Last Minute Local Flea Market Set Up - SELLING AT SWAP MEET!

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all right what is up everyone here we are another beautiful day in paradise just pulled up to the local flea market here in Somers Point and we're throwing down all right all the heavy crews are coming out and now this is a late start this play unlike most of the ones we go to don't you dare ever show me nothing to kindness she would say I know outside you get some names I still get that way but it gets better it gets better it gets better hey how are you hey sir place is available for today yeah okay I might be on the list I did it last time great china night I didn't pre-scheduled but yeah GRA PFF and you want to be outside yeah I don't know do you meet the table no I have tables okay it's repeating thank you where should I go okay yeah I know you're talking about thank you hey how are you so we were told to find you find me yeah you need a space mm-hmm okay there's lots of spaces up along side of the fence okay okay so if you couldn't go around a little bit further you'll see there was space behind a big white truck and then on the other side there's like a reg trailer and so on that all the way out to the front okay she's with me - can we park next to each other or is that not okay okay but you can unload and then we get it out of the way okay perfect all right we just pulled up to the flea market legendary sorry my way doesn't work so the front front of the fence up there all the way at the end where the road is yeah she can park along this way okay thank you very much so she hooked it ah Oh Jersey Devils those things are sick man what a dream all right what is up everyone here we are another beautiful day in paradise just pulled up to the local flea market here in Somers Point and we're throwing down but there's like a film of like dirt sludge or something on I don't know how to explain it like well miss Deering wheel I want everything but mostly on the steering wheel I was like steering the car like this cause like it's like this Chuck's luxury I don't know what she's talking about the God himself what's the claim I got too much nah you'll fit here spot right here yeah sure you don't think you're gonna fit it nah dude yeah I'll move this a little bit yeah this guy's so savage you brought like the big big big dog trailer well he could just back it up oh they brought the doubler all right it's going down throwing down problem is we sit here and set up all this and then where is everybody yeah you like you would think that there would be people falling rolling through [Music] I'm about to now but we're slowly getting set up so we got these two tables here little stand with the stuffed animals we got yesterday the heavy crew next door what's the claim is it a yard sale no man what do you got I call it a garage sale a yard sale whatever you want to call it are you a local legend no are you a public figure on Instagram that's all that matters ease days right yeah yeah she has more followers me what's up I'm Tucker how are you thank you yep oh you're welcome I'm sure love word it's a cool hat Yankee and Confederate hats man first customer of the day turned out to be the main guy if you guys remember last year he's got a new lease off on his bike legit no joke I'm not just saying that and he was hanging out talking to Sam you for like an hour and it just stunk gotta try to be nice to him because he's a local person and just can't be mean to people that's just not in me yeah he passed away three years ago we're the big cat people that's really cool Kiki I'm an animal personal anointment yeah I love animals people at animal never lie to you my friend that's true I would pick on me and send yeah I have to I have to in the house and a roof cat that I'm more or less it done outside ten years ago this this guy's a survivalist he comes up he eats he hangs out nobody touches us this girl just abandoned she moved and she just left them been takin care of me for ten years no she's city city yeah we did that we have two cats that we actually adopted ourselves from beacon and then two that our neighbors yeah my no lady goes underneath the bridge and Avalon and space and news cats and let them go and she brought two of them over and sits here keep the other one until you figure out which one you want yeah and they multiply you got a roof cat now because they they wavy to each other or whatever okay what I see those commercials on TV with the animal you know what I mean I want to cry I will you only blinded people to do that and put against a wall splatter their brains all over to you a twin you know I can't hand want one of those bags you want a bag if you got one yeah let's not I go to a motorcycle show down in Maryland yeah let's put on people that animal shelters in that that's all they have there for adoption in that a rescued pit bulls I'll take hundred pound pitbulls in and you would they want to love you to death they want to knock you over and look at a death you only prom the hey if they don't like each other I want to take every single one of them all do you work I'll buy you a big house and you can take every single one of them home what's the claim it's one all bro living the dream every day right absolutely look at that hat he shows up in representing I told Gilda we're making plans Romano's going to go he's gonna put me in the end okay cool would you like to be on the mailing list just to get me yes yeah I am hi mama on it already okay miss great gr AFF okay you all ready again okay yeah okay thank you all right all the heavy crews are coming out now this is a late start this play unlike most of the ones we go to get all these people just looking but they're not buying anything it's what's up big world a long one everything fight he used he used the generator we gave him brought it to Haiti fixed it and uses it to pump water out of a well at his house so that's how the world works you guys throw it out well I don't know who someone hit in America throws it out and I got it fix it use it and a habit of it it it's awesome right yes that's the way the world is but for them is good for me that's bad for them good for him I claim the Mary Poppins yeah did you just tell table now oh my god I saw that table so the table not bad heavy Curnow yeah heavy what happened I was waiting to see when you were gonna come over and pick up her clothes hell are you living with Tucker and Sammy see the mod because then I won't buy her any cosplay stuff like you do not see a new that so the VCR just sold a bunch of stuff actually a bunch of these shirts here a bunch of stuffed animals what's that for this $2.00 shirt doesn't like a double X to me I can get that the same making claims and so on at all so this guy came over and bought some stuff and he was telling me a lot about this Amazon program where he basically fills a box sends it out to Amazon and they sell direct from their factory Amazon crime so [Music] selling it up yeah got this nice nice Calvin Klein jacket for five bucks can't beat that [Music] I don't know it used to be they had been calm or Amazon or whatever both CDs used to be decent on eBay so maybe one of us Bert time yeah you know close handle you know take your time to do it right yeah I'd say they do this one flea market like every couple months not even every month but they did one last month we did it one this month and then the next one's not until September but it's the local firehouse it's about 0.5 miles from our house but here it is people set up pretty heavy there he is tant and everything yeah you accept paypal even you because I trust you you see you have a scanner yeah oh man Leger that's a legendary remember oh yeah I did actually crazy right yeah right where we went to that sale the other day this guy's got the claims vintage claims rocking horse look at this guy's claims briefer shoes got the Pele Pele pants look at this too big huh too big I got hammer nails I can make it fit right 26 or jersey devils these are cool really cool surprisingly this is a big turnout it's pretty good that Elvis print hot dogs they set up a local kitchen eater in there that goes hot dogs those four dollars to sex thank you they should be a feature a sec yeah Lucy could you say that give it time for to just get it out of here dude I got stuck you ever have that happen always because he was too far away he couldn't even hear when he was next to us not to be mean but like wow what's the claim the claim is is there with some zigzag bands down there every type here scoop them they were size 11 too big for me but maybe right for you 11 yeah they're all yours thank you sir you're heavy sir just this is good right one [Applause] Thanks all right so it's about the more than halfway down the day I would say and for a rushed flea market a last minute thing we did really well so far we sold a lot of stuff and that was the plant made some money and had a good time Bob Hurley our friend is literally right next to us Sammy's talking to him over there I met his girlfriend and her kids set up there and there was a good turnout about I would say around 15 to 20 vendors which for the local flea market here is a lot it doesn't seem like a lot because normal flea markets have way more upwards to like 100 or 200 vendors usually but uh it's been a good turnout and we sold a lot of stuff talked to some cool people and just trying to push it it's hot out though I'm sweating right now just sitting here and we should have popped up the tent like the boy over there but we didn't do it and it's getting down to probably the last like two hours before we get out of here so we'll just probably call it on the 10th at this point what are you trying to do here trying to play trash with you like trash picking and it's blind and down out here everyone's loading up lots of work lots of work coming out here so we're about to pack it up and go back and try and fit this stuff in the shed as much as we can [Music] alright cruising back from the flea markets successful day it is so hot out I don't know why it feels like this but it's only 77 degrees out whoo but 40,000 subscribers strong and we're pushing still so super happy for all the support I don't know I'm just be tired but it was a successful that happy we did it last minute to the flea I'm just really really happy that it's so close to our house I pulled out of the driveway that place and we're on basically our Street already so who makes it so much easier so we just scored these boxes out of the trash for shipping best way to get free boxes is trash picking them obviously instead of paying for him so we cruised over the to the island to feed my mom's cats scored these boxes and I just peeped one thing I want to look at real quick probably not gonna get it but little pile of trash that looked like a cool trunk or something but it might just be a what do you call Mirage but he's that day feeling that it's weird right that's to a person know what's their suitcases so you guys now I was like feel like there's like a seat heater but there's not and I'm like I keep touching it but there's no like look there's nothing on here and like I'm like I started to get run I was like damn I must have a fever or something cuz like it doesn't feel like that hot when you touch it but my body is like super hot and look at this boom see meter and the light was on I just turned it off yeah luxury for the winter months but I was did a fully met dead of winter with your seat heater on like it's the outside temperature it's like 80 degrees right now and I'm like sitting here with a fricking seat heater on like oh something's going on but oh you know there is a seed eater I just didn't think that this truck would have on luxury I'm just so addicted to the tech in life that I want to go trash picking so bad right now but the whole trucks is filled and it's already 7:00 at night so not gonna happen but if I actually emptied this when we break got back I would be out there in the streets right now hitting it hard even I'm so beat but it's good to love it though all right said this local engine that lives at the end of our street that's walking right though he basically has about ten stray cats probably only three that live at his house about ten that come through and he's walking with a big thing a cat food that goes house he's feeding all the strays in the neighbor I'd like a pet Oh God and really the cat that got hit would go back and forth from the other guy's house to his house so he might be actually I mean if he keeps track of the cats he might be wondering what happened to that cat because even though it wasn't really hazy like crow because it was part of the other hatchlings hatchlings part of the other later yeah that he still would come over here so that's where they get say they're gonna be big mamas outside and they coexist with the possible possum in the neighborhood local possum that lives in his porridge the local Posse that comes and eats stuff from our yard to like bananas because we feed them goes Landis and lucky girl coexist with the possum - well Landis don't be lucky the coexisting with the kids trying to coming into room there was a cat trying to go in his room last night and he smacked and before he could come in the door we just pulled into the backyard I ended up snagging this little guy - that we're not gonna need yet and another bigger one on the other side that we like to store I'm in this car for now I'm gonna have to do something about basically I wanted to part the car out the gold truck thought it's not really a realistic thing because the neighborhood that we live in is residential and you're not allowed to do that kind of stuff so I don't want to get ordinances for partying out cars in our neighborhood so we're probably not going to do that but we can for now use this to hoard packing materials alright the end look at those birds that was cool three birds just came into the yard went up well met together and then spread out again and left but here we are at the end - another beautiful day this backyard is so nice I feel so grateful to have this little cactus that we scooped up a job out of a foreclosed house Sammie couldn't leave him behind she said I do want to just say real quick that most of the reason why when I talk on camera and I say things that I feel about life and about business and about love and about cats and about YouTube or about cameras or trucks or anything that I say what I perceived to be my raishin for myself is a lot to do with growing my own self into a better person more so than to try and tell other people how to live their lives YouTube for me has been such a growing experience and I've learned so much about myself and been able to change so many things to get to where I want to be where I want to be not where I think other people should be because everyone's life is different it's not about knowing everything or knowing more than someone or being better than someone it's about finding your balance and your happiness so I understand I totally understand that our YouTube videos aren't for everyone or even for the vast majority of people but if you can take anything from everything that we do is to just try and build yourself better than yourself the day before basically every day is a new slate to better your own life and your own happiness and your own self it's not about changing you know other people's first you have to change yourself and first you have to be happy and then the happiness can come from the inside out it's basically what I'm saying that's a lot of the reason why I say the things that I do is to try and build up my own self and to try and learn learn thanks but all right I'm gonna unload this truck tonight if we even have room for this then but I did get I think a message on Facebook message that I should just post everything to marketplace that has any $10 $15 value so that it's just out there so I'm gonna post this bowling bag bowling ball bag it's kind of cool it's actually really nice right now I thought we'd sell it today but I thought we'd sell a lot of stuff today but we didn't but oh well I think there is a storm coming up we have all these stuffed animals that our friend gave us yesterday someone actually bought a bunch of them little angry bird but these are the ones that are left the next thing I'm going to post a marketplace are these Nike golf clubs door light 110 True Temper and we have a seven putter with a five a nine six six six clubs all together toast these boys up right now so I do think that having stuff out say on like marketplace or offer up or Craigslist let go we use offer up in now marketplace thanks to everyone that told us to use marketplace I actually on my old phone I couldn't find it on there but now it's really easy to find I think that it was my apps weren't updated on my old phone so it just wasn't working like that but now with this one it works fine I do think it's cool to have him out there cuz we got back from the flea market today this lady came to buy a sewing machine and then ended up being a really cool story that she was buying it she's a home health care aide and she was buying it for the woman that she aides for that she watches or takes care of and she promised her she would get her a sewing machine so she showed up they had the 35 for the one sewing machine and I ended up offering them well would you like to sew with her maybe take the other one with this one for the same price and then you guys can both you know both of you can sew together if they both work I knew one worked I didn't know about the other one so it turned out to be really cool we made an extra 35 on top of the flea and we made that lady's day because she was really happy because she didn't want to spend a ton of money but at the same time if they could both sit in there and sew together it would be a really really cool thing so sometimes people get really excited about their purchases and that makes me happy because the sewing machines weren't doing anything for mirs me even though we should learn to sew eventually all right have you claimed but it happens sometimes I posted the bowling ball the bowling ball bag just posted it five minutes ago I don't even know ten minutes ago some guy messes me $10 I put it up for 15 they said 10 I said yes and I'm gonna go meet him right now right about a mile away from our house so making claims about to make 10 bucks said thank you to the boy for giving us this stuff because already making money off of it the next day we just made 10 bucks off that bowling bag at this shopping center we had to wait for like 10 minutes but 10 bucks is 10 bucks can't can't cry over it would only got like 5 max at the flavor that he wanted to get bowling apparently he must be in like a bowling alley or something you got anything to say for the ending claim I keep pushing guys keep pushing every day is a hostile 40,000 subscribers thank you guys 40,000 that's crazy right just shout out to all the supporters that truly support us I think this is pretty cool our friend Mel Amman Bernie I just wanted to look at the message to see if I was correct but he said I've been following him why do I not an internet best channel ever always keeping it real seems hard to believe that I found you with less than a hundred and eighty subscribers well deserved an amazing couple and awesome content here's to the next 40k so that's when you really know your true supporters that stay with you and have your back from day one thank you dude here's his Instagram it really means a lot because 180 subscribers to 40,000 and you're still supporting us strong it's just amazing that's the claim right there [Music] starving so yeah good night why you rushing hey I'm tired and hungry good night or good morning I'm gonna go eat [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 34,721
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: last, minute, local, flea, market, set, up, selling, at, swap, meet, flea market, swap meet, tag sale, rummage sale, yard sale, local flea market, tuck and sammie, sammie j., somers point, nj, new jersey, making money, last minute, junk, hoard, the dream, selling junk, pickers, flip, flea market flip
Id: hy2pkYBbDQA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 38sec (2138 seconds)
Published: Fri Jun 07 2019
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