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that's a lot of boxes hey what are you doing okay we are at Tuesday morning check this out man that is a mountain but we are gonna actually go in their dumpster those boxes polina those boxes that you just seen are I think they put them out for somebody they let somebody pick them up because we see the same couple grab them all the time ooh what do you got there man that was cute and it's broke okay that one's still intact here we grabbed we grabbed one of those boxes so we'll use it to set stuff in and to be honest with you this the Tuesday morning when it's hard to Oh Stefan we could leave it in that box too okay that smells good that is a good smelling candle very careful that thing what flavor is it we'll leave it in the box leave it in the box and put the Box in the thing that looks like is that does it have an odor you could sew it back up here no maybe it's a poultice I have no idea a therapeutic salt pillow guys we're gonna take it and sew it up I'm gonna set the candle like this within that box a therapeutic salt pillow what's up Rebecca Vickers all these little bags and we can't there's not one that doesn't have a hole so that therapeutic salt pillow never heard of it it had a little slice in it more candles nice can I smell it mmm just a mango let me smell hang your mango that does smell really good do you think it's Tang like the kid drink there let's continue our collection very nice well what am I seeing oh those are cups first I thought it was a good job honey I gotta tell you dumpster diving has made me a fan of candles the glass is coming off of those easy two [Music] hey can you guys hear us alright this store is actually really close to a freeway hopefully the audios alright that was nice I like that color so that's busted whenever your dumpster diving with broken a lot of broken stuff you have to be a little more cautious and go slow because you can cut yourself pretty bad oh it was huge look at that there was another color one two yeah so we're looking at a lot of broken glass in here okay thanks thanks police chaplain misty said she could hear just fine okay what is that oh it goes to one of the that goes to one of these bottles so if we find another one she's got the the lid Steph is always thinking ahead when she sees little parts mistake by me that's my wife proud of you honey you just well you're like a superwoman you just do like you just jump in there yeah again you got to be like you were run into this type of glass so you want to be real careful when you're if you're new the dumpster-diving some of you already know this you just gotta be you don't wanna grab a piece of this box was nice if it wasn't tore up it's like a Happy Holidays box and it's thick and heavy hold on let me let me change man yeah it was like a big vase huh it's probably got broken shipping that sucks hold on let me help you that wood thing what is that white thing back there stuff oh star well I thought it was like a okay let's push things this dumpster is really difficult to to navigate they're having maintenance workers or else they're doing something in the building probably wondering what the heck we're doing what are we absolutely right we don't care Sheryl Garrett gave us a super chat he says happy holidays Cheryl thank you very much we appreciate that and how do they see you - we we just had we had breakfast with our grandkids then we went to the mall with all four grandkids and we man that was nice and we went to the mall it took pictures with Santa and then we played in the play area there for a couple hours it was it's been a really good morning so far and we just said goodbye to him we're gonna see him again tomorrow but right now since we're in the area we popped in for a little dumpster dive but that was very nice and you thank you for that super check okay and you saved that see she grabbed that other please be in kindy please don't be broke don't be broke don't be broken tilt it up whoa Mamma Mia yep she's grabbing those extra lids very nice good job I okay I don't want to set those two together for safety reasons don't want to break them so we got two of those we got the candles and that salt that therapy salt by the way so if you're well what's in this stuff what is this thing here yep orange if you're new - that's cool maybe a dog toy if you're new to dumpster diving like what we're doing right now so we've probably been on for about seven minutes if we didn't have the video going we would go through this a lot faster but it doesn't take long to look in a dumpster and grab some stuff and if we just grab what's on the top we still would have had some you know useful items that you can use resell donate basically keep from the landfill it really doesn't take that much time so you could see how long it takes us to just gather a few things here and then subtract the time to set in the video up and doing that it's really it's really fast and easy well somebody else is pulling in here yeah she was looking at us and seeing right now I think she works at the okay we're gonna have to move along so we're gonna take our stuff right now because somebody's here in worst case is we keep what we've got if they ask us to leave we still got our stuff so real calmly there I real calmly we bail I think she works at uh Tuesday morning hold on okay you got it okay right by me a lot of times they won't they don't want to have to you know confront you because it's human nature most people don't want confrontation but if we were given her the opportunity to not have to but that was it was getting doubts uh sketchy one I mean it was a nice one but yeah she's probably maybe she she just blew up let's take them to we're gonna go drop off a FedEx package we can do that after it's on the way though okay where do you want to hit the yeah they don't hit a couple more daughters you guys don't want to come to FedEx do you Jerry he's not with us we were um with the grandkids so I went out to he didn't come we're going out to breakfast and stuff they said now they don't wanna go to FedEx we did um I hope you don't want to go to fit I know I hope saying what we've got that we sold we sold if you guys saw it was on this channel we went to an estate sale and I got a set of not upset it was an incomplete set of of Spode dishes and they finally sold and we both dishes like the parrot yeah they're from England they're um they're nice they're cute but they we still are having a jacked-up issue with our shipping calculator on eBay they charge the customer $42 to ship these to Texas our cost is only 23 bloody people don't deal with eBay so it's not a sexy issue for you we're gonna head over to what you would call it to which one first we're gonna go buy pit pit smart and byebye baby my baby this how big yeah yeah we get that mixed up we have both okay we're gonna go by panco swoop over to Bye Bye Baby which is always just uh we just have to get lucky on that yeah but we have we have they've been locking their dumpsters and which sucks cuz they didn't used to it was awesome that was our one of our best places to go so yeah that way we could stabilize this place nope okay so we'll go over get those babies it's nice out right now we know the weather to me this is good dumpster-diving weather because it's not too cold and it's not so hot that you know if something's been baking in the Sun yeah that wouldn't be good Wow super chat Thank You toes it's oh it's Josie Thank You Josie Rosales I have another odd rep sale today for a $45 Wow $45 whoa go numbers big booms your tip just keeps paying off love you guys yes that's good for you yeah man and it's so cool when you're selling you girl yeah well I say that in general when you're selling local like that that's the way to go if you can't no fees I mean it's just a great thing cash and you give somebody you know something that they want and they like and they get a good deal they're gonna follow you there's no effort to get them to follow you it's just like oh I'm gonna follow this person I mean it's really nice we have a bunch of followers and they will buy it over and over it's awesome yep whenever we list something we got a yeah and we sell stuff that we find in dumpsters but we've sold one month we sold $2,000 of stuff yeah and one month it was just extra stuff yeah the goal originally was just ride it try to get an extra $500 a month just from dumpster diving and we blow that away every month I even quit counting up I'll have to now that taxes will be here soon at the end of the month I'll tally up the whole year but I think the lowest month two months haven't even checked it yeah it's on our lot constant we're gonna sell them stuff constantly yep but we sell almost everything locally now we hardly sell anything on eBay anymore it's just not worth it and stuff that that we're finding in dumpsters a lot of the time the price to ship is expensive you know should be is expensive so just selling locally makes sense and people will buy it more than one thing you find $200 in a trash can that's pretty just cashed in it I've heard people doing that we haven't gotten that lucky but I think we find so much stuff that people you know they dump their personal stuff it's gonna happen eventually we're gonna find him yeah we're gonna finally got a suitcase or something's gonna have something in it that they didn't really mean to throw away yep although we can't complain with what we've been getting no we've certainly found enough purses yeah we just found 10 high in purses and then we found one just the other day Ulta there was a person there yeah and I was gonna sell it but we've got a friend we went to their Christmas party he'd makes he's like he does like don't you yeah a leather work and blacksmith and so I gave it to him to repurpose that purse because it was such heavy-duty leather and nice leather on there cut it and make it into straps and make it into sheets and stuff like that and he loved it so that was cool that's the teacher's husband yeah our teachers whoa purple pickles my goodness thank you so much this is hi Steven stuff and little Jerry Seinfeld from Medicine Hat Alberta Canada I love it that's awesome thank you so much can you tell us why it's purple I like purple pickles yeah why I got it's so cute I don't want to get into this story because we'll be at a dumpster presume but I got to tell you guys what happened to a deck Christmas party we went to it was a Secret Santa and our friend that we give the stuff for the teacher our teacher friend is the one that threw the party and they do parties that are like they're fun parties they're like you dress up you have to come in a character sometime they do these creative parties okay and they're both they're both nerdy and and they have a bunch of friends that are like they're like her husband is the one that does the leather work and blacksmith and he works for uh awesome I think's Sony or somebody like that the gaming Donnie yeah they use with the games like the internet game and their games all that stuff and these super super smart so their friends at this party there was 21 people there and everybody brings a gift right lots of complete video games they love oh I think all of all of them do and they're just you know it was that's a lot of people so we had a Secret Santa and Steph got our two packages together and one of them was we had this bag from Comic Con and it's a like a nice bag like people buy this like a backpack I was from it was an old one like a an older bag and it I we got it out of thrift store and it would have sold on eBay but she used that to package in a bunch of ninety stuff okay you know this the loot boxes that we got you might have to interrupt this story if we get to yeah we're almost a win but the loot boxes there was what there were a couple of them and they were one of them was Super Mario Brothers and it had a pair of socks in it and a hat that's from our bank that was from our electronics palette that we bought yeah so I decided to bring that it's a free gift and with the comic-con thing I figured gave me tech person or whatever might take that bag cuz this is the right place for me I was hoping you didn't matter what it was totally gonna be in a stupid present I wasn't sure so I wrapped it up and I hid it I didn't want anybody you know that we brought that because then if it's sack well it's a Secret Santa - yeah so we don't want to what wasn't Secret Santas a Yankee Swap Yankee Swap that's like a white elephant but not with a second key but nobody knew whose gift it was yes they told but Secret Santas where you pull a name oh yeah these were numbers yeah okay hold on Wow we're gonna we gotta check this rumor oh well let's finish this story real quick okay so the numbers are 1 through 21 if you are number 1 you go pick a gift and then if you guys aren't familiar with this you got the first gift the next person can either take your gift or go open up another one if they take your gift then you could take from another you know another person the let the person who goes in them first at the very end they get to either trade their gift or keep their gift so Steph had number 21 and I had like number 12 so I swapped with Stephanie because I wanted the last one and there was some things that I was gonna try to steal from somebody like at the end so they're you know they're opening these gifts we don't know whose gifts they are but they open them up and the first one that was take know he was like number five our friend Bob he comes out with that bag do you got Comic Con bag and it's loaded with all these things right and everybody in that room was like they loved yeah that thing was getting targeted like these they're like things getting stolen that was the biggest hit of the night when you bring leave it you bring the bag out it's a and it's not a cheesy like it's a reusable bag from comic-con like a gig bag you can make a backpack out of it it had it the Big Bang Theory on there you know bazinga cuz they were there that year you know maybe they go every year and he was thrilled link it in there he was taking one thing out at a time and everybody's coasters in their socks so everybody's thrilled with that bag so you know that's a hot item right now and and as he's opening it we're at there's three tables there and the table we're at one of our friends there she says she thought something was a poncho it was a blanket and I'm acting like I know nothing about this freaking thing right because they were seeing everybody commenting on they brought this yeah and you're not supposed to ask that I mean you could ask it you can hide they were guessing they thought Bob because he's such a gamer they thought that he picked his own gift everybody was accusing him of that Bob that's your own gift that you picked you good and then they thought did we just accidentally open one of their Christmas presents is what they dug it was under the tree so you that's you get the picture now everybody is really excited about this and everybody's right who brought this yeah and I'm sitting there going that's amazing I'm talking loud because I'm commenting on this bag that I know nothing about okay and all of a sudden Bob's like he's going I didn't like he's saying hey this is not my gift I didn't not pick my own gift somebody else brought the bag and steps to my right and we're at this table and one of the girls at the table we're having a conversation about that bag and I'm lying I'm telling lies because I think it's our bag I'm lying like crazy and then all of a sudden Bob's looking at Stephanie and she goes you brought it and I'm like I look over and she's going yeah she had her hand up saying I brought it after I'm lying crumbled under the pressure I was sitting there telling lies about like it's not ours he was never honored nobody was fessing up about bringing the bag she spilled the beans I spilled the beans that I just got awkward and this one I mean I'm just I would just see it and that'd be the end of it I look like them like yeah it was bad cuz I'm sitting there like you did that to me at our car I know oh good night Steve loves nothing more than like never total somebody ever stock that anything is very generous of you that is too generous oh my god just because I love the color purple and I love pink all sounds it does the movie the color purple or the color purple is purple purple geckos poker hearts she loves purple purple is abused yeah I blew it it's a regal color heirloom is still nothing more he loves nothing more never ever telling anybody ever and just letting he just relish is in the fact that nobody knows no can I just blew it let me just see I left him out to dry again you're right I did I can't help it you can all you have to do is just go like this I couldn't lie about it cuz it was so cool nobody knew who it was from and they were accusing Bob of picking his own gift and people stole that gift it can only be stolen three times it got stolen three times like that was it really go home with it nope he didn't get to keep it let's see if I'm just gonna check real quick hold on guys I got to put you back in this thing in a will let's see if there's anything in and is it Petco or Pet Smart okay this one's Petco we confused Petco and Petsmart and nothing ah that one almost made me gag because of the rain and then it's drying out we had rain for a little while and they're still drying out might be soaked or just thick boxes this is the recycle side but sometimes you see a they'll throw like a toy or something in here dog toy alright let's head over to uh we're gonna head over to what do they call bye bye baby yeah bye bye baby blah blah baby okay all right sorry guys what but we are gonna hit a bunch right now so you'll get to see dumpster-diving okay bye bye baby here we come okay here we go come on bye bye baby please so anyways have your dumpling bean spiller purple pickles no I won't stop Steve the color but the movie the color purple was cool too that's cute that's sweet thank you so much purple is a pretty yay Shannon purple goes with everything you're right it does oh thanks girls it makes like anybody has colored eyes and your eyes stand out I like nice Purple Reign Purple Reign like that hey we got we've been getting these up Funko pop whatever those little things and we have prints prints ones pretty cool yeah we keep fighting them in Barnes & Noble dumpster and I just been keeping them yeah they're kind of neat we got Captain America gold a gold Captain America and we got the Nutcracker sugarplum fairy okay listen guys everybody right now welcome to Laura yeah cross your fingers that we get something oh my gosh right behind me baby I need around the corner I need somebody come saw their lock off and leave it you know that's what I need so you know if anybody lives around and wants to go ahead and try that that'd be awesome you're going to bounty on a luck you're like you're hiring a a locking man if they want to see his Brian stuff in there it's got to be unlocked a hitman well one thing I see is this blue dumpster that we've gotten stuff out of house has potential we should bring Quebec down for when is the workflow but way back there is the basic in the enclosure first yeah this if it's gonna have something it it might be in this area let's hope so okay so this is all on you guys you always fail earlier you know why cuz it's enjoyable we're enjoying it okay Steph wait don't do the reveal I know sometimes it's just a snow white wait what do we got over here whoa watch out for water [Music] still a little little damp around here those that's usually when we see this styrofoam it's usually a bad indication like there's not gonna be yeah this is really there recycles are their trash dress hold on let me peek in here real quick just in case nope but there's some standing water in there no you you walk over hey guys do this mystery oh boy sure Steve wants me to do it you know I'm not going to I'm gonna run and go peek immediately I'm gonna spill the beans for you guys here we go um okay here we go it's blurry uh-oh it doesn't feel like it's hot we are kind of in a bad spot darn it Steve what we need is for this bar to be unwelded off that way it can't even go up even if they put another one on that's what we need there cleaned up back here too darn it nothing were you dancing yeah you thought there was something no I just dancing I got purple rain in my hair dancing okay next stop taco sauce is here taco sauce next stop Ulta okay come on Alta and ulties trash days tomorrow so this could be really cool hey taco sacks guess what guys there's no Sun his dog's name is tacos it's the best part of a taco is the salsa I think so this is all time and ulta you know what we still get excited about it even though like if you're looking at the return on your time and return on investment does not the best like it's not a consistent at ours yeah it's not a consistent score it certainly is not consistent most of the time I find nothing but we cannot check I know lately though you've been finding things that are unexpected from like you you know clothing or whatever that purse there's a homeless person or something that the taking clothes out or purses out or somebody's dumping their personal stuff in this old dumpster so I found a pair of mukluks shoes in there I don't think that made it in a video and then some other things earlier there's some cool things that we can use to repurpose okay but as far as the last time we saw a suit box can't even tell you you know what somebody's on to us the first three weeks that we started dumpster diving we got soup boxes good ones and nothing coming - since Jerry's not hearing both yeah there's no little no little Jerry right now but I did take him for a walk this morning so he had some good exercise all righty here we go I like to do this Jeff's got her fingers crossed I think good thoughts guys come on there's Ulta okay that's the recycle and this is it's not recycled let me shut this real quick okay hmm seeing I think that's like motor oil or something this is like sometimes when you're like we're in an enclosure right like if you look around we got a roof over our heads and this is harder to dig through when these are full what is this do an inheriting wait Tech Pro 24 and it's a kind of a wet one it's a ton of food in here man come on Alta it's so hard to dig into this thing if you're doing this at night like the evening hours you could probably like just start taking bags out leave them on for and and put them back out but we're not afforded that right now because the study comes in here we don't want to show them that kind of mess you know from here we'll be going to gamestop guys Steph you need to create a gift card in Ural I told her I told her to sit down one day and either do it live or just film it and just start showing you guys the process of checking those videos and it's pretty fast like she could check a ton of them fast ok Adia Melinda said I was talking to a friend about you guys she said she is going to try and dub scribe to her husband lost his job and don't know what to do hope help hope this helps him hey I tell you what good job David David we have ran into people actually dumpster diving and one guy for an example the construction worker and he had got hurt on the job so it wasn't working money wasn't coming in and Ana you know they just happen to watch our video but they could have watched anybody's video doing this and they started doing the dumpster diving and he's bringing money in like you can literally eat you're gonna make some money doing this if you're consistently trying and you're gonna be surprised and depending on the effort you put into it the hours you put into it that will determine how much money you end up making create your little route but every little bit helps right like if somebody can make an extra hundred dollars even that helps a lot of people like that can be a big deal to some people yeah so we're we love hearing that God loves you all Oscar Lopez thanks for the super chat but for sure I think we've like there's nothing special about us and we've shown that you could make money and a decent amount on a regular basis we're not saying like from this dumpster but if you consistently are doing it you will and if you've never done it and you're a little little you know apprehensive just start by peeking in a dumpster you know just look because I we always say eventually you're gonna see something in there that you're gonna have to grab [Music] yeah I never leave a mess you never say hi anymore hey Shirley and I know yeah we're like archaeologists so when you come in here if you've been in here the day before you know that okay wherever level you were at and we try to leave like a landmark there whether it's a you know flattened box yeah step was tearing that up Patricia fuddy yeah I don't know if I'm saying that right rose ooh okay Wow you'd go to jail there for a dumpster-diving it's just checking I was trying to read chess okay this is the recycle side yeah and when I don't like when they're dis packed just harder to check once we're done here the game stop is right around the corner so we'll go to that dumpster next it's Game Stop and Joanne has some stuff there as well Freebird that is that's a good way to put a trash Anthropologie yeah so for instance if this dumpster was say it was like this full and then we went through it there was nothing we come back the next day maybe we leave something like this on the at that level and when we come to it we know that we've been there yeah yep I know it's just dumpster diving but the little things that you do that are gonna save you time that's a big deal - all right so another I'm gonna say typical ultra die for us the majority of the times we're not getting definitely not getting a make up and stuff getting myself one of these yeah I want one the dyson hairdryer and we're like oh did we put that out there's not even no room that's why they're setting it there leave it cleaner than when you came okay off to Game Stop somebody's out there guys that's Marilyn Monroe I don't think you could leave Marilyn Monroe is it cleanable yeah let's clean it up look at her that's a Marilyn Monroe let's do it okay we're going to kind of lock ourself in here there will be going around that corner there to the GameStop hmm gotta unlock it first all right I had our fingers crossed but that doesn't mean maybe our fingers crossed that luck is going to come in the form a massive game stop keeping me out game stop okay here we go I will put my seatbelt on we're not going far I know everybody says to put your seatbelt on but you're so down on the streets I always have it on us sometimes in the parking lots and we're just driving around this one little thing it doesn't happen we take naps on the freeway yay come on gamestop we haven't had major games or anything like that like we seen em stuff yeah other dumpster divers who have found like serious stuff in game stuff we find other stuff in games cares like right now it's not overflowing which isn't always a bad sign but it's not the most promising sign no but we don't know there might be one item in there like a gold bar that's right solid getting triple pickle solid gold the purple pickle eater she gave us another so much you're being too generous let's uh stop that but thank you very much it's not that we don't appreciate it it's just it's not necessary it's very generous okay Steph always wants to look and then have an expression but she stopped herself this is what it's like you just walked up oh man we're gonna go inside there - what does that one alright let's see what's in around the corner here okay on this one anybody here we always let them know cuz sometimes these people here Wow some wet clothing stuff they threw some clothes in there what the display Ted is there writing on the box oh wait I might need to take that out whatever it is what was it what does it say Lola it's supposed to be like a stereo it's oh yeah the box is stereo do you think the electronics are good for you stuff usually grabs any little the accessories are the the parts to electronics she likes to tinker rid that stuff what is the box I don't know well I want to try to see it maybe somebody else knows what it is well let me see it front it's my mic it's if they hadn't stuck stickers all over it would be easier to find for to figure out it does look like it was a box looking like a stereo there no I don't know why I thought that was something in there but what is that oh yeah we could hold like like the our neighbor might want that case our neighbor has that he's a young guy he's a gamer kid that looks like a wall is it like this is no tendo so probably we need a remote in it well your remote holder holder all right I'll take it we could donate it yeah what does it give it to our neighbor that kind of stuff we can give away let's check it all right man iron man this is this dumpster is shared by several like it's restaurant it's Game Stop sometimes Joanne like we've had a Joanne score here especially with the holidays when they have overflow okay not in but they got the paperwork yeah whatever that's good for yeah this one is not yeah when the dumpster like sometimes it doesn't have all this food we don't like to mess around in this food though yeah I say we go to Barnes & Noble we're gonna hit Barnes & Noble next guys Oh crumb throw matrix CRO matrix are those the pins are the coloring oh it's two-sided like I think they're supposed to be like a brushstroke so Becky from North Carolina all the lids that was probably Joanne's oh I bet oh look there's more of them at least the pins yeah this is a mess here very messy let's go to game stop come on Thor not in there nope okay I'm surprised they don't just give the cases away you know I got gamers coming in there just say hey anybody want a case yep take the case dumpster-diving gals are in Arkansas annex nice today I mean nice it's cool I like it like it's not too hot it's not freezing okay next up is Barnes & Noble snowing in South Carolina Wow Gary Gardner's in Utah and for Cooper's and South Burlington Noble has become I think my favorite wound about it it's mostly like a lot of customer returns yeah or like somebody maybe stole one part of it out of it in the store and they throw the rest away or something I don't know but I really love it I love it there's cute stuff in the water their stuff isn't cheap and we don't find books very much we find stuff like toys toys but I don't know okay so we're on our way there right now it's closer this is our to give you guys an example like it just a normal it's not like this isn't like a dumpster-diving day we were hanging out with the grandkids and the kids and then we're here we're already here so we pop around to these we've already got a few things that was fun and then we go home to little Jerry Seinfeld yep and we snuggle with him yeah come on you know what you've seen one Barnes & Noble you've seen them all so on this one King Kong dempster better we're gonna try to be quick because since Steph got busted by the manager yeah it's just been a little and he was you know what he was really nice and he didn't even say don't don't do it he just says he was real polite about it does I'm gonna have to ask you to leave yeah I don't want to don't want to just cram that down his throat yeah it looks like the dumpster might it don't but that doesn't mean anything because it's the mid middle No so they've thrown some trash out since first thing in the morning with somebody cake but I could see the doors open and that dumpster is usually stuffed they might have one thing I mean stuff all we need is one we do Bing we found some cute stuff in there and we'll try not to talk super loud I'll try to be quiet that's hard for us because we are talking that's a tough one I know what we like like when we do this cuz we enjoy it and we're not gonna do it in a way that we don't enjoy and there's times where we're just like excited about something and we're we're chatting about it so no reason to do with anything if it makes you miserable you know doesn't everyday doesn't have to be fun but we want it to be fun the majority of the time right and this place is busy because there's a El Pollo drive-through and they come out and they come right Dennis Lane here we go dude do we even pick up their trash Flo [Music] we are doing a documentary on bada-bing that's not totally empty stuff if you're if you've never seen us dumpster dive here check this out it's like an enclosure well not like it isn't enclosure but this is we call this - King Kong dumpster because those gates are huge and the door is right over that corner that they come out and throw stuff wait we got it let's do it quick yeah we like seeing power cords because it means there might be something like that in here cable oh we gotta go quick so right now we take Steph is there other stuff in his bag let's just keep take that okay we got we know we got stuff so we should take it so let's see if there's another bag we'll just here I'm gonna take some of you look at the other bags no you look at the other bags while I takes I'm emptying this trash out of that bag that we got and it will put other stuff in this bag you know what let's just take them okay I think I should take this bag and put it in what do you think I know but if we get if somebody comes out now we lose that okay we're gonna be a little quiet guys cuz we got to get this bag and get out of here okay so we're putting stuff in this bag and then we'll we'll take a better look at it what kind of twist in our luck right now that's that's awfully tight I say we go I feel like we're pressing our luck yeah that was just the boxes and stuff okay quickly that's the door so what we do is I don't know I'm whispering now we were out they can't take it from us now but what we do is now let's go and uh let's not if somebody did come out we don't want to rub that in man what is up with my camera okay unlock well go let's go take off a better look at what we got but I don't like that that guy I don't think will seat them like they hit it to manager again we had an employee come out and they just throw the stuff in there they keep going but I don't I honestly think that manager Guy I don't think he cared I think they needed to either get in a delivery or he wanted to clean up back there and he just happened to come back when I was there maybe I don't know but you don't put him in a bad spot no cuz even if he doesn't care as a manager you know the store the store does not I'm sure that you know these big businesses they do not care how much they waste they do not care they do not care about donating the - you know needy charities or anything like that they truly do not care and I'm confident in saying that because of the constant stream of stuff that we see that they could if they were willing to put the effort in to organize it that they could use it to benefit other people it's true and this toys and games who cares but food clothing you know there's so much stuff that's just it's ridiculous we got back there I love it we found some fun stuff you just got through saying that Barnes and Noble is in love finding their side yeah I'll let you open Barnes & Noble is it enter it's a fun one because it's like Christmas yeah well it actually it is like Christmas right now okay we got we just open up in the mall parking lot okay we got our little box it has we got this from Tuesday morning some candles a couple bottle things you think those bottles are like oil like you put you put oil vinegar and oil okay so let's see kids for kids please be in there this guy's got it okay gel pen projects in here glitter this some miss C in the UK that's cute I wish these were in there they probably were for gel pens or something in there but that's okay they might be in here that's funny see you later Nancy this we already found one of these I can't believe it I know second Harry Potter hat and it talks the other one talked so let's see if this one talks you know what they are yep we've have two of them they both talk but the mouth doesn't work but look at it's still a cool hat always trying to yeah trying maybe a stronger battery try me on Harry Potter yeah she's putting on a dumpster hat yeah so this is the second one of these we got and they both talked they just don't wasn't it on you're facing the wrong way yeah it's not going Shelly laundry yeah so they're playing with a step of the next class let's see we've never opened one of these it's a push queen it might blow up Oh Jim I tried to scare you he's cute he looks like a seal oh yeah Harry I could push him back in my okay so they don't know what they get in these that's oh yeah it's like okay oh that's fun yeah but that has the stuff we've been givin her it really has become a big hit for her and she says anything it doesn't matter they just they're just thrilled when they get those diggity present yep it really is cool okay so that goes with a hat but it does what like something said on top of it like what would be ants what would you be yeah asking a question like an owl I don't know but he's cool if he flies around oh hold on look at that guy that's so cute oh I'm liking that oh please please work little Mario Oh real what batteries in this and see what this does yeah so we got some electronic parts for it look this is the charger oh wait that's he have a butt like something you stick in his butt Oh grab that I caught that with my knees like oh is that a charger port yep oh I'm in the car then we're gonna charge you up little guy we're gonna chart charge him up there you go it's got a USB charger I would almost guarantee he'll work he was probably a store display oh so this one is Luigi oh this is my contest I think say it was Luigi filler yeah Luigi's got the moustache actually my room I have a moustache too but I think he doesn't feel this let me see oh wow does this go with like a Harry Potter thing this here is heavy guys it's a heavy crystal that is used to tell the future this oh that's what this don't that base was oh this one here look no that's for him all that is Luigi yeah a little black oh so it probably lights up and does an LED thing it's really heavy it's nice see the future what do we do magic crystal ball look at that damage I like it it's it's heavy usually everything we find the batteries are just dead on it I feel this feel how heavy that says guys I know no I'm saying it's it's solid okay I'm gonna say stuff reply hazy try again ask again later better not tell you know is it gonna pop these answers in it then tell us the truth future oh it's science wave your hand over the magic crystal ball yeah but turn the battery's probably dad yeah one of 15 answers here let's try it so we're gonna keep this in the car if he works your dumpster-diving exploits will ask about Dempster's will bring great success huh okay it works see burns are noble is a lot more generous to Canada Michels this would be like $35 zero in Kent it would be way more expensive they they've ripped the Canadians off would have Michaels that's fun that is cool okay that's fine we could give that to Katie she's California a lotta Hobbs and then a little bit of trash so what we do on that dumpster guys is we tried it just like you saw we we try to get in there grab the stuff real quick if there's a bag we just grabbed a bag and then we sort it later is that for Luigi I think so it's got it oh no it's a Carrera it's a career so there was a remote-control car somewhere like a Porsche Carrera he flies no I think he just takes off and just goes wherever he wants it's Luigi the ouija goes where he wants huh well we'll see let's plug him in while we drive all right we're gonna okay well that's fine gonna take him hey before we sign off it's almost the end of the year it's almost the end of the years near it is Mario and it's Mario screen but we before the end of the year we'll do a video where we're gonna tell you what our plans are for next year and this year has been wonderful we've we fulfilled most of our promises of trying to you know different things to make money without a real job we're gonna continue that and maybe some other adventures but we'll go over that with you guys we'll go how we want to recap the year and say how we did on our goals you know all the things we tried and what we plan on doing for the next year and it's all like we we don't look at it like we just want to have adventures we don't look at it like this is what we're gonna do the rest of our life whatever we're doing is what we like to do right now and we just want to continue to do those adventures very Daffy deals happy Mary thing every get the I I did a Steve did a yoga video video just for you yesterday if you follow us on Facebook oh we got 777 watchers and seven is my favorite number think you guys are wondering why Steve did a yoga video there's special yoga video service just for you Meredith Evy yeah hey hope you have Facebook purple pickles Oh Thank You purple pickles every Mario cuz there's an M his head Robo pickles thank you very much and everybody else that joined us we really we just can't tell you how much we appreciate it this has been an amazing year for us and we just really appreciate all you guys a lot we do and if you never watch any of our videos again you don't like them or whatever hey we still want you to enjoy your life so all of you guys enjoy your life UIL each other your guys will talk to you later bye bye
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 332,353
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: KtOQ84q1QO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 50sec (3530 seconds)
Published: Mon Dec 10 2018
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