Hidden base in a hidden base in a hidden base in a hidden base in a hidden base in a hidden base...

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today i've come up with a really silly idea which let's be honest is no surprise because pretty much every single one of my redstone ideas is silly but i want to create a hidden base that's in a hidden base that's in a hidden base that's in a hidden basis and a hidden base that's in a hidden basis oh man how many times can you say that repeatedly if you can say it more than five i salute you but i'm sure you get the picture so let's get started now because of course this is going to be the first of many hidden entrances i would say we have to start off relatively large so i'm thinking a 4x4 flush piston door completely flat with a wall making use of slime blocks and honey blocks and things that should look relatively impressive and of course it's going to need some form of hidden activation device to actually open this thing without the need of a button or a lever so we'll think about that in a second now i'm really hoping that i am building this thing correctly so we've got that is part one of the flying machine and then i mean it actually should be that simple that makes total sense to me so all of that will then drop down into the ground and our stone will be moved out of the way and it will look incredibly cool oh well i've been a total i've managed to build my piston door that's meant to be flush with the wall inset into the wall i had one job i would say i've still managed to make it work then in fact i would argue that i've almost made it a little bit more realistic looking hopefully it does all function that will never get boring to me that's not good though what happened here thankfully it was just a false alarm this block was missing hopefully it should all work yes 4x4 flush piston door looking absolutely gorgeous if i do say so myself this ah that's cool even i will freely admit that that was a strange noise to make so i would say for our hidden activation device we have a little path detector which will activate our piston door when we turn a piece of grass into a path now that sounds complicated it might even look a little bit complicated but it's not that complicated because a dirt block or a grass block is a solid block but a path block is actually a transparent block which means that we can detect that and we can use that for redstone outputs that is that's a little bit faster isn't it so all i have to do is increase the delay on the pulse extender and that should hopefully do the trick and it has path block path block then gets removed piston door opens up it stays open for a certain length of time and then eventually everything closes up behind me so let's create a basin here and i would say as far as bases go this isn't exactly a bad one you know we've got a storage system we've got all the essentials we need we've got the bed we've got some furnaces and things but of course this is not where our story ends because we're going to have another hidden base inside this hidden base and i'm thinking we activate it making use of one of these furnaces here now originally i thought we could reference a very old school redstone contraption known as a sapling key but just slightly updated with hoppers and things that's how old it is by the way that we've updated it making use of hoppers which are now extremely old but it doesn't quite work how i expected because of course this sapling doesn't actually get removed by the hoppers so instead i'm thinking we find the most obscure item that you can smelt in minecraft and then the output of that will be picked up by the hoppers and that's what's going to be used as our hidden entrance activator redstone ore is perfect because who in their right mind is going to be smelting redstone oil to get i'm assuming one piece of redstone dust so with that redstone circuit now all completed we now need to create our hidden entrance and i'm thinking we create some form of hidden staircase here so we need to put a stair in here this stair has actually been placed on purpose because we can then drop it down and it be here and then we just need to move we need to move this stair out of the way and then we'll have stairs underneath oh that's actually going to be a little bit tricky and then this is maybe where things begin to get a little bit easier but it's still not gonna be easy to avoid a little bit of the fiddliness i've created a new innovative floor design right here which means that these stairs are now aligned and they can actually be used in our staircase so let's see how progress is coming along oh okay so ignore what happened there but that that is actually very very good we have got a staircase forming and with a few extra tiny tweaks our redstone dust is smelting okay that's been picked up by the system and boom we've got ourselves a hidden staircase but it folded up before i could get down there right more pulse extender i swear no matter how long i make these pulse extenders i always need my pulse extenders to be longer here we go there we go and that yes that is more than enough okay next base and i kind of wanted this one to feel like an old store cupboard so you can see we've got the barrels we've got kind of damp floors and cracked walls and things but of course the story doesn't end here we've got plenty more to do and i'm thinking honestly i don't know what i'm thinking for activation here the systems like this one still work he looks like it okay we can we can do something like that oh in case you haven't quite realized i just blasted a minecart out of existence and now using a little bit of redstone engineering i have created a way in which i can replenish the mine cart and occasionally it's incredibly well hidden sometimes you get a little bit of visibility but to be honest with you unless you're really looking for i don't think you'd notice now i really like the idea of having a trap door that gets revealed in this area a room like this just feels like it deserves a trapdoor doesn't it it's like a trapdoor kind of room and i'm hoping that everything should actually all be connected now so let's see if i put myself into survival mode so that i don't completely destroy the minecart and then give that a shoot if i can yes there we go so now we can drop into the next base i feel like i didn't quite acknowledge how cool that trap door is i personally think that trapdoor is incredibly cool and i tell you what i also think this little library room this little kind of studying area this chill-out zone is also incredibly cool i spent far too long on doing all the details here it may not look like much but i'm pretty happy with this thing with that being said the back wall was a little bit empty but i feel like i've rectified that situation by adding in this fireplace right here and that is also going to play a part in our secret entrance because i think if i get myself a flint and steel here we should oh i mean i can definitely hide a button behind those i mean yeah this is perfect i can't i can't even find the button it's back there somewhere come on oh my goodness this is taking the mick now i must yes there we go hidden entrance wise i feel like it would be very rude of me not to make use of the library element of this build right here because you know that's basically the oldest hidden entrance in the book it literally the book the bookshelf entrance i'm sure there's a joke in there somewhere i just couldn't think of it now i wasn't planning on using slime blocks again for this one but i came up with a ridiculous idea of how we could move on to the next segment and it involves being launched and i personally think you guys will appreciate it so first things first let's see how far i get without the assistance of any water so i just gotta find my button which actually is a little bit trickier than you would imagine walking here and up we go okay so i managed to make it to here is that high enough that does clear the room yeah we might be able to work with that i'm really liking the little jumble of bases that we have going on here i like the idea of them all being slightly on top of one another and i'm gonna be frankly honest i think i can actually do this all day long i've got good of finding the button and i've definitely got good actually launching myself upwards but this is going to be our new base area and this one is going to be built around potion brewing and i thought it would be smart to go a little bit on the grander scale for this part of the base just because well the past couple rooms have been a little bit smaller a little bit darker a little bit dingier so i thought we'd just go all out and we've got like the quartz pillars this is this is like a rich tick tockers house but it is starting to look a little bit more functional so you can see we've got our brewing stands we've got our chairs and the chest things like that we've got various ingredients for all of our potions in all of the walls i guess we should probably get some form of crafting bench into the mix as well and then up in this section we've got ourselves some cold fronts now these are definitely going to be serving a purpose because not only are these things going to be our actual exit for the room but also they're going to be the hidden input device this is going to be interesting i'm hoping i'm not wrong in thinking that yes we will get ourselves an observer output every single time we remove water from one of these cauldrons that's incredibly helpful but of course having the redstone just hooked into one of the cauldrons means that there is a chance that a player who has somehow managed to make it this far might accidentally use the correct cauldron and reveal the next part of the base so instead i've created a system that relies on two cauldrons having water removed from them in very quick succession that makes it sound incredibly complicated it's just an and gate out the back of some observers that i have running out from some some cauldrons it's actually i mean there's like three bits of redstone here now as i mentioned earlier on not only do i want the cauldrons to be my hidden activation device i also want them to be the exit from the room which is yeah it's a little bit interesting to try and construct that but i think i could be just about done just need to hook up this redstone dust and make sure that none of these blocks are broken and that should be everything i'm doing everything wrong but after a little bit of faffin we got there in the end and now i'm ready to give this thing a tester so bam bam hop into the cauldron dropped in no oh my idea doesn't work let's try it with a transparent block above the cauldron bam bam hop in ah this is depressing that's why you've you've always got to test this stuff okay there is a solution i don't think is quite as cool as being pulled through the wall because we have to move the wall out the way but it still does work so we just remove both of these and then of course hop into the cauldron boom i mean that is fun isn't it that is fun so let's work on making the other side of this wall just a tiny bit more habitable this area here is our tiny little walkway this isn't particularly habitable but if i hit this button that will take us through into this next section and clearly i'm in a bit of a grand mood because this this might be even grander than the previous room but this is meant to be my art gallery yeah i fancied adding an art gallery into this place and now that we have paintings we have little viewing chairs we have the chandelier it all has come together quite nicely and i mean i'm sure you all know where this is going next anyone who has played minecraft for more than five minutes we'll know what hidden entrance i'm about to construct it involves absolutely zero redstone just a little bit of signage and there we go i mean it doesn't get much easier than that does it so i think that's going to put us through into the next little area and where are we actually oh my goodness okay so this is going to be this is going to be a bit of a tight one now i thought it'd be fitting to have an incredibly old-school hidden entrance leading into an incredibly old-school looking minecraft storage system i mean this this reminds me so much of like 2012 this would be like peak 2012. if you built a storage system that looked like this in 2012 you were the king like this was this is a gorgeous gorgeous build but it's definitely very 2012 but of course just like every single other room in this build this is not the end of the story we've got another hidden entrance to construct and another hidden activation device to jump into this thing and i'm thinking we make use of these item frames right here so we're going to start chucking in say for example you know we've got a stone one we've got some wood bits we've got a little bit of glowstone action going on and then one of these item frames is going to be hooked up to some form of comparator yeah we should be able to hide that quite nicely behind there and then when we turn it it is going to activate our exit mechanism and our exit mechanism is going to be a lot of fun and we'll get on to that in a sec but to be honest i think in terms of activation i mean that should do the trick yeah just a little observer detecting difference in redstone signal strengths firing an output cool i've now put a little bit of delay into that and i've also run it into a pulse extender and it should now successfully be connected to this system here so i've got to stand very carefully that that is everything that i wanted it to be yes i can't believe that's worked first time it has been so long since i've built one of those so there we go we just get launched up into the ceiling brilliant brilliant brilliant brilliant so now we just have to hook up a piston up at the top here which extends and retracts allowing us to shoot through a gap and then stay up here and after a little bit of redstone work that is now awfully functional and incredibly satisfying like beyond satisfying like when something just works perfectly like that it just makes me so incredibly happy anyway we are now in the final room and this room is incredibly important because this is of course going to be our diamond room you see you've gone through all of the different hidden entrances and things you know and you finally managed to make it into the most secure room of the entire build it is filled to the brim with all of the diamonds i'm going to fill the walls with diamond doors you might get a bit of gold in there too and it has an incredibly special hidden exit so let's run through the entire list so we start things off with hidden entrance number one is activated using a little path block and we are now into the first hidden base inside our many hidden bases the next step that we have to run through is chuck a little bit of redstone ore into this furnace that will gradually smelt through when it does the redstone dust will be removed from the furnace and it will activate a little hidden staircase which we can then use to move into the next hidden base inside our system then we grab ourselves a bow and arrow and shoot it into this corner right here if we can and that will break a minecart which will drop us down into the next part of our hidden base the next hidden base in our hidden base system then behind this fire we have got a little redstone button which when clicked will reveal a bookshelf that we have to stand behind and we get launched up into the next hidden base in our hidden bay system from there if you want to move on from our brewing room we just have to remove bits of water from both of these cauldrons nice and quickly stand inside this cauldron will be pulled through the wall and end up in the next area of the hidden base which of course is the art gallery looking rather gorgeous now we don't have to do anything particularly special in this area other than ogle at these beautiful paintings uh we we just have to walk through them and we drop down into this lovely little room down here and then of course from there we have to do is stand on this specific block give this little bit of spin and boom we are up in the diamond room this is the most secure room in the entire place obviously we've had to go through all of that to get there okay it's been quite an ordeal there's a lot of security obviously you know we've managed to make it though and to get out of here you have to go over to this diamond door in the corner you have to find the dirt that is nearest to it go one piece of dirt above and you break it and then you replace it and there we go there we go i hope you enjoyed it's been fun it's been a really fun really fun redstone video uh oh yeah let me know down in the comment section if you enjoyed see you i love doing redstone videos like this i really do not only is it fun to make all the redstone contraptions like that build in the end has ended up being so cool it's like a bundle of different bases all knitted in above one another but also i just love ending on a goof and that was a goof ending on a goof every redstone video should end in a goof in fact every video in general all videos should just be goofs
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 6,344,231
Rating: 4.9674473 out of 5
Keywords: Hidden base in a hidden base, Hidden base, Minecraft hidden base, Minecraft hidden base inside a minecraft hidden base, Minecraft hidden entrance, hidden entrance, secret redstone activation devices, secret redstone, redstone hidden activation devices, hidden activation devices, flush piston doors, torch keys, item filters, redstone item detectors, hidden Minecraft bunker, Minecraft bunker, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo redstone, Mumbo Jumbo redstone
Id: BE7VlVEqz08
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 7sec (967 seconds)
Published: Sun Sep 27 2020
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