Endgame Review, KFC Ruins H3 Podcast, Fast Food Power Rankings - H3 Podcast #114

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[Music] welcome everybody to the h3 podcast offline experience that's right we are no longer live Thank You to KFD KFC our previous episode was blocked based on copyright laws and our whole episode was taken off worldwide first of all let me thank expressvpn and quip before I go on this coyote rant that leads us to this no longer live podcast so last week we did this whole big episode and it was two-and-a-half hours long and as soon as we finished live-streaming we check the stats and it's blocked worldwide now why was it blocked worldwide because of that stupid KFC bobble head routine at Ultra that fricking EMD EDM they blocked the whole podcast from a two-minute segment now why it's not a strike or a claim it's just gone right when it's blocked like you can't even access the video that's right and so let me first of all explain why this is a huge problem because we live streamed it we have the views from the live stream there's about 60,000 views and then after the live stream ends YouTube sends it out to people's subscription feed it sends it up to their home page it sends out notifications so after all that's gone out when it gets blocked worldwide all the notifications and everything is dead so everyone's going to a dead link and it just says blocked so basically you've lost your opportunity to get views so even if it comes back you've lost your opportunity they've essentially killed the video when they do that especially right after you post it yeah so I moved it to private you know I was surprised because I disputed it immediately and I was expecting the link to come right back up but what I found out is that if you get blocked the video stays down for two whole days well they considered the dispute and then such a problem with the podcast cuz it's a lot of current events and it's for people it's like part of the schedule they know it gonna be on Friday they're gonna watch it mm-hmm at a certain time and it's like you're just messing up with everything it's so evil I hate these these corporate they're so evil they don't consider the consequence of anything they're just putting their hands and everyone's pockets they're messing up everyone's business and they don't care they do it because they can literally you know just like why shredder licks his butthole why does he do it because he can if I could lick my butthole I may well do it as well I'll tell you I would I would do it if I could do things there's things I would do but um so I like I start talking to my people at YouTube and I say what am I supposed to do I'm trying to run a business the CEO just came here to visit us the day before this happened at our office here to celebrate our achievements and this business we've built so the next day I go I'm trying to run a business I have sponsors I have a crew what am I supposed to do when I post a video and it gets blocked for a two-minute segment that's fair use and a 2 and a half hour podcast what actually am I supposed to do so the solution they offer me they says listen if you want to avoid this happening you have to go offline and here's why you need to post the video unlisted first and you can see what claims come in what blocks come in so that way you can fix it before you post it and you don't waste the opportunity like we don't have done we don't even have that filter when we go live and that's what we're doing today but this process is gonna be so annoying yeah because you got to wait for the claims to come in and then you gotta maybe make changes then you gotta react sport the whole podcast reuploads it's like could be hours now and then it's Saturday hours of extra work and then Saturday you're not done with work well I'm hoping to get the video up today I want to finish export it get it up and hopefully should be up by like three but takes cuz it's such a long you know video takes so long to export it and upload it feels weird that we're not live do you feel like no I keep thinking like I want to check the stream nothing change the stakes aren't as high say like I could say the n-word right now we could just cut it I don't know what mom I know it goes to that the was always like I'm just gonna be like it's now like off can you just say no of course that's just the worst case I'll just be like you know but now it doesn't nothing matters anymore but we're not making any cuts this is how we do it baby you know how we do it I've been doing life now for two years I'm a I know I'm a veteran okay I get in the trenches and I don't make cuts that's how we roll and you can expect the same great beautiful rawness from us that you've come to expect but essentially KFC has ruined the HD podcast you know what's so sad that KFC is actually one of my favorite fast foods so now I lost that too I'm a straight-up boycotting now for the record it wasn't KFC that took it down I know and this is the kind of my larger point it was Ultra who took down the and blocked but well my larger point is that these brands that are collaborating and paying them and partnering with these companies need to know what they're doing on their behalf okay kfd paid a lot of money for all this dumbass marketing they're doing so stupid yet here we are talking about it and their idiotic moronic partners at Ultra block it hello is viral marketing you morons it's so I heard Joe Rogan recently went lion as well because for IE I don't know why he said problems with YouTube but it's like saying yeah it's got to be the same thing because you cannot operate a business like this it's outrageous and you know it's a shame there's so much great footage of this KFC guy know like we couldn't be watching it every Friday it's like it's like the new are Kelly in Ethiopia well I've got some new KFC footage I want to show you an honor of Mother's Day KFC redid their Twitter and I gotta tell you it's time to it's time to stop it really is time to stop I don't know wait why is to say just go away just go away all right chicken Dale's so the colonel is now a male stripper and I don't know who they're catering to I do not want your chicken anymore no someone is eating KFC doesn't want this this is a KFC okay yeah but then they post this video of male strippers wishing moms a Happy Mother's Day and they don't even make sure check it I am gonna start eating pop buns I heard pop Isis bomb you know we should order Popeyes why should we should order Popeyes tonight and an Instagram story and be like man this Popeyes is bomb I can't believe what I'm looking at right yeah well watch it I'm so pissed KFC first of all I don't like this viral marketing these brands need to just shut up make their poison that we put in our body against our better judgment and just just chill dude does this somehow we're related to my Thursday yeah because they're both so Chippendales I guess there's a male strip club so it's chicken dance and Matt you know you know how many meetings they had Oh about this do you know how many people had meetings about this you know usually I think they do I think usually they have like a million meetings and goes through million layers but with this [ __ ] I don't think so no I think they're I think they're trying super hard I think they think they're marketing geniuses well let me show you this video okay buckle up and I'm not gonna pause once I promise man well I do my best what's the idea by the way wouldn't Mother's Day like you're gonna get your mom a bucket of KFC one man get her male stripper to [ __ ] the [ __ ] ever cousin Ben [ __ ] good and like three decades apparently and then bang I don't know man you tell me what you've what you like howdy mom here you all saw me you interpret this I hear you're the best mom in the world so the manga is a virtual guy no real yeah does that look real to you you up that looks real me so it's a bunch of male strippers topless dancing boys there Jack I don't think it's funny or clever it's just dumb like how does it feel to be the coolest mom and the world okay get to the chicken part yet idiots and so they thought this was funny yeah I'm gonna bucket of chicken yeah mine yikes that is a big yikes for me I'm wondering what would my mom think if I showed her this I could yeah oh look produced under license from Chippendales this was actually a collaboration with Chippendales you actually paid somebody a license for this idea that's even more embarrassing do we just got our video blocked by showing that wait hold on is this a Chippendales ad no because it is in collaboration with shipping does it says at the bottom yeah this Mother's Day only Chippendales will be serving KFC I feel like it may be in some other completely different universe that could be funny if it wasn't KFC Mother's Day I don't know like what universe I have no idea but I sit there trying to make something funny but I don't know what universe this is funny yeah yeah KF d sorry ela what I'm trying to give them some kind of benefit of the doubt I don't know what they're thinking it it just doesn't make any sense to me I think this is only in a universe when it's made by Tim and Eric yeah except which means except I would be ironic yeah also the guy's a bucket of chicken was you saying you want to eat my dick his dicks the white meat Allah let's move on I hate these idiots let's not talk about them anymore so KFC in short has ruined the HD podcast we are no longer live and the colonel and all of his iterations are to blame and I've no Popeyes you heard of here Popeye stock is going up Popeyes just got the Papa bless bump h3 bump pop-pop-pop eyes yep speaking of which I must have watched this video a thousand times and I'm not exaggerating I go oh man I got up I gotta wash this cuz I gotta get in a good mood right now this legend he's wearing a Teddy fresh shirt looking pretty fresh the shirt looks good and I don't know what he's on I mean surely he's drunk I don't know what else but he gave this bouncer his keys instead of his ID and you can only imagine how out of it you must be they give somebody your keys to save your ID I kept being tagged in this because of the Teddy fresh shirt right and I kept just like you know ignoring it I was like yeah whatever some guys wearing it cool but I kept being tagging like non-stop eventually I had to watch it and then I was blown off I swear God watched it a hundred times it's so beautiful so here is the bouncer reacting to being handed keys instead of an ID so here we go I watched it so many times it's like I mean it's beautiful it's like a piece of art you couldn't put it together first of all this line kills me every time he's got the key up in front of camera goes miss don't look like he's amazing and you have to understand like how out of Izzie this is this is basically what this guy's looking at okay in front of a phone very clearly recorded I don't know what he's on but I'll take some I'll take whatever he's having he's trying so hard to help his boyfriend out and I love Chaplin wherever you are man I hope you're you're doing well dude your total legend I got a haircut he says don't look like you man how do you MIT even being like blasted your mom not sure how you mistake those but hey and then I love how he rolls his eyes at his friend yeah [ __ ] off Karl yeah so shout out to Chapel and that segues me right on in to our exciting announcement ELA today a new teddy fresh drop came out at Teddy fresh dot oh my god Freddy teddy fresh calm very thrilled to bring this to you let me just briefly show you what we've got here mom's sweater at you you add because you're the designer extraordinaire so go ahead we actually started working on this before I was pregnant oh it's kind of finding that now that is funny I am also going to be a mom yes do you is it more powerful if your mom and you wear the mom stuff I guess but you don't need to be a mom to wear the mom stuff you definitely III see it as you wear it to proclaim your love for Mom yeah either it be them milfs or just biological I love this shirt very fresh since one year ago we're making fun of all these like established in 1949 it's always like yes 1987 what's like a dude driving like a wagon yeah we're from one year ago [ __ ] this is the gila client originally shirt is so sick the school bus so drawing from one of my sketchbooks that it was like onto the sketchbook when it's open it was half on this page and half on this page so here's the back so it's like this huge bus that goes all the way around mm-hmm it says a big mouth humpback can open its mouth and swallow a gulp of water the size of a big School Bus do it art come on art I look this is my favorite thing we're doing right now it's by ela Kline what we're doing is this limited edition t-shirt so never come back and and it's ILA's art and we found we found really great partners that can print them really well and make a high quality t-shirt so for us it's like it's a way for her to really continue making art and to combine our expecially fun when I get to show stuff for my sketchbooks cuz you guys look so so hard to present or show like you can make an exhibition right out of it and I have lots of sketchbooks that are completely full that's such a great point I think it's such a it's a really great medium to share your art and when you have like a bus you can get really creative with the medium to were you're trying to you're trying to express how big this bus right and it's really clever how it wraps all the way around the side mm-hmm that's a big opal water you know I'm saying we finally got some reasonably priced t-shirts 35 bucks some great graphics man super happy inspired by the Grateful Dead yeah we have a lot of Grateful Dead inspired let's come out we got some new hat colors we got some new space diabetes we got new backpacks we restocked all of our bags fanny packs everything we got patches keychains it's all happening folks this is a big one we're super proud of it go to Ted Fisher comm check it out Gila anything else dad mm-hmm thank you now here we let's let's let's cut the [ __ ] now idubbbz recently posted a video called fast food power rankings I don't know if that was called but he ranked fast food by power rankings now at the end of his video this is what he said he issued a challenge he said I challenge you to make this everyone a challenge if you think your list is more accurate than this then [ __ ] prove it okay oh yeah hurt well I wasn't planning on - but then Dan was like yo did you see instant video I was like yeah he's like I got huge problems with this video like what so then we started actually discussing it and breaking it down and I realized that there's certainly a lot of heat here there's certainly a spirited conversation we had I do not know how to use Photoshop and I just hit hit F F that's it just hit hit it one more time I'm so bad at Photoshop and I'm if you hit it one more time at all take it fullscreen hit F okay good thank you I almost had a meltdown but that works crisis averted so we've put together our own power rating chart we've got the brands on the right we've got the power rankings on the left s is the highest here F is obviously garbage we should show IANS is that gonna say the show first of all what he must show what he did yeah I'll pull it up here but there was a lot of heated well here it's basically five guys was number one in and out Little Caesars McDonald's a ranked chick-fil-a Papa John's Pizza talked about Wendy's b-rank Chipotle jack-in-the-box KFD freakin KF whoo sorry who's that oh your mom wants some [ __ ] KFC what thing is that to say to mothers I know your mom wants to watch some male strippers sorry your mom's okay I don't get it Sonic is C calls juniors D alone Arby's Burger King Domino's is e and D Q and subway earned the coveted F so we're gonna put together our own about five guys winning number one well I don't have a strong opinion about five guys I think I've only ever eaten there once so exactly well I don't know it's okay I just ran I remember there being a lots of mustard on it which is not something that I'm necessarily into but I think I need to eat there more I don't have a strong sense for five guys you guys feel free to chime in but let's start doing this let's start first of all with the F so for me jack-in-the-box is a clear under F is a clear hundred-percent and unthinkable awful everything they make is trash what about their tacos okay let me tell you about their tacos AK and their tacos are diarrhea freakin deep-fried diarrhea and a pouch Zak there's two types of people in the world people who like their tacos and people with class magneti their tacos are like isn't it like two for 99 cents bro think about that think about that right tell me what do you think you're actually eating when you can get two tacos it's better than like del Taco tacos yeah well you know what my solid [ __ ] tastes better than my diarrhea doesn't nobody eat either of it so can I first get my number one choice out of the way sure the super s ranking super super SS Oh should we go I think we're maybe jumping ahead here okay we should go bottom up maybe okay I don't want to give away the way the goods yeah don't come on don't spoil the ending Danis raped the iron man we're doing a and game review I go to my mom after watching the movie I go whoa there's so the ending was so crazy Thanos ended up a rape and she goes no way really really no way I was like yeah dude bounces huge purple [ __ ] Justin gaped iron man yeah and then the colonel came out started stripping and iron man was doing was getting spit-roasted that's when you take it from both sides she was like what and they work jack and the boss okay the Dean carefully stands for so much yeah Mike you got there yeah yeah go ahead dick Wow simply be said there so Jack in the Box is an F Dairy Queen I don't even understand this I don't even understand how Dairy Queen is a viable business like they sell soft-serve ice cream who freaking gets out of their car for ice cream first of all I don't like and then they also sell food Dairy Queen is she didn't even exist as far as I can tell that man is awful it's very quick yeah you don't necessarily want to be a being a queen is risky to begin with but when you're Dairy Queen you've got issues with that I agree KFC obviously is the true enemy of Island a shame because I I like their food well listen if Papa John's is the you know the god of h3 the colonel KFC is say is sane he's the Antichrist the anti Ethan I would probably put it in a a or B if we weren't in this ela q you understand you're promoting KFC right I gotta be honest no I agree it's pretty good but I hope they I hope that they never saw another nugget as long as they live now let me see okay so Arby's let's move on to e Arby's is oh that's not supposed to sit down now Arby's is another restaurant that I don't know how it exists I never it's so trashy it's so white trash it's literally a fast-food restaurant that they serve just slabs of like nasty roast beef between bread that's it that's all there is to it they're logos a giant cowboy hat it's so trashy I don't even know what to say about it I don't exactly who eats at Arby's have any of you guys eaten regularly at Arby's once last time any of you guys ADA Arby's 20 years ago I remember it being very wet it was a wet burger you got to sauce it up it was a Korean any Arby's in your uh recent history I do like Arby's on your list is all the way back Beck's got Arby's and Jack and s reading it's not the best but it's it's good I mean what's here what's here what letter I put it in C mmm anyway it's been like a decade since I've had how L say there curly fries are good i but I haven't eaten there in a while so I'm gonna keep you mat F because who eats at Arby's sorry Zack it's just that concept of fast-food roast beef troubles me okay now let's move it on here I don't have any huge other problems here I've never eaten at Sonic to be frank so one of you guys will have to chime in on Sonic I mean either where where is there even a sonic I don't like the boonies like way out I'm just gonna I'm gonna I'm not even gonna do it here look can I just like disappear it like put it below and the Sonics doesn't exist by idiots on ik okay I do like Sonic the Hedgehog can I bring it back okay now let's move it on to D now Oh Burger King is actually e for me Burger King is literally a poor man's McDonald's there's nothing good there's no reason to go to Burger King when I grew up there was a McDonald's in a Burger King right next to each other in Ventura and you literally only went to Burger King when the McDonald's drive-through was too long they there I do not like Burger King the burgers are a nightmare I agree they changed their french fry recipe a long time ago I guess to distinguish themselves from McDonald's and it's not as good Burger King sorry I'll go to you after Arby's I think that's accurate now chick-fil-a I've eaten there a couple of times I'm gonna I'm gonna go chick-fil-a mother-effing got him oh mighty chick-fil-a from ezd and I'll tell you why I went there that's gonna be a big controversy right there I feel that's the most controversial so chick-fil-a for me we ate there once in Agoura it's just it was bread it was fried chicken and I wasn't impressed it just did not do it for me sorry sorry sorry guys I was more familiar I don't even remember it Wendy's is pretty bomb I'm gonna give them a see I like their smoothies I like their square burgers I like everything she's going on well I'm gonna chime in on the ones that I know now Ian had an interesting take on Subway he's like the only reason you go okay this thing's driving me crazy let me just because you can lock it in there one more Ian had an interesting take on Subway wait but you're gonna you gotta cover that little that basically the only reason to go to some ways if you're too lazy to make yourself a sandwich because the sandwich you make it home it's gonna be know just as good okay that's a good point but isn't when she say that about every fast-food um that's a that's an interesting insight as well kind of you where did he put subway subway he gave a F yeah he put all the way now I'm gonna I'm I kind of get his point because we're somewhere here here's what you've noted about Subway that I think is fascinating now I have every sandwich you make tastes the same in a weird way which is kind of so I get his point it's like you wanna you want a roast beef you want a Philly cheese that you want to meet it's all taste the same I hate subway and you know that but it's at least a B or C and spare the day back in the box I person it's a pretty good option when exact something it's not too bad for you you can eat a sandwich that's now you're getting fired up not gonna kill you yeah I wish I knew more about that ones so it's so subway for me Subway's been there for me you know those five-dollar footlongs when I was in college got me through some got me food when I was broke not even just even just when we moved out here and we were still kind of broke I gotta give subway a seat a solid C honestly because it's a greater burden for a quick relatively healthy meal and I got a I kind of got to give it up to subway and I hate someone and you can just have them stacking onto like I'll get a sandwich and I'll be like I want every mother effing agree I want lettuce I want tomato and one onion I want spinach I want red pepper I'm a black of on pepper Cheney I want jalapeno salt and pepper mani and they don't even [ __ ] Seder in the bad and I because they probably see the weirdest [ __ ] those Subway sandwich makers very nice sometimes but you think they better I mean they're like absolutely when I order out wash your face to about like day I dare you to say something cuz I don't get cheese you know so I I balance it out but also that's what I like my same age point for me is that you can eat there and you don't have to meet because I I'm not vegetarian but I don't love meat and a lot of times my choice would be to go without me but like at Arby's I don't even know if not an option Barbies no are nobody cheetah Arby's that's not good like that earring Oh because they have good curly fries now Domino's I I think every time I've had Domino's it's fairly good that's pretty good but honestly I'm gonna give dumb as a seat yeah I can't hate like I've had a lot of local pizza that is awful like you really roll the dice when you call in pizza from these like local businesses and don't get me wrong I love all pizzas but Domino's has been consistently good every time I've ordered it so I'm not gonna hit on Thomas I'm gonna give us see now Chipotle I have a love-hate relationship with Chipotle yeah where do you put that that's a tough one I gotta think like I think I think Chipotle is gonna get a seat for me and I was gonna say be really put it right in between what do you think then we'll see what you said about Subway about everything in Subway no matter what you get tastes the same that's how I feel about your Pope it's ok meal but like you're gonna get [ __ ] sick of it that's all they got I hate it too sometimes I always get diarrhea always and I'm not saying that cuz it's like a meme like I literally always get diarrhea but it works for me and I love I love the guac scoops yeah I love the cheese love sour cream and same thing you don't have to eat meat you can make it ball with like rice or anything got some veggies veggies and guac yeah and it tastes exactly the same as if you got the means yeah like when I'm in the mood for Chipotle it's great but it's OneNote it gives you diarrhea but all of these are one knows wrong wrong gila subway and Chipotle have that distinctively in common yeah yeah I agree I would still pick they're now multi percentage now we're getting interesting now little seizures is a I still never they're little seizures I mean for five bucks you can get a pie that's pretty good I cannot hate on little seizures and I'm gonna once again give this I know this is very interesting because I'm giving this a see as well see that's why I feel like Chipotle and subway or maybe you think they're hiked here I got above and um you know what I'm gonna I think you're right yeah because it's consistent you know you're getting it's relatively healthy I'm gonna I'm gonna go ahead and cuz little seizures the best I can say for that is like for five dollars you get a pretty decent pie no yeah good call now talk okay so McDonald's I gotta tell you yes where are you coming down so Ian made a great point he put McDonald's eight here and I have to say he was he made a compelling argument McDonald's is so consistent it is so timeless everything on that menu is refined polished the quality control is excellent I almost am never disappointed from when I order McDonald's was a hamburger whether it's breakfast whether it's a coffee whether it's french fries I'm always getting what I want and I know this is sounds strange to but their soda pops are on point like they mix the syrup and the ice levels are like I'm so satisfied when I get a Coke or a soda pop they're more than any other restaurant and I I have to give them credit for that I couldn't agree more and so a McDonald's is a tear bro there's a reason why they sold a trillion hamburgers coffee's great yeah we yes we drink the conference's hashbrown the Egg McMuffin Egg McMuffin Donald's breakfast is legit wouldn't know me but still bomb the Akaka Cola syrup they give to McDonald's is different than what you can buy in the like groceries oh man that's what a Goliath they're they have their own recipe and it tastes great I love the recipe totally I'm afraid that we are passing the break oh [ __ ] hello we got to take a break guys we'll be right back admit it you think that cybercrime is something that happens to other people you may think that no 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comm /h do right now you get your first rebuilt refill pack for free with equipment let your toothless so get your free real refill pack free at GE t qi p comm / h3 get quick comm / h3 right the [ __ ] now and we are back so we had just place McDonald's at an a-rank now talk about let's move on and talk about now Ian made an excellent point about to talk about as well hmm he said of talkable and I totally agree it's in a class of its own there's nobody on here who can compete with Taco Bell that does we'll talk about does fast Mexican food and they've managed to succeed they've got all this crazy [ __ ] they're slinging food we just had talked about yesterday it was okay mm-hmm now Dan you feel strongly about this I know this is this is basically what prompted this because yeah Ian have given it what like a see here I have his tier list yeah no well he had it a B yet it a B so what you gonna hit on that it's [ __ ] [ __ ] man oh it's a bi it's not that good in fact in fact not above B in fact the only reason it gets a B is because of the uniqueness of it yeah that is your fast food Mexican I always wish that there was a an equivalent of Chipotle we'd Drive Thru right yeah yeah I don't know what fully does not drive through they make that [ __ ] quit man no drive-through Chipotle now okay so there you have it there's nothing really more to say about Taco Bell in and out so this is a tough because you know that everyone here on the west coast is crazy about in and out strong feelings and I am and I how also have strong feelings about I don't know let me tell you the burgers the the patty is very small but the quality the flavor the experience is fantastic here's where my problems begin the french fries and anyone who says otherwise are absolute ass and i know they're trying hard to be like fresh and organic they chopped up the french fries in the store you can see them pressing up they throw them right in the deep fryer but that's just not how you make good french fries there's a process you gotta soak it in cold wire you got to get the bleach out and you got to freeze it in some cases they they don't I'm not making a joke dan this is an art if you freeze it it's gonna bleach oh oh - get the bleep yes yeah the starch I thought you were sorry you got to get some bleach out of the cupboard the bleach I just misspoke I wish I was as funny as you thought I was so so again I love the burgers and the price point is unbelievable you can go so just day and age you can get a burger fries and a drink for like six bucks yeah when I was a kid McDonald's oh yeah when I was a kid I go to McDonald's and you could get a value meal for five bucks and that's what I remember it was so beautiful with such a whole number like here's I got a fiber I get lunch today and out has maintained that through the years so that's a huge accomplishment the French fries hold it back I'm getting it at a rank I have a question for you between McDonald's and they're not which burger do you like better I think they're very different in and out I think technically is better remain in and out is like real food mmm McDonald's is like I mean it's trash but it's bomb also I like McDonald's better Wow you know what like I don't know man McDonald's it you got to you got to appreciate McDonald's for what it is I can really get down with the McDonald's burger mm-hmm but I think technically speaking in and out is a better burger if that makes any sense okay noisy Mike's Jersey Mike's it's just stupid Sam at Subway no I'll tell you wow Jersey Mike's there's a bunch of Amiens of Subway though you know that Jersey ranks done like a snobbish subway and their shits and I even that much better they just put a ton of lettuce and they fold the meat I hate how they fold the meat Zach's about to quit right now by that he's back here it's freshly like sliced their Subway's not even real turkey or real freshly sliced who cares they send you a [ __ ] visit not about real food yeah I just don't I just don't like the whole I get it their sandwiches are even more repetitive in a way than Subway's it's all sliced lettuce and it's all folded me do me subway wins yeah there's always been a subway next to where we leave no matter where we do right anywhere in the country there's gonna be a subway within like 10 feet of where you live because there on every corner now five guys I don't have a pinion about because I'm a kind of boolean there once so I'm gonna remove them sorry well I think it could definitely go as a see I just don't know enough and I don't want to we had it in New York a couple of times but now don't what is this one it's all right Pizza I'm not super familiar with pizza probably is probably a CPA - it's lower than Domino's yeah I think it's D okay I think that's fair now Carl's jr. I this used to be my jam and every day the crisps cut fries dipped in ranch is heavenly it's godly it's insane the burger sometimes it's awful sometimes it's bomb there's not a lot of consistency but sometimes it's the best sometimes it's the worst the tough call with Carl's jr. because of the ups and downs I get but I'm gonna give it a seat I think that's fair it's like you it's if McDonald's you always know what you're gonna get Carl's is definitely a gamble sometimes it's D worse if someone that has a vegetarian yeah they recently started serving the beyond burger and I tried it out I was pretty good it was pretty good so far the s-rank is completely empty we have Papa John's and we've got Shake Shack now let me go on to Papa John's you guys know you guys know the meme the Papa John mean you know how I feel I mean you know the joke but do how do you how do I really feel about me yeah now Papa John's to me the butter sauce is bomb as [ __ ] mm-hmm you dip it you pour it you do whatever you want it's so good now a lot of people are gonna say Papa John's pizzas not that good and I actually think it's fantastic every time I order it I know started as a joke but every time I order Papa John's I genuinely love the pizza that I get it's consistent it's great it's fresh better ingredients Papa will live forever I give I think it's sucks I give Papa John's in a I like Papa John I like to me I would give it d- maybe i'm right there with the eleven hundred percent over rated i don't know i just don't really like the pizza I guess if we even and out then we're gonna have to give it a B and every single time you talk to anybody about pop you know what Papa does the sauce and it's like the sauces and the pizza man you're right you know what Papa John's is not as good as McDonald's it and out which are tried and true you know what pop I think Papa John's is is a B for me yeah now finally Shake Shack first of all there's a burger chain that we discovered in New York people have likened it to the in and out of the East Coast because it's such an institution recently Shake Shack has come to the west coast there's several here in LA there's some in Las Vegas it's pretty much gone all over the nation L now Shake Shack is owned by a by like a gourmet chef who it's a little pricey but they use this incredible quality of meat and they smash the burger it's a smash burger on top of the burger it's super greasy little dumpling like the bread is so soft and so cloudy and like unbelievable it's super greasy that's one negative thing I would say cuz when you hold it it's like it's so deadly but it's it's delicious it's on it's unparalleled in the flavor mm-hmm on top of that on top of these beautiful the burger that's just it's the best-tasting burger ever a little greasy I'll top that they have the best french fries period they've got these critics crying how do you call it it's like the cut crinkle crinkle Thank You Zac they got these crinkle-cut french fries that are perfectly seasoned and cooked and on top of that you can get this nacho cheese dip not an ostrich's as a cheese dip that is absolutely to die for and you will die if you eat Shake Shack for me is the only undisputed it's the only one deserving of the true s class and if you have the opportunity to eat at Shake Shack I cannot recommend it to you enough go try Shake Shack get a cheeseburger french fries and cheese sauce and we are unbelievable and you didn't even rate Shake Shack you think if I don't think he's been there he tried it it would bump five guys I think it's the best tasting burger out of all the burgers I've ever had again I can't comment on five guys but I think Ian would love shakes I mean anyone would it's in New York there's a line every day it's fast food doesn't take that long get your food but there's such so many people that want it there's a there's like a 30-minute line it's that good the people are waiting queuing up for Shake Shack it's phenomenal it's incredible they have chicken sandwiches that are on another level it's just simply the best have any of you what do you guys think RS and chime in here have you had Shake Shack by the way I have not it sounded like Zach had you bet I have yeah but I think he got put in and out in the ass the S category you would bump in and out yeah and and Ian and Dan well you know where I stand on talkable that's a clear s for me the rest the rest I'm I'm pretty on board with your ratings here dan look are you gonna get stock labelled an ass like I know that you're vegetarian and you like it cuz you can eat there but like let's be honest let's be honest with each other here you know in your heart Taco Bell is not an S I stand I stand for the Bell the only my only worry here is is it fair that we put Shake Shack above of McDonald's that's what I'm wondering I do think so but I do like the gonna pay if I have to say which burger is the best Shake Shack look I got an a that's a good rating again I am heard from me and why are you so quiet in what's going on with you oh I'm taking it all in I don't think gonna have an S mm-hmm I you wouldn't rate any of these s no hmm they all have negatives yeah and as I make it it's all relatives it's not listed but round Table Pizza bake-off is Mike the segments over round Table Pizza here trying to have a show here yes [Laughter] I'll turn it back on because this part is that the next part is Ian's report Ian went to Coachella over the last weekend why don't you come on in here actually in join us yeah you're all swap over to Ian what to Coachella because he heard that Kanye was doing his Sunday service there and he immediately bought a ticket and went there on his own by himself I don't go to the movies by myself let alone to Coachella this guy's insane for fun yet that's pretty scary I'm going to Coachella by yourself yeah I want to hear about it so in you want to sit here you can control the out kill him okay so first of all tell me how did you come to Coachella tell me the the lead-up I was in my car I was at the gym and I was in I was on my phone in between things and then I saw that Kim announced that Kanye was going to be there and I sprinted out of the gym like that minute and ran to my car grabbed my card and bought it in the parking lot so I was like I gotta go when do you buy exactly it's a Coachella like we can take it yeah you can't buy singles you have to buy a full three-day was a ticket it was like well the fees kill you the fees are so crazy so that added like an extra hundred bucks but it was like our feet yeah kind of feeling that listed on StubHub it like 350 but then the fees put up like 460 what the hell kind of [ __ ] fees is that so that's our original - you didn't get her aftermarket ticket did you well that was they had it listed as 360 it was aftermarket though oh stop hub took so so much money from them now in I've never been a fan of anything in my life quite like you are with Kanye you genuinely tend to be towards the fandom spectrum right like you're a fan of things not like to this level I don't like anything that much usually your phone.i oh I like things I do like that you're a man who likes well you yeah like you stuff your big I like that no not like that I don't think most people are like yeah this much but you know but but Connie does have a I'm gonna say cult for lack of a better word he does have a strong central fan base yeah so you're not the only one who's being allured by whatever magnetism he has no there's a bunch yeah there's a lot out there and so you went there by yourself yeah on Friday after our show hmm and did you immediately make friends what was the well yeah we shouldn't like I met people pretty quick yeah I didn't take long because I don't know everyone's just there to have fun and have a good time and right I think there are a lot of people that go alone to meeting people and did anyone recognize you know I had a bandana over my face to like most the time cuz the dust is so bad right are you hoping someone would recognize you no a little bit I'm good I was famous in the Kanye community not enough I guess but ya know did you have to build a tent yeah actually it was awful because the winds there so crazy and someone's well the first night my tent came undone and I slammed into my neighbor's tent while you were sleeping in it yeah I was on the planet wire girl those girls nice that's a great opener okay just smash the [ __ ] out of your tent what are you doing tomorrow didn't go anywhere this is like at 3:00 a.m. yeah they were like please get away from there did you hit him up the next day no I didn't see them actually again did you say everybody's different and did you see what they looked like though in the middle of the night no you didn't even get to see if they were like no so I was so embarrassed by that but then the next night my other neighbors tent slammed into mine so the pecking order every time I'd go to the campsite at night there would be like shredded tents all of it sounds a little fire festival yeah it was kind of the wind was so bad actually in one of the tense or one of those stages the wind was so bad as this big outdoor stage and they have this huge overhang and it was shaking so much people around me were leaving because they were nervous I would fall down and something actually fell and landed on this girl and she wants the hospital oh my I don't know what happened with her actually and how close was that to your tent well that was at one of the stages that was and did you ever consider leaving as a because the one was no never I was it was that kid cudi Kanye was gonna come out what happens so do you have like public showers yeah shower yeah there I was there and and what do you eat that's the problem they have a bad awful it's like junk a lot so much junk food and things like that so they sell food there yeah but it's so overpriced it's like it's like $15 a slice of pizza Oh miss fees $15 slice of pizza sounds like my perf and and what did you eat though I mean I pizza' how was the pizza it was it was okay but how would you rank it all over yeah it's a dt r yeah yeah so you guys have gone to music festival right I mean for a video but it was kind of like behind what was it overnight either age yeah we popped in for an hour yeah yeah that's it's an ordeal okay and what do you live in your intent like I won there by your stuff do you I kind of would hide it in my tent under like dirty clothes and stuff the valley enough on everything dirty interesting strategy the Hydra by those in 30 I yeah I dare you to take this yeah cuz no one I mean hopefully not digging through there nope so here's the pictures we'll start here yeah you went primarily for a Kanye Sunday service yeah so that doors open at 6:00 and so I got up at 5:00 and gotten lined by like 5:20 this seems like a large crowd yeah so these are pictures I took so I waited for hours but I got I'm basically at the front so are you against the railing in the front was one person in front of me and I know all those you could have elbowed your way up there though okay well the problem is that a free-for-all I mean yeah you could have but no it's always positive vibe yeah right you be I'd be throwing elbows buzz wait four hours well you kind of had a choice where it was actually when the doors opened the line just called it collapsed the woman just kind of went they had to hold us back and she was like everyone please walk we are now letting people in and then immediately everyone started sprinting oh my god so they say oh yeah that's a whole giant field they like let in at the same time we're just run yeah did you sprint I was free are you with other people thank God the guys next to me I was talking to but then we split up because some of us will you basically sprinted off by yourself everyone was yeah everybody flat out run what a scene yeah they're games yeah well because there was one way was the hill and then the other way was the merch tent so you had to decide what you're okay I went to the merch you got the merch on oh because is it limited yeah I wish our merch was that hot okay and then after like Teddy fresh calm after like 20 minutes the merch line was like hundreds of people long so so you did you picked right yeah I went there and then got the hill and I was pretty much now how much you're wearing one of the merch prunex right now how much was that 160 what did you spend in all right I spent a lot of money spent like a thousand bucks I said yeah yeah but I don't I don't go any I haven't gone on vacation in like five years no you're I know yeah this was like once I was there I was like okay I will get a slice of pizza I will I'm gonna treat myself yeah I'm gonna have fun I don't do that off that's Coachella I'm gonna treat myself and eat one slice leads into one slice of pizza and so this was 160 you got two of them one for a resale right just in case yeah or if my brother wants it yeah and what do you what are those reselling for I saw a few like 350 300 Wow so yeah I actually saw a picture is it not here I saw a picture of somebody selling grass yeah it is in there it's oh it's in your thing oh yeah yeah I saw someone actually sold successfully on eBay a clump of grass yeah so they do you think - you didn't think - I didn't think about the grass I blew it actually some people even selling bags of air that is funny that's so yeah those are those are in that folder the pictures of my germs coffin a bag yeah so in you went from the merch but then you kind of did that must have had the elbow your way to the front if you went to the merged first not really cuz it like a since I got there so early it was fine I was able to do it and while you were in line were you strategizing like should I cover the gate or should go to the merch I was figuring yeah are you mind was raced all day and what were the what were the options that you weighed what we what were the pros and cons with the merch for you well the merch I went well if I get a couple of these and it helps pay for this crazy amount I've been spending on pizza I'll feel a little better mentally fret for this for the show right so it was an investment investment run was there people at the merch booth buying like tons of yeah yes there's but there was a guy next to him like three grand Wow yeah how many bags you have you should rob his ass yeah these guys are walking around he well cuz they were selling socks for 50 bucks mm-hmm and so he bought like 10 pairs of those socks and I was like Jesus dude no making money from it right yeah probably I'm surprised it on the limit on show you it was lit it was 800 he maxed it out but still I mean that adds up fast oh yeah eggs I saw the merch it was pricey but yeah there were people big handfuls to show you classic go to just do that so Oh God not like this so let's continue you can tell me what we're looking at here that's really cool yeah well yeah it was sexy right yeah I took a panorama photos part we got a video yeah so here is when they so how did they enter into the field because it's surrounded 360 behind there's the gate that on one side of the hill was all VIP they came in through there oh I see that's where all the like sober celebrities in people so they had like a they had like a 30-piece band or something and they had like like 30 people choir that we circled around the hill and then they had like up maybe a hundred backup dancers - and where was Kanye in the and he was very laid back he wasn't he didn't really take center stage that much he only actually wrapped two songs mmm the whole thing was it was about three hours long three hours yeah so his his involvement was quite minimal by this yeah he was kind of like laying low he was doing you know his he was sampling on his machine and things like that but he was letting the choir and the band and all that be the main thing and so what was his contribution did he arrange these whoa yeah and like it would be like a church like a gospel song and then a Kanye song in that gospel style and then song again so the whole things are weaving in and out non-stop so let's have a listen let's see what would ya [Applause] you hear that it's the sound of our video being claimed that your hand that's my hand press it out but hand reaching out for thing so to come bless me where did you have a religious man trance here because it is I mean it is a prayer service yeah yeah it was a did you find Jesus yeah I'm a Christian no no no I it was that what was interesting about it I'm holding him lightsaber looks like a camera not a lightsaber damn cool it's like a it's like a little oh yeah but what was interesting was I don't think a lot of people were quite understanding what it was going to be mm-hmm they were expecting a concert like it's just a Kanye show it's so like at the start they come out and they start bringing up Jesus and lifting your heart to Jesus and and I could tell the people around me were kind of like this isn't really my thing everyone sings say praise Jesus and the people around me were a little nervous by the third hour everyone was doing but they were all everyone was on board yeah yeah yeah did you feel that your are you religious man no you feel the Spirit of Christ on that day I felt like I it was like that something in the air and the whole thing electric that valuable air I should have backed know there was something kind of spiritual about it definitely I mean all those people doing that at the same time there was over 50,000 people there Wow so like doing what at the same time just all being in the trying to like sing these songs and talk about like religious ideas and things like that I mean over 50,000 in one place all doing that it's hard not to be like this is kind of like a powerful thing going on so it was I mean I told that I cried what moment did you cry dude what was it that at that moment there was a moment or a chance there Burke came out and then he did his verse on this song and one of my favorite songs of Kanye's called ultralight beam and it's really like an emotional slow song and then DMX came out and started delivering this prayer about like believing in yourself and over don't ruin this like your DMX government mr. Burton's big DMX man like believing in yourself and overcoming adversity and things like that and DMX has had so many issues in the past he hasn't been arrested many times has a lot of problems with drugs and things like that but he's doing really good now mm-hmm so hearing that and seeing him like doing so well and all these people and I was just smiling so hard and then I was like oh my god I'm like I'm like crying I'd like tears streaming down my mind it just from the whole thing there was just so much so that was like a moment I was an experienced am what a moment yeah here's another clip let's watch here yeah so these are the backup dancers you mentioned yeah so they were just kind of doing things your whole time they've got a kind of a Bhagwan bye with all the same outfits and took over the whole state of Utah or something throw it up yeah were you throwing it up oh no I was into it the whole time would can I get you possibly wearing one of these purple dentist's assistant outfits yeah I'm sure those are probably pretty pricey but I mean there was a version like that like 250 yeah so the whole time this is what the stream looked like but people are watching it at home I don't know the keyhole yeah and I really don't get it is he just trying to there's a chance I wonder if he's just trying to make the experience more special for the people that were there live yeah maybe because it doesn't really do justice to it and were you able to see Kanye and everyone up on the top of the hill yeah that's cool yeah I saw him a lot so it was it was a and in the back here Mike because you you are kind of a Kanye groupie you follow him everywhere he goes are you hoping that do you have some kind of fantasy where he recognizes you and he goes hey yeah I've heard about you I've seen you around must have some kind of fantasy like that right no not really really actually I kind of like I mean I I like the music I like what he's doing and I I think things like this are great and all that but if I if I met him I feel I could kind of mess it would be weird but you would but if he reached out was like in I mean yeah yeah sure yeah but you know I'm content I'm very fine just like and do you fantasize about being recognized within the Kanye community like what like what are your fantasies are you is it a happy but I do wonder like if there's a ticket for you in here somewhere like what is it what do you mean just well you you follow them everywhere you're part of this community would it be nice to find do you fantasize about being like a leader of this Kanye community of some sorts or being recognized for your insights and devotion not really I mean I just I just really like it it's not a thing that I'm like oh I got to figure out how to monetize not monetize most you know being recognized for your devotion do you know what I mean EULA you look at me like you know I'm just wondering you know how would that be like what well mostly being you know Kanye bi I feel like Kanye being like it's an ultimate right I mean it'd be cool to yeah I guess I guess that's true I have we got another video here so there I could see him on this one and that guy singing right there him his name's ant Clemens he was the one I was in his music video recently Oh for real yeah the ones singing there oh so that's what it looked like yeah oh this is the VIP look at these knobs yeah yeah so that's kind of how they would come enter and exit behind it sick but yeah so I I can whoa wow that looks awesome yeah I mean it was like so hold on so they made this on the VIP so there's no there's not even any like railing or anything on the VIP side they're just politely standing at the foot of the hill yeah it's probably people didn't they know and yeah over there did you see anyone interesting on the VAP side I mean I saw Kim Kim walk by that's cool would you scream her name no I I didn't but I I and then I saw pictures of some other celebrities oh so where were you in this picture prop smile if you go to the blast one you can kind of I can spot myself Oh for real okay there's me is that before after after though you went in all white yeah I thought be funny yeah oh here it is Kanye West Sunday service grass $65 and I think it's sold 400 bucks right yeah if you go the next one I don't know how holy it is just taking clumps of grass out of the field I hate we're here to make money right one bid that was me it wasn't well no the house my god the father he bought it hundred that was you that was me air from Kanye's show 60,000 uh tone it down so where's the one with you in it because I didn't oh wait no go back a few pictures back back yeah that one like if you were too crazy zoom in you could spot me but it well were you approximately in this photo like somewhere I was like right against the railing like right a little to the right there right around there no so uh yeah it was crazy I mean this is their first the first performance coach Hill has ever done the morning oh and they've never I mean this is so uniquely mm-hmm nothing like this I feel like it could happen again so you you were there at a special moment special time oh gosh to prove it you breathe the air you don't need to bag it you stood on the grass you don't need to clump it you were there I'm very glad I went and one day Kanye is gonna notice you someday some dope also you were visiting Arianna oh that was a separate yeah that was later that night you were so close how did you get so closer in I elbowed some some teenage girls sniffer farts from this distance I mean that's one way to look at it I suppose uh you got to be super dedicated to get that close because Arianna she was like the main thing I heard you got like a million bucks how the hell did you get this close you that's like Oh third thing tell me did you just really elbow your way all the way up no no I I went I stayed at that stage for a few hours watched the other people and nobody care about and then when they would when fans of that person would leave I feel closer and then eventually I got there did you ever have problems waiting up from where he had to pee no really I was worried about that but no I would make sure I'd go before and because we saw the Chili Peppers will our speech that someone Israel once and I tried to get up like close to the stage and I had to pee and I was just I had to pee I was so miserable but there you go you're young man your prostate isn't yet yeah I think I was drinking alcohol - that'll do it so um Arianna you're a big fan of yeah nothing like Kanye no but I see I was second most excited to see her I really liked her this is the third time I've seen her so have you I met her at the Kanye I think Kid Cudi right right yeah yeah she's awesome she's back yeah yeah the nicest person was it was blew my mind have you ever beat off at the thought of being with Ariana I've never beat off no don't have you I'm telling you the trend I'm a man of God not yet now but before you met her did you beat officer Ariana there is no before yeah after I'm a dog and it's fine if you have broke up with Pizza Davidson Davidson yeah I don't like to see anybody suffer you know that good and we've done no let me see here dude this is crazy they got so close yeah I think one of the next who's the guy she's giving the lap dance to just one of her dancers if you go right now I'd be surprised if you weren't beating off right now to be honest to be pretty sexual you know that guy went home and beat off or the yeah yeah I was I was right there did she ever look at you yeah oh you made eye contact but I wonder if she remembered you because she makes I don't think she would here's a guy that bro you definitely be it off this night in your town look at this I was losing my mind but why you like the one guy with near a million girls no there are a lot of guys there yeah yeah I feel like I feel like at that level of super fandom that it's it's probably mixed yeah I know ever I think I did pretty well cuz I met a few people that oh and she brought Justin Bieber so he was oh wow yeah I saw Justin at post show backstage I think I think he's a nice guy on a side I like just to be at least she's evolved and matured a lot in the past like several years yeah yeah how come I wonder how come Biebs and Ariana never got it on well he's married no yeah oh yeah that was someone threw a lemon at her I got a pic oh my god we gotta sell this to TMZ matter it's like so good dumb tell me cuz well Beyonce headline last year uh what everyone called it like Bey chela and all this stuff and she has an album called lemonade yeah so some crazy Beyonce fan went and threw a lemon at her for trying for because for being offered yeah I guess what a psycho yeah [ __ ] I really yeah is so I hope she was ejected up she was arrested for assault yeah hit her in there and then it like the one of the dancers stepped on it and a girl's clothes that I'm clean licked stage did they throw it hard at her didn't hit her that with our but yeah and did those security catch the go through it I have no idea you should have beat her ass when I mean besides I think right it looks like the lemon is how did you capture that yeah wait how did you capture that was that from a video yeah I took this is rare I have you seen pictures of this on the internet not like that that's wrong I'm kidding you should license like that's a valuable photo I I could totally see that on the front of like these kind of you know gossip yeah I just some of these crazy fans stand that's the word psycho look nuts whole thing about also that people thought that they didn't get paid the same but then they didn't heard yeah is what I read oh I wasn't I didn't clarify actually I'm not sure they both got paid the same eight million and I guess Beyonce fans were upset why is it okay I think they thought at first that Ariana got paid more I thought I heard yeah well I hate to tell you Beyonce fans but your girdles been around a while I'm not saying she's I mean I mean she's falling out and she's not that but she's been around forever the Beyonce fans okay you don't care about I'm saying she's not what can I do she's not in vogue as much she's popular no I don't think it they even need to compare them she was last year and this year it's Ariana but why is everyone asking she's the only female artist that's allowed to have success no I think her friends are just crazy I don't know in the lemon yeah some of these fans are just I mean cuz at the same time Ariana Grande's fans like would go into Pete Davidson's Instagram comments and tell him to kill himself and he had to be hospitalized why were they selling him to kill him what did he do because they broke up never even like that they were dating well they were getting [ __ ] even just for dating her and then they had a little like you know some tension after their breakup and then her fans were like going there and telling him to kill himself and stuff these just know right they had a little beef yeah yeah now do you fear that you a Kanye fans on the other hand very nice pastor I was going we don't do this no but do you fear that maybe you are a Stan of Kanye oh I am yeah and do you fall into the same kind of pit do you do are you aware that maybe you fall into the same I really believe that his his diehard fans like that or I've only seen them pretty much be nice but it's cuz they're always on the defensive right because everyone else hates Connor he's always getting [ __ ] on the desert Kanye PR warriors yeah so I think because of that the diehard fans are way more open and nice to everyone because they're just trying to say like no he's good is there anyone you hate as a result of being a Kanye stand is there enemies of Kanye there were the enemies well I don't know like the people on his subreddit hate like Drake and stuff are you - hey Drake know your fan adrik yeah I like him I know that's controversy if you saw Drake on the street what would you do I mean I wouldn't yeah but you know I don't know the noni did to hate anyone you know it's all just well the biggest takeaway for me is that you beat off to the thought of Arianna and we don't you know totally you met her face to face you sorry no well doesn't happen I respect ariana grande very much not about respecting big band and I don't do that I just everyone go to church all right and and thank you for the Coachella report that you took pictures you had a really just experience yes you had a you you went you did your thing I admire the fact that you it's very fun you know what I should I should back up in this world is people are nihilistic and they don't care about anything and that's the cool thing I respect and I appreciate that you are willing to like things that you are willing to put yourself out there to go to Coachella by yourself pitch a tent in the wind to show love and have a good time that's something I would never do and I think it's a great attribute and I courage everyone else to live their life that way too if they have the fortitude for that being said get out thank you and good job okay hold on okay that was not actually in yeah we gotta do justice buy-in yeah well what's this soundbite is very confusing so oh I meant to do to show you guys this on the topic of fast food there's a talk about wedding it's just so crazy in Vegas there's a Taco Bell chapel for 600 bucks you get a 12-pack of tacos in a private reception area and a bouquet made from sauce packets why is that coffee bucks I guess you're paying for the venue also you only get a 12-pack come on throwing throwing a couple more tacos would ya I love the one-of-a-kind book care from sauce packets one-of-a-kind baby how is it one-of-a-kind if anyone can get it it's by definition not only one person is gonna buy it talk about wedding calm you guys you heard it here guaranteed for your wedding for your marriage not to last you want your erage not to last go to go to Taco Bell wedding calm well thank you in that was lively I was captivated we've got the endgame review which I want to get whoo but before we do we did last last week we had a great conversation about tattoos that ela hates we started with Ben Affleck's back tech dude by the way we have Teddy our teddy fresh game was in here and all the females chimed in and Neela's defense saying wow that is the worst back that you know the worst back tattoo ever I was surprised I mean as bad but I don't but I apparently that tattoo to respectable women is like a it's like a vagina it's like a vagina magnet I mean it pushes away yeah yeah what do you call that yeah it's like a vagina repellent yeah but so he has my point and I was very happy to hear some people agree with me cuz I got a lot of [ __ ] afterwards not [ __ ] no I got a lot of bullets at me saying come on the girl actually unanimously there was three girls here and unanimously they all agreed that that the cow hole wasn't as bad and their recent site it is because they said it's just a dad having a laugh yeah where a man is trying to be a badass like Yakuza or something like your Ben Affleck dude get on it down you're not a Yakuza right so the fans chimed in we got a lot of submissions at at podcast at h3h3 productions calm and so we've got a lot of entries here you know people are determined to topple ban yes so far we chant we got close we had the MJ tattoo and the cow the cow hole was was the closest but they didn't win so I've got a whole new load here so ill I think you're gonna have a run for your money this one is fantastic okay this is an avatar tattoo so this guy tattooed avatar characters all over his back and they're really bad til that's that's really bad see you can't say this is meant to be fun just meant to know that no exactly this is not meant to be fine and this this is only half of it yes so there's more and he's on the James Cameron Star shirtless bro why do you like Avatar so much like hello oh I know wait what Oh he's wearing a thong and he avatar tattooed it I guess wanted to do our makeup I don't know I think it's a tattoo his whole body look at his whole body that guy's not messing around the back looks like that too but the legs kind of look like makeup mm-hmm I appreciate that the tattoo I think he's just that big a fan yeah into that that oh you know why the ass crack it might be pain it could be I actually I do think it is pain oh wait why am i okay it it was a different tattoo so I did any rate how do you rate this this is really bad the back is this is the real and also I hate avatars yeah it's like a double bag I don't understand avatar I just don't get it it's like a phenomenal but at any rate does this top bends so don't want it's it's like on the same level the only difference is that it's Ben Affleck exactly I'm a bit worried we don't have any better of Jeff or whoever this guy is rock of course Jeff has a habit I don't know anything about this guy I think you're right the fact that it's been but this is an equivalence of awful definitely but what's your point I think is a good one if Ben had this on his back it would be worse the fact that it's bad it makes everything amplify yeah yeah okay fascinating what's next what what the hell I think you click to violent album okay what so what do we have here it's what is he holding a steering wheel yeah he's piloting his own body I think so he's got his head the tattoo is a little body of him poking out of his real body making it look like there's a miniature of him one of him piloting his body yellow thoughts well there is irony here there is but also red roses so unfunny to like the cow hole is funnier than this it's certainly not worth ruining your body no it's a young guy that gave me no I like still got he's got a life life ahead he's got he's probably needs to have like like imagine trying to start a family with that thing impossible that being said it's actually done really well I don't know I feel I don't have the same like repulsive feeling as like when I saw the Avatar right yeah the avatar once word is that I think that the the the existence of irony automatically lessens the blow of of these yeah when when there is irony present what do we got next okay so you look chiming that's just that's kind of why's that oh yeah that's so sad what happened yeah probably you have to assume assume the worst is a guy of a of an attempted realistic portrait of a baby on his face and then there's just the shares are so generous the guy I have to assume probably lost a child that was close to him and yeah I actually just feel bad for him yeah yeah that's rough a lot of shading though man yeah yeah poor guy honestly just poor guy that's what I think this is a giant [ __ ] smelling car I really just tattooed a giant [ __ ] with flies around it okay what is wrong what it's just stupid unfunny that's just self-loathing I mean why don't you do that gee whiz she must hate herself that's what it means right still not as bad as Ben's that also kind of just makes me sad how about this one guy's got a big wart on the back of his head he's got the Michael Jordan logo don't see the word well you're laughing so this yeah pretty good everyone who what find this guy gets a laugh yeah that's pretty special to be able to do daddy Canada the whole is head to make you laugh when you stand behind him on your line that's pretty special congrats to him what the hell I won takes a little explanation this is Justin Bieber and that is Selena Gomez his ex-girlfriend whoa who did that question it looks like a Native American elder looks like the chief who was doing his tattoos this owl is looking is doing them team Bieber TK what the hell okay well I don't know this fever is too young to judge I'll have to do some money got this it's not Ben Affleck brand is just as Brenda everywhere Brenda Brenda Brenda Brenda Brenda Brenda dude if this guy's just a stalker imagine if this guy's just stalking the girl named Brenda and it's not even someone he's in a relationship with when you look at a font website and he has Brandon every font possible bro I'm scared for Brenda I am worried for Brenda but um not as been well how about this one I love the Photoshop of the what are we looking at it's like a leopard or something a leopard face and then they put the leopards face on an actual leopard to me it kind of has like the Chinese like you know animation character yeah so it's bad but it's you know not as bad it's not the worst this is funny but so that's a drink break across the forehead oh I think it's a girl 100% that's just crazy yeah a little nuts yeah I hate my mom bro Wow again this is my mom probably was the worst person in the world because she probably did something awful to him yeah what is this what am I looking at it's good extra nipple so he tattooed extra nipples which is pretty strange I don't know what this is but it's I can tell you already it's not dog tits oh that's tough okay so honest stomachs of dog tits and he added six extra nipples I guess he's a furry or something I don't know that's true probably some that's quite bad yeah that is quite bad imagine if Ben Affleck had dog tits this is guys is really yes okay good you know Dan was like this is really hard so tell me this guy playing what the hell I'm looking at so gross is a super-famous missile hit finger and what does that mean missile hit style of music my friend who's super at fortunately my friend who's a musician he's in the jokes with me he's a very talented musician he's very open-minded too and we came to Israel he's we both he agreed with me and this is something that I would never even expect him to say he's a muse right he is probably the worst music mm-hmm like objective huh and he's a really open-minded guy when it comes to music cuz on the back of his head he has like tribal stripes and two eyes and he's he is absolutely disgusting and I don't know I guess at some point in his midlife crisis he's decided that this is gonna make him look badass and the other thing that you should know about him is that him and his father we're having parties with underage girls oh nice guy oh I heard so I've heard about it was a big scandal yeah and I think his father actually got like two years in prison now huh for just having sex with underage girls yeah or like doing this parties but he was in it too and this guy's still working on everything you think that tattoo helped him get it maybe a fifteen-year-old found it Oh impressive yeah what does it mean cuz you have to when you have eyes on the back of your neck it's like I can wash I can see you yeah from the back of my I don't know weird and yeah that's a good one to bring up I really hate them well what do you think I mean does that rival in May yeah I'm a so there you go after we got Ben avatar guy in this guy he's a celebrity and also apparently has sex with underage girls mm-hmm I mean apparently with his dad yeah so what's this guy's name yeah you gotta go done right okay y'all go long so we may have actually found a challenger here that one is phenomenal I love this it's Angelina Jolie so like seem relative it's her I guess from Tomb Raider yeah yeah man this one actually got submitted like ten times a bunch of people yeah that one's pretty average guy cuz the two are just like really sucked here imagine you bring that [ __ ] yeah no problem they're like you ready for the reveal he's like I'm done I thought you were just like doing the lines or something what are we gonna eat tonight should we get dumb Popeyes oh my god I want fum so hungry already I started eating really small breakfast is I have oatmeal with no sugar nothing just water and oats a couple of blueberries and one scrambled egg I'm starving right now it's only being like well I had breakfast at like not that long line yeah and for lunch ya know it's a great breakfast I like it but man I'm starving mmm as an M&M that's funny it's not on his face or anything so I'm not gonna hold it against him and that's just mean come on why are we including this that's not a bad dad ya know somebody that's the person that submitted is the person with the tattoo what do you think that's crazy to me that someone that's crazy we should send her a hat get her up okay sir we'll sign something yeah editor that's some real fans dedication yeah she's a stand right would you call that a stand-in that's that's Stan that's Stan level there you go we have stands I'm proud to know that so I think we actually may have topped Ben mm-hmm yeah hey you gotta go down the thing is like I don't even think that there's anybody that will look at that - - and be like also been can cover it with a shirt but right this is like I think that one's worse yeah so there you have it congratulations - ever submitted that you you did the impossible his father um used his son's fame to fork or young women including minors for prostitution yeah why would you stoop go in a prostitution you're like a famous singer I wasn't really following this story closely because we move I'm not haven't been following the news in Israel but I I just looked up this article this guy looks like such as come back it's his dad father of singer Eyal Golan sentenced to two years in prison Danielle bitten 65 uses Suns fame to procure young women including minors for prostitution bro what the f father pop singer I'll go along with sentence two years in jail Wednesday he was convinced yada yada yada and an addition to serving his prison sentence he must pay fifty thousand shekels that's very small that's like that's not enough yeah that's not a lot of money in what probably made more than that for he systematically arranged meetings between his son young female fans between 15 to 20 years of age at events including the reality television program yeah there's oh this is afraid of our Kelly his yeah he's grooming young girls his Sunday he's like a judge on one of those shows in his really now kind of like American Idol even though I don't know I'm not oh no I'm not in the loop mandis this is scumbag Ari on a new level holy smokes yikes that makes me sick and that guy's got eyes on the back wasn't even try to snitch all right well that guys has come back yeah super famous he made like some of the biggest hits have we been going for an hour 40 already what a little less than that because we started recording a little after 11:00 well let's get on to the to the endgame shall we oh [ __ ] okay so here's what I'm gonna say because I don't want to spoil it for anyone that hasn't seen it I forget that we're not lying I was like everybody's watching nobody's watching so here's what I'm gonna do four people are watching the podcast and don't want to spoil it we're gonna start talking about it generally speaking we're not gonna spoil when we get into spoiler territory I'm gonna take off my hat you should take off your hat - okay so if my hat is off you know we're in spoiler territory when I put my hat back on it's gonna be safe for you to listen again so let's start from the top hat is on no spoilers now generally speaking the hype around this movie end game has been off the chain and sanity now obviously the I I did enjoy the first movie hmm I thought the ending was fantastic it was such a great talking about infinity work yeah infinity war was great the ending was so great because just so impactful so dark so unexpected and but I'm usual for these Marvel yes you know completely unique to that one I don't think any of them ended dark like that you know they always find a way to write for the good guys to win in some way that's right and so I loved loved loved that ending but and but I also knew simultaneously it's gonna be super hard to follow this up right how are they gonna how are they not gonna give us a like because the hero's gonna figure this one out what outcome would satisfy you or surprise you like what is there it's either another dark ending whether that's there's no way I wore a good yeah I figured there's no way it's gonna be another dark ending so so the hype was was insane the early reviews came out and there it was like 97 percent on Rotten tomato I'd like a 9.3 and I do be it's currently rated I think like number 10 of all time online to be let me double check that I am do we and game let's see currently on IMDB Avengers endgame has a 9 point view it is rated what number 5 of all time so actually it's breaking into the top ranks that have [ __ ] that has not been budged in a long time Avengers end game number five of all time that's that's incredible so I was really hyped to see this in fact I didn't buy the tickets till last night because I know I wanted to talk about it today and I guess AMC's been adding shows like crazy because it's just such a gold rush I heard people were selling tickets for like thousands of dollars so the early screen but I got super lucky because last night I checked they must have just added the theater was totally empty I got perfect seats right in the center middle you know hi oh and I checked five minutes later and was completely sold out mm-hmm so we got really lucky we had really good seats salt last night at 7:30 one of the first people to see it really and was very excited to see it now this is a long long movie three hours long yeah no breaks what happened to giving us breaks dude if you're gonna make a three-hour movie you know what it is I think I think the theaters just want they won't that cuts into their profit right it's like let's you have three intermissions like come on Moses to go buy something though and drink popcorn I feel like people are already buying [ __ ] but if you show intermissions all day that's like a whole screening that you're gonna lose that's the only thing i can assume because three hours is a long time to hold it now to tell you truth I'm not buying I want to be slipping down so deep ops but I don't drink anything because I'm like I don't want to get up and pee yeah I had an intermission I'd be so deep ah I'd be soda pop all day bye I was thinking about a refill on popcorn and about halfway through the movie but you have that impossible there you have it sorry I disturbed him so I have to say three hours without intermission is pretty annoying but that's the norm I don't know how to talk about this without spoiling it really nice yeah let me think there's anything else I can say without spoiling it I can give my overall impressions but again I don't I don't know that that I if I was watching that I would consider it a spoiler if you like oh well this is so I'm gonna take off my hat but just uh how about just a number right right right right so overall I got a tight I would say in my opinion the movie is not as good as everybody is saying it is I've seen people losing their minds literally losing their minds I seen people saying you'll remember where you were you'll be telling your grandchildren where you were when this movie came out I don't think it's that good I really don't it was a good movie it was solid the writing was great it was satisfying I was happy that I saw it and I mean mean he are super critical about about movies we see it had some of this the pitfalls I would say of normal Marvel movies I personally don't necessarily think that the comedy is always working in these films to put it mildly sometimes it's hard not to roll your eyes at some of these suppose that comedic scene like I'm the only one cuz the black theater ain't no percent of the time the theater loves it though so I don't know people are like oh no people love it so I don't know for me but overall I will give this movie a B I thought it was very good it was very ambitious it was well done it wasn't I wasn't in disappointed sorry I don't know where does not go it's a P and eight out of ten out of 10 8 out of 10 to 8 out of 10 is the best yeah 10 is like what's a 10 even the matrix one is a 10 pulp fiction as far as action movies go yeah 10 is a perfect film you know six and a half yeah that's pretty good for you you could have given a one so six and a half pretty good for you huh yeah so but didn't hate it also I'll say this if you're a fan of the Marvel series and you followed all these movies and all these characters you are going to love you are going to love this we're not fans of yes so trust me when I say that you will not be disappointed you are gonna absolutely love this film and even if you're not a fan of Marvel and you're not invested more like me I like the first part I'm here for the ride to finish the story you're still gonna enjoy mmm it's fun it's bold its daring I think everyone should we'll enjoy watching this film with that being said let's take our hats off and let's get into spoiler territory okay thanks now here now what I want to say about the ending of this film is that it was how it was fairly predictable I mean nobody should be surprised by how this film ended mmm-hmm I felt like almost certain that main characters were gonna die we all knew that and I feel like we all knew that ant-man was going to go into the quantum realm and and that's how they were gonna go back in time Iron Man dying I was like yeah so I felt like that was just super obvious I wasn't given especially yeah Robert Downey jr. has been saying he wants like he's pretty old looking old I mean he was looking old in that shirt no no so but I'm not saying it wasn't like successfully uh everyone knew he was gonna die I think the way that they killed him was was was good it was good it was fitting it was nice it was satisfying I also like the way that they kind of phase out captain Marvel's character - I thought that was cool I was I was thought they were setting us up for like a whole new series where he goes and tries to return the stones but I thought it was great america captain america sorry I thought was very satisfying how he missed his thing and then he's on the bench yeah that was I thought that was very cool I like that but let's start from the beginning I felt like the whole hour and a half - first two hours its first two hours was so boring like so slow and unnecessary and so many jokes per minute and like calm down with the jokes they're not that funny the whole first hour I want to say hour and a half was even two hours was so a net it was so unnecessary long like you were saying it's like yeah oh my god it was just so it was so boring like everything up to the point where they were they just go on the mission like start going back the first moment where I was like engaged with the film was when like Captain America fought himself right right which was like yeah I was like that's cool I enjoyed that but yeah the whole the whole ASP the thing is I loved character development mhm but I feel like this wasn't good Weiser development it wasn't good storytelling it was just uh they were just covering their bases and the calm and yeah I mean you have to agree the comedy is just so corny right I mean what did you guys think well I mean I would say I'm a bigger Marvel fan than it sounds like you guys are but not but I'm not I didn't grow up with comics I'm not like super attached to any of these characters really you know I'd say I'm about middle tier when it comes to dedication of this and yeah I mean I I agree with your overall assessment I would rate it like an eight as well I I mean I would have to see it again I think I liked the last one better on it was indisputably better yeah and I knew when that movie ended that there was no way the second one was gonna be able to top it because ending was so satisfying and it was so it was just so abrupt it was so powerful and I knew that ii was gonna have a happy ending so I felt like the second one there was no way that it was going to be able to top it now people like it more because I just think that people are so invested in these characters and captain and they were so emotional about all these characters dying off and by the way let so let's talk about the characters that died first of all Scarlett Johansson's character I don't even know what the point her character has never done anything and all of the Marvel movies same with Hawkeye that's one scene they could have both jumped off for all I care but they they sacrifice the least interesting character in the whole series and so that didn't have any impact on me other Hawkeye is less interesting than her I thought they were gonna kill Hawk Eye but they could have both jumped off both characters are stupid the dudes running away with a bow and arrow like there's a scene where you planning games with a bone arrow I'm so sick of this character you're fighting a what next to Thor god of thunder and you're shooting a bow and arrow dude doesn't even use a gun like at least get a rifle or something this guy sucks he's the worst hero sorry I do want to say that the whole ending part was pretty cool and epic how they went for it and like everyone was there yes everyone that was pretty cool I agree it was fine dongs bro it paid off really fun I thought it was it was gonna watch it was so satisfying because in the beginning of the film they go they find Thor and or they find Thanos and they kill him I thought that was kind of cool yeah I just don't like all the filler like why make it three hours well they start strong unnecessary they go and they kill Thanos and I was like wow crazy and actually I was disappointed I was like man I'd really like Fanus as a character but then they they find a way to bring him back yeah and it's very satisfying because you get to see the whole armies battling it out yeah those comes and he brings us all army and I thought they know I left a nose fight seems he's just such a badass I love watching a fight and he looks so impossibly strong yeah he's like the ultimate what's his backstory it's like the ultimate warlord dan tell me this I had this uncanny the end of that movie was identical to the end of one punch man season 1 you got the spaceship over earth the armies the spaceship was shooting with [ __ ] down out the armies below ok then Captain Marvel shows up and destroys the ship in one hit you've got vana it's like isn't it so uncanny it was like uncanny it was crazy see this is where our unfamiliarity with the comics may hurt us though because I don't know I mean one punch man may have been paying homage to to this I'm not accusing him of stealing no I get it but you're right it's a very similar kind of scenario it was freakin uncanny anyway the ending the battle scene was fantastic super satisfying Doctor Strange shows up and portals everyone in and Tony Stark and he looks at me because it was great now and I don't like in the beginning how antman that's what I was gonna say ok how Enderman is just like I figured it out with time travel and everything everyone is like no way you gotta be kidding and then Tony Stark over one night figures it out wouldn't see they they put the emphases in the wrong places they spent two hours on these dumbass stupid jokes like how much time did they spend at fat Thor's cabin or like yeah there was another one there was a huge long aside before Thor with another character I don't remember but like so then you spent all this time and fat Thor's cabin trying to make cheap laughs and then meanwhile Hulka being like yeah yeah exactly and then meanwhile you have Captain Marvel literally just showing up she's just this convenient plot point she shows up Tony Stark's in the middle space stranded kept-kept was like hey baits me okay we're back bye it's like oh that was easy to resolve you know they they set it up at the end of Captain Marvel's movie which is again like why you you know it's a strength and a weakness of these movies you have to kind of like know all of them especially for this since it's the conclusion there was like a post-credits scene at the end of Captain Marvel where she shows up so I think it's implied they sent her to go find Iron Man that's not in the movie you have to have watched another mess even a host credit though like that's not yeah it wasn't even the post-credits scene I feel like that could have used development because she just shows up and she brings him back yeah and then he's back and that's it I was like because they set up this whole a big thing like Tony Stark is lost in space it's like everything's [ __ ] nope whatever mark just showed up and saving real quick and she's gone by I was like okay and then she bounces again I think yeah I think she shows up conveniently at the end of the film and she's like all men fight Thanos roof economic blow up the ship okay bye I'm gonna get it's like oh okay what's the problem with characters like that is she's the same she's got the same problem with Superman where they're just too strong they have to figure out a way to like get her out of the way what is it she could just fix everything Superman by himself is a great character because his vulnerabilities are not his strengths mm-hmm right it's his his weaknesses are his personal relationships and right and his vote and that he wants to save all of humanity right but Captain Marvel was was never developed and in any interesting way as far as I can tell her character is pretty dumb and she's like well there's a lot of other plants and he's saving it's like Hello fantasies gonna kill half the people in the universe how is anything else more important than that Captain Marvel you're worthless oh well there's other planets that need saving then we'll talk about the whole universe here okay whatever so she doesn't exist in the film and then ant-man's like guys he shows up guys he doesn't know science or anything he's just like had considered time-travel and then they're like and then there's like a million jokes about back in the future yeah okay it's not like other whatever we've spent a half hour joking about back to the future but is it kind of stupid he's not a scientist he doesn't provide technology or anything because they rebuild it as far as I can tell he just like has any but I just got out of the quantum Oh has anybody considered that we can use we can build a time machine oh it's been five years and all of a sudden ant-man just with the brilliant we should build a time machine okay pretty much that's how that plot point went like I've considered that plot point more interesting they kept a marvel saving Iron Man plot point more interesting IRA men develop in the time machine he just solved that in a day and then meanwhile we've got these super boring dumb unfunny scenes that run forever yeah so that was my like Thor dabbing you didn't think that was really fun for dabbing Thor fat Thor drunk oh my god for tonight was actually in the movie I did I cringe I have a nose here I was taking notes the whole tour looking like Big Lebowski was kinda like mm-hmm I totally agree I mean they even made it explicit if they shouldn't have made it explicit they call him Lebowski at one point I was like come on we we got it yeah they're like wink wink wink in chat if they hadn't pointed it out I might have been okay with this one scene I hate by the way he goes Thor's brooding he's so upset Captain Marvel shows up and she's just such a badass and he calls his hammer and it's it was a right past her head and then he goes and she doesn't flinch she doesn't flinch and he goes I like this woman and then she does this which is the one thing I hate in all movies when they go they go from serious to slightly smiling it's the worst movie trope and this scene everybody there the trailer I find beyond so unfunny so corny I like this one and then this okay whatever awful hated it oh there was one guy in the theater who kept by the legend no one there was a bunch of Audi ads they were stupid cuz like I don't know why all the Avengers are zipping around in like freshly polished perfect outies we're like really nice rims yeah they like pull up like a car commercial like and then the lights hit the there's like a flare you know what I mean in the camera and the Audi is like artificially polished and you see the logo perfectly and they all get out the Audi and it's like it's like a car it's like a literal car commercial so our product placement like oh they're driving oh they're an Audi no it's a car commercial like you know that Audi executives like had perfect control over this and they're like no we got to reshoot this we got the cars gotta being framed for three second I think how much money they coughed up for that - bro I hope it was a [ __ ] [ __ ] and there was the same wind ax body the oh my god what'd they go there was this one thing that really pissed me off were floors like there's a scene where Thor it's like someone asked him were you did you use Axe body spray oh is it Captain America somebody one of the heroes oh it was actually it was Iron Man Iron Man yes which seems kind of out of character for him I feel like Iron Man wouldn't use ax bodies why have used Axe body spray it's so weird to bring a company like that into this world like why even go there how much did axe pay them yeah certainly it was a product placement ad though and it was just like such an eye roll it's like bro this movie's gonna make so much money there's no way that Axe body spray paid you enough that this that this is immortalized Axe body spray is now immortalized in this film you know what I'm saying it takes you out of the moment to me it was a body spray and it had no plot relevance it had nothing it was just like oh did use Axe body spray yes I was stinking that's the whole scene and now Axe body spray is immortalized because they pay them like a million how much do they pay I mean seriously I mean yeah they paid I don't know and then fortnight is actually in it like flowers playing thort night fortnight and I was like oh my god fortnight is an every [ __ ] thing no crazy like that just dates it to you know when everybody's over fortnight and it's just you know totally passe a couple years don't be like youth such a bad call oh you wrote this one he let there's beer in the ship because okay they spend all this time trying to convince tor to join them and he was like I'm over it I'm not going with you yeah and he's now in this like he gained weight and he's drinking and he's playing video games yeah and then they one of the characters had this so predictable line there is bear in the shape and then thaw respond if he's on board whatever his response was like what kind yeah and then you know that it's going with yeah it's just these it's these lines and tape the people like it that's how I don't know what to say but forced yeah there's there's weird plot holes like Thor goes back to his previous time line runs into his mom and then before he leaked cuz his hammer was destroyed in one of the previous ones he calls the hammer and a parallel universe and then bounces so presumably he stole the hammer from himself and now in that universe that Thor no longer has a hammer uh that one that one they address at a day dressed at the end captain when Captain America goes to bring all the gems battle he brought their armor twins a hammer so I think it's implied he returned like he returns the gym ok today you know they were pretty consistent with the time-travel stuff the the part that I think is a plot I don't I don't want to say a hundred percent because some Marvel nerds gonna be like no you don't know what the [ __ ] you're talking about you make sense but Captain America being there as an old man at the end is that a giant pothole I mean cuz like the whole thing was that when they go back it creates a parallel universe and so he goes back at the end to live out the rest of his life with with his one true love and then lives his whole rest of his life up until that point it doesn't that mean I guess there was always to Captain America like he was in hiding the whole time yeah what does nobody ever recognized him because he's like a very gues famous person yeah I guess they were they were exist coexisting yeah but like I'm vague but yeah in one of the previous Captain America movies didn't he like make out or have sex with the daughter of that woman [ __ ] yeah but I'm ended up but now they got married so like did he bang his daughter is that the implication I'd like wait what a weird thing yeah in one forget which Captain America was but in one of them there's a character that is she's the daughter of what's-her-name Peggy I forget see yeah that is what somebody's gonna be like now that is a time travel stuff you know but yeah I think but that was what bothered me about it because like for the most part they they followed their own rules pretty consistently right up to the end and then when he shows up there I'm like ah that kind of blows all of it yeah interesting because well presumably when he goes back and when he goes back he creates a parallel timeline but then they wouldn't be there if he did right because the whole the whole thing that kept emphasizing you can't you can't change the present by changing the past it'll just create like a difference right alternate universe and so the fact that he's there at the end means that he was always there and that just kind of that to me kind of breaks the logic of the whole thing I don't know I don't know it doesn't ruin the movie or anything but I was thinking about it when I was driving home and I was just like that kind of doesn't sit right with me he was there right I like the idea of it I thought it was cool but I see what you're saying and it's almost like they just needed to write his character out real fast right yeah you know and fix everything conveniently to they fixed all the plot holes and then create the biggest one also was that black guy how was he gonna become Captain America's he's super strong like Captain thought he was just like I think I'm dude with a regular dude he's got a suit what the hell he can do with that shield maybe he'll get powered up by somebody I don't know we'll find out and Captain America for which I'm sure is coming yeah Captain America for now he's black title Sam Sam is his name right yeah I don't know what his superhero name is though and I've seen like all of you isn't he the guy that doesn't have wings and [ __ ] he's not even any time like Kalkan yeah I had it all right so Falcon so how the hell is he gonna be Captain America he doesn't need super-strength because he's got a badass suit I guess and that but they set it up too like they set it up like he always wanted this shield to you know I mean you know what he's like ran the other guy thank you yeah what I don't know oh you put your hat on we're in spoiler territory so we're done all right we're done we're done so overall the movie was that was funny I find anybody to watch it fans of Marvel are sure to enjoy every second of it yeah and people who are not even fans of Marvel who watch the first movie are going to enjoy it is a it's a cinematic feat it really is yeah they'll say all that because it sounds like we're nitpicking it slam I can I totally know it it's for sure a good movie yeah and also I mean take your hat back off real quick because I gotta say something no [ __ ] spoiler alert spoiler alert again dude the the scene where [ __ ] Captain America got the hammer that was hype as [ __ ] like yeah that it cool super [ __ ] cool and I invite all the other flaws the moments like that it definitely makes it worse well isn't it I know there's like a big it's a lower that Captain America was the only one that got to use well then they set it up in a previous movie he like only moved it at one time yeah yeah so yeah it was it was well supported it made sense and yeah it was a very it was it was very good I enjoyed that part even without following the whole yeah lore yeah I agree I thought that was great I thought was great fantastic especially since he kind of got shafted in the last movie he's like barely and I can hear your vaping Dan alright hats on alright so overall well I got a I got do I have to wrap it up again no we got it we're good anybody that didn't want spoilers really should have just bailed so in short it's great for anyone and once you go watch it fans of Marvel are gonna freaking love it people who are not fans murder are gonna still enjoy it yeah like you said it sounds like we're nitpicking but I mean we are nitpicking I gave it an 8 so I mean right yeah it wasn't a 10 but it was an 8 mm-hmm a good film everyone should watch it everyone is gonna watch it anyway so I love that rant billion dollars in the box office yeah I think it's gonna do it the hype is crazy it's insane I also think that I left annals as a character too and the actor he played I mean Thanos is just one of the best one of the best villains ever great actor great execution he looks great on screen yeah he's just it's just an awesome character very very satisfying I don't I think that everyone's gonna enjoy this so there you have it Age 3 movie review Gabi SH so many reviews today from food I'm so hungry let's go eat so that about wraps it up guys don't forget to run over to Teddy fresh comm our new collection is out today and it's going fast fast hot hot hot hot good [ __ ] great [ __ ] very happy very proud of Chloe we put out there today and I hope you guys enjoy it I hope you have a fantastic we thank you guys for enjoying it and supporting the brand the dream yeah happy weekend I'm sorry it's so weird that we're not live but hey that's what it is right I guess but we're not out we're not cutting this is still the same thing yeah I did say the N word a little bit back we'll cut we did cut that part but you wouldn't know unless I told you didn't I yeah thank you have a fantastic weekend my Haitian army and oh enjoy and game yeah remember we got next week bogi one of the Thursday right yeah I'm Thursday continually and forever always one of the best guests that we ever have here a wonderful upload it on Finance yeah that's that makes sense I'd be good um looking forward to that guys got some new teeth we're gonna be talking about that all right I have a great weekend and joy and and a big ol Papa bless to yellow thank you for watching [Music] you [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 846,777
Rating: 4.7611794 out of 5
Keywords: h3h3, h3, h3 podcast, h3h3 podcast, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan and hila, avengers endgame, avengers, endgame
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 127min 51sec (7671 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 26 2019
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