Dumpster Diving- UNREAL SCORE! Our Car is Jammed FULL!

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this is looking good we're gonna have to hurry it's coming right now the trash truck's coming oh my gosh oh oh no panic what do i go for first i don't know what to grab most expensive items oh that would be the one if it was in there what terrible timing those are expensive i'm grabbing that for sure is that a floor model i need that no oh my gosh i'm getting nothing done oh my gosh what am i doing airspace i don't know what that is but i'm gonna grab it oh i'm grabbing this for sure dog dead oh yes i can't do that oh my gosh where's the rest of it it's missing the big canister [Music] this sucks i'm getting nothing i'm like in a panic there's so much stuff are they there not yet okay this ninja where's the bull oh they cut the cord i can fix that but where's the bowl [Music] [Music] grabbing it i need the bowl though [Music] is nice [Music] where's that trash truck okay gotta go oh man turn it i hope he only takes one of them there was stuff in both sides he might go up here first but man there's so much in there i i panicked i couldn't figure out what to grab okay we're going back he's booking it that way back okay now i've got some time to grab some stuff here [Music] that's nice yes okay i'm trying to find my [Music] for hole [Music] oh my gosh a cold-pressed juicer is it in there yes okay i'm grabbing that [Music] okay duvet that's nice [Music] ah there's more on the other side too okay i need this this goes to one of them these are nice to have okay it says it's broken i'm not even gonna open it that mattress foam i want it but i got more important things here [Music] slippers [Music] [Music] so [Music] so [Music] that's nice sprayed on the bottom but who cares okay the question is do i have room for this oh yeah right here what's the thing doesn't look used to me it's nice [Music] okay i'm taking it no k chords what a jackpot huh okay hold on to the other side [Music] okay that vacuum i'm gonna grab it if there's nothing else and there's more stuff and of course i'm losing battery let's see we can show it off [Applause] let's go [Applause] [Applause] record [Applause] [Music] oh my gosh this is my favorite one ever it's really nice that's cute [Applause] moving okay here's the heating pad it's heavy it must be weighted [Applause] um who doesn't love milk chocolate carnies i'm taking those [Music] not in there scissors [Applause] cute little jar where's the rest of it wow this is nice so nice okay i gotta get up there dig oh this goes to the shark okay it's in here i appreciate it [Applause] so [Music] [Applause] [Applause] this is the motherland [Applause] [Applause] okay [Applause] great under here where's that from me foreign no wonder [Applause] oh this is something [Applause] okay good there's more i could grab but we don't have room all these bedding things man i am grabbing this one because i can use the back side of this to cover that dog bed look at the car it's so full okay i don't know if i got everything but i got enough i think i don't know where that room but went but maybe next time we don't have more room onto the next that was insane this car is so full and it's just it is literally crammed this is the most i think we've ever stuffed in this car but there's one more blanket this stuff i know we're driving away i'm like i think i want that white blanket so i think that uh we'll cram it into my side window okay fit but this is unreal i know there's a vacuum cleaner i didn't even get a full-size vacuum they just i know that okay do it quick we got to go it feels like we've been here for a long time there's stuff i can't tell you how much stuff is crammed in here like every nook and cranny we were just shoving the stuff in oh i wasn't she was okay here comes another good blanket i can't even see out the rear window all right that's a nice soft one man this is that one did you get the gopro yeah i think it's a weighted blanket and we don't have one it is a weighted blanket but i don't know if it's a typical one anyways this is a massive load the trash truck i thought he he must go maybe he skipped oh he picked up that one he definitely picked that one up because it was bulging before we came back wow we'll show you guys what we found unreal this is unbelievable like seriously i think we got it there's more in there there's so much stuff in there steph thought they were going out of business i know man all right on to the next it's gonna take a while so let's get after it okay this is a great dog bed i don't know it was a orthopedic phone no but the reason i grabbed the i would have normally left the blankets or whatever but just because we didn't have room but if this if i can't get this spray paint off i can take the inside of that blue one the part that isn't spray painted and just recover this part so it can get saved it's wet yeah so it can go in the washing machine it's wet in one spot it doesn't stink other than paint it rained so i think it just sucked up some dumpster juice that's all yeah i think it just this probably was set in a little bit of water yeah it's not soaked yep i'm glad i can unzip that okay i couldn't even get this lid to shut i don't know what i was doing wrong or if there was something in the way but i found somewhere in there there's a crock pot it's an air fryer and a pressure cooker and a a pressure cooker a steam cooker this is it's missing the cable but we've sold tons of pressure cookers and they're always hard to open i almost didn't grab it but i thought it was broken um did they cut the cord yeah the cords cut so but this had the box i left the box but um i don't know we'll have to see it shows something here like something walks but it's just i don't see it turning you're gonna get spray paint all over your hand um but maybe the top turns i don't know we're gonna have to read something but i think that's what a lot of these little pieces went to i think it was in the bowl wherever the bowl is somewhere in there and you got cords yeah i got i can do this cord easy okay you've fixed pressure cookers and stuff before and that paint will come off i don't know what this is but i thought it looked fun like sitting at your desk like a tree yeah cause that's that's a magnet or something in there no it's a fan i think so you can um do your air your laptop can get cooled down do that again try to pull this side up with me here hold that button i'm not really sure oh that's weird oh here what about this side oh okay that does that okay and then and then shoot this out oh okay okay is there a push button on that side no well we'll have to figure it out maybe it goes in or out pull out on that top pull out you know sometimes that might make it i don't know what's this oh oh that's to lift it anyway whatever it is it's cool i know what it is i can get the paint off this good enough because because if it's got a fan on it who doesn't want a fan exactly it has a name so we can definitely look it up and see what it's supposed to look like air space look at these shoes these are velvety i think what they fit you that's what i was hoping velvety because remember yours got all that foot juice in it no packaging these were tied together stuff so i think just to correct you it's not foot juice it was flakes 13 to 14. so that'll fit my uh yeah my dad he would never wear slippers i can't picture it but we'll see okay there's a lid to something that goes to that oh that's the other lid it's the other oh maybe this will slide in okay let's see so one will air fry let's see it again okay go grab it because that makes sense so this one the pressure cooker does that one come off like completely off i think you leave it on there and then you can just do this if you're going to do the other one yes wow okay this is nice the canister i got somewhere fits in this wait oh never mind i was going to see if that goes like that but no but your sister had one of these when we went i saw and i asked her if it did both and she said it did so why have three containers when you can just have one all i gotta say is ninja oh i'm excited wow so they put their lids separate this is nice brand new lid new seal i can't wait to see this thing fired up it's just like an instant pot okay but only takes up room of one item that is really cool really cool this is this is an unbelievable haul guys oh my gosh this was unbelievable and she couldn't even get everything ooh what was this that was to the shark oh i saw it wasn't a room but it was a shark okay but i think it's the map that drives up on it okay but i couldn't find the vacuum i don't know where it was you never know and look honey foot bath oh where were you when we needed you it's used it's missing something you think it's used in here i don't think that yeah that's i hope i'm not doing somebody's foot juice foot juice but look right after we did our thing but this would have been clogged up let's face it oh mine would have there was another one too somewhere i grabbed another one my feet would have destroyed this yeah oh look at this that's a you got it this is this would have been perfect except we would have clogged it so it's actually good we got it after our feet are basically these things massage them yeah yeah if you didn't see the uh hopefully it works the foot video on the other channel i'm not saying to go watch it there were several videos cause some people will throw up yeah but if you're into that it was pretty interesting it was hilarious and you can see the practical joke okay this one said it was a um a couple of you said they were models i thought it was the pasta honey because remember we were talking about making pasta with our kitchenaid uh and they're expensive but these i don't know if they are but let's see what it looks like i do oh they zeroed it out for a dollar you know where you got it yes from you you're welcome oh okay two of them are in here oh it's attachments i see this is missing hmm that's all right we might have it in here i grabbed stuff these are pristine willy nilly would they work on yours without it i think it needs this little part i did find this this little teeny part i think it's in there somewhere here let's go on it that goes i think the shark back this is for this is for getting inside your shoes look at that you shove it in your shoes put behind banner display so when you have a banner display in it item still uses used as display and they didn't spray paint everything this time a lot of stuff did what's the part you need right now no this is the uh this is for meat grinding making sausage will that go on yours oh all it does is this darn it i would have left it okay so this is garbage that's not garbage well this will donate but this is garbage i just mean it will keep a little bit okay here's this okay well we'll save this with the vacuum this one look um a panini i couldn't get it to open though oh oh there we go oh it was tightened maybe that'll open it there i got it now never like if it doesn't open you just have to do it you pry it right what is this that's the oven this i think went to the uh toaster oven you'll never see another this small the oven mitt two of them whoa that is not this is funky i think it's a mask honey it's a oven it's a mess hi oh hold on you want to play that game huh easy easy now we can be friends what's that behind you over there look this is such a good score all right kisses hey oh okay bye these these are cool yeah these take up less room than my oven mitts okay this is you want an oven mat this is a smart humidifier i guess that means you just turn i don't even know why anybody would need this in california cord's good looks like it might have been used hopefully it'll work yeah it was used but yeah there's something in there it kind of has an odor all right but we could at least plug it in see if it works donate it wash it see what happens it's a humiliator okay keep going um this is a water filter six cup nice oh look a brita i don't know it might be stiff's grabbing more stuff okay i gotta wait for you i can't do it with holding the camera man there's a cold breeze and it's it's cold this has paint all over it but feel heavy it is it's a weighted one oh yeah this is like if you want the that's a heavy i know it will fit oh man that's a shame oh okay use it's used it's cute though it's a really cute picture like you can just put sewer water and it'll filter it out oh how cute that's weird where's the filter i just want to know what the filter looks like i like a cone okay there's something in it it might have charcoal yeah for sure charcoal everything smells like spray paint so bad i know okay this looks like it was wet or something it could be okay okay oh cardboard oh it's a brita filter okay i thought this is probably used then maybe so that might just be garbage too then see what know what i'm looking at um it goes on the on your faucet and then oops and then this sits in here and filters out your faucet water where does the call water come out of this yeah oh you're gonna lose all your power maybe but anyway it probably was used but still kind of a cool idea good enough but okay man this would be fun to use but because and i know just to address the spray paint there's people are always saying try this everything has been tried it doesn't come out of this i can't get it off fabrics at all very good i can get off the hard surfaces i've tried things i can wash i can just get it kind of pink you know but it still will get on things so this is the greasy weird paint paint is brutal okay over here mandolin spray painted watched mandalorian i know our son-in-law jay introduced me to it in texas it's really good i watched it when we were there for christmas i didn't finish it though i did watch it i've seen a little yoda and blade is what 42. 42.99 yeah ladies returned okay i can't get it out because they spray painted it so it's really stuck in there kung fu grip yeah kung fu it good luck with that i don't know i hate to rip the box if we're going to donate it but i don't think i'm going to get it you got to get it out this would be something i'd either keep or not because i wouldn't feel comfortable having any food item with this paint exactly and we can't we got to get it open because if it's donateable yeah your white stuff is safe okay spray paint's sticky really badly spray oh it's kind of bad i guess it's just spray painted the heck out of it yeah ow watch out those are ow those little things oh yeah you're right shark teeth yeah they had it tied into the spot they might be fun though we'll see if i can get how much i can get it off but i think we're gonna have a hard time yeah you know it's weird like this one they drenched it yeah sometimes they sprayed it out box yeah okay let's see what else check that baby out we try our hardest not to get spray paint in the car but that's why we use this old car because you never know isn't that cute it's missing like a lantern thing it's kind of it's a little teeny fireplace it'd be cute if it didn't have that paint on it but yeah that's true but it doesn't have any um batteries up you can get the paper yeah that'll be easy and i don't really care about it we have one of these in our oh this is a different type i know this one hangs from your hook yeah we got one in our our bathroom now this stuff foundation missing missing what this was 70 missing suction it goes around it doesn't need a suction cup the back doesn't it go you can stick it on a wallpaper yeah it hangs on your hook your suction so just forgot i don't know oh the suction all the suction does is keep it from bouncing around if you're like right so no reason for you to be banging it around no we're going to take this in the other shower there you go this is nice it definitely looks like a display doesn't it does it's awesome moving right along all right let me get more stuff here push some stuff over here this little thing will be cute if it's here leg get it over here and then we'll we'll do it together whoa that's a big one she's got coming whoa black and decker i thought it was used but it's pretty darn new to me like it even has the foam in it it looks brand new stuff yeah of course they painted but they didn't even they didn't go totally ballistic is this the same one we already had the one that we gave amanda it was a black and decker did you give her amanda an air fryer so this could go to her if it is this an airfryer it's also an airfryer yeah okay yeah we did give amanda one and then steph went back and there was a part that she found later like days later remember that yeah this might have dripped water out of it because this is wet unless when i pulled it out it was wet does this go with this you think i think that that goes to the um pressure cooker thing that's this tray okay here we might go take it from training okay yeah i don't think anybody used this it could be or displayed well there was a note and it said customer used or something there was so much stuff steph said she thought that they went out of business or something well no i did i just thought when we saw that other big dumpster there yeah maybe but this is cool like just to hang your shoes and stuff on oh let's see amanda will love this and the spray paint's only on the bottom so as long as we can get that to dry and not get moldy oh god it went to the one two oh yeah it went through okay went through a couple but you know what this is cardboard that's cardboard yeah i'll set it out so take the cardboard out now huh we'll just set it like this and let it dry hang it on the uh flagpole thing over there okay used as display the box still contains pieces that one has this display in box still contains pieces the same with this one right now displays displays pull it oh oh yeah look at all that darn it all right darn it i wouldn't have grabbed it wait maybe you know what maybe the pieces are loose maybe is this a pasta no but a veggie pasta now you're talking so the main part's missing but these are there had i known i would look for whatever this looks just looks like you could turn it into a weapon it's just missing this part yeah that costume looks good coming out it does oh look this is the part i said i found that went to i don't know something else i don't remember was it a kitchenaid thing yeah this one always sharp blade always use tools oh no is it that nope this is like some kind of blender thing or something maybe i don't know okay we'll see we'll figure it out this is an ashtray i don't know what this is wow you got all kinds of that thing here i don't know i wasn't sure either i just thought maybe this is important you would go to something important and we would be sad we didn't grab it yeah is that just a towel right it's nice well we're gonna use this in our sauna i'm just gonna make this into a sauna chair we use little towels because because it's a good width for it your signature yeah we have a little portable sauna we do it naked and then we set towels on the the seats that we have ah thanks for telling them that look what do you think of when you see this the all the pots and pans that we would get from and then we'd go to swami this this would be the first thing that would sell anything that you could um had our swap meetings of beans in yeah our swap meet this here even with a paint on it it would sell immediately i haven't had swap meets and since covet and the bigger the better yeah if you come in there with one as big as a car they're going to buy it so very popular we could use this if we wanted to yeah anyways that's easy to clean off yep bartender's friend this is good i just grabbed it because it's in my sauna sanitizer on a neck towel it's mopping up sweat yeah okay this was just cute for toothbrush toothbrushes oh yeah i don't normally grab the food i will grab chocolate like that but when i do it's gonna be gary chocolate caramel i'll eat one right now this is feels neat i like it yeah i didn't know what this one went to it might go to this somehow because it's the right width so we'll save that for this but this goes to that shark let's try it oh let's see what you're saying bring that shark over here it is oh ninja okay come on fit come on fit it's got to be nice okay okay that'll go in there i don't know what it's for yet we'll find it it's going to be a nice my sister has this and she loves it i know she got rid of her instant pot because she only has to have one thing man it's heavy though good thing steph has experience with cut cords yeah look at that oh no there were three little metal tray things like the egg things like this i didn't know what to do but normally it'd be like you're right that's exactly it look i know but i was thinking this would be a nice little water bowl or something i'm not drinking out of that no no i'm using you can't make me drink out of this like i'm an animal okay okay that fits perfectly i didn't even know if they sprayed it i don't know what kind of pop that is whoa easy woman throwing dangerous stuff at me over here another okay i'll wait for you this this definitely goes to that there's no doubt no doubt on that one and you got another one okay is this one smaller wait no they're the same but take that thing out of it oh i don't know what that's that i just found on the ground you could boil uh candle wax in those that's true it's not like i know what i'm talking about this is a weird one that is very weird does that even come out i don't know is this oh that'll tell you but this how do you get this out it doesn't even have english on here i think they this is why they return oh indian cookbook so it's something for it's not they jam this in there unless it comes out the bottom nope how do you get your food in and out steph i'm telling you somebody forced it in there and then they returned it because they can't get it out no you have to have oh no look at this hold on okay i had to switch to my phone because we went through another battery we burned through two batteries on this hall honey look at this picture it shows her with this off how how is he supposed to get oh wait does that unscrew no even if you unscrew that i don't this is insane it was like a puzzle okay got it that would you want to try this stuff i don't know call indian cookbook 32 recipes it's just a pressure cooker so i don't think it needed this special thing you could donate it fancy a key bob okay bad okay so we're not rocket scientists but there's proof right there that we're not that was fun it is cold did we look at this one and also because here here's my snacks snacks with that neat little cup i don't know what it is it's a toothbrush holder or whatever but somebody used it with their toothbrush you can see two faces okay and then this did we figure out where this ghost stuff no i don't know what it goes to yet but i'm not it might go to something okay maybe that i'll open it up see what's in there i like the pictures on the side yeah this one didn't spray paint you got two mandolins out of this maybe it's just definitely used i see some you got some mandolin something on here but they didn't get it um this one can oh gross gross that's okay oh my god all the stuff we've had i'm not eating that i'll clean it okay oh that's kind of clever then i don't know how it works i don't cut my fingers but i've never used this kind all right what is this i thought it was a bra or something i don't know what it is i saw it but i didn't actually look at it oh we have one of those a hemp thing but for him or something it was a back posture thing it's a cold day in southern california yeah we have this already we have one like it yeah the same one another one the hump remover where did it go we've got it i know but it's on my desk i know but you didn't like this one is you like i didn't try this one i tried this oh this one's got some other stuff going on like it's got yours didn't have that's what i'm saying this isn't all the strength didn't do anything to me it's doing something to me is it is it correcting your hump it's either giving me a hump or taking away man you're just wider there i guess it's it's on this side mainly it needs to come over no your hump is intact whoa what is this contraption i think that goes to the one of those vacuums you stick this in your face this was super heavy i don't know what it is i bet it's uh dirty stained what is it though why is it so heavy it's a blackout curtain maybe i think you're wrong blackout curtain but it's sprayed in spots looks like blood but um i could still use it for something all right okay okay hold on there's more here steph take that take that man you got all kinds of stuff i know and that there was another one that he didn't look at the dog hair in it how do you know it's a dog well we got two of these ironically after everything we could have used those when we were doing them that was hilarious what did this go to oh that's one of these mops or whatever okay yeah boner whoa yeah you'd get like a spray cartridge stick it in we're missing the under the poles there except the spray sometimes they just tag it with a little sometimes they don't spray it sometimes they saturate okay so that's that's the handle which employee what personality type really goes to town with the spray so this is but think about the person it looks profile you got the heavy sprayer the light sprayer and the nose sprayer i like the nose sprayer best that's what i would do you'd be no i would just break oh you just shot me with something juice came out yes look at what's on there and it's on me steph you're right it did i know i'm right i feel it on my arm i got it i went to the song what the heck did you just spray on me a floor cleaner oh okay as long as it's floor cleaner it's fine it goes some gold washers i wouldn't want it to be water so this probably works it's not electro it's not mechanical so let me use this to wipe it off whatever it was on me it did work i don't want to clean up you shut that off yeah okay okay let's keep going all right let's put this guy so it works yeah just leave it on there whoa okay this is what that other hose goes to i think oh this hose here yeah i think it goes to take it right look look you're right yeah oh there's a handheld oh it can be a handout i don't know if it's all in here i don't see the actual vacuum oh it might be here that's a handle okay we're missing the this part darn it all right whoa stiff it's stiff yeah is there something wrapped in this no that's how this is so blanket i told you believable this is the one i went back for it felt like something was wrapped in there like seriously it's a throw who wants to have that on them monique has one and she said she sleeps so good it's like 20 there's weight on her she said it's not necessarily hot but it's heavy it's more than 20. i picked it up i thought you had stuff wrapped in there i can't even throw this in washing machine i don't think wow i heard it's glass beads in there glass beads yeah feel right here just grind it oh yeah it looks like little sand bean bags yeah that's all right okay you'll have to cover that it's got a little paint this is i think what that other piece is you're right maybe this thing maybe yeah i'm going with yesterday okay and if it's not we'll just make it we've got a toothbrush in there why does it have a reds because they they ran something through it oh hey they ran paint through it it's cute look how little it is here let's put it together and see what they think it's definitely look yeah wait are they the same part yeah so maybe they had two of them or one's a finer grade and one's a thicker maybe well i'd rather use the one that has yeah they're a little different i guess okay how do you even fit a fruit in here you can fit a banana in there i don't know what it is i don't understand is it really a juice it's so tiny oh that's what it is it's just like for a little compact one instead of the big juicer you slice your fruits and you jam them through that thing what goes here okay we sold a ton of juices i think this originally came with fruits this is just a small compact one compact size so it is for a little one because who wants it yeah they are huge but look you have to slice your carrots to tiny thin slices yeah but it's okay like say you're just you know you're the only one in the family who wants to use it yeah you don't want to make enough for everybody it's heavy i hope it worked another one they didn't cut the cord on so that's good did it have a note what did the note say the note says dirty small dirty's good okay but what goes out here is this just shoots out into this without us here's the spout thing yeah but this one's probably probably the waste this side yeah that's the pulp this takes the pulp this here is right here look this is this part isn't it weird that there's no spout to this pulp they don't want to show it because they know you look at it go wait a second oh and then what's this do goes on the top and you feed in okay well we'll mess around oh yeah you're right you feed it in oh there okay that's your plunger this side will do the pulp and this side the juice will come out you put about i don't know 12 apples you'll get a quarter of a cup quarter cup of apple juice pretty good yeah and you got to cut it really small i think that thing works i think it's going to work too so oh and then this is getting pretty ratty looking so i was thinking about it we'll keep this one that's neat it's got this little thing that you can point your drip spout to too that's pretty neat you tell it where you want it to yeah to drain maybe you could put cups on there or something i don't know but it's kind of cool i like it i don't see anything wrong with it compact yeah otherwise don't eat this is unreal how heavy this blanket is guys you know what you could do maybe you cut the red edge off and then just i don't know this is the blanket look how much material i have to cover that dog bed that doesn't have red on it on this side oh yeah you got plenty of ruins over there yeah it is a number but i can use this look what they did there yeah melted or something yeah you could this one is i can use the white side if you cut a section out this blue is cool looking huh yeah for a dog bed it is cool all right was that it i think so i've never felt a weighted blanket this i bet this thing weighs 30 pounds it's really heavy wow on to the next well good score thanks for joining us on to the next
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 225,036
Rating: 4.8856826 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: JVxkI3lGSec
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Fri Feb 19 2021
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