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[Music] shut up shut up no it's barnes no are you serious all those ones i haven't been taking like whoa hey guys it's steph and it is gift card day we have a lot of new subscribers so i'm going to kind of go over this gift card thing real quick real quick version there's another video that goes more in depth but i'm just going to show real quick i've got about 300 of them now these are dumpster dive gift cards i found them while i was dumpster diving so they're cards that were activated at the store so somebody bought it bought something and um threw it away or the cashier maybe the card got demagnetized or whatever in the cashier said there's zero balance threw it away but they're in the trash from the store pretty good luck of finding some money on some of these so hopefully it's a good good time when we check it you never know what you're going to find and generally every time i check it's like 100 bucks sisters bucks ish or so um sometimes over sometimes less but most of the cards are gonna have zero so don't be discouraged but every once in a while you get a penny or you get ten bucks you never know so here we go here's how we do it okay these are all the cards i'm going to be checking today basically what it is is you get the gift card they're found in the trash and they have a little pin on the back and the pin is um underneath this code so a lot of you guys ask how do i check these i'm going to show you you go to the website of the store so like this is old navy gap banana republic and um you go to their website and you go to the section that says gift cards and it'll be somewhere on the usually on their home page somewhere at the bottom or up at the top in a corner and or you can just google old navy gift card balance that's what i usually do and it'll bring it up so you type in this number and you type in the pin number that's behind there honey could you help me real quick hold this camera for me so i can do it sure or hold the card whatever how about i hold a card [Laughter] good one okay all right so anyway the little pins right behind them usually easier to peel than that so there it is four digits on this one so this little guy trash put it in my little pile these are ones i've been peeling pins off of um i just put a piece of tape down double stick it on the one side and put the sticky tacky side up and i stick my little nubs on there as i go so a lot of these over here i've checked and not checked but scanned and are scraped off and then all of these i haven't yet so very clever with that i know i'm really clever okay so let's get to it oh one more thing oh wait honey are you getting ready to floss no no okay so what do you think our total is gonna be today okay i'm going historically speaking you are get you average about 100 yeah so um i mean it's it would be wise to just say a hundred it's gotta be i know but we gotta have a lower one i mean you've getting you've gotten less than a hundred i'm just what if we got 1500 or whatever let's see what were these i'm gonna guess i'm not saying you get 100 every time you get sometimes it's less sometimes it's more but you probably average about a hundred dollars when you do three or four hundred cards are you doing i'm doing about 300 today okay i'm gonna say and hardly any barnes noble just a little stack this is my barnes noble stack that's not that many which is tiny i'm gonna say um so good odds seventy-seven let me write it down seventy-seven because seven your favorite number okay i was gonna say 67 but i'm gonna go with 77. the reason i'm doing this gift card today is because of these because i found these and i got to know what's on them so do i start with that wait till the end i'm i like to wait on stephanie i don't even know why i asked you i would have just started with it i wait and let the drama build that's how i like to do it but you do it however you like i would compromise and just check one but that will give it away if there's zero on it or there's a dollar a minute then we'll know the other ones probably have it too so i'll wait come on thanks here we go okay right here in my search engine i'm typing old navy gift card balance check balance takes it to here which takes you to the gift card there's tasha um gift card check so now that we've got that 16 digit gift card number that's on the back here and it is 600 3 8 7 7 9 4 3 6 5 7 3 two five i don't know if i made a typo because i have a cord on my keyboard that was i was hitting so 33 47. so now i'm not a robot now recaptcha which are one of my least favorite things in the world okay stairs this one's easy i like it when it's a it's a little puzzle but the ones that have one big picture those are hard okay so there we go it says your gift balance is zero dollars um anyway so then that one goes in the pile of nope if i find something with something on it i write it on the back so let's keep checking i'm gonna check all these old navy's end gap and um a lot of the stores are owned by each other so banana republic um baby gap all those ones and merchandise credits you can usually check them too um not at ulta but pretty much everywhere else you can so let's get to checking look don't you look honey they're looking got a good one i got a good one yeah don't you look woo hoo smiley face for that so a lot of you guys i can't believe that that's awesome this is my first stack i mean i've checked some of the ultas but other than that um yay okay got one a lot of you guys ask um how do you pay for these or how do you use them you just go in the store and you using my swiper i do have a swiper by the way um did you see how it came up with some weird numbers in the beginning it wasn't and it wasn't the full number um anyway the swiper is like a little you know just like a credit card company just got this off ebay i didn't have it for most of the times i've done gift cards um and you don't have to have it most the stores it doesn't work on without some modification so like that i had to take off the first two weird numbers and uh put the next two in there so this let's do it here we go so swipe for instance um so it's got a percentage sign and a b and i'm going to remove that and then this card has an 84 at the end all right chimneys hmm zero so anyway that's what i'm doing you just go in the store and you pay for it or you can buy something online and use your gift card online that's what i usually do because i don't go in the stores at all during covid but um during normal times i just do it online anyway because it's easy so i can use my credit card for the difference for the balance so say i've got where that won't go hope i didn't lose it okay say this one that i have 29 55 on it if i spend 40 dollars my credit card will just pay the difference this will get applied first so it's really easy um and or if you go in the store they have no problem you bring them a stack of 10 gift cards they're gonna um take it no problem they don't care because that's their job and they're happy to do it i went in there with 10 gift cards one time and she had no problem with it and some of them were like a penny so it's no big deal okay and here i keep going okay i've checked the five below staples uh michaels oshkosh bagash sports authority tilly's dick sporting goods carters and i did the dsw and all of them had zero and that's fine [Music] you guys he's got earphones in over there so he can't hear unless i talk loud but i just got one at ulta it's a penny looks like 10 cents but that's penny okay okay just so we don't think about it later i don't know if it's even showing i think it is okay we're taking amanda to the airport tomorrow so she's gonna go visit adriana with the kids so we're strapping the stroller on the top of the car that's what that was about okay onto the next yay have it's a good look two ulta so far i got seven cents i'm excited i only have like this many more to go let's keep going no way i just got a 22-16 on a christmas one i think can you even see it 2216. three ultas and an old navy wow these are big ones so so far i've got 29.55 a penny 15 37 7 cents and 22 16. yes it's a good day this is a good day okay on to the next still got more to go if you hear that it's my laundry gift card days are also laundry days and i'm right next to the laundry room i think i'm gonna go with the um i'll do because these are kind of a fun treat and i've been on a roll so i'm gonna do all the visa mastercards these happy cards look how many happy cards i have that's a bunch of them and then all these visa mastercard tip ones um and these are good ones because i'm not going to do those special ones i'll wait for the end for those navy federal ones but these are good because the stores can't check these so if you go to old navy and you buy something they'll say you have 27 cents left do you want to keep it and you go no i don't feel like carrying that around for 27 cents and they just throw it away and that's when we find it so um but this these visa mastercard ones they can't look it up and find out how much is on them these might be more likely they're harder to find but they sometimes have balances and i think that's why let's get to checking these none of these kind of badges none of them and this many ultas have been checked these are all those other miscellaneous this is how far i've come i've got this many done that's a lot got four cards with balances which i'm thrilled about because a couple of them are big and then i've got some barnes and noble which you know how these are i don't seem to have a good track record i don't even grab these anymore because i've never once found a penny on it so i don't grab them unless i'm at a different store than our store in california if you um have a gift card balance of ten dollars or less it's a law um first of all in california they cannot charge you the 50 cents or processing fee or whatever there's no fees that come out every month like a couple dollars none of that it's illegal and there have to give you cash back on your gift card if you have a balance that's under ten dollars so most stores aren't going to tell you that but you guys have told us that barnes and noble at ours at least it sounds like um they ask you which is really nice hey you've got three dollars left did you want cash back for that and then they close out the card so i think that's why i never find anything at barnes noble but i do grab them from the other store that we frequent sometimes um not all the time because i seriously i've checked billions of these it feels like i've never found a pen here we go barnes and noble no recaptcha where's the recaptcha what's going on there we go current balance okay so that's zero look here's another one jerry and george how cute she didn't like that very much but they were friends that was when we had she was a bengal a long-haired bengal and uh steve was a fan of the chargers and he happened to have another jersey so i put it on but i am not a fan of any football whatsoever please don't don't think that because i hate it and now that the chargers have left steve doesn't even watch football he's in protest so um actually this one's his wife so that's been nice for me okay it's kind of fun doing on this computer because it's rotates through all my pictures of my um photo album nope holy crap you guys look at that look i got my first barnes noble balance and it's huge i don't even know what to say what have i been doing what do i do from now on do i keep taking barnes and noble gift cards or do i leave them i can't believe i am gobsmacked i don't even know what to say because of all those ones i've left behind and i want to keep leaving them behind because the benefit maybe the benefit's good don't know this wasn't probably from our store though so that's a good thing i mean i don't know there's no way for me to know where i got this it's like so many of them look the same actually you know what it's the only one that oh no there's more these ones i checked yeah this is a common looking gift card it's a really common one look here's another one here's another one oh look though it was a rental 50 one it came that way oh my gosh [Music] i don't even know what to say how high am i right now with these gift cards i got to see how i am do we want to know okay 50 at barnes and noble actually you know what i don't want to know do i yeah yeah i do 22 16 at ulta seven cents ulta 1570 a 37 ulta a penny at ulta not a lot of pennies this time huh 29.55 at uh old navy so what's our balance 117 we're above 100 you guys i mean hey i'm thrilled if that's all we find that i'm fine with that but there's more to go [Music] bath and body works so on to bed bath and beyond i've got a nice little stack from them here we go i love bed bath and beyond because it has that 20 off gift card of a night not gift card but um that coupon so that's always fun honey yeah i can't even tell you what i just found can't tell me okay why are you starting to tell me but i'm sort of starting to tell you you're starting to take why do you do that why don't you just not tell me if you're not gonna tell me because i wanna tell you you don't want me to wait i do but you guys know what i'm talking about there was something special in here how many of you like to wait for the surprise nobody if you like it right away i bet you that it might be 50 50. some people like to hey i'm gonna wait i'm not gonna open up a christmas present early what's going on open up your present early you know like there's kids that want to sneak down there and open presents up how about a little peek [Laughter] um there's a very special one in here it's not one of those oh i have those to do too you're starting to tell me little things are you gonna tell me anything at all i don't understand why you're giving me this information for i'm just sharing my joy and astonishment but you're not telling me a thing like absolutely nothing i don't know what i'm even sitting here for you're sitting here because i'm excited okay so what was it you're saying there's something there's a special one i'm gonna see but i can't see it okay i'm really excited about not seeing that i wanna i wanna spill some beans but not too many beans okay we'll wait we'll wait i don't have many more to go let's keep going okay oh my gosh it's like christmas honey this next one i just just checked the balance what you're gonna tell me that or two are you just gonna if i write down here they can't even see it it's so small i mean it's so dark the balance is so small no the card oh here they can kind of see it it's not huge but let's just say it starts with a three thirty dollars no three dollars three dollars and ninety eight cents that's not bad no not bad at all on the ground you'd pick it up i would i totally would i i'd show you guys but it'll show the card number and i'm not going there yet oh that's the bed bath and beyond and honey guess what's at bed bath and beyond uh hope i hope there's enough money to buy a bunch of freaking lotion no not bath and body works what bed bath and beyond that's where the sodastream canisters are ooh that's a good one that's a good one that's what i'm going to spend it on that 3.98 cents going straight toward a sodastream canister that's actually really good it is because i can use my 20 off coupon or my other one which is um five dollars off 15 or whatever it is oh wow what the heck this is like christmas it's a christmas gift card day oh come on old me hold federal keep going [Music] happy [Music] i'm kidding okay [Music] you know what i hear you're making i hear you groaning and stuff over there this is not fair but should i should i leave no i'm almost done like you're just making these sounds i only have this many left okay i don't want to know but i don't want to know i don't know what's going on over there wow that was fun keep them coming sounds like you're having a party how can you hear that with your phones on are you not listening to anything that's exactly steph i have earphones on i'm making that much noise i heard you oh okay yeah if i was doing that you would be there's no way you would have to know oh i would i'd be looking over your shoulder if you looked over your shoulder on that one i just did you'd be really happy oh yeah okay honey are you ready to tell me no i'm ready for the grand finale 500 on these ones and there's a little transaction booklet in here that you can write down where you used it i hope nobody lost that much money if it i truly do but if it did happen you know what but i hope that i hope that nobody lost that i think we do have to call because it's making us sign in um sign the card number you enter is closed two speak drawer representative present zero two in this call press nine or simply hang up closed okay okay so that means it might have been used it could be it could have been used why was it in that dumpster i don't know okay dude call the number again okay oh i didn't know that talent i thought i had to go down here and have recent calls i didn't know that if it's your last number you just go and hit the green button again thanks for telling me all this 15 years oh you hit that hang up really quick there here let's try that again steph wait here like show them how you did it oh all you have to do in case you don't know the trick oh man i didn't know that trick i hit the hang up button instead of the um it was funny though hit the hangout button after instead of the pound okay now show them it's on the green okay see it's on the green there's no number up here what happened to my arm boom with my lip gloss did you lose your arm thank you i didn't lose my arm did it go weak no it had lip gloss on it had a red mark but it must have been wiped it and something so anyways you don't have i was just going to go on recent phone calls and apparently steph knew this trick where he just hit the button again full of tricks i almost had to hang up just for fun just exasperating the corner of my eye healthy exasperated i like to exasperate you they said zero right it was closed yeah okay so are you ready for the finale do you want me to calculate it yeah yeah yeah that's time we do it let's see if you can okay guys i'm gonna clear my thing this is the calculator i use okay i'll go in order i think of the way i found them okay oh wait my guess was 77 yes it was because i was gonna say 67 but i said 77 because two sevens is better than one that's right so 77 77 yes okay that's four sevens okay first one old navy 29.55 wow i know that's we're done that's really good 20 20 what 29.55 good job man yeah i worked hard for that it's just it's just really i mean seriously it's crazy you're you're already in there you're not going looking for gift cards that's not if if there was nothing else in dumpsters you would not just go i'm just going to go do gift cards no like that you're there already so you're grabbing them it doesn't take you that much time no um okay you ready for this big one yes it's a penny okay okay do i even write that do i put zero one yes i count every penny i just meant i don't know if i was typing it right okay next one ulta 15 seven fifteen dollars and thirty seven there you go fifteen cents fifteen thirty seven outstanding i know wow i had about this many ultas today though like it was a lot of fun yeah so wow that's outstanding i'm glad there wasn't just a penny okay i'm not gonna dance this one's for you honey .07 yes gets me closer to that seven was that last one is seven two yeah 15 37 a penny and 29 i just evened our number and i'm not gonna tell you what it is you ready for this yes ulta 22-16 oh my goodness this is starting to get serious i know we're done with ulta okay now we're getting serious yes okay you messed up i knew you would no but i did though the reason that i know i'm gonna mess up so i always look at this last number i always look at that last number and i memorize that and then if i mess up boom okay wow we're close to mine are we yes well this one is going to bump over that i'll save this one for last because this is the finale okay bed bath and beyond 3.98 3.98 bed bath and beyond now bye bye baby wow okay you ready bend up and beyond ten dollars even [Music] wow i only had a few bed bags wow i know steph i know you beat my my guess now we're done come on to the last two come on the one's gonna blow his covet gift card bed bath and beyond 25 even did you know the total i know it's over 100. it's over 100 i know the average stays intact this is shocking and then we get to this one all right i'm not do hold on do you want to know what the total is right now oh yeah 106 dollars and 14 cents oh this might be a record you just you just went into a dumpster and grabbed 106.14 oh i didn't just grab that [Music] come on now i need to know it's barnes and noble barnes and noble sucks it's a good fifty dollars shut up at barnes shut up no it's barnes no are you serious all those ones 156 dollars and 14 cents what you can't get discouraged and you can't say i'm not getting any when you check 10 cards it takes hundreds of cards we got nine out of over 300 cards had something on it and a couple of more like a pen you know good job they weren't even anything big but there were a couple big ones in here and that's what you're looking for and it happens we got proof yep all right tell us your card the biggest part you guys have found and the story behind it you saved that trash all right guys enjoy your life enjoy your life
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 224,987
Rating: 4.9229488 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 30min 54sec (1854 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 12 2021
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