Dumpster Diving- It was at the bottom of the Trash!

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all righty there's stuff whoa these are cool [Music] oh yeah i'm keeping those i like those okay spray paint a ninja so here i wish i could get in here [Music] okay oh definitely taking this for pumbaa that is so cute but our granddaughter needs any blankets for his little bed oh that goes to that massager i saw the other day oh unless this is another one i hear stuff in here okay i like this little case though i'm taking this yoda [Music] oh i know i smelled a candle definitely taking this yum mango peach salsa oh my goodness yum okay that smells good okay i'm gonna need to box oh how cute adorable i can get that paint off i think that's cute coffee pot [Music] just a big mess that's not bad for a candle holder so when i get candles and i find these kind of things i'll just slip this out of the sleeve how the glass leaves stick it in this and there's my candle and then i can at least it gets one more chance this one sugared cinnamon oh yeah yum oh that smells so good it smells just like sugared cinnamon another candle evergreen smells pretty good christmassy for sure take off some glass on here [Music] okay so some of them i melt down oh it's a wood wick yay i love those they crackle take another one so i've got some mugs at home that are broken handles or ugly and i'll just take this candle just as is slip it in there and i don't have to do anything to it and i got a free candle perfect there we go [Music] okay candle okay [Music] it's hard for a curtain to take that noisy [Music] what's this something for a cabinet or drawers i'll take it [Music] that's fine take that okay let's look [Music] what [Music] [Music] that's okay [Music] another soap thing [Music] i definitely need these because i find soaps all the time it's working okay this might be a twin but i'll probably grab that i can't even see what's under here [Music] this pet ramp's in there is it sprayed really bad broken pieces damage please did i spray it [Music] yes it's spray painted where's the damage this looks okay this looks fine i'm taking this okay steve's on the phone with my parents and this i guess that goes with it i don't know [Music] so [Music] hey okay [Music] what is all this be careful that that bottom is not like lift under hold under yeah okay twin sprayed yes we'll take this for her granddog [Music] oh it sprayed really bad [Music] mm-hmm [Music] squeegee broken what else is back here [Music] here looks like a little fireplace or something okay that's for catering okay i think i'm going to take those curtains because i can get that off of that metal easily so i'm going to take that oh it's bent let's see oh yeah i can't forget these these are cool okay it's down there daily where what is it [Music] [Music] um [Music] so [Music] [Music] look got a shark vacuum what's the note say used didn't like perfect that's awesome okay we gotta go i see a car i dropped this there's a car coming right now gotta go what is that let's find out oh it said beach but it's broken here it's missing some letters oh what do you think it said beach for sure it's a beach it doesn't like a beach but it's broken and um we're missing a couple letters so let's just like the beach i do i do i do a little thing over there chocolates what's this little thing i'm going to grab this there's a candle right here too yes little teeny gift boxes handle there i know but it's got stuff all over the glass all over it i might not grab that one this mermaid is broken the red thing right there red that you're covering this part of a lid [Music] that led to uh something it's glass it doesn't smell bad no that candle smells really good [Music] santa snow globe santa on a motorcycle [Music] please he's missing arms these globes broken they broke something nice oh that is nice i wonder what that was [Music] maybe it was a diamond a vase or something yeah didn't eat this grabber huh do you need this grabber [Music] nothing down there [Music] [Music] nothing i don't know if i can get these beach off the e i'm wondering if i can get the letters off at least if you want the letters you can just grab this whole thing i'm going to pop it like this i got one all right those are cute see somebody hudson at least somebody can get a letter yeah you could write this you could say what the heck heck heck or g g or what can you guys think of okay on to the next okay my arms are absolutely gassed from trying to get paint off of baby yoda oh i can't do it i'm at a credit cutter and um so i try to just make do with the um rc hand sanitizer dawn um the what is this this oxy the other stuff just trying to get it all i can't get it out this is the best i can do so i washed it it's going in the dryer baby yoda is cute but i need to bring it to amanda tomorrow so um our granddog pumbaa can have a blanket i might cut it in half and have it have them have two because he's got uh old doggy incontinence and he keeps wet in the bed so having more and more of these blankets is nice to have um so anyway my arms are gassed from just scrubbing and scrubbing and scrubbing i can't spend all day scrubbing it's ridiculous scrubbing this stupid red paint they've got some voodoo magic red paint okay keep drying i got the paint off of these which was not fun to do either and that's why arms are gas too um actually i guess i didn't get it all off of this but i see there's a crack here but i really don't care i'm gonna use it there's a crack and a chip so and that's not ceramic that's plastic um so just a spoon rest i'm keeping that i'm keeping this they're fine this vacuum is missing the hose it's spray painted i've just i cleaned the spray paint off of just the um the teeth just to test it and look this is gonna fly off i'll take it off so the vacuum works but it's missing the little cap that goes on here the hose is missing like the wand there might be something that sits on here that's missing i'm not sure it has a couple accessories so i'll just keep an eye out for those next time we go maybe they'll be in there you know how they seems like maybe they throw some things away a different day but we just found some other accessories for a rocket and i think i've still got it so that's good this little guy i didn't bother cleaning the paint off because i want to make sure it worked first it does not work i wish i knew more about electronics but this little panel here is loose it just pops out um right here and i can't get it to work i've got batteries in and if i glued it back on it's fine but i don't know if it's broken or if i just don't know enough about electronics but it seems like this should have something that connects to touch these middle probes here but i don't know enough about it so i can't get it to go so this is a no-go but it looks like leds light up and then this little thing must reflect the leds and make it look like a flame so it's probably pretty cute um but i can't do it i can't get it to go sadly because i wanted to see what it looked like that was for this um flame so i'm glad i didn't spend the time getting this off it also looks like the paint might have melted the um finish on the top of this anyway but it wouldn't matter if it was just sitting on a shelf it's pretty cute um this little guy just has it's washed but it has paint on a little bit of it here so um i might make this into a couple little blankies just for pumbaa our dog granddog for his bed too just to you know get some more use out of them and um i think that's it from this load of stuff i needed to check let me see what else was out there oh yeah the doggy stairs oh and another um i didn't want to bring it all in because it smells like paint so badly that if it didn't work i don't want to bring it in so that's it these stairs we're just gonna i'm gonna try to get some of the paint off and we'll donate it i think you can get it off good enough for that um and this i'll donate these accessories and the vacuum if i can get the other pieces then um then i'll hold on to it but if i can't i'm just gonna donate accessories because they can always use them anyway on to the next enjoy your life
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 202,932
Rating: 4.8922052 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: BCwgbSkuMf8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 58sec (1198 seconds)
Published: Mon Jan 04 2021
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