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[ Uncle Dave ] BOY! Yeah, I'm up I'm up what's uh, what's going on? [ Uncle Dave ] Tell them it's too late. [ Civvie ] Can you not do this. This is weird. [ Uncle Dave ] He must die so they do not live. [Insect chittering] [ Civvie ] Alright I'm done. Fucking time-traveling robots and apocalyptic plagues. This is the address of the lab my Frank used to use you guys go nuts. SWAT that shit. I've-- i've had it. So anyway, I gotta talk about Monolith. I'm really glad that they pulled it out by the year 2000. LithTech 1.0 their first foray into 3D, their Quake killer... It didn't go so well. I'm gonna try not to talk about Blood 2 'cause today we're doing Shogo Mobile Armor Division made on the same engine and sharing some of the same problems. Don't click away. Do not click away! Even though Shogo came out first it's way better. It's not what I would call "good," but it's a step in the right direction. Shogo might share graphics, sounds, effects, and music with Blood 2 But that's only because Blood 2 was patched up with Shogo assets and shoved out the door. You would have done it too, don't lie. This is one of those games where some people like it some people don't. It's not like Blood 2 where it's just a piece of shit and it's a mess. I mean it is a mess, but it has its fans? Shogo is about mechs, guns, and Japanophillia I don't watch the anime myself the box art here very stylized to be w-- Oh man, you guys, uh... Okay, if you're gonna play this on modern systems, it's not quite as easy to get running as Blood 2. You get weird performance issues if you don't use a wrapper like 'dgVoodoo2' and no matter what I always get this mouse cursor in the center of the screen sometimes. I don't want to dwell on that stuff. It's not a criticism. It's not like they knew that Windows would become a fucking tablet OS. You guys are gonna get the story of Shogo just like I am. Fuck the manual. We need the opening text It's good, it explains everything. I've lost too much to this war my brother, Toshiro Kura, the woman I love Baku, my childhood friend I can't bring them back but I can avenge them. Every rebel CMC soldier and fanatical Fallen terrorist I wipe off the face of Cronus brings me a little closer to peace. That, and Kathryn, Kura's sister who I've been dating for the past several months. It's kind of complicated-- No,. that's very simple It's just weird. A UCA reconnaissance mission in the abandoned city of Avernus is going disastrously awry enemy forces have come swarming out of the access tunnels and Fallen drop ships have deposited MCA squads in the path of your retreat. Are you worried about these guys invading? Why don't you put a wall of text in front of them? [UCA Operator] Recon for fallback to drop point renegade for immediate evac. We're picking up Fallen reinforcements approaching from the south-east Get your team clear ASAP, over! [ Cdr. Sanjuro Makabe ] All right, let's move. The whole area is gonna be slag in about two minutes. [ LCdr. Kathryn Akkaraju ] We can't wait long, so be on time for once in your life. [ Sanjuro ] Be nice. [ Civvie ] Oh man, that sucks. You got stuck with the evil sister. Okay, so mech combat, I'm just gonna say it This is not at all what I would expect out of a mech combat game because you still move like a 90's FPS game except Like, everything is comically small. I'm not gonna lie. I kind of love it. Look at the cute little cars Look at the little people you can gib into what looks like hundreds of gallons of blood Back aboard the UCASF flagship Leviathan you and Kathryn find a few precious moments of peace before you prepare for the mission ahead I'm guessing the objectives for this one are to take a live sister to pound town in space and reflect on-- oh no. Oh No! Oh his fucking face, his torso, it's disconnected like it's growing out of his belt. I know what they're going for but, No! [Gordon Ramsay] Fuckin' Raw! [ Adm. Nathaniel Akkaraju ] Commander, Make sure to stop by regional Diagnostics you can access the database for background information on your mission. [ Civvie ] Oh, hey Gideon. [ Sanjuro ] Yes, sir! [ Civvie ] Yeah, you pick up your ID. You've already got two pistols and we're ready for action. Yeah, the game makes that noise whenever an enemy is alerted to your presence. Every time. [ NPC ] Hey buddy watch where you're going. [ Adm. Akkaraju ] Kill that traitor. These dual pistols aren't bad. They're outclassed by the assault rifle, which I get immediately after killing these guys here These guards show me how the critical hit system works. It seems random to me when you get a critical hit. A purple light happens and then you get some health back. That's actually really useful. It would be really cool if I could control when it happens. Unlike Blood 2 this game has weapon reloading. You're not told how much you have in the magazine It's 60 in the assault rifle. All these guys drop ammo so I don't really have a problem with that. So far, this ain't bad. Let's get our mission briefing [ AI ] Importance of 'Kato' derives from its reaction to high temperatures. When burned, Kato passes through several stages of recomposition before missing its volatility Each of these stages produces an impressive amount of energy, but it's what happens at the subatomic level [ Civvie ] Yep! Boring. [ AI ] The first colony Avernus, was founded in the year-- and became the new capital-- This military Is attributed to the leadership of a man known only as Gabriel. Following the death of Ivan Isarevich-- Nearly a third of its soldiers declaring loyalty to Gabriel and the Fallen. Cronus, a semi-hostile terrestrial class 'K' planet is only partially suitable for human colonization [ Civvie ] Hey, Monolith all this writing and backstory and shit for your game is really cool and I appreciate the effort you put into it. That being said... Fuck this! I got a train to catch. [game audio] I guess it doesn't let me on the train, on account of the fact that I killed all those people. Or maybe it doesn't let me on unless I kill everybody? Fine, we'll do it your way. [ Kathryn ] "Hey sweetie you're wanted in MCA Dock S. Don't forget your ID, I think I saw it on the nightstand [ Sanjuro ] Thanks Kathryn. [ Sanjuro ] Reporting for duty, sir. [ Adm. Akkaraju ] Good you're here. I'll get to the point Your mission is to find and eliminate Gabriel at all costs. If Gabriel is allowed to continue, the Fallen will destroy the CMC and gain control of Cronus if this happens the flow of Kato throughout our system will cease. This cannot and will not happen. I'll see to that myself if I have to. [ Civvie ] You also get a shotgun that looks like a derpy version of the one from Fear. It's cool. Very nice. I guess because I killed the Admiral. It's not letting me pick a mech So I reload and pick the one with the most combat durability. You ain't fooling me again Monolith. This damage system is fucking weird, and I'm not taking any chances. There's a whole different weapon set for the on foot levels and the mech levels. In the mech you get a pulse rifle. Which is okay, I guess? It's good for catching the tiny soldiers with splash damage and you get the laser cannon Which is exactly the same as Blood 2's deathray. I already know to stay far far away from explosions in this game. [ Samantha Sternberg ] Who the hell do you think you are busting in here? I'm gonna kick your ass!" [ Civvie ] Oh shit, a voiced character is attacking me. That's uh, that's gotta be important. Let me use this gun, the Juggernaut, which is Blood 2's howitzer Except it works in this game. Not like my AI companions who are... stuck in a loop here Nah, it's fine. I don't need you guys I got this. You get to the walls of this city and your best bet in combat It's just unload as fast as possible on the enemy and this is-- okay-- This is really giving me some Blood 2 flashbacks, now. You pick up a rocket launcher that shoots 4 rockets in a volley. It's kind of cool, but still instant hits are much, much better. There's a vehicle mode for the mech too, but I never used it. It goes a little faster. You make it into the city. [ Kathryn ] You should be able to track Gabriel down there [ Sanjuro ] Mind if I do a little window-shopping first? [Kathryn ] "Very funny." [ Hank Johnson ] You got company coming, hotshot. [ Sanjuro ] Who the hell is this? Friend of a friend, Hank Johnsons the name. [ Civvie ] Oh, yeah, Hank Johnson the man with the name of a porn star and the face of a dwarf warrior. [ Sanjuro ] Who the hell is? [ Hank ] Friend of a friend, Hank Johnsons the name. [ Sanjuro ] Which friend would that be? >> A good one. [ Civvie ] I can't really stop shooting to listen to ya' man. I got tanks to destroy. These cars that are all still here after that earthquake and all that, they explode. They usually have armor or health in them. Just don't stand too close. Your mech weapons are pretty much all given to you in this part of the game. Pulse rifle, Laser cannon, Rockets, sniper rifle that zooms in and acts like a machine gun But since this game doesn't have a secondary fire button you got to hit the number key again to get that zoom. The Shredder is like a rapid-fire version of the Juggernaut and your Spider Launcher which launches a mine, which is fine I guess but when the enemies have it, it sucks You get a double jump in your mech which isn't like a double jump in other games. It's a high jump. It's not double tapping jump, It has a separate button. Yeah. Okay. Fine. [ Hank] Ever hear of Uziel? [ Civvie ] No >> It's Gabriel's right-hand man. The bastards close by, so, uh, be careful. [ Kathryn ] Sanjuro, what's going on?! [ Sanjuro ] Kathryn? [ Hank ] Get out of there Sanjuro, it's a freakin' trap! [ Sanjuro ] What the? [ Civvie ] Stop! Stop. This is some classic LithTech One-Point-Oh shit right here. Guy appears out of nowhere Holding one of the biggest guns I've ever seen. That's so big it clips into the walls of the tunnel [ Gordon Ramsay ] Fuckin' Raw! [ Uziel ] Sanjuro? I know you. [ Sanjuro ] Who are you? [ Uziel ] Get out of here, I won't spare you next time [ Fallen soldier ] He's running away. Excellent [ Hank ] Them Fallen bastards are jamming your comm signal. [ Civvie ] How you talking to me then, Hank? Is it dwarf magic? [ Hank ] You gotta shut down their interference array. Go back out the way you came in, but watch out for Fallen reinforcements [ Samantha ] There you are! Prepare to die, maggot. [ Sanjuro ] You again? [ Civvie ] Oh hey Sam, what up girl. [ Samantha ] You're so mean! All these tunnels in areas that are clearly designed for giant mechs and not for people. Like, ventilation shafts that mechs can go through I'm confused by this. I'm not gonna lie And since there's no 'use' key in this game you walk up to stuff and bump it to activate. Like these touch pads that activate elevators that can only be activated by giant mechs on the touchpad. Uhm? [ Hank ] All right, listen up. There's two main ventilation shafts A and B and four secondary shafts 1 through 4 You have to reverse the airflow in 'shaft B' so you can ride the wind current to the upper level. Right now it's sucking air into the filters. You jump into it now and them fans will chew you up good. [ Civvie ] Yeah, but that's not what kills me, the heat system kills me. I didn't even notice it at first. I just thought I was randomly dying because it's a LithTech game. Once that's done, it's time for a real honest-to-God on-foot section. This knife is good for breaking open crates and getting a silenced machine-gun. I'm not even trying because I'm gonna say it's an Uzi and it's probably a MAC 10 and then I'm gonna say it's a MAC 10 and then some fucking gun pedant is gonna go and say "no civvy its MAC 11." The on foot combat is a complete mess There's a way to play it but outside of your mech and inside of your mech, for that matter. Any direct fire will kill you pretty quickly This is best explained with the shotgun. Enemies with shotguns can one hit you at full health, and you can one hit an enemy with the shotgun but you don't want to. During the time when you're racking another shell into the shotgun you'll die; 'cause any time you're not firing you're getting shot. You're forced to stun lock enemies to stay alive. Meaning you can't use the shotgun or any weapon that isn't automatic. When a game has a bad shotgun that pisses me off. But when a game has a good shotgun and I can't *use* it. [ Gordon Ramsay ] RAW! RAW! SHIT! Well, that's real cute 'Cultist speak' cool. Your silent MAC-fuck-off works But the magazine only holds 30 and you have to reload during which you get shot So you should use your machine gun because stealth doesn't matter. Stealth. Doesn't. Matter. Hank Johnson gets a rocket launcher, stealth doesn't matter. Now that I think about it. I rarely ever use the rocket launcher because explosions are death and this isn't rapid fire So not firing a rocket is death Again, a rocket launcher is way more useful when the enemy has it. Nah, I'm not mad I just have to quick save after every encounter. [ ? ] Hello, Sanjuro >> Who is this this? This a secure line, how did-- [ ? ] It's good to hear your voice again >> Kura? [ Kura Akkaraju ] Good guess. >> I thought you were dead? [ Kura ] I need to talk with you face-to-face. It's about Toshiro and Baku. [ Civvie ] You find out that your dead girlfriend is alive and the possibility of a threesome with a little incest is on your mind, ya know? Nah man, I don't judge. Anime is for degenerates. Oh, thank fuck. I was so hoping I'd get zero health sometime during this. [ Ramsay ] That's fucking raw. [ Fallen ] Don't kill me. Don't kill me [ Civvie ] Well, I can't help it there's no use key and I got a bump that console, so. [ Sanjuro ] Alright what now? [ Civvie ] So the map gets repopulated with enemies and I walk into a door and get shotgunned And so the map gets re populated with enemies. So I walk into a door and get shotgunned and we're not just gonna sit there and let our formerly dead girlfriend rot We're gonna team up with Hank Johnson, who can go fuck himself! No way. I know how this goes. Escorting some un-armored dipshit through a level? No, I'll go first. Thank you Goddamit, Hank! [ Hank ] We got to get inside this place and get you a new MCA There should be only a couple of guards on duty. Cover me while I override the security systems [ Civvie ] And you need to cover Hank because he's got a shotgun and so he's open to attack [ Hank ] Sure is a lot of mon-- AH! AGH! [ Hank ] I need to exercise- AGH! [AI] Mission Failure. ( Sanjuro death scream ) Back in the mech, it's more of what you already done really, jumpin' around the city. You get to the train station and Kura leaves you behind. You get an energy grenade launcher. Which is kind of useful for shooting around corners. I'm supposed to meet up with Kura, but there's a big gate in the way. [ Sanjuro ] There's a big gate in the way! [ Kura] Alright, head down the stairs to the right of the gate There's an open-air market that will lead you to a hotel. Look for the tunnel out in front [ Civvie ] The next section of the game and most of the on foot sections from now on are basically strafing dudes with a machine gun and quick loading every time you round a corner and there happens to be some deadly accurate asshole with a shotgun there I forgot, your machine gun zooms? It's the only one of your guns that zooms. It doesn't have a scope on it I don't think and when it's zoomed it does a three-round-burst. So... fuck that. Okay, somebody needs to explain to me why the doors in this game work this way 'cause the swinging doors... are not right. They're not right [ Sanjuro ] Excuse me ma'am, you control that electrical fence [ Mrs. Haddam ] As a matter of fact, yes. [ Civvie ] Okay, but why? >>Could you turn it off for me? [ Mrs. Haddam ] Tell you what, I'll turn off the electricity, if you, if you'll find my kitty. She ran off. [ Civvie} Fuck off. Are you kidding? Is this fucking real, find your kitty? I'm sure you can't get away with murdering this woman So let's reload and deal with this [ Sanjuro] Your kitty? >> She likes to hide in the building by the-- the pumping station. She'll only come to you if you have her toy so you'll have to find it first. It's probably somewhere in the building. [ Civvie ] This seems like a good use of my time. As far as I know this is the only optional sidequest in the game. So I go in and I find that cat [ Sanjuro ] Sorry no time for pussy. [ Civvie ] So I go in and I find the cat toy "Magic Claw!" "Magic claw!" "Magic claw!" Oh boy, we get to talk about Captain Claw! Captain 'Claw' is a 1997 Monolith game where Stephan Weyte voices a pirate cat It's pretty neat actually. It's a lot less adult than your normal Monolith game. It's very smoothly animated. I think I'll do a video on it if I ever beat it because it's exactly as fucking hard as Monolith platformer would imply "Magic claw!" "Magic claw!" "Magic claw!" The reward you get for this mission is a pussy eating joke. [ Kura ] Should I even ask? [ Sanjuro ] Oh, just ran into some stragglers that we're trying to eat a cat [ Kura ] Can you say that again .. slowly? [ Sanjuro ] Pervert! [ Kura ] I'm having trouble picturing it. Maybe you could demonstrate [ Sanjuro ] Maybe? You must have amnesia? Yeah, you carry this around for the rest of the game and it damages enemies; It doesn't kill them. I don't think, but I only tried it however many times this is. [ Kura ] Sanjuro! >> What's happening? The CNC, they're all over the place. ( squeaking ) Listen to me, Toshiro is Gabriel, but there's more to it than that, Cothineal-- >>KURA! [ Civvie ] Kura is in trouble, somehow. CMC must have figured out where you were headed She won't be able to hold them off for long. The thought of coming this close and then losing her again It's too much to bear. You almost forget that you're still dating her sister. This love triangle doesn't matter. Don't even worry about it. Cothineal though, is important. [ Sanjuro ] Hank. What's "Cothineal?" [ Hank ] Cothineal, is the reason the Fallen exist. Ah, Kura can explain everything. [ Civvie ] Oh, thanks! If you can't follow the story that's not the anime influences It's just that a ton of stuff was cut out because they were trying to make this huge amazing game and didn't have time. This one wasn't GT's fault And I feel like I have to say that Monolith knows how to design a game. They're not fuck-ups. This is exactly the kind of game you get when talented people polish up an unfinished product. Look, I respect this game, but I don't enjoy playing it. [ Sanjuro ] Ryo Ishikawa contacted me. [ Kura ] From Shogo? >>Yeah, he's using me for something; not quite sure what it is yet, but I'll figure it out. [ Civvie ] Yes! More. (clap) Characters. (clap) Please. (clap) [ Sanjuro ] I've heard about you Ryo. You're not a man to be trusted. [ Ryo Ishikawa ] The press bends the truth to suit its own agenda. [ Ryo ] You should know that better than anyone. [ Kathryn ] I just wanted to apologize for how I reacted when I heard Kura was alive. I love my sister as much as you do. I'm just-- [ Sanjuro ] It's okay. I understand [ Civvie ] Good 'cause I don't Okay, breaking Kura out of jail. This Ryo guy from Shogo is letting us walk around without triggering security and that-- that is a kid That's a little girl, in a video game. That's weird? [ Receptionist ] May I help you? [ Sanjuro ] I'm fine, thanks. Carry on. [ Mother ] Keep it in your pants pal! [ Civvie ] Fucking, excuse me!? [ Sanjuro ] Okay. I've disabled the security matrix. [ Ryo ] Thanks for your assistance Commander. You're no longer useful to me. [ Civvie ] So this dude you met at the beginning of the mission betrays you in the middle of the mission But it's okay. You keep going. It's... oh, fuck it... Okay, here we go a new weapon; if by new weapon you mean reskin of the other grenade launcher that shoots Oh, Why? Do I even need to explain why this is bad? Can you guys not see it? Am I talking to nobody? I got a question? How the fuck have I gained like, 15,000 subs when everybody up there is dying. Is this news now? That's cool. How am I gonna open this wall? Is there just glass that I can shoot? Oh cool, it's the explosive kind of glass that only appears in this one part of the game. No, that's fine. That's fine. It's fucking bullshit! [ Sanjuro ] Kura! [ Kura ] I knew you'd come. [ Civvie ] Yeah, but I'm not happy about it. I'm kind of done with this game You know, I want to put it down already, but... [ Kura ] It's good to see you again. [ Sanjuro ] Are you okay? [ Kura ] Yeah, I'm fine. >> Why didn't anyone tell me you were alive? [ Multiple voice samples playing over each other ] [ Kura ] I've been working undercover. My father assigned me to learn everything I could about the Fallen. >>What about Gabriel? Where is he? [ Kura ] It's not so much where he is, but who he is, and what he's fighting for. [ Background NPC chatter continues ] [ Kura ] It's much bigger than you could ever possibly imagine. [ Civvie ] Oh, they gave Kura a shotgun too. Brilliant. Awesome. Kill me. [ Kura ] Yeah? [ Civvie ] Whoa, whoa, no! Do not shoot the kid! Come on! ( Shotgun blast ) ( Sanjuro death scream ) ( Shotgun blast ) ( Woman scream ) [ Kura ] I told you that Toshiro is Gabriel. Well, that's only partly true. [ Sanjuro ] Does this have anything to do with Cothineal? >> Cothineal is a life form so vast that people have been looking at it for 200 years without recognizing what it was it It stretches for hundreds of kilometers under the surface of Cronus [ Sanjuro ] So Toshiro *is* alive and I'm assuming Baku is Uziel? >> Baku's insane. I don't know what he's become, but he's dangerous. What now? >>I need to convince my father about Cothineal. He thinks Toshiro is a traitor. >> Meet me at the Oshi Research Station in Avernus Kura! >> Yeah? It's good to see you. >> Are you seeing anybody? [ Civvie ] What is this shit? We get dialogue choices now? Let's go with "ya, i'm bangin' your sister." [ Sanjuro ] Actually, I've been dating your sister. [ Kura ] I'm not angry about Kathryn. Well, I am angry, but I'm not going to kill you. [ Civvie ] Okay, that's nice of you. Hey, how about "you were fucking dead!?" Oh boy, we get to do a train level. Don't worry. It's way better than the Blood 2 train levels. If you're not used to going from a hundred health to nothing in a split second, you're not playing right. That's cool. It gives me a chance to explore the other dialogue option. [ Kura ] Are you seeing anybody? >> Uh? Why do you ask? [ Civvie ] Totally worth it. [ Kathryn ] So, did you and Kura have a chance to catch up on old times? [ Sanjuro ] This isn't the time Kathryn! [ Kathryn ] Just because I've sworn off violence doesn't mean I wont crack open your head, mister! [ Civvie ] That's exactly what that means. Fuck you, you're crazy. Your sister's crazy. She tried to kill a little girl and she killed me like five times and all you UCA bitches are cray cray and I'm not into it! All these characters do is bitch at me, and shoot me, and tell me that I don't eat pussy good; and then there's this asshole. [ Samantha ] Well, Hello! Looks like I've got the advantage this time. Fuck you! So, Hank Johnson dies. [ Ryo ] Too late commander. Say goodbye. [ Sanjuro ] Don't do it Ryo. You're a dead man, Ryo! [ Civvie] Ryo runs out the door and literally disappears. [ Ramsay ] Fuckin' raw! [ Civvie ] Sanjuro is really unhappy about Hank dying, even though he's only known him for like, a day. [ Sanjuro ] Hank's dead? [ Kathryn ] I'm sorry Sanjuro >> Ryo is gonna die and it's gonna be bloody! So, what now, you have any ideas? [ Civvie ] Yeah, but? [ Uziel ] This is as far as you go Sanjuro. [ Sanjuro ] Please, Baku. I need to talk to Gabriel. >> I don't think so. [ Uziel ] We'll finish this later! [ Civvie ] I can't take his big gun and I don't even know what it does. [ Gabriel / Toshiro ] You cannot hope to defeat us. commander. [ Sanjuro ] Toshiro, you're in danger [ Gab / Tosh ] No brother, you are in danger. More than you can imagine. >> You don't understand I have to talk to you Very well, I will meet you in the History of Warfare Museum in Avernus. [ Civvie ] Okay, you know what my real problem is here with this game. It's not just that the cutscenes are boring. It's that the game's difficulty in the game itself This right here-- this is the first on-foot level and it's basically the same as the last on-foot level The first mech level is the same as the last mech level and I'm not even talking about how they reused that city level like five times. There's no progression. The whole thing is one long flat line. It's not raw. It's fucking dead. [ Gabriel ] You must choose your path Sanjuro. We will offer a bargain: swear allegiance to us and your brother will be spared. Providing that you can prevent your Admiral from destroying Avernis If you choose to pursue your mission, you will learn the true power of Gabriel. [ Civvie ] I don't care! I don't, and I don't trust anybody who demands that I pledge allegiance to them So, nah. Second, the two dialog choices in this game can fuck off. I know there's another ending if you take the other dialogue choice, but I didn't play it [ Sanjuro ] To hell with your bargain! You took Toshiro from me and I plan to take him back. [ Gabriel ] Then you will die. [ Civvie ] Oh, where are you going? I was gonna pour some drinks and tear you a new asshole. It became clear to me as soon as I left this museum that this was the wrong move. See you enter the museum through this docking bay that your armor uses But then you exit- you're on the side of the building and you die almost instantly. No, that's fine! That's good game design right there. FUUUUCK YOU. You survived that by sheer luck and end up taking elevators up to the rooftops and jumping in on the vents that blow you around and... You guys hear that? Do you guys hear that? That's 'Stayin' Alive' right? You guys that's not my imagination. I mean, we'll know when YouTube claims it Once you exit the city you can get into the snow areas that are not really indicative of this skybox here, thats... There's one more weapon you get, the 'Red Riot.' It's a nuke on a stick. It's great, really; in the hands of the enemy. so immediately after this weapon is introduced There's two mech suited motherfuckers in this fortress aiming it at you. In fact, Katie, put a death reel in. [ Sanjuro ] I'm getting close I can feel it. [ Kathryn ] I'm worried. I'll be okay. I hope >> That's not a very nice thing to say. Kathryn, I really need to concentrate right now >> Fine, get yourself killed, see if I care. [ Uziel ] This time we end it. [ Sanjuro ] You are an angry, angry man. [ Civvie ] Hey look, it's Mr. "Big gun" When it says, "the battle ahead of you will not be easily won" that is a bald-faced fucking lie. [ Kathryn ] Shogo dropships are approaching from the southeast, it's a trap! [ Sanjuro ] Great. [ Gabriel ] Welcome, brother. Let us embrace. You cannot win. [ Sanjuro ] We'll see about that. [ Civvie ] So he's got a big sword it'll kill you in about two hits. Avoiding him is easy He has no ranged attacks. You got to shoot the Cothinian thing in the eye and then it lowers his shield and you can shoot him. To be fair, it is a big sword. So then he falls through the floor and Ryo shows up. [ Sanjuro ] That's gotta hurt! Toshiro are you alright? [ Toshiro ] I- I think so. [ Civvie ] Wait, where are you? [ Kathryn ] Way to go Sanjuro, we've got the Shogo fleet on the run. How's Toshiro? >> Ok, I guess. I mean, for a guys who spent the last year as a sock puppet. And how are you, my love? >> Me? Let me sleep on it for about a week then ask me again [ Kura ] Good work, Commander. Mission Accomplished. I look forward to debriefing you. [ Kathryn ] Watch it, you little hussy. [ Civvie ] Weakening Cothineal freed your brother from Cothineal's influence. But the tremendous strain of his long psychic imprisonment has taken its toll. His demeanor has always been-- ♫ How'd I Do - Lee Jackson ♫
Channel: Civvie 11
Views: 602,896
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: cv11, civvie's dungeon, civvie, civvie11, civvie 11, cv-11, shogo, mad, mobile armor division, review, recap, monolith rules, monolith, lithtech, raw
Id: kmCwdC9FBH0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 11sec (1931 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 13 2019
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