GEORGE IS MISSING PERSONS CASE I Bought Abandoned Storage Unit Locker Opening Mystery Boxes Storage

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the biggest puzzle is who is the stand-in George so we're about to find out cameras gonna swing in three two welcome back to the big show before I get a bunch of comments saying where's George where George go I haven't seen George in a while she's in Egypt she's been in abandoned pyramids one day one day I'm gonna get the unbox one but today's not that day we're back at the warehouse and we're gonna dig into the crafters dream unit this is the 10 by 15 I got four four hundred and fifty dollars filled with thousands upon thousands upon thousands of dollars of crafting supplies let's find out what else we can dig up in treasure today oh and don't forget to subscribe hit that Bell make sure you hit all so you get the notification every time I post a video and every time I go live [Music] feast your eyes upon this pile okay this was the ten by 15 it was stacked ten feet up in the air Gwen did an incredible job pulling everything out of the trailer and I know some of you right now are like Gwen's pregnant she shouldn't be doing that Gwen knows her limitations Gwen is healthy she's doing great she's she doesn't do anything that she doesn't want to do trust me so Gwen has put all of the boxes I mean just look at the mounds and mounds and piles of boxes look how far back it goes it goes roughly 15 20 feet there these are all the boxes right here through there and then she put all the totes over here okay and so the totes go on and a look at this piles in piles and piles and piles and piles of totes so we're gonna start I really I mean it's pretty easy to figure out what's in some of these totes right I mean you yarn a holux you've been loving all this yarn and fabric and we know that stuff is in there so what I want to do is actually focus on some of these where the mystery could be so let's grab some of these let's figure out what the Hales we have in some of these boxes this is gonna be fun this this box the very first box just intrigued me so much so that even picture art there I just I had to know what this box was all about and it's just a shame that George wasn't here to actually share it with me who is back from Egypt Oh somebody somebody's here to help make videos look at this look at this stand in George what do you think it is Oh Yvonne where do you sell your Avon alright we've got look at this do you see what I see I either have a snail or I have a disco light one or the other I have oh check that out I can't wait to see the snail trail that this leaves that's going in the camper look at that DC so it's I've got a turtle in the camper already the snails definitely going in there glass art lamp what do you think about that stand in George perfect I didn't know that this snail is actually awesome I'm gonna keep the snail I don't keep much exactly like the turtle that I have in the camper except except the turtle in the camper it's green it's the yep this the exact same type of light but look at that look at all the Blues I've got another turtle I like turtles look at that that's going in the camper that is so cool okay I love it I love it already this box is amazing well if we do find the beaver we know what it's going to be doing alright I really really like this box look at that more Avon oh what's that go to I wonder if this is do you think that could be it there yeah this could be it here alright let's see what we got stand in George oh look at the Blues in that that's more Avon yep more Avon there this this unit is just so packed with so much money is that green I'm colorblind it's like a turquoise I hope one of your subscribers doesn't try to disprove my colorblindness stand in George I found it Oh stand in George look at that I found it stand in George look this is your favorite all right you know what else is your favorite how you gonna open it up oh look at that here we go oh you remember there you go stand in George I wonder who this George could be in your comments below let us know who you think stand in George's today Oh more stuff more stuff okay all right ooh this standing George this actually looks like it could be something here Wow are those ornaments Wow how's it I was like an ant eater but that's an AK huh what else are you afraid of stand in George FOMO no that's the fear of missing out yeah definitely she definitely has a fear FOMO look at all these now here's the thing with with old you see even like this is that plastic or is that wood that's plastic so some of these old Christmas ornaments if you have the right ornament they can go for hundreds and some even go for thousands of dollars now we've shared that in some of previous episodes we show you some of that on on eBay searches and the way to figure out what's worth what you just get on eBay and you put in Christmas ornaments and then you look for sold and you price highest the lowest this whole bag could be a couple hundred dollars right here are what I had one of these like the rocking the rocking horse dad the headless horse when I was a kid mine had a head on it though of course you know I'm not sure I grew up very very much so ha look at that a bunch of bags we're gonna take that we're gonna take the cheque book stuff out but anybody if anybody's interested in New York extra sharp cheddar we'll send you this coupon baby what color is this pink why why do you always set me up with color questions when you know I'm color blind oh goes to the horse there is a bunch of stuff in here isn't there see nothing in there huh Loosli oh you know what those go - no that's Adam and Eve that's the eve that's the or Adam could be the front cover these are underwear those are old-school vintage underwear so those are the that this is this is the beginning of underwear all the way back in the garbage no comment oh man what do we have here oh you've got wings yep you got window clings oh you got cats just like in Egypt yeah this is like Egyptian themed good night that's true soon you're so easy Wow there is definitely some stuff in here Easter Queens what else what else I wish I knew that cool stuff you need to know by Steve Martin let's open one let's give me something cool I need to know mm-hmm oh right there that's what I need to know Arabic is the official language of more than 15 countries Wow oh man yep so we all know that George speaks Arabic let's find out if standing George speaks any Arabic can you say something in Arabic not sure that was real Arabic or not if if any of you are Arabic let us know in the comments because it's a bumper puzzle look at that oh brand-new that's good stuff right there look what is it oh who is your mummy what is all this some stencils yeah that makes sense with all of the that makes sense with all of the art and stuff in here oh look at this okay would you find really nice this is an old Whitman fun book which is probably a coloring book as well so we can see there's some pages in here don't ever discount this stuff because this can actually sell for a good price as well so let's see if we can find a date and this is gonna sell best around Christmas time all right let's just say it's old what do you say what do you say it's old it's old and the rest of this just looks like magazines and stuff emphasis on stuff lots of stuff next box are you ready stand in George yeah here we go you stand in George right there no comment all right let's see what we have here look at they they can hear my facial expressions I can I can I can hear your facial expressions so I think this teaches you how to paint look at that so you want snow I can't read can you read the key needs Keynes means connives yes there you go to paint so look at that teaching you to paint some more oh let's just make a happy little tree right here we're gonna make a happy little tree if you see smoke going before the camera that's just my breath in a negative 10 degree warehouse actually it's my dragon breath I just woke up with the happy new trees alright so painting that is how cold it is in here this is you're seeing my breath right now now and that's standing George's breath alright so we've we definitely have some painting books here so this is cool look at that more there this is really cool good stuff here all kinds of paintings what's that screws you never have enough of that Oh was this like a little easel yeah it is look at that I don't know oh oh yeah I see okay so it's got to go through there right yep right like that okay it is it's a little art easel they can't see but that's alright there we go it is a little art easel for painting so for those who get into the painting and and wine there you go there's a mini art look at all this and in George there's got to be how much how much do you think we have just in paintbrushes here let's see there's a price tag on that oh that's nice 4:29 on that brand-new paintbrush I think this is how you paint this is what Bob taught me how to paint the happy little trees that's known as a mermaid's tail brush yes mermaid's tail right there right there so we've got all kinds of oh look at what you just my voice cracked Wow is it is it brand-new paint it is look I think they're LED base they're so heavy look at the old saw these old are these new look at look at the beautiful vibrant yellow the same year we landed on the moon 1969 fun fact vibrant yellow we've got we have here blue that's nice amazing Wow I'm gonna open one oh this is my favorite what color is that I'm colorblind it's a purple re I'm gonna open one it's so new it's dried out yeah yeah it's a little dry but still cool what else is under there look at that is that I bet you that is some kind of arty stick you see the case here I'll give you the paint back this is this is for cleaning up paint splotches oh look at that brand-new paint tubes this is just amazing vintage still on the box yep it sure is it's still in there let's see what this is what do you think this is gonna be in three two I think it's gonna be money in art supplies what is that all brand-new yeah is this a whole brand-new look at that oils and oils I don't even know what I'm what I'm looking at gerrant is there another layer you think they're hiding money no it's just it's just that's it well we definitely got some money in our supplies here to stand in George look at this box or stuff you love stuff but there's tape on it what are you gonna do woody yeah you don't mess around oh there you go just always safety first oh nice go sword and wait go the other way away from my sausage there you go look at you go go go gadget sword oh man look at that there's definitely stuff in here now one of the things that I found in the second unboxing video I think it was is I found vintage PlayStation games and I was hoping that Gary had PlayStation hidden in here but huh a beautiful plate isn't quite a place that you oh oh stand in George what's that down there in the corner what is that what is that what is it the Georges of James Bond so we're the George's of James Bond are they holographic are they really they are they're holographic women of James Bond no way and when I say no I mean because that's doctor no no that's what I mean I mean no doctor no way I wonder if these are worth anything this is the collectable women of James Bond very good condition everything holographic Wow I I guess I would have thought we have found this in the first box that was labeled but huh that's cool so Gary love James Bond oh and I think Gary had a thing for bat black beauty as well that one's sealed so remember VHS still have collectability you throw that up on on eBay you're doing really well let's see what else do you think's in here and you might have gift cards all right I'm gonna swing down here why stand in George actually looks for the gift cards let's see let's see is it in here okay I only have one hand right now so we'll find that out later this year there's a zipper got a credit card nice you're paying for lunch and we did not find the vintage video game we got a Texas hold on okay this down here got the Orient Express that's cool looks like some really cool books you find in all kinds of neat things aren't you [Music] that's true why do cats sulk oh oh here we go here we go PlayStation this is original place no less PlayStation 2 Ripley's Believe It or Not there's got to be vintage video games yeah so the system's got to be in here somewhere no it's just the product catalog better nothing we had to turn the camera back on because Stan and George found something and it said look inside so we have to look inside don't we George yes all right here we go and oh I love cardboard but on the other is that Cinderella I think it is it is that the handsome prince Wow stand in George it too much look at this so something from McDonald's a Cinderella bration kind of cool glad we looked inside baby baby baby you read that you I know I know we struggle with words but yep that's Egypt books this is where you're at buying pyramids right who's your mommy might find you Pharaoh Wow you know who would love this yes exactly your Baba your grand Baba look at that Wow what do you see I don't know what to tell you but when I saw this unit Wow I saw a lot of Egyptian stuff and so I think the former owners very well could have been Arabic this is Queen Nefertiti and Horus the Sun God so that's Nefertiti that's who everybody says you look like yes her cap which people don't know that's a hat that's not her hair she had a huge afro just like you stand in Georgia this I should have sent this with you as you went to go bid on them how many how many did you how many do you get when you went to go bid I got a really nice one well how much did you pay for it seventeen drachmas oh oh that's not bad that's not bad that's pretty good Wow oh look at this look at this stand in George photographs so the royal tombs of Egypt and this is a photography book let's see what we got look at that so this must be actual pictures of the inside of the abandoned pyramids oh look at that this is a cent oh this is a centerfold in the book whoo I don't know if Nefertiti is gonna be back there let's find out holy cow that's like five pages long very cool very cool in that something else valley of the golden mummies this book is sealed see that right there yep that one this sealed that's brand-new so some of these books oh look at that there's one of the tombs of old some of these books can sell for hundreds of dollars this is really cool oh when we do your video of you buying abandoned pyramids that's what the title is gonna be pyramid quest pyramid quest they Andes what's that have to do this is my interesting yeah that's not Egyptian are you ready stand-in George yeah this one looks like a good one it's sterile sterile light should be good and toys what is it Oh George you love puzzles puzzles George you love puzzles that's what you're you're like my van you're like my caramel grandma puzzles I got a custom-made $150 puzzle of you and me my Christmas gift no I didn't get you anything for Christmas really Wow lost in a jigsaw look at that you know what this this isn't the best puzzle the biggest puzzle is who is the stand-in George so we're about to find out cameras gonna swing in three two [Music] 140 [Laughter] [Music] [Music]
Channel: What The Hales
Views: 23,373
Rating: 4.8349056 out of 5
Keywords: I bought an abandoned storage unit, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found MONEY, I bought an abandoned storage unit and found, abandoned storage unit finds, abandoned storage unit gold, abandoned storage locker, storage wars full episode, storage lockers, storage hunters, how to, treasure hunting, opening mystery boxes, mystery boxes, unboxing, storage wars, storage unit auction, auction hunters, self storage, how to make money
Id: Zag0bOrKqzs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 25min 25sec (1525 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 11 2019
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