Amazing! Who sent all these mystery packages? What did we get?

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hi guys welcome welcome to the stephen steph game show no no no we're unboxing these uh packages we got fun stuff thank you uh kelly and i think it's it's m-i-k-i i think it's mickey so but it could be makai mickey like a wiki bus a wiki mickey digging digging a shirt let's get let's get right into it y'all look at all these there's like a billion things here i'm so excited to see okay this is steph only back off steve this is from f douglas in washington okay back off steve i'm off i'm gonna show it over my chair steph only in case you didn't believe her i think that's hilarious don't even look in here honey i'm not looking over there at all name it something hot where is it from what washington the state of washington yeah oh i'm like washington this is from rosie neary ohio volcano popping candy so it was actually looking out for me fun it says family on there doesn't it feel like you know these are what i need pop rocks but they're flavored cola and strawberry these things look scary it doesn't say they're hot do they no you just don't get any delicious sweet candy what everything this isn't hot i don't think so should we do one well let's let's move along first because i might have to do it in in secret because i wouldn't want who was it from f douglas wouldn't want f douglas to to get upset maybe i'll do something right in front of you yeah dude do that you want me to what i i don't care i'm just going let's do one little pot one little rock i'll go with cola okay while she's doing that i'm opening now gotta know oh this is um oh wait a minute oh they're little pouches oh i'll let steph read this hold on i'm going for this right now you can i could do this while you're opening and putting that in your mouth it smells like coffee much skill for me okay down the hatch this is from rosie neary in ohio ooh this is great good wrapping on here it's like shrink-wrapped honey i'm so sorry you can't have any i'm actually not feeling sorry for myself at all it doesn't they're so does it sound good to me right now okay don't don't look at douglas whoa we got stuff falling okay oops don't look down what's going on no no i don't even want i seriously i'll i might try some later but i don't want any right now what am i gonna do with that all i've had is is all i had is breakfast come on i'm not a big uh i don't have a big sweet tooth i'm going for two then okay oh my god a while to open this we'll never get through all these packages at this rate thank you so much for these there's more stuff too that is so fun great rosie this is from rosie grandkids have never had anything poppy i don't think okay yeah we did oh yeah with uh whoo he's popping his back in my my brain i don't think we let mila do it but dean oh okay rosie said well over a year later i finally get this in the mail to you i'm so glad you're back to dumpster diving again but please continue to stay safe we will our daughter who lives in chile just gave birth on june 14th and both she and her husband uh oh it has a part of her oh no oh my goodness oh okay she went and she was negative okay that's interesting it's another quarantine they'll have to have the kids tested oh no man that sucks sorry rosie yeah that's this covet thing is frustrating okay what is going on here this is so cute rosie all i know is i see a little kids are in chile chile chile yeah the country of chile i call it chili but um we used to work with tom and tom would call it chile you could make it point to college tom i think tom was right tom's always right oh how cute they can't okay i know i don't wanna i gotta pop this back on real quick cause it kind of came off i steph manhandled it it's over uh they over packed it look it's a little dumpster what's that on the top i think it's some dumpster trash it's a barbie a barbie uh car glam convertible so this is in the trash how cute and then there's all kinds of stuff in here how adorable oh these are nice look little tissue oh it's not focusing little clean little uh toilet paper goodness in here there's a bunch of little stuff in here a bag of trash vegetables oh no it's hair supplies that that came from ulta oh totally these two perfume shampoo conditioner probably i'm gonna tell you guys where everything comes from how cute phil having this bag of trashes more tissue oh yeah this is a mystery no this is somebody dumped their personal items and this is a black plastic bag that they put in the game this is so cute it's a little ball and mitt and um baseball man this dumpster is loaded this came from dick's sporting goods right here this came from starbucks how adorable are these little teeny teeny tiny things here did you see that rosie these oh how cute oh i love that stationary and books that oh this has a title on it that's steve right there oh that's mother goose you can't read this it's a mother goose book um this one's dr seuss book another dr seuss book these are for steve i wonder if i could read them oh i think they're too small for your hands this is uh oh wait night before christmas not nightmare big difference cute man another starbucks how adorable and this is like lotion or something a little kindle oh a couple little books winnie the pooh my favorite this is a heavy dumpster this might be like legitimate to scale robinson crusoe because they're throwing away books all the time you guys i just found a bunch of books that's a cute little starbucks mug and it feels ceramic and heavy cute little starbucks frappuccino oh my gosh these are so cute rosie and a donut how cute well i love them on to the next rosie this is so fun they're bad i didn't see the bag there was a bat and a little baseball mitt and baseball those are from dick's sporting goods thank you very much i love this a year later it was worth the wait very cute and i hope you're so cute your family recovers from the coding oh i know it's scary it is scary ah scary up there it is but oh there's more note here i didn't read this envelope on your side okay um oh this is part two this is part one okay what did she wrote she's waiting to send it's on black paper and it's white and it's written very nice i was so excited to send this to you until about a week ago i was watching you guys and lo and behold someone beat me to it to add insult to injury i watched you open another one talk about a bursted balloon that was a year ago for sure maybe more i remember that yeah there's been a couple ducks yep we've had two cute little ones but they're so adorable oh they're all very nice thank you yeah oh i love it thank you and we haven't had any since i don't oh no we did have one we had one that was made for us then the little dome adorable okay i'll start oh that's so cute thank you so much this is adorable this is adorable i love it made us smile it did i love it i have no you know what i smile every dumpster i go in it doesn't matter how many dumpsters that i get i'm gonna look at them and they're miniature ones yes more because they're miniature because it's so cute okay let me see if there's a note in here for steve not death kind of note oh oh wow what's that a surprise gift for you the package this this looks like it's some kind of a wizard or something sent this this is another one from mj from dennis dennis is mj oh maybe your name on youtube is mj let's see there's a fan how cute what is this gonna be thank you mj slash dennis dennis mj hi enjoy your gift from mj whoever look at what they did this is really that's it's really pretty if you buy i think it's the amazon gift bag wrap if you up opt in for that cause we got that big the cat the cat was in that big ol oh um well here neat bag pull the bow okay i have a friend named mj and his name is michael jordan yes literally literally michael jordan but he's steve's age so he's older than the other michael jordan are you older than michael jordan no you're not no not not the basketball player or my friend well here we go you and your michael jordan went to school together so this bag is nice okay what is this gonna look like it would be something on like harry potter huh that's what i think laura laura southard has been busy writing my first novel oh my goodness about a serial cereal rapist killer oh wow oh my goodness quite a topic yeah i would love to read that unfortunately there's a lot of subjects out there to choose from yeah it's true but look what we got sent from mj totally trivia love totally triggered the complete quiz game who's the who's know it all who's the know-it-all of your family oh it's not me neither of us we need someone in our family to be a know-it-all because we don't know anything this will be fun rock and pop tv and film fun and games people and places science and nature and past and present yay i'm excited because you guys know how much we love trivia this is awesome we love games so fun we can never get enough trivia here let me write on there this is from mj sorry can you grab that forever there's a big envelope that fell beside you oh i heard a bunch of stuff yeah we got it we got to step it up here okay we got to take it up a notch okay this is i really like this bag this is like i get i'm sure they expect you to reuse this because this is okay it's too nice put a little slit in here so i can slide this in yeah we'll keep that back we'll reuse that bag because that's adorable here i'll open this real quick okay i hope everybody's having a good weekend i am i don't know knees open carefully do not use sharp objects to avoid cutting inside items that's why you could adjust this to where it barely comes out but i will try to manipulate this note i'm gonna try to just rip it open with my hands i won't use any blades because if i accidentally cut it i could get in trouble oh this is what's in with the pop rocks this is fawn and john i don't know where this came from this thing fell out funny john um i saw these and bought some for you and seven i laughed so hard watching you torture him with heat i myself love heat but when i tried mine well no heat they're just regular pop rocks i was sad but decided to let you test seven with his control of heat i get so much enjoyment out of your videos that being said let them know ahead of time so he can prepare for the heat then he can feel like i did oh then he can feel like he did it oh no you just told me beans and i could have had a moment a moment it would have been amazing if you didn't spill the beans i could have sat there and said hey this actually worked and i would have at least had until the next time i ate something hot i would have been going around saying my brain is very powerful darn it but i will say that is so cute that you wanted to see his face when he thought he controlled it well it's really cute that you you just blurted it all out there man well i really enjoyed the pop rocks they were really good in fact check this out oh i can't believe that darn it i can't okay okay here this is okay um oh they want us to review them for the leggings and more who's this from is there a note it says live for leggings okay it doesn't say any name on here i know i live for leggings 50 sent us something from the leggings thing before well let's see what oh what the heck oh the queen yeah yeah i'm a queen this reminds me of oh his queen what does yours say the king and his queen that's right that's funny so i'm his queen it's like game of thrones i'm your queen yes mine's more like the band queen but i don't feel like i'm in charge for some reason oh you are honey you are hey thank you liv for leggings we will uh we will wear these these are so cute i love it where are these shirts with pride yes i love it i'm the keen i'm the queen number the seinfeld that's the way there's another sign philadelphia oh i'm the whiz i'm the wiz okay okay well let us know who sent these yeah if it was we want to know it was from live for leggings but we don't see a note yes but i love it okay let me open this one this is like christmas it's so fun i know what is this there's note in here i've got to make sure he's allowed to see it first no bean spiller strikes again oh i can't believe it i'm like what's this paper this is really good to play a trick on steve and he'll think it's volcano pop rocks man i can't believe it and i don't even mind it it would have been a joke on me i would have felt so good for a while thinking that my my meditation and everything was paying off darn it i'll tell you what there for a while like we did it before we did that sucker we did a couple hot things that was hot but i was like but i could handle it i was saying i can handle this that spontaneous combustion popcorn was so good that actually was that that ruined him to where now he's like yeah popcorn yeah the popcorn that one didn't ruin me the one that out of the sucker no no ruined you to where you thought maybe you could handle heat the sucker is the one that that the mental preparation was useless yeah there's no relaxing or nothing that sucker is no joke okay i'll be a sucker and try it this is from michelle domith i found this last minute just before sending the order couldn't resist enjoy can't wait to see the results of this one what is that one ooh that's in a like a burlap sack yes okay it's ass kick and popcorn they can't see it i know i have to read it though hot habanero in this so it's a three pack sweet kettle corn which is also going to be hot and tangy barbecue yum you know what's weird like right now getting my mouth starts to water and stuff i need a break before i do another spice yeah well and i'm never doing i'm never doing that sucker again so anything below that will be every single thing will be below relation but i literally like right now even talking about it doesn't make me feel good everything will be below that honey look how they packaged that look at how cute that is in this little sack and it's sewn that's adorable okay thank you michelle this is from leslie showing showinghood shernick shinith h o e n h u t h oh both of you likes hot and coffee yes we do yummy this is heavy okay it says enjoy your gift steph both your likes hot and coffee but not too hot for seven oh they're concerned so cute steph after eating that one was like that's it i'm not doing that again and now since then i've been like i think i could do it again i think i could do it better she is fine yeah you want to do it again no no i wish they'd at least flavored it to where it was tasty i removed it from here and it feels like it is a jar i think it's gonna be a hot sauce like seriously my mouth right now is reacting to the soda what have i done honey whoa this looks like an orange one queen majesty what are the odds of that i get a her his queen i can't get it to focus on there anyway uh his queen and then queen majesty hot sauce red habanero and black coffee hot sauce taste it what does that even mean i got it i think it's got like if you you could have coffee and stuff people cook with coffee all the time ready to drink coffee and coffee guys there's little flecks of coffee in there peel eel i got at least tasty some water i wish i had some chicken or something but i'm gonna taste it because i just want to know i taste coffee too hot for you oh too hot for you no it's hot that doesn't smell anything like coffee it's gonna be good that smells like fire it this would be so i don't know why it would be good on eggs but it would be really good on eggs really good yeah that smells that smells hot i taste the coffee in it all right it's so good does it have to refrigerate after opening that's making me nauseous oh i'm over it it's so weird refrigerate after opening okay i got to make sure i do leslie thank you i am gonna love this on my actually i'm gonna put it in the fridge right now i don't know how there's things in in your life that you uh maybe you had a bad experience with got food poisoning or or if you drink too much and then you say i'll never drink that again and when you that drink comes around you just feel weird that sucker that sucker has like contaminated my my psyche and my body like right now seriously i feel i don't feel good with that even smelling it was really bad that's good it's got a good burn that is my kind of hot sauce it wasn't vinegary it was just um i guess it was more pepper based than vinegar based so that was really good would you use it on uh eggs just eggs well i don't know what else i'd have it on maybe chicken use it on a taco yeah that would be good on a taco i don't care if it has coffee in it that might be weird but i think it'd be good taco that maybe that's why the eggs sound good because it's breakfast it's having coffee yeah yum here there's okay i don't know all the this is from mary mary in arkansas i think that's arkansas arizona arizona's a-z arkansas it's arkansas okay man i'm really disturbed by this you're dying look at all this stuff good stuff katie stuff let's see what this is the hot sauces you guys are so cool and stuff it's so fun it's so oh my goodness mind blowing okay it's okay to read aloud okay uh steve and steph and katie so cute i've sent you a gift because you all make me smile i'm not very good at writing letters but here we go i wanted to start a business i couldn't do it because of the computer it's an apple computer i asked for help from everyone and told me no i was it was an oyster business with jewelry there is a bag okay like where you get the little pearl out um with four pearls one is a water pearl saltwater plural it's the purple one called akoya is that the purple one it says love pearl here and then you can see so is there an oyster in there or the pearls in there well there's a pearl in there i think so okay let me keep reading or maybe i don't know um maybe when you open it there are three fresh water river pearl hot pink one copper one middle slush green i called fresh water oyster they're so different in shapes i'll start with katie i sent her a necklace with an apple and a red pearl inside where's her little necklace okay there's stuff in here um that is so cute she's gonna love having an apple necklace it's a river pearl apple necklace i get it it's an apple and a red pearl oh so there's a can in here there's a can in here that you get your pearl from okay so let's see she said um so inside there's a can and i'm assuming you open that up if the can's in there make a wish and open the sealed can cut open the clam and take out the pearl oh we're gonna do a video on this oh you could put it in uh then you put it in your necklace we're gonna do a video of us shucking a pearl checking the clay i'll shuck a pearl we're gonna shuck a clam and we'll make our little jewelry oh how fun okay burt's bees billicose biocellulose [Laughter] i'm the king the king has said okay it's his queens biocellular biocellulose or villico silicos gel mask heard of burke's bees burt's bees yes they're like healthy and natural i'm ready for one of these masks okay so let's see next i'll start with seven in step one blue one blue and pink boxes theirs inside is a river pearl the gluten pink this is for your phone like a phone case what oh the waterproof cases waterproof cases when we're shucking our oysters we can go in the water to do it put this on it's got a little loop you strap on there and go for it yeah okay so let's see um seven years ago anna and i was just thinking about you this morning and i was thinking wait was that how are you doing everybody's doing good except um i i think i'm i'm doing good until i just smoke that's got the worst problem well just smelling that hot sauce was it just makes it brings back that sucker that sucker was brutal after everyone's hurt everybody else's just so you guys know when we did that we didn't tell everybody how long we took and how long they took we weren't allowed to disclose it we had to film our videos independently and not spill the beans so uh for us to say they didn't know i mean they didn't know our time so but now in hindsight people are like uh i think i could do better if i did it like amanda thinks for sure she could do it everybody thinks they can i know okay this is this is the it's got a pearl and a a necklace in oh yeah take that out i want to see there's steven stiff okay yeah ever i go ahead and do better on that sucker do it again i have no desire i don't know well now in hindsight steve has ptsd yes oh it's a little keychain oh my gosh that's so cute i've got a little owl these have with a pearl so they have freshwater pearls a little starfish and a clam and a dolphin these are neat i mean a whale fluke oh i've got a dragon i didn't see that is that a skill oh the paw a jerry paw mine's a dragon these are adorable is this mine look at that okay that is mine that's a dragon wow so this little pretty gray pearl wow these are so neat thank you who doesn't like dragons i like them there's some pretty um well king doesn't like dragons that's a good point people are just tuning in they're going that dude thinks he's the king hey you didn't make it i'm the king ask her well like if you don't believe it we'll show you that purse of it look at these earrings oh you can't really see them but those are perfect these are the bags that steph uses it because they compact down into it it is i think so that does look similar i don't i like it i guess i should have said that i like the bags that are oh it's dory dory it's a fish this is a fish that is so cute i better open this one i like the ones that you shove into themselves because they're easier because i can just wad it up how cute thank you all this um like tropical stuff the shells the fish it's so cute a little bracelet a little thing out there buddy a little bracelet you can put charms on i think oh my gosh thank you so much yep there it is these are so sweet that's dory's sister dora i thought dora was a uh a mermaid that's ariel this is um finding nemo is this nemo no nemo's yellow that's that is cute that is really cute i love these these are gonna be fun every time we dumpster dive with these oh look it's gonna be so cute didn't look at this you got something else in there where's that oh here's katie this one this might be stiff this is steph also it is yeah here okay you show katie's actually here with queen okay from far far away lands a gift well here i don't want to mess it up this is adorable i love that you had a little oyster business there's katie wow okay so katie's is the apple with a red purple name on it too i've never even heard of a red pearl and katie will love this oh she wants katie likes you know rainbows and jewelry and she pours pins and she likes to have stuff on so the kids get to see different things all the time so she will totally love that so much this one i think has a red pearl too in there maybe never even heard of it and then she sent some hallucinogenics of the dorian dora bags see that that that joke was above his head cause he he doesn't know any different i just made it up i don't know above my head you don't i don't know that is not nice well i should put this on that's actually not very nice at all why why isn't it nice just saying that it's above my head it doesn't feel very nice well hello you like the shirts i also sent you king and queen joggers who did it i lo i love it thank you thank you ilo for uh declaring that i am the king this is so cute i'm the king of the i love oh thank you thank you very much we love them and i'm glad we know it was from you i thought maybe so cause i thought you sent something from the um from the with the leggings i love i love the the leggings they're so soft okay mary this is was all from mary so okay she says enjoy the shopping bags the gel masks are just to refresh no pain i promise how cute we'll make sure katie gets that stuff it's not sure what they're doing what we're like we're in california so as far as school goes i know that right now they're there's tentative plans it's gonna be some online who knows when they're gonna be back actually in a physical school i can't wait to shuck our pearls well no no that's not great thank you mary okay step it up woman okay the king has spoken okay this is from belinda yeah i don't see a name on this one cute bag this is a nice bag i do not see a name but maybe there'll be a card inside this is a post office mailer they have cute bags wow this is gonna be awesome no oh yes oh no yes ew who sent this belinda good job belinda melinda no yes why would you do that linda did good belinda okay here we go okay so belinda's sent ew sour cream and onion crickets ah yeah the queen says his queen says no and bacon and cheese crickets oh my gosh and they're not little crickets at all yeah and hold on they're big disgusting salt and vinegar crickets yeah so there's are these going in the red bag of doom because oh before this video's over we're going to try them yes before this video is over we will be trying these you i don't know i'm not many times i'm not eating steve has been electrocuted i am not eating a bug that big steve has eaten hot stuff i ate a worm at the zoo or whatever that was steve has had a lot of things happen and steve will gladly eat these with you because the cl the king is saying we will feast melinda says crickets the enclosed is for your next game for every question if you're wrong we gotta need a bug we have enough to put in for the next game and you're gonna eat a whole box in the game the red bag of doom is gonna be eating a whole box of these i don't but for now before this video's over we'll taste these because i think that's important we won't taste it on on video no yeah i think it's i think it's vital i can't do it i can't let you guys vote i can't eat those ladies and steve has steve done enough to warrant her tasting these with me honey you can't have them you know they're waxed i've got waxed oh please please don't compare that to me please don't compare your hair to mine steve's payback no way no no yes yes steve's revenge i didn't like i didn't send it i think it's a great a great and you know what be disrespectful not to try it they're so big okay what is this oh oh my gosh if i was you i'd calm down in case we get cockroaches cause you're gonna eat those too no yes calm down in case we get cockroaches if we get a cockroach in an envelope that's a spicy cockroach you're gonna eat it no i am not you are then you should be happy about those crickets they're huge they're they're they're a sustainable source of protein and it's good that they're doing this i would eat a cricket meal and have a scoop of that but when they're in you want me to want me to smash up a bunch of crickets i would eat it smashed before i would eat it in cricket form no we got to eat it like this we got to eat it bite his head off and eat it hey what is this gosh gross you guys never seen me resist this hard oh my gosh oh it's such a nice thing i don't like this this is a mystery here i'm mourning the loss this is a mystery i do see tesla though oh it's for you i see tesla would you do that do what would you sit there and put those little jewels on i can't imagine you i don't even know what it is have the energy to do that not enough what are you referring to the ocd-ness of you might enjoy it oh okay honey i can't imagine you could do you would be able to have concentration for that long well wait till you eat some crickets and then maybe you can imagine my stomach with a hallucinogenic cricket can i put in that hot sauce on my cricket if it's wet after you eat your regular one you can put whatever you want on them but when it's in the red bag of doom you're gonna eat a whole box of crickets no no i'm not oh this is such a good day for the kids ah okay look somebody sent you guys found my kryptonite oh look bugs so it's tesla i gotta do a tesla what do they call this it's a they put the little diamond painting or something a diamond i think i should it'll be challenging for me from a mental aspect but i am going to give it a try because i think it's good to stretch yourself and try to do things that make you focus and well i still have one a cat one that i haven't done yet so you can do your test let i don't see a name they cut the top of the they cut the top of the milling thing off i've been wanting to do this too maybe you're doing our quarantine whoever sent this thank you very much i do not have a name well thank you but i will i will do this as a zen meditation uh do it steph he does deserve you doing it i can't believe he wants me to do it i absolutely want you to do it i'm trying for that i'm not even i'm not even hesitating about that the vegemite was just oh i just saw this and i thought it was a bug now i'm all grossed out about bugs don't worry once it's in your mouth it can't hurt you they're dead but it's a bug a big fat bug they're so fat here oh my gosh pick it up and i'll i'll feed it to you with my hands like this i need you guys to see the size oh come on these buns they're not little crickets they are huge come on be a queen step up to them maybe i'll love it maybe i'll love it that's a possibility it's not gonna happen but um melinda linda that is disgusting good on you belinda we're gonna have a a cricket what flavor are you gonna eat today one of each bacon and cheese i guess let me look at them and see which one's the smallest ones sour cream doesn't they're all huge why are you putting them up you don't put those i just didn't want to lose who sent them to us i wanted to have them okay well leave no leave those out what do you i'll pick which one you eat then i will i will select i don't want sour vinegar i don't like that sour cream and onion i could eat but what you're gonna do is you're gonna close your eyes and i'm going to don't touch these these are staying right here i just don't want to lose them just put them together because we're going to have this whole table what makes you think that these crickets are going to just get up and walk away these aren't going anywhere this is going to be fine oh we lost the stream oh darn we'll kick it back up hey it's gonna be good you're gonna you're gonna be converted because crickets rosie oh okay she said so happy to see you open my package live thanks for asking about the kids it's all good but now son-in-law has kidney stones oh no goodness when it rains it pours that's gonna hurt ah how do we get that off okay thank you for that super chat thank you that was really sweet okay what's that that looks like something good that looks like something that's gonna be hot that looks like something good did you open this anna it's a delicacy in some countries would you eat it anna anna thank you for this anna would do whatever she needs to do and and the fact is i just can't look at them insects are a sustainable source of food they're high in protein high in dirt and minerals high in poop they got no they do not go around pooping all the time it's microscopic uh-oh huckleberry ghost pepper inferno oh come on people payback man you have a handful of those let's see who it doesn't feel so good anymore does it i've done it i know who sent this hold on done everything okay popcorn um let's see i bet you i can just blaze through some of this popcorn after eating that sucker okay let's see screenshots i did a screenshot okay here we go popcorn is from michelle donath okay okay michelle by the way the the last popcorn that we had actually both the the one that we popped and the one in the bag they were delicious and it wasn't too hot like it was something that was that the one in the the one that was in this kind of bag was way too close yeah that one was uh that was the one we had to eat when we lost a question i remember that playing the game that this one's probably hot then the ghost pepper's hot the one that we popped although the one that we popped somebody said you're supposed to shake it up really good but i don't think we did that no you're right about the cricket everybody's uh it's already a done deal i've been i'm telling you waxing is freaking brutal i've had plenty of hot stuff and whenever we play the red bag of doom i always i always lose that's not my shot i've been shocked uh in an ordinary amount of time is that a word yeah too many too many times well but this is i feel like that's really tasty so gross so disappointing some of those are really large they're huge he's even getting grossed out by him right now i'm not i'm excited about it i have no problem eating insects i really do think we should eat more insects not not to destroy all the insects because they're a certain part of the ecosystem but at least it's not alive there is sustainable okay source of food this is a package that came from the united kingdom from caroline ooh the uk yeah oh how cute i love what looking at the package the packaging or all the like stamps and all the stuff from other countries it's fun because it just looks different from ours but okay let's see i'm just gonna be careful to open it yeah you never know yeah be careful like these little things jeff's mom got them for us oh these have names on them they do oh just the name of it it's just like insta slit and it doesn't you could have that out you usually it'll be hard to penetrate anything within a box yeah and she got a bunch of them like a dollar tree or something and these are great oh thank you what's it say that's a pretty card thank you for brightening up my mornings i love working oh watching your videos guys they have made lockdown bearable oh that's so sweet thank you caroline i've made a little diamond painting for you steph i do hope you like it there will be something on its way for steve soon soon okay you don't have to send me anything no okay see the diamond painting that that's what that tesla is those little things you put on this is what it can look like you remember going on grumpy made that one of jerry oh yeah that was a giant diamond i'm gonna give it a shot and even if it takes me a year i could still you could just do a corner i'll just work on it whenever yeah you know what when we're in this stuff a lot of people have my arms out we've been doing that sauna every day and it has made me more relaxed what you can't oh you don't show me oh my goodness is that one of those that's one of those things it looks perfect how did she do that for me let me see that oh my gosh i love it how is that color how did she do that that can go with my george michael um pillow and blanket that innocent wild oh my gosh how is it that how are the colors so caroline that's so cool how crazy is it that they made this they cut okay so behind me michael behind this there's numbers and that's how it's sticky page and then it i think it's a color like the yellow dot goes here see that there's subtle changes i know how are you take like that little thing to the head wow that had to take a long time yes a long time wake me up before you go but how cute is it this is so awesome i don't think steve will have let me have it hanging up in the house but i can put it in my makeup area and i can have george just hanging on the wall and i'll think of you caroline it's so cute i love it i don't prevent her from hanging stuff up no he doesn't but i mean it's just not i don't like it george michael like a george michael marathon like for 24 hours i'm not down with that no but i like some of their songs that doesn't happen too often but this is awesome i love it caroline it's so cute um this is live for leggings that's i love the willow again then i lolo here this is heavy okay let me put this to where i don't want to break it okay i low eye low okay i lo islo okay boom leggings more leggings oh yeah these are soft social distancing are these male and female ones what oh honey you're gonna never get out of these these are guy leggings i think so i think girl and guy pajama type leggings these feel nice they are soft maybe these are yours these are bigger i think are these like is it avoiding avoiding people these are they're social distancing like getting something cause these are comfortable pants uh social distancing not to brag but i was avoiding people before it was before it was trendy i was avoiding people before it was trendy so this is the so she gave us the the king and queen shirts to wear this outfit i know oh this is fun are you taking your pants off over there yeah where are you going i'm gonna put this on where are you going though i'm not gonna do it right here i know but you're going all the way in the bedroom or something i'm gonna take my pants off just go right there they can't see there's no room right there i can't i'll go over here okay these are cool thank you i love ello aloia these are so fun and they're really soft steve's never had a legging before i know i haven't but they feel like a soft lularoe legging really soft steve's putting them on over there i'd like to show yeah he's putting on the queen ones did they have a queen oh these are yours what these are yours these are king why did you get me you said i didn't realize they i thought they had both written on there goodness the in the chat they saw he's putting on the queen ones he's embarrassed i'm not embarrassed i just want to mess yours up mess them up by what you don't know what i do i guess i could put mine on right now but it is hot in here i don't know where ac is not another package going okay okay let's see steve and steph oh this is gonna be for steve i think i'm gonna wait on that okay open with care this is from bloomington illinois all right there's cute little shell stickers on there you got them on i know why girls are wearing these things that's nice hold on let's see them they're really nice you want to say you guys see this pants on underneath i got underwear oh yeah i'm not supposed to wear underwear with them no you have to go naked you wore pants your underwear oh no he's gonna be twerking they're very comfortable these are super super soft you got some new lounge pants ah he loves them they feel really nice they do i know why girls wear them now i know they're great especially like they're baggy ones they're gonna be great thank you i can't wait to wear them these feel good i know in the wintertime when it's i mean it doesn't this it gets cold here but not super cold kinda that'll be fun going for a walk in our matching king and queen outfit we should have our king and queen shirt on andy's pants and go on a walk a walk okay what do you think we should we're doing that i don't think i can walk it needs in the summer but definitely oh my goodness who's this from where's the note okay let's see what is that steven steph i know okay this is roasted seaweed another great one okay steven steph thanks for all the random videos you post i sent you a very interesting snack that i was able to come across i would love to see your reaction via video the coloring book is from a dollar general dumpster it's been cleaned this card and package also via dumpsters i love it thank you for sending stuff that's dumpsters yes we are facing hard times right now living out of our car and such so i wish i could send more oh you don't need to send us anything thank you yes this is good for you oh that's so sweet they're just starting the dumpster diving stuff that's so cute um that's seaweed is really good for you i know i and that's another thing this is light yeah uh oh we got a super chat here let me see caroline so happy you liked your painting stuff it took about a week wow caroline i love it so if it takes carolina sweet it might take me i don't know maybe 18 months oh it's gonna take way longer first of all i don't think you could sit still that long okay this can you me yeah no for a week you certainly can't no but you could you could just revisit it these are cute this coloring book look at this i just found some awesome markers too that are for coloring really good ones there's no name thank you so much whoever sent this it's the unemployed philosopher's guide guild or guild that's why i saved it because i figured oh do you know who it's from no but unemployed philosopher that one tesla there's right like that sort of thing unapplied philosopher guild we got something with that name on it before he was a scientist but i know where you're getting that i like this is the einstein relativity relativity strong mints oh they're curiously strong and then this is tesla's experiment these are awesome thank you thank you thank you it doesn't have any notes no there's no note no name this might be um from bill bill said something well i love them and they're very clever and these will help with the experiments that i'm conducting they're still saying steve does everything you ask it's only fair i'll do it thank you and that is i will eat a disgusting cricket see everybody knows and that's true i'll even eat seaweed you're gonna love that seaweed it's so good for you well it's hot here let's see you try it out first i'll try it in a minute sister freak it out right now for you i am not afraid of seaweed it's i don't think it's good for you but in the meantime oh my goodness this thing open you might have to open it for me honey i just can't get a grip on it here go ahead and have that all right um it's got a salty oh it's definitely gonna be salty no not like the ocean is there more in there yeah lots of them this is this is delicious to me we're gonna eat a whole sheet gotta eat the whole sheet uh no we're eating the whole sheet ready oh it's so gross the whole sheet oh so good hmm here finish that up i hate it i know you can finish that up though the whole not to be rude i i think it's unappreciative but the initial the initial i really think this is good the um see i think it's something to do with taste buds down here the right when you first get it in your mouth there's not a strong burst of flavor you start chewing it what did you just do to it did you spike it what did she do to that not bad it does taste really fishy after though whoo it tastes like cream c no it's so good yeah yeah i really do love it um well i love i was younger my friend melissa was japanese her mom was japanese and they made seaweed stuff and yeah i didn't like it at all so i've had my fair share of some seaweed things but just straight seaweed and it tastes delicious all natural zero grams of trans fat good source of vitamins a and m are vitamins and minerals yeah i like it this is weird how our taste buds are because i think that is i think that's good this box was in our box opening last week or last time and it said private if you wish and so i kept it private and then i opened it and i just opened the top of it and it wasn't anything bad and i wanted to share it with you guys i only saw what was in the top i don't know what's inside so i sent her a message and said hey i saved it because it was so amazing it said personal in here so i opened this would you like a nicola tesla yes experiment yes i would um a nikola tesla experiment that's nice um anyway so this is nice i peeked at it and i saw it and i was like oh we gotta share this this is amazing i don't know how i saw it i can't seem to get it out now here we go maybe this way experiment okay you ready oh that's pretty too look oh wow that is really that's really nice it's amazing in honor of little jerry wait don't put grease on it okay i don't know what it's made out of or anything i like how the black and uh it's jane yeah it says backyard artist how cute man custom pet portraits if anybody's interested in one of these wildart custom pet portraits jane wilde and backyard artist how awesome is that that is our little guy you get crying no i'm good it's easier to look at that stuff now amazing it is easier you know why it's been a whole year now i know it was this month that he passed away and it it's easier but it's not better that's for sure but this is amazing thank you so much i love it so much steve's crying i'm all right i'm all right it's not bad um anna the mints are from linda oh linda okay thank you linda linda p linda p thank you yeah those are adorable no it's i it's easier there's more in here at pictures and stuff like that look at this but every so often it sneaks up on you it does and you get sad especially when it's a really cute little face like this one i know like this little face is so i know what his fa his expression is i know exactly what his little brain is thinking in this picture he's so cute oh we saw a little dog the other day at the um when we took the kids to the park and it ran up and it was a little poodle dog and um it's on the steve wants it no it was a cute dog it was really cute oh thank you though that picture is very i love it okay these two gifts are the fun ones the square one is for steve and the other one is not for steve he might need to stand back well that might be something okay um so let's do this you don't have to stand back on this one oh she said she'd love to see us open both oh good so you're gonna get to see it okay this wrapping paper is thick and very nice i always feel bad if something's really nice i feel bad ripping it open this is gotta get ripped doesn't do justice this paper looking at it on the thing it's amazing i know okay what are you looking at uh she wants to see your face i want to see your face fud pucker is that what it says i better take a look at this stuffed stuff your mother wouldn't wear oh wait i gotta be careful okay okay fun pucker what does it say tongue twister twisting tongue scissors something was it bad you know what though i like the color a lot well here you want to try to read it okay if a fudd pucker could puck fudd how much fud could a fud pucker puck if a fudd pucker could puck that's so cute check out the fish that's adorable look at the expression on that fish oh that's funny is this color like a it's neon i like it it's really cool i love it that's funny how much wood could a woodchuck chuck but that's a food a fud puff pucker it's from fort walton beach florida that's a fun one to wear destin and fort walton beach that's a fun one to wear because you don't have to say it you're not saying it's on your back but people will be seeing it and screaming practicing it mm-hmm that's cute i love it thank you me too jane it's awesome okay here we go got something hot here ooh it's wrapped in ziplock and everything oh probably didn't want to ruin the jared picture if something happened hoping it's something or another probably ultimate heat ultimate insanity you put insanity on anything oh my goodness this is i'm telling you that just talking about this stuff makes my makes my throat kind of spasm or something i can't even this is some good sticky um bubble wrap so dave's insanity sauce i think i've heard of this somebody in the chat has told us about this wait it says that it's like the hottest sausage hottest sauce in the universe wow so wonder what the pepper is that they're using in that this is an insanely spicy and delicious cooking ingredient and should be used diluted with oil or in soups sauces or dressings thank goodness i read that cause you might have ate this by itself i was gonna eat it by itself it says you gotta dilute it well the thermometer goes all the way i just like having something i can add some heat with good thing is it's gluten-free okay it doesn't say oh it's red habaneros okay so it's not thank goodness a carolina reaper based so it's carolina red habaneros which are hot uh water hot pepper extract cane vinegar tomato paste salt onions garlic acidic and citric acids acidity regulators xanthan gum so this will be good yum hey put the insanity on the crickets she could after she eats her cricket raw she can do whatever she wants with them hey this is all the way from jane noah nor i can't say it it's in australia oh we're gonna butcher that no way r l u n g a port nor is that a a or an r n o n o a r okay anybody from australia port port nulunga n o a r l u n g a point i need a phenomena for that but that's where this is from okay it's from mark margaret i got a break on this so we remember this is from gene this is from margaret in australia okay this is green this is from jane and the hot sauce is from james oh a visitor guy to mclaren vale and that coast does australia have some french influence there do you see a sharpie in your drawer over there on that side a real sharpie not a white board one okay good i need to write on these things so this is from peter my queen okay thank you my kittens this is cool jane they we get to see what kind of sites they have there if you were visiting look at the food jane because i got to write my little labels my label maker okay okay awesome mclaren this is awesome wow thank you that is i love this one so let me see it on you i love this handle you got a down under hat down under and this is it's perfect timing right now it's hot how cute is it that underneath the hat is the down under i know oh it's adorable it's really cute oh my goodness oh an aussie bag you've got kookaburra clown fish you got kangaroos margaret this is adorable what is that a cheetah or this hat i feel like gilligan agenda gilligan wear a hat like a chidna is this my hat is that a pork yeah is it a porcupine china or is it a hedgehog what is that i don't know what i'm doing fish platter puss it's got a platter puss on honey oh here's right there platter puss if you didn't know how to spell it florian peninsula this is so neat i hope we're saying that right fleury cleary fleurius lyrian look at all the things you can do here what is this i'm avoiding great white sharks though whoa it's aussie sling whoa oh my gosh honey aussie sling we gotta hang that oh fair duncan dun dinkum oh a general friendly greeting of hello is oh g'day oh a dudder is an unscrupulous person who cheats others he's a dudder guru what's that goodbye see you later let's start standing up to the ground balls up everything has gone wrong it's all gone balls up when i'm eating that cricket i'm gonna uh i'm gonna take a little kip a kip a kit a kip is a short a cocky a cocky is a farmer cocky a tip is a short sleep a crikey we know crikey i'm gonna get some grass surprise a crook is something not working well look at wait till you see this steph this is cool just gonna read it but watch when you get your eyes on this you ready okay wow you gotta go this way with it honey can you guys get close can you guys see what it does this is a serious you go this way with it oh there we go i don't know if it's showing up there but these kangaroos are jumping around it's a 3d it's a 3d roux this is neat to just see where all the areas of australia are here yeah read the back of that okay um we have lots of kangaroos near where i live my daughter lives 15 minutes drive from here have to be careful at sunrise and sunset kangaroos jump out in front of your car my daughter heidi has a kangaroo all over her property wow look how pretty this place is that is neat this is the uh port noah however you say that that's beautiful nor no longer that was her town right it was on there yes that's where this came from okay dear steven steph i hate winter today is rainy and miserable going to the post office and then shopping how nice i work at christy beach i think it says is it christ christ beach no it's longer christmas church chris christille beach high school baby christmas okay most of school being rebuilt wow okay i don't want to read this out loud if it's saying for some stuff um wow this is a magnet this small parcel will take about four weeks for to get to you wow wow that is so sweet thank you so much for sending all this a whole month ago thank you wow i love it an awesome magnet i'll use this too jacuzzi that is cute look at this little guy wow so you guys are ocean's side what a neat town i love all of this i do too thank you stop stop a dactyl stop a dactyl stomp a dactyl that's so cute margaret i love it can't wait to go to australia all of this let's put it all in a little cute little australian bag australian walkabout i love it man this is so cool really cool it's awesome i love it wow grandkids are going to be so jealous the bag has a zipper perfect this is amazing wow you know what what when things open up we'll go to like an amusement park or to zoo with this stuff and we'll talk with our accent we'd have to go to the wild animal park with this san diego zoo opened up the australian oh yeah like our zoo in the past year or so opened up a big there's a actually there's africa and australia they built built onto it it's a platter push we could go there and just talk to people about the animals we could act like we were tour guides you're gonna do that that is so heavy okay go in there and start telling people about just make up facts about australian animals and i got the hat on they're gonna believe your work there they're not gonna question it at all okay where are you from man it's so fun we got such cool stuff thank you guys so much everybody wow there we go i can't believe we got stuff out of the country i know isn't that weird like there's people in here we're all talking to each other at the same time from all over the place where's everybody from we're in southern california but if you just tuned in we're in australia wait more dog food is this i can't remember now who it was she was here but remember we got it was one of the stuff she sent a message she accidentally and she accidentally sent her dog food to us because she sent something to us last time i've got it in my phone who it was i'm sorry i can't remember what your name was that sent it she said to donate the dog food we gave it to amanda yeah because her dogs are old one of them has like two teeth maybe yeah yeah so this is great how old is that they're both they're all both old because jerry was 14 and i think they were they were kind of close yeah so that's funny that's why it was so heavy so thank you we'll definitely give those to the kids if you want i can return it too just let me know either way but yeah please go stiff okay this is from tina in new york wow i have a cousin in woody ark new york is the big apple yes okay let's see what this says steph in an older video i remember you saying that you can't use q-tips you can't use them i use them excessively is what it is about the q-tips oh i have an obsession with q-tips um so i found this thing called a wax vac oh that'll be great for my your obsession i love it i thought you would too steve here's a book for you i hope you like it tina a last snack is gonna be so fun i'm gonna suck some wax out oh my goodness oh cool oh my goodness wow is right i love this box by the way i hope you dumpstered over that box because those are the cutest um what is that inventions of nature what do you mean that mini that's a lot of inventions they probably had more than this wow tesla this is the complete set of patents honey should we not clean our ears for like a week and then use the wax back and see if it sucks it out i'm tired of being waxed it's true and i could not go a week without cleaning my ears because i clean them so much it's not even funny you just put this little tip in there and it sucks sucks some oh you don't wax them you don't wax yourself no but after your shower you know how water runs in there or you can swim you could stick that in my ear yeah it's not you're not pulling you're not pulling melted wax how about brain out just suck the brain right out this will be so fun awesome i can't wait to try this i wonder if it says how many that he actually had cool thank you very much i love it that's really fun i'm definitely doing this this book shows 587 patents 587 yes wow how crazy is that steve would like to patent something sometime i haven't i have a great idea for a cat suit remember that yes i can't give details because i don't want anybody to take it i think you could give details with no i think you could spill the beans on that one the details of my cat suit i can't seem brilliant i think you could tell and it would be okay you don't have to write on the book do you well i need to always remember who it's from i'll just write it stick an envelope okay here we'll put this paper in there okay forever a very tina good idea for a cat suit tina because then we would go over really big i think people would love it i don't think they know what a cat suit means i can't give a whole lot of information right now cause we should make a prototype if i make the prototype then i need your help with the sewing though i could sew it and then we would need a teacher to sew also we need a cat to test it and i'm thinking about a bobcat yes when steve gets the wax out of his ears he'll turn inside out what what does that mean you're filled with wax apparently okay these are from melinda p i gotta write that on here because we won't remember those either this has no name unless they put a note in here let's find out okay wow this is definitely for you and i read the thing okay i don't want to look oh it's from linda stark ah linda okay i won't tell wait don't be looking i'm going to surprise you okay surprise you yeah stephanie linda are you here right now flip it's going to work linda stark i hope you're here okay you just looked and i didn't get to do the presentation yum roasted garlic mashed potatoes linda is in idaho i actually i was born in idaho so there's like oh there she's here okay good so there is a an idaho connection with the potatoes she knows i love my potatoes hey we'll have some of these tonight with a steak tonight yes we're having we got steak last night and we eat the other half tonight oh these are gonna be good garlic okay anna turn that hat inside out do i have it wrong maybe it's reversible no that's got to be the other way cause this looks like a band that would go up against the skin right in there too but put it on that way let's see it it's a down under hat cute i think it's fine both ways i like seeing i like for people to see the aussie aussie aussie and exactly watch i walk by yeah you don't sound like this you don't see me i'm looking at my potatoes and then i walk by yeah melinda aussie aussie aussie no no no let's start over no i was acting out that i was just reading it you are the uh you're an australian oh okay you're here okay all right i'm ready ready uh pardon me ma'am aussie aussie aussie no you're supposed to say an aussie aussie aussie i'm reading it no no okay let's start the acting again you say oi yes but when are you gonna get me because i'm i'm like this if i'm just walking along like okay look at me now and do it aussie aussie oh please turn the hat inside out steve look at me right now okay and do it hi how's it going i don't understand what i'm supposed to say if i said ozzy ozzy ozzy oh that's all i'm supposed to say because i already said aussie aussie aussie this is aussie aussie aussie and you're saying that and then i look back okay let's try it again and i say cracky or cranky forget it don't you you know see and then we would look at each other we'd know each other we would yummy thanks linda we got a ton of mashed potatoes when i made this this was so heavy of mashed potatoes of the other mashed potatoes you sent us so they were so good it was like a big fluffy garlic the other ones i don't think they were butter they were so delicious this is fragile yum they don't smell like anything and heavy yum thanks linda fragile and heavy okay wow she's the laminator on our nick on her a laminator this thing this thing it looks like they didn't treat it very gentle i always thought like not always but sometimes i think when you write fragile on a box i think there might be employees that go fragile huh look she laminated or he laminated i think or maybe she's covered with tape this is from new york too new york new york it's from sandy okay sandy okay this is a this is a big deal what is all this i could use that ear waxer right now on that ear i could get batteries yeah bum crack pika maybe you know what let's do it like this okay oh because it's taking up the whole table okay ready okay is there a note i don't see a note let me see no note what what is going on here i just read norwex and what is going on here steven steph would not care if he shared but maybe too long um no it is she said okay i'll just do a quick little look cute okay there's boxes within boxes really yeah uh i feel like sending some things to a friend steph read the chat oh it's so hard to scroll back up um the brim up honey the brim up so you're saying it needs to be this way my brim up so yeah down under like that is this how gilligan wore it that's cute it's cute both ways that's cute i turned the brim up okay got it thank you guys she said like this yes i could shape this thing you can do whatever you want with it it's your hat okay let me see i got to figure out here what i'm there is this is really long to read so i'm gonna have to read this separate um but i don't want to if you wrote about what some of this stuff is i saw norwex on here norwex i have commented um to you a lot about norwex there's a cleaner i love it amazing i sent you a blue scrub cloth one of my favorites great for cleaning up baking messes it can be thrown on the top shelf of dishwasher to clean that's a great idea all right great okay right here it's a kitchen cloth you scrub it gets everything foamy and soaked in a little hole so it gives it some uh mmm okay you're a little more aggressive thank you that's so sweet oh look there's stuff in here for you okay oh that's you oh this is cool okay look creator of the greatest burger on earth this is great smoky mountains sticker of a bigfoot i like this so this is a restaurant somewhere that has look what they have the theme this is their theme they have monster dogs beastly burgers that'd be fun to go support them evil hot dog lab i like this type of font i like that type of ooh down below it looks like a wanted old western wanted sign yes the astonishing and gigantic milkshakes yum that sounds good mysterious creatures that may or may not exist breakfast that's right of the champions buffalo new york stick or a magnet but these are for you waiting for the business okay here these are for you that is so cute show that that's nice look at this waiting for the bus and buffalo it's a snowman bigfoot on the bench that is so somebody she means that i know what a good thing buffalo is no joke when it comes to winter is that bigfoot or is that the thinking no that's true the thinker okay that is cool i can't feel my ears new york adorable in the winter here's some stickers for you awesome great smoky mountains okay steph and i have been there oh pictures of your of your family okay i will look at these for sure not on air i'll look at those actually champion awesome cute we should put these on the fj cruiser i know we should just so bigfoot knows that we come in peace yeah yeah we come in peace bigfoot let's do it this box here is heavy okay these are the type of packaging peanuts that are the best the recycling ones yeah cause they don't they don't just disintegrate but if they get wet they just turn into a soft mush that's true yeah okay you ready that's good for the environment ew this is for you i hate mustard but he likes it it's horseradish prepared mustard what is this okay webber's brand made in buffalo the relish is good but the mustard is the best i grew up with this when i married my hubby he wanted french's so boring you need a zing i also you good with deviled eggs i would eat that with deviled eggs i would definitely like this yeah if i'm gonna have some mustard i want some zing in it too but this what is this this oh here we go i gotta open it i thought it was like i couldn't see it or something it's webber's brand hot green tomato pickle relish i've never heard of that new york honey for your tea yum contains fresh green tomatoes cucumbers corn syrup distilled vinegar peppers water modified food starts okay so it's like a relish like what would you use this on on a lot of stuff like a hot dog heck yeah hmm interesting let's off and see what this one is okay what's the note say it says new york honey for you for your tea tea ooh that would have been good yesterday well yeah we had uh canadian tea yeah three of them and they were good king cole raw wildflower honey yum food works own 100 pure honey yummy thank you are we getting some new york funny that was very nice awesome that's so cute i i will i will eat all this stuff yes i'm gonna use this and put it in the kitchen right now we're gonna use that i'm gonna wash some dishes with it that's that's making my mouth water in a good way yeah buffalo new york like i said their winter is no joke no last year i was in a football league and i had a couple players on the the bills team and they did good for katie maybe she can let her students bring cards home for loved ones that's a good idea and we run across um envelopes all the time because the stores will destroy the cards but the envelopes those are nice i mean a huge stack of them of them sister yours make christmas special that's such a good idea we will definitely give these to katie for her kids these are cute that's really sweet thank you katie will love these she will katie will gush when she sees this time she loves holidays she loves when people are thoughtful and think of her so that's really sweet we played like when we played games katie and some other couples there was a game we were playing where you would have to write like one person's guessing or no everybody's writing and one person is trying to guess or pick their favorite one you know and you gotta guess you get points if you pick who said it also and it was usually some scenario where we're all writing stuff that's kind of it could be mean or you know what i mean i don't even know like um movie themed club like katie's katie's answers we always knew what k which one katie's was because hers were always nice and they were never like they were long they were well-rained yeah they were thought out meanwhile we're writing like just mean stuff you're trying to you're trying to trick the person that's guessing um and katie's would always be like everybody would just know okay that was katie's it was too nice too sweet you'll never win this game well written yeah really cute she's a sweetheart she is okay what is this this is all from the same box still by the way oh my goodness all from sandy okay sandy just went i like that sandy's proud of her city she is playing cards buffalo new york this feels like maybe coasters or something let me see what this is go bills oh buffalo new york these are pretty coasters i like them i really like that these are awesome i love these thirsty type coasters founded in 1801 okay i got it right on the back so we can remember forever sandy thank you santa and we know sandy's in new york oh you know what what does this one say sandy gets a heart sandy heart thanks sandy these are so cool i love these they feel like a piece of slate okay anchor bar and duffs have an ongoing rivalry and who's this is the inventor first wings buffalo wings that's right the buffalo hot wings see the buffalo bill logo down there so that are they saying the official one proud partner of the bills these we got to try these i love hot wings okay and i don't get super hot isn't that weird and steph's not a huge hot wink fan i'm not but i love them i'll eat um i don't like things on the bone i actually shouldn't say they call them hot wings but i get the most mild yeah i guess i get the most mild one that they have i'll get the tinders we love them okay this is suicidal recipe i'm i am gonna be eating some authentic buffalo it's frank and teresa's original anchor bar buffalo wing sauce so she said we're gonna do a taste test a rivalry between these we will settle the rivalry we will settle it from straya no buffalo um we could say australia and i'll wear this hat oh okay yeah all the way in australia well she said um it was a they have a rivalry rivalry about who's the first buffalo wings and um she thinks it's anchor bar but who cares they're both delicious fun home of the original buffalo wings oh so there's a bunch of different ones oh hotter i don't believe any of these are crazy hot also the ted's dog sauce that thing's yummy we used to go to ted's with my dad when we were kids fun okay you know what we can do something water recipes we can uh tits hot dogs oh come on ted how cute i think i would like a hot dog better if it had hot sauce on it i would like you to try some hot wings with me and we okay do it with different versions of this can they do it though with a tender yes you can because they don't like chewing on the gristle and all some people do chicken tenders yeah but those i can do that's fine too yeah i don't like um i don't even like beef on the bone like a with the rib in it or whatever i don't like ribs it's weird okay weird that she doesn't like she loves hot stuff and does not like hot wings she would be able to get some hot wings and just throw her socks off steph get some boneless ribs i could do that but we're definitely this is i love this stuff boneless ribs have a hair kind of weird like i'm sure you've tasted it whenever i get ribs and stuff she doesn't i just don't eat them like chicken or something open that up we're gonna show you guys something else oh this is what i ordered isn't it oh that was oh yeah that was down below okay this is courtesy of our buddy bill um i loved and was so obsessed with that valhalla coffee i've got one scoop left you don't like meat on the bone either i know i don't like the gristle i don't like chewing on all the things and ripping off the tendons and stuff she loves that part you're gonna be chewing on this with ten minutes um hey i don't even like chicken on the bone like a turkey i rip off my piece and stick it on there and then it's okay but i don't like it okay um this death wish coffee the valhalla coffee is my favorite so i went to go order some on amazon and i was like i'll go check their website valhallas and just see how much it is and they had a monthly subscription so i sent it for one bag a month and um so we're gonna have coffee this little bag this is my favorite coffee it's free shipping but this is what i wanted their packaging is really nice is this in here for you okay yeah here you you look at that cause you're gonna love it this is for me sure anyway thanks bill because i love them this is my special occasion coffee just camp ooh these are freebies that popped out of the empire catch fun okay i don't know what that is but look it's a society of strong coffee welcome brothers and sisters oh my it is strong i can vouch for that but it's it's so tasty look at that oh that's what i was hoping i knew you'd love it this is awesome because this could be your kovid this will be i'll double it up too yeah that'll be fun i'm from straight you can wear it around your neck and just pull it up when you go places i love make people jealous so this this i need to wash it though it's crunchy you gotta wash it so it gets thicker you have to grab something while you can read this fun we're gonna show you something that was sent to us okay sent to us from the tv show oh yeah we got a super chat uh oh missed it sorry guys um oh where is it is it this one sandra allen hey guys i have to look on pics but there's a picture of bigfoot so happy you see you open my box yay thanks sandra sandra we love it we love it thank you oh i forgot to dab it um okay who's this from that looked like it was a coastal oh angela thank you angela look at that this is sweet how cool i'll read this after it's a long oh thank you angela okay okay i'll definitely i'll read this after thank you angela this cute card i love it i'll get without god all things are possible that is the truth yep thank you that's oh it was an easter card or was it did it just get here from easter oh no it's nor it's not it's it's was recent okay thank you angela i will read it every single thing but look at this beautiful card that is pretty it's a watercolor yes she made her own watercolor this is i don't even know who oh if you want cards i guess steven steph love your videos thanks for helping us all through the pandemic samantha mcnally original watercolor yes favorite movie what about bob that's a good movie i love it but how cool is that make your own watercolor show the picture show the bigfoot picture where is the bigfoot picture is this from this is from the bigfoot picture yeah they said show the bigfoot picture was out is it in this box more in here i had pictures of bigfoot but it wasn't uh oh there's something else in here oh oh you just looked at me like i did a secret thing thought maybe you did i didn't i didn't know oh this isn't a picture though i had cute tissue paper don't mess that up i'm reusing that okay don't mess up this that is so cute okay i'm afraid like something's gonna fall out i feel like i smell chocolate hey i gotta save this this paper for steph okay so sponge candy save the paper for step clean sponge candy what the heck is that like sponge dark sponge candy chocolate and milk chocolate what the heck is a sponge candy what bigfoot okay let me read about this are you talking about these bigfoots those i got several of those where could it be the bigfoot did i show a bigfoot picture did we lose the bigfoot picture i got these pants on okay these on so the sponge candy first is awesome the kind we usually get at our local grocery store does not have it right now summer humidity not ideal for this candy so i bought two of this one so i could try it not even home for half an hour looked in the bag and only one left in the bag my older son ate the entire bag so regardless i've never tried this maker my son seemed to like it though you could have totally opened one of these up and eaten it and then be like i ate one of you out of your bag by the way it would have been fine with us after we eat a cricket we could taste that oh yes we will wash down the cricket with this because ew [Laughter] ew i don't know if you want to ruin my old her son is like i don't know because when you see the package andy you see the package you got to know that somebody's going to be wanting one of those yes so sponge look at them they're like a little donut ball kind of or something that's gonna be fun a sponge candy never even heard of it let me uh let me grab the okay i'm gonna we're gonna show you guys something that the show sent us and then we got to eat these crickets okay we gotta eat the crickets okay then maybe we taste one of those things oh thank you cj for this long letter this is nice i'm gonna read it all after um what country is this come on steph it's the mitten state how cute you got us the t-shirt from michigan outlined on it and said what country is this i remember that i do too okay cj thank you it was the upper i think it was the upper upper peninsula and lower peninsula are conducted by the mackinac bridge and these traverse city yep i know when i saw traverse city we have our mugs from cj thanks thank you cj i'm you i had my drink on it right now okay i'm gonna show you guys something okay okay i'm gonna totally read this thank you so much for reading all this that is so sweet i mean it's sending all this that is so nice okay what's this that was on something what did it come with oh this is for the ear saver just put on your face what's in your savings wait i don't know i don't know like a no man place the air saver across the back of your head and slip the elastic over the hook i don't know what this is who sent this it's um oh it's made by holly by molly there's nothing i didn't take leave molly what did this come in molly maybe it's that nose thing made by molly but it's for a face mask it's for the one so you don't have to have it oh just you attach it yes it goes to the back yeah a normal mask you can just have it go back there so it doesn't this you attach it okay so there it is it's genius all right here we go very smart the show synthesis okay isn't it cool they sent us a like a official poster yeah because we're gonna be doing a um like a live video interview thing and they wanted us to have this as a backdrop thing so hopefully we don't damage it before that starts oh the family picture has the bigfoot in it okay where i stuck right here okay i'm glad you guys just wrote that because i'm so sorry it's hard for us to read all this stuff okay so we got stuff going on here okay where is the bigfoot oh wait a second okay real showering through these show them first though okay cute what is going on here okay me with a weird zombie guy in gatlinburg tennessee this is uh okay so they're at the top of a tram so that's this is very very uh a beautiful area like cute kids trees is so thick as far as you can see look at that and then oh i'm gonna do a shout out um zachary jonathan ryder arya i see you guys in this picture i don't want to show zachary picture but hey guys zachary jonathan raya aria arya athena athena all these are it's a great niece she didn't want to swim how cute oh adorable they're cute okay oh i can show dogs cute look at that okay my joke corona hairdo i had to trim his face you couldn't see how cute he's a fluff ball oh i can actually see a thing here here he is again maybe joe after freezing his haircut he frees his booty off how adorable okay so while in bit in gatlinburg tennessee we took a tram to the top of a mountain i seen something moving below it seemed to be walking i took a bunch of pics this is the only one that was decent i believe it to be a bigfoot so so awesome i it did not have like a bear or other animals it did not move like a bear or other animals that i know of i though i would you would find this i thought you would find this interesting look okay okay you see it oh she's pointing at it behind the tree okay did you show that right here i was showing you first so then like but right you see the outline yeah i don't know how hard well it'll come up on there because okay here we go it's gonna be hard to see it might be real reflective you have to look for me from there because okay here i'll point at this thing yeah you see the line okay you get it to where it doesn't have a shadow she's pointing here so it's behind this tree i think right here can you guys it's on here if it's on here i'll be able to uh blow it up and pause it later okay she's pointing here so it's right here i think so she saw it she just couldn't capture it on the phone she's on a tram oh that's how she was they were riding a tram wow gatlinburg tennessee and this is what it looked like at the top of the tram beautiful that is really pretty big bigfoots are everywhere let me see them i think it's right here yes that's what i see too that's an eagle eye right there to see that they see him tennessee totally cool that's really cool my son-in-law is gonna freak out yes jay the one who challenged steve yeah okay thanks for sending this this is an authentic picture by the way for everybody that saw our video of the food stuff those are their daughters are amanda and adriana those are their husbands jay and jason so not steve's son he wasn't on there um those are from those were just the girls and their husbands oops that's so hard i know okay sandra allen bigfoot pictures bigfoot pictures in the picture envelope oh that was in the norwex bag okay got it now we got it right yeah bigfoot here too this was in the norwex bag yes okay just making sure that this is the this has to be the picture she's talking about this is bigfoot right here is there a big one right here steve's gonna keep that on his desk so he can just bam stare at it well i'm gonna share okay she also sent a cream cheese is this creamed oh chili cheese egg casserole recipe i didn't see this yum breakfast of champions okay i will make this so this looks delicious okay she said it's the best recipe for breakfast i make this a double batch for holidays and we have enough that the boys can eat a square for breakfast four to five days so yummy i know you like your eggs rich though very rich though i make it only twice a year usually i can see why it's rich it's got a quart of cottage cheese a half a cup of mask mascarpone um shredded cheese of shredded monterey jack wow okay well that is gonna be strong okay steph you've drug it out long enough and a whole stick of butter my question is yeah what flavor do you want do you want bacon and cheese crickets yeah you do you sure you don't want sour cream and onion cream maybe but i don't want the vinegar let's try both no i will eat one you nobody small one nobody tells the king what they will do you know the queen is being very very very generous right now very generous with waxing my underarms waxing my chest waxing my neck which i thought wouldn't hurt but it was brutal let me see what else did oh shocking me multiple times electrocution hot stuff i mean just a ton of stuff right but you're always a willing participant in all of those i balk at everything yes you do it you convince me that it's gonna be all right i think steve needs a shirt that says i balk at everything okay so we're gonna wear a hat we're gonna each eat a bacon and we're gonna each eat a sour no eat two no i will eat one each of us are gonna eat a baby i will eat one and the other one i'll see it could be a red bag of doom you could have both if you like stuff no at the same time nope i'm just gonna have one how many times have you guys heard me say no like a lot of time like i'd say no no no next thing you know am i allowed into this i'm squirming in pain how much i'm not chewing it i will eat it but i'm not going to win it oh there's bigfoot facts coming in okay finding history and treasures hello it's pebbles i have gifts for you hope you run to you behind the nine incident store won't leave anymore oh oh no you left us a message about there hold on donna says let alone fact about bigfoot and tesla both ate bugs that's right ew that 99-cent store if it's the same one hasn't been i think they just reopened for a long time there was nothing no nothing back there garbage we haven't even looked in their dumpster much lately because it's been that bad would you like me to pick out the specimen i'm picking my own nope you are not yes i am no you're not steph welcome to the world of steve this time you are gonna have to do what i say oh they look like little roaches man all these sandy thank you for all of this food this stuff there's so much look at how much hot sauce and stuff there is hot sauce that's amazing i can't wait to try all that okay listen honey open your mouth i don't i'm just gonna throw one in there no you put it in your hand and stick it in there yeah i'm not risking a whole bag going in my mouth i'm gonna let you pick because i'm a gentleman okay but i want you to show them ew let me see you eat it first i will gladly eat it but you might not by the way according to this it costs zero dollars to punch you in the throat and i love free stuff on that cookie just because it's not cookie with cute flowers and tiffany blue that's hilarious that's really cute i'm gonna wash my hands and feed you oh my gosh i'm looking forward to this it's gonna be so good hello everybody and you've got to have your eyes open when you eat it no you can't you've got to play sometimes by my rules i don't want those legs in my mouth one time they have little legs not little big legs this is really it's amazing all the stuff that i say yes to melinda this is so disgusting how could you do this to me she's concerned about us having enough vitamins and minerals and also promoting a healthy sustainable source of food i'm gonna watch you eat one first no you're not you're gonna yes i am you can watch me eat two i don't care okay only oh they look like little crickets i guess but here little guy this one might still be alive sure looks alive he's got some big eyeballs hey little guy oh good he doesn't have giant legs see that one there that's a big leg i know but at least uh that is a that's an adequate size one for you you want to name it before you eat it and by the way i don't want to look at it by the way you have to chew you can't just swallow it i can't just drink some water and drown it nope you got to chew it and then swallow you get your cricket out too i'm not gonna not do it steph everybody knows i'm gonna do it just put it in my hand no no i mean doing it with you i'm no you're okay look that's what i mean you get your where are you why hey remember this when she's asking me to do stuff remember how difficult this was to eat a little cricket and the cricket is coated with whatever this one has bacon it's coated with bacon man okay here's my cricket here's mine i've got a thing again there's more oh that little one you give me the smaller one look at their legs show them it doesn't matter how big it is look why didn't you i hate my cricket and that's tasty it is yeah it tastes like bacon do you need to water it down with a um sponge a sponge nope hold on i just did it let me get prepared here you can't just shove it in you are not shoving chocolate in your mouth you gotta look i'm still chewing this is how we gotta do it i'm gonna go crooked cricket rickety cricket hold on is it grossing you out now no a leg got hug hug okay the only rule is you got to chew it and then swallow it and you don't chase it with anything i still have not drink or anything open your mouth can i put it in my own mouth i washed my hands i'm not ready yet mentally it's a freaking piece of meat ah look at his head though okay look at me this is so gross just look at me i've got a thing against once and you know it dries not my available face this way so they could see the whole she's this is so so ridiculous it'd be easier if you just let me stick it in there because it's you're you're taking a lot of time you're building up it's just you're building up stress how long stuff you could hello i don't want to do it hello it's so gross okay man imagine remember how i swear remember how sympathetic she is with me do you want to feel my head do you don't fail sweating my hands i always ask you to do that and then i end up getting tortured anyway okay oh my gosh i'm not coming back alive come on no it's got a face close your eyes and just open your mouth and i'll stick it in there okay you're not doing it that way then obviously put your hands down over your mouth and let's go come on i can't are you kidding me oh i've done so much i've done so much okay do it do it for everybody else i know do it for everybody else okay if i do that can we burn the rest of the boxes i'll eat them okay but no they're going into the game come on okay you it's so big come on let me just hold it no you're playing around too much let's do this steph suck it up come on come on did you put it in your tongue or what'd you do i i stuck it in my mouth place it on my teeth i don't let it touch my tongue you're gonna bite down on it yes okay if it falls out you gotta pick it up on your teeth hold it remove it let it see it let himself i'm trying to put it on your tape it didn't even touch your mouth come on okay i'm doing it exactly how you want not the way i said to do it okay open your mouth look go like this and just get it on your teeth ah i don't know i'm it's repulsive to me it's so gross okay you know what i'm never in my life said man i sure wish somebody would wax my underarms never ever i've never said oh it'd be cool to get my chest waxed i've never said oh will you wax my neck ever ever i'm not saying oh could you feed me a cricket okay but i did all those things because you said to do it okay and somebody sent these to us it's it's melinda it's rude belinda you're she's pushing my arm away i know i i'm psychologically but i don't i need to have my hand on there but let go of my arm no i need to i need to be in some control come on thank you belinda ah oh my goodness it's got legs can you break the leg off no i'm not eating these again just eat the thing please let go of my arm i'm not cutting off the circulation in my hand i don't wanna let go of my hand i'm so sweaty man this guy's gonna come back alive i'm gonna resuscitate him all right guy steph it's just a cricket it's just a rickety cricket get that candy ready for me the chocolate after you chew this up and swallow it okay let me put it in my hand and i'll do it i'll just pop it in no i washed my hands i don't want you to do it i washed my hands you got a clean cricket here how do you know it's clean i washed my hands the cricket's not dirty he's just dead ah okay okay look okay hold on the train came down have a little control with it open your mouth i'll set it on your teeth and let go of my hand please i need it on the side teeth i don't want in the front okay i'll put it on the side to let go of my hand you can't i need to hold your hand okay then put it in there come on come on i'm so tired come on i don't want to do this oh oh geez come on okay it's a cricket i know close your eyes and act like it's peanut butter okay it's a peanut butter reese's peanut butter cup come on it's okay i'm not even looking i got water in there swallow that water swallow it baby steps honey just give me a little oh you want to eat a whole box then no come on come on come on okay i can't believe i can't you're gonna make me do this i'm not making you you're not belinda belinda really wants you to do it come on okay thank you belinda notice how i'm not forcing anything there you go don't let it touch my tongue i'm not doing anything i'm like i don't want that leg touch with the tongue turn it towards the leg doesn't touch you want the butt first no do you want the butt okay here yeah like that okay which side are you on this side or this side i am i've got you holding my hand i'm not going this side all right i'm not doing anything i'm saying you're holding it this is for you guys oh come on you can't let me just throw it in there i'll throw it in there okay throw it open your mouth you got to have your mouth open for me to throw this thing in i know okay open your mouth drawing it might be better i'm gonna throw it right in there i'm sweating and you gotta eat it i'm so sweaty it's okay little guy he's feeling rejected can you break his leg off or something just open your mouth okay once you open it i'm throwing it in there it crosses what is wrong i spit it out and i don't know where it went you can't do that it flew i can't do that i touched it on my tongue you just wasted this no worry i'm gonna eat that one i'm gonna eat it it was on the floor no it doesn't matter it was on the floor i've mopped it does flourish no we're not getting out a new one because you're gonna get a big one oh my gosh yeah i did exactly what you wanted you didn't even taste it what did it taste like a bunch of nothing it felt like wings yeah but it didn't taste like they're right there in that bag oh my gosh i'm so sweaty man i can't believe you did that to that poor guy okay i'm gonna take away all your excuses hmm cricket legs i'm taking the legs off okay there's bugs all over the table now i'm putting them back in here okay was that a head just sitting in there by itself i see their black eyes there's limbs and stuff in there okay okay you could save those for later now listen there's no legs on it now okay okay that one you you didn't do anything better without the legs but you didn't do anything you didn't eat it it touched it and it i think i touched wings on my tongue and it flew out somehow but all it did okay let's just do it they did fly i know they're alive all it did okay was touch you it didn't do anything else open your mouth [Laughter] open your mouth put your hand i'm gonna start this all over put your hand down come on open your mouth and then just chew it up okay man you guys gonna have a new respect for what steve puts up with i'm ready ah look there's no legs on it i peeled the legs off okay let me put it in no let's just try it you're already spinning i'll pop it in i'll just pop it in with me you can't and you gotta chew it okay you gotta chew it okay but i need to have control ew open up it's so gross you're not gonna do it with it in your hand you're already freaking out yeah it's gross i'm not touching it open your mouth i'm just gonna do the same way i'm not putting it in there until you tell me let me go with my hand i won't put it in there until you tell me open your mouth come on as soon as you're ready you open your mouth okay i need to hold your hands okay i can't do it with you really bad okay there you go i'm gonna just eat a bug i'm just eating a bug it's not even a bug technically it's just protein with wings that's it and poop no poo okay my arm's tired okay oh my goodness open your mouth open your mouth this is this is getting tiring come on open your mouth just open it pop it in there okay look i'll eat all these and then ugh i'm going to eat all these bugs and then you're going to eat this freaking but what about that one okay go oh okay i'm eating right now open your mouth chew it do it do it you're doing good tastes like tastes like a bug that is not bacon and cheese i can tell you that it's not bad look at that one that's a big one eww all right so do you want to try one of these yes okay yes or no how many of you say yes if you would have tried it no if you wouldn't have and i gotta tell you i would not have i got to tell you these can you get put that sponge blob in my mouth they don't taste bad at all yes i will you want the whole thing or a bite the whole well i'll take a bite of it i'll take it back too okay you go first this is the um sponge old-fashioned underarms and then wipes face hey they're my it's my sweat either way what what happened crunchy it's fluffy are they supposed to be fluffy ooh hmm that would be good with a coffee so good with coffee mmm i just see why you're right and it's dark chocolate i can see why your son ate them all how are those sponges it was your fault if you left these unattended yeah i mean i mean i was gonna eat half of it wow you left these on a tender of course your son's gonna eat them it melts in your mouth it's like a malt ball on the inside but not malty no i wouldn't i wouldn't describe that as a malt ball it's not malt ball has a look it's harder that was delicious hmm i about my cuticles that's why they're blending that is good i don't know wow it's so weird i almost picked this up and thought it was a bug okay at the beginning of the conversation um we said we'd eat one of each no i'm not doing that again i'm done everybody we said that and you said okay reminder guys we said at the beginning we said honey we're gonna eat one of each don't press your luck i am done if that can go in the red bag of doom there's a chance i don't get it did anybody ever i will use my nose done i want to use my nope on that here did any all right the rest of that one did anybody ever hear me say i was done the answer is yes here many times you did it i'm going to eat a cricket wash it down with this these are so good all right they're exhausted we wore them out sorry guys from that bug at least you guys know i can handle hate but i can't help you at least you guys know steve always says no and does it anyway and steph just just fights two justices did it anyway didn't she no you just she sure didn't just do it anyway she just did it anyway trooper because you know how hard that was for i had to break you down um all right by the way right this is champions all right guys i'm letting this one melt my mouth feel free to feel free to eat any any crickets you come across you guys they're a good source of protein if you can ever come across these are good dark sponge candy please go for it those are so good they're very good all right thank you for all the the wonderful gifts yeah and uh thank you for being a part of this channel stuff you cricket between your teeth she sure does thanks for taking the leg off cricket leg i know i took the leg off i'm pretty sure that leg that was on the one made it jump out of my mouth nope the first time i didn't spit it just bounced before we go i want you to enjoy your life but let's have a staring contest okay ready go why does that have to be a silent contest i'm gonna have to blink i blinked steph blink enjoy your life bye guys bye-bye on to the next
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 211,886
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: 3bi9MCmu6S4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 117min 20sec (7040 seconds)
Published: Sat Jul 25 2020
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