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welcome to the Somers Point flea market [Music] [Applause] [Music] all right good morning everyone it's a fresh beautiful morning out here look at this little guy little landeta living the best life out here what's up big dog the hibiscus I got for Sammy look at this thing oh man it's beautiful little aunt in there well yet today we are if you guys watched last night yesterday's video we're going to the flea market today and right down the street Somers Point flea market they do it like five or six times a year and a few times we sold an insane amount of stuff so going for it today hoping to unload a lot of stuff that it's been sitting around for a while and literally just back the car up to the trailer and hook it up and then get the show on the road for the dream so local flea markets sometimes can be better than the ones that happen everyday every week because a lot of people just come out and buy some stuff that wouldn't normally go to flea markets and also we have a good amount of mixed lots of tools and all kinds of other stuff so should be a good day stay tuned I have to just jump in here and daddy get the hitch off the back of the truck actually since this trailer was like a homemade trailer basically I mean it was about to our original II the base and everything but the top is homemade so it has a couple little things that we got to do to make it secure this being one of them put this back piece here so that all this stuff doesn't fall out and I felt this thing kind of as custom as I could so it slip right in there but it works it's just a little bit gnarly well yeah we're loaded up could even put a couple more things in here Oh Andy likes to watch everything cuz he's a big dog alright I'm Josie oh good boy alright just strap everything down what was that what was that huh talky-talky and now when I come back you're not strapped everything down we're ready to go got to do this try and liquidate this stuff for the dream all right so we're all packed and ready to go to the flea market and here comes Turner with GG and this our little pink trailer [Music] and to put that down - ready to hit this sack let's do it you knew what you saw but you beat the press Levi's making it you know it's not cheap give up I know nights you can sacrifice sleep put your guests out there see results in the week I don't think they know all right we're about to pull in here get set up I see people setting up already they were on this list don't get crazy with the trailer like they tried to that one time [Music] hey how are you I think I should be on there maybe your knee last names GRA e FF and Turner maybe is the first I've talked to I think Beth yesterday that would explain it if you talked to her yesterday okay GRA e FF your first names turn yeah I did this one before the couple times do you need anything now we're good [Music] you got something up thank you where should I go just pull around and then thank you [Music] oh here she is this is my girl that girl she's the coolest person ever compared to the other people actually I should say hey how are you good do and be out front or in the back here in the bags fine hi you know I'm gonna do in the back here see how I'm gonna pull you like through the cones okay set up behind okay does that work yes next to where the blue truck or I'm gonna put you somewhere down in here okay [Music] she's so cold she's making my spot bigger [Music] that's nice thank you [Music] thank you perfect they got their fire training thing going on here I just got here so stoked beautiful morning hey how's it going that will just set up next to this guy all right yeah I just I didn't know that we were getting like it's gonna go around like that you know what I mean like we're the corner here you know what I mean which is fine good not there not anymore they're done they're driving her around [Music] you you we've made a new plan tool side close side you want to put the rug out front with the pile and then the rack or the rack rug table to the table we got a lot of shoes we can put on them that's just told to that's the Thalia hell yeah I'm gonna open it that's what I'm saying rug rug rack table along the whole end and then it's just everything this is a nice keyboard that we scooped out of clean out no one's bid on that yet all right just luxury wrap that we got from beam skirt this is the bit in there this is the geranium flea market racked up on that really rail goes higher to I'm gonna put this here back and we have those hangers to do it with to hang it all right what what did you say what happened during the ride we heard a big noise loud noise and we thought it was like something we ran over or fell off the trailer we look back there was nothing there and like look at this it split this and bent the bumper down so I don't know it seems crazy trials and errors of this Picard life though Wow is it ever getting gnarly not to back up not at all you can just go that way it just go through the cone in that car and then go around over there in between the trailers everything the bigger ones the whole box for two box if you want it full box no if I take some things out and give you a buck that's fine with me all right I can put it in here yeah I know you're saying if he has the ones already yeah exactly [Music] anything else that's good dude you're good you can take that with it if it goes with it yeah it does there he is what's going on dude what he got to that pens and you got the scores four days here this is my son play hey what's up man how are ya this is all when he still had he used to be in all the antique shops these are these are serious hawkster yeah yeah some of these are really cool de felix big cat I just got one shirt like that yesterday they are old some of these stuff a lot of vendors but no button behind anything damn you got a lot yeah that's my plan you too do you want this bag yeah the fan three box work yeah I don't even know how that came apart I think is a dollar Thanks if you want you can go test it but it works that might not fit that well in there is that good I can put it right here if you want for a minute yeah [Music] all right just so this a fan some clothes not bad making the sales today what's that turn that around oh yeah cuz they stick to it that's where that's what we got today does it run oh man do I give you anything that doesn't run everything you have that's broken and don't work yeah you did you're the main guy around town we now where'd you get that out of the trash that's where all the good stuff comes from the untapped dream now you got to take something in return you know I was thinking about something what is it that oh yeah well okay what's wrong the one extension no accurate and everything I don't know how that will work with the battery because you knows that that system of everything changing it works they fit the same as on a - what does they do more electric okay so what I'm saying is I don't know if the battery power it's strong enough to really power I have the gasp on that to power the day you have a guest one then I know what you're saying the batteries are weak how much you think for that I was going to try and write it maybe the main guy what's up twenty dollars go from there thank you it's up for me what you get what is this from you with this 400 charge okay that's nice I'm doing guys good what else you need my favorite joke the pink ones go this almost ripped the the bumper off oh yeah because I only have it look when we were driving here okay well we live right there so it's so close and we heard a noise and then we came here and look it disconnected the whole bumper because it only has this it doesn't have the under Imbler they open a good yeah that's bad I don't need it I don't want to put the trick I'm only gonna use the trailer on at one time Lauren cuz I can't be doing that that's crazy and they charge you so much at the scrapyard that's again that's yes yes a joke in my opinion yeah right good yeah you like that toolbox not really right me neither but I got one like that this one is a craftsman and it's like the bigger one you know that's tall I put in my garage perfect perfect you like that cord I have that one - okay - this is good because it's long yeah you want this [Music] we sold a tub of Power Ranger toys I had visions of grandeur of selling on ebay but we never did so easy come easy go as they say this is our spread right now though what's up man how are you now how are you client right I saw you at the post office but I waved to you and you didn't see me like two days yesterday maybe you send in stuff from eBay yeah living the dream right thanks [Music] how about a sir my dad's not gonna go I'm you're not gonna come just get some coffee here right yeah the main guy that's a good NIT right there 19:08 the best thing it's not even a possession of you what is it it's just someone that just happens for some idiotic reason picked you to hang out with you did her right they're taking your picture she's video on you cuz you're a local legend [Laughter] he doesn't repeat claims that's all 50 cent two for a dollar you might want him he's gonna go down to the local field and use them yeah but I had three I know that that would be fun how much they go on eBay for I mean people people use them some people leave you want that box oh this by that more than that I might not have change that did yeah but people need to change always I think that's exactly at 13 right so you gotta get out and again the morning right on the my ex a lot like yeah yeah don't let him leave it at it if they want it he wanted these years old even look at you shoes Jeremy what did you tell my daughter I didn't say anything is a crisis they think they're just seven bucks but that's the size any you know in a perfect world you could get seven for those are water but you got other today some toys few toys it cuz they're good ones huh I guess house eBay these days it works huh huh you got those toys from that guy at the end yeah I know that guy he's cool he's cool guy I like that guy alright good luck you guys gonna be doing that y'all so many times maybe I think you have my number right I do the tax man yeah some sass dollar each not bad do you want to wear this I forget I even have it on I can bring it to you I'll bring it to the car thank you making them sad lawn chairs I mean you know be stewards that's the problem that wicker steel that oh man yeah I was gonna I wanted to put that on I think we have change for that change excuse me so the wicker is it silver we can just go to it's pretty light it's pretty nice piece there's nothing in there that I'm gonna put a light lunch and anything in there is in bed they don't like there's stuff on there yeah yeah we had it in our bedroom at one point right see coming to the front [Music] oh yeah okay yeah I could probably put it down like just in the sea you could probably just put it in like this yeah maybe yeah yeah you don't fit I think yeah no that's going in goodnight you want me to get on the other side I got it perfect yeah we're just remember that it's in there you know yeah just pull it out and it'll shatter everywhere hey thank you very much have a go on see you I like your shirt party the dream thank you yeah you got anything to say nice one okay so I've realized with excessive use like we do that the GoPro batteries die pretty easily if you just keep it on so I should have been turning it off in between clips but it's hard because you never know when someone's gonna roll up and buy something but we're on the Canon camera and I apologize again for the audio and the GoPro and a couple of the videos was muffled the audio on this cameras solid doing it she's gonna ride it what did you just sell getting mud well they're going through the roof now I want to ride it it's too big - I'm too big for it that lady just sat at the gear up the geese are down south for the winter even now it's like not into here do you want to show us what we got got working with today dude you almost got bit by that dog that's your baby now huh yeah I know this truck with what they do with it can you see it somewhere yeah my friend used to have on similar okay okay yeah just like that so you got the truck now at your house the chick is allowed was so but I got to get it fixed claims heavy hitters out here have a career right dude show up blow up - of all the boys coming out today are you claiming the big camera is less creepy than the head mount no the head mount died like the battery died already where I would have had it look I knew it all the boys what's up play man what's the ground down today yeah what's he heaven in juice box like apple juice did you're more like sasquatch with that patagonia hat I like the pedal cart cancers in the wrong spot Oh it's here I know many of our outside what do you have like property 26 now yeah we didn't we do it away with the May one because they were all supposed to go to Winchester Virginia to a farm is pre that weekend so I cancelled it and nobody went you should do them every like week here well that's what we do we do kind of like middle of May middle of June we have our dates picked out so next month I'll be handing out the tap the proposed dates let's put it that way those things change sometimes you should do it every like week you should do it once a week here this is a good one today though thank you later found these clothes yes this is nice you gotta get it dude what's up man how are you that's Patrick hi Patrick you see there now music rutila Oh in Florida we're in Florida in Fort Lauderdale it's a nicer the militant yet it's Sammy Sammy just saw that helmet is that a sheep they call that it's on okay you got to turn it on did your boy just verify on the bike maybe this deterred him Dave it did ops tech skills [Music] well what's the claim dude and we're at the beach it's definitely a nice to meet you this guy does YouTube it is I knew you would recognize though yeah you get anything good today okay this is Tucker but you know jewelry is amazing here I can't believe how much jewelry we found you're gonna make some videos at Ocean City oh no no I I went up to Columbus like Columbus is close enough been going doing that but salan act no just shopping - shopping and then I have an estate sale call to go buy stuff on Monday but trying to get a video every day on vacation like we're he's insane that's yeah just because I found 1974 nice haul we thought with his shorts but yeah still they made a mate in Hong Kong I gotta go heard that got him for a dollar where'd you get that from this guy over here walked in first first stop first place we stopped so worked out pretty good that's pretty cool actually what's the claim always for that price this fan is a this thing the glass got broken but it's five bucks but there's no glass piece but other than that it's no yeah just the glass he's broken shipping you got some gold I remember yeah from elevators the camera it's not for sale not today you don't go there anymore do you not really now we only did it a couple times twice it's kind of dead yeah we went to Berlin yesterday to look around uh how was it's pretty fun a lot of new things the you know that Palmyra one the Tacony Palmyra flay they closed that one down so a lot of people from that vended there went too far left okay you two are you gonna buy anything from the stand I'm trying to right now hard prize to get a gold right well it's more I don't know what I need you nothing here I got these for you though cool one day we have to go go have lunch or something okay yeah yeah also what camera is what GoPro is that well I have I was just gonna say I have three spare batteries for that if you want them so hit me up because I was there's a guy who buys all these okay five bucks each I haven't gone there like a year though I died it's starting to get to the time where the weather's going to be you're gonna get some good shoes here look at these boots 30 cents she worn before smell it first what smell that baby I'm gonna wash it I wash these things I can't believe someone hasn't stopped I don't understand how any of these shoes are here left 34 it out no they're not yeah why isn't someone buy these these are great too cuz I have told them we've had these we've been bringing out number nine two hours around the house we've been bringing out some of this stuff too to multiple fleas and no one wants it you got great stuff here I like your necklace thank you what's going on today I went to church in to my friend Dante EP a birthday party I forgot so excuse 85 today had a big hullabaloo nice awesome they had hearts all over the tables careful stringers perfect tables everything purple to their favorite colors really all the heavy coins are claymores what'd you get I don't know how much tape do we have left I'll put them on here either perfect I might not actually these aren't bad though oh yeah like you could rock these like they don't give me blisters it doesn't feel like what else you got obviously now saying with all these launched 50 cents apiece this for this for $1 for Miami it's like a kid that's nice yeah John would what else how much did you spend today 40 at this point this was $5.00 per day signed when we did the community yard sale back in the day and it was a $20 I see you could buy these they're a little bag you could wear these they have a price of 15 but I got a pretend that's not bad this I have to investigate everything wasn't bad until I went for those jars this is an old one an old strainer man he made it to claim did you did you do this job today yeah oh man it was no help bearing yesterday that was fun dude that plumbing job was gnarly gnarly dc-7 pitbulls chamber walls man I got like this much room from the dogs a dog a dog dog dog dog piss table this dog this and then I had to crawl into the closet fix the plumbing you did it that what a smile I mean you were blessed to have that job yeah I was blessed they were blessed that I did it for them on Sunday supplying the other screws yeah so the screws at the top of the wood they go down on an angle through there em I think that cost 100 bucks credit hat just for this to at least you should take that home I don't want that just leaves its work see I'll spill it grabs the deck board like this and then the screws go down like that - fine screw that pinky I could put it up on Facebook I would okay we just successfully finished off the flea market and our bumpers pretty much hanging off the car not fully yet but it will be big Bob Marley the boy is gonna pull the trailer back for us just to be safe so we need to get you there like a receiver kit if we're gonna keep you on the trail or a new bumper but I'd say for tonight just get the trailer home safe and that's the best-case scenario but successful day at the flea see what we got here it's an action no wonder this guy told me not to show that stuff for that cheap you've got Beauty and the Beast in here that's a nice little shark shark bite right there you got I just is it you got that one little mermaid honey i shrunk the head that's that motor off that little mini bug go ahead oh no way that's nice my bad I know you - oh man that guy's a god and that fishing rod yo and some Mario be no drill bit okay what kind of you got garbage for sale here is the boy got to be thankful for people like this in your life cruising out with our trailer hey guys boy that trailer looks pretty good actually on the road be honest [Music] thank you I will I'll shoot you a picture next time put the money next to the picture like just scored three bucks to chain all right so we just got a message from Blue Bus Dave who showed up to the flea market today he's a fellow New Jersey picker and youtuber he makes videos put his information in the end of this video so you guys can check out his channel but he just literally messaged me a picture of a bunch of gold on the side of the road I call it gold some would say trash and it was only about seven minutes away from the house so I hopped in the truck and now I move Zidane down here and now we're gonna check it out see what it is II think I think he took one of the mowers but there was like two lawn mowers subscribe some other tools I'm not really sure but we're pulling up in a second and I'll give you guys the rundown but already already getting connections off the connections because like he's here on vacation he literally just hooked us up with this with this little claim right here turn yet oh my gosh you guys aren't gonna believe this okay so I driving down the street to check out the claim and I am about to score this amazing frog statue out of the trash hopefully this little kid doesn't care hey what's up man you're Mike's son right getting some gold you think that's trash too right you don't want that thing man later dude all right so it's not actually concrete but it is an epic frog Jim and I just saw the other guy's son that was at the flea market earlier trash picking right here so the world is crazy the taker life is too funny I'm at the location of where the stuff was I believe and it looks like it's gone already but I just found this and I did see an umbrella over there behind me that could be useful for our umbrella because we literally just lost one so I'm gonna get that to him so maybe this umbrella would be good for the backyard I'm hoping it looks decent we'll see when we get back punching gutters in the church right here score so we just went from forty market to total insanity right now like we market to just full Trash Pack which is so crazy gotta go down this street right here and grab some stuff out of the trash over here I just took a shower already because I thought my picking days were over for the day I guess you can never think that looks like there is a line of trash along here could be some gold say dan there's a lot this might get crazy throw my gloves on now look at this turtle and Saturday records for days that someone obviously went through a whole ton of cassette tapes I came back that's super-creepy what's this that might be worth something those records of moldy a little piece of scrap well actually this is kind of cool little welcome thing record record they're hard enough to sell it is I think I'll leave those ones this little things kind of cool the Holy Bible little wouldn't cigar-case it's got to be kind of a little bit ethics Oh silverware made in Korea on a scrap magazines books this old things kind of cool from Germany I guess there was some kind of an estate sale or something here acid-proof 20th 20th century that's pretty cool they left all the bags open on purpose I think books books books I don't want any books books are impossible to sell not true but I don't do eBay like that I'm sure a bunch of these would sell on eBay so for how much stuff is here looks like someone went through out this box is kind of cool mm-hmm I'm gonna take that or an organizer what's this that's kind of weird so I'd say not that great look books can be this evening looks like a lot of good stuff but looks like something went over at all already bunch of weird dolls - I don't like that freaks me out a little bit this guy's turned out some of his personal artwork I'm about to check this out it seems a little bit over the top I pulled down this street on it like a straight up it's like me and Sandy right there Wow these are kind of cooled out honestly you might take some of these okay take that they want this camera is about to die but look at these festive little claims I just scored here [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 35,930
Rating: 4.8639455 out of 5
Keywords: selling, at, our, local, flea, market, purging, the, hoard, flea market, yard sale, swap meet, somers point, local flea market, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey, garage sale, yard, sale, junk, tools, and, clothes, tools clothes
Id: 5T8iMSYFaEk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 55min 32sec (3332 seconds)
Published: Tue Sep 10 2019
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