MWTCA Peach Meet 2019 Inside Tool Sale

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and we're live welcome back to Z would buy right shop or Nothing shop this case we're here live at the Midwest to collectors association the pp biggest tool you can come and join the Big West to electors today and then come on in fine meats like this they are literally all over the United States all the places I know where the other collecting clubs are over United States the world so you would be surprised most people are within a few hours drive or at least most people were watching this I know there's a lot of you who are like Western Europe or Australia some of the tools for sale today if any of you have any questions go ahead and throw them up I love to see hey we got quite a few people in here already so this is one of my favorites where we got just boxes of random tools hammers mallets some really interesting ones I love these two-handed two headed that way that's kind of cute yeah all hand tools well I mean there's there's a couple power tools in here but maintenance here I'll give you another pan around so all of this there we go all of this is all hand tools so I don't actually do a walk-through of the whole thing as soon as I get this to work for me down there we go I try on a swivel pot here so that the image is a little bit more stable this is just like a grab box some of these boxes are like everything in here a dollar everything in here five dollars hearty tools stamping tools levels if you have any questions throw them up there I'm gonna try and catch him if I don't catch them then feel free to post it again and this one's kind of cool right here it's a basically a driver it's a wrench for driving in buggy range over buggies one of the things I love about coming to these meets you walk up something that's like what is that and there's always someone around so you can tell you give you the history behind it mmm tool stores around Boston all right yeah there's a lot around Boston Boston is kind of a hotbed of tools especially when you go up by Philadelphia there's a lot of it there's several tools to tool stores that are just devoted to antique hand tools wrenches and shifters yeah actually there's quite a few wrenches here then there's these display tables so this one is Ohio Tool Company and so he's showing off his collection of Ohio Tool Company planes so you can actually learn about it and see how they've changed over time some of the different things that they made and some of these displays are actually really interesting going through the history of tools and you can learn a lot about them over here i'ma show you a couple of these displays over here before we start moving into those tools this one is really cool Stanly level and rule spoke shapes I know this book shows marking gauges and goes through all the different types and different versions of different types and different things on everyone it's fascinating to go through this actually learn about them how they were made what they changed over time surveyors tools this is an interesting one for you this is surveyors tape measure basically this is a chain that they can lay out and there's these brass markers on it that then measure out different distances so severe could use that to measure out hundreds of hundreds of feet it's more surveyors tools this is tools made by Carrie mckaela mckaela and so he actually it was a maker and he was gone through and spent a long time collecting tools made like these are tools for working on Henry Ford Model T's and others and of course the range the one that we've been talking about doesn't reach this thing is almost five foot long so yeah the techs you start going through some of these tools for sale and we're gonna be working around a few people here so if I kind of poke in a lot of molding planes on here if I stop I'm probably trying to read the comments quite as busy as it was yesterday there was a tool sale outside one outside is usually the cheaper easier tools anyone want carving tools chisels file yeah I would love to see other events like this you need in Europe and if you want to start Midwest or collectors meet you need someone there to organize it that's all we needed someone to set up the location and get it going it won't be this big the first year but once the word gets out and I can do some advertising and say hey everyone Europe you can come on over here you just need someone on the ground to set up an event like this and you can have it that's a cute little ads that is pretty some more Singh chisels and others a couple of bedrocks there's a six oh eight sorry move up a little bit we got more stuff up here marking gauges and these are the types of things why I love coming to these tool meats not only learning about the tools and learning about the history but more planes everybody's favorite early tape I have if a video on restoring one of these and that still has the handle man I wish I wish I could find a handle for it mine broke off and I replaced it with a wooden chunk it works but couple in fills everybody likes the infill you find a pack a little bit no I have not found a pocket little bit sorry I'm live on YouTube right now I'm talking to three people at once trying to show other people what they're missing chisels molding planes releasing all the plans well honey let's come on around over here there's some sweet things on here look at this fro beautiful old pro the mall that we've been drive the fro something similar in Europe yeah you gave if you guys want something in Europe all you do is start one there are several Midwest toll collectors meets that are in other countries and we can get one set up we just need someone on the ground to pick the location get it going we've had a couple people recently do that and step up and just say all on one and they can find the location to host it and we can do the advertisement and get people out there there are tool sellers in Europe but there's just no standard place for them to get together so yeah if you want something like this near you you can set one up contact the Midwest tool collectors there's a cool ads that is pretty that I like there's the the handle for the ads let's come on through here flush cut saw this one the the saw plate will swim around to both sides so you can cut on either side of the handle if you're up against something a couple back says there are a lot of back sauce here today some old wooden braces and more braces brass back braces some really old style braces these are really cool blacksmith made braces Stanley member 12 and luma and a six don't see those very much yeah I have an ads diction this is on my my list the shooting board plane that is one of these days I'm going to pick one of those up the price on them is more than I've got right now but one day one day I will yeah there's actually several of these shows in Indiana anyone want a 62 he doesn't have a price on it but I'm guessing somewhere 300 or so though that's a beautiful infill mortising plan not morsing shooting plane marking gauges there's some big old smoke shows hey John if you're watching John gave me one very similar to this one and I've seen anything like it before and a huge beast one of these it's on my list to restore massive massive smoke to kind of cool I haven't seen one before and it's a lot today and really made me think about it I got to get back to that big set of dividers here stalee number nine that's the number thank you the next one made pattern makers gouges some beautiful plow plants check these out and this this one is kind of interesting this this is a float that's a pattern a plane maker's float and so this would actually get down into the mouth of a thin plane like this one and you could then plane out the the bed that the iron would sit on with one of those lots of fun tools for sale today so if you're drooling right now I'm sorry you can clean up your phone oh these these are beautiful these are all bolding planes but they're tiny little things let's move on over here it's getting a little busy back over here let's see if we can slide it I had a spill plane here the other day that I was looking at buying but then someone else got it so I collect spill planes so if anyone has a spill plane they want to show me I bought one yesterday there's another one over there I'm looking at you see yeah actually there are there's actually a collection of pattern maker planes we'll get to a little later back over there but there are some cool pattern makers that's a beautiful old song beautiful beast other ads bolding Plains porn with a great brace no check out this brace that is beautiful let's come on over here some more spoke shapes chisels slick I'm looking at a slick around the other table I might buy here later some more planes can never be enough planes lots of stanley's a couple aluminum's bedrock want a good user number for a little bit of yes I'm happy here if you can tell we got some carving chisels how does the Chuck work on the wooden braces we could look at this one actually this one this one is a plug so you've got this square head in there then you would have a wooden bit this one table yeah this one's tapered so he's got right down here so this one has these huge long taper bits some of them you would have a wooden plug that you would then your bits on and so you would create the connection between your bit and your your brace but these ones have this really long shaft that goes into that one how much would protection okay let's come on over here there's another eight some chasing violets more planes number one is that lead we got over here another compass down in there sorry down little too though peach me I'm assuming this is and yes we were in Madison Georgia right now just just east of Atlanta so if any of you do want to come out you're close enough you can't come out and join the Midwest tool collectors today and come on in you do have to be a member and we do that so that we don't have to mess with taxes we don't invest with the insurance so you have to be a member to come to one of these but it's 25 bucks a year and then you get invited with these boots all around the United States so well well working in 25 years how much is he's selling the number one this number one I think is a steadily Nielson no yeah is Lee Nielsen so it's not a Stanley number one it's just a lowly Nielsen wasn't sure if it was a different manufacturer but there's a couple of the ones here sorry there were a bunch of router planes yesterday I know one guy picked up three just got picked up for under that I haven't seen many believers there's a couple odds I know it's fine it's kind of cool what's the average price I have one and was wondering the value of a stanley number one if it's in poor quality 800 if it's in great quality 1700 but usually around a thousand is normal for stanley number one they are the most expensive worthless tool books catalogs informations a lot of times people will be selling old catalogs where you can buy them where originally sold so you can see the prices and how things were originally listed old-style chisel ambles pieces still in their box oh we got an electric tool here but here's an anvil there's there's one guy here who has like five or six anvils out in his truck on some really nice ones let's come on over here we're not even halfway through this place yet natural stone that's pretty big old auger bits I would love to have an anvil around the shop I want to get into doing some blacksmithing about I haven't yet that's come on and these are always fun if you can see you can actually flip the iron around and go from both ways so you could get right up next to something or have the standard block playing mouth yep and a lot of cool inventions with funny fun so is there a history behind that just like a weird back saw hacksaw ok 8-inch hook we're cutting fairly large diameter pipe so the blade straight I'd be handy to have a little Denmark anyone looking for back saws there's actually quite a few back size of this one either they they're harder to come by here and I bought one yesterday outside this one's pretty go distance yeah the handle on this one form factors so the thumb comes around here and the index finger can then wrap around the handle feels really weird what's the price range on back saws most of these are in the 100 to 250 range back saws are not cheaper and I tell people getting into woodworking don't go out and buy an antique backside you're just you're not gonna get your money's worth for a user these are collectible don't don't buy a backside I mean go get one from like gara tests you can buy a brand-new one for what 75 bucks and you can have a brand-new working dovetail saw it's cheaper than buying an antique these are these are not for for use their for collecting now that being said I have one that I'm gonna restoring but yeah they're not yeah I bought a bunch of stuff so I'm gonna be shipping it back I have to go to the pack and ship store later today to pack it all up and ship it back to my place but well worth it beautiful cleaver hey Dylan's how's it going that one even has a depth stop still the depth stop or the the fence is worth more than the rest of the plane what's that thing with two saw handles let me see what you're looking at that thing or two saw handles oh this it's a stair saw with the teeth I'll go this way I'm sorry so the teeth all go this way so sometimes you want to pull it and sometimes you want to push it the stair stuff it's rare to have the two handles downstairs ah but someone decided they wanted it so someone made it this is more like a standard stair saw so there would be a pushing rod over here now let's get over here to all of these plans and there's actually a stanley number one over here here's a couple of bedrocks and bedrocks there's a lot of things that the bedrock does that the real ones know the castings a little thicker the Frog has a better seat on the main saw which is quite given in bedrock but for general users sake there's not a huge difference between regular stanley and bedrock though bedrock does feel a better yeah they're worth more to their collectibles here's the stanley number one let's see what he's asking on this one 950 950 actually is not a bad price for a stanley number one but to give you an idea of size that's my hand behind this thing this is a stanley number one host i was at one of these tool sales a while ago and the guy the guy had read stanley number one sitting out of the table i said wow I've never seen so many number one to one place he reaches under his table he pulls out a bin with a dozen more pretty pretty plain let's see what else we've got on this table a couple in Phil's back here a couple of compass planes here's a router good old hags tooth couple plow planes yeah old hags do fold heads about I'll be myself another seven actually it's the Winchester version of it see one chest around there the stanley number eleven actually I came across Stanley number one once a Craigslist listing in G it's like five different planes to the other table and there's a number four number five and number three and a number one so I immediately called up and said can I come look at she said yeah come on over take a look at I went over there in like five minutes before me someone else came up and walking up oh yeah here check this out it's a set of hollows and rounds you bought a number one for 25 bucks I hate you one of these days I want to get a set of hollows and rounds into a video showing you how to do molding with those Chan Rogers has a few videos on it but a set of these can do an amazing amazing things yeah often the the fence the fence and depth stop for these cost almost as much as the rest of the plane if not more than the rest of the plane sometimes they're they're very hard to come by here's the swingarm tongue and groove planes I did a video on yesterday a day before a bunch of block planes this guy around here the box underneath this is a pile of old block planes some more aluminum's there are a lot of aluminum's here I always look underneath to transitionals sorry a lot of these tables have extra things down here Stanley fifty-five box cutters this one Stanley forty-five with all the cutters the original box even the screwdriver these screwdrivers are hard to come by no Veritas makes a rabbiting block plane I think Wood River makes a little rabbiting block plane now Hardware sickle check out this spoke shade here with the bone inlay now Paulo if you want one in your country you can start one just contact the Midwest toll collectors and you can start a meeting like this near you we just need some on the ground to set up a location and get the organization going and I can do advertisement and we can get people there to do a show like this near you so if you don't have one near you start one hey and we're live again sorry about that had to fix it up but take you back around yeah someone was just saying we should have one like this in Texas there is one in Texas there's one in Houston but I'd like to get a couple of them in Texas so if you have a good location for this and you want to host them go ahead and set that up but yeah here check this out these are files that you could drive into a maple tree and you hang a bucket on it and we set the SAP comes through and out and so I've never seen him this small before I mean the ones I've used in the past look something more like this those are just kind of cool it nursing anything like that let me catch up on these comments where can you find dates because I am near Houston I'm go on the Midwest to collectors website and all of them are listed on there the one in Houston was I want to say in August because I went down for that one yeah you should set one up in Dallas Fort Worth that would be a fantastic place we just need someone to set up the location and we can make it happen we had quite a few people come down to the one in Houston that was fun some more molding planes sorry so here's some medallions I might come back and snag one of these yeah I'm gonna come back and grab one of those I want one of that for those saw I'm restoring hammers don't need a membership to yes you need to be a member of the Midwest tool collectors to join and so if anyone is near Madison Georgia I want to come today and can come today you just have to join and be a member from when you ride so yes you have to remember and that's how we get around insurance and taxes once you're a member then you also get invites to all of the meetings so we don't publish where the meetings are at one of the prices usually like they're no they're the prices you're gonna find at these are reasonable everyone here know that they have well they're looking for collectibles there's things here that are rare that I've heard to find their clothes are expensive most the time here you're going to find good fair you're gonna find a lot of people who are getting rid of their collections of and sometimes they'll be good to deal with they have good prices you're never going to find something that's absorbent ly expensive what someone's just showing you the prices here are good to fair every see if there's any comments before I continue on yeah you don't get to know where the meets and they'll tell you what the city is in where the meets are at but they don't tell you where the meat is at unless you remember bunch more molding planes this beast is crazy heavy incredibly thick plate thick crack that's a cruel saw for some reason record copied my hand planes and paint into blue a bunch more power planes a whole set of iron's there's some more in box tools spoke shapes I've got one that I was looking for tape measures a couple of the tools now these are tiny brew planes like the ones I showed yesterday except for they push opposite directions so pushing One Direction is the tongue pushing the other direction is a plane is their prices uniques that's way to do it I don't know what you mean by his prices uniques turn men this kind of swap meet is the only yeah well you mean most of all these you can find on ebay but you're gonna pay some knows an ebay it's a crazy expensive here's another sixty to a plane that historically wasn't very useful but the power tool people really love these and so the price of them has gone through the roof number two block lanes there's some transitionals halfway between the middle Oh check this out here's all of these handles and knobs for sale so where's the is able to standing one knob in here they may be a 1 there was one earlier but I show the number 1 and to show people with the size number many planes or meetings of sorts yeah I'll be at the the loves part cleaning because that's just down the road canoes over emails this is the stanley number stanley number one look how that is in my hand can you imagine trying to grip that beautiful thank you okay this is this is the type of thing so if you're looking for parts for the plane to make things work you can find it meets like this hey Kevin how's it going let's come over here I'll check out this this slip is actually a bit of a gouge and they've a curve to it brace and a bunch of Center bits these bits are kind of weird because it looks like the tip is off-center but there's one nikkor and one daggett diamond triangular tip drive-in I wanna do a video I'm showing those off sometimes some gouges just bought one of these corner chisels for doing some framework and I want to pull one of those out Stanly 40 the price on these scrub planes has gone through the roof [Music] yeah there are a lot of unique tools here that are just rare things that are hard to find like this this is a stanley measuring tool isn't missing it's missing them but it's got little extras that go into so you know they can't remember how many tools is in one yeah just weird things like that you don't come across if you don't know about it then you just ask the guy in the table yeah there are quite a few tools here that are really rare then check out this one someone took I'm guessing a Stanley four and just chopped the nose off it turned it into a chisel plain I knew they did a good job of chopping the nose off but that's that's unique some slicks ten dollars for number four you get a steal some big old ranges braces oh this one's cool this one is a ratcheting breast drill and this will ratchet so you can you can drill one-way or drill the other way or you can have it set up so that it will drill no matter which way you spin the handle this will still turn the correct way really cool another compass plane you know the race drills some more spoke shapes that no it's not it's hoping there's Miller Falls I'm sorry downloads you though five seven eight are you spending more money Stanly number eight Stanley sevens slicks yes a slick is well here I'll show you a slick in a minute there's one down here I'm looking at yes I'm thinking about buying that one now show you select this is this ads is actually a ship ads it's got these wings on it so you can cut cross grain and I'll sever the fibers on the side as well as pairing out kind of cool now if you wanted knobs for your router plane are you buy it nice you want tell people what you paid you don't want something you don't touch of it okay what's that funky blade tool at the left funky blade tool at left as you're talking about this thing this is a scorp and so you would put handles on here and then you use this to clean out like chair bottoms and things like that this thing is a miter shear so you can put boards in here and shear them off at 45 degrees or whatever Don says I'm going to tell her a bunch more moulding planes some panel gauges these are some unique pieces you don't see very often now this this is a slick so it's basically like a large chisel and you use for timber framing it allows you to get into basically it's a plane for timber framing or but usually with a large handle and usually like ten pounds and they're they're solid pieces of steel but they're they're just as sharp as a chisel and you make them keen and sharp as you can along handle it allows you to plane things smooth inside of a joint basically a big chisel for big framing well that's a molding plane wheel here look at these these and molding planes and molding planes all have a molding so they have this outer shape on them and it's basically what you do before you have a router you could run that down board and create whatever profile you wanted on the router on the plane wife won't let me buy anymore hammer sorry man yeah slick it's kind of cool I want to get into doing some timber framing videos so I need to buy a slick I've got a few things beat some more let's come on over in here oh yeah here's a box of the plate and block planes I bought one out of there there's some really good deals in there for there's standard block light show you this we see been getting around some people here starting to get a little packed next month there's going to be one outside Milwaukee here's another Stanley number one he want to part for a place for a couple times for a couple parts that I want these are these are displaying intervals Anderson there'd be four the Traveling Salesman could show what the anvil forms are and sell them alone they be shipped out yeah there there were there were a lot around of planes here yesterday several were sold I don't see any today I think they were all cold Tim actually got a crazy good deal on a lot of planes everything was just losing he got a good deal on that let's see they miss any comments collecting mini animals yeah those things actually are kind of pricey small block planes to chariot planes little squirrel tail the cute little squirrel tail oh that's cool yeah these levels the handle on this is cool I think I saw this at one of the other meets what's the best plane to have when you start woodworking hey plane I had number four number five just get a user they treat you well some people say number four some people will say number five but whatever is the best plane is the plane you have in your hand and you'll soon have more don't worry that scroll saw that thing is Purdy looking forward to getting back and finishing my scroll saw I was hoping to have finished it this last week that didn't get around to it then we got more chisels here's an old dog what are those rabbit planes selling for let me see which rabbit plane were you looking at I think you were looking at one over there I'll have to go take a look at it I'll see when they come back through yeah check out this caliper set from all the way around these are huge beautiful caliper sets well you see if there's a rap complaint over here I don't know which one you were talking about yeah I don't know we try to explain you were talking about now here's some more mostly users fifteen twenty five twenty bucks thirty-five for a good one starett these are all good planes they just need to be restored there's a great quality or parts you should be able to find a four or five from $25.00 yeah yeah those are fours and fives you can find just about anywhere yeah antiques op shops tendon makes things really pricey I don't buy a whole lot there but sometimes I find some interesting things there yeah Stanley bedrock 604 and a half come across those all out that's a nice great sergeant some more plow planes beautiful ponds coffin planes old style coffin smoothers here's a stanley 5o it's the early bedrock sergeant here here's the axe I was trying to show off yesterday and the the carving on this is really cool the casting there was some history on the the firefighters axe some chisel heads some lever caps locks in other words and down here there's Tinder's branches spokes shaves levels we've got hammers what kind of axe is that did you say it is actually a celebratory accident wasn't intended to be an axe but it's intended to be a gift for our firefighter acknowledgement kind of cool now here's an old jeweler's lathe so you mount this to your bench and then have your motor some more cool things okay let's come on over here and I bought a spill plane from here yesterday a couple other things this big piece back here really close all scorp stanley 45 yeah most of the tools at the inside meet are a little bit better they tend to be the sorry about that I don't know why my live kicked out again I got up and running again so yeah let's keep on going here small black plains shoulder Plains cute those smaller planes a bunch of black planes let some extra parts for your Stan Lee 45 here's some more slicks some more beautiful planes another 45 78 that one has the fence but it doesn't have the depth stop here's another Lili Olsen number one oh I'm stealing good morning it's hiding cute little bird you gotta love the number one boat shaves belfast no good to have you man yeah check out this old brace drill big old thing brace drill press drill Winchester six this is a really high angle transition look at how high that oh and the frogs has popped out okay it's like wow I've never seen would wait that high at the the screws what in the world happened there Oh someone just pulled it out okay I see a bunch of axes hatchets I'd love to take a hatch at home but I don't think it'd fit my carry-on there were a lot of theories about number ones or four but they were not just for kids I know kids can't fit them but they were used by woodworkers too this is actually a post drill and the interesting about this most post drills you've run the bit down against the item on the bed and this one you actually pull the bed up against the bit so you can crank the handle to run the drill bit and then you crank this to raise the bed up into the drill bit a cool thing yeah that everyone is good for sitting on a shelf but not for falling off a shelf here's some squares I love these little ones I bought mine thinking wow I'm never gonna use that it's not very useful but now it is the square I use more than any other gotta love good old squares some sprinkles there's a couple of full sets of bits here some big ol axes there's always doughnuts and food for sale for free machinist case Drock late I'd love to find a dowel plate some jewellers tools check out this for gear making making tiny little watch gears and we see if I'm getting your clothes huh making those teeny little gears hatchets axes hammers safety hatchets check out the Damascus on this one horse poo caves ah tube a cashier so you slice up here tobacco these safety hatchets this will actually fold up into the handle and protect the blade I'm sorry I'm missing comments yeah I love this folding hatchet closes all up inside the handle that's cool gorgeous cans that's a hobby little consume so if you're looking for a four and a half you sold it well so I'm just show off one over here but it's gone several good four and a half's forty five bucks 30 bucks for Sergent no 80 30 huh buy right now $10 for Stanley it's a pretty good price Oh check this out this is a shooting board playing and so Stanley made the shooting board as well that this would ride in and he had one here but he sold it so he just has this one but these are beautiful and that's actually not a bad price for 5,100 know that's actually pretty good these are hard to come by in a very beautiful plane let me come over here and get this before I move out there so we've got another half dozen tables or so now here's a bunch of really beautiful shores those ones are come by rare things in here can check that beauty yeah that's a gorgeous plane soul plane hi from UK hey looking forward to singing in May gonna be in UK then some pattern maker chisels now here's a fun one these braces back here this is the bit that goes in the brace and so they make this specifically designed to fit that particular brace and then they would get the the bits and put them in this spindle and the spindle within socket into the brace and so you would make connectors the spindles to connect to the the bits to fit your particular brace kind of a cool system here's a two-headed hammer why because I've got my eye on this spill plane here this is pretty see how they the blades at this crazy angle that is a plane that doesn't do woodworking that plane produces spills and the spill is the curl that comes out of there and that was the the brief but this did is it just produced that curl so you can light fires oh these are really cool this is this is a pencil sharpener so you'd set your pencil in here and this would shear off the tip of the pencil this one also you put the pencil in here and we'd spend the crank these blades would spin around and steer the pencil so some fun old pencil sharpeners really cool hi from Israel curious what the boards look like I don't know what board you're talking about sorry yeah that one's got the defense and up stop nice some really fun tools having fun yet here we go up in here look at all these Oh 607 bedrock 607 I love one of those well restored actually the stanley number six that's that's a fantastic condition lookout gorgeous that sixes on the 51 sorry curious what the borders like I know I love for the board for the it's a it's actually a big steel plate and that then this rides and it has a groove that it rides in so it's almost assigned so that slides easily I wish it still had one I'd love to show that to you how late is the show open today I think five o'clock so a lot of people are probably gonna be tearing down on Tuesday wrong there's a program that starts at 11:00 so here's another 45 oh here I want to show you this is this is fascinating all right so this is a box of these and these screws on top these are molding planed patterns and so you'd make these and attach them to this plain body and then with that plain body you would put in a standard iron and all these standard irons then match one of these plain contours so with this you would put in the iron and you put on the sole to this to make that contour and with that you would then make your molding plain and so you'd make your molding plate and fit that and you would make the hollow that you'd make this Hollow and then he would take that hollow and you would make its matching round so if they're hollow around or precisely the exact same thing so the hollow always made the round but in this case you'd have the plain maker that would make the hollow so really cool how much the bedrock business bedrocks are such a wild price range and some of them are cheap and some of them you're not it depends on how they're bedrocks are usually more expensive than standard clinton here's another number one i check this out chamfer plane and so you'd have on the sole has this v and you would then slide the Frog up and down to match the amount of chamfer you want you need the body you have all the bottom so well they're young do you have all the irons for your bottom so that's the big concern a lot of people will have the wood soles but they won't have the irons for them whole bunch more block planes tongs pullers more levels plane irons so if you're looking for that plane iron fit that plane there you go planes some really gorgeous ones i want to build a plow plane here soon it is it is high on my list and I want to build one like this and do the knurled nuts that that's something I want to make you soon will see screwdrivers files chisels here we got some more around over here the collection songs cake stickers braces here's something close our question is is it all cash only yet people here basically only take cash there's a couple people who will take a card but most everything is cash explain the use of a plow plain top plane makes grooves it's kind of like a stanley 45 except for it just makes screams oh this is this is a cool plane check this out this this is 90 degrees to the back and the back is perfectly straight then in the back you really can't see it but there are markings so there's a tape measure here and there's levels in here so you can use this as level or you can use this as level there's an awl here on the back so you can scratch on it here so you use this as the square and scratch across the board so it's all in one saw that lets you do pull those features kind of cool I love the handle on this one the figures is beautiful [Music] look sorry some more books you ever looking for that book or the history on that tool summer braces dividers marking gauges there's some more molding blends there's a cool compass plane this one you push this down and the whole solo goes up and down and the iron actually is mounted to the sole and slides through this frame interesting design more chisels molding planes horns more chisels so yeah that is that's about it for this meet it is quite the gathering and if you do want to find out more about these come on out if you have any questions go ahead put them to comments right now in the shrine repin here in a moment you can see a list of the cities where these are at if you want to find out more information about specifically where they're at or get invites there you have to be a member of the Midwest collection so you have to become a member of the club and then on top of that if you want to find other locations I have a map on my website if you go to our icon click on the tools tab down at the bottom there's a thing that says antique tools and on there I have a list of every place I know of where you can buy hand tool across the world and I'm trying to add to it regularly so if you know something that's not on that list it's not let me know as well as a whole list of online sellers questions I'm gonna work engage this know the Lansing so it was bigger than this Lansing show was about 60% larger than this one well this is more user tools than the indoor Lansing show the outdoor Lansing show had more tools than this one had more user tools hammers are all over the world all over the place I mean depends on collection orders a usable hammer anywhere from like $1 to $500 so you can't say hammers are this price but they're there everything here is good to fair prices you're not going to find anything as overly expensive once someone doesn't really want to sell it and you're not gonna find anything that the dirt cheap price because everybody knows what they have so you're gonna be looking at prices that are good repair in the good there she also have to become remember um no she could come as a guest well no spouses are also included in the membership you pay for one membership and spouses are what do you mean about outdoor show Oh at this meet and the national meets though this one is a two day long meet and yesterday everything was outdoor and we all were at the back of their trucks and trailers and things like that and the outdoor ones tend to be the cheaper lower quality but more user tools out there sometimes the bigger tool that people don't want to carry anything where's the insight it tends to be a higher price more collective into the things that people are show off with that guy so at the national meets and the national meets are three days ago so there's outdoor on Thursday and then Friday and said they're indoors this one Friday was outside and Thursday and Saturday let's see what's the next question if you become a member cool well I think that's about it this has been a lot of fun and if you do have any questions I didn't meet let me know you can send me a message on the website I'm looking forward to seeing you at the next week I will be at the one in Milwaukee Wisconsin I want to say it's February but I never win you have to look on the Midwest electors to find out Lindy it's just south of Milwaukee and then the next one after that is just down the road from my house and Loves Park Illinois so I'm hoping to see one of those and I will also be for Nationals the National meet in Peoria Illinois that one I'm going to be doing the demonstration and talk on Thursday and that will be free to anyone you don't even remember to come to it now see you around you see if there's any last comments I'm missing I'm coming to UK and May for Maker central cool so I think that's about it and until next time
Channel: Wood By Wright
Views: 11,242
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Wood By Wright, woodworking, Handtools, Hand tool, Hand Tools, Hand plane, Hardwood, Hardwoods
Id: Ox0538tpi_4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 65min 35sec (3935 seconds)
Published: Sat Feb 02 2019
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