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welcome back to another one of our blogs in this episode we turn in a scrap saw for some recall cash we find some ridiculous roadside treasures and we transform our cat Landis into a piece of art we are tucking Sammy and thank you guys for joining us on another visual adventure of our lives you know way you guys aren't gonna believe this look what we just pulled up on is this real no Stoke is nothing I still get that way but it gets better it gets better alright good morning what is up everyone as you can see in here with the birds singing here we are not a beautiful day in paradise living the dream so we are about to go sell some luggage a piece of luggage that we actually got from the bulk pallet and today okay we found this bike yesterday well got to make sure it's ready to rip this back panel here you know not that bad not in bad condition at all that's a good score we trash picked this little dreamer in the straight out of the trash roadside garbage so that was a mini score today I'm gonna be dismantling this putting this piece in the big bottom base piece into the scrap pile and all the other pieces there is a recall on this saw and I have the box was sent to me all I have to do is put the piece in the box send it back and they send you a hundred dollars on the recall so gonna do that and then scrap the rest of the saw and probably go out looking for some trash pickings today I thought it was supposed to rain all day but it looks like pretty nice skies out so it could be a perfect day for some treasure hunting but first things first we're gonna go sell this luggage and I have had been having some serious difficulties on technicalities stuff like technical stuff on my editing software one of the video clips got disrupted and it was making the video export fail over and over again so I finally got it to work and I'm uploading a new version of the video that's gonna come out today right now so whoo editing stuff takes forever but this is the suitcase we're selling is ridiculous the expensive suitcase but obviously we're selling it for cheap just to get it out of here but this is this is a good score for this this guy he's gonna be happy about it for sure alright this guy in front of us logo scrapped legend that we down doesn't have the truck but look how perfectly stacked his scrap is so a few I mean months now at this point we got this all from a clean-out thing that we did it was an estate sale leftover from our friend Susan we tried really hard to sell it we tried to sell it on a bunch of different platforms including it even yard sales him we never tried to lug it up to the flea market but either way some local guy messaged me on Big Cartel emailed us and said that there's actually a recall on this so I looked it up and to my surprise there was and the Emerson Tool Company which I guess made the part that got recalled has given us this prepaid box to put the piece in and that's what we're gonna do we're gonna take it apart put it in here send it to them and they give you a $100 check so hundred dollars and then we're gonna scrap the rest so that's what I'm doing right now I basically have a diagram of how it comes apart and everything and I think there's instructions in here too but I gotta take this off take this off take off the piece and then put it in the box and then the rest is just useless after that so it's a scrap metal I mean it's pretty much scrap metal anyway all right let's do this all right first thing first removing the guard and bleed but every call sit literally there's just a little little bolt right there a little nut oh it's almost off I think that's the only one not to be sure but okay so that wasn't the only one it's a little screw in there also and a little screw in here it could be using electric gun but this works too say the guard comes off and now the blade alright then you remove the blade this is the instructions that they give you removing Zee blade [Music] all right so cut the power cord that's good so there's six bolts in what's called they're calling it the carriage trim so I'm going to take off two four six and then pull off this piece master a mouse Dan in there but yeah you take off those four bolts and then this piece comes out that comes off so there it is that's the piece that got the recall this check your radio songs before you scrap them if you can't sell they give you this box sent me this box with the shipping instructions right here skip it back even a little bit of tape wow this is great service so everything's set to go just tape the box this box came in the mail [Music] that works just you gotta wet it so actually I was looking up how to take it apart online and what piece to send exactly and all the information came in the box so you don't even need to go as far as to go online but it has the return tag and recall tag everything they literally give you two pieces of tape that you just have to wet so I got it [Applause] newspapers around so that's all you gotta do recall complete so definitely check check your packages check your your radio cells and see if they got the wreath off you're gonna get rid of one you you know might make more off of the recall and just scrapping the rest and you will offer just selling it because I couldn't even get 20 bucks for this thing I'm ready to hit the post office alright so now we are going to go hit the streets try and trash pick and scrap so it is like 85 degrees and humidity is half has to be the highest it's ever been because I'm breaking into a full sweat standing here it's just crazy around here right now woo like just stepping into this car right now is breathtaking not in a good way but let's go see what we can find is this the breadmaker bread naked that's crazy microwave empty curate box eat some scrap life actually looking for a beach chair that's not ruined a couple of them for Sammy and me but that one's smoked yeah it's just like drip drip getting stoked about what I just saw a lot is this like the egg life look at this empties needs to that's it that way you guys not gonna believe this look what we just pulled up on is this real no no the Stoke is nothing did I just pulled everything in these tools we're in here talk about clickbait I got so played out never tool was just boxes alright look at that some scrap why don't you use expand yeah he's a little bit though not bad bed frame Panasonic microwave I never saw one of those blowing it up gonna have to take this thing off for sure is it's hindering everything alright so we came up on a fridge and a grill and some other stuff so we're just it's like a few blocks away we're just gonna hook up this trailer and bring it over there fill it up in here and then have all this crap in the trailer be able to feel it more so we can just take a bigger load so let's do this it's nice to be around the neighborhood scrap it up cuz then you just come back to the house unload or like I was saying that I think this top piece for the truck is gonna have to come off okay it's just since we got the truck safety pin this one goes side it holds up and on this little guy goes right across and it has both connections so you don't just switch it on and off which I never had any vehicles like this it had this one and the big one next to [Music] [Music] perfect just like this and then there's another strap you can pull that this is save your back in the long run mine has already hurt she blows when we get back us I'll set it I'm so proud of you for wearing that saddest thing is nice race trainer thing we'll just call it the back support and hopefully this fits in there all right we got the trailing field well not sales that's a lot we got the stuff we just got in the trailer and now we're gonna put the radio sauce hole stand - what we sent back to the company into the bed this is gonna turn it into the makings of an actual scrap load and now to get it up into the trailer and then we can fill this and everything else with smaller metal and stack and pack it so it's a big old load when we take it all right getting some scrap piled into the trailer now I'm gonna pull out this microwave and stick it in there in a little nook right here the radial arm guard is actually cast aluminum so I'm just gonna put it over here because that's much better pricing on that piece the topic here is to but I don't know the extent I don't know how hard it would be to take it apart probably not that bad I'm gonna try actually cuz that's a few pounds right there like ten pounds probably at least Panasonic microwave and the mic stand thick iron on the bottom and the t-squares hang out for a little they might be usable so we got some scrap we're gonna go back out and take a more of a look and maybe jump in the ocean cuz it's scorching hot look at this soaking wet just from doing like five minutes of lifting all right so this scrap that we just picked out we found locally in our own town but now we are going to explore a little further and try and get some other gold hitting the streets again for some roadside garbage and I hear the ice-cream man we are going to go at least 100 it's like do that not good should I try and get him like snatch them like grab them look at all i thing I didn't get them little baby bunny Landis what are you doing Landis Landis yeah come here good boy come here Oh sweetheart oh you got scared come here good boy look at him he's so handsome you gotta take your tie off so it doesn't get caught on anything all right we actually went in the ocean and it was not that bad could have swam for a little bit we just dipped in and dipped out but testing out this bike here that we got yesterday out of the trash I'm gonna fill up the tires and see if basically it's a good bike if the wheels are good and maybe Sammy can use it so this was one of the better finds that we found this week you seems pretty good seems like we might have scored something on I see here I'm gonna try and tell her I see if she can test it out Susie the storms coming says to see that guy's gone too fast what about the cats on the train those guys are weirdos do you like it it rides pretty good I've read it around the block secret way no none of them were outside do you think it's gonna rain does it ride pretty good all right another successful trash pick the boy go take it for a spin it does look really good until Landis and lucky poop in it yeah actually mainly Landers I found a job nice right because the tires are flat and they just bought and they want no it just was literally flat like they were too they were too great stick there to rich bride that's the thing about this world people are have so much money that instead of just actually trying to fix a bike for literally three minutes they would just throw it out maybe that's not the case but I've seen situations where stuff was 100% totally fine maybe just like a tiny bit used and they just throw it away just discarding it so not bad for us though cuz then we reap the benefits of people throwing stuff out but another successful day getting back into the scrap grind I really do enjoy scrapping it's very fun got the truck got the trailer the trailer the pink trailer has been good for scrapping so we're going to keep filling it what are you thinking all right it's about this storm piece we will see you guys tomorrow for some more claims I will show you the storm if it comes in hot also the recall piece going to ship that out tomorrow and show you guys when we get the check I'll let you know because I think that's really crazy that this in the mail and something we thought was dead in the water not sellable turned out we're gonna make 100 off of that it was worth getting alright gonna put the air compressor away and we're gonna eat dinner and go to sleep so hope everyone's having a good day we had a great day and the dream continues just keep pushing it everyone everything this is it's trying to just keep going and going and going but it's worth it look at these two for the fly and this is a can they can t get it pop okay what is up everyone good morning here we are another beautiful day in paradise look at this it's actually a really nice day little humid but so after yesterday's mission starting to come to the realization at this truck cat piece here is really nice in theory but for our lifestyle he's not gonna cut it so I'm taking this off sadly because I do like it a lot but it's got to come off it's just got to come off for anything scrap loading it up flea market I mean for the flea market this is decent but it would be better to have actual walls on here to be honest so we can pack it in heavily heavily so I'm unscrewing it taking it off and then we're gonna go around the neighborhood and go look for some scrap or some other items we can sell so that's the first plan of the day here so far so this thing's coming off you take all of them it's easier to carry in something different you want the luggage - okay you can carry all these where do you want to go with them [Music] what's up dude I'm taking this thing off the truck so I can put scrap in the back [Music] [Music] they open the beach yeah but that looks nice I like them little sculpture there what do you know about cool cool you're cool all right dude what are you doing eat help now you got some scrap for us scrap scrap yeah not today I got so much stuff you hoard it that right yeah it's almost off watch your fingers they'll turn the one up swinging Jesus damage the you just hooked me up oh I cook yeah playing hooky up he did that off like that honey cat yeah that would have been a sure yeah I mean this thing's pretty cool but not what we need okay yeah we duh that's more like it now this is actually a functioning scrap machine or whatever could actually stack and pack this thing should have taken that cap off day one looking back at it now all right so this woman that walks by every day she must be like I got homemade she bought two bags of clothes from our yard sale and Sammi had all these we were gonna donate set aside for her and she said she'll take all three bags so we're gonna drop him off to where she works right down the street so the cycle goes on we got these clothes we went through them Sammy took some clothes or these are different ones than eyes huh the mixture putting inside cuz I see her walk by twice a day like she like lives down there I don't know but so donation close and she's going to get him so that's pretty cool and we donated a bunch of bags he close to that other guy who bought the mower so this cycle continues giving and getting give him we gave mower mana as us all he helped me take the top off the truck we gave him a leaf blower because he wanted to use some of the parts off of that it was four parts really but you just give and you get that's the way life works we just brought this thing over to FedEx but they have a FedEx drop-off center at the Rite Aid that's less than two blocks from our house so we thought we were going to drive 20 minutes but really we're just dropping it off here so chicheng got to get that rebate little scrap life piece here now just the metal thank you though these chairs looks like one might be usable for you just all right went down like that all right a quick little scrap run around the neighborhood we found some stuff this thing's pretty heavy that's rally it's falling apart pretty crazy how much it rusted actually but I'm gonna just put this stuff in the trailer these beach chairs definitely we're in the trash yeah sometimes people get crazy inside oculus that's not in the trash when it was but I guess I'm gonna try and split this here and then put the two pieces in the trailer if I can this guy is getting dark here it looks like it could rain but this is what we scooped up it's big heavy railing weighs pretty good amount and then this which looks like it looks like aluminum on the feet but I don't know you know just aluminum literally on the lake very bottom of the legs and then the rest is that's aluminum but the actual legs are not and this is not it's strange an umbrella with an aluminum bottom here a little hard to get off of there so much easier with the Trump thing off see he just throw stuff in what is this thing this thing is so cost up some hockey sticks this little table some scrap might just scoop these hockey sticks to try and sell see what happens with that but it's things kind of cool but just destroyed nope she's feeding the donkeys and some totila shares some taco shells feed the babies make it quick yes we got here some aluminum aluminum chairs too try and do something to clean these off because that's a good amount of aluminum you just unscrew that stuff alright so now we're going to throw down on a little creative art session so we picked up these Richie Rich comics at the flea market three for a dollar which I would say is a pretty great deal and I'm planning on cutting this piece of wood that I have outside and we pasting we know babybullet we pasting the comics for some pages of the comics to the wood and then doing a stencil on top but see me also has this pack of canvases that she got from our friend Jen to paint up for her store so she's gonna do some like art and then this Chanel stencil on top because she sells Chanel stuff and designer purses clothing so she wanted these to be put up in her store so we're gonna throw down on some art right now something fun for us to do together you ready to do this yeah your stencil I know you're a baby you and Susie are babies and you act like big girls yeah we know [Music] Susy what you jury's inside baby's all right I'm gonna cut this board straight as I can and then use this for the base we paste the comics on top of it and then do a border with spray paint and then do a big stencil in the middle what's your plan for your canvases so there's five canvases these are the colors I have the only colors that have a significant amount of this like purple and then this bright pink like baby pink so I'm just gonna do like every other one and then I'm just gonna wing it [Music] all right so we have stage 1 we pasted down on the wood that's what that looks like and then Sammy did one canvas with wheat paste and then two with dark purples she's gonna put stencils on this what is it Maulvi it was great when it came out of there stay tuned for the finished product all right so this is what this thing looks like so I'm gonna put a little black border around the whole outside before I did a stencil in the middle so I wanted to show you guys these are my two stencil cases that I have and they're filled with all the stencils I've been making since I was young some of these are 15 years old I would say some of them are just dense was bought from the store but others this was of a fruit box my friend Tony word used to work at in the fruit section at Pathmark and I took it off the box and made it into a stencil this is Frankenstein I think I got that off the internet this is like another TV a little TV this is just one I think that been made actually it's just not TV like with a circle this one says knob revolution calm our old website little anarchy symbol this is the border I'm gonna use so that's cool this is a panda with guns that was off the internet I am free worries big business this was a picture of me this was like an art protest piece that I did about religion kind of but this is like a nurse I added the little nub thing in there this was actually I used to I would sometimes blow up pictures from comic books and then turn them into stencils this is from I think it's transmat your Politan and look it's the Ninja Turtles cardboard cutout and like I would blow it up print it out and then make a stencil out of it this is just my hand the prints on and these are like somehow you can do a double stencil so you put this down first spray it burnt like whatever green black white and then you put the top one on and put it you know it's a two layer stencil this one I actually found just crazy because it looks similar like the ones that we do he's my friend that one's ruined so I just have like stacks of these that I've been making forever I'm just trying to figure out was when I actually want to put on here this one could be cool wouldn't they do a Landis one so I might try to do that potentially this is the other book the other briefcases dentals that I have so art for me it's been a huge huge huge huge part of my life forever since I was a young kid and it still is I just I have been putting it aside lately and I I think that's dumb I should do more even if it's just for my own sanity at this point let's see I'm gonna put this down and do a Bordeaux a border I'm gonna show you on it I'll do it on there the time lapse here alright I had a vision of Landis as it's dense office so we're going into the staples and I'm gonna print out a bigger form then I could print at home of landeta and I'm going to turn it into a stencil hopefully by tonight and put it on that piece of wood the art that I'm making it's not on many other things did you get the cake they pause Levi's a blur need i say more thank you guys this is gold oh and Excel okay so I've decided on we have Sammy probably thought this one was better on this hose so I'm going to cut this out and glue it onto the back of a cereal box and then I'm gonna super glue it on there and then that's gonna give me a nice easy stencil to cut out of with the exacto knife that we bought bleeds for this old exacto that we have but five new blades so this old ones getting turned out new blades going on first I have to cut this out cut this out glue it on let it dry and then it's ready to make it the Frick tomorrow from lithographs because I use something called a score which just pretty much what I sent over on the pictures I just figured it would be something because they are in the same house and the lady had a lot of like very nice furniture and stuff like she was I think she was loaded and had stuff she didn't know what it was because her husband passed [Music] [Music] it looks like it says n/a H aan Shh yeah I mean there are nice things I do not agree with that let me just try something quick and a yeah I'm pretty sure it's it's an eight just in eight not at a eight does not look like much no yeah actually I just threw that in as a last second like that just looks like [Music] you know then you have to kind of put them back together again when you go to sell them but I wonder if it would make any sense to take them out of the frames and look at the back right if there's anything I don't know what the friends look like I'm not really sure how involved that is it's doable for sure but it could still unfortunately just as easily turn out to be nothing you know even good estate sometimes people people bought art somewhere because they liked it but not necessarily because it's you know it's worth a lot yeah alright so I'd suggest taking the two nay hands out having a look do that with the Shapiro I don't think no in either case how that goes okay you want if I see something you want to you want me to send a picture or whenever you call me back I think is appropriate if it's clearly legible you could just tell me what it says obviously if it's framers instructions don't bother but yeah you know anything that looks like it might be helpful you could either send a picture you could just trance and send me an email okay makes most sense and I'll take a look wait for that feedback on that just in case there is anything assuming there is not a look at the Hyuga love the grass tomorrow at the Frick I guess really that's about it yeah okay so are you are you Duncan uncle is that yeah yeah I I've known him since I was like 8 he went to kindergarten with my brother and through yeah I live in New Jersey in Somers Point it's like right near Atlantic City it's right near I'm like 15 minutes from Atlantic City so I just got off the phone with someone who was helping me appraise the artwork that we got from that job it was a childhood friends uncle who started out similar like us doing flea markets yard selling cleaning out houses and now he does full-on art trading in New York he lives in New York City so he sounded like he's made a huge help for at least the two pieces and I'm gonna try and look on the backs of these other pieces to see if any of them have other first names on it so that he can search those in the database so Thank You Duncan may you are a legend that was the hook-up of all and this could be a connection that we've you know we could Co could go on to many other situations not just this one so stoked also MJ snuck out the back door when I was back there talking now he's under the porch like a bad boy I see him too MJ all I had to do is open up a can of wet food give it to his [ __ ] and he came running cuz even when I miss anything get in there boy alright so I put a border around here and to be honest I don't really like the way it looks so I'm gonna shadow it a little tiny bit with the actual black so that should look cool with the black black does this is like the metallic all right as a continuation of what I was making before I wanted to add this to the end of this video so let's see how it turned out this is my take at land is land Eco stencil I know it's not gonna look exactly like them but let's see how this worked oh man it's cool and this indeed can I wanted to show you the stencil how it came out yeah yeah it's pretty good right is it doesn't really look like land is that for today it does that like he's got his little gertie I mean it is I think it looks really good it looks like a cat obviously I wouldn't why do you think it doesn't look like I mean it's not that's Landis I want the stencil nothing to do Landis's face justice but uh I mean it's better than just printing one olive law and I mean I made it I think it's goodies now why you guys think it's good I gotta finish my main piece but yeah the main main job Thanks alright so this is gonna be the finisher here so I'm putting down a I cut out the other side of the box to make a first layer and then a foot landis maybe I could put them down here and that would be cool right here and then I'm gonna put the black actual stencil on top of that so I'm putting down layer one layer two all right this is the final product hope you guys like it so good Landis follow your dreams oh you're lucky to the house that will keep you true a masterpiece what are you working on stinky yes I'm that close to dawn but hold my butt too crazy so I can get a clear angle all right not done yet not done yet okay and then the Landis Club the Landis : I still to out like outliner I'm gonna do one on the other side and then I'll just outline in pink they're looking good hope you guys like the art so that's what we made and it's fun to do things together if you want a stress reliever that's natural and very perfect for my fitting my life is art always so stay tuned thank you guys for watching and keep pushing [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 54,547
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: g70lo19xSc4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 59min 9sec (3549 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 21 2019
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