Uncle Roger Review CRAZY ITALIAN CHEF Egg Fried Rice

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Vincenzo, Uncle Roger challenges you to make egg fried rice It look simple but it's not Today I'm making egg fried rice Because uncle roger asked me to do that Ok this Italian chef Vincenzo really doing it But can Italian chef make good egg fried rice? Or is he gonna end up making egg fried risotto Hello niece and nephew It's Uncle Roger We just hit 4 million niece and nephew fuiyoh! As promised, Uncle Roger gonna make my own ramen and that video coming soon 4 actually unlucky number in Chinese culture but Uncle Rogers still happy Thank you for being Uncle Roger family Make Uncle Roger feel so special I'm making egg fried rice And he is going to react to this I'm going to make The most authentic, delicious way Ok he even dress like me but Uncle Roger think orange look better on me than him The day before or 2 Days before you make egg fried rice You make the rice You never make the rice on the same day Correct, you should treat rice in egg fried rice Like how you treat your partner after big argument Leave them alone for a few day Maybe throw them in fridge Maybe that's why my ex-wife Auntie Helen left She found way to escape my fridge You have to use Chinese rice But normally Chinese rice comes in big bags of 10 kilos Correct, we like to slap them I spoke to the older lady in there and she said to me you don't make fried rice everyday What you need to do is to get Thai rice I spoke to the older lady in there You spoke to the older lady I hope she actually work there I hope this guy don't just go to random Asian grocery store Speak to random asian old lady and go:" Woman, where the rice?" That the only thing you think old Asian lady good for Answering my rice base question So I get the Thai Rice, which is this one Thai rice look good If you're making risotto, a Italian risotto We don't wash the rice Because we want starch from the rice Correct But this is asian cuisine, ok? He wash rice That correct But his washing rice motion So awkward Usually we spin our hand around rice bowl But he washing rice like this What this motion? This motion is what teenager do in backseat of mom car Now we're going to cook the rice In a ricecooker That amazing He's the second white person To have rice cooker after uncle Joshua We cover the rice with a chicken stock Nice Now we put a lid on Haiya but Vincenzo, your rice cooker too basic This for student, this rice cooker You have 600k subscribers Get better rice cooker Stop spending money on your orange Polo and get baby elephant brand rice cooker This brand really need to sponsor uncle roger I talk about this rice cookers so many time now Zojirushi people Sponsor Uncle Roger Guys, the rice should look like this the today after Nice and dry Look nice look To make a perfect egg fried rice We need some simple ingredients that's what food is all about Simplicity No no no no it's not just simple You need simple and correct Like Jamie Oliver His recipe so simple But wrong as shit We start from the shallot Shallot, good Uncle Roger believes onion are not good enough Onion is for cheap people Not cheap people I say it for poor people Then we gonna use 3 garlic cloves Nice garlic, good Here I have a beautiful homemade chili jam Haiya Why he putting myself in there? Uncle roger don't even need to review You already have my review in your video haiya I was going to say The chili jam is not to be used in this recipe So you make it and keep it in the fridge I'm gonna use a fresh chilli So I recommend you to use Sambal Sambal good choice Like Uncle gordon He use Sambal in his egg fried rice But Uncle Roger I prefer Malaysian Sambal belacan Not Sambal Oelek Spring onions we gonna use Correct We gonna use 4 eggs Nice Sesame oil Soy sauce Pepper All ingrident correct so far Extra virgin olive oil Haiya I'm joking, I'm joking Don't joke around like that Olive oil is sensitive topic for Uncle Roger Guys, If you want to add any other ingredients you can you can use vegetable Don't use vegetable Vegetable taste like sad Vegetable are good for you, Uncle Roger Vegetable are good for you, Uncle Roger Yeah but so is prostate exam Uncle Roger don't want that with my egg fried rice, haiya I tell you one thing, I went to the shop to buy this And this all in Chinese MSG? The english is gourmet powder Fuiyoh! It's good, I don't want to know what's inside I don't know what's inside You don't know what inside? It so easy. MSG is salt on crack So inside it's salt and crack Let's cut our ingredients And I'm using a small knife Big Chinese cleaver Not bad, not bad We want to cut the shallot Nice chopping Now we finally finally Chopped the garlic No no no That not how you supposed to chop garlic for egg fried rice You supposed to chop them to tiny pieces like your shallot Why you slice them? Who want to have sliced garlic in your egg fried rice You're just eating the egg fried rice Then you get hit by big slice of garlic Who want that? So weird Is this some Italian cooking techniques or something? Now we finally finally Chopped the garlic Also you have big Chinese cleaver Use it to smash your garlic first So you garlic don't run around So much shallot and garlic I'm starting to cry over here I don't know how Uncle Roger does it Very simple Uncle Roger used up all my tear when Auntie Helen left My heart so empty Just like the fridge Now we're gonna get 2 egg yolks And 2 entire eggs And now we're gonna whisk the eggs Whisk whisk whisk Haiya just use chopstick to whisk the egg Real Asian people we don't have whisk in house We never use this even to make cake We just use chopstick haiya Vincenzo, Italian people don't know how to use chopsticks, is it? I'm gonna add the sambal in the eggs okay I put it in the egg Interesting technique And then I mix it Uncle Roger usually have them separate Time for cooking guys! So get a wok That not wok Where your wok? where your wok? Oh I'm sorry, this is the wok I make pasta with It like uncle roger there to help out uncle roger I meant get a wok A real wok The wok look so nice Look at this, It look like it used before It have pattern now Wok is the only thing in house you want to see black and blue Not your wife just a joke! Turn the fire on ok In 2021, you can use induction, yes Real fire so satisfying Fuck Induction stove If you have Induction stove at home Use real fire and burn it down Put vegetable oil in there Correct, cook the wok So we make it hot, spread the oil This is an important utensil You do need this spoon which is perfect for egg fried rice Uncle Roger preferred the round bottom ladle You know like the one chef Wang Gang use? Because that one you can use to punch the rice to loosen it up and Vincenzo, The spatula also look a bit too small Let's see how it looks with his wok later This was recommended to me by the lady at the Asian grocery store she said get this Because this is the one I use Haiya I don't think she even work there Vincenzo, Stop asking random old Asian lady stuff Now we're gonna cook the shallot Shallots go in and garlic good good I can almost smell it from here This is what we do See, What I tell you His spatula a bit too small Gonna take a couple of minutes, no more His hand going into the wok Compare its size to Uncle Wang gang ladle size Vincenzo spatula too small I wonder what else too small about him Sorry children We can put the egg, ready? Oh this the egg mixed with the sambal together Look how beautiful OK now let's add Haiya the egg look bit muddy That why Uncle Roger always separate the egg from the sambal Ok now let's add rice which I'm gonna get with my hands He's just using feeling Enough I think maybe it's a bit too much rice for the size of his wok Let's put the shallots Spring onion garnish last step, good Stir stir stir all your ingredients See? too much rice the rice almost falling out of wok Haiya spatula too small Wok too small Everything about Vincenzo too small Feel bad for his wife Let's gonna add some pepper Pepper good Let's put nice amount of soy sauce Soy sauce, correct Generous with the soy sauce Enough, enough haiya stop Stop! Enough! Haiya That too much soy sauce It gonna be so salty Your whole fried rice gonna just taste like soy sauce, Vincenzo You just need one splash Ine splash of soy sauce on the side of wok, that it! You're pouring soy sauce in there like you pouring white wine sauce for pasta Let's put sesame oil Okay don't put too much Enough, that enough Haiya stop Be generous Don't be so generous Be a bit stingy with your sesame oil Fried rice and everything in life, it about balance You put so much oil in there Dubai just called They want their oil back Let's mix mix mix Love doing this Nice tossing also Let's make sure the soy sauce, The sesame oil makes love to the egg fried rice Haiya don't use make love and egg fried rice in the same sentence That how Uncle Roger get fired from Chinese restaurant It's Uncle Roger favourite time-MSG Fuiyoh! MSG is king of flavor Haiya you put Uncle Roger in there too much now Don't put me on cloud You make me look like I dead and gone to heaven Of course Uncle Roger going to heaven Anyone who roast Jamie Oliver Automatically get entry to heaven Let's put as much as we can, come on Enough, enough, haiya Too much again I know many niece and nephew surprised that Uncle Roger Said too much MSG? Correct, because when Uncle Roger making egg fried rice video I learned MSG need to be about balance also Don't put too much Just put right amount That is Uncle Roger personal growth over the last year Look at this, look at this You're trying to make egg fried rice Not remaking Narcos Vincenzo using MSG like how he using Parmesan on pasta It's so weird seeing him use all Italian technique but on Asian food It look good Good colour, look like it taste delicious Can you see the rice Say they are all individual And a little bit charred That's not bad It's not wet It's dry enough It look nice, Uncle Roger hungry now Love it Vincenzo fried rice not bad Ingredient all correct You just need to learn how to chop garlic properly And get the proportion right Because now he's using feeling But it more Italian feeling than Asian feeling That cause he usually make Italian food video anyway So that ok Thank you again niece and nephew For 4 million subscribers Bye-bye! Some nieces and nephews complaining to Uncle Roger in the comment Why always egg fried rice? Always egg fried rice so boring But Uncle Roger reviews so many thing now Like ramen, fish and intellectually challenged people So don't complain I will review egg fried rice at most once a month Stop bitching haiya For egg fried rice, you should treat the rice Like how you treat your partner after big argument Leave them alone for a few day Maybe throw them in fridge That the only thing you owe Asian lady good for Answering my rice base question Haiya don't use make love and egg fried rice in the same sentence That how Uncle Roger get fired from Chinese restaurant Different version of an old joke If this brand don't sponsor Uncle Roger Uncle Roger gonna start eat packet rice from now on Just kidding If this brand don't sponsor Uncle Roger I gonna buy all the Jamie Oliver cookbook Zojirushi sponsor Uncle Roger And send one to Jamie Oliver also
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 6,204,007
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Id: qimOzDn2iDw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 17sec (857 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 08 2021
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