porch pickups are awesome and not going to the door going to the door and actually talk to the people like this guy we wouldn't have known what it was for to find out that they needed beauty stuff also and she's now a customer of ours who we have our number and we're going to contact them whenever we have anything as beauty related that might go to their shops and her pictures like right we could send her pictures as we're picking it up yeah if we just didn't take it to her even if it was an important picture we wouldn't even know about her later and she wouldn't know what we do so Lisa Dallas first life and she's in South Florida Wow awesome thanks Lisa Mason that you joined us too Susan Hartson just to skip away cool type of craft glue I set something up craft glue type of craft glue were you layer fancy paper or there modge podge yeah like and like Steph saying like our Nets like if you're putting it on the local the local apps and it cost you zero you'll be surprised at how like ten dollar items will add up quickly and when people buy one like I said if we're showing them other stuff while they're there they end up buying more stuff and then they follow you yeah and that's the thing too is once they've already done one day into Johnson and they trust you they'll be more likely if they follow you to look at your items in no case they actually sell stuff that's not gonna be ruined there is nesting you know something I might want or I remembered I live near then whatever it would be and it's weird the repeat buyers we have like we Elena you guys have seen a sell to her I don't know how many times she does but she's buying - she paid venmo bought - hair dryers also from me listen to hair dryers yeah I just thought of her cuz I knew she does hair - after this everybody wanted it she got two hair dryers one of our very first local customer hello one of our very first local customers right and she pays like before she even gets us she pays venmo and paesan's before we eat that's awesome Lou Leland Liam and Singapore oh wow that's awesome anyway so anyway don't count up the local apps and don't give up on him yes there are flakes but there's so many that aren't and once you get a little rapport with people they'll remember you hopefully and you know one of my more stuff no because you never know what you're gonna have a fear a dumpster diver yeah never know so but it does like the local apps I know like some people get frustrated without but if after you do it you do it long enough you get a lot of followers and it becomes super easy and well in the future we'll get more tips on how to handle what people consider flakes and whatnot because so easy guys I mean it really is and you're getting the stuff to people that can use it or need it or want it and you're giving them a great price and you're keeping it out of the landfill and it's fun we meet people and we become friends with a lot of them and like I said they follow us and they tell their friends yeah they do all the time say hey you have a coffee maker yeah or hey I'm looking for a patio heater or whatever would be weird stuff and it's like you know what we'll keep our eye out and then BAM the next day we run into one you never know it's so weird and when I say follow us I mean they follow us on Facebook Marketplace offer up in Viraj say garage sale that's to let go don't get any activity it's weird it's not good in our area I'm just gonna give up put it on there one last one to put on I know we've tried it multiple times but in some areas it's better than they're not all fro it is Portugal Paulo how do you see Janet said I'm so glad you donated that stuff oh my gosh Janet this is our fifth truckload donated this way also donated today to savers we don't need to angel view three times so that's for sure five so five truckloads of stuff just because we're clearing out everything we were being cleaning up some random stuff from our liquidation stuff we've been hoarding we got some things coming up that we need to make room for and the year is almost over and new VIP new adventures are gonna begin yes mark our words we got something coming up with any other do something different you guys haven't seen lately something you haven't seen yeah so we're gonna go for you yes I mean there's a lot of people watching right now so on this like you guys are watching like our life you know so there's like I know there's requests to do certain things and we're not like I don't know how to script like you guys this you truly are watching our life like tomorrow we might be doing something different and it's not dictated by YouTube you know it's dictated by what we want to try and we want to share this thing and show people this stuff so then you know maybe somebody can they just see something we're doing in there a they know that they can do it too because we're nothing special yeah and you can make a little extra money you could have some fun it's a good good thing we got a super chat from what's the name cos oh how cute my mom my mom Michelle from Texas loves your videos she would be thrilled if you guys said hey on livestream hey how's it going Michelle where you been Michelle antics Texas yeah that's awesome that's a Michelle thank you very much yeah thank you for your Thank You Michelle for watching us I appreciate that yeah so as far as letting you guys into our lives we totally do you guys see what we do we are resellers we aren't dumpster divers we're resellers who buy different things or finally like saying we're resale I know but that's what we that's what we've been recessed weari so yes for a living yeah but I'm just new I don't like having any kind of like you know saying we're this or that because I seriously like in who knows what we're gonna do through the course of next year we do not have a job okay for those of you that want to know if we have a job no we refuse to have a we will do anything with our power to not have to wear somebody exactly now that doesn't mean we're having yeah it doesn't mean we don't again do things to earn money we do but we're no we're not working at a regular job ever again and and we're just exploring things that we want to do that seem interesting to it right now it's been dumpster diving and it used to be meet everybody at Starbucks and sell now we're just have them come to our house a local pickup yeah porch pickups cuz it's a $10 and $15 item don't want to drive to Starbucks um wait for him if they don't show up not nobody has stood as that by the way for a porch pickup not once no never not when we don't give them our address until it's time for them to actually leave the house or their your way Mary death either way they're coming so Mary death they gave us a super tip thank you very very daddy no comment sweet so so yes you're self-employed that's right we are here and that's exactly and we we're deal so it's time to reap arc Steve I'm so nervous about not re parking like you guys have no idea how long this is like a long time for me seriously and then when you mention it it makes me think about it more but listen we are keenly aware of the value of time and we trade time for money we all do you know and if so if you're doing a nine-to-five job they dictate what time you you do that we are trying to dictate the time that we put into trading for money right our time for money and we also are refusing to do things that we don't enjoy so this year we've done a few things we experiment with some things because we said we would do that and some of them we won't do anymore you know some are not fun for us they but they did serve a purpose we could say aku could make money doing this but buying new clothes yeah Brenda you know box of brand new clothes new with tags not our deal we hated it we hated it and in it we didn't even list it our daughter listed it and we still hated it so much we took it all down and sold them all we're gonna recap some things at the end of the year because this year this whole year has been an experiment and most of you people are not even aware of that right we talked about it at the beginning of the year and we made some promises like a we're gonna do these things and we've tried some things some things we'll will stay in our rotation like dumpster diving it will always be there because they're always throwing stuff away and and it'll always be a part you know but we've done other things and we're gonna try some other things and we'll just share that with you guys in hopes that somebody out there even if it's one person and they hate their job they're miserable in ur job and they slowly make a transition to you know doing something that's more fulfilling in their life or they need some extra money or they've got a goal and they want to go on a trip and they want to save some money for it hey some girls off whatever like what we do you could do I see your messages yes you're here and it's like damn yep yeah and it's been a it's been a very interesting year for us yeah it's awesome but anyway we're gonna let you guys go because we value your time as well that's right and we appreciate you guys being part of this journey a lot of you guys have stretch ruk I can't tell you how cool that is it is really cool how many things you guys have found once a month I'm gonna list on our facebook a post that just says what did you find this month or whatever and show off your dumpster-dive posts or just put a picture of this cool stuff you find cuz everybody else likes to look to see what you guys found to tell us what story you found it and show off your fun stuff in there just under that one post it makes it fun and easy to look in there and see and gives us good ideas for places that we could go check to Franky Dennis of Texas tygris design says I learned something recently about downsizing my art supplies do what makes your heart happy yes yeah and another thing too if you guys don't mind like tell us on there how you get rid of your stuff because now it's winter selling locally is gonna be harder for people in other states you can't just go to a yard to yard sale have a yard sale or go to the flea market or whatever it's gonna be creative ways that you found that you can sell in the winter would be for people and you know states that are cold and have snow in other countries worth you know local apps are is popular so nice couch other ideas Nick and Andre Hills game night soon can't wait we play we play a game with Nick and Andrea from there from the UK yep wonderful people and we so we play a game it's it's boys against girls and we crush the girls like we're its yeah you play it's three I told you now yeah but the first two and anyway I don't want to get into why we were able to dominate in it but Nick and I are a team and then Andre and Steph are a team and that's gonna be coming up soon probably next week this week is really hectic because of holidays the holidays but yeah so stay stay tuned for that cuz it's really fun I mean it's not fun for the girls that are losing I don't care yeah Nick just he gets so competitive and he always guarantees like hey Steve we're in a crush okay we're gonna let you go alright guys so much for joining yep we tend you know what a year this has been
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 539,193
Rating: 4.7699046 out of 5
Id: GkU4zH0NzGE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 25sec (3505 seconds)
Published: Tue Nov 20 2018
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