H3 Podcast #87 - Shane & Logan + Kanye vs The World

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Ethan is such a hack

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies

seeing the centrism play out in real time is fascinating- before he can make a strong statement about anything, he has to undercut or hedge himself no matter what. it’s honestly an art,switching so easily from apologetic to antagonizing . all bout turning as few viewers away as possible.

πŸ‘οΈŽ︎ 13 πŸ‘€οΈŽ︎ u/[deleted] πŸ“…οΈŽ︎ Oct 07 2018 πŸ—«︎ replies
[Music] welcome to the h3 podcast extravaganza that's right we're an extravaganza now thank you to 23andme posts mates and hims for sponsoring us and thank you to everybody for joining us today on this beautiful blessed Friday boy do I love Fridays we started taking the weekends off and I just kidding Fridays now mmm happy Friday to everyone watching we've got a lot to discuss today we're very excited we've got some Chane updates we've got some Pappajohn updates we've got some buffing updates we've talked previously about a guru for goofus slap a slap a boo from goombah slap and Ian the intern has prepared for us one of his notorious and much celebrated PowerPoint presentation on deciphering the meaning of Kanye West wow that's a big task oh but I know it wasn't up for it but before we get into all that I've got a little announcement not really an announcement just something I wanted to talk about but it may be that ela is is there's a new thing of the thickening it was gonna be thickening up here soon what does that mean what I'm trying to say is that ela won't be drinking alcohol if she's responsible what I'm trying to say read podcast extra no that's me sorry I how long is that going oh it just started like just now you turned it off of me okay and flashback [Laughter] there's two stripes she's cooking something up anyone it's a cinnamon roll with frosting man yeah it's weird [Laughter] there's something going on [Music] well it's we we don't know yet if anything's gonna go wrong she's pregnant less pregnant I have been I've been squirting an ela for years I mean I'm just going frankly like we've been I've been I've been you know what I'm saying and depend on we've talked about it a lot on the podcast so it's a natural extension of our efforts to get ela knocked up and I have been a fully unsheathed about New Year's dick has been out and flirting we did the test we did everything but I'll say that we got what happened naturally in just the good old-fashioned way he had sex yeah you know I know it is gross I don't know I don't know I don't feel about it well just like two days ago two days ago we found out yeah and ela she would admit was a couple of days late on her period and her boobs were raw how would you say tender what your boobs were tender it just hurts I don't know get some tender s pity but anyway that's like what happens when you're getting in the period and I remember it was like a week earlier like oh I'm getting my period yeah and the night before I was like maybe you're pregnant jokingly yeah and I was like actually I already checked and it was negative all right but it wasn't your first idea the more didn't do it right yeah yeah but it's interesting cuz the last two months we kind of didn't really try we're like [ __ ] this [ __ ] whatever if it happens it happens and we're just not gonna pay attention and of course that's when it happened so funny yeah of course and I don't wanna feel about I'm scared I don't know how they feel about it it's terrifying I'm more scared than you cuz you gotta [ __ ] it yeah I have utmost respect for that I'm telling you that and people always say like don't tell until I don't know for months I don't know it's like it but then you're gonna see that I'm pregnant like was just superstitious yeah or but you had a really good point about because people think that maybe something will go wrong but it's like if that happens then why I'm not supposed to talk about it like it's a secret yeah exactly you just carry this like sad thing yeah I'm good and you don't tell you can't because I guess the theory is I think first of all people are superstitious mm-hmm second of all for those that don't know in the first like I don't know couple months it's very common that you can have a miscarriage and I didn't know don't know yeah because it's like you don't talk about it why not talk about like you'll say when you're sick he'll talk about it yeah or if you have to do a surgery so why is that like oh you're right and it's a it's a sad thing it's a vulnerable thing and it's kind of sucks to just carry that silently with you I mean yeah but I I guess the theory is that yeah people probably just are superstitious about it and then yeah maybe it happens sometimes people have like many miscarriages mm-hmm it could happen like five times and you're like oh [ __ ] I got to do this whole thing like but ELA approach me a couple days ago and she's like eath I was in bed just looking at the news or something she's like Ethan we got a problem or something and I didn't answer for a minute yeah just kind of groggy you said something like two stripes yeah and I was like no way yeah when I did the test I felt like I felt like there's no way like oh yeah y-you know the boys can swim it's good to know though because it was kind of where I was worried that you know you worried that's what's wrong what's going on you know why can't I I can't why can't they it ended up taking birth control like maybe almost two years ago at this plant so it could be that can take a while yeah but so my so it worked the boys can swim the girls can catch and the team is functioning you know ela started like a week ago before we knew she was preggers she was like I'm hungry like yeah she started eating she had pizza and she's like and I have to tell you this but this was shitty pizza and I'm not one to say that because pizza and my opinions like sex when it's good it's great and when it's bad it's pretty good but no I'm like this pizza is kind of sucky and he'll is like really this is the best pizza I've ever had and I'm just not that good but I think elos starting to get hungry yeah even happens that early but I can't I have been I don't know we said you feel something going on in your stomach yeah feel like things are moving in my stomach it's a [ __ ] baby dude so anyway so guys don't tell anyone yeah don't tell anyone please until 10 weeks it's between all of us and I don't know how to feel about it and we've been trying for a while but I was like just so used to not getting pregnant I was like oh cool I was like cool man [ __ ] that [ __ ] but now how am I gonna take care of a kid when I'm so dysfunctional ela believes I mean that's all that matters well anyway Neil is pregnant so there you have it that long yep thank you that is true that's how I feel so we thought we'd share that happy news with everybody and thank you for joining us on this blessed Friday to share this beautiful wonderful news me inside internally [Laughter] let's move on we've got Shane now the Shane documentary we had talked about in a previous episode and I give Shane all the credit in the world I mean this guy has pioneered a new form of content on you okay and he's had this incredible fan base and he the numbers are just like unfresh that has six hundred thousand likes when a tweet yeah what is going on yeah it's wild so I mean obviously hats off to the to the guy he's a friend of the show even though even though even though he betrayed me after all we've been through okay cut you were not yet we'll get there nyah let's at least get into a little bit before the Papa father yeah exactly and reliving the memory of that great betrayal anyway so he goes on as we touched on in the last step so the chain starts exploring this theory what if Logan is the sociopath and Jake is living in the shadow of Logan the sociopath took a weird turn we just all became about it who is a sociopath and right like well the next episode was him sitting for like 40 or 50 minutes with a therapist and super dramatic kind of she's really dramatic it's kind of trying to diagnose him and anyway Logan Paul made a response video and I mean a lot of people have been criticizing Shane for his kind of the way that he's been trying to diagnose him because he does this funny anything that's there he's a really good at yeah where they created this like horror they create an atmosphere attention and that it was very good they're good at it but it's like you're also talking about something serious you're talking about a real person you're talking about mental health and we know it's big Paul logo Paul which are like the - you know Daria YouTube but regardless I'm not even trying to make a serious point about channel I don't I honestly I'm not here to refute or talk about any I honestly Logan Paul made a response video and it's given us through us all here one of the best gems that have ever come across this platform and so this to me was what was most important to share with you guys I'll let Logan speak for himself now he he goes on the record he's and he actually says I'm not a sociopath but I do have sociopathic tendencies which is interesting it sounds like he's been diagnosed the way he talks about it because he's very knowledgeable and he goes you're not either a sociopath or not a sociopath it's a sliding scale and some people have more sociopathic tendencies yeah others but he goes on to say something that really resonated with me and made me really understand what he meant by that so I'll share it with you guys now there's a sociopathic mark jobs no Steve Zuckerberg Mark Zuckerberg and Steve Jobs a lot of people especially youtubers and strain touched on this you can't just say like you're a sociopath the word I would like to use is sociopathic tendencies so a lot of us me included we'll do some thumb should be some stuff that lacks empathy strictly for views right it gets us views which gets the subscribers a motivating factor is to reach the next next next level sociopath is boil down someone who is just more savage than everyone else I know it sounds so that's it I mean that's pretty much a clinical definition of sociopaths somebody who is more savage than everybody else and I think Logan for that definition and I just think and I'm just happy that that's in the world Logan Paul saying it's just someone that's more savage than everybody else double dab double dab will do ya motivating factor is to reach the next next next level sociopath is boil down someone who is just more savage than everyone else I know it sounds I just I have double with that I'm having trouble with comparisons I was making it cool for his fans cuz they're always like savage yeah that's what so savage means cool right in his world yeah so a sociopath I think a case antisocial personality disorder which is someone that lacks empathy someone who has a Jenner I mean there again I'm not gonna do it's not a it's not generally it's not I want to call it sad come on call it savage necessarily you know maybe a psycho and then Ethan did you go to psychology school cuz I am NOT a I am NOT a trained professional it sounds to me it does some very clinical yeah that it sounds like something you're here in a classroom this whole argument though that between him and Shane like it's just I feel like which shouldn't be this whole thing about self diagnosing and I feel like even Logan's definition is wrong because I was trying to read about it online and educate myself a little bit before I came into this podcast and apparently sociopathy isn't even a clinical term the real clinical term is antisocial personality disorder and it's just this whole messy thing I don't like that it's just I don't know but everyone always just googling and self-diagnose yeah and like but anyway Logan's defending himself he does make a lot of good points in here but a sociopath is basically some of this more savage so I'm gonna add that's through the wiki page yeah essentially we need to add that to the clinical definition but it's someone that lacks empathy someone's very manipulative someone that doesn't I mean they lack empathy they cannot relate with human emotion so it enables them to do more callous things that many of us would not feel comfortable doing from an empathetic standpoint and so I guess that would make them literally more savage and a psychopath which is a problem Shane kept comparing saying a sociopath in a psychopath with the same playing and implying I don't think he said it's the same thing but he wasn't very clean and but like he kept mixing them up at some point yeah well he would say sociopaths and then he would show Psychopaths on the screen and like someone with a knife so I was reading about this trying to figure out what is the difference so actually all psychopaths are sociopaths but a psychopath is a more severe version of a sociopath they tend to be more violent they tend to be more criminal and they tend to be more ruthless mm-hmm a sociopath can still have bonds with like family members and strong friends but random people and did they meet on the street they do not have any empathy for at all mm-hmm so there is a distinction but this implication that they're all you know creepy murderers yeah is not is not true but at any rate at any rate that's that then there was a part at the end of Shane's new I'm checking out on this on this documentary honestly it's so long - it's a lot but this part made me uncomfortable I'm not gonna lie so here he's teasing this one's called the enemies of Jake Paul and he is teasing in the next episode this therapist that he sat down with is gonna go undercover as a producer secretly they're not gonna tell Jake Paul so that she can study him all day and make a diagnosis of him it seems kind of unethical I mean I'm so here dad the whole thing is making me uncomfortable honestly he Shane does acknowledge that I mean he knows that it's weird still gonna do it but anyway here it is and she's there too whole time I don't think he's going to be like themselves I think he's gonna be comfortable I think he's going to be kind of a fake so I came up with a plan it sounds really shady plan is I'm gonna pretend to be he's going to be watching like that's how she makes her diagnosis like she's this is her all day I just love the image of this therapist with them all day like this just looking at the side of her vision at them anyway it's free weights tray I don't know man it's just strange like I mean what do you think well first of all let me say this Jake specifically is cool so there you go I don't know I didn't like I think it's unnecessary because if you if she went like Jake would still be himself over a long day you know if they're at his house well I guess you'll put on a show for like five minutes but eventually he'll be himself a sociopath apparently is capable and well aware of the facade that they put on mm-hmm actually what I read is that a psychopath so a sociopath generally is more messy and how they present themselves to the world but a psychopath is extremely efficient that they can have a mask up all the time even under stress and duress so that they never let their guard down yeah so it is one of the attributes but that being said I really don't think I really don't think Jake is a sociopath yeah it's yeah I the thing is he didn't really need this whole angle I would have been interested in just one a really sincere look into Jake Paul's life like I don't know why the day with him yeah I don't know that we needed this really dramatic mm-hmm angle of sociopathy yeah you know PewDiePie made a beauty buddy he made some good points about a really long video but he was like when they were talking about sociopathy him and the therapist were saying that it was like a key--and gross yeah I guess a I don't know what do I know but it's getting bizarre ahh mmm it's a wild ride man this is some wild new territory here people are loving it yeah and the thing is it's Jake Paul so it's hard for anyone to be like it's very difficult ever take Jake or Logan sight like Logan made a very reasonable response to to Shane's video and has yeah he did like I was I was feeling kind of bad it like here like they're down votes is like 130 thousand down and he didn't really say anything worthy of a down though personally my that's the world we live in hmm that's the tube we tube in so uh I'm not gonna lie I'm gonna watch it I'm gonna watch it it seems unethical but I'm gonna watch them what else we got Cavanaugh Cavanaugh this [ __ ] guy this Cavanaugh guy he's trying to get on Supreme Court again there's a lot of politics going on here you guys probably heard of Cavanaugh and how he was accused of all this sexual misconduct which is sexual misconduct that's a nice way of saying rape kind of but regardless of what he did or didn't do I don't know my only interest in this my friends is the fact that they are arguing over what is a booth now boo thing is a big part of this show as you may recall we have been trying to get to the bottom of what a booth is for a long time I feel bad for the right into the equation a booth and a goof and the gaff is a laugh what happens if you boof a goof now we were wondering what's a booth and Eric from common etiquette came in with a definition as we were wondering what is a booth and I look it up it's not actually word but you found it on urban dictionary hell yeah the best which is the perfect place to define something like this apparently and correct me if your definition is wrong it's when you shove drugs up your ass when you go to a rave or dance party you booth it in yes we're on the same page that's act so actually I've got a revived that definitional that I'm pretty sure it means taking drugs up the ass because what I've heard because apparently the the anus the colon is a very absorb absorb if absorptive and so drinking is like you know and it's like you do an enema we don't it's like this you know this mean where it's like I sleep i I'm awake so drinking alcohol in the mouth I sleep booting alcohol in your ass I'm awake refers to flatulence yes so basically the same anus sucks and as way more membrane so if you're taking any kind of illicit drug you put it up the ass Bowl and you all gonna be get taking that one great ride ticket to Valhalla if you're willing to do that you don't have to taste it you don't have to encounter any bad so you just boof it right up there what do you shotgun a beer up your ass I don't know how that works I heard there was kids that were dipping vodka or tampons in vodka and then shoving it up there I'd get drunk it's like Jesus drink like a shot it's drinking but apparently you get drunk quicker and it's a pleasant experience but I just I love you know postpones really good at shotgunning beers and are fasiqun boo-bear bar man yeah didn't a friend of the show steve-o in one of those Jackass movies moved a beer out of like a beer bong yeah that's what I'd like to see postponed oh I think that's the rock star that I just like to imagine someone on their back with their cheeks out and a bunch of Bros shoving that tube up dude's ass vaseline ended up by Tyra Banks and just boof and a beer right up the stink hole what was Tara banks - she's the Vaseline goddess no was she in your picture she they use Vaseline from her oh it's the good stuff if Austin's gonna be buffing any beers make sure he gets the best Vaseline to lube that anus up because that's probably so much easier to prove then drinking it but at any rate let's watch let's watch a future Supreme Court Justice discuss goofing and this is the greatest time have you how do you pronounce that refers to flatulence no it does not refer to flatulence oh we all know even if you supporting this guy you know that this guy is not talking about flatulence so fart farting yeah when an opinion guys and again I'm not taking sides I'm not throwing my chips I don't I'm so over politics okay I'm here for the boof's and the goose but we all know all of us watching even those of you whose or Cavanaugh and everything he does you know or whatever what the [ __ ] ever you know what a booth is and this man did they ever get to what a goof is they didn't ask that wish I was there I'll tell him what is a goof define a goof it's kind of hard to define it's a laugh it's a giggle it's a giggle hey this guy if he goes down for lying about what a booth is this country perjury now with eight America great again I mean he lied to the Senate I mean right here we all know what it's perjury of the highest order we've all everyone here who's a fan of this podcast and listens here regular basis in your deposition that they ask you to define what a meme is very similar moment meme is kind of hard to define yeah a booth has a very literal definition it's not a flatulent refers to flatulence no it does not but I'm saying that we've all here who've been a fan and washed along and learned along with us we all learned together what is boo f---ing yeah and this judge he wants to sit on the highest court in the world he committed perjury over what it means to put beer up his ass hmm he should go down for that I'm saying if you're actually I've never heard that yeah it seems like a nice word for farting yeah he's went to Yale so he's not allowed to say fart yes it's a flatulence but one of you was just like that's when you put beer up your ass the I believe you look I was 15 I was 16 years old we were young boys it's a joke it's what happens it's putting beer up your ass I think that would get him more credit with people absolutely that guy's telling the [ __ ] truth yeah you wouldn't lie about that I mean I guess he was trying to be more candid he kept trying to downplay his drinking so that's what it was he's always trying to be like oh nothing and there has anything to do with drinking look dude you put some you at you and you took some beer up the ass I get him and we're all gonna have fun you were young man at the time yeah by the way this guy's name is mr. Whitehouse wonder what kind of job that guy's after imagine having a president called mr. White House President White House this just in from the White House and someone's like over John and Papa John's Papa John Pappajohn at Papa John's Papa John anyway I just loved that boo thing has been the center of a national controversy and I had to acknowledge it so judge hmm shouldn't lied about the boo thing Jabar first a flatulence who does not absolutely does not everyone listening you goddamn walnut does not so up next we've got Ian the intern the wonderful beloved by all he has got a presentation Kanye has been all over the news people have been waiting yeah Kanye's been up to a lot and you guys may not know this about he and the intern but them he is a huge Kanye fan he is aced he's actually even written a screenplay about Kanye's like yeah yeah you know that no he's he is I mean he's obsessed it's a little weird so he has come with a presentation and I'm super excited I mean everything in put together is gold after that that's coming up after the break then we got a Papa John update we got all kinds of fun stuff including this check this out open John Oblates are my favorite updates God every time it's amazing and this times no exception a dream cruise on Australia was ruined by 1300 Indian men partying from a tobacco company that brought Playboy Bunnies with them and ruined the boat ride for everybody we got footage we got everything you need to enjoy that story so we're gonna throw it to a commercial break and when we come back and your boy is going to be here with all the Kayne updates that you could ever want and so much more stay tuned 23andme is a DNA testing service that can offer insights into your ancestry health wellness and traits my dudes I love this thing man you spit in a cup you send it off some dude in the office throws it in his mouth and then he tells you everything you need to know about you I'm just kidding I don't think that's how they do it but you do spit in a vial you send it off to a bunch of scientists they crunch the numbers 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] argh welcome back everybody [Music] we're here within the intern who has prepared with us another of his classic PowerPoint presentations thank you so much again for taking the time put that together first how are you I'm doing good I've been working on this a long long day it's your life at work it's the culmination of your life's work the culmination of the full 24 hours for sure are you are a kanye mega fan is that correct to say yeah I'd probably say top 100 top one on your fans in the world I'd say so that's so you know anyone disputes that you try try me so the only way you could be a bigger fan is kind of by stalking him and waiting on to his house and attempting to murder and wearing his skin yeah so you're you're just one step under us a psychopathic murderer yeah excellent good now whatever is sociopaths I don't we shouldn't get anything yeah now it's not the time or place it was a therapist fine now tell me what is it about Kayne that intrigued do you well let me say are you fans of anyone else or Kanye like he's your guy there's a lot of people I like but he's definitely he's your guy yeah and what is it about Kayne that that you love so much that I choose you he's probably the only person in pop culture that I'd get close to saying like role model he's a role model whatever were the attributes that you look up to of his like how is Blaine honesty the gets him in a lot of trouble but he feels like one of the only authentic evil and like everything he thinks even though you know some of it is stupid mm-hmm he doesn't hesitate to let you know all of his flaws or all of his issues and that's more relatable to me than everyone else he's authentic yeah yeah definitely and we see all the faults and the cracks and all that interest and it's it's like you know everyone's like that but he's like one of the few races or even enough to be like yeah this is this is how I am and I'm kind of you know and you're a fan of his music obviously yeah yeah no he's great he's your favorite musician as well as artists yeah yeah have you seen his sex day wait he never made it on video oh did you have you seen on using immigrations sex tape yeah yeah what do you think about it any good it's not good it's not that good all these celebrity sex tapes are so underrated it's like do you think that she intentionally released that right it's like not quite sure but it's true that that sex tape was kind of what put her on the map right it definitely helped before that and then she was really close with Paris Hilton in those circles instead I think I saw on pornhub that the Kim Kardashian sex tape has like over a hundred million views crazy yeah no it's like massive on there it's pretty wild okay you've seen it yeah I mean okay yeah I mean you're not missing much it's just it's a lot of like dude POV right yeah it's just it's bad bad angles you just can really enjoy the show as they say how many times have you watched it more than often just like them every once in a while no not even recently I'd like multiple times well now I respect Kim in the fan you don't watch it anymore no but before how many times have you seen it more than five times or less than five times less be honest honestly I'd say less III would tell you truth like with like three three four yeah well obviously halves I mean you have to be crazy to watch the whole thing and are you a fan of Kim Kardashian as much as yeah not as nowhere near but I've come to like her through Kanye do you see what he finds in her like the yeah what is well that's another both of these people are so hated like like vitriolic like Yuri right and I think it's it's you know a little unnecessary she's like everything she just did getting that woman out of prison that was very cool and she's actively it's weird there's pictures of her just she's going to the White House now kind of semi-regular hanging out and trying to she has a whole lid I was trying to [ __ ] her oh yeah let's get started into the what is then what is this Kanye what verse the world what are we calling this uh Kanye decoded Kanye decoded Wow yeah well my hand hey man go right in so Jobs Ford Edison ok Disney I see where this is goin Stein Picasso how many of these how many please please I'm in the middle of something here Shakespeare and they were Warhol thank you I forgot for a second von schweetz Dora the Explorer von schweetz apparently vanellope von rodriguez song start here in da Vinci you know Hughes Phelps did you rehearse this Socrates I'm getting to a thing Tesla you know Michelangelo there oh my god Hawking are you trolling me is their presentation or is it just we're getting there getting there Beethoven Jackson mm-hmm buddy the elf not not Will Ferrell they know but he's West are you with me so far I think so what is it you're trying to say and great mind these are all people Kanye's compared himself to Wow okay so you definitely you had a thing here yeah there's this reason behind the madness okay so ya know the elf what did you what's who was that a Disney yeah oh von schweetz yeah why did he compare self the von schweetz he said cuz if you've seen record Ralph yes she like is that she's The Glitch mm-hmm Kanye says I'm the ghoulish village we're gonna decode that right yeah and you know that is what we're trying to do for the matrix Kanye decoded didn't political affiliation mm-hmm a lot of people are upset about you know this guy's recent activities absolutely ow it kind of kicked off a few weeks ago he announced his new album yandi mm he said it was coming out September 29th yandi is Kanye and Gandhi oh that's not a bold claim and here's the album cover it's similar to his album from 2013 yeezus so this is the yeah he's making a play on words that he's some kind of Savior but this he actually believed that because he is has manic states does he believe he is uses probably in those states he's gets close especially recently he's on this whole love thing I'm talking about but so he releases this September 29th and then I gave it a little spin they're very nice SNL announced that he would be the host on the 29th or he'd be the musical guest so everyone assumed okay he's gonna come play some new songs the album will come out so first song I'm sure you saw this performance again I love it yeah it's catchy little Park in my head song one we're having fun yeah we're having fun out here song 2 so cool so cool are those your summaries oh yeah that's my review you know came out played a song called we got love it's great or equal song three liberals can't control me hmm takes a turn hold on takes a turn and hang on people weren't quite happy about it he launched into a speech at the end of he was playing ghost town and then NBC cut the stream Wow they cut him off yeah I haven't seen this and some some people are saying oh it was just because they ran out of time but it was right before he launched in this speech and someone recorded it who was back stable they cut it it never got aired yeah [Music] here's a recording from one of his main producers who was backstage see the cast laughing in the background control program thank you thanks fellas s yeah he was off there he's killing it no that can't be true yeah la New York writers rappers musicians so it's easy to make it seem like it's so so so one-sided and they're just stuck up there yeah they've never held it held them hostage a little bit also they're very anti-trump so it's kind of bitching them out too yeah [Applause] you know what I thought that was a beautiful authentic tender moment and it's a real goddamn shame they cut him off like that it kind of gives you context to why he's wearing this hat right kind of feel like they should have capped it in it or not really I mean it is obviously very provocative but I understand I appreciate the point he's trying to make of like stepping across the aisle and seeing people as people and not because it's so easy from the left to right to just demonize and that's what they do because I was a lot of left-wing media like Jimmy Kimmel and the Stephen Colbert's and all these guys and they're just they talk about and Bill Maher they talk about the other side like they're just monsters you know Bill Maher is the only one that actually will have a conversation with that aside yes but like Jimmy Kimmel treats them like they're monsters yeah so I appreciate the sentiment yeah and there was another part I don't know where it went but where he said like you guys kind of go at Trump like a little too hard and it's nonstop and it doesn't really help anything yeah so he told him as well like I love how he's like thank you for a platform and they're like dude we pulled the plug yeah they're like we gotta get this guy out here man I feel bad yeah well I'm glad that somebody recorded it yeah all right I have a pail of people reacted to that clip not great not great no there's another one that everyone saw first Chris Rock was in the audience and he was filming it and he's just laughing and my Chris Rock filmed it what a weird twist yeah on his Instagram story and you could hear him chuckling and being like oh my god well what do you expect this Kanye West yeah you know that's it's weird that he would have they're surprised yeah but also I find it I find it a little bit rude and condescending to laugh at a guy who's trying to express himself authentically yeah it's like listen to the guy you know what I'm saying that's kind of the point that he's making because just because he's wearing that hat he's immediately labeled like a joke and it's like why can't anyone work like 50% of the country apparently supports Donald Trump and rocks that hat so why is it like that when you that hat it's like wearing a swastika or some [ __ ] it's like that's the those your neighbors yeah the Hat is it's getting such like a visceral immediate response from people and then they don't want to dig deeper but again I'm sure there's I feel like I'm maybe supporting that too much because then there's a lot of people like well he said I'm not saying one were the other I appreciate the act of trying to reconcile these very fractured country that we live in I mean I had that immediate reaction when I saw him with the Hat on the show I was like oh yeah that was my first view but it's all just like oh we're all so sick of politics too it's like just [ __ ] make music and entertain us cuz there's also people that are like oh well he's only doing that because he doesn't really care he's just he's in the headlines again and I don't believe that yeah because he kept doing after his last album case by having a lot of [ __ ] for it yeah so the day after that then he posts his photo that's the two-five Instagram and the caption this represents good in America becoming whole again we will no longer outsourced to other countries we build factories here in America and create jobs we'll provide jobs for all who are free from prisons as we abolish the Thirteenth Amendment message sent with love I'm not sure the Trump said anything about peace and luring people from prison yeah he's and then this got him in some trouble cuz yeah this this is this is less about this is more political this is like I'm a I support Donald Trump yeah and then he said abolish the Thirteenth Amendment which is the one that you know ended slavery but then there's like a section of that that says except for prisons yeah and he later said I meant the word amended it's like bro you gotta you gotta refine like you got it no that doesn't come off good yeah with them with a mag ahead yeah and I think he's still trying to be like this a lot of people pointed out that like the Magna hat has a label that says made in China and so it's like if you want to start their movement well you know there's this great clip of when Donald was running for the Republican nominee yeah he went on Jimmy Kimmel it was so great and Kimmel had a bunch of Trump ties and there was a label made in China you know yeah so then the response to this here's a couple realities Evans captured American games Captain America done with a lot of life he jumped in 600,000 like yeah so his response there's nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn't know history doesn't read books and frames her myopia as virtue the level of unapologetic conjecture I've encountered lately isn't just frustrating it's retro aggressive unprecedented and absolutely terrifying that got 600,000 likes I don't think people even understood I don't like he got away too hard to sound smart there yeah he went all-in he he got the Webster's out he fight yeah that was straight-up sponsored by thesaurus.com seriously 600,000 people slammed that I mean that's just such I mean I yeah and then Lana Del Rey commented this one had like I was right under his photo this one I'm like 30,000 won by the way I want to say it once again for the record not I'm not supporting in favor of Donald Trump and in fact I want to say he definitely made it too political at that point yeah yeah yeah I didn't like that one he cuz then again it's like oh we're talking about bringing it's like a I like I like a gesture of healing the divide yeah but then he made a political and using these talking points and I so I understand the backlash at that point should have kept a pure about here just you gotta stick the why yeah I like it where he's like don't scapegoat me just because I like this guy along with 50% of the America but now you got Chris Evans going at the source calm and writing a dissertation a thesis a doctor all on it dr. America okay I cannot believe 600,000 people pretended to understand what he just drove I can't you can't understand no I can believe that they there's nothing more maddening than debating someone who doesn't know history doesn't read books and frames their myopia as virtue what the level unapologetic conjecture what the [ __ ] just say what you mean you do why you writing an essay on Twitter the level of unapologetic and gesture of a Canon lady isn't just frustrating its retrogressive unprecedented and absolute specially when you're gonna like criticize it kind of for not being educated then you come up with the I can't be worried I dare you to what about the dictionary indeed without this we'd such a pompous fight like just [ __ ] say what you want to say dude you don't like what the guy says you think he's uneducated and you know yeah he definitely went a little overboard and then Lana Del Rey Trump becoming our president was a loss for the country but your support of him is a loss for the culture mm-hmm I can only assume you relate to his personality on some level delusions of grandeur extreme issues with narcissism none of which would be a talking point if we weren't speaking about the man leading our country if you think it's alright to support someone who believes it's okay to grab a woman by the [ __ ] just because he's famous then you need an intervention as much as he does something so many narcissists will never get because there just isn't enough help for the issue message sent with concern that will never be addressed mm-hmm so at a real beef that's beef she performed at his wedding well oh so tell me how do you feel about about what Kanye said as a fan and a student of his I think that I think that he's going about it the completely wrong way right and I see what he's trying to do and I'm not gonna get like I think people aren't shocked because I was looking up like what celebrities actually endorsed Trump and it's a real row of characters he's like far in a way the most relevant entertainer to everyone Raj meatloaf and [ __ ] like that yeah like meatloaf the first one was roseanne that was the first one that popped up no fair anyone saying yeah and like whole Cogan you know so yeah I think people can't believe that because no one else is even getting close to that conversation who is popular in rag yeah so and then the last one was from Questlove he said you know we aren't even typing his name I find it strange he's a trend and yet we are all typing the same thing for all that he's cancelled talk there was an ounce of hope in our souls tonight but all we got was well I'm kind of sad man that was about the SNL performance so all three of those guys jumped in and then snoop snoop snoop one in for the kill this guy named DJ Pugh reposted the photo and said Magga music ain't getting attention so he's saying he's kind of promo sure and then snoop in the comments make your music again believe N word oh yeah thank you music great again yeah N word yeah with the a at the end and then he called him Uncle Tom now Uncle Tom for those of you don't know who's Hilda no yes there was a book I don't remember what it was called right but a fictional characters called Uncle Tom's Cabin oh yeah Uncle Tom's Cabin a black man that owned slaves so he's betraying his own kind and other words yeah so he said that and here was a earlier post from him what the [ __ ] this was from when Kanye first put the hat on he said the new Kanye well all white now way to go dude edited him you know so he's been mad at Connie for a while yeah after this one on the left then Kanye went out and wore a picture of Snoop Dogg on his shirt and then immediately Snoop Dogg posted it and said forgiveness is everything so he won him over and then like and then I love how the goop was like you Uncle Tom which is kind of like the worst thing you could say to a another block I mean that's that sounds lotta hatin all right and then he just wears the shirt while still having them I had yeah but I but again it's a it's great that's what he's you know he's trying to do but I think Kanye beautifully disarmed that situation yeah and it worked yeah work but I was like so who's forgiving who in that scenario you know what I mean snoop I guess it was forgiving Kanye because he were the first he acknowledged him because that's you know I'm going to use that move I wrong I'm going to start wearing this shirt and then Trump tweeted after the SNL performance like many you have a Trump you had one last week the try like man no like I can do my best as Stephen Colbert doing Trump that's nobody wants that like many I don't watch Saturday Night Live of a Trump no not a good like man I mean it's all I don't like many I don't watch Saturday Night Live even though I passed hosted it no longer funny no talent or charm it is just a political ad for the Dems word is that Kanye West who put on a maggot have to the show despite being told no was great he's leading the charge very cool Kanye and very cool so everyone's kind of going but why why is he doing this why is he just you know tanking his legacy like this no no I can't it's a good so you gotta go back to 2013 this isn't the first time he's done this a lot of people kind of forgot he put out his album yeezus in June of 2013 and then he put out all of the merch and all of the merch was covered in the Confederate flag wow that's pretty racy yeah literally and so that was a huge thing at the time then I didn't see that yeah everything we were following Cayenne so close Oh kind of like until we met either I'm not supposed to be [ __ ] I guess ain't you yeah so a bunch of the merch had a lot of people were upset and here's a clip of him in 2013 explaining why he wore why he wore the Confederate flag merch the tour Mirchi I read which I thought was kind of like but people I feel like people just want to find something to get yeah you know I just want to get all riled up about something but it was about the tour merch and the Confederate flags and the skeleton imagery and things like that and do you think people are overreacting with this react how you want like I said it's making them reacting yes sir energy you got his good energy you know the Confederate flag represented slavery in a way the way my my shot I'm that's why I strike take on what I know about it right so I made the song new slaves so I took the Confederate flag and made it my flat it's my flag now now go do I like yeah that's great that's a great that's beautiful I love that yeah and then just this was the day before the SML performance where he was explaining the maggot hat so that's what he said yeah but he [ __ ] it up when he started talking about political points yeah that's definitely where it's getting muddled that up yeah I think he started with this idea and then a bunch of sort of right you know right-leaning people in media started reaching out to him and he started taking meetings with them and I think then they got in as me Brian he got some polluted yeah he got some talking points from them and yeah you know see there you go he's becoming what he hates kind of isn't it true I think that he really I don't think there's any maliciousness no I know but he's becoming but he's almost a pawn to the well whatever what the [ __ ] do I know no it's kind of like you know right I'm people whispering in his ear and he's coming out yeah mm-hmm talking about you know bringing jobs back or whatever not that that's a bad thing but it is a talking point yeah and then let's see so that was from that thing he's wearing a make America great again hat and then his sweatshirt is Colin Kaepernick he keeps trying to do this duality thing god these are all the people he follows on Twitter it's like Bernie Sanders Trump you know MA and then he followed those two at the same exact time Bernie and Trump and then he followed Candace Owens who is a Republican media personality and Emma Gonzalez who is kind of she was leading that anti gray he followed them at the exact same time to exact same time like yeah it's like a median so he's trying to create he's making everything a statement yeah only eight followers yeah it's an exclusive club interesting some day wouldn't you get I in that Club yeah who is your opposite match yeah fine an emesis for you here's a tweet I haven't done enough research on conservatives to call myself or be called one I'm just refusing to be enslaved by monolithic thought alright here's a it's more of just him saying you know the Hat it's not about policies I'm not a politician like that it represents overcoming fear and doing what you felt no matter what anyone said you can't bully me liberals can't bully me news can't bully me the hip-hop community can't believe me and here's Kim saying you know we would talk about policies and he doesn't agree with the policies he likes his personality and how he made it to be president when everyone really underestimated him all right he likes the dragon energy yeah and here's one of his good friends after the after the performance he has never said he agrees with Trump's policies just the fact that no one would have thought Trump would be president meaning he did the unbelievable and that's the connection only him wearing the Hat is his choice and he feels he's stripping the power of hate that people give that hat by wearing it he wants to love all no matter how they speak of him or whatever we don't agree with because that's how God works God loves if he was trying to strip the power of hate that people give it by wearing it he would he's never said that no not well he said he put like positive energy into the Hat but what is that means it's like diamond water they run in but he's like what when asked about the energy yeah he's right he washed it during water when asked about the Confederate flag he gave a very straightforward exclamation he said this is represents slavery and now it's mine yeah okay well yeah okay god bless God loves all and then here's a quick clip he was asked about if he liked why he is showing support for Trump oh wait where to go there we go so maybe I think you like the idea yeah not necessarily I do Donald Trump with the idea of an outside of infiltrating yeah I like that it showed you that anything is possible shows you that it doesn't even like Virgil working at Louis Vuitton Trump being an office it's a time for the unconventional I'm very not a traditional think I'm I'm a nonconformist you know so that relates to the nonconformist part of me now you know but I'm also I'm a producer I like the segue things I like to take ODIs chop it up do it like this one so what's the a version the a version to be the Trump campaign and maybe the Bernie Sanders principles that would be my mix and stuff but I think both had you know you know I need it so that's there you go so I don't know where he is with his thoughts on politics okay why are you though so really the question was like you know can you turn this into something positive sure I don't personally I don't think so mm-hmm and you guys who charged like the yeah you can't in a way like it's hard to just say I just like Trump because he made it against all odds mm-hmm without acknowledging everything that he stands for mm-hmm well I also remember call him saying that he has he redesigned the hat yeah he has a Yeezy version of the make America great again had that he wears and I think that's fantastic that he made his own hat there yeah he changed the brim changed the thing it doesn't look better I have to say it looks he looks a little goofy when he I had fit like if you recall the picture on Instagram that's like a total goof angle yeah well at any rate Kanye he's out there he's doing his thing he's authentic in you as a fan you love him against all odds forever so what what if you could say anything to Kanye right now what would you tell him Kanye is right here what he said I'd probably say well first I think that I appreciate what he's trying to do yes but it's like it's like a Sisyphus task he's like rolling a boulder Chris Evans yeah the source out it's like and I saw some people going well like oh like the swastika used to be a symbol of peace and then they changed it to make it a different thing but it's not it once that happens you can't bring it back can't take the Hitler mustache yeah I said it's like it's easier to to poison the well than to like purify the water that's my thinking interest if he wants to use the Hat I think he has to design redesign it a little further yeah I agree talking points what he was saying he's trying to remix yeah this ideas but it didn't change the head enough to fit my pitch I've got a pitch this isn't the redesigned one but you've got you know the Democrats are typically blue publicans are red the Trump has very red blue and red combined purple there it is purple make America great again that's a brilliant idea and change it to purple you got good ideas just a plain hat what's the goal with me America great again right well then you change the slogan as well I looked it up I went to the meanings of colors and I was that's I was violet the color of spirituality the energy of red with the calm ooh divine who decides what color means a lot of these are marketing companies as color plays very heavily okay this is like got it a color that inspires reflection and self-awareness it is the color of the sensitive compassionate intuitive soul violet has long been associated with royalty and characteristics of quality and luxury mom now if you go back to his album cover the sticker on it was violet yes do you think he's on to this already no but I'm trying to do that Kanye I think you got to keep the make America great again because then you have both colors the same meaning if you go away from the phrase to become something to different combine them Kanye who is listening for sure listen to him he's got great advice I think or the slogan I think you could slight I mean it could go both ways but I think the color would be a good change maybe make America great mmm cuz it wasn't not again not everyone it wasn't great for all people at any point yeah I'm Kanye he has this whole thing he's always talking about oh we teach history class why don't we teach future class that's this whole thing so look look forward that's make it great make America great stop looking bad now will.i.am that's Cayenne yeah I'm maybe both that's a diss took a little form in make America unified yeah combination okay or make American love okay that's a little corny in well I wanted to he's all the people out there I like the great without each closes dream Thank You merica great I do like that one I think so change the color change to change the brim on that everybody tweet to Kanye let him know I think we got ideas here if he did that then maybe you and do you think that if Kanye adopted your idea from the show would they give you back memberships here at the Kanye forum that you were banned from didn't you already get it back well no I don't think he did or did he every band I'm back but they don't know I'm there oh you have a new account but they couldn't know who's right and there they're on to me i eyes a weird game here over someone commented the other day and they were like you the way you type makes it seem like you've been here a lot longer than your registration date they all know each other huh yeah community how many people how many active members is that community yet well there's there's like like 10,000 people on there but then there's really heavy people and you're heavy yeah how many hours a day are you on that well not as much now because if I use it at home they'll trace my IP I'm in deep you know i the Hat should say unban e'en from the forum that's funny we got a you end well thank you for decoding Kayne rest in peace to Mac Miller I see you're reppin that there on your hoody yes and Ian thanks so much for your presentation we wish all the best you can leave out thank you so much [Applause] [Music] thank you very much all right so there you guys have it the Kanye West decoded mm-hmm what do you take away from that ela do you think what do you think Ian is always making me like see the good in content that maybe I didn't see before mm-hmm yeah well in he's a good kid he's got a strong head on his shoulders so III generally he's got good ideas so when he says that Kanye is his favorite person in the world I listen right and all right what's going on there I actually started listening to his new album because of ya means adore Serena I gotta say there's a lot of the great Katya one yeah there's a lot of good stuff there so let's make America love again and it's it's stuff too I like I said when I saw him with the head I was like what yeah like why but when you look more into it I see what he's trying to do I see god bless him god bless it all right well let's get into speaking of uh conservatives Papa John is a prominent conservative did you know that and he is currently under a huge criminal conspiracy by the Clintons and George Soros to remove him from his pizza empire Papa John has showed up to court today I think you just gotta close that window there on the top right okay Papa John showed up in court today to testify in his lawsuit Papa John V Papa John and he gave testimony he asked for documents there's a lot of big updates I'd like to share with you guys Johnny's suing Papa John's yeah as a story a video here here we go mr. Schneider is set to begin testify not as you mention no it's matter Pappajohn Shatner is way funnier ya Schnatter founder former CEO and former chairman of the board is seeking documents related to his ouster as chairman earlier in the summer mr. Schneider said he's feeling good this morning ahead of his testimony here's what else he had to say to us what's your message to shareholders guys remember the pop is in the house where he had the LAV on yeah and he didn't know that you could hear me was gone [Music] [Laughter] same message we have for 34 years you know we always acted in their best interest what's your end goal here do you want a better interest better pizza better and greedy Papa John's always in their best interest the quality is low because of this virtual desktop I think okay yeah although it should be yours not mine well we'll figure out later return to the company in a leadership position I am part of the company did you what's the cut name of the company what's name of the company Papa John's and who's the Papa Steve no suing the company and Steve he was gonna fire Steve did you know Steven now he's the CEO it's a drama is so good I'm telling you they should rename the company to Papa Steve's Avon pizza boxes no one's gonna buy that Steve my faithful employee one day I'm gonna plan to fire you Stevie I was going to let you go we were going to mark ways and now you've taken everything from me Stevie you've taken the mirror in her you've taken two fresh 100% muscle and you've taken it all and now you changing the name it's a bummer Stevie all I want is better pizza better ingredients and now Stevie my faithful garlic you come to me and you say yo you broke my heart Stevie never go against the family and now I sit in court next to you Stevie my darling my friend and you said you look me in the eyes and you say this pizza empire that I built with my hands you take the mozzarella and marinara i kneaded the dough with my own hands Steve you and you sit across from me in court today and you say Papa Stevie's [Music] all I want for Papa John's is for the shareholders to make money better better pizza and how my son Bo he's a slow boy my boy my son Bo he doesn't have much prospects he's got no prospects TV you think his pizza and buy listen to this this is a real Godfather tale better interests better pizza I am part of Papa here's part two you can go ahead and I feel like the music companies the old thing this is all a huge betrayal yeah here we go hit me with it well you [ __ ] lag out his team exit from the courthouse this is one of two lawsuits that he's filed against the here he is just coming out right John different categories of documents that are related to his ouster as chairman of the board today he really appeared calm and reserved that's in stark contrast to public comments that he's made and also famous he's put out on his website safe papajohns.com feels the company didn't properly protect him as founder after a Forbes report filled that he'd used a racial slur the kind characterize what actually happened mr. Schneider today also spoke of an intuition a sixth sense a sense that something may have been going on with documents that go back to October 31st I think that works in intuition he hasn't know if the board's actions amount to a coup a conspiracy or perhaps they are a conspiracy really what happened here I also spoke to a source close to the company that said that John seemed a bit confused today about what documents he was asking before that troubling because he is a juror I just want the I just want the recipe and now Josh and now I must sue Stevie former colleague and best friend my advisor I can't see Irish how do you follow that the advisor [Music] I asked to return the recipe and my after that trade market cheese recipe a Papa John's the mozzarella it's the it's designed to melt it's designed to build evenly over the pizza that's that's a good of a pipe out of the bead supply I know it was your Stevie you break you breaking my heart and now Stevie I have to take you on a lake and execute listen to this [ __ ] said he requests 17 different documents including the recipe of his marinara sauce as a joke but 17 documents is real the pizza senses were sensing a pizza conspiracy a coup or conspiracy Papa speculated that foreign agents may be acting covertly to overthrow his pizza empire possibly speculating that it was little seizures or possibly Domino's no man I did write this by the way I spent on this one write shares Domon host yes ela thank you very much for acknowledging that only a great mind such as mind could such an original joke shares of the company have fallen more than 31 percent over the last year but the company zwo started long before Papa John was locked in a bitter battle since hitting an all-time high of 90 cents per share in December of 2016 Papa John's stock has lost nearly half of its value on disappointing same-store sales growth on Monday the stock was down more than 2% last changing hands at around $50 a share so they they're already going down this supports his pizza conspiracy that the company was not doing well and they wanted him off because he was check out what I pulled up ela pulled up something he said he planned to fire currency Oh Steve Ritchie who knew his performance evaluation would be subpar Wow and now Stevie is the new Papa this on the night of December 26 there will be a change events the seed of formerly known as Papa rich Stevie Ritchie but no longer control the Eastside the Shatner family is moving in on the east side we are going to control the marinara supply the mozzarella supplying and the black the tomato supply these boys the Ricci family they know good I'm trustworthy then their performances Sub Pop and so it is my well as grand papa as the god papa that the CEO Richie shall be Roma and so on this day of December 26 Bubba Richie I guess I give him a kiss mwah it's the kiss of faith and this time wanted mozzarella this award-winning marinara sauce to which I give to you my son Bo the the award-winning cross today it's a pizza wall we're going to wall here's a twist here's a big twist within the proceedings he was asked whether he had some settlements with some women Shatner stated that he has confidentially agreements with at least two women but didn't specify what those men he the woman twenty four euros all the time sued shatter shatter shatter the SH big snotty boy Papa in 1999 alleging that he'd sexually harassed her for months repeatedly visiting her house and kissing her and groping her according to court filings Shatner has denied the allegations and as they say Papa is and will ever for be in the house so it's an interesting twist of fate for Papa because he went to seek documents to try to prove there was a pizza conspiracy but what he did is he unsealed other documents about him being in the house with a an employee that he allegedly kiss and groped papa has denied the allegations do you think the Papa do you think he uses a loop when he has six or marinara sauce probably the bottle you think he's the father thought of sauce yeah he probably does doesn't he oh my god oh right Marlon Brando's yeah the Godfather the guy that played The Godfather was famously in a butter scene where he used butter to lube up his [ __ ] to rape a girl in a movie in a movie so there you have that everything connects folks it's a small world after all I'm gonna papa's house as they say so that's it that's that you know what else we got we got Facebook leak oh good scam yeah get the [ __ ] Facebook sucks what's what's Mark Zuckerberg ur smokin meets suck is a potential sociopath that guy acts like a computer emulating yeah I'm not a therapist though I'm just a my idiot everyone becomes a sociopath cuz you're wielding trust faith like a doctor they I don't know if the therapists take OHS but doctors take oaths serious stuff you know here so this this story cracks me up this is amazing amazing stuff dream cruise nightmare 1300 Indians partying from a tobacco company went on a cruise with 3,000 other I mean 3,000 people in total so half from these Indian company and half was Australian people or just not justification and these guys just took over this cruise ship they brought Playboy Playmates they brought music they brought their own food and they just completely terrorized this cruise and everyone was trapped on this cruise and it was so bad that Royal Caribbean's had their refund everybody but there's just hilarious footage of of all this and it was like a 24-hour nightmare and this Australian station made this really hilarious like scoop very serious they were very serious about it mm-hmm you know which I I just was loving this whole thing cruise ruined by 1300 men on a work bender here we go it was supposed to be the cruise of a lifetime but these excited Aussie families what for that feeling when they realized they were sharing the ship with 1300 men on a work bender a work bender look at this chair they turned this [ __ ] family cruise into like they set up like a strip club they believe this [ __ ] these guys are the best and they're all just out there with their phones out and [ __ ] like god I love it I love it that a company was able to just ruin a whole cruise babe are like traumatized they said yeah they're ranley like they kept their doors open yeah and you just walk by not knowing where you're gonna see yeah some [ __ ] naked indian dude there's nothing no love it [Music] they're in the pool they're dominating everything box not pretty much they were just people everywhere we get our sail away party and it was taken over by them that was the beginning of the end disappointed I'm sure these other colorful words overuse wind truck loving God poor beggars dance teacher wife Cass and their daughter Talia boarded the Ravel of how they focus on a story of life they were all looking forward to their best crews yet every day was getting closer was just the heartbeats pumping out there isn't you're not going crazy but I know it's just don't go on a cruise I mean guys cruising is like the ocean version of ziplining it probably has zip lines on that cruise zip lines are so stupid and I've never been on a cruise I think thought about it have been ones it's awful right yeah and every time I hear someone was on a cruise it sounds so bad and the worst part about is that you're in the middle you cannot [ __ ] escape that boat I had a friend who went recently and you have this cluster phobic tiny room hmm so you can't even like go to your room to everyone go to your rooms tiny and don't even get me started on rogue waves what's that I'd like you to start don't even get me started rogue waves dude are anomalies on the ocean okay rogue waves my dudes it's when it's when seemingly and seemingly normal waves there's a frequency when they can all just by some fluke of statistics we're like 50 waves wavelengths can line up and make one mega wave out of the ocean out of random and I'm telling I'm not making them there's a well observed phenomenon rogue waves there's videos of it I swear to God go on google and type a rogue wave in fact ela why don't you do that and throw it on the screen preg pregnant ass ela I don't know what that means oh it's under it goes on their ears rogue waves guys oh this is stupid I'm just waiting we gotta go to videos how can I not click your screen can you know this is confusing go to videos wait wait what has happened it just clicks really low it's lagging okay here this one that one looks to like click baby come on why don't we have a block for Christ's day would you want to show here okay it's real I'm telling you do some research go up there rogue waves they're out there and you think you're safely on the cruise you think those 1300 Indian men with their balls out and in their hotel room with the door open is bad rogue waves my dude I don't know that doesn't rogue waves me whatever I just think that crazy me Taylor go open up open a clip of cruise ship on on troubled sea I'm telling you this shit's amazing love like people getting like tossed around with furniture and [ __ ] it's amazing yeah he won't caught me dead on those boats man apparently you can gamble though Mike there's prostitutes because it's legal that sounds to bottle pick on Royal Caribbean me I'm not on Royal Caribbean why not unless you're with 1,300 Indians from a tobacco company it's all my gamble you're right about that imagine the company brought like prepaid prostitutes everyone's just taking a turn what do we got here [Music] it's no sound all right but imagine being on that that's a rogue wave my dudes watch out for that all right any rate we were watching the stand video I'm getting on track here we got important things to talk about obviously and let's stay on track let's skip ahead move into the voyages of the sleeves oh because they would just stare and yeah make us feel really uncomfortable the family's got their two sinking feeling from the push-off where we were seated on that on the pool deck we were actually asked to move we did because we thought these people were from Royal Caribbean but they were actually from from the private party asking us to move so they could okay they're setting up for the sail away party but I love how serious this report is billick would you like the comment to our role being newsroom and the sail away put the shade roof of these high jinks on the high seas is the pool deck as one guy yes sweetie mess of gyrating bodies I've never seen so many mobile phones in my life really oh dear God yes Oh No anyway this feels you know but um love it I just love the idea of 1300 Indian dude yeah taking on so much just like what I don't know you got to love it and this is you know this is the top notch content that you can come to expect here on the h3 podcast experience okay there's one clip here that I absolutely want to watch with you guys and then we'll get some fan submissions watch this and pasture claims I love this clip so much I love these guys he gets in front of his congregation he says if you do not give 10% of your whole income to the church you are robbing God even if you are in debt what do they call that a death a tilth there's a saying it's oath if it's part of high tithe of being Catholic or Christian you're supposed to donate 10% of your income to the church really man ain't no [ __ ] church worth that send me to hell I'm keeping that 10% I already paid [ __ ] 50% to Uncle Sam what does he do for me [ __ ] you kidding me 10% is that all it takes to get into heaven 10% [ __ ] it I'll go to hell tithe is 10% he says euro would be of both tithes and offerings the 10% is what is yet what God requires and then the offerings of attempts to may require more than a 10% somebody says I cannot cannot cannot live on that I cannot live on 10% you understand you may be deeply indented being a real trouble the it's gonna be hard for you to believe but I'm telling you I'm singing it over and over and over again you are get out of this be run even with this how you start mm-hmm just start giving God 10% of your income but there's no way I can do that just try it just try it I dare you kiss my guys like you don't listen bring you all the time hmm there you have it okay God cannot live on 10% that's not weird cuz I've always like seen like if I would go to a synagogue when I was a kid with my mom they would be like can you donate anything like anything is a blessing yeah you mean they have some staff some like like a dollar some humility God cannot live without yo 10% dear dear Jesus I recently went out to lunch and I tipped my sweet server I gave him 20% now why don't I get 20% Lord now I don't care if you're broke if you're missing the kidney if you got cancer if you can't pay your debt boy I don't give up I don't God doesn't care you can't live on 10% but now if you want to be good with Jesus you best be giving me at least 10% of everything you weren't boy cuz let me tell you what ain't no 5% B buy me a private jet because I got to pray all over this country boy you think I cannot save on 5% people and that's right here in the Bible that's that TIFF a tiff no yes Jesus but help me Lord and how am I supposed to afford these little tiny crosses to mark the boys that I want to molest yes Lord I need I feel that 10% hmm preach if your kidneys failing boy give me that kidney I'll sell it on the black market that's 10% you good with Jesus you know you need medicine to save your life give me some of that medicine I'll sell it on the black market 10% while you feel me she get Amen mm-hmm amen brother oh you want me to give 10% cheated I'm with the church I don't give 10% Dave ain't give 10% I am God now let me touch your kids dick hey man can I touch your kids dick amen brother hmm Jesus are you telling me that Jesus didn't touch at least one baby penis at least one I mean come on all right you know Jesus at least look at a baby dick am i right can I get an amen 10% by I kid the Christians I could them they're good people what's going to defense there's one up he was like though I kid I kid the Christians they're good people the Catholics they're great amen amen I was researching with all these kind of goofy pasture videos and there's just one other one I want to show you guys and ela you were gonna love this okay this is incredible stuff in Capri his name was Ben and I was running to you but I was there for a few years and he was a nice kid he's one of those kids that was always just he's a real smart aleck who was a bright kid which didn't help things right made him more dangerous we don't want you to think and he was just just trying to push my buttons and he was just you know kind of not taking the Lord serious and I walked over to him and I went I punched him in the chest as hard as I crumpled the kid I just claimed an brother I said I leaned over I said Ben when are you gonna stop playing games with God I let that man to the Lord right there there's that man's a lord right there mm-hmm he's been in prison for 20 years now hmm I love that you know everyone listening was like what and I walked over to that little 30-yard as I couldn't I laid him out on the ground and I said boy when am I getting that 10% because I know your mama give you $5.00 a week in allowance and to me that's 50 cents a week boy where that 10% mmm that's when that boy found God you've been in prison now for 20 years for murder that boy ain't right I love that story man I love that story anyway let's move it on to fan submissions okay now this is podcast at h3h3 productions dot-com you guys can send in questions videos comments whatever you want I love it keep it coming this is so much fun so this one comes from clammy hippo I wash a fruit podcast for the same reason as everyone else to make sure I have the correct opinion thank you very much you do have the correct opinion the recent debates on how you wipe your arse apparently this friend comes from across the seas have been a mess immersive and captivating and I wanted to slam-dunk a lil debate here myself do you piss in the shower I've asked around and answers about 50/50 as a proud shower piss or myself I need to tell you I need you to tell me if I should stop pissing the shower or carry on just letting her rip also on a little bit of a side note I'm not sure there's a stupid question but I'm sure you and everyone else does it including me do you [ __ ] but do you [ __ ] in the bath we simply need to know well clammy hippo first let me start with the first part because you took a quick turn there peeing in the shower to me yes is a beautiful natural thing it's like peeing outside it's like it's a beautiful thing where you don't I love peeing in the shower I when I read this I was shocked that why would you not pee in the shower I pee on ela when we're in the shower now Dan's acne and do you guys pee in the shower you know I don't go out of my way to but but sure I mean I do if the if you go you hold it I think I pee 100% of the time yeah every other because you're relaxed it's warm you're comfortable Ian in Zak do you pee in the shower Zach says hell yeah no he had he had recently such a contrarian just like conscious like on yeah now why do you not pee in the shower Dan and Ian I mean I'm just do you think that but yeah I mean apparently you go out of your way to you like actually enjoy it I do enjoy that we're not taking a bath like if you're sitting in your own pee in the bath I don't have you don't think it's a bad Chris Evans takes a bath yeah probably crafted that tweet while he was in the bathtub peeing in it now and you find it gross what is it about peeing in the shower that that I have roommates and it just doesn't seem respectful really I who goes down with the water who cares I don't know I just yeah okay well I preach do you jerk off in the shower no because jerking off in the showers [ __ ] nasty because it can get caught in the drain gross and I've actually had roommates where they jerk off in the shower and you can see it in the drain and that oh I'm telling you that [ __ ] ain't right so I would say that jerking off in the shower with roommates is is a little stickier well it's none of that is as bad as this guy's second but then he says I'm sure there's a stupid question I'm sure you and everyone else does it including me but do you [ __ ] in the bath now I think you know we won't chain butter obviously [ __ ] in the bath is I've not this person is not serious you gotta be a sociopath yeah I think you have to be homeless or so I know how I don't know I would never [ __ ] in the bath that can't be what I'll tell you funny story about [ __ ] in the bath though I had I live with two dudes in college and we used to play a game called do pee extreme where were you tried to run an elaborate dupe on one of the housemates that the other two were on you would try to make them believe some far-fetched outrageous thing and so this was my crowning achievement I would the other guy we decided to try to convince our third roommate who was kind of a germaphobe that we [ __ ] in the shower and that it's normal and everybody fits in the shower so here's what I did this is fun I'm proud of this way so I arranged it with the other friend and then I called a fourth friend and said hey we're doing this prank I'm gonna call you and I want you to say that you of course you should [ __ ] in the shower so I was like I'll bro um I was like hey just giving him and I [ __ ] in the shower when I was in there he's like you did what oh my god this whole thing I was like yeah and you [ __ ] in the shower I push it down with my toes down the drain it's normal my whole family everybody does that and he's like he's like tell me you guys are kidding he was like I can you die he was dead serious he was like tell me you guys are [ __ ] kidding like you don't [ __ ] the shower and then my third roommate comes in he's like yeah [ __ ] in the shower too you push it down he stomped it down with your toes and he's like you guys are [ __ ] with me and then we called up the fourth friend and I was like I'm talking to Isaac we [ __ ] in the shower and he doesn't believe it but you shouldn't the shower right he's like yeah everybody shits in the shower stomp it down with our toes and he's sitting there having like a mental breakdown like don't you have a name for it like then we called it we did I don't remember what yeah the waffle stomp I think yeah we called it a waffle stomp when you yeah exactly and so a waffle stop exactly so we convinced him for a good like 20 minutes that we waffle stump [ __ ] down the down the drain so no I do not [ __ ] in the bathtub and I sincerely do hope that you do not shoot in the bathtub and nobody fits in the bathtub because that ain't sanitarian frankly you don't need to be waffle stomping poop we have we have systems plumbing in place to handle that and I sincerely hope they use it so thank you for the question submitted from Danny Kelly this clip is just [ __ ] amazing I've never seen this and it's one of my favorite things I've ever seen I gave me so much joy and so much laughter and I shared with you all today [Applause] bird [ __ ] [ __ ] mom how these shouting a bird [ __ ] and his [ __ ] mouth [ __ ] bird [ __ ] and ass [ __ ] mouth [Laughter] when are you gonna start taking Jesus seriously now give me 50 Cent's 10% I know that's what Jesus wanted I think it said in the Bible it said when disobedient crumpled children with a powerful punch to the gym this is a weirdo neelam run for the cube you guys may remember him from my recent or not h3 video we made about this really weird head channel where he's got this crazy voice but he reviewed one of Ella's products and here you go run for the cube I love I kind of want to do a know you mean what this [Music] [ __ ] scares me make you feel being and see what you're not going to open at the boss how do you feel right now he died freeze TTIP are just gone like an ASMR Channel with the tweezers just so weird the gloves shiny bright like you mom shiny bright like your mom I kind of want to do I know you mean though I want to try to reach out to him if you are watching this which ever feeling he'll see you this email us run the cube I want to connect with you you're the weirdest [ __ ] guy I've ever heard of in my life but anyway he was very gracious and he put a link in the description and stuff so that was nice but my god I I'm scared of him he's got a nice following like 70,000 views but is that his normal viewer siblings let me take a look kind of used this guy usually pull this is the weird it's us as this trailer what the [ __ ] we've ever seen channel name is run for the cube it should be my I'm getting I'm like you've got him I'm funny man oh he hasn't made a video and this was the last video he made two months ago and then six months after that holy [ __ ] this guy is obsessed with us here mm-hm we're in his trailer his last video he made he's hunting us down with those tweezers and gloves on cube run for your life rent just take out the queue by the trailer were different on you oh man I guess run for the cube watch people kind of talking about this phenomenal hey yeah yeah II run from that you know that was crazy there you have it did that make a meal he reviewed your I guess honored honored cool and then ela did you want to talk about the riff did Teddy fresh Club yeah so there is a ribbon dip and Teddy fresh collab which is crazy you got pics yeah it's under there under your video where's my and here's our model that's me I said to EULA thank you for being progressive in using a plus-size model we all really appreciate that and so this will be coming out next week do not have a better picture of the knot right before the close-up there you go and I just wanted to say that we're gonna be doing a meet-and-greet in their store in LA on Sunset Boulevard no Fairfax Avenue that you just type rip and dip in there yeah yeah but what is it it's Saturday at 11:00 a.m. they're gonna sew a limited amount we're talking about the 13th of October right yeah so noon Saturday October 13th 441 North Fairfax Avenue we will be there slinging some teddy fresh and rippin dip and then I will be dropped online the next day Sunday on their website now I'm excited oh I love it man it came out so good this is their their mascot the cat yeah so the cat and the bear teamed up and they're crushing it then and finally thank you to all of our sponsors we have a little sponsor button on YouTube that you can smash to support us thank you very much to those of you who have done that thank you everyone who has a watch to the podcast will love you so very much thank you Ian for the presentation thank you to Kanye very cool and have a blessed Friday that's about it right I mean there's a I mean I said right you know yeah I mean there's more stuff but it's close - yeah it's we're closed for two hours I start to lose steam at two hours two hours gets mad that's when I start talking about like pedophile priests and stuff and it was like we already snuck in the music oh you already plant you're already playing me off well guys join us next Friday for another episode eel is pregnant she still be pregnant probably or not so weird I don't know I'm just saying that he looks so stupid I'm being played off right now I know that I can't hear the music but my family was like no don't say anything till 10 weeks yeah it's like come on my family said don't say anything till four months I say don't say anything till the baby comes yeah that's like halfway there I say don't say anything until a year to make sure the baby's healthy you know we're in this journey together we've been very vocal about the process so we don't see any reason not to continue that trend guys next week we'll hear again have a blessed beautiful Friday evening the weekend is upon us we made it thank God it's Friday and remember to give 10% boy otherwise you're gonna get punched in the chest by your pasture thank you for watching have a blessed beautiful weekend and remember this save Papa John calm all right working [Music]
Channel: H3 Podcast
Views: 822,345
Rating: 4.71347 out of 5
Keywords: shane dawson, shane, dawson, logan paul, logan, paul, kanye west, kanye, ye, h3 podcast, h3h3productions, h3h3 podcast, ethan klein, hila klein, ethan, hila, klein
Id: LqtzYKm9k7I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 115min 54sec (6954 seconds)
Published: Fri Oct 05 2018
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