Survival Expert REACTS to Stranded Deep | Experts React

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there you go spear fishing three prong is is really nice just get a piece of bamboo or stick there are tricks to climbing a coconut tree which he clearly knows i've tried this it's hard pretty much a coconut like that landing on your head is gonna kill you there's the water still with that tarp good job buddy [Music] hi i'm king of phillips i'm a wilderness outdoor and survival expert and i would rather be on a deserted island than around people today i'm going to be looking at the survival game stranded deep and this is going to be awesome because i'm going to let you know what's real what's not what works what doesn't if you're going to live you're going to die oh we got another plane crash you know there are really only so many ways that you can get into a survival situation but i would like to see some creativity maybe abducted by aliens from a crop circle and then dropped on a deserted island but we'll go with plane crash here doesn't seem very survivable i hope he's in his brace position oh we're going down folks oh he's down he's under water now he crash-landed into the ocean and he is conscious and able to swim out that is already a major plus burning debris oh there we go flotation device that is a good thing to get a hold of and now it's day and he's got himself a raft and it looks like he's near a deserted island this is good raft has a sea anchor which is basically like a parachute that will slow you down and big swell even got his paddle it's great there's a lovely deserted island quite small might not have a water source but beggars can't be choosers when you are in a survival situation in the ocean got some tide pools and rocks those are going to come in handy later some fishing looks like maybe some eel grass there actually looks like there have been other wrecks there that which could be good that means there's probably going to be some debris that you can use maybe pull that raft up a little more so that if the tide rises you don't lose your raft you want to hang on to that oh a tarp score there you go you've got your shelter you've got a water catcher you can make a water still with that really tarp is damn good find he's collecting some plants so he's getting out of business he got to the island and he's like look i'm here it's my new home there's a crab probably gonna eat that later i'm gonna make myself some shelter probably would be worth looking for some water maybe heading inland to the interior of the island seeing if there is a fresh water source not you've got the cart buddy set that thing up make yourself a water still gonna be thirsty real quick got a knife this is great i don't know if you found that or if you made that but it doesn't matter pretty stoked to have a knife collecting items rocks plants see the crab great meal five star michelin rated restaurant quality crabs shellfish seaweed all really good things tree okay so he can build himself a shelter or maybe he's gonna build himself a spear and do some spearfishing get himself some fish he's got all those shallows around him that's great got some shade some nice big trees it's gonna build a fire probably a good thing to do right off the bat your plane went down they're going to be looking for you they're going to know where your last communication was they're going to be looking for you by air most likely so smoke is a good thing fire can even spread that fire out and even spell things sos hello go away whatever you want looks like you have some meat already well this guy just like he's on it he's like i'm on an island i got myself some food i'm gonna cook it anything you find to eat you're gonna want to cook another option for water obviously coconuts which is look at that great minds that's what he's going for there are tricks to climbing a coconut tree which he clearly knows i've tried this it's hard one thing you don't want to do is set up your shelter underneath a coconut tree because pretty much a coconut like that landing on your head is going to kill you also avoid them if it's windy comes off a fire he's got a coconut the coconut meat you can use uh to eat rather nutritious coconut water it's good hydration lots of electrolytes there you can also use that as a bowl i've cooked fish that i've caught on a deserted island in a coconut bowl gives it great flavor to down a big tree those palm branches are great they're fiber you can build yourself some shoes weave together a hat you go to sun protection oh there you go he's building himself a shelter it's nice it's mourning it's glorious that positive mental attitude that is so valuable in survival situations probably wishing out a cup of coffee right now there you go okay so this is the best way to eat honestly is to build yourself a spear get out of the shallows watch where you step a lot of these tropical islands are gonna have some poisonous critters down there scorpion fish jellyfish sea snakes so get out into the shallows watch your feet you also don't want to cut yourself on the rocks infection is going to be a real problem if that happens but get out there and if you stand in the water about ankle deep knee deep with a sharp spear you're gonna be able to get yourself some fishes don't make direct eye contact with them they know they really do when we spear fish you look away from the fish before you shoot it because it sees your eyes and it knows that you're a predator and you want to eat it a fire spit this is great he's going to cook himself some fish on that everything you catch to eat you're going to want to cook even fresh fish usually when we spear fish and we catch them we freeze them for a day or two because wild fish often have parasites tropical areas like this you also have sicatara to contend with and that is a toxin that comes from algae that the fish eat that the reef fish eat so when you do take fish in tropical locations you want to take the smallest examples of the species so like a barracuda or a parrotfish grouper anything like that you want to take the smallest ones because the big ones obviously have more toxin accumulated in them guys got a fire he's got a spit i didn't see how he built that fire maybe he used his his knife like steel and just had a spark going or maybe he had a lighter who knows keep that fire going all the time it's going to be your signal to take down a trunk like that you can fell it and just feed it into the fire there we go spear fishing three prong is is really nice you just get a piece of bamboo or a stick you can split it three ways with a rock tie it around bind it exactly what he's done there it's perfect put a rock in there so now he has a hatchet there's the water still with that tarp good job buddy water stills are a fantastically effective way to either distill salt water or to catch fresh water a meat smoker where are you gonna get meat creatures on this island did you check the island upon finding yourself on a deserted island one of the first things you should do is look for civilization because there might be a saint regis on the other side of the island you never know looks like an aloe plant yeah it's aloe that's great you can actually eat the interior of that you don't want to eat down by the stem the thicker part that's white because that is going to give you diarrhea and nothing dehydrates you faster than diarrhea smoking meat it's a great way to preserve meat is to smoke it to dry it out do that with fish too that says water still guys gangbusters gonna survive there happily for quite some time all he needs is a volleyball to name there's a storm coming we've got waves so you might want to get to some higher ground because a lot of these these islands that lie very low i mean they're only a few feet above sea level so if you have a storm surge coming in you're going to be in trouble so higher ground if there's a storm it's great although this guy decided to go swimming seems like there's a storm and he's like i'm gonna go free diving there's a shark it's a reef shark you're fine they're not gonna bother you be more worried about jellyfish than anything else to be honest buggers are nasty one stung my butt once hurt for like three days life raft who is he putting his life off in the water did he just decide in the middle of night to leave the island maybe not a good option just wants to go out and see the stars all right so this guy decided it looks like it's night and he is going to paddle out in his life raft now it's morning he's like i'm done i'm getting off this island there's a sunken ship there your much better bet if you have sufficient water is to stay on the island unless you think help is just not coming but to be out in open water versus an island oh look at that it's a shark looks like a hammerhead it's not gonna bother you i like swimming with sharks oh this is a different island maybe he's in an archipelago he's like let's explore the other islands this one actually looks like it's a slightly bigger island got a lot of trees and it's got some kind of a rock formation so maybe his thinking is i will climb said rock formation and look out onto the horizon maybe a good place to build a signal fire too pull that raft way up so it doesn't float away on you it's your shelter your water collection device and your get the hell out of there device oh look a peccary or a pig on this very small island that's interesting guys on his new island now kind of has to start from scratch with shelter fire he built himself an axe again with the the three prongs split there except for cutting things down bludgeoning things defense offense oh there's that pig again it looks like it has two spears in it look if you're on an island and there's a pig great score that's meat for weeks if you ration it and dry it take that meat you can slice it up obviously you want to gut it quite quickly get rid of the stomach get rid of the innards and he had that spit on his last island you could do that again you could cook it you could build yourself a hole in the sand put some hot rocks in there wrap the meat up in leaves put it in there bury it a couple hours later come back and you've got a kahlua pig going into the shallows to do some spear fishing again that hammerhead shark is giving him grief probably curious maybe he can harvest some seaweed most seaweed is quite edible and nutritious that's a good option i made himself a little moonlit paddle he was over that island i hope he's appreciating that beautiful full moon as part of the survival mindset appreciating the beauty around you this guy is really not taking the stay in place advice he's like look there's a lot of islands i want to explore them all that's fair ah we got a sunken ship there might be some stuff to find here he's free diving now with the spear probably for safety these are some critters out there who just has to defend himself against swimming around in the sunken boat probably some good stuff to find on there yeah take that take the wood see if there's anything in that chest all right spyglass that's good i can hold his breath buoys could use those for a raft i mean you've got your raft but that's a pretty decent backup probably want to collect those built himself a raft there not sure what happened to a survival raft i would have gone with that over this but hey it's good to have backups so he's building himself a large raft apparently he is over the island and he is planning to get the hell out of dodge i would personally prefer to stay on the island until i'm found rather than be out in open water but to each their own maybe he's got a few more islands to explore in the archipelago so he's foregoing his raft and building himself this really exceptional raft out of wood packing it up with all the crates he got off that boat himself a container shelf at this point you can build yourself a sail if you're so industrious will i help you oh look at that built himself a sail got himself a rudder okay and again he does have a perfectly good survival raft over there nothing else bring that with you if you're leaving you might want to bring some food with you as well it's probably more abundant on the island than it is in open water because your options in open water are going to be rather slim you're going to have to fish which means you're going to have to have some kind of a hook use fish bone for that kind of soda can tops lots of options for fish hooks but you got to have them a lot of people in survival situations in open ocean catch sea birds and drink their blood an unappealing option unless you are starving and dehydrated this guy was pretty knowledgeable immediately got to the island started to build himself a shelter took that tarp and built himself a water still because you need water immediately he knew how to spear fish he made himself that three prong spear i give him a nine for survival that was stranded deep and that's actually a really cool survival game and that guy knew what he was doing very fun i had a good time hope you guys did too more videos check out the gameology youtube and facebook pages any kind of a bacteria is gonna give you diarrhea so if you eat the wrong thing if you eat a bad plant if you eat meat that's not properly cooked if you drink water that hasn't been purified through boiling you have a good chance of exposing yourself to explosive diarrhea nobody wants that you
Channel: Gamology
Views: 672,102
Rating: 4.9577508 out of 5
Keywords: survival expert, survival game, survival, stranded deep, steam, island, pc, video games, ps4, playstation, GAMEXRS2E092
Id: mcgWmuTaglE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 45sec (705 seconds)
Published: Tue Oct 06 2020
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