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all right look at this just was looking for something in here and look what I found now you did back there in Derry the backpack did we check the bag hey you did wait where were they in the Back Bay dude when you asked them they're in here you couldn't see him but I was looking deep you know they eat for the card all right we have a whole bag of merchandise hats and shirts and a sticker pack to send out right now we're at the post office you and then we're gonna head out to the flea market - for once we're gonna go to the flea market just to browse not to sell haven't done that in a long time so stay tuned this is gonna be fun you up on our way to the flea market right here right and we saw this yard sale going down so we're about to check it out looks like there's a lot of people here going hard should I put the get ahead man on yeah I would yeah all right let's see what these people are rolling with here we go that sector and on board right there see the price on this dream forty farm it's a nice board but that's a little too much for the dream if this working avatars that I the path takes teamwork you know like there is how are you what's going on going in tomorrow yeah yeah yeah I'm gonna bring some stuff over work it in and do it I think it's gonna be nice out so like eight eight or not I tried to get out I tried to get out here throw anything this is pop and already that yeah I started I started with like knocking on your door at like 4:00 they were here like 7:30 I'd even have one thing out on my hand because it's winding down there's not a lot right it's like toy bitcoins so they're not like if it was like local it would be cool silver yeah really cool all right moving along moving along all right so trying to get to the flea market but we found another spot to check out [Music] see what we're working with here [Music] Wow snow pants what are they snow pants not my size manic machine like your planet been nice though vintage [Music] two bucks I'll take them can't deny it [Music] [Applause] there's a tall [Music] starwars mini-fridge have cruise on the celebrity line and there was one night where everybody dressed up in mash mash parade type thing yeah these are very cool depo Oh you're even strange night with a stranger you can put them on scaredy-cat gold [Music] claims - VW does to claim of the day [Music] yeah [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] you better bring a vehicle with it we have I give him my support our chart unless it was mine [Music] [Applause] you said - for the pants get - for the pants and - for the mask and tube of the mask for about we got four hours thank you sir thank you have a good one music and Katy have in common music and candid they're both better without the rapper's that's that's a matter of opinion though these days have a good one Thanks next to where he parked that's fine alright thank you she said her windows broken like mine this is a real flea market right here right now yard sale this so maybe they're just winging it to their frickin [Music] note for real like less than a point one mile to go all right let's do this we just were driving down the road saw these nice plastic vinyl printed signs said yard sale at the 4-h club so now we're here and it is a nice spread this is cool all right we're going GoPro just on this sale if anyone saw that that audio was slightly distorted or muffled I think it's because I had my hand over it so I'm gonna try to not do that ever again hopefully but uh yeah this is like a community yard sale flea market boy [Music] [Music] [Music] it's gotta be New York on there pretty cool though yeah how much is that that's a good decoration 25 that's too much too much too much cows from the crib this thing set that is true [Music] his pride [Music] that's a Sisson right actually it's a sister as the inside has liked that 4-h club stuff we should do that because that's when you know that unless who knows for sure we scour the outside first then you stay outside first haven't seen anything yet we operate now hey how are you [Music] and so we have I manage the racecourse shirt clinic sitting racecourse sure small how much are these I'll take one where did these come from these are on their right that's crazy they still have them huh yeah okay [Music] for England [Music] they're cool that they take on the dream I'll take this one is this stuff for sale in here right now how much is this stuff it had a spot so 50 cents okay Felix the Cat I'm gonna get that - that's pretty cool look at that [Music] I'll take it which one's this big daddy [Music] it's pretty cool I'll get it never saw before ever do you have any other t-shirts mainland that's it I'll take these three [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] yeah [Music] [Music] it's not the best booth so far here how much for the dice a set for two for two about for those many handcuffs in there the handcuffs in there how much one two three four five thank you have a great day good luck some whole school [Music] sassy fairy's sassy Sally's alright we're about to go inside hopefully this is where the gold is individual vendors yeah look at that guy he actually can [Music] five yeah she say it was it's not all about yeah she said look at this Star Wars helmet what is this for rice how much is this it's cool get em all up for five balls I'll take this phone how much is this one somebody made this oh my god that's kind of sad a lot of people my Louie 1:45 did you make that party did you make them just this one okay our plan was to go to Berlin flea market and we haven't gotten there yet because we've been at so many sales on the way but let's check this out see what we got here this yard sale yeah [Music] so seven way too small 15 each they're pretty good or now this one the Fox the Fox five dollars all right why so cheap not even the Fox dude I'll buy the Fox for five for a deal the only thing wrong with that is the nose no it's my baby now you don't have any other boots like the motorcycle boots the dirtbike boots too small the boots I know but they're not my size but you're right you can't a pupper this guy I use these sometimes not this one but hi eight it's an antique that but it still looks cool it takes a like a tape a cassette like a cassette tape yeah this one is yeah it takes a little tape so I used to add the big cassette you put it into play what is this it takes this but this is a controller for yeah that's this one takes I don't even see where it says it's too high-tech for me I've been looking at this as he put it up this guy the one I had takes a dick cause the bats you hit the jack to use the door pops right off this one is vhs-c I think is the name of it I'm pretty sure but they all have different ones yeah one dollar yeah how about the Elvis how much for Elvis not bad good land did the land anything wrong with the lamp as I can't find the top piece boy it was brand-new in-the-box must go out the bottom herself do you want this for the inside of the house though it's kind of run five how do you know what's out again right or give it to my pops trick it looks like he would love it and he might like it now there are only five [Music] I'll take them and then I'm gonna get this guy how much is this guy that's the way to do right for the beach thank you [Music] no you can't ever I got beach days where judge that was on the end tape yeah that serves thank you okay I'll pass thank you though okay I got this pair of boots not my size but for five bucks I think I can get 20 for them or give them to someone that actually can fit them cuz they're I mean you can't be 5 and then we got the Fox put these in here I don't know for that price though I really couldn't deny it coming home to Daddy yeah I got him oh that cool piece around where you get it I don't know little my friend George that's nice even people selling here okay gorgeous Oh his corner all right Thank You Man have a great day good luck I mean did I heard we made it to our final destination for sales today Berlin flea market in Berlin New Jersey so we used to sell here a lot all the time and haven't sold here in months but I heard that the Palmyra flea market got shut down and a lot of vendors from there came over here so it's been very busy and packed so this is the first time back in months and we're gonna check it out see if we can find anything cool dude key we just had to check act is the dire table like cover he told me there's tear in there yeah how much is this big one no under under this oh is it not your table all right well when he comes back I'll say or I'll buy it for a dollar if it's a dark okay I [Music] can't lift it yeah this is the biggest clamp I've seen in my entire life [Music] that's operation it's a doll everything okay everything over here is do you want it fun yes I don't know that's really that's 40 you better make sure yeah yeah he's right there okay [Music] this big thing here cigarettes on that [Music] okay I figured that this is a gas tank what's this from do you know yeah how much is it how much Terry okay can you bring them up to that gate car and em about them for the yellow gate with [Music] Connie's number one [Music] [Music] [Music] seven fan service being on the ground like twice the huddle up yeah like greatcoat the higher up the better Yahoo the exact know how much is the jerseys five bucks each you can have a jacket for five months okay thank you little dirty mr. Ivar under here about this one you know these are from Italy and they're custom made cats they're made to look like real cats see the price tag this one's like ours I'm asking tennies they're Cola Bonnie since they're collect all I see see the tags you see the price tag $40 for that thank you that's it for game man which one is it 32 hours for that game a son paid 60 for what I could call on ants we know they're not mine so if I sell our in social $5.00 is getting over there that's okay actually yeah if you got one you gotta watch the college dirty yeah it's okay I wash it for sure thank you yeah we're not set up today not selling now just hanging out yeah I remember you yeah he'll do they want to make some questions listen ball game no II give you my phone number okay I would like to exchange some text with you guys no yeah you buy gaming stuff right I have a lot so you pick them up because I've never seen depends sometimes yeah if it's cheap oh yeah it's cheap I have a lot I was gonna put it on eBay but I don't I don't really post anything on there and everyone have any one of those olds that we used to play back in the day which one likes a good I have like so I have like three Sega's you have to have a lot games yeah yep so you leave a summers point right then from Wohlers yeah I remember yeah so dude I one thing win can't win can they stop it by your play see so you have one day I could I can call you and let you know all right so they give me phone numbers like yeah because I always see you guys in I never seen that speaking at video games you know we don't really I do what did you say yeah one time you said that you knew Vern from the barbershop was that yeah yeah yeah okay yeah yeah man I had yeah I remember she even saw my quake glasses somebody took that les for me she has these ones I just found them again in the backpack she thought she lost you gotta have class do you know what happened I went to do I stole the video game store Hayden can you put them down I would eat them on the counter I get to my truck then I miss my class I went inside the guy said were in there so somebody inside there they grabbed yeah he took on might be him okay good show that freaks me out there Bob what's back there startling it is real all right so we went around the whole flea market and the lady said that this clamp was $1.00 and it turned out it was ten so we just walked around and I came back and actually picked it up because ten bucks for this Wow the GoPro died but what the guy was saying was funny some other guy came up and he was like what are you gonna use that for to do your brakes and then started laughing but I thought it was kind of funny so we scored that and this two really unique items big scores the nose is smoked but it's not that crazy though everything I mean did it was $5 and the fur is a nice still which is kind of creepy we're going home peace all right I got this big boy back home and I'm starting to realize the immensity of this sea plant and how good of a deal it was that I got it for 10 bucks it's over two feet solid steel ANL company it's what it says and it's honestly like it doesn't twist all the way back obviously some of this is scraped but it does twist I got an oil it a little but it did twist it moves duh Hey what's going on so it twists pretty well considering it's like the biggest c-clamp in the world maybe put it down this little rug and just basking its beauty look at this thing okay other than the massive clamp we got this fox today which is really cool only paid $5.00 for it still got a puffy tail it's actually in great condition other than those so really good score look at this guy and then someone said that the clamp is actually for wood taking out wood or clamping big pieces at wood and then someone else said it was a for a cast and die tool big machinery to it so I'm not really sure if anyone knows the exact use for this big clamp I call this C clamp let us know please what to count down all right so Somers Point flea market is tomorrow which is Sunday it's at the firehouse at some point but we are doing the flea market as Sammy just said tomorrow and we're loading up right now and we're gonna bring this in the back and then fill the pink trailer and use that - all right I'm gonna set up the GoPro do a little time lapse of us organizing and loading so this is going to be a project in itself we got to clear off this chili before we even start using it StuH alright so we organized this what was in the trailer into a better situation and this is all the stuff from the big shed clean out still and then we're gonna go from there we just have so much stuff that we have to just sell I mean we do sell it all the time but it's just like wow this is a full-time job living this dream so we're gonna back the truck up to the shut the car up to the shed first and then fill up what we can in there and then we'll pull the trailer out more and put the rest of this stuff we can fit in there do you think we have a lot of job try and sell tomorrow you all right so we got this thing filled up pretty much and then the trailer we're going to put the tables on on the chair but we had a good good sized amount of stuff on here so this is a lot of work no joke it was pretty much light out when we started now how do you feel about that spider you saw it No I can't go over there where is it look I can't see it without the light wait there it is why is huge oh my god this spider boy is a cat big dogs yeah big hamburger all right this thing's gonna die this camera but we did our we did our duty so see you guys at the flea tomorrow Suns down going down on these so you can see the little last grasp of daylight how do you feel that the flea market drink we need to sell don't you dare make that face that Landis I wasn't making it at that booty this thang fun alright see you guys bright and early in the morning for some claims keep pushing everyone stay positive try to keep your head up gotta charge all these batteries cuz they're all dad what's the claim you well there's something in there it's luck stir or atlandis we're gonna hinge it what is that let it come out bring the light over here it's Lando why are you saying it wasn't laying there I was yeah let me see the spider give it it's the cat's hang out spot until this guy comes and bites his face off is this it's vicious [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 50,990
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: best, flea, marke, finds, and, garage, sale, scores, only, $5, for, this, item?!?!, yard sales, yard sale, garage sale, flea market, berlin flea market, berlin farmers market, swap meet, look what we found?, only $5, junk, stuffed fox, giant clamp, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, nj, new jersey
Id: b3V8KrObzsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 51sec (2451 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 09 2019
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