DID I OVERPAY? Spent $1,690 on this toy locker at an online auction. I bought a storage unit!

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we got one sixteen hundred and ninety bucks at the auction oh yes that is metal what what is that those are dollar coins right there saka right oh nice look at that elvis it could be stones could be marbles could be coins let's see let's see you ready maybe it's filled with pokemon cards what do you guys think okay here we go [Music] something better oh my goodness all right all right locker nuts you know what that means we got one sixteen hundred and ninety bucks at the auction plus fees which is ten percent which is another 169 dollars which is i'll put it up here too much all right too much to pay for this locker which is a five by five super small got boxes no furniture i don't think but i like what i saw let me show you what it looks like i know you're gonna say i know what you're gonna say locking that's your nuts oh yes that's what we got okay yes small small that's the wall back wall but look at all these boxes yeah okay toys right toys all right i see you see toys there's some legos right there some toys up here uh quite a few boxes some bags look at this it's like a little amplifier or something in i was worried this might be plastic that is metal what is that okay wait i didn't even know that opens what do you got already what the heck oh my goodness this is how we're starting this out really those are dollar coins right there sacagaweas right yes yes yes yes so they all are there's at least one i don't even have my glasses on i wasn't ready to start finding stuff that's soggy right oh yeah let's go in my pocket okay that's it good start okay um this more so than the toys we just showed i like this right here metal kit 1932 um oh and this right here mustang all right mustang that's a um that's a model it looks like that's up here look okay so we yeah we're seeing some interesting stuff here i don't know what this is right here skateboard deck maybe this little fin right here is what's got me got me confused but uh look at this sombrero that's not a cheap one that they give you free of chevy's when it's your birthday this is a nice sombrero heavy it's heavy too good quality oh speaking of chevy's there's the actual chevy's one right there okay that's funny looks like some clothes maybe maybe oh bummer that's just a box dang it that's just the top oh that sucks star wars that would have been a good one okay that's not so good let's look what's in here so here guys let's check this out i've only got my phone today i wasn't planning on coming here had a little bit of drama involved i'll tell you about that in just a second but this um i'm caught without my gopro at the moment because i wasn't planning on coming here so we'll do what we can with the phone but my plan is that i want to just load this up i got my van and yeah look at that this is interesting because it is metal these are metal pieces these are not plastic pieces so it looks like it's partially assembled but not complete not completely assembled i think i've seen a metal one before hmm that's neat okay so that's me i mean really there's only a few things in here that made me want to buy it that was one this this the star wars lego unfortunately um it's not it's just a box we'll see what else is in here but just a few things that look like toys this right here i see track i see track poking out i'm hoping obviously for a lot more toys in here all right but now that i can see a little better i see a lot of plastic bags in here clothing all right so maybe there's no more toys in here but hey we'll find out what's in there in just a second let me start getting this unloaded we're gonna take this either home or to my unit and start going through it right now let's just get it out okay two boxes loaded uh back on the camera okay because look at this pull that box out right here and what do we got right here it's a little jewelry box isn't it no jewelry in it um all right okay those are not bags of clothing those are stuffed animals all right we got some plush plush much better than clothing usually usually look at this though move those bags right here got something right here big eagle looks like a resin statue then look at this right here did you guys see that i did not even see that i think that was completely covered or i'm completely blind maybe someone else saw that in the photo and i missed it it's a little thrashed guitar encore it's electric guitars it doesn't feel cheap i mean it's heavy just looks a little thrash though but that's so cool that's pretty cool all right what is this looking like back here oh i see another jewelry box right here right it's another jewelry box there's like two other people working very close by so i'm not gonna be like super loud i see a bunch of books there that's not good and it looks like kids stuff so i was hoping these were more adult toys you know like a toy collector but um i see the fire engine right here looks kind of thrashed it's more like kids you know kids toys kid kids toys meaning kids been playing with it that lamp back there is interesting it looks like a train car yeah yeah look at that got the light on it looks a little clearer that's a very interesting piece right there what is over here airplane i'm liking it okay this right here what's in here oh this is fun already cost me a lot for this one guys um it cost me i had to pay to play so okay some wood beads right here that'd be nice if that was gold but i don't think it is okay a little bit jewelry though okay all right that's good i wasn't really expecting jewelry in here so i think it was owned by a woman though world of animals look at this oh unfortunately there's rat poop in here damn i see rat poop on top of there what the heck actually i thought i might see some over here too when i first peeked in here but uh that's not a good sign that kind of sucks there's a bunch of rocks though these look like they're decent good-sized bag of polished stones looks like the rats maybe nibbled on the bag a little bit it's crazy i don't know rock's starting to come out but let's let's look in here oh come to papa come to daddy what do we have here oh guys this is good i see some right there's a money clip it looks like silver maybe [Music] all right we're bringing that home and then there's a little guy right here too i got a peek i got a peek but we're bringing it home and go through it closer what's this oh nice look at that elvis collectible knife very nice yes well thank you thank you very much sweet oh this one's heavy nope that's not a good spot it could be stones could be marbles could be coins let's see let's see you ready marbles yeah that's good that's really good look at all these marbles got some dice that's good hey we sell marbles in our live auctions we have marble collectors that buy from us so this is a good find right here yeah that one's broken hopefully we got some old ones some really good ones here it's a collection so you never know you never know what they got looks decent all right that's a good find i mean i prefer gold and silver and gems but i'll take it i'll take marbles i'll take old marbles for sure um oh do you see that right there oh look at this oh i thought it was a chest i thought was a wood chest it might just be like a side table or something um i was hoping it was a wood chest you can see a little better with the light not quite not quite all right let me keep on loading this thing and uh i'll start the camera if i find any more stuff like this so far so good guys so far so good okay second load there's not great loads because there's so many like just loose and odd shaped items boxes stack easy but the other stuff doesn't but uh you can see a little bit more in here a lot of books there unfortunately but this right here look at this maybe some pokemon and see a little anime stuff i'm just saying maybe there's a chance of some pokemon cards in here or something look at this dragon ball z right there are some stickers on top of that dragon ball z so it might be some cool stuff in here let's hope let's hope i do see some uh oh there's some legos looks like maybe spilling out of this bag right here the bag's been eat chewed through right here by something and then uh yeah some star wars games right there lego cool okay a little bit more opened up now starting to see what's behind looks like an old tv right there there's the other parts of the fire uh fire engine right there i mean that one says closed right there that's not good all right yeah i don't know guys it's stuff's a little dirty like it's making my fingers sticky i don't like that we like clean stuff this looks like a clean locker but it is a little bit dirty we got the rat turds got a little bit of greasiness on it it's a cool tiger right there um and we'll see what's in there probably a typewriter samsonite maybe not uh we'll see but um yeah a lot more bags of stuffed animals just some miscellaneous i see little kids stuff too like projects and stuff it's taped on top of this what's that pokemon all right all right getting down to the end of it here um like one more load a lot more books these books back here are not good either these are some kind of encyclopedia type books the new book of knowledge not new by today's measures um but yeah electronic battleship not great great stuff here lots of books okay lots of books this train this train set of some sort and this right here with the track that's interesting we're going to take a look at that ah this right here empty [Music] that's a bummer what's this right here another another children's book so not liking that stuff bring it home go through the boxes the boxes have some hope all right let's see dang it all right i got all in the in the van uh easy load very easy load this actual wardrobe box was here before so i just put some of the bulkier loose clumsy items in there just keep it contained and i might stop off at the thrift store on the way home and see if they'll take all these books because that's just a wasted space right there and maybe if they take that old tv too all right i'm headed out and what's kind of funny is that right in front of me one of these units right here are the is where uh we bought the train unit that big collab unit that was amazing amazing locker it was right there all right i'm on my way home i'll tell you so far not love it i'm not in love with this one i think i i knew i overpaid but i think i grossly overpaid on this one it's not the rest of the stuff didn't have the feel that i thought i read on this one i was seeing older toys and i i don't know those few pieces of older toys a lot of the other stuff like the children's books they're older but they're just not high quality and they're not collectible they're not valuable and i'm not seeing the value there but here's the drama on this one so yesterday i was at the flea market i was bidding on my phone snatch this one up just stupid pricing right i mean i just it was just dumb to bid that much money i finally got it so on the way home from the flea market i stopped there it's on my way home i pay for it i go to pay for it and then anything that sells over a thousand dollars at public storage needs manager approval so i sat there for about an hour waiting for it to be approved and then i was told that oh sorry we can't approve this today we gotta wait till tomorrow morning why well because the owner has been a customer since 2004 so 17 years great customer always pays on time then they just dropped out of communication so they don't know they they didn't feel comfortable letting it go without like basically one more round of due diligence probably gave her another call probably double checked that they sent all the letters out and everything uh this morning i got the green light so anyways i thought i was going to start this video yesterday i was already i had my trailer and everything and then i was told uh no yeah you gotta wait all right guys it's getting tough to buy lockers these days very tough all right guys we are at my locker all right i came this morning and actually took some garbage i had a lot of garbage that has been accumulating here like when i go to the flea market bring back garbage if it's not enough to go to the dump right then i kind of just staff stash it in here go to the dump when it's convenient and so that's what i did this morning i got a nice little area to work here so i got some tables so let's get to it let's see what we got in here all right you brought the van with me oh okay yeah i didn't get to the thrift store take those books out i'm gonna regret that now because i've been nice to get that out all right let's get started dragging some of this stuff out i'll bring it in there we'll start unboxing in there and see if we well let's hope those boxes have some goodies i got a lot of money to make back this is a tonka made the usa fire truck right here this might have a little bit of value huh that's uh that's kind of interesting oh yes look at this okay this samsonite luggage i like that it has the pokemon ball sitting on top because i don't know i'm kind of hopeful maybe it's filled with pokemon cards what do you guys think how about we find out right now is this full of pokemon oh maybe we won't be finding out right now oh nevermind i thought maybe it's locked nope just not opening it all right are you ready on a one on two three not pokemon cards what do we have here great state of texas a hundred dollars well that's a little different okay let me get some photo personal photos personal photos more personal photos thing's full of personal photos i wanted pokemon cards that's not pokemon okay yeah well the little suitcase is nice that might sell at the vintage market and the pokemon plush is kind of cool number 25 pikachu huh all right let's see what's in here okay that's a dirty bed spread or something comforter a couple of books right here whoa this is really old 1942 pretty old it's cool but this is more interesting to me right here star wars death star assault game the top on this is a little dirty let's clean that up if this is going to be sold i don't even know if it has any value oh that's kind of cool now whoa neat all right not much to it but is that all that's supposed to be it's not very fancy you think it'd have like stickers or stuff on it i can't imagine that's worth too much because it doesn't seem like it's just really all that nice really but still star wars what's this one lego time cruisers game all right just missing any stuff in here it doesn't even look like this original stuff vortex jumanji game this got in value if it's like an original one or something not much to that either okay blanket oh yes and this heartbreaker right here the star wars piece that could have been worth a couple hundred bucks actually this one seven one nine zero it could be worth a couple hundred bucks if that was complete i think that's the bottom the bottom lid you know we still might have the pieces in here but it won't be it probably won't be complete because it'll all be out of the box and uh yeah yeah that was the beginning of the disappointment in this one okay what's ho okay what is this millennium falcon all right but it's taped a broken part right there this is not like uh the 1970s it's too small for that this is something later but this is still kind of cool looking for any kind of like gear maker or something give a little bit more information i'm not seeing too much this is looking pretty grody what's up with this it's like they glued these shut right here this is looking all glued on or something right there gosh this kid this one too it's all glued i think that was landing gear or something and it's all glued together that's unfortunate this is all glued on too it's like he broke up all the stuff and then glued it all back together okay all right what's this i'm having real trouble finding any maker marks on these things how's that even possible so m m dispenser is this good piece but 1991 believe it or not that's 30 years old but look at the condition it's just all scratched up very rough very rough condition on all these toys which um you know when you're a kid you play with your toys that's what you kind of expect but i was hoping for more of a toy collector you know like someone who collected older guy maybe who picked up some older toys and starting a collection it's kind of what i was feeling but oh boy i was wrong on this one triceratops or something right here what's inside of it though i don't even want to know [Applause] a sock nope not doing it there's some kind of transformer buzz lightyear right here this one doesn't look like it's wrecked like the other ones it looks a little better condition that's neat 2000 trend masters inc that's some sort of little robot right here looks like you put something in there too maybe like a card or something strombecker 5250 battleship made in the usa well hey got something in the usa that's good that's a little better tech deck oh these are those little skateboards those little tech decks skateboards and here's the extra parts for it parts and pieces that's kind of a neat piece a couple more millennium falcons all right what's this pardon me hmm all right it's supposed to dispense something it's pretty cheap holiday creations 2001. oh brain warp [Music] all right trophies miscellaneous stuff here's some little caps for cap gun there's a little pokemon gotta catch them all it says 2000 nintendo all right now here's the cap gun right here [Music] okay you guys ready take those little caps i haven't done this since i was a kid here we go [Music] that was cool that one didn't even pop that was just from one heck allowed it's a dud dang you know what i'm about to bring that home and show my girls they'll get a kick out of that they've never seen one before i don't think harley davidson police another dispenser missing the lid this time space shuttle that looked good for a second i said some coins it is a piggy bank and it's open oh there's a gi joe right united states army pretty cool it looks like a newer gi joe to me oh there's pokemon missing the battery thing though pokey decks there it goes okay i wish the battery compartment was in here it's not the there's some fake blood though oh that does look real all right guys you ready oh just kidding you'll see that at the beginning of the video ah that's hecka funny all right i'll take that home too [Music] gotta take the fun stuff home okay this one here says clothes let's see feels like clothes looks like clothes that's close in houston t-shirts underwear brand new come on something better where is it i thought i saw star wars in here somewhere oh there's the star wars shirt i thought i saw one in there yeah that's cool size large i like it but i don't like this jackie chan adventures what's that okay that's a little different okay let's see what's in this backpack which is a little heavy which could mean paperwork or it could mean something better let's see [Music] something better not bad i don't know what that is stickers but this that's uh yu-gi-oh cards i think oh yeah oh yeah oh they're in a little bit rough condition though yu-gi-oh yeah a little rougher condition but somewhere still finding something a little better yes a little better pokemon sapphire edition that's the gameboy games those are those are some money i have found those before mint in the box sold them uh for good money that was some years ago unless we get in here there's a glass marble as a pendant a little necklace we got here we got some money we've got some money canadian and pennies okay not too much but hey it's something oh it's this dang for those little like they're like tops or something they're like battle spinners or some something goofy like that but sterling silver charm jewelry uh container and that's click bait right there a couple more pennies a couple kids books more kids books it's a decent couple bucks for all of them to combine i mean i need some bigger money in that we got a lot invested in this locker we got to get it back got to get it back more books nothing in this one oh man there's the books i thought i felt like books bambi looks older let's see when this was made i like finding older books 1956. we'll put that aside pokemon book [Applause] i want the pokemon cards put some leaves in the glass jars that's what hoarders do what's that little puzzle or something okay look at this yamaha little recorder right yeah recorder this one says boring binder okay well let's not oversell it here kid he was right he was right there was no clickbait in there that's cool 3d cover there um yeah schoolwork that is definitely boring it was boring when i was in school and it's boring now [Music] [Applause] electronic battleship that might have a little value i don't know okay and this is one of the pieces that we saw in the pictures that made me want to buy the unit it's not put together can't tell if it's complete or not then that's kind of cool i have to look that up well you'll see i'll put on the screen what is that worth that's a little neater though i like that and then this one i think i looked it up and it did not have a significant value on it so yeah i was a little disappointed by that all right next box paperwork miscellaneous and that's what it appears to be wasn't even closed it's open like that king cars uh so depressing let's throw some money i haven't found one yet okay there's a couple of keychains hawaii and a playboy logo they look like they're vintage the hawaiian one's actually really cool it's brass and then here's a little sink crisper charm put those aside okay next box looks like toys yeah here's a nice buzz all right we've had them before think way the batteries are barely holding on it does work kind of a cool little gun here but the battery uh door is missing that's happened a lot on this one harry potter mirror of aerosaid magic trinket box huh yeah this is actually kind of nice it's heavy yeah there's harry potter huh and there's his appearance oh how cool yeah that's nice yeah what else we got in here oh looks like game pieces or something you guys know what this is for commander it says that looks almost pokemon-ish if you can use pokemon in a sentence like that these glove little souvenir thing what you got in here oh this is just a big box of toys broken toys apparently that has an old battery right there it's probably an old toy made in france what the heck oh my goodness all right man there's just a ton of toys in here and unfortunately like look at this one for example it's really dirty these were some dirty people they did not uh did not keep a clean house and they didn't keep their stuff in good condition and that's really too bad oh there's a little homie okay this is some kind of yo-yo cards or something but they're thrashed these are metal right here 1992 toy max ink all right reserve this is metal this is some sort of a mold maybe it's play-doh maybe it's maybe something else [Music] something better there's an old camera instamatic 20. pocket camera there's a piece of stuff in here you know and then there's just some straight up garbage in here i don't get it there's a power ranger action figure i think we're gonna have to bring this home i really don't want to be here all day in the storage unit so i think we're gonna have to bring this home and go through everything and get rid of the trash like this and then uh pull out those pieces like that looks interesting a little sword arm it's a little jewelry pouch here but nothing in it yeah i think we're gonna have to go through all this stuff and sort it real well and pull out any like action figures and better items and put those maybe into a lot and sell them in our auction there's some battery compartments right there it's probably the battery compartment some of the toys oh man look at this number one dad there's nothing in there oh oh fine jewelry okay hold on now okay this is uh [Music] what the heck
Channel: Locker Nuts
Views: 18,143
Rating: 4.9198856 out of 5
Keywords: storage auction, Abandoned storage, storage, storage locker, storage auction finds, storage auctions, storage auction locker, abandoned storage locker, found in storage locker, found in storage unit, #extremeunboxing, found money, found cash, how to make money, big profit, selling items, making money, storagetreasures.com, unboxing, treasure hunt, gold, silver, silver coins, jewelry, found treasure, found gold, vintage toys, Pokemon, Lego, Train sets, DragonballZ
Id: ZoDpkW0Lt-I
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 47sec (1967 seconds)
Published: Fri Apr 02 2021
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