UNCLE ROGER MAKE RAMEN (4M Subscriber Special!)

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fuyu 4 million subscriber thank you to all my niece and nephew and as promised today uncle roger gonna make ramen and i have my friend here james he a ramen expert he run ok ramen shop i run a little ramen operation from cardiff in wales called matsudai ramen in wales in wales who eat ramen in wales a lot of people really why not good enough for london is it and do you have shop in wales no we have a prep kitchen and we sell meal kits and do pop-ups you sell meal kit so the postmen deliver ramen to people what if they're not home postman gift to neighbor neighbor gets good ramen neighbors do your ramen who wants that hi yeah just open ramen shop don't be [ __ ] open ramen shop nice and nephew smack the like button now so nephew james can afford ramen shop one day [Music] first we're gonna make our ramen noodle and as you can see we're filming at empty restaurant also known as jamie italian 300 grams of wheat flour nephew james are you a fan of white powder do you like it i'll say my mum might see this 2.75 grams of salt why so specific ramen cannot just use feeling no ramen is very specific science now we cut it up this half nigella lawson make her ramen also now we mix them all together mix it with chopstick [Music] raja got a mix of you hi uh why you didn't tell uncle roger soon uh i like to see you sweat world war two is over use technology [Music] ram is very boring don't say that i want people to watch me joe why use hand when you can use machines [Music] all the dough into plastic bag flatten the flour by stepping on it this what auntie helen do to my hope and dream see now it's nice and flat we're gonna leave it to rest for 30 minutes take your flattened noodle flour and put it through pasta machine this is two-person job but niece and nephew uncle roger recommend you just buy a ramen from shop this too much work nobody have time for this nephew james you married are you single married so this is your activity you do to get away from wife so difficult you're a weak man no no no this is very difficult who need peloton when you have pasta maker hi what next more rolling high [Laughter] more rolling high [Laughter] you ramen shop you can't afford better roller hi you're not doing well see uncle roger like my noodle how i like my woman unattached [Music] now we start on the broth this is chicken bone and this is pork bone this is vegan's worst nightmare flavor vegan people if you don't feel represented in uncle roger ouija remember these things used to be vegan also now uncle roger gonna boil the pork bone and chicken bone correct very correct we're using mostly pork bone a bit of chicken bone because we're making a style of tonkotsu ramen and when the water boiling you want to take the scum out see get all the browns come out i mean from the broth don't be racist put lid on and pressure cook it oh that's why it didn't cook your pressure cooker can sink also pressure cookers save time and we all know time is money now the broth almost ready see look at the color so nice and clean proper tonkotsu broth should be as white as yoga retreat not like nephew nick dirty prof now we add some aromatic into the broth like onion and garlic garlic is asian people favorite thing we treat garlic like how we treat our children now we'll let it reduce for an hour until it's rich and creamy [Music] look at this so white and beautiful now we're making tarek this is component of ramen nigella forget to make we want 360 milliliters of light soy sauce approximately what but you say it signs half science half out but sometimes you sow anal but sometimes anything go what the hell and 360 million dark souls i just use feeling not too much really 100 grams of salt and msg at the end at the end put now uncle roger can't wait 1.44 liters of water 1.44 ramen is the nerdiest food ever so many numbers ah yeah [Music] no the true asian way is to use feeling now we put this to boil correct now we boil that for an hour one hour an hour i take so long nephew james one hour because you use induction stove if you use real fire it'd be five minutes stir the tare a bit when tare is done boiling time for uncle roger favorite ingredient the king of flavor msg4 [Music] [Applause] this one just used feeling correct so we usually use about 80 grams i uh 80 gram too little that's a wing size for baby but i don't know how many gram this is we just pour until our ancestors say it enough [Music] now time for the chashu pork belly hmm look at this piece of meat fuyo i see now why nick like to spank this this is quite satisfying can you choke pork belly also [Music] sorry children you want to spank the pork belly roll it up and tie it hi yeah making pork belly always turn uncle roger on do you get horny when you make pork belly nephew james no no never set life yeah just roll it at one inch intervals oh one inch one inch i think one inch is around this big right uncle roger have trouble knowing how big one inch is never had that problem in life no no after tying your pork you want to boil it for around 19 minutes the center of the pork should be about 95 degrees celsius when it finishes i uh that too much detail needs enough you don't care if it look good you eat when pork belly finish boiling we want to marinate in the tare no white pork belly like jamie oliver correct good cha should have same color as ariana grande now not ariana grande 10 years ago marinate for at least four hours and then you can chop we oh look at this so nice [Music] don't eat when you're cooking why not bad habits bad habits this is why auntie helen left you no i always eat auntie helen what are you talking about chop some spring onion now we make ramen egg uncle roger usually do seven minutes that correct seven minutes right yeah very good oh now the egg done take all the egg out and put in ice bath egg want to go on spa holiday also time to peel egg you want to peel egg in water like you water falling the egg he cracked [Music] looks so nice let's see how the pro do it better don't [ __ ] it up nobody buy your milk wee that's so fast not bad not bad marinate your egg in this soy sauce mirin and water don't forget the paper towel oh yes paper towel good idea that white nephew nick egg got a little white spot you want to put paper towel [Music] next component of ramen we're gonna make is aroma oil and for this worship of tonkotsu ramen we're making eak style tonkotsu ramen so for this version we're gonna make chicken oil correct correct so get some nice chicken skin look at this put chicken skin into pot and then put pot on boil right then uncle roger ready to plate no no no you forgot one important step my flame thrower [Music] didn't realize you've gone so hard on the blowtorch like a welder this is uncle roger midlife crisis purchase don't worry nephew james you will buy it this soon now we start plating aroma oil tare broth noodle this is the only time colander okay to use topping tata uncle roger ramen what you think what you think looks good you forgot the spring onions oh [ __ ] [Laughter] okay now tata what you think what you think looks good you've done well proof's in the tasting [Music] okay time for taste tests [Music] i taste all the msg in there hmm [Music] slurping mean he enjoy it what you think what do you think not bad not bad i don't know very good nephew james i'm glad you like my ramen very much and thank you so much for four million subscribers niece and nephew make uncle roger feel so special you make me feel special needs a nephew if you in uk and you like ramen make sure to go visit matsuta ramen website buy some meal kit and also nephew james gonna have pop-up in london and cardiff and if you want to buy uncle rogers eak ramen there's a meal kit you can do that via our website too go buy ticket to nephew james ramen pop-up link in description bye bye all right what's the best way to show the shot i have never actually cut cocaine before so yeah yeah oh we should we should not show your card details yeah that'd be really bad and we're making eak style tonkotsu ramen what the [ __ ] what happening what happened he's got a mind of his own is this pressure cooker or bomb it's alive this is what they use in boston [Laughter] that's not going in wow what what what an old joke boston marathon bombing jokes wow kowitz stop all the bombing high yeah no more new bomb reference nobody can travel terrorists cannot travel they need to take two coal with tests terry is trying to bomb a place like ah pcr five i forgot to book it day two dave i don't need a day two day five i'm gone on day one [Laughter] no job foreign all right what's next we treat garlic like how we treat our children yeah i think that splash well is good right yeah yeah i think well we can't retake it so it's done can you choke pokemon [Laughter] we're not rolling yet i was rolling i was wrong okay [Laughter] [Laughter] my mind just goes nice and nephew make uncle roger feel so special can you feel special [Music] one day if only jamie oliver would collab with me man that's the dream he'll have to one deceased
Channel: mrnigelng
Views: 6,224,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: nigel ng, uncle roger, nigel ng comedy
Id: cZY0SrnL3NI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 45sec (885 seconds)
Published: Sun Aug 22 2021
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