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yes hi again long time no see look we have all this fun stuff to open tell them why we haven't opened it before now well it's been in quarantine in our house for over a week we've had this stuff sitting here so we're still gonna be careful we got gloves but it's just been sitting there untouched longest we could find things was most things or cardboard boxes which i think is like 24 hours but you know we're just we're safe so this stuff's been in quarantine but we're still gonna check it and we want to see what's inside and then we won't touch it for a while just sit there for a while after we've gone through it so thank you for whoever sent us stuff Hanna hyannis there's a bunch of stuff big box we put your stuff in Anna so for sure we're gonna do your stuff at last because this stuff has been over a week yours hasn't so yeah so we don't know the correct procedure in this stuff so maybe what we do is overkill maybe it's not enough but it is what we're doing and whatever yeah so here let me just touch my face right now before I do anything because I always have touched my face moyzisch in' always have a hair tickle on me so fun alright we excited these are it's been sitting you're staring at us thanks for joining us and let's find out what's in these packages okay do the honors Steve seven I'm going to colors Sydney Australia Down Under box it says Down Under box on it down under box what is that it's from Jackie in Australia yeah yeah thanks Jackie they did this company has very nice packaging what's a Down Under box I bet it's sudden about a walkabout let's hope no for Steve's sake that's not cute that is adorable this box is staying forever here we go this cute it says a taster home from your mates down under what oh my goodness this is food we'll do a separate video tasting all this time yeah cuz I'm gonna I'm gonna open it this way so they'll take it out as we see it I got to show you this this company their their packaging yeah like it really is nice is it oh look at all the little Australian stuff on the box kangaroos boomerangs Sant sandal Stef flip-flops their flag flip-flop 365 nice color is a nice packaging by the way it's gonna be in the 90s this week this year okay this is like a treasure trove okay this treasure trove you sent one of the boxes thanks Michael yeah very much can't wait okay so this let's not even look in here let's do this a separate video so we can taste all these things show on this okay well so we'll show it but we'll taste it later tiny Teddy's this is I think we shouldn't show it yet cuz it'll be surprised for it tiny Teddy's and spotty the dogs oh man let's wait and do this like tomorrow or maybe later today or something how about tomorrow alright so actually let's do it okay we'll do this down under tomorrow and taste it I see a Cadbury egg in there I don't know what they call it I feel bad there's a tam-tam in here well then if we really open it then we eat them now but says we won't we will wait because this is Jackie Jackie we will do this tasting tomorrow down under we will do an Australian taste test and we need to do it when we're like totally hungry ready for snacks look I want to look in there so little cakes rude delightful okay so this we are doing tomorrow Wow so keep an eye out for a video if you wanted this packaging and just that company down um we're down under box that's really stellar the way that they package I'm glad to be open that first two because that there's no way if that came all the way from there has been touched at all so let's put that over there okay anything else touch anything because we're gonna that tomorrow well inside the box always think wow that was cool fun I'm gonna open this little guy go for it this is from Lorraine in Ontario California urine is our neighbors to the north yeah like real close neighbors lotto tickets oh oh my lucky entry is 0 for this month 0 because we have anything left the haps no zero anymore a free ticket for you enter these for second chance thank you and there's something else in here steps determined to win that gym I want to win it gift cards hmm you checked him to let me see she checked it I 95 sent one I am so excited in there star I can put this on my Starbucks today I can put this one on my Starbucks today thank you a Sephora for 1068 wow that was very generous of you found these in the dumpster don't know if they have a balance you can only check in the store it says maybe you can use your reader and keep them I will totally check these Depot I will check out loves office I think some of them I can call they sell pins and she loves paper yes for balancing creeks all I'm gonna check these thank you so much it is so sweet you can step your body thanks to the rain I don't know why you didn't want Starbucks I'm excited yeah really nice thank you and I'll keep your little address here in case I win the lotto you know hasn't hasn't had a Starbucks yeah that's blue we're gonna wash your screen after Steph's is blue like the shirt she's wearing and Steve's is red I don't know what that was about so we'll see if we'll find out okay this I don't know who it's from yet okay but it says hey gadget gift Oh circuit receipt oh okay enjoy your gift I know you love the hot stuff in Sini's inside of you Steph try these your biggest fan from Three Rivers Michigan from Angie Reed Oh yeah there there's a that's hot okay it says warning extremely hot fiery five challenge how hot can you handle oh I can handle so hot yeah but you got to go you got to go up the ladder you got to eat one then another fun the five the fiery five should we do them today no we'll save that for another video eating is gonna be different because this is gonna be a problem that Steph has to deal with hermanos coming ha ha ha dad that's gonna be hot thank you the extremely hot and look at the face okay so stay tuned Andy we're gonna do another test with these we'll get him out of the box why does it windows lepre as soon as you have gloves on you're like you want to touch us that's why I'm gonna Dempster - somebody said that on the comment - and I was like that is so true my hair just comes right down just comes anybody have a ponytail it still comes out it all just comes around all over my face how does everybody handling like this whole like there's that it seems like okay this is a little paranoid and sometimes it's like oh we're not cautious enough it's like a roller coaster isn't it no it's ridiculous even we went out we went on that walk at one time the rainy day walk then we did go sit in her car a couple times literally sit in a car in the driveway it was nice that was so nice okay you know what I'm saying yeah so weird sorry whoever sent that but it dropped only glass it didn't sound like glass okay I'm joking learn to cook a down-and-dirty guide to cooking dad is awesome okay let's see that is who said this I don't know but that's a great book normally there's like a note that says oh here there is another know who I like down and dirty dirty cookie whoa okay okay it was that Michael that we saw was it Michael hey Steve now you can learn to cook without getting your hands dirty hey hiya penny cool because a good thing that's coming out of this is I found a passion for cooking I actually it's exhausting to me because I don't know what I'm doing but I definitely learned and I do read the comments and I'd lick it I look at the suggestions and then I put it in my memory it's time I think I'll get better pineapples in American everything I've made has been edible yes and it's been very good it's been perfectly cooked we had froze some of the lasagna I made Steph throw some of it and we ate that a few days ago and it was outstanding on Easter actually outstanding not just because I made it no it was so good there's a recipe in here for peanut soup I've never even heard of peanut new he's like unusual recipes I don't know cucumber spread hummus orange thank you Michael dressing if it is Michael Thank You MJ I will use it whoever sent this I will use it if it's not not you in bathing its in J so thank you that's cool this is awesome cookbook Wow I love Lufia and posit that other meals I don't know how to pronounce in Hawaii 85 homestyle recipes I am look at that stiff can you see it yes I'm looking to see who it is it's ILO D I got so excited huh I got so excited didn't read the name me is that your YouTube roasted marinated pork i lo i lo 50 lol Oh 50 I don't know don't know thank you very much yes I love Filipino food oh I can't wait we have a farmer well we will get the farmers market back but they have a farmers market by the mall and there's a guy there a Filipino guy that he brings Filipino food there we have an Asian market where we can find any weird ingredients that we may not normally have it your store that might be one of these unique foreshortening tell me that tencel's - oh good come on we got a pencil used to little puzzle mortar and pestle pestle but I don't know this is cool maybe in that dirt in there I got to I got it down and dirty yay I got it oh this is Theo don't go meanie Saragossa and Mickey Garcia touch on that with your gloves well it's by the time we actually open it'll be fine and this one has been a while so I'm putting the note in your address in here so I know who who sent that and I'll write it on there I think yeah I did time just things over I'm gonna be like a I'm gonna be cooking international meals this is stuff I've never cooked anything in that either nothing not those recipes have I ever cooked you know real familiar with Filipino food no I'm familiar with eating it well I would love to eat it okay here okay this one slide it from the coaster shirt best from New Hampshire with a surgeon yay dad thank you see what it is from New Hampshire New Hampshire is that talking about freedom or something oh good mood is sponsored by coffee this is a shirt of the wave cute - oh yeah I like the tone on top on taupe tone on tone give me the sponsor I make coffee I love it live free or die Carroll bargain shopping this that's so cute oh that's what you're trying to think of yeah thank you so so so much Beth from New Hampshire copy is like your ray Deena oh my goodness there's some coffee people in my cousins do you met my cousin Laura Benjamin her husband he said I don't understand what this whole thing about all the toilet paper being scarce he said why isn't it the coffee and that's a question that is the truth cuz why is it that being hoarded cuz that all parents need that right now this was wrong this is from Steve Collins and he's in and West Virginia nitro West Virginia nitro don't show his address I want okay uh I want to live in a place that has a name like that I know our name is where you from I'm from Nitro uh you're so lucky nitro it sounds like coffee California doesn't it coffee California nitro natural glycerin you know find lots of coffee in the dumpsters we actually have found quite a bit of coffee in dumpsters tons and tons of K Cups um tell us of other pods that we don't know what they've gone to many stuff yes there's styrofoam in here okay styrofoam is static here I'll take it and stick it over here you got a note Steve instead okay he's over there doing it not anybody getting a seat you can wipe with other stuff but we can't substitute cop that's right you can wipe with paper you can wipe with um leaves but you can't do anything without worry without coffee hello but there's not gonna be any excuse for me to not be able to cook what every American needs to know oh my gosh we do need to know this it's a new dictionary of cultural what is that that's not a cookbook did no I thought it was a cookbook cultural literacy he's got maps that's God I need to brush up on the major area of knowledge including politics business history and literature Wow the ultimate family reference to people places and events every American needs to know the only thing is I'm not gonna be able to retain this stuff you won't world history to 1550 American politics world geography economics earth sciences life sciences Wow there's a couple long notes in there we'll read that okay just after here stick the note right here with it so I can put it in here there's several of them okay we will read them yeah thank you we can read them off thank you so much you're so sweet Steve that's a nitro oh that is so cute thank you we will read all of that and I don't know that I can read this whole book but I'm gonna suppose and read parts actually that would help in art it would totally whose is that we are the what is it the games we've been playing can you imagine if I if I could retain things how well I would do retain stuff and you do really good now if you're not doing good that really doesn't bode well for me you need to say yeah I'll do you even better than tomorrow you doing oh I will do better if I if I read up okay ah I wish I could do better on this quizzes I'm very embarrassed my parents said that they did some of them and they got most of them right tell you I'm not embarrassed on the last ones we've been doing what is this it's a game or something what is it Julia Palmer Easton oh this is gonna be this is brutal hey Steph I'm just saying it's brutal yeah it's your turn to play with science I saw a YouTube page you loves sour stuff it also can be used as the game poor seven enjoy from Julia Palmer it's very colorful here sour candy factory oh how Sarah can you go this will be fun how sour can you go lesbian candy bacon this is gonna be so cool we're totally doing this this will be fun so tasty money for this one Thank You Julia is anybody else out there having that this hour what your mouth does when you think about it I kind of got it yes I did like I truly got it when she said how sour can you go I got that right now you got it anybody else yeah shellay 'then said yes yeah isn't that weird like thinking about it I think I can go the sourest level think about biting a lemon right now like oh and the hottest level I know you could go to hottest level and you could go to sourest level but can you know I definitely can't do the hot yes pickles sent us the hot sauce it'd be fun not for Steve Hadden on first dates a kid eating that for the first time like an infant Oh that'll be fun thank you whisper because it's kind of childish well yeah that's so cute thank you so much Julia I love it I can't wait to do that that'll be so fun okay this is a big ebay you guys have given us fun stuff to do for videos thank you this is eBay and it's from Kathy with Road Cathy's or Daly an eBay she's a reseller cuz she's got the eBay tape going she's using a recycled box which is the greatest thing ever I love it so good okay I hope you're a Dempster that monkey is in in where organ organ okay we have Steph has family in Oregon cousins no Eugene Oregon hey Steven Steph I wanted to buy it's hard but I'm staying out of the stores it's not a Steve when I oh I don't want to say what this is I love watching your videos you always bring a smile to my face can't be an Oregon oh boy you could use these again okay I got a handle this the right way ah buddy let's see I got other gloves I could put on right now put on no I could take these I don't know what to do no here's what you can do you can touch it and mess with it and we just won't touch it for a little for like a week no let's do this first she said you guys use the same allergy right I do use this they use nice when we did that thing and pull all this stuff out that was a house and that pull shut down in there I just did like allergy seasons gonna be we're not outside but it's gonna be bad as here we can tell yes and this is the best thing I ever had and I have bad allergies every year and this is the best thank you it is really really good it is I will vouch for that it saves his life so thank you for the Costco aller flow I love it thank you Cathy I don't know what that is i revitalizing cream remember you put the eye cream on me and he thought it went all the way up here and around oh this I'm gonna take this out last because it's so cool what thing this is allergy cream it's sealed in here and everything yeh analogy but eye cream I will use it mmm unless it's for Steve death was just talking about doing a puzzle last night yes and this fun where the puzzle is different from the box cover oh yes cheap buy the box cover we are playing this puzzle oh here you show some of it okay hello don't look at this cuz it's not gonna be this one hey you guys it could be something like this when you see this what I get out of here in a second it's gonna be so listen to this wait me read the short mystery containing everything you need to know about the wine the wine maker and the wine Oh a symbol the thousand-piece puzzle and sample the hidden evidence throughout fowl and play Cabernet beware the puzzle is different from the cover and then you solve it foul and play Cabernet we're piecing together the clues from the story and puzzle if anyone criticizes you for cheating chalk it up to sour grass is up that is a next-level puzzle right and it comes with a book it's a puzzle and a puzzle that you saw there's one of the grounds for murder its coffee grounds and murder that's good that's good that's cool alright this is fun all little buddy Kathie Lee oh it's so cute does it look like me yes it looks like you that's what you meant oh my goodness look at your feet down there look at his feet oh my gosh that is the cutest he's heavy yes yes hey hey hey God just grabbed better than act no you don't he doesn't need an enema honey look at your face with it that's me that is so weird what's up the grandkids gonna blow their minds and he's got a like a heavy feel like a thick he's not light no hits his feet he's all feet he doesn't have a tail either do i he looks like you then is so heard isn't that bizarre it's something he's got my nose ring no I think this is a Yeti it's a Yeti and look at his feet oh I love it that is so cute this is hilarious it's a little goatee thing yes so cute come on so cute Cathy this is this you so much I love this not adorable because it looks like thank you I love him here we'll stick him right here and we'll let him we'll let him detox detail you want him over there with you huh yeah he's fine here stick a whole lot of room but he Hey I love this he's very cool that is so cute Cathy thank you so thank you Jim they're gonna be jealous Steve after a waxing ha ha cute honey if I didn't shave your eyebrows you'd have those eyebrows - totally maybe we should do that no those have gotta be shaved they have to be bringing eyebrows back yeah this box here you want to get this stuff first let's do these cards real quick in it cuz that's Anna stuff I said in there so that's good I don't know I can even open this without gloves on without this this okay just be careful and you might slice a little spice on to the device under here just a DAB you mean to slice yours it's really hard without with these glasses from Barbara Barr is that Barbara link or lark link link Barbara lengths in Delaware who knows Delaware state model I don't probably Carol Carol bargain shopping why she just knows a lot of stuff questioning her [Music] knowledgebase know I'm knocking like that for I'm just think it's funny Carol Carol do you know about Delaware I asked about New Hampshire's and then she told me the their state model oh okay thank you live free or die okay let's see Stephen Steph this is from Barbara lank just wanted to say thank you every single planner on calendar oh she won stuff oh I gave my mom a few of them of each and I gave me an T of one of each I had two girlfriends and each one was sending fun to friends the people that won the calendars got like a big pile of calendars so that's so cute and she said she's gonna use it she dumpster dive just dives for supplies and crafts good for you and so sweet that's nice you shared that stuff that's family I was hoping she would what we gonna do with all that is down here yep okay this is from it doesn't see who from just has an address but it's coming from it's a mystery is it Minnesota MN is it or is it mm it's it's gummy Maseca I think it's Minnesota oh honey your little test what your little thing core tested on as a friend he's sitting right here Steve keeps charging now this fella he's man is good I'm not allowed to use them in the trivia steps as I can yes you can you told me I can consult with Tesla you can consult but now you've you didn't touch him you touch the Kleenex imagine okay he's sitting in UV light we can get him in there for a minute okay this is from Dimmick McGuigan smick Wiggins McGuigan's but look they made a little card Justin no they cut out all of these little planet things made this put a sparkly in there and then on the inside colored I don't know how can get it to focus card on the little planets in a jar that is off and cut it out good job love your videos thank you guys the me I hate to mess it up make vegans McGuigan sick Wiggins McGuigan's McGuigan's if what I'm saying that wrong thank you very much I love it excellent job crafting the unibrow in Waseca Minnesota I think I think that is when Minnesota okay what second thank you mmm let's see okay let's open one of these this is from Becky not in Ohio okay let's see well that's ironic because this is from Ohio - this is Laura Laura in Ohio lauric Laura Lauren Lorraine Oh rain my bad Lorraine but Lorraine's in Ohio as well okay well I'm opening this from Becky this is Steve for Beck okay cute easier your llama fun you're a llama fun hola be Ohio State meet Wow that's how like when they when the football players the pros hey you're hanging it from a hanger don't let it when he throws they're interviewing like they do their little intro they say their name and all that they're ones oh hi Oh state they say D Ohio State the Ohio State these little things are all like punched out or something or cut out or cut drawn even the little llama back is on there that is so cute the cactus my mom would love us I know you love your shirts so I wanted to send you one from for me oh thank you that is sweet what's the name I said the name wrong or something Becky it's from Peggy but it's Becky yeah it's Becky on this I love it okay I stayed oh graphs made to order so cute that is cute stuff I've been binging you guys on YouTube and I've been loving them all Steve cracks me up letting you do whatever to him my husband would tell me I was crazy its obsession got the courage to dive and now we're in lockdown till the end of April cards are my therapy what therapy could would be cheaper you know what Becky I hope when you go dumpster diving and you finally get up the courage that it is loaded at your craft stores and you don't have to buy any crafts ever again yeah don't know why your stores are like but it's quite possible to do that out it is and if you are crafty you can dumpster dive any store and you will find resources and things to mess around with that you know you'll have the right brain to go oh I could do something with this wood or I could make this ugly painting and I could paint over it and do something on there or whatever you know it's just awesome it's a great thing for crafters that's for sure it's an untapped resource yeah it's crap to do rock around to rock around it's right out of time it's crafty okay this is bling I was saying Becky because I thought I read Lorraine this is no rain in Ohio here oh we're far apart and miles okay and the light is really bugging me there we go oh that's pretty okay whoa that's a lot of words okay Denise candy kisses okay I don't want to read it all in kids we're not supposed to you love watching your videos you were the first dumpster divers I watched I want to dumpster dive so bad but won't go alone wish my daughter wasn't oh okay she would go with you Steve is so funny what she had relationship like you oh I hope that you do or will or you know yeah you know what have it with yourself be the best you can be in the most fun you can have with yourself and life will be good and your daughter you know don't wish for someone like me though know this is a hard one to deal with well it's the best one I just said this in a video yesterday you didn't even put up yet could haven't seen it but I said that I think you had a beautiful brain this morning before you say anything okay I was just saying that being locked up on lockdown it's been a pleasure having it with you because it's been fun the whole time it has been fun because you were here yeah if we were alone it would be harder but didn't about love being trapped with you oh I do I'm gonna try to make you be trapped with me for a long time ever huh matter of fact I've been working on the closet when you was asking why I was putting a lock on that's the dumpster but I've been digging the I'm glad I'm glad I'm trapped with you too yeah it's really not that I mean if I if I if I was with somebody else or alone I would probably would probably not be very happy you'd be bitter up alone I think then I'm saying like any like even a friend I would I would probably have killed him by now but with you is easy easy it's been really fun all right that's true please stay faith please stay safe family your friend Cynthia thanks thank you yeah that's sweet Easter cards are Cynthia diving with purpose oh yeah thanks Cynthia hard check out Cynthia's Channel yeah sadness purpose thank you she sends us cards for all the holidays no she's so thoughtful yes we're not no we look Iike that's so sweet there's like a a glittery on mm-hmm very thank you I hope you found this one Cynthia Cynthia is awesome please don't ever buy cards when you can find them even if it's a different holiday just cross it out yeah fun we don't care yes okay so these ones just came in so we I put them in segregated bags but it's true with the paper that out of my open it and ran outside she opened it and repackaged it into bags I haven't seen anything Anna but there is one thing that I think is from Linda Stark Linda if you're in here let me know she said she's in a game but what I opened I think it's a book so I don't know if that's what she meant make this into a game or I'm not sure or this is from Anna so I apologize for my cheeks and forehead shine yes okay this is the one I put it in I mr. siren okay I apologize if this is not from you Linda but oh I can see why that could be a game no and do before they die is this from you Linda okay or Ana I'm so sorry if this is from Oh Monica that's very nice of you but thank you okay so this came from Amazon but there wasn't a note in there so it wasn't this could be a quiz yes yes it could not from you it must be from it this is Linda then well done Thank You Linda book looks really you know what that is in the background that's the throne it is the dragon glass yes it is it's a beautiful book it's it is trivia things you should do and know before the show is unbelievably amazing but there's nothing really fun in there yeah there's not like my parents please don't please don't watch this but if you tell somebody not to everyone else okay this is from Linda okay good thank you Linda this is gonna be fun thank you do I just grab one thing out of the bag yeah all of this is from I don't know from a night of it here we go this is from Anna Anna so Mike I said I call me down to the packaging so I don't know this is this is socks we were wearing a lot of socks around here I know hey what's the longest you went during this if you're on lockdown like us during this lockdown huh what's the longest she went wearing like this one of the same garments like I had I had my pair of sweatpants that I really love wearing shorts today it's hot like I had a pair of sweatpants dead one like one morning I woke up and I was putting them on I go what is wrong with me I'm wearing these I know they're comfortable Tesla Tesla socks yeah they're awesome these he's gonna love these honey you could wear these all next week hold on oh this week for week straight those are cute I love them I don't get these girls it looks like a mushroom yeah I don't want to rush over yeah so these bees your gloves on them cuz it's going straight in the washer I'll wash my Colt nice and grippy - these are so cute thank you I don't know what that says on there but that's probably the minute the person who made it and they did it excellent job it says all right look Angie McPhee so it must be anti McPhee sir thank you very much Archie it's Archie McPhee Archie Hannah thank you very much and okie oh where though I'll see how many days in a row I can wear those and get away with it you know what to be honest with you I didn't know he's been wearing the same pants every day so he can get away with a lot today I do feel like the laundry's cut down thanks to me but I changed my clothes a lot it's hot in the afternoon cold in the winter you know and you don't need like you don't go anywhere you really don't need underwear there's no reason I hope you've been wearing underwear next I've been wearing it was things they don't teach you in school I already love it because it sounds similar to the that one this is gonna be mine oh wait I won't take it out yet why doesn't I'm gonna just read one thing on the back why doesn't the Mona Lisa have eyebrows and what year was shampoo invented what is the most common of the day common day of the week to have sex what things they don't teach you in school they seriously shouldn't teach you that in school this is gonna go into the arsenal of games games we're done that Carol game right now but we've got a pile of them the Anna's s and we are ready to plan so this one's coming and I love the name of it this is gonna be a good one and it says a crazy mix of fun facts random trivia and totally useless knowledge that's right up our alley ah totally that is that part is us fun okay that one useless trivia okay right here or today or yesterday so this one we don't want to touch anything here we'll just pull one out stiff lets you or me let's the stuff sit for you know a long time warranty but these ones are just came in new things you should know about science these things like this are awesome because it's like a quick glance it's easy to read and you could share it with kids Oh Isaac our name is a well-known scientist who proposed three laws of motion he stated that these these are the laws of the universe and everything in the universe functions according to these laws amazing like scientists like Isaac Newton what he was able to gather with what with what technology was he using even I mean and of course that's true Einstein like these guys figured things out anyways I don't want to belabor that point that's true this is an awesome book that is but speaking of Awesome books this is also from Ana oh that was from Linda yes from me too was that from you it me Linda I'm sorry if that was from you I don't know Linda thank you I love it ah this the big book of serial killers this I know for sure let's see a cup of them didn't have note but this one does this is from Anna for sure big book of serial killers thank you Anna this is awesome an encyclopedia of serial killers 150 story of the world's worst murderers now I know a lot of people are disturbed by serial killers but they do exist and I believe in God God created them so it's fascinating that they exist so there's nothing wrong with just like watching and trying to figure them out right I love it so I wanted to be a psychiatrist okay we're serial killers like to not psyche be a serial killer a studier no I don't want to do any violence I want it I'm fascinated with them there's just fascinating oh we get it yeah these are great we're gonna never run out of glue every okay rapid-fire question sir meow dinos thanks Anna this is these are good stay tuned for this because quick what is the male chicken called rooster rooster quick what u.s. state begins with the letter P Pennsylvanian sylvania quick how many squares are in a checkerboard 16 no I don't know it's I think eight times me too slow sorry 64 I don't know it doesn't tell the answer it was just there better be answers in there they'll have inside but right there quick where is the cerebellum in your brain quick who painted the Mona Lisa ah da Vinci quick what animals man's best friend dog this is fun okay thank you okay fun all right here we go huh I know exactly what I saw this does anybody know what this is if this is all you get to see 800 s I know this wait that's a riddle there tell us yet h oo s this is for me shoes no penny hasn't anybody knows yes Michelle even knows yes purple pickles no George Michael Oh shoes life oh my god ha ha ha boom that's not right but yes mine wasn't right no it was right you put the boom boom into my life you put the ball according to grace thank you Anna I've never seen a choose life shirt every so often Steph will put Wham on and when I say put Wham on it's all day long no booming booming not move like when he did that one with Aretha Franklin a lot mm-hmm that's not my favorite it doesn't have to be your favorite it was awesome huh what is that all I see is the title I don't know what there's a way to win down a big super chat what what the heck world according to Briggs 64 check oh that's what whoa okay okay Tina Briggs 64 squares in a chess board if that was a mistake let us know that's that's uh I think a lot you're gonna nail it on this quickfire game then so that's a lot a tuned when you play that one that'll be fun what is this magnetic Tesla what oh this is so nice what is it okay reveal it is so nice not a mistake thank you so much very generous of you thank you thank you okay here we go Wow boom crack pickup Wow what does that mean magnetic what does this mean what are we doing here this is really cool it is e onto something and don't ever take Tesla and put him in what's in the box magnetic Nikola Tesla what does it mean do you know the Tesla coil that's like a handheld version did what Tesla is he a magnet wait a minute Tesla the idea for a statue of Nikola Tesla in the Silicon Valley originated Northern imagination with northern imagination was back by 720 to tow you got to hear this I'm listening and was backed by 722 people on Kickstarter in June 2nd 2013 it was unveiled December 7th 2000 2013 that the Statue provides a free Wi-Fi signal and contains a time capsule to be opened January 7 2014 why so the I said this distance was actually in Silicon Valley this is what it looks like any other time are you Wi-Fi I think is a shout-out to Tesla's desire to get free power to everybody and he proved it's possible and that was shut down when he did the experiments in Colorado where he was blowing out transformers and stuff but you could gather the energy from the atmosphere well last night and he wanted everybody to have access to free power last last night that's what grandson this is beautiful thank you last night Anna I woke up to go to the bathroom and it was 2:30 maybe it's 3:30 I can't remember I think was 2:30 and I got up went to the bathroom and that little light on that little Tesla that you gave him that has the little glow-in-the-dark ball thing it was glowing in the dark yeah like 2:30 in the morning so I saw the little orb it was really cool really really cool Steve let Steph Tetra Tesla ha ha ha it's not touching its the problem we did that that thing where she hid a bunch of stuff in a box and I had to identify a blindfolded and Steph was like willy-nilly with some of the Tesla stuff like Gary I'm gonna say careless yeah Careless Whisper mr. Tesla yeah okay that was awesome love yes you love it there's something else in here this one okay this is for you boom boom boom who makes that just keeps getting better this is a Tesla candle fun I thought that this will help you travel through time if we light this thing I can just keep refilling this candle that'll be cool patron saint of inventors Anas and the fastidious this is awesome thank you so much Anacin is super jeff that says tape clip holder more to come paper clip holder that magnetic Tesla's the paper clip holder what is that what it is so it's magnetic let's see if this sticks to it is this thing magnetic here what does this stick to it hold on I don't know if this is magnetic or not but it's you know maybe you tell me that he has him he's magnetic magnetic coil here I'll let you do it I don't want you to do the honors I can't touch you Tesla hello oh he's gonna love that on his desk that is really cool that is super cool that is so neat I can't get this close to my head thank you that is awesome it's a paperclip holder that's what it made my neck amazing since it's so cool I even love the box me too I love the box Oh Steve I'm gonna let Steph give you the hot sauces that's what she said bubbles you were on Mike in in my corner or um she was on my corner yeah is it called when she's in my corner uh-huh in your corner about that hot sauce Steph can handle saying don't push it okay don't push it or you're gonna get worse - Steph can touch my Tesla oh boy this candles beautiful that is really cool what's the thing that he's the patron saint of inventors he's the patron what a tinkerer here's the Festa Deus patron of tinkerers and experimenter x' inventors earthquakes and the fastidious that's cool man this is so neat fun okay there's something again read up on Tesla's mom that's and that's a very interesting lady - oh this is free you're smart and she was doing stuff and that day and age opportunities like that I guess she guys can't see him she was doing it at home this is for you what you want me to open it I will close my eyes why am I getting everything I'm gonna show them it's like it's like it's a my birthday or something can I open it yet can I open them not yet can I open them we had a costume party open em oh wow you stuck your finger in there how long with your glove on your finger you can pick a finger puppet with your glove off sorry I messed up hold on okay you could do it too and then we'll let him detox for a week okay it's not likely there's anything on there I know I'm saying I know Oh Steve's been having fun with the grandkids poppin stuff in like magic tricks stay in front of the camera and they just appear and their minds are blown Stephanie yes feel free to touch me whenever you like not like that thank you what did what did that say Anna Steph Steph still in the mail oh wow don't you worry about that that's awesome well done there were some other things you said the past two mornings yesterday morning I was spider-man and Steph was Olaf we have a big old off costume and we got out of a Michael abductor there's one that you see like it has an air conditioner in and everything a real nice one and I had a spider-man costume that we got on a liquidation palette and we facetimed the grandkids like we had both the ones in California and ones in Texas Andy they were freaking out because a Steve Oh pickles Steph gets to touch your Tesla's that's true anyways so they blew their mind and then today we had Steph was in spider-man an Olaf and I was wearing a black panther and it was I had the mask and the bodysuit the body it was all jacked up and stuff like puffy chest and the kids all wore like Hudson was Batman Dean was flash don't know what Mila was me was a princess yes she's a monster and then Ryan Ryan was uh changed twice but what was she kept in American America it was so cute so we all set up our little FaceTime and FaceTime together all in costumes and dance it was really fun each one took a turn dancing it was so cute she wants you once oh she wants her you get that hot sauce okay coming up danger word what good yes and there I think a couple more back there I don't want these are clean no yeah I washed my hands but we got some games lined up yeah the games have come in real handy right now like it's it's a nice rejuvenation for us when we play it does take like we don't even at the beginning we say take your mind off of everything just be focused on that game and it really does give you a mental breakdown yeah so we've been trying to play like an hour or so with you guys and it's been fun so if you can catch us live it's really fun and play back get a pen and paper and you can play back with your family beat your husband's be hopes not be to keep your speedometer in a score you gotta keep your yes oh thank you Nicole hello from canada my family got bad news that my mom Oh today my mom loves you guys could you give a shout at April April your mom yes I think so April I'm sorry Nicole shout out to your mom April hi April yes hope that uh you're doing better and don't be a tesla's hog snobs Steve share your Tesla's I will well he's being wise because I'm really really clumsy really really clumsy everybody in the chat just say hi April on your chat there yes hey April and hate it everybody - um thank you guys it's so sweet and thank you guys every for everything that we got today I think it's absolutely generous the craziest thing that you guys are so amazing and wonderful and such a big part of our channel and we appreciate it and we love you guys and we're so thankful and grateful and we do yep and I know a lot of you guys nobody can even get out so it's amazing but I know a lot of people have said they wanted to send things and Stefan you don't need to send us things send us a picture and show us what it is of something if you saw something and thought of us like a Bigfoot thing or whatever it makes us laugh and it makes us know that you guys care so thank you for doing that everybody and the thought is good enough well yes that we value that just the thought alone is is good know says the games are my favorite they're our favorite too they're really fun we're loving the games like I said it we feel like we're just hanging out with friends and it just takes your mind off of being stuck yeah we're stuck we're in a house yeah but it feels like we're all stuck together so kind of fun except the people that are out working and thank you guys for doing know there's a leader out there and they have to be out there oh that's sweet my life my life is antique white Oh that's a pretty color you guys bring me joy thank you thank you for that so you guys bring us joy genuinely we mean that and like saying like we appreciate you guys being a part of this channel and it's just I I think like we've always felt like that this is everybody's channel we've always felt that way yeah and now with this situation and then being able to sit down with everybody like when we do the games that's what it feels like we get to sit down with you guys and we've all been on this journey together and now we're going through this part together and it makes it easier at least for us it makes it easier for us we appreciate being able to do this like you can't imagine we appreciate it so much yeah so thank you guys for sending the fun stuff and yeah giving us stuff to keep our sanity and keep your eye out for upcoming videos for this fun stuff that we're gonna do some of these tasting things and cooking things and all that stuff you play the games play along keep score by other people or do the game you know look if there's games you did we played and you liked it get that game and playing with your family and friends FaceTime people and you know what it'll take a little pressure off of somebody else purple sock pickle says you don't have to eat the hot sauce she's teeth I know but we have gotten a lot of emails super-sweet yes we've had a lot of emails and stuff from people who've said that do you guys have had family members who have aren't interested in dumpster diving whatever but you've shared our channel and stuff with them just for the games and stuff so that's really cool that's really fun I hope we haven't offended anybody cuz we aren't politically correct but you know right and like I said we try to keep it clean you can just take the games that you see us playing cuz these games are being given to us you don't have to watch us do it you could get that game from Amazon or whatever and then stay in contact with friends and family like FaceTime is awesome play games with your family yeah like the FaceTime alone just a little bit doing a newlywed game with the kids last week or whatever and it was so fun and we recorded it but the audio was so bad that it's just we didn't post it but it was gonna be really fun and you don't know when if you reach out to somebody sayin let's FaceTime and play a little game even if it's a quiz or whatever you might be doing it at the perfect time for them mm-hmm you just don't know even people you think are doing fine you do that and it might just give them like a oh I needed that you sometimes you don't know you need it mm-hmm until you get it yep there's a thing called stream yarn or FaceTime but whatever but stream yards fun and you can do stuff for like a party with your friends like coworkers thank you kind of missing and stuff it's fun play some games and it's free right this yeah and that's stream arts free you can hook up you just play it you just be ready you don't have to be on YouTube just as long as you have a phone and/or a computer yeah if you don't all have FaceTime whatsapp that does it too oh great if if you if you reach out and help somebody and it makes them feel good you're gonna benefit greatly from that as well oh this is the best time to do it okay all right guys we will see you tomorrow if you want to watch the game at 11:00 but if you at 11 o'clock if you choose to go reach out to family or friends better than watching us yes so get in contact with people you care about and maybe you haven't talked to in a while yep take advantage this times come into an is it just starts going out pretty you know I haven't got my license did redone because there was things going on and then all of a sudden we're doing this so that will happen purple pickles they will get this I don't think that was purple pickles was it no is Julie Julie I'm jinx Julie young the black purple pickles his life that he did get looked normal for some reason the teeth and stuff to look like this kind of weight normal but he's getting a new one cuz he's putting his veteran thing on there so he has to get a new one anyway so it's coming up so he'll do it again he said alright works like good I will make her tell me to change my face yes alright guys thank you guys yes thank you coming up and I've got cookbooks by the time this is all done I hope to be a decent cook you're already on the verge thank you honey okay all right guys
Channel: StevenSteph Resale Killers
Views: 82,704
Rating: 4.8981023 out of 5
Keywords: StevenSteph, Dumpster, Diving
Id: hmWmkeI_TS8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 57min 38sec (3458 seconds)
Published: Wed Apr 22 2020
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