She Found all these Gift Cards- How much Money did She get?

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okay I got a propane tank out there and I don't know if there's a balance under that I want to see famous for writing it down on there for me to thank you hey everybody its staff from Steven Steph retail killers and Steven Steph just plain old Steve and Steph channels we've got two channels by the way if you like this video subscribe to both I will put a link in the description below to both channels that we have and if you want to see how we get these that's what how you're gonna see them a lot of people in my last video just found our channels due to that due to just this video gift card video and a lot of people said that can't be true because those cards have to be activated in order to have a balance all of the cards that we are I'm gonna show have been well I mean can't say every single one's been activated but every single one was I want to say all of them are probably gonna be activated there's gonna be a few randomly that maybe just got to run away without an activation but every single one probably will have an activation we'll see but what it is is we dumpster dive and we find these after somebody has already used it they put a balance on there they say they you know went to Petsmart and bought a gift card for $200 whatever it's gonna be and then they go and they spend it and they've got 20 cents left on it do they want to carry around the gift card to 20 cents on it no they just throw it away or mistakes happen where you go to the register we had a lot of people in comments if you read the comments on our other last video that we did there's a lot of good stuff in there but in the comments on the other video they said that they had a gift card and they went and went to redeem it used it had a balance on it and they threw the wrong one away somebody gave you know the first cashier gave them the empty one back you could say they had a couple of them to trade in and the one that had a balance like 30 bucks or whatever they didn't have it and of course you don't go in the car and check your gift card after you get home you you know you check it the next time you use it so next time they went to go use it didn't work anymore at a zero balance so stuff like that mistakes happen especially a lot of the gift cards it seems like um seem we have the best luck at byebye baby and I don't know if it's because you get so many gift cards as a present for a registry like a baby registry that there is a lot more room for error so it seems like for the small amount that I we find it has the higher number of cards not value but number of cards that will have a balance on it that's all time this is how many Altos I'm checking yeah bye my baby this is how many I'm doing today maybe a handful of these maybe like three or four out of this mini will have something on it one cent ten cents maybe twenty dollars I don't know we don't know what it's gonna be but it's exciting and fun to find out so because we're already there dumpster-diving it's not like we're going out looking just for gift cards we're already out there digging for stuff so if I see gift cards I'll grab them because I'm already there and might as well and there's always a chance there's something on there and I really enjoy checking them it's very fun for me I come from an accounting background so I love to use a tin key I'm really fast with it so it's gift cards when you find him they all will be they have a little a little strip on the back that is something fun with it I went through and I scraped off all the strips on all of them with this handy dandy little thing it's a it's a plastic razor blade and this will save your life I'll put a link to the this it's an Amazon actually in the description of this video also these are great it will come with this little blue thing and maybe two of them I can't remember now and then a bunch of like a stack of all the little orange ones and I use these for labels on things when we sell stuff you peel off the labels these are just handy I use them on everything but anyway so the little strip will have your pin number on back so you take your little might not be so easy to do with that having a hard surface we take your little peeler or you can use a like a coin but man does it take a long time with a coin because it's a plastic strip that's on there and then take your little strip and I stick it on a piece of tape here so here I went down one night and we were watching TV and I just scraped my huge stack and I sorted all the cards put them in stacks rubber-banded them so then it makes it easier for me to go through and check all the ulties check all the bath and Bodyworks all together at once so that's how we're doing it so wish me luck hey honey do you want to guess at what my gift card balance is gonna be he's on his way to take Jerry for a walk come on in okay what's your guest for today so you could blend in again hundred dollars nice what was it last time I think it was a hundred and twenty-three or something like that I'm sorry can I say all right I'm gonna go with like 45 you know what it's like going to the casino yes no it's like a scratcher yeah it is but it's free oh I gotta walk the dog to the phone I'm gonna go love you wish me luck okay oh I better find something in here I wish I had a big pile of Starbucks gift cards at Jack okay so I'm gonna check my Dick's Sporting Goods way down here at the bottom it says gift cards so that's where I'm gonna click and I've got a stack a Dick's Sporting Goods gift cards to check right here big old pile so in the frame okay somebody asked can you check they wanted to see every single one of them like a live of me checking all these and oh my gosh it's going to it would take me forever and I can't talk while I am thinking of numbers I get this is slows me down significantly so I'll do a couple but I don't want to bore you to death with checking all of these so there we go says gift card balance is zero so going to the next one just really doesn't take me too long especially if I don't have this stuff in my way I wish there was a tab on there six eight four seven nine zero six six check balance I really hope we find something at Dick's Sporting Goods one of these days I don't find the gift cards there too often but but Steve really needs some shoes so 6147 28 3 2 2 6 2 o 8 2 2 8 4 tub this one was fifty let's see if it is nine eight seven six five two nine five four check balance zero to one sixty four twenty six or seven thirty forty fourteen thirty four five four four one one one eight fifty okay check balance boom zero what what do you guys see it 19:21 there it is that's exciting so that's like a half a pair of shoes from there probably okay so normally I write on these sharpie on the back saying how much it is but this card is so dark um I have to write it in the corner or something so it's 1921 1921 that's my first score um I've done a bunch of the I did all the bath and Bodyworks so far nothing nothing on any of them and I did the GameStop ones this is my stuck at Gamestop nothing on the GameStop mama so I still have tons more to check so let's keep going I still have a bunch of dicks ones here to keep checking gee I can't talk and do this it's hard okay gone through the ulties nothing not even one penny on those ulta cards and it's a big stack of Ulta this mini Ulta that many and nothing it's a discouraging day but I still have 1921 from that from the Dick's Sporting Goods one so I'm on to Barnes & Noble and last video that I did I didn't even do any of the Barnes & Noble because I have the worst luck with not worse luck but I'm wondering now if Barnes and Noble ours at least possibly because every single one of theirs is pre scraped they've got the little pin mark off like that number is peeled off already so I'm thinking they check their balances before they throw them away maybe because not once in all these months now that I've been doing this have I ever found a Barnes and Noble one of the balance not what okay zero not one cent on this big stack but guess what the average gift card for teachers apparently is twenty five or twenty dollars is how much people give to their teacher because a lot of these will save for teachers and I was looking to see huh g-give mom how much do you give because a lot of these I'll say when it's for like this for mom um or for teachers so twenty bucks is what I guess you give your teacher for our present and apparently teachers like to go spin it at Barnes and Noble so that's good to know okay some cards like this Tuesday morning one um they don't have a website spot to check but somebody said just call the number on the card and I'm gonna do that I want to call on these ones that have got a little stack up and supposedly they're automated so go to the Tuesday morning gift card hotline to receive the balance of your gift card press one to receive please enter the gift card invert please wait while we process your request the gift card number has no remaining balance you may discard a gift card thank you ah on the back of this five below card um it actually says on this card it is redeemable for cash merchants for merchandise only it may not be redeemed for cash except in California on card bounces less than ten dollars so that's cool it says a write on this card that here in California which is where I am if this has anything on it I can um I can go in the store and get cash how crazy crazy is that I didn't have to buy anything from the store just go get cash and that's another thing I want to talk about about these cards wait a lot of people saying it's stealing and or it's I don't know why they would think it would be stealing but these are trash these are discarded in the trash and one thing that people don't think about is somebody bought this gift card they spent twenty five dollars or whatever it is and paid the store for this balance and then they gave it to somebody or whatever was the case so somebody paid good money for this if the person who is discarding it throws it away and it's got $10 on it whatever it is the store is keeping that money it's not going anywhere it just goes to nothing it just sits there as an unresolved balance trust me from an accounting side I know the store would of course love everybody just throw all their gift cards away but it takes a long time before the store actually will decide that it's time to cash this thing in and count that as income basically well they were too counted his income is it as additional income you're taking this money that is actually was going to go to somebody somebody's gonna spend this money it was paid for it's not stealing it's it's actually should be used it was there to be used so why not use it why not use your penny you why not use your six cents whatever it would be and get cash it out let the accountant reconcile and be beautiful once again save the cash it says on this card to treat this as cash well if it's lost or stolen that's it treated as cash so if they're throwing it out treated as cash it's like taking not taking a five dollar bill that's in the trash can why would everyone leave that there they wouldn't it doesn't make any sense so we might as well save the pennies save the money save the 19:21 from Dick's Sporting Goods right here did you hear that honey yeah you're going to you're gonna get some shoes out of that and use it well you can get one shoe a half a pair of shoes for night duty and so far many I'm striking out I haven't found anything other than that 19 21 and I'm almost to the end here I'm down to the weird little ones and to be honest the ones that are like this where they have a Visa or MasterCard or whatever this is my stack of those kind to check these are an any gift card any anybody's trash can and they have they seem to have a higher likelihood of having a balance because the store can't look up this and tell you how much is left on it so if you think there's around $20 left on there and you spent 20 you might just throw it away because you spent $19 you know so we have better luck with these they don't have anybody's name on them they're just like a prepaid gift card a lot of them seem to be from Target and all of them on the back you can go to their website on the back and check them just like these other cards so I got I hopes for these see what happened the last four digits of the account number entered are 0 3 0 4 if correct please enter the your available account balances $0 thank you it's so much faster doing on the computer than calling I can tell you that ring ok right now I'm doing a home depot card that I found it's a store credit thing it's got a scrape through it and then 1 1 3 point 7 1 written on him so I'm gonna see if they will maybe tell me at the customer service desk worth a shot because otherwise we're good I'm gonna have good on the store and check it I have a gift card here it's a merchandise credit or a store credit and I it says on the back of the card that I need to check in the store but I just wanted to know what my balance is before I come down there to buy something is it possible for somebody to check it you do yeah ok all right well thank you who's worth a shot your expected wait time is approximately this system is experiencing technical difficulties and cannot perform your search that's not gonna work 83 minutes I'm not waiting for that rare thing you get a witness here Steff driving only been seen a couple times on YouTube and there's right but okay so I'm on my way to Home Depot it's right around the corner it's really close to our house and I think we need propane got it right there for a barbecue so I'm going to check this balance and you you know me people told us on the gift card video relaxed one how they've never even thought about it but how many gift cards they have in their house or in their wallet or in a drawer at home that it's for a place that they don't use or you know as a gift or was a little leftover balance and it's just sitting there or they've thrown it away like ten bucks or less they're just like I don't want to carry this around anymore throw it away it happened I'm recording but I'm not gonna record to you okay I'll put it like it watch I put it on me okay I got a propane tank out there and I don't know if there's a balance on it or not so that's what this video is I want to see ya in exchange the other ones out there next to the 98 30 mm okay did this show in history on their like when was that purchased or would how long is that when does it used last or whatever I tried calling and they wouldn't tell me anything I didn't mean for you to have to look it up okay Wow okay that's an oldie okay that's what I wanted to know I just want to know how long that one's been sitting around oh and it was 99 what oh no I meant right now okay yeah so what I'll do if you want I'll just write the balance yeah okay and it was ninety or what was my total of that was 90 98 okay I'm so good thank you and then already having also for you okay thank you very much for writing it down on there for me too thank you thank you very much you feel thank you can't wait to tell Steve oh my gosh you guys I hope you could hear that I'm recording recorded it so I think you could probably hear her but it was pretty noisy in there but okay that gift card I wrote it on my Costco it had 98 dollars and 30 cents and somebody had bought it for 198 bucks or 190 something back in 2016 so they probably had that thing used it didn't remember how much was on there and just chucked it or got lost in something I don't know 2016 it's 2019 so I bought my propane sitting right here and I've got seventy six dollars fifty eight three money so that's how is it people asked how do you use it just go and use it like cash it's amazing it's so cool when she said that 98 dollars or whatever I don't know I'm sure it was just a split second but my heart froze for a second like 98 dollars that's crazy Kenny come here yes ma'am they're had zero on that card oh you're not all gonna have money people just kidding get sandwiches on there saw you walking in with the are you scented well I would have bought the propane either way I'm a twist propane 20 something 20 bucks I think it's night to night or whatever I'm gonna say that you had $15.75 thing nope I'm right here I'm gonna look at it cuz she said it I wrote down 50 times 98 dollars and 30 cents are you serious yes that card this card was purchased back in 2016 or somebody sign with me no 2016 somebody bought this for 198 or had a store credit mister didn't return think I how much is on there well now there's only how much was there 98 30 I was close are you serious yes it's just another way to save a little money here and there and to hit like it's like look at it this way you're getting like lottery tickets for free scratchers yeah you don't win on scratcher all time and you pay for that one these are zero anyway thanks for joining this thanks for them depot but thanks more for this you're more excited about that than there all right guys enjoy your life enjoy
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 326,427
Rating: 4.8770576 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving, She Found all these Gift Cards- How much Money did She get?, She Found all these Gift Cards, How much Money did She get?, Gift Cards, Money, My wife found all these gift cards
Id: r5LyL60gKOo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 15sec (1455 seconds)
Published: Mon Mar 18 2019
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