Addressing The Beef With "The Try Guys" - You Can Sit With Us Ep. 37

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I think I realized that my depression might serious when Becky said “you would never tell yourself ‘i hate myself’. That’s terrible!” And I was like hahahaha oop

👍︎︎ 19 👤︎︎ u/peachbun11 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies

I felt bad when Ariel was talking about how stressed she feels and would like more help and appreciation from Ned :(

👍︎︎ 24 👤︎︎ u/hananahbanana27 📅︎︎ Mar 31 2021 🗫︎ replies
ramble [Music] thank you to doordash honey jenny kane and pros for sponsoring this episode hello everybody welcome back to another episode of you can sit with us i'm one of your hosts becky and i'm joined by ariel maggie hey rachel hi our podcast pixie miles in the corner we're so happy to be back yes i'm glad to be back we got a really exciting episode today we are going to address some very serious [ __ ] beef we have with our spouses yeah we're beefing back we're beefing back guys we listened to the tripod yeah we did it and we saw the title of last week's podcast episode beef in with our partners excuse me excuse me if anyone has beef it's yeah i listened to it on two times the speed and waited for my name i was like maggie i'm like pause okay bring it back bring it back what'd he say miles we really appreciate what you said about our remote shooting podcast setups i i'm just assuming i'm also included in that and how beautiful our homes are and how we're on time and relatively technically competent we're not we're not the worst companies just do what miles tells us we do we listen to the pixie we listen to the pixels we follow instructions uh at the end of the episode too we're going to be answering some of your questions from our emails yeah excellent episode yeah but first let's get to the beef yeah beef baby he's got the biggest beef arrow you got some beef i mean i just have beef in general but also ned is in the next room over there he's he's literally looking for a cord i know exactly what he's looking for he's looking for a cord uh with it yup hi hun did you find what you were looking for oh no this is our time wow get out of here i'm about to beef interesting that you're here though ned because i have some beef with you full throttle foamer my husband came home from a shoot this weekend what do you think he was covered in full throttle foamer um bruises bruises he's bruised all over his arms all over his legs and i said i was going to get one punch on ned for every bruce keith did he explain why he had those bruises though yeah cause he was winning and you got mad no no no becky the bruises are the reason he was winning because he was blocking i was blocking all of my kicks i was scoring no points because he was so good at blocking get out of here all right bye i consider the beef squashed beef squash beef squash i absolutely hate it when i go to the grocery store and i get home and i'm like oh dang nabbit i forgot the tissues well did you know that you can now get snacks drinks and household essentials in 30 minutes with doordash doordash connects you with the restaurants you love right now right to your door you can now get grocery essentials you need with doordash 2 get drink snacks and other household items delivered in under an hour ordering is easy open the doordash app choose what you want where you want and your items will be left safely outside your door with the contactless delivery drop-off setting with over 300 000 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they always just end up hugging they're like let's just talk it out becky you're reminding me of a tick tock where there's like a quiet person up front it'd be keith here with his milky body oh yeah someone's like confronting him and he's like oh sorry so sorry and becky's like talk to me i talk back i do always want the guys to do a video that's um husband and wife boxing but keith always says no so i was like but what if ned and i boxed because technically it's our husband and a wife oh my god i would like to see ariel and eugene quite frankly i no maggie and keith just getting to the ring and hold hands yeah yeah yeah watch videos just dance in a circle i know i was like we would not get down yeah you guys can put on a musical performance oh my gosh you don't want to hear me sing i'll just kind of like float in the background and that's perfect that's perfect i would be happy to take eugene in the ring the eugene ariel competitive energy is at like an 11 all the time i would i would love that i'm actually like i'm getting excited thinking about it she's getting like i feel like because because i love i love like kickboxing and i know the eugene does too and i feel like we're both pretty like accurate when it comes to you know like punching and stuff and so as long as we're wearing the right pads like and neither of us are going to go super hard so it would just be you wouldn't no you would go hard to win yeah well that's true what's that what's the like competitiveness yeah it's like just like you would like clicks on agreed to protect each other's faces and then other than that it would be like a no holds bar yeah yeah but i guess no titties i have a yeah no titties yeah maybe there are pads for that i have a lot more just like it like uh integrated padding i feel like so perhaps i would get less hurt um what would be your nickname since we have full throttle foamer for when ned goes to a 10 what would be ariel's i guess you could still be full i could just be full-time yeah um did i ever tell you guys about the time that uh ned was playing cards with my family and he lost so badly so so badly i've never seen him lose so badly and my family was just like there were like no holds barred made fun of him for it and full heckle full heckle we called him full hand fulmer because he kept i think we were playing hearts and he kept going down with like full hands is that or maybe it was spades anywho can't recall he he got like all the points and he has never lived that down and i i like you guys know ned i think everybody who's listening knows ned like he does not like to lose nor does he like to get made fun of and so it's it's a very it was a very difficult time in his life it was probably three hours that he will never ever ever forget well that's the perfect segue for you to tell us about your beef with him yeah oh my gosh while he's down so yeah kick him while he's down that's it uh all right so last week on the tripod the guys uh had a beef with us that was prompted by miles um which i i understand you know they they didn't come in wanting to beef um but they know better but they were yeah because they know better miles is that a marketing tactic because the girls are more popular than the guys so the more you mention them because we use that and try guys videos you know we'll talk about youtube beauty influencers because they're more popular than we are we'll talk about their drama right of course and then their fans tune in and we're like oh welcome come over here the water's fine do you like unproblematic youtubers stay here don't go back so i feel like miles just brought up your names totally trying to migrate our audience also because miles knows us and he knows we are going to beef right back because oh my goodness okay first i have to give it to keith he is the sweetest husband in the entire world if you guys don't listen to the tripod you should uh because keith just i i swear he talked the entire time about how clean his house is because of becky he knows because of that he was so so thankful it was almost like like he was just like becky cleans all the time becky's such so so like so good at keeping our house becky does this becky does this the more you talked about it the more i could hear that he was fearful that someday she might want it to be more equitable i gotta give her praise so that this never stops ten years man that's how long you just gotta drill it in i have also been with ned for ten years and i i i seriously i was listening to the entire episode waiting for my damn turn i was like when is ned going to say how great i am at cleaning and how thankful he is that i do all the work around the house he said you throw out his leftovers exactly exactly because i clean out the refrigerator and i throw out the nasty leftovers and he's mad because he thinks that like i threw away his meat because i don't like meat what what is that so slowly just cleaning out the fridge he's like get this out get this out today what if i didn't clean out the fridge what if i just left it 10 000 science experiments exactly we would have nasty stuff in the back because ned just takes whatever's in front it doesn't matter if it belongs to him or if it belongs to somebody else who's like our nanny for example who brings her lunch every day because she's like vegan and gluten-free and sometimes he'll go in and he will grab her lunch oh yeah she should start putting a note on the fridge like in um office work rooms the yellow tupperware is mimi's nobody ned stay away i think to myself like you know that's not our tupperware right like we've had the same tupperware for ages you know that the one with the wooden top is like that doesn't go in the dishwasher i don't have wooden top tupperware like that's not yours don't eat it that's not yours sir it doesn't it doesn't make sense i i love my husband so much but i was so disappointed like i wasn't even mad i was just like well why does he not think that i clean just leave his affiliate laundry oh the damn time leave his laundry don't do it we all know you the audience knows you we know like you guys walk into my house and it's beautiful rach you were you were there the other day and everything was out everything every toy was out ariel and then suddenly it was like almost 7 p.m ariel ushered the girls and i to the car she buckled a baby into the car for me and we left her house filled to the brink with toys and dishes and i'm sure you went right back inside and cleaned it up exactly what i did that is that that's that's what happens to our house every day it's like it expands to for uh with dishes and toys and dirt and like toddlers toddlers and then and then at like you know you you get all the kids to bed and then you clean everything back up yeah i'm surprised you clean it all up like you gotta yeah you can't walk yeah yeah this is the thing yeah although uh i was completely exhausted yesterday and we went to the park and it was it was very sweet um and i told that i was like i'm exhausted and he was like you should you should take a like a mini vacation i was like wait really really why are you being scared too do you want to go together watts is always like do you want to have a weekend away by yourself and i'm like what's that yeah this is the first time ned's ever said it and i was like yes yes we should go out to palm springs and leave our children behind let's do it let's leave the boys with the babies it'll be great yeah he was like yeah go go for like a day and like get a massage or something and i'm just like wow mm-hmm can i can i like there's all i mean also kovids so is your beef squashed if you have a mini vacation on the horizon yeah that's a really good question he also did the dishes last night when i was reading to wes i know and i came out and i was like wow here's a question do you delegate like ask him to do stuff actually yeah i there was there was one time a couple years ago when i was like i really hate cleaning out the dishwasher can you please clean out the dishwasher and that was one of the things that he talked about loving and so maybe i just need to delegate more maybe i just need to be like can you also fold the laundry and can you also like tell your floors and maybe you could also um i don't know like make the bed make breakfast no he makes it bed um no ned is ned is ned is great uh but and and he does do you know he does his fair share but i was waiting for my to be appreciated yeah anywho ned if you're listening um i was really disappointed that you uh didn't uh talk about how wonderful i am um but i love you anyway and uh you do clean sometimes but you know okay everybody likes to be heard let's appreciate ariel first yeah when you show up somewhere you have a bag full of stuff that means you are prepared you've got it together there are always snacks anything you need for a toddler or your work life is in that bag your house you make it seem like my children digging through all your drawers and pulling out everything is no big deal and they happily do so quietly while i drink wine with me which is which is the greatest joy in my life so you're an excellent host you're very generous with your space and your food and everything you have and you make i always come up against this because i feel like you can see the amount of effort i put into everything but ariel makes things seem easy she's like oh yeah we can do that oh yeah we can do that because you're so competent you make things seem easy we really appreciate you know why ned probably doesn't notice those things that you do because he's always taking showers he's in the shower i can't see it because he's showering now i'm trying to feel bad that i'm i'm like throwing that under the bus his whole brand is how much he loves you yeah does does he listen to you can sit with us he might not even he might not he probably doesn't mind no i think zach is the only one who listens religiously yeah our number one favorite and eugene listens he texted me after episode sometimes he's so cute yeah he listens he listens right away too it was like only tuesday and i was like wow all right cutie booties we got some birthdays coming up in my family uh wes is going to be three soon so you know i'm shopping online and you know we all see that promo code field and it really taunts us during checkout and guess what you can be using honey honey is the free browser extension that scours the internet for promo codes and applies the best one it finds to your cart imagine you're shopping at one of your favorite sites when you check out the honey button drops down and all you have to do is click apply coupon wait a few seconds as honey searches for coupons that can find for that site and if honey finds a working coupon you watch the prices drop all right so we ended up finding this really cute wooden crane set you know the thing was probably like 45 and we saved like 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tripod that he hates cleaning and he has beef with cleaning it's not because he has beef with me and i was like you better make sure that you're not displaying to everyone that i'm not cleaning because i totally am but it's honestly his mess because i have to clean at work right yeah yeah you have to be so clean i have to be so clean i have to clean my workspace before i get there after i get there between people coming in and out like it's a lot so i cannot dunk on him i have to keep telling him how great of a job he's doing so he will continue doing it because if i tell him he's not doing it then he's like well why do i even do this you know so he really operates off of verbal praise oh he loves verbal praise yeah oh yeah okay if i tell him how wonderful he's doing yeah he loves it even i mean all humans all humans do who doesn't like to be told but especially these boys oh my gosh he's doing a great job though cooking cleaning he's really stepped it up no beef no b we know you're you can sit with us fan we know you're listening and we also know what your apartment looked like before maggie yeah remember the rats it was like a man cave man jungle yeah it was unreal it was terrifying and lady only ate um those take out salads from trader joe's oh my gosh anything he would only he'd be like i just have this salad i'm like what are you doing i had to wean him off those salads yeah he used to have like six of those on in the fridge i was like you know how easy it is to make a salad you just buy lettuce and you cut it it's so easy you could just buy the mixed greens and then you just grab a handful yeah good job zach keep it up what's the opposite of beef um ice cream salad vegetables all veggies and ice cream no beef it is funny how people like are so motivated by verbal um like praise i guess it's different people right too oh yeah yeah yeah yeah absolutely but uh ned and i found that um because like you know it gets hard when you have your first kid and uh you're not like communicating as much and so we were both feeling very very under-appreciated and uh we went to therapy and found that like basically if we just tell each other what a great job you're doing it makes all the difference in the world you know just just like just noticing you know oh thank you for emptying the dishwasher thank you for putting on pants you know like okay that does make yeah like your hair looks clean today not good but clean hey hey clean you know like yeah take it where you can get it yeah yeah yep yep but yeah it makes such a big difference and i told you guys the other the like on an episode a couple ago that i was a um an unsolicited compliment giver yeah that's right that's right and i think that's why i think that's why because i i just feel like people respond to to that kind of like um like verbal praise yeah even if i don't know them which i know can sometimes be problematic and i'm sorry if i gave anybody an unsolicited i think i think if you're complimenting people's outfits that's never problematic yeah people love to hear that yeah yeah i love it when someone asks me and the answer is something incredibly accessible and cheap or easy to get and i hate when the answer is like you ask someone you're like where's that beautiful dress from you look so great and they're like oh it's vintage and you're like all right of course it makes sense it's a big midwestern thing when someone asks you about your outfit to tell them the discount you got on yeah yeah yeah forever someone will be like oh my god i like your shoes and i'll be like thank you they were 50 off and then i had an extra coupon another 10 off and free shipping wow it was president's day week in sale so you know yeah my mom is the master of that she she'll like uh she'll come home from the store or something like that and she's like look what i got it was 50 off and it's like okay but how much was it it was 50 off she never says how much something it uh it's just the sale the sale the discount have you guys seen the extreme couponers no i tried to do it once so it used to be a tv show but it's something that people do and they basically like stockpile so the reason i've never done it is because it's always for like weird [ __ ] like toothpaste right so they'll stockpile these coupons for like toothpaste that's like 50 off and then they'll find a manufacturer's coupon and they'll pop that one in there and they'll end up getting like 80 tubes of toothpaste for like a dollar insane and on the tv show they used to have they would go into their like their hoarder's den their stockpile den which was usually their garage and it was just wall to ceiling of like cleaning supplies and did they do with that they donated they just used it for like big families yeah usually it was a big family at least of the episodes that i saw but i tried to do it once it was very stressful tried to get 80 tubes of toothpaste i didn't try the 82's toothpaste but i was doing stockpile coupons and i like gave the cashier two of the coupons they're like you can't use both of these at the same time and you're like darn it i get that there you go i'm jump on life it's not i'm done you're like on tv i saw them use eight i saw the muse can you believe coupon booklets still look like the exact same that they did in the 90s yeah i just got a coupon booklet from vaughn's you know like the flip ones and you're like the big it is 20 21 they have not like come up with a better way to market these coupons i know they're trying to save space but they're like this big yeah and you still cvs is the one where you get like the yards long receipts stop yeah great two i have to cut out this little piece of paper to save 50 cents on asparagus if you can afford to mark it down just mark it down yeah what i don't get why isn't it all like the phone number like ralph's does like you're wasting money making the coupon booklets for people to save yeah you know 50 cents or whatever yeah yeah absolutely if you can afford to to mark it down just mark it down yeah give us our discount season it should be on sale i [ __ ] love discounts i do get a sick joy from watching the like the when you're checking out at the grocery store or something like that and and and like they press the button that says i'm done and then it all goes like tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick tick they're like [Laughter] 25 cents here 50 cents there we were getting a big order once we were in like big bear with my brother and sister-in-law and we i love to play the game as you're checking out to be like okay over under 300 like over under 100 like to see who can get closest so we're all doing our guesses and it goes through and it was like six hundred dollars and we were all like what i mean we were buying food for like a week for like four people so we were like that's crazy and my brother-in-law's like a whiz kid and he's like this is wrong and so we asked the lady to go back she had put in like 75 avocados oh my god it was like she hit the wrong button and so it went to like 75 so we had like avocado and you were like no and i was like i'm so glad he was here because i would have just been like yes that that must be what it must be i would have not i would have said nothing i'd be like thank you thank you so much do you want a tip but yeah always keep an eye out make sure there aren't any double 75 avocados whoa whoa do you guys do you guys like read through magazines when you're checking out at the grocery store or is it more of a like are you watching like everything kind of go through i watch them you watch them it's been so long since i've been in a grocery store i know i just order them it depends what grocery store some of them you can see some of you you can't so you kind of have to do like the thing where you have all your bags ready and you're standing out there with your paper receipt and you're just going through one by one my mom totally she used to yell at me when she said you got to check your receipt and i'm like yeah yeah they got it they got it and i got it i used to be the sort of person that would be that would like grab the inquirer and be like what's going on today but now i don't know i just i actually i feel like i feel like grocery stores are so understaffed that i will go to the end and i will bag my own groceries oh i bag all my own bags back when i went um because also i don't want because i feel like i feel like i can bag it more um but like more uh efficiently because i know how to put things tired at the grocery stores heavy on bottom if i get home and my peaches and tomatoes are bruised i'm so sad i know and it's like they're moving very quickly and so but but for me it's i i know when i get home that i'm gonna want to put away the things that are cold first and then and i want all of my like uh produce in one bag and all of my uh i don't know chips and bread in another bag dry goods yeah you know and so like and and they're always um uh putting uh i actually worked at a whole foods one time and so like i know how you're supposed to do it and so you like you you make them so they're not too heavy because you don't want the the handles to break and i'm like no no you can you can make it heavy it's fine i'm i'm not like going a far distance you know and so i'll load them up and put like all the wine bottles in one bag and i'll carry it from the bottom because i know you know i i don't know it's just i just and i feel like i'm i'm helping i don't know am i am i helping i also got groceries i hate watching someone check out and just standing there they do just watching them as they go through and they've checked out everything and then they start bagging it i'm like you are in this together please well technically during a part of the pandemic they didn't want you touching anything and they don't want your because i would bring all the reusable bags that's true and one time i put the reusable bag on the thing and thankfully i had a very nice checkout lady who was like ma'am remove your bag and don't put your hands on this and i was like i'm so sorry i was like i didn't even think about it i just did it i'm so sorry i'm so i'll just stand here i won't touch anything you're a hundred percent sorry but i think we've moved i think they're back to letting you bag your groceries yeah i don't know i i haven't like i said i heard your bags back that came back but you have to bag it yourself all right we have some emails from all the cutie booties out there and we'll see how many of them we can get through um okay here's the first one from haley the subject line is great are weddings worth it please help oh yeah that's the question from me too yeah so my boyfriend have been dating for six years we lived together just us for two years so during covet he decided to leave his job they had health insurance questions we ended up getting legally married to give him some health insurance congratulations haley and hubby we have been talking about getting married um like having a wedding and love each other very much i was wondering if it's weird or outrageous to still want an engagement proposal and wedding ceremony even though we are already legally married i mean we don't want to get married obviously until there is no longer a pandemic but i just started looking at the costa weddings and i don't know if i'm being too demanding i guess if you guys could talk about your views and insight thank you love you wow so hayley mm-hmm she did not get engaged but to cover her beloved during covid they went to the courthouse and they did the thing which you can do over zoom now apparently maggie and i were looking into it we were looking into santa barbara and they're only doing zoom and i like proposed it to zach and he was like no he's like i don't think that's what you want i was like it could totally be we could get like a room up in big sur he's like we're gonna open up the computer and there's going to be an efficient being like hello he's like i was like it just sounds so easy and like we can have like a real wedding in like a year or two because that's what he wants i was like so you could meet me in the middle you know yeah i smell beef and it's not beef it's not a beef but at the end of the day he he wants his mom and dad involved and like i would like my mom and dad involved so yeah it's just basically he's a romantic boy let's be honest over the past year fashion has not exactly been that important but now that i'm starting to go back out in the world i'm going to need some new clothes and living in california you gotta dress cool comfy and that's why i love jenny kane i absolutely love these little slip-on mules for the summertime they're so easy they're so comfy it's a very classic style okay i've been wearing the jenny kane sweater the fisherman's sweater and it is probably my favorite sweater it's lightweight but it feels super luxurious like i live in it jenny kane believes that getting dressed should be the easiest part of your routine with polished basics that will never go out of style they make everyday moments a breeze find your forever pieces at and get 15 off your first order when you use code sit with us at checkout that's j-e-n-n-i-k-a-y-n-e-com promo code sit with us well that's the thing about weddings is that half the time not more than half the time i don't even know why i said half the time weddings are not for you yes they are for your families marriage is for you marriage is for you that's my belief too your marriage is for you too your wedding your wedding is for your family and your community exactly exactly and so the question that you have to ask yourself haley is um i feel like like uh you know one of those um radio show therapists yeah the question that you have to ask yourself is like do you want to share this your joy with your friends and family you know it the the wedding you're you're half that you're not going to eat your own food you're not going to eat your own cake you're going to be talking to all of your friends you're going to be talking to your family planning it is can be fun but it's also very stressful because you're you have all these people that can come can't come your parents have a list his parents have a list um you know it can i mean what was your you guys are all going have been through this or are going through this i mean what do you think we are like not in the planning stages at all anymore we kind of have put in our mind that it's not going to be till like end of 2022 at the earliest or 2023 so we have like a lot of time to think of what it is we want but uh i think zach talked about this on the tripod but uh we have prioritized trying to buy a house i think that's more important to us right now especially with the pandemic that is such a solid pandemic decision i know it can affect your life overwhelmingly and immediately rather than a wedding which you can't even have yet yeah we were going to try to do both at the same time but like planning those like doing those both of those huge steps in your life i started to notice that i was getting like really anxious about it and like i was getting asked questions from two different people that were helping us with both processes i was like i can't i can't make both of those decisions and like be planning because then i really want to enjoy planning the wedding and i also want to be really excited and the home buying process right now is just insane all over the world right now that's crazy so we've kind of just postponed it because we want to enjoy both of those processes as you should yeah yeah they're both super stressful why put them together yeah have you guys seen that netflix show uh marriage or mortgage yes i don't understand it oh my god i have not seen it man when i watched the first episode it's basically love it or listed it yeah but wedding or house yes why is it i'm just gonna they're over it's because it's all they have in their budget oh but you get to have someone take you to like three really good wedding venues and three really good uh houses i'm just gonna go ahead and say having bought a house and had a wedding buy the house yeah they're so much fun to hang out with your friends and family have like a big celebration of your love but a house is like if you can only pick one right the house is gonna bring you more you know over time also wedding you don't get anything back on that investment other than love yeah your house that's you know you can sell it eventually the wedding is one day yeah it's one day but it's important to a lot of people's parents i think is a big one so i would say haley if your family really wants you to have like a wedding wedding and that's something you really want to do then do it and it sounds like haley and her partner did not get engaged before they agreed to get married so that i think said he could be covered by health insurance so i think if you want an engagement you already like did the big thing you absolutely should get an engagement and they should surprise you with it like like nothing has been taken from this experience you should go for it yeah yeah oh yeah and in the end truly if it's something that you want you know if if you are going to be disappointed 10 years from now and you look back and you say like i wish i had done the wedding or i wish i had pictures of you know me in a wedding dress or me with my grandmother and and my entire family you know then absolutely do it yeah absolutely you know this is it it is one of those uh one of those things that if it's really important to you you're you're going to want to do it and you're going to want to have those memories to look back on and weddings do not have to be a hundred people 400 people a buffet i've been to daytime weddings that just had a little brunch i've been to weddings that only had 30 people at them you do not need to take out a loan to have a wedding you just need to think outside the box about which parts of it are really important to you a great dress or great food or having more of your friends there and which parts are less important to you and then prioritize those yeah and i feel like with covid and everything there's so many people that are just getting married and having it very small and intimate and then maybe down the line maybe not will have a bigger party for their community yeah so that's what my brother did we went to a zoom wedding yeah just me and my parents and yeah did he get married over zoom with the officiant or was he with the official no it was right at the beginning of covid like it was right before everything fully fully locked down so the officiant came to their house so it's just my brother his wife and the officiant and then my parents and i were all on zoo got it and my parents were had covered at the time oh my gosh they're like wrapped in blankets watching the screen i have some pictures of all of us standing next to our tvs that are some of the ugliest pictures in the world thankfully they took much better pictures together because i was like haley good luck to you yeah i think you should get a surprise engagement and then you guys should pick out a wedding that is cost effective but makes you feel really good yeah this one is from maggie um hi ladies is it you is it you do you have a question that you would like to mags has a question my question for y'all is can you remember a specific time in your life where you felt like a failure maybe you didn't get a job you wanted or didn't pass a big exam i could really use the encouragement and advice on how you picked yourself up and moved on with love maggie every single freaking day does anyone remember a like specific failure that like felt really hard and how you like move on from that i'm being honest every single day i feel like i feel like you know something happens and i'm like all right well uh let me just think about how i bombed that and uh and now i'm going to continue on with my life you know it's it's kind of um are you talking about work or parenting or relationships all of these all of the above or how i feel myself you know like i make a commitment to myself and then i completely lose it mm-hmm you know like i'm gonna go for a jog this morning nope uh yeah okay failed that well continue on with my day you know um yeah and and of course i mean parenting that's the sort of thing where like if i feel like uh if you get angry with your kids or something like that you can't help but kind of feel bad and then you're like okay well um that happened and now we're going to continue on but it is it's a it's an incredibly valid question how do you move on from those things uh why do i constantly feel like i'm feeling i don't know why yeah i think i'm still on a path of being a little bit more gentle with myself because i definitely am really hard on myself and not being so mean what does that sound like in your head when you're like consciously trying to be gentle with yourself or kind to yourself well i'm still working on it but yeah usually i'm very mean i'm like oh you're so stupid no i have a tip but do you want to hear a tip yeah okay if you feel like a failure try antidepressants um they really help but my therapist said when you're having a day where you're like having really negative thoughts and they're like ruminating to ask yourself am i thinking this because i love myself or because i hate myself and like in your head would you ever be like i hate myself yeah like no you realize how mean that sounds you're like i don't hate myself i love myself so then you can like catch yourself in the thought and be like no i love myself i will think of it this way mm-hmm yeah i i also yeah that that is that's a great tip like like a mental game but i also like to um to try to accomplish something that makes me feel really good um and then you can sort of hold on to that you know and so i think that you could use that if you have small failures or if you have a big failure you know um like failing a test or or you know not getting a job that you wanted or something like that um then you know you find something that you know that you can do and that would make you feel like you can accomplish something um and and do that you know and then hold on to that um because it really is a mental game you know failures it's it's all about what's going on in your head um you know like nobody is going to to to look at you and be like oh my god you didn't get that job i like this i can't believe that it's it's what it's it's the you know the self-talk that you're that you're doing in your head and so you have to you have to play those mental games you do and you're allowed to be sad about it if something disappointing or upsetting or traumatic happens you're allowed to be sad for a bit or frustrated with yourself or but you can't stay there forever yeah that's not good for you yeah we've all got hair struggles i don't know if you guys have noticed maybe you're not looking at my bald spot but my hair is very thin and i'm always trying to plump it up well have you heard about pros the new customizable shampoo oh what pros understands that there is more than one type of hair has given over 1 million consultations with their in-depth hair quiz and this is how i got started i took the quiz and like definitely what i struggle with is a lot of frizz a lot of uh past damage from hair dyes i've been using it for a while and i actually really do love it i feel like it's help it's my own little bottle and i love it pros also has a review and refined feature and it lets me tweak my formulas for any reason like change of address hair color or my diet prose is the healthy hair regimen with your name all over it take your free in-depth hair quiz and get 15 off your first order today go to sit with us that's sit with us for your free in-depth hair quiz and 15 off how do you pull yourself out um i once lost a big job that i really loved um nothing i did but it moved um up to canada and they did not take me with them and i was suddenly went from like working like 70 hours a week on the show that went to canada and needed to staff up with canadians to get the like tax incentive tax breaks up there to having no job and living here in la and having rent due and i was like uh oh what the hell am i gonna do um and i was i was really sad i was like this is it this is the end of my career this is as far as i got um and so i was just sad for a little while um for a few weeks i was like hiking a lot with clem and then finally i was like you know what i'm just gonna go get a job and something i know nothing about like that's entry level and learn a new thing and that's why i worked at blue bottle for a while because i love coffee coffee and i was like i'm just gonna go get a job as a barista and like see where that takes me and eventually i ended up getting another job in the film industry shortly after and then i had two jobs for a while which was nuts um but it like i just wanted to learn a new skill i just wanted to do something different i was like i can't really like change what this situation is i'm just gonna go do something else yeah i think keeping busy helps me staying moving yeah yeah and active it sounds like yeah i think like just being at home in my apartment all day wouldn't was not good for me you know yeah personally madeline writes random question question mark um have any of you ever thought of a different name for yourself like if you could pick a different first name what would it be and why whoa i really like the name cora [Music] darling it's a really cute like little kid named cora like my name is cora please call me cora now hi cora hi cora yeah becky no i've never thought of another name yeah i'm just kind of a becky yeah you know you're rooted in your identity yeah and there are so many ways that you could like change rebecca around like you could you could be rebecca or you could be back so you could be better reba she's trying to be best i'm trying nobody's listening because nothing sticks we call you back yeah yeah every other time so like when we remember i had a friend in college who have nowhere asked us to call him his name's joshua asked us to call him patches like out of nowhere he tried to kill me and i was like i just can't do that you should have introduced yourself as that from day one yeah yeah a lot of our friends in college went by nicknames like in keith's improv group they all had like like we have a friend brian that we don't i call him buo and nobody really calls him brian we had another friend we call cloud yeah oh i have friends like that in college too yeah my best friend was born elizabeth she grew up going by um betsy it's hard for me to get there um she went by betsy and in college we only called her shady i still call her shady wow shady those of you who are in middle school in high school your next your next uh place that you go yeah you want a new name you want to change your name that's your chance that's your window i do remember in i think it was middle school uh there was like a new kid and they were like okay so you know uh john something and he was like spike oh do you think his parents knew that he was calling himself spike i don't know but everybody called him spike like i i truly forgot his real name yeah because he was just spike right you know like i don't know watch west be like yeah just taking regard and be like spike um but i definitely went through a phase where i wanted to be called tiffany tiffany like the jewelry i mean you guys i was born in the 80s i grew up in the 90s like who didn't want to be a tiffany wow and then i was like you could call me tiff yeah so cute korra that's a different show yeah they're definitely not married to the try guys i don't know what's going on i feel like they might play at lilith fair on occasion what is that oh it's like a ladies uh uh music festival ooh that sounds fun [Laughter] um this is from maya question on reducing waste and a thank you hi my name is maya i'm 22 year old female currently living in charlotte north carolina shout out miles i've seen tips on becky's instagram stories about eco-friendly items to use and ways to reduce waste and i had seen a trice guys video that zach and maggie have reusable toilet gloss you do know that do you we have reusable paper towels paper towels but they do that brand makes toilet paper i'm eco-friendly baby but not that eco-friendly one of my co-workers is an avid hiker and she has a reusable paper towel cloth that she carries with her when she goes backpacking because sometimes she's on the trailhead for 12 plus hours she's intense she's at when she pees when she pees and then she just packs it back up but she yeah the the most of the majority of what she sees on her hikes are a lot of toilet paper like the littering so she'll like put on gloves and kind of pick up toilet paper break down it's paper it should just get wet you should just pour your water bottle on it it should break down right am i listening it doesn't it doesn't work i'm wrong am i right that quickly yeah quite that quickly maybe there's certain brands that are more yeah that break down easier i don't know but yeah she loves her little reusable toilet paper it's for pee pee though yeah pee pee no pee pee no poo poo poo i don't know what to do that doesn't seem that gross to me yeah that seems fine it's holding on to it that i can't do it in a little bag of some sort yeah but i know well you hike mine out i'll like yours that's what you think about um cloth diapering though yeah yeah yeah because some friends let do that cloth diapering it i like i would love to do cloth diapering but it's the same it's the same idea as the the reusable toilet paper where you you kind of have to like but for wipe the tube off and then yeah and then like wash it in your own or you can send it out but if you send it out basically the gas and the carbon footprint takes to get to your house to take it back to the laundromat to ship and to do all of that makes it negate the eco-friendliness right i looked into it and then same and then i was like we're going to have twins no that would be a lot that's a lot of persons especially like when they have the blowouts full month we have what do you even do we went through 650 diapers that month whoa that's the month of april uh we were logging them on an app to make sure both babies were like peeing and pooping enough because when you have two when you have two you could really lose track we didn't do that for a long time but for the first couple months and so then we looked on our app you're like um let me get to maya's question okay sorry we're all tangent about the pee-pee what are some tips that you have for people who want to live a more eco-friendly lifestyle i'm trying to adopt new habits that can help reduce my waste be kinder to the planet and ultimately reduce my carbon footprint during uh our climate emergency all of this would be greatly appreciated so just some tips she's asking for yeah use what you have yeah yeah use what you have you don't have to buy new things um also just try and remember like like 80 percent of what's happening right now is because of big corporations and not individuals yeah so not everything that's like eco-friendly is also accessible yeah to everyone yeah uh so just remember try to remember that and be nice to yourself and let's try and use what you have yeah that's probably the biggest thing is like don't buy [ __ ] yeah that's like the number one thing you can do that's good for the environment stop buying [ __ ] i think the i got one in my dms of a girl in college wanting to know like what she can do in the dorms and i was reading an article on like the single best thing that an individual consumer can do is just reduce their consumption of meat that's a big easy one yeah honestly air conditioning yeah yeah turn off your air conditioning living in a dorm is is pretty eco-friendly to begin with because if you think about the amount okay so when you say uh use what you have it makes me think of like i i generally think kitchen first when i when i think of like reducing waste right so using jars and um try not to use plastic baggies or or if you do have to use a plastic baggie reuse that [ __ ] girl yeah just wash it out we have a ton of like freezer bags so you just rinse throw packets you get takeouts my grandmother always did that only because she like had six kids through the great depression not because she was trying to be eco-friendly but she was like why would i throw out this bag if it has no holes in it you're nuts yeah a lot of like black brown indigenous communities are actually the first people to do things that are eco-friendly out of necessity not out of like any sort of you know they're like vegan veganism is capitalism and yeah all of that kind of stuff but people were just doing it because that's what they had access to yeah like reusing old milk jugs for um planting planting [ __ ] uh stuff like that yeah yeah but what i'm what i'm thinking is that it's eco-friendly because if you're like eating at a like in a cafeteria setting or something like that all of the packaging is for bulk and so you're not you know you don't have all these tiny packaging at least that's how it worked when i was in college was like you know we had these big things of cereal and you know like huge scoopers of yogurt everything's basically like um yeah like buffet style yeah yeah exactly more bulk um and so you know that in itself is probably reducing a little bit of waste because you don't have these tiny you know little packages um i think every time i give wes you know like a little package of because he loves the the little self-serve peanut butter crackers or something and i'm just like here you go you know he likes to open them himself but i think we've started getting like the big packages and pouring them into like a little uh one of those silicone baggies oh yeah you know like that's a little thing that you can do yeah um but uh and then like living in a dorm you're you're not heating like a huge house for for two people you're heating an entire dorm for hundreds of people you know like i don't know that's that's where my head went yeah yeah but you're right it's like something like 10 corporations make up most of the world's like pollution also a crazy thing i heard which i haven't fact checked but i'm like pretty sure it was true was that chevron came up with climate change yeah i heard that too because they did a study and then they and they realized what was happening not sorry not climate change carbon footprint yeah carbon footprint is what they came up with and i was like huh well how about that yeah how about that yeah it's corporations yeah do what you can on an individual level but like pressure oil companies yeah yeah that's really the big thing something that i i feel like i learned from you actually is also uh you know because it is corporations um uh using your your value as a consumer yeah and and and you know in investing your money only in places that you know are doing the right thing you know we're we live in capitalism money talks yeah yeah but any individual thing i think is powerful in getting the conversation between people so i like the thing about the straws and a lot of people mock the straws and stuff but it did get people to start talking about ways in which they can help them also put all this pressure on people not to use these straws true when there are people who do need to use straw so it's a very nuanced i think it's about guilt yeah i think like 90 of the [ __ ] online is guilt yeah it's like how can we guilt you into and it's usually for profit zach yeah i do have like reusable paper towels but like not to say that we have emergency stash of regular paper towels because my sister comes over and it drives her bananas she's like where are the single use paper towels we keep them under the sink just in case there's a big mouth yeah yeah yeah you can't panorama yeah don't put too much pressure on you yeah be nice think of my is this for love or for hate yeah it all comes back to the mental boundaries yeah and i think the first thing that you said was use what you have yeah yeah because like you don't have to go out and buy a silicone straw you you know if you have if if you got a straw in your takeout order yeah you can use it hey heck use it five times yeah i feel good about it and if you need straws that's okay but just thinking about what you're doing is like step one and also pressuring corporations yeah it's steps two through 000. that's what really needs to happen just know that it's not on you yeah do what you can but chevron if you're listening we need to talk chevron if you're listening [ __ ] you well yes that too they did like a tweet the other day that was like aoc like tweeted back at them it was something like what can you do to like reduce your carbon footprint or something and they were like i don't know not [ __ ] have oil spills every other day not dump a bunch of oil in the ocean is probably number one let's start there yeah let's start there how about that i love the emails keep sending them to us we love chatting you can sit with us you can thank you guys so much for sending in your questions we loved answering them today um definitely keep emailing us your little cutie booties uh and until next time you know like subscribe follow do all the things uh wash your hands wear your mask be nice to people choose love you know choose love to change that inner monologue change the inner monologue to love [Music] you
Channel: TryPods
Views: 329,757
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tryguys, keith, ned, zach, eugene, habersberger, fulmer, kornfeld, yang, buzzfeedvideo, buzzfeed, ariel, ned & ariel, comedy, education, funny, try, learn, fail, experiment, test, tryceratops, podcast, advice, miles, miles nation, secrets, show, talkshow, behind the scenes, youtubers, ramble, audio, video podcast, clip, segment, silly, becky, maggie, you can sit with us, try wives, girls, female, women, beef, drama, apology, controversy
Id: xikTRmkvPdc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 12sec (3552 seconds)
Published: Tue Mar 30 2021
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