DUMB AND DUMBER | The Forest COOP w/ JackSepticEye - Part 1

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hello everybody my name is Margo lion welcome back to the forest with jacksepticeye say hi jack hi jack everybody uh everyone who needs to do that wait can I kill you this isn't your no no oh oh because I hate acts I saw you and my instinct was just to swipe so I can't it can't be blamed yeah well we start back at the plane if you die yeah okay well I mean if we make our camp by the plane which is what every single person who ever said anything in the comments section of any video I ever did this may camp by the plane because we're idiots that's it long and short of it oh you make it by the beach why by the beach people always said by the beach but finding available B to fish at was actually harder and it took me longer to get there than anything a viable Beach viable viable be viable whatever it's English it's varies from country to country don't blame me either you're Irish have a tennis ball have a tennis ball I already had it done it yeah is there still oh I didn't see yeah hey hey I'm over here now stop that Congrats the way you're flowing as well does it not work well with water know is it's not that advanced don't you know smartphones we're cave people now yeah in Bunga get fish there we go you can't see the fish of my screen that are in your screen no can you know is it on the end of your stick yeah here's gonna pretend I'm not in feet it'll numb that was a good fish little salty if you know what I mean but anyway you're like sushi right oh love it is that a racist joke he's saying cuz I'm Asian no you're that's that's Japanese you're Korean shut up yeah you're right hey I love it I love it I love zoo I know more Korean than you do which is shameful for you because your girlfriend's green right yeah you're like you're like half Korean you should know someone I know you ever say Oh which is hello yeah it's like a polite way to say hello and then there's a non polite wait it's the it's the phone call way of saying hello yeah though if you in someone on the street if you meet someone on the street you say annyeong as hey oh that's right on y'know sale and the impolite way is just [ __ ] you how you doing hey there's lawn chairs Oh what's up grab a grab a beer wait what is this I have not played this in a while what I'm gonna say to the audience out there is that it's been a long time since I played there's been numerous numerous up you game whoa what the hell is the point of this ha oh god I almost hit you sorry Jesus the animosity is already begun so weary come here Larry Larry oh good he didn't put up much of a fight to me see how he fell over yeah he just stood up on his button was like oh how could you in fell backwards slowly no I needed to say it I could've just put it in a replay or something sometimes I forget yes it's also Larry oh god he's here all right doesn't give a [ __ ] he just like kill me please I don't wanna be on this island anymore kill me please I can't blame him not exactly those friendlier places okay so hot here so we are legitimately gonna try to find everything that's new in this game and we're gonna try to do what it takes to survive first yeah even kill the bunnies don't well alright if you're gonna eat them for food than I I sure I'm sure you can oh he's putting up a fight easy knowing where'd he go where'd he go where'd he go resisting arrest we're gonna go here yes I get him I get him good yes hey I'll get call to meet you thank you for how assist you thank you oh you are the assistant in this this is why is your face all green you're like camouflaged as well am i wearing like camo gear no you're not you're wearing a t-shirt you got a little bit of a pouch going on in your stomach area you got a wrist brace I'm sure you play video games way too much and you got yeah you're wearing like a camouflage like show that you want you in charge Halen's okay we need to make a camp do you want to make it by a beach yeah we need to find like the beach with the boat cuz this cave we is the flare gun still here the flare gun with unlimited flares it's still in the game I don't know if it doesn't limited players but we have like we have tree houses we have gazebos we have bows and arrows now doing some it's amazing it's been how many how many episodes of this have you made 10 10 oh man I've only made three three four and my second one was just complete insanity like I had no idea what I was doing and I was not getting anywhere so I recorded for like an hour and a half and I I didn't even want to put the episode up but I cut it into this weird amalgamation of awfulness it just went up and people took it for what it was just I didn't livestream so yeah yes more experience in those few videos I totally forgot I did it in a livestream that's true I build a log cabin that was like my whole ki know more about you than you do I don't remember half of those stuff I do I'm dead serious yeah it's weird or weird yeah oh this here's the pile of luggage have they added any more to the island itself I don't think so I don't you still can't find Little Billy oh yes all ended by cannibals oh yeah that's what this game is about God okay Oh doing I don't leave you alone for two minutes did you see what was happening there no but you're freaking out weird look anyway I got a rock head take that I don't know what I'm gonna eat my candy you a piece of candy piece of candy okay this is gonna make some audit tubs yeah you wait what how do you know how much to make already why aren't you telling me the leader what to make where the leader the ladders did you I have to throw this at you I know for a fact that does nothing so go ahead wait you don't have to know if it molotovs no uh well I did I built it before I know I did it's like booze and rags inside drank oh yeah Oh your grace Cupid Izzy I drank the booze accidentally though yeah I'm the Irish one here I'm half German even though I'm hoping allergic to alcohol wait what yeah no some Koreans like half of all Koreans can't process alcohol correctly so they get really red in the face and their heart rate picks up in it okay well the [ __ ] the Koreans I met or well aim the drink well good you that's the other half and I north-south half I'm talking about just like I'm half German so you'd think my German side would override any inability to process alcohol but unfortunately I have a rough time with it like one one beer will knock me down if I don't take these special pills before I do anything Oh what you're not seeing a boat no I see a thing sticking out of the ground is this a boat okay no I'm gonna go out to the boat on the shore and I might there's a boat right here in front of me you're lying you got be nicer you're you're you're flying in the sand I just wanted you to know that you're really nice like no water this is a barren wasteland you are hallucinating my friend Wade you receive water I don't see water Jesus there's no water okay there's birds flying into the beach down there if that's what you're talking about it's just a really long beach man yeah okay well there's water like I'm standing right at the edge of the water I have no ideas there a shark am i walking towards a shark right now yeah oh sure you're joking with I don't know if it has even the boat the boat is really far out am i swimming in the air swimming in the air in Jesus I think some translation got lost sending all the game information from Ireland to me yeah see that's why I hosted know you get all day crazy hallucinogenic stuff maybe the boat I'm having the boat look like some mush are you're not gonna make it I'm gonna see you just get torn in half in the yeah let's party what's gonna have weird the Sharks gone there were sharks nothing disappeared I only see birds and lizards crawling out there there's bunny rabbits I might like floating way above the ground right now healthy you are it's amazing how are you doing that how are you doing that it's a magic trick I'm a wizard huh wow it's really far away well maybe maybe if you guide me to where it is cuz I can run if you didn't notice it down you'll see me sprinting full speed twenties what I'm underwater okay look turn around turn around I'm down underwater I can't see you turn around I did okay I go off with her here I'm here where should put the boat is like above your head you're going past it now where is it yeah it's right here it's like right where I am now haha am i standing on it oh wait okay get on the podium silly you hey I'm on the weird I'm on the boat you can see up your crotch right now you'd only get Marky move underneath hey you know you would pay for mark EMU to be under them you know you know that's weird takes ah hey come on at least you're away from the freaking rain yeah whatever I don't even I hear rain I don't see rain okay head back yeah I'm going to what I'm going to do what I was underneath it I'd ov I'm gonna say dived I have I'm gonna get out of here because I feel like I might be drowning or something and I better focus on building the camp I'll be the homemaker right you can play Al and Cher hey street sharks was a great show they may remember sharks awesome Street sharks wat cats uh what was the other one there that was I can't now you lost me do you never seen SWAT Kats no Oh SWAT Kats was awesome it's cheesy biker mice from mars no no I didn't see that oh that's all Irish Bowl over there no it's not a name realism Airy where Ana least we both saw Street tracks that was cool wait no biker mice biker mice yeah I remember biker mines okay I just I can Lyons hey nothing's real until I remember it so just leave me we need to survive yes build a fire wait are you building it out there no I'm just following you I was killing another lizard well here's I have a strong affinity for lizards okay that's good for you since I only know barren wasteland I'll start chopping down the trees at the edge here and hopefully they'll roll down the hill okay I catch them in my mouth yes please do you did that one time you know you were oh yeah sharks sharks I don't see sharks thirsty they didn't pop in yet there's three day tracks over here I can't seem to swing my axe 'very oh I'm out of breath okay you're out of health it was Lee oh he's some Pandi he's some candy oh yeah I forgot let me do I forgotten everything about this game so I've heard these sharks glitch out I'm gonna see if these glitch out uh-huh kept going to rakia fat-ass good have you been killed Bob whoa God do it was the scariest thing I've ever experienced in my life like seriously no joke that is one of my biggest fears to be stranded out in the middle of the ocean with no one around yeah waiting for the shark that you can't see to touch you I get scared in the deep end of the pool like you think an ocean wall you're one of those people of course I'm one of those people I swim great but god damned if I can't see the bottom I am terrified for my life oh no dogs no logs no dogs ere we go no logs No I'm telling them not to roll away on me don't you roll away on me okay yeah you you keep yelling lizard on it the lizard roll down I killed a lizard when did I kill lizard you just smack the lizard my mistake oops my bad I'm just uh eco-terrorist out here killing all the animals and trees die fire time fire time why do I have your your goals of inventory I don't want to know what you need to gather fine it's how we're in this together oh [ __ ] me trees did you chop - what are you talking about there's like a whole freaking aviary here I would love that or for tchard if I could just get a chainsaw somehow in this guy I just be building a fire next thing out here's a knitted Indian it turned into a horror game really quickly at night hello jack what was that game huh oh you go outside and just like a cornfield and then the chainsaw yeah those oh I just posted the animation of that uh it was oh yeah I kosis yeah legality and has ever done for me for me now is that first ever but for me it was amazing house blown away by like he you would say that it's probably you know not his best work considering he's but he's refined his animation since then but still us one funniest I've ever seen love it love them to death I'm gonna get somebody to animate for me I like animations they're cool to watch do it yeah call out like right now to say if anyone out there is an animator that wants you know work like we like I pay lik see and to make animations for me oh yeah I'm definitely I don't expect anyone to do it for free I wouldn't dream of it like it is no way if I can post it on my channel like obviously you know I get ad revenue from it and I get subscribers from it because people share that stuff well yeah I'm super grateful of by the way you guys are awesome but yeah I think we're dicks for that sake oh they did it for you and you get all the money ya know we pay like I paid yeah you know good about I won't say exactly how much but I pay him solid work for what he does and how quickly he does it like so if anyway animator out there wants to like get worker make animation for us you know we always link back to your channels yeah we'd love to see it heck animate this series maybe yeah but gets super funny down the road maybe not so much now but maybe down there who knows what except applier Mart hey people already ship that you don't need to do anymore - yeah hey I am trying to remember the name that they said Jack applier know that sounds like masturbation um Jack cept applier jacksepticeye ur mark you know you guys can make them whatever you're kept Takei that's oh yes you're nothing your name is a little awkward - combined with everything please name is not the most pleasant on the ears I I'll admit that I'll say that yeah well is you just imagine a giant pulsating I wouldn't be yeah bad full of septic what is yeah yeah you've got you've had met you've had a thing made by that coyotes eat right I thought you were gonna say I had a sceptic before I was like god no you had there like the source filmmaker stuff made right coyote Mason and a few other source filmmakers guys have made some stuff about my games yeah that's one of the guys who I'm why do I hear you in-game what'd you hear me in-game yeah you're doubling oh your walkie-talkie out sorry questions walkie-talkie I would hear amazing you Mary Jennifer this is your father to me sounds like you're doing like a whole way shouting at me hey I'm your boss now Jack you listen why oh hey I think I see water Jack Wade oh never mind it's just a ripple in the horizon I'm losing it it has always been there we're gonna be in this a long time jack we're all just lady behind you we got it what oh hey hello pretty lady that's cause you didn't turn off your megaphone sorry what are you doing whoa what he doesn't mean it how does a be joking how did he die it's real and Molotov atham oh honey money no Bonnie no I didn't see the foam I gotta the buddies birdie the prairies the money all right bunny seems fine is there fire here that is oh but it's gone it's gone now oh hey Jill I was hitting her Wow social courage everyone okay no runnin hi I see my head trashed I seem to go insane a lot on these playthroughs I'd rather get stuff done if you know what I mean okay wait what get busy working and stop getting dying well the night's almost done we need to make well there's another guy on the other side we got it oh he's a Crawley okay see anything I can see everything except the water in fire apparently it's dark here I don't take out my lighter not cuz I smoke yeah no smoking is bad just Lord 20 and learning and some of you may be the logs in it Rock uh what are we building I don't know what do you want to build I you're the one who has seen more than this do you wanna build a snowman how about absolutely okay yeah I know you didn't expect that but I wasn't you hate that idea no I'd really like to build a do you know I usually build tree houses yeah the betamerica I'm Eric why aren't you helping teach a lesson cuz I wanna talk about I don't kill you well get your ex out there's a lot of things you could do to help Oh swinging and missing at you he did dad you got to make sure okay okay sigh I guess this would be a good spot to end it then considering we're about to be mauled to death by people yeah so oh yeah this should be a fun for the next episode thank you all so much for watching they're gonna burn the burning are they burning now no I miss okay we'll sit check out Jack's channel in the description below thank you all again and as always we'll see you in the next one the planes and jazz was a creepy guy who ended by Pisco I got it uh-huh I got it
Channel: Markiplier
Views: 5,959,622
Rating: 4.9607849 out of 5
Keywords: funny, funny moments, gameplay, laughing, jokes, comedy, fun, game, video games, coop, collab, multiplayer, the forest, the forest game, the forest coop, the forest markiplier, jacksepticeye, markiplier
Id: N0R9NX9IvQk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 21sec (1101 seconds)
Published: Sat Dec 06 2014
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