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damn what's up with this fool damn this thing's heavy duty I might have to get this yeah we're getting it all right the first like 2 minutes is scrapping out on the streets and we got straight come ups like 50 pounds maybe that's getting a little exaggerated but a ton of aluminum [Music] I still get that way but it gets better it gets better okay good morning everyone here we are another beautiful day in paradise just stepped out onto the back porch and plotting what's up Landis a plan here okay so our friend concrete Rob sent us a Craigslist ad that said free shed and it was in Somers Point was where we live so I called the guy man emailed the guy and he said the sheds still available and he gave me his phone number which I called this morning when I woke up left a message haven't gotten a call back yet but if the shed is still available there is a local shed company in town that move sheds for a price obviously but Rob said that it could probably get it from there to here from his experience getting a shed moved for about $200 or maybe even less so for the shed and the size of it there's a new roof on it they said 200 bucks this is a total basically it's a free shed but we're paying to have it moved so in the end of the day it's a $200 moving fee free chat included basically I'm going to try to put right here if we get it and it might protrude out a tiny bit more than this shed but plopping it right here is the best case scenario and yeah this could be really good for us we need extra storage and it gives me an excuse to actually clean up the yard which is just destroyed right now so I'm gonna be moving all this stuff deciding what gets thrown out and what gets kept and organizing it into a better situation so it's crazy what you can find on Craigslist I actually checked the free listings all the time but didn't yesterday but good for me one of our friends was on it and emailed me the shut so let's see how this works out hopefully the guy calls me back and we can get this thing today [Music] [Applause] okay so no answer yet on the shed situation I left a message a text and another email but I'm going to burn what's in the fire pit here and then move this pit or at least all the cinder blocks into a pile over there do a little sweep of this with the mower and then have it ready move the trailer out of the way and just have it all ready to go if and when it happens so open on a dream here alright so very here we have an aluminum door that's been sitting and I've just been waiting to take it apart because I knew it was pretty much solid aluminum with a few minor B pieces involved but just have unscrewing a few things and you can turn trash pick the door into a few bucks probably ten dollars or more so what I got go on here just throw these pieces in with the aluminum pile and it adds up and over time you take the whole box filled and yeah you know a lot of weight which turns into money aluminum screen doors don't see full aluminum ones often but here and there they are so this one is actually fully aluminum because usually the pieces that connect like this piece to this piece are usually steel or iron this one is just straight aluminum through so I maybe could have just scrapped it as is solid just look at this other than you know maybe this is aluminum all other than maybe just like this piece here obviously the glass which isn't in it anymore and like the inside of the handle it's the only thing that would really be dirty on this the rest is just solid alright so today has not so far been very eventful we're still hoping the shed operation goes down here's how I'd cleaned it out so if they do bring it I'm guessing through the yard backing it in here and putting it right in this lot here this area so this is going to have to get out and that should be good BAM and then we just have been organizing that whole room where brew is now which we used to do the hats in our little studio and we're just trying to figure out what we can sell and get rid of because we have like thousands of pieces of merchandise here on our property that our first sale we just have to find the right market form so some things aren't really film worthy so we've been just trying to organize because it's been counterproductive having everything so discombobulated and we need to do something about it so we're doing it and hoping for the shed to go through today we'll see maybe where gets all the Lovins does that I'm just trying to feed her so she gets tired because she likes to play in her letter there she does go in the litter box she goes in the bathroom in it but she likes to like playing it and it's just it's not right everything she does is right I'm trying to tire her out so she's gonna sleep how about Suzy she's not sleeping as I am what [Music] all right so we've been cleaning up and trying to post stuff so I got this spattering vanity for my brother so my dad worked for a guy who makes builds houses and that God makes model homes and when he's done with the stuff he gets rid of it so my dad took this gave it to my brother to use in his house it didn't fit so got passed on to me so it was like dunk dunk dunk down the line to be reused again and obviously we don't need it our bathrooms too small for this this is a really nice vanity though and I'm gonna try and sell it so something that was already used once but it's brand new because no one lived in the house it was given to my dad given to my brother now given to me and now I'm gonna try and sell it so it just goes down the line this is true recycling of an item well it is pretty much brand new I'm gonna take pictures of this post it and figure I just actually believe it or not this isn't that bad it was a lot worse a little bit ago okay I'm about to drive over to Ocean City to the copier shop to pick up something absolutely amazing so stay tuned I'm about to throw a GoPro up so you guys can see how beautiful the ride is from here to Ocean City over the water and everything it's gonna be fast motion but still be able to see it quick glimpse of it see some trash out here all right so here's what just went down we just picked up 500 of these Tonkin Sammy logo stickers of our artwork that was actually the picture was taken by us and it was animated by Cindy Harmar as you guys can see in the very slow go on the very bottom corner her initials are so thank you so much Cindy you did a great job making that into some art and we love this symbol so much so that's awesome and then the masterpiece so this is going down today we're gonna print up land this is signature on these so these are 12 by 16 I believe Landis prints so these are gonna be available pretty soon for sale I think we're gonna do them for $15 with his paw print right there BAM signed by Landis landeta with his tie and all so like I always say don't be afraid to invest in your dream no matter what your dream is don't be afraid to invest money into it because something that you're very passionate about and something that's very important to you is worth investing money time energy effort everything into and I can't really say enough about that but this is where we got it copiers plus I'm sorry I didn't bring the camera in but you actually just gave me a tour of their whole facility and they're killing it Ocean City New Jersey the place is called copier copiers plus Bob and Shane Matthews are the two owners so if you ever go in there and order anything just tell them I sent you because they are the best people and always can order and get your stuff print it up locally if possible because supporting the local economy is very important also I believe it is so going back to the house now all right it's going down right now what's going down her first big bad experience right robro make sure she's all good bring first doctor visit let's see Randy's good to go for the other babies so this came in the palette that we bought if anybody watched that video the ball pass the ball caught that we got you saw that video this is something that was in there and I put it to the side for and MJ and look look at this she turned around I think like four or five somebody abandoned her and nine other kittens at a flea market we were down so ended up unfortunately cakes your feet no yeah I get your nails done she's getting a manicure Neisseria she's got a stinky butt Thank You Bethany [Music] it looks like it's pretty close so yeah cuz usually there's more space between the anal opening of the urine epithelium fingerprint way for the testicles to dismember te oh is that brand there's the mother look she wants it now there but I never tried this syringe like I never introduced ma'am so she's got her dewormer and she's about to get some flea medicine I may have to wait two weeks to get the serious shots and testing but she's doing good for a good baby okay she says pretty princess right the Bulls is baby she loved snack and half yeah as far as she knows she said she looks like it's a but she said it's still early she's like a curveball I was good job well she was getting it she is getting it she loves this Mack life just like your daddy mm-hmm do you like her Oh - can't get or fix it either and yes I mean you could but it's a lot but you can't like it's not murder tonight all right we got here a little beach chair a little aluminum claim first actual find of the day what's up with this right here little awning clean and some aluminum like a killer now damn what's up with this fool damn this thing's heavy duty I might have to get this yeah we're getting it think about like should be good right if I strap it just together one block all right the first like 2 minutes is scrapping out on the streets and we got straight come ups like 50 pounds maybe that's getting a little exaggerated but a ton of aluminum and then like this big giant with that little birth so we got an aluminum chair here wait might not be still some scrap so I was lucky enough to be right next to the house when we got that big piece so we dropped off that stuff and now we're back out on the streets look at all this trash and not a single item that I would want that's that's at first I think that's crazy all right cruise around to the other side of the house and there's a lamp I'm just pretty nice this table she's like really cool actually and then as I look deeper these two pieces Oh better like picture frames visit ones like a picture frame thing and then this one is like wooden seashells in a frame with like fakes and so not that all right this house has a for sale sign out front under contract so they might have been throwing out something good well take a gander through the duffel bag right here see what we've got sweatshirt not that great it's like a briefcase bag that's pretty nice sweater t-shirt MA not really feeling that duffel bag itself is kind of cool I might be into that actually JanSport backpack that's a flea market claim these are pretty decent what else we got here little sanding picture that could sell yeah these two are nice I'm liking these some more wall art these are flea market pieces for sure yes we got some sugar that's a far cry for something to take that's a little too much thanks it's not even in there there's research hangers that's it nothing too great some wrapping paper stuff I was into that game I would cry take it a little snow globe Evergreen Express I've never seen that something like that sell ever Jesus scrap some scrap a little bit of weight he's only got one foot foot snagging so hard right now he tried to eat that whole piece he ate three big pieces already what loves did here that because he had to fade like a god he's on the other side of the roof oh man he keeps coming back cuz he loves it he gets huge portions there's a rabbit and a couple of birds in a bumblebee and then there's look at that rabbit and then there's little baby birds what are you not in a hat all right so I started thinking like what sells at the flea when I do trash pecking claims and it seems like bags can sell pretty easily a lot of people bring stuff from America to other countries especially secondhand cheap stuff in the flea market so to Haiti or to Ghana just two examples of people I know that do that or to Brazil I saw a lot of people when I went to Brazil bringing boxes of clothes sheets and hand towels all kinds of stuff that's cheap to buy here but hard to get other places for that price so I think bags like this that are lightweight because if they weigh it in the bag weighs almost nothing but you can fill it with a lot of stuff this little middle this was probably like it giveaway that's what it looks like but it's still a nice bag it's a laptop bag computer bag little office bag and then this JanSport backpack which is probably ridiculous the expense of the buy originally just held for like five bucks maybe a little less but that's not bad and then we got this one for the sailors in the world work is for people who never learn to sail someone probably scoop that up for a few dollars this table is actually pretty nice metal with like a piece of granite on top a little lamp that could be either scrap or sell and then this little I noticed a lot of people like to buy little pictures or knickknacks that they can decorate either their shore house or their regular house with this is like a total shore house decoration right here so you can't beat it this would probably 15 15 or more I'm gonna twelve to twenty dollars I would say it like home goods where you can get at the flea for like one dollar some stuff to is like they make it once and then you don't find it again at the store so whoever had the original ones like this is something you might be able to find but at the same time it might not be that easy to find because it's probably pretty old it looks vintage maybe so all depends it's all free so we're gonna plant the Figtree the hibiscus I'm not sure that's pretty good that I like that spot Yeah right that's nice right or should we put it in the back I like it here take it so vague we smoked ourselves on this wad look at that rabbit here or here here right here yeah you know I say right here I'll move that thing and then put it right where it was [Music] alright so the roots of our neighbors giant tree so so so big but it's a it's a little bit difficult if you want to be a little difficult to dig here but we're gonna try for a baby hibiscus could and I don't have the greenest thumb but I'm trying so this is the second trick tree this is more of a bush I guess a decorative bush and we had a cherry tree out front that we plan it so making it Arendt put some plant food on there this was what I was thinking that's crazy so we found this awning in the trash okay this is aluminum is the biggest piece of aluminum ever because all this was aluminum I'm gonna unravel this and check it out close your inspection it's actually on quite certain yeah this is a big big a big old piece of aluminum so that's crazy it's like a slip and slide is what this looks like to me so we got this thing it's coming up and away by crack and it basically adjusts to wherever you put it so in a garage or a shed and it goes up and down and mounts in there kind of like self mounting just by sliding and then you basically just put your bikes hanging off of it that's a pretty nice piece I'm gonna put it on Facebook right now Market Place what's the client come up here yeah lucky what see Mike said they're happy it's so funny cuz I called their names and then lucky girl came in first and I was like you like your room and she's like ball like checking out the lease got your new chair mandus you ready to sign some autographs today boy go get some Anka Kmart maybe yeah so we got prints of Landis today we Turner went and picked them up so we gotta go get some cat friendly ink for Landis to sign each print for you guys and we'll be selling those so the prints are pretty for hey epic well maybe if you were as good as Landis and you wore a tie then you would get a parent no one's asked o is Landis let's be real we all know you guys and rubra and lucky but all of our kids get the same amount of love I mean lucky your eyes are in pillow she's like don't touch my pillow you want to share the other room yeah cuz this one still messy but still very cluttered but if you guys know from the videos like it was difficult to like walk around they have this whole space now and we have just like slowly but shortly we're gonna get this all just piles of stuff that we need to sell still always I mean that's never gonna change probably that would be hard to change that no come on MJ don't know what yourself m-day you're not allowed in these rooms why are you doing that yeah we're not mixing the cats yet because rivers too young to get the her blood tested and everything is what the vet said so she advised like four to six months so we're gonna wait on that so we can't let them mingle yet because we don't want to get MJ and sick so this is what I mean it's still a work in progress but it's nice and then the bed not the bed sorry the couch that gallon Jerry gave us this cat from that is not one of our cats keeps coming in to lucky and Landis's room and peeing on everything and I really can't do anything about that because I can't close the door off to lucky and Landis they're inside and outside cats and they go to the bathroom outside not in a litter box so I have to just keep it open so we ended up having to throw that couch out it was pretty upset about that but I could save the cushion because the cat didn't pee on the cushion it like peed on the side of the couch it was really like it came in right where the door is where the cat doors and the side of the couch there's pee all over the side of the couch like it was like just spitefully marking its territory but that cats been like mmm no good I wish I could help them but well if you guys remember the way this room looked before it's very cleared out Sammi went hard in here today still tons of stuff but he likes leave I get art and looking but I've watched this discover too cuz you can unzip it and I washed it so this is good for the bay because rue was playing on it when she was out earlier I saw her as she's taking a nap right out of it you guys ever saw the snapchat show that we have we painted these while I was fully lit on fire like the flames were like you six feet above my head coming off my body and these two also so I did some artwork while on fire so that's why we have these up not that we think they're masterpieces well I do because of how I did them cool this is the original one I did and then we just have all these little cool trinkets in here that people sent us or stuff we bought their stuff we found or just had but actually today when he took River to the vet I had a mini heart attack because they've just put flea treatment on the cat and I should have just said no but I was kind of like zoning out and then as soon as I realized what was going on I pretty much not that that's fault at all we should have told him no I took the cat and brought her to the car and wiped it all off as best I could cuz I freaked out and just realized like she's too small to be getting flea treatment like that's some crazy chemicals so she's fine but I didn't like think I didn't didn't like that I really think that she shouldn't I got it and tell she was a little bit older but she's good right bro we did get her deep arms that dewormed you earned alright yeah it's a whole bunch of DVDs Tucker and Sammy J this is Wild Bill the guy with the tee box from time to time and go through my DVD collection to clean out the doubles I have and even the ones I have not watched for whatever the reason is and I give them away I see you usually watch DVDs at bedtime so here's my latest clean-out enjoy your evenings maybe you may like these or flip them at the flight as you wish the best place to get DVDs is a website called DVD Best Buy comm once you place an order they are cheap you'll be on his Mike's email list for updates keep pushing wild though Snoopy's Sam good boy boy thank you we'll be watching these Deadpool 2 these both are good movies I've seen a House of Wax Paris Hilton's debut film debut never never made another one after that stoked thank you so I'm gonna lie we're gonna watch some of these and then we might pass them on the Randy stone he's also a DVD lover and he's gonna get a box in so all right and little flippy flopper flip-flop peace breathes everything is gonna be okay relax God's got this oh my god my Zen gardens gonna be like just all to all the tanks oh the Tings ya shells and starfish that's the big cocktail is the dream or Seussical to kenya yeah let me say obviously i know it's just there fo but it I always loved that for some reason this sounds I guess this is the cold one all these in there thank you so much this is a big dog either my gosh she'll show I was like where'd you guys find all these awesome shells do this thank you super cool shells for your feet enjoy Charles and Donna Francis life's most beautiful things are not seen with the eyes that felt with the heart it's very true agree very much so thank you very much so it was really cool I'm about to put these outside right now yeah this is the big dog dog I've been dyin openness it's just been sitting on the porch this biggie doggy dog do you know step it on this one is this a jumper jacket damn right dude this is pork yeah it's a film camera so you could take some pics with it there's filming can it disposable I love disposable camera no that's the film Wow that's what I'm saying oh my god so you put it in here and then you get it developed and I was just saying I wanted pictures like oh my god are you getting on that one I'm getting on this one all right getting on that sticker it's not cheap it's not even easy to find this is a dream life reality this is wild this is a this is like a frickin bulk pallet [Music] I don't know this is for my dad so we got to keep that one aside for the boy for the big boy letter I'm gonna hang these up finding happiness is a journey not a destination what's this big dog oh my gosh these presents are so gnarly look at these crystals gonna have to use them for the garden this is like straight fire I'll get this vintage dope fan doughboys fan club shirt from 87 no way that's a dreamer these are dreamers the crystals are sick and with the shells there do you have an ting with them oh my gosh it's grumpy cut right here dude that's a bad back I'm gonna put that in a bedroom closet right now oh my gosh there's lots of freaking sick that is so sick so vintage this is like the most epic gift ever it looks good on you that's really good on you forever man so jelly right that is so sick what is this thing Simon yeah it's like beeping Bob bombs but the old one oh my gosh Bob really cool like vintage stuff for it this is crazy crazy crazy box thank you so much what is this what is this big dog [Music] they're just spreading joy to us like Klingon this is wild I just think save use this camera I know we should get it poppin I got money there's one in that ziplock I don't know that Christo's it's getting crowded in here but yeah looking magical my good Susie Scizor so I guess she said Kelly that she got some of this stuff from clean out that she did and leftover stuff that the camera was from leftover from an ex-husband that she didn't want the camera anymore so maybe we could use it and thank you so much this is really too much I feel a little weird honestly like it was just I don't know it's just so thoughtful and amazing and Sammy put all this the shells that she got and all the crystals in here along with other gifts like the two cats right there and it's just so amazing that all these different people sent us stuff and we found stuff in the trash and stuff on the beach and just put this the other and it's just this is a collage of just awesomeness and positive energy stoked what are you saying so much stoked right mm-hmm says he likes it we get a sunset right now talking about amazing this is super cool I should get a GoPro on this [Music] I never got the ink for the Landis portraits but we will be getting it tomorrow and by the time this video comes out the pictures will be available at our website our online store so just gonna end this video off with a nice time-lapse of the sunset keep pushing everyone for real follow your dreams I'm not just saying that I don't just say that but just go for it go for something that makes you happy something you're passionate about especially if you're young and you're watching this and you still have time to make a choice do something that makes you happy see you guys tomorrow for some more claims [Music] you [Music]
Channel: Tucker Upper
Views: 25,785
Rating: 4.8001614 out of 5
Keywords: garbage, picking, for, flea, market, what, did, we, find, today?, trash picking, garbage picking, curb side, road side, flea market, tuck and sammie, sammie j., tuckerfupper, what did we find?, junk, vintage, finds, selling
Id: eLa-0AwzXls
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 30sec (2670 seconds)
Published: Thu Jun 27 2019
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