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hey guys hey got another pallet this one is one that I picked out Stevie boy surprises me with them I picked this one I see a couple things I know what they are cuz they're right there I know anyways let's uh we'll get right into this guy's it'll be okay there's resale killers blade we made this we forged this out of one piece of steel and now actually we didn't that I just made that up it was for a meteor yeah there's a meteorite alright so we're going to take a plastic off and then we'll get into this so you guys on an item right out of the top oh I thought that was it okay so it looks like we got this box it says on the go Skechers nice shoes I know I got shoes - no I'm saying you bought shoes yes I did a brand new shoes so my box it's damaged I think mine your ending new - but look at the buck damage my bucks is damaged it these are really these are brand new stuff stay there - Stef bought brand new shoes we didn't know what they were he's like their own Skechers made those yes yes they may be and then people got crippled or something I don't know what happened what happened oh these are nice brand-new okay not a mark perfect though sweet I am really pleased with that I think these are either in here because the boxes got damaged in this box but no biggie like a rubber strip we can put them on hello this looks like a broom handle a long duster feather duster and retractable honest duster well this is supposed to go on there are these other ones these other ones don't go on there so it's just for this tall Owen so this is great for last time good yeah good test test it all if I run into a bunch of these pressure cookers I'm just gonna tell you it's a pressure cooker because we've had a ton of them I could tell you what I'm gonna be keeping me scratchy sponges stop sponges oh there's nice stuff in here okay so we got one two three and a little suction mount for your sponge four five six seven and two round ones I want to see that thing put together that sleeper thing was really cool okay I've got a box full of these are the reef fellas what we market bunch of them awesome they look brand new look there's the so each row each roll has that and Beth so there's one damaged oh yeah that's a long one like this so there's a long so it's got four short or tall and then two really tall yeah so great one two three four five six seven eight ten a ten-piece Tupperware database sticker on it so but it looks like it's never been opened so with a damaged box hopefully the items aren't damaged and denim and company remember women extra large they look like scrubs already feel like scrubs kind of they're kind of heavy duty like them capris or are they full pants oh my gosh look along with crunches okay Cheryl said oh that's for a guy like here let's do this when you let me help the box is damaged take that top one out it's some kind of Oasis or whatever they might both be for spices or whenever you want like towels and you could put plants on there if wanted is if this fits behind their toilet it's kind of get behind it your head will go to the bathroom with this no no nobody leans back there there are people people believe already on the back of our toilet already have things back there what else Packers imagine you're going on bathroom you come to our house you go in the bathroom and you're gonna be like you kiddin X is how you're going how are you in therefore they'll be in there a long time if you put this back there this is not supposed to be in the back that will get him out faster anyways it's nice - really nice I really like them they're really cute and those would be great for fruit vegetables in the kitchen is that really what that is I don't know but you know writing - all right well looks like I got another pair of scripts a white pair maybe whoever ordered these these were never opened there's no way is it if this is an extra-large - these are quick a priest everything I've opened up in new these are extra-large also brand-new and they are shorts or capris or something Wow but these are great look at this this I guess looks similar to the ones to get already opened it look all the exact shoe you can describe it better than man he's like Aztec are these Vince Camuto the other ones no these are earth friends let me know we know brand-new not a speck of dust no lid but who cares a cookbook food shortcut it's a comfort food though is going to be different depending on what reason this hasn't even been opened either I shouldn't even rip it open yes we go you want to see who it is who is it with David David in the kitchen with David good job David nice come on this is a big box here I'm gonna hold up on that yeah I'm gonna sit these these are sorry these are another little over man I've never heard of this brand in you know these originated from the earth put them together they're really smashing yes I might have to look some of these out before we just blow minutes what may they be worth a good amount of money I don't know no older more they warm they're brand-new if an owner of a brand-new office didn't these feel like they would be comfortable they feel like they're really good quality is what they are like they don't touch you have you guys heard of these originals I mean earth organics okay plant a tree maybe they plant a tree every time every shoe is set like that I know some companies do things like that it's earth origins and these are a size seven they're called Sophie red reg pig sweet they got a ginger pig that's messed up they're only using the red the red pigs the pigs is red hair that's what they do thirty back they are selling for twenty eight ninety eight okay brand-new yeah for hire mines heavy for a little box I was gonna pack a little punch I do think I remember looking at the manifest and they needed ones that had shoes and summer grace what am I looking at Lots peanut origins its philosophy grace brand our grace line see it was at summer grace is it pure grace there these are lotions like body cream whipped body cream and they smell good I know I'm the grace ones do we could lather up with this I think they're gonna be sealed in there yeah mmm just smell it smells good all yeah they're gonna make me itch so I'm not gonna keep them I get I break out like this I like there's nothing like real oh I didn't open the lid they'd be real strong if I open I still smell its fragrance this one smells don't want me clean in here oh these are nice all right I think those sell pretty well on online but let's see that might be where they go did you imagine just kidding you're like you get your whole body lathered up one of those you use one of those in one sitting you know how strong any study would only need a little dabbling on your wrists and abadeer yeah okay looks like I got Christmas wish you do might have snowflakes on it so mine might be Christmas - well this is like this stuff so you gotta pin this up right and then it's all glittery nice decorative just three of these in there okay yeah so we got three of those in there very light I don't know I like when we don't know what we have is it turning interesting figure it out this is crazy okay I figured out what it is okay look at this picture would you have any idea what the heck that is I don't know what it's for your rear view mirrors to keep them from getting frozen if their little covers actually we don't appreciate that it slipped I RVs with stuff on them so you guys might live somewhere where you know that that would be a good thing to have no show for the windshield cuz it film in the make bar check yourself my babies it don't get in the mornings it does get real cold and sometimes you have to wait a little old for California yeah but like the wind should decide marry even yeah what happened to me this month these may not felt locally here we don't know I don't know who here would do it yeah okay okay we got this all different we've got more to four of these you got to look at see which ones we want to keep I don't like that one yeah you might improve like the lawn the tall one that taper that's where you get the cereal we have purchased so much liquidation I mean so much truckloads of Macy's returns and I've got so much tougher where all of you guys see these videos you're like I have to keep it all because if I've got that palette but trust me we have gotten so much I don't want anything anymore that's how it is it's just like oh hey always end up selling it no I don't yeah so your first palette you buy liquidation you probably won't want to keep everything and then it eventually did the windows down to where you're like I can if I never see one of these again I'll be fine mind a blanket I think this is gonna be some other kind of tough we're in there guys I'm gonna need help okay he returns because it's not fitting in there at the right way oh and the colors this is the bushiest this has a couple in everyone that this said if this is a cup there's a couple in there this one too has a fantastic it's a heavy plastic yeah it's much heavier than that's typical well they are very heavy so there's a hole but I don't think it's used they're not the box is just alone if one was that one 7 has bubble no this one is bubble wrap - so this is a weird Tupperware sense it's nice I like the little sparkles let's see if it shows if it looks like a paint flick are you can yeah sturdy tough words that this will be going right to the flea market yeah hoarsely sheep oh-hoo these here in California fleece is like a sweat lodge you put police on you don't like some of those sweat shirts you put on or a sweat coat they'd be great if you look like in a cabin nobody needs them here I think the self but they're they look comfy and cozy that's for sure hey funny when she says nobody need that stuff because we get blankets on our bed then we'll freaking burn you up I'm serious like you will you will be sweating well you saw a must see we've got new year no but we don't need it well it's different though than please this is the same one hey this is different we need to open it there well what else we got it it's the same of that other set but only a black boy cuz I've never seen it feels different it feels real solid look at the speckles and what it looks like like those cookware that has that I think it looks like paint Fleck only drop its lock and lock lock and lock it's a good Brandon locking block Costco I've got we use welcome lock lock lock I think it's block in long you ever go to the casino and play like oh and it look like inside of him a nice a lock lock inside of that you know what when you handle a lot of this type of stuff only sold thousands of these but I've never seen this type it feels really nice you've never seen it not this type we use somewhere every day and it blocks a lock lock on it uh-huh ours are lock lock here too never a little baby lock lock all right that's enough they're adorable and they're really really good quality this is a nice set I don't know if I sell it for $3,000 you know like Tupperware always seems to stain when you use like um something that's also made a week yeah it doesn't I don't know why but not so one that is why we sell it for $3,000 look you put them all together I do what they nest left lock oh yes thing that's what that's called yeah this feels like a hover cover it is it's a hover cover greatly weakened outs for those we kept them you clipped a couple and it's great we kept saying in our microwave and my pigeons and stuff like that awesome okay look PG horseshoes yeah this she was called Jenna I didn't show you to picture girl I want you to be surprised so far every shoe we shown has been new can they see ya you'd have to feel the Machine Esther it's got a feather like the museum thing well if you enjoy pushing support right where you need it most these are nice with their memory found many people think we got the garage is open and the wind's blowing very nice I would wear those yeah whoa yes let's see how would you consider this means you look at those they look like they're like a wedge so this is not wearing deals yeah that's a heel this doesn't look comfortable if you're hiking or something no it's not for a doesn't look like a fancy-dress Peter no but this is like if you want comfort but there's some style yeah so on there you could you could you could squeeze the foot into that don't prevail pro will squeeze anything when I had a broken foot these would have been great cuz I could put my all my wrapping and then velcro over it I couldn't put my foot you share the swelling swelling wasn't it yeah she had a fancy booth oh that was a lovely yes I did really nice what is that cardigan a nice shirt like a shawl no song mom yeah well kind of I got just a little over this is nice soft cute I like it oh there's pockets it's definitely for someone shorter than me you might have to know it looks really nice logo it's an extra extra small it seemed like a good look I know but the pockets felts really high for me definitely isn't what do you put in the pocket I love it it's adorable it's very it feels like could yoga Soph yeah a yoga earthy yummy comfy cozy all right I love it come with this okay where do you see what she pulls out of this okay never mind I was gonna surprise you guys with the same another one a different color silver surprise you guys you can always edit that out you said another one of these another one of these well another one of these nice things I think they're adorable they are really nice and they feel really this thing's kind of a behind your head I would prop your head up hey actually you know what what not this either one of these would be good on the counter with fruits in it it would would be great like a banana you can hang up here but it would be really good yeah there you go how many bananas could you think from that I'm like this you stick them in these holes and you let them hang over good idea individually if the bananas hanging and in the top you can have like a few apples down below maybe some yeah be careful whatever is down below is gonna have give off gases and ripen this stuff how do you how do you keep the banana from sliding up inside these little slots uou shove them in you shove the stem inside the wedge job okay things in there it'll work somebody's gonna love this look at these fuzzies I am keeping these and wearing these when it's cold it's not cold yet Wow honey did you pick they got the grippies on the bottom these Michael these might go the girl to her husband actually I'll give a pair to each of the girls four pairs oh you can wear a pair here's four pairs I'm sending these to the girls for seniors his mukluks so they're size small but they're not so small maybe what will fit in that no problem so you and I get the girls yeah which one do you want you me the one that would be the least because I'm only wearing it for me well this one looks like a man who doesn't will wear it this one's too boring for Adriana this is me think stripes would be cute for her or Christmas trees that's a dream yeah Christmas trees and snowflakes and what am i just stripes I don't care what time you'll have play good rope you're wearing playing all were straight I'll do this one hey they're gonna be like did you show the comic mushy blob hey you guys ah inside these are great like I just pulled a route out of my hand and they're soft oh my gosh what are you doing I didn't take it apart of it oh but it's got a um it's got traction on it too I know I'll be wearing this tonight let's down I wear this to know it is really cold in our house tonight it'll be cold how come these are our favorite thing in the box you know why cuz they're mushy you sound like a cloud nice and we were cold we're just cold lately girls are gonna get that me like they're gonna love it yep five bucks no Buck youth your girl painting yourself cop okay we're gonna save this big box this one got smooshed let's hope it's okay in there I'm not opening it okay look granny trolley it looks like a folding trolley dolly I think you come up from us okay it's for shopping you get it nowhere look at these wheels I know that one says release the secure there's a secure line you know why yeah you take this upstairs and the view lifts up the stairs if you lived in a second-story apartment this is what you get your groceries in because we left it will show you guys this later that's amazing dude but I yeah you hit that when that thing hits the stairs instead of you dragging it up it starts to roll up what is it it says greens from farm to fizz Oh fizzy fizzy it goes from the farm and the dehydrator whatever they did Susie no these are cool we're keeping these these look how these death makes greens for me made some real greens I smell it here we go that's pretty awesome I think they're all gonna be yeah there's a Vitamix an inch wheatgrass kale blue-green algae spirulina chlorella barley grass aloe vera okay check is that one tablet of of it's called eight greens contains as much as six cups of spinach vitamin b6 Wow six oranges vitamin C 15 cups of broccoli that's a panel thick acid and vitamin b5 seven cups of milk vitamin b12 and zinc 2 cups of and Amanda mommy you don't eat it you drink it I know I'm gonna go make one are like okay do make me want to know you want to share it or you want look get around okay let's do it taste like no it's still fizzing it's a full tablet in there stuff so it's like an alka-seltzer this is really powerful it smells delicious that's not really good does smell good sniff it smells like sniff that guy's major lemon by the way how you like in this Starbucks glass okay we're gonna finish these up I wish you guys to smell this doors okay this is our favorite things apart the socks are good this is year round well guess who's getting a brand-new bed rowdy he's getting rowdy his dog he's boxing her bunk so getting a brand new bed and he's big he's getting big now he's all leggy right now still oh he's still young but he's getting leggy and I already got a new bed and he will yeah click on that I can open it there you go rowdy Berkshire collection public brand of that's a really nice big bed for him he's gonna be a big boy good boxer so that's perfect see what's in this another small box this year I got some science here trying to surprise you all so these are done okay guys the neuropeptide discovery collection what o connor however you say it that's a good brand Perricone a real brand here's what it is it's not a pot pie facial cream neural firming moisturizer neuropeptide firming and illuminating under the eye cream that's going on Poshmark it looks like they put it in the way they package this makes it look like it's from a hospital this doesn't look very delicious let's do it Cheers it looks delicious to me because I'm used to drinking green stuff stuff sometimes scrapes up the grain out of the gutters and gives it to me Oh Cheers that's fine you don't need a sip it no it's fine it's got a little tang to it though you don't have to drink it all at once but I'm gonna step on it it kind of tastes like it's not as sour as an airborne but it's kind of like an airborne hold on let me see how it's making me feel how does this making me feel that wasn't very much I'm sipping them mmm some people go on the zipper while you sip I'll open this long one I recommend these things whatever they're called and we will be using those playhead steps make Steph make those points she'd be hydrates a bunch of vegetables and then we put them in a blender make it like a powder feel this it's so soft don't like a bathroom rug but if you promote we're keeping this for a bathroom we'll put this behind the toilet with that big rat thing Don Albert sure hey it's a Don Albert this think like a rubber right that's it it's a done Albert enjoy you can we can hang this on the wall look spread that out welcome to our house how do you like our art how do you like our done Albert it's texture I start yeah this is our god Albert we can maybe find a frame for it to put it in it's an impressionist I like it really nice yeah it'll be nicer you got that one in there it's nice and soft we have a dumpster one in in our bathroom right now what would you put in the other bathroom it's just it's nice warm very that's why you don't have tests destroy glass they would destroy that here's mine I'm gonna tell you right now mine's kind of heavy is yours heavy no I'm like really light I'll show mine first it's an air fryer you got the better did I yeah because I'm like yeah we need one ours it's about on a flat plate hmm it's brand new and it's Purdy look at this you look at it it looks like British control have one that's not love this nice this looks like a birth control for this is a birth control like if you don't like traditional press control you know whatever you eat on Monday you press this on Tuesday but you do have to use it in order for it to work so you just go all the way around this is really a nice one I said it's for cooking stew you think you put like clams and stuff in here and then they open up they're just like ours so they can see that nice great one really nice actually this is bigger than ours it'll take about the same size of ours I did have a dog bed it's adorable can open this way oh it's not a favorite time it's a vacuum but it is brand-new yeah it's brand-new I don't have to look and see what the condition was stated on this palette that's stuff in here it's beautiful I mean like never has been touched or you this is a soft fuzzy right here now this is gone we'll end up just putting it together and leaving it together sure Crockett that's different duo cleans but no ears and my new steel okay so we get these brand-new sealed this court mr. I think it is I don't know what do the brushroll triple particle clean large smallest stuff we got three brand-new vacuums in this town new these are these are great how do you in the dog so rowdy might go to bed the box is destroyed on the corner but it doesn't make a difference these are nice they're really nice brand-new yep we have one more item let's get it over one more other it's a big one too look how big that is if you look at it you might oh we already we already see the hint this definitely and this was not going to be cheap I bet you I bet this was not well you guys what do you guys think it is yeah what do you think all right so do you think a little tears by the way my perfect time of year to Seles it right now we got we could right now we sell it right now I might even want a Christmas tree there was a Santa's best deal sticker on there and it was sealed so this one got pulled because your box got damaged you know what there's no other section to do but like this part that's a nice very heavy-duty deal like this is no joke here as far as the fake tree goes this is a good one oh that was egg and you put a and a B scared me look there's the plug this is heavy yeah what's this batteries for what batteries for the lights the battery-powered light or not oh no remote control let's see I would guess that it's a remote control so that does that batteries or do you actually use the batteries or anything you can change the color you can change it from your way oh cool right this might be the wrong yeah they're all over here Wow there are 17 oh wait oh this is cool is this the yes they're remotes of Christmas tree this is creepy sweet little color function oh this is an expensive Christmas Wow look at all the things you can do on there guys Steph this is your a gadget person there's 17 17 17 teachers and then there's that many of colors so you can have jump twinkling by layer Oh layered of the tree random blinking cascading chase didn't notice fire fly up and down slow twinkle up-and-down chase how do you do with the remote you hang it on the tree and you walk up to the tree and you go it's amazing you don't you talent units do it kids listen I've been endowed with super powers from Santa Claus I'm gonna change these life you know what maybe so I don't decorate for Christmas we don't do any of that though but this kind of makes me want to cut oh this is I don't want to drag that back up in the attic though to put it away but I kind of want it I gotta look this up so there it is it's big yeah the box at home because of the pause yeah Wow this was it kid it's fun great palette we've got some crazy stuff like this this is science right here folks totally neuropeptide discovery collection just get over your peptides meanwhile I'm discovering my green down my green doing Wow gets $282 that Christmas tree $282 I don't remember what we paid for this palette but I think it was kind of close to that also look and see what that might have paid for the whole palette yeah right there Wow hope you guys enjoyed that pal as much as we did cuz it is it it is a really good one you dig really good because it shoes in there just socks so yeah the Greens got I don't even remember what you called those things that the hangman toilet you're gonna do whatever those were really no I like the kitchen baskets or the house basket the dog beds there's really no resharpen 'he's brand-new master ii nice things and things that are relatively easy to sell real easy and everything's brand new not one thing look like it had ever been used the one that you thought was it wasn't no it was the damaged box and that's all it is oh yeah Wow liquidation ste thought that like what is wrong with us - they don't even hear music so they're like what's going on but they're dancing again Stevens ever dancing again weirdos uh-huh a beautiful day it is yes thank you very much for joining us and enjoy all right Oh enjoy your life oh yeah stealthy like a ninja be like a ninja
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 981,469
Rating: 4.7994761 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, stevensteph resale killers, SHE PAID $200 FOR ALL THESE MYSTERY BOXES!, Unboxing mystery boxes, Unboxing, Mystery box, mystery boxes, What's inside, mystery box unboxing, returns pallet unboxing
Id: T6caO16MVYw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 42min 17sec (2537 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 25 2019
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