I made a Walking Base in Minecraft 1.16

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today we're going to be breaking minecraft as you all know i quite like to make things walk especially houses walking houses are one of my personal favorites this one right here being my most recent it's a little bit creepy because it's in the shape of a spider but i think we can all agree that that is there's something incredibly satisfying about watching that thing move but you see with my minecraft redstone contraptions i've always been limited by a couple of things i can't push chests or tile entities and i can only push 12 blocks at a time however that all changes today because i'm playing with the carpet mod and that means i can change both of those things so there is movable chests hoppers dispensers and everything like that and there is the piston push limit increased to 1 000 which yeah might be a bit excessive but i think that could be good fun and what am i going to do with this beefed up version of minecraft well of course i'm going to make a movable base movable storage system movable super smelters the whole lot oh and if you're wondering about my shoe cane suit yeah it's uh it's difficult to explain now the first question that obviously we have to ask ourselves is how would a base walk like would it have four legs would it have two legs i think the idea of a two-legged humanoid base is a little bit creepy but i have one leg just hopping a hopping base across the landscape that could be quite cool um or six legs eight legs it's difficult you know how many legs would a base have i think i'm actually gonna go down a bit of a strange route and have 12 legs and have this thing walk almost like a little millipede now i tell you what i find immediately interesting about these increased piston push limits is that you have a lot more room for decoration of redstone contraptions like this looks this looks really really cool already and i'm hoping it should all work that's not what i had in mind that's not what i had in mind in the slightest that is really really strange so this redstone block right here is powering that piston but it's not actually extending in time i'm not entirely sure what to do about that i guess the obvious answer is go back to the drawing board and come up with a new leg design and i think i have just about done it so this system right here seems to be working nicely we should be able to extend this into a very nice fully grown leg and i think we can all agree that this is a very nice leg this is a this is a lovely looking leg very industrial very mechanical and if i break this redstone block it doesn't it doesn't work this is getting a little bit embarrassing now isn't it we finally got there in the end this thing now eventually functions and does exactly what it's supposed to do and looks very cool doing it but i definitely think he could look cooler so i'm going to redo some of the decoration get rid of my stair spam and actually do something a little bit more artful and this is exactly what i had in mind we've got gold hinges we've got a golden shoe i just love the black and gold look black stone is probably one of my new favorite blocks in minecraft so now i have to take this design here and i have to repeat it what 12 maybe 10 times over okay this is going to take a while probably best if i do it in the form of a time lapse now as i was building this it really got me thinking about how minecraft redstone is balanced because obviously it's it's a tricky balance redstone you know you don't want it to be too easy you don't want to just place down a block and have a fully working redstone contraption that's no fun but also you want to keep things progressing and evolving and you know the observer is a great example of that the honey block is a great example things that brought new new possibilities to minecraft redstone without completely throwing off the balance and i definitely think movable chests and movable hoppers and movable droppers and things that's definitely in there i definitely think that should be added into java redstone but increasing the push limit i don't know i mean definitely not to a thousand definitely not to a thousand maybe a special type of piston that can push say 48 blocks that would be that would be very cool let me know your thoughts on this one i'd love to hear what you're thinking anyway minecraft updates aside here are our 10 legs looking rather lovely i've tested each and every one of them and somehow i've actually managed to build all of them without making a single mistake which i don't actually think i've ever done before so that's a bit of a surprise but next we need to work on the flying machine obviously the flying machine is incredibly important because that's going to be moving the entire thing and it's also going to control what legs fire and when and i need to work out how i want them to walk you know how do i want a base to walk do i want it to be the front legs and the second legs and the third legs fourth legs fifth legs or do i want it to go kind of one side and then the other that could be quite interesting or do i want it to be that like that like that like that like that like that that seems to make sense to me actually the alternating going through how would a base walk i said how would a base walk if i was a base how would i walk right now i would say yeah okay let's let's just try and wire that up evidently i've completely given up on english and i'm just speaking in darts i think i've come up with a good way to do this though and it's a bit of a weird one but it is it's quite simple once you understand what's happening it looks very strange but trust me it's actually quite easy what we've got is a snaking flying machine so we're essentially sending the redstone signal through like this and we're moving each segment in a snaking formation so this one will be moved backwards first which moves this leg and then we move this one this one this one and then this one which will then move that leg and then we move this one this one this one this one and this one which then moves that leg and you can kind of see how the signal is being sent through the circuit i think it will be one of those things that makes a lot more sense when it's actually up and running so let's get all of that built up this looks ridiculously awesome this looks cool before i've even started decorating it and i'm hoping it should just work if i just update this piston first leg's going second leg's going [Laughter] it's actually working it's definitely not the fastest flying machine in the world but that's kind of the point your base probably wouldn't move that fast look at this thing oh my goodness that's so cool yes all right so the actual system the actual system is kind of all up and running so now we can just get to business on actually building up the base on top oh except it appears we have lost a leg all right i need to try and work out what on earth has happened here then oh it's actually quite simple we're just missing a redstone block in theory this leg should just no and that's why backups exist that right there is why backups exist now i know this sounds totally ridiculous but i'm actually gonna have to be slightly wary of the push limit with this thing because i could potentially exceed a thousand blocks especially when i start getting honey blocks and slime blocks involved with this and i'm pushing those structures as well we might actually go past it so i think i'm going to build this thing up in modules and the first module which is arguably the most important module of any base is of course a storage system so we've got ourselves a little storage system out the back here and i honestly can't believe that this stuff can move this feels so minecrafty but then unminecrafty at the same time like it feels like i'm doing something horribly wrong here but also horribly right and actually i feel like i should have a little bit more decoration around these chests yes that is a little bit more like it this is actually starting to look like a proper proper minecraft build the only thing that i have to be wary of is i have to make sure that anything like that gets stuck to slime blocks because otherwise obviously there's nothing pushing those blocks so they'll get moved across i'm sure there's going to be a plenty of cases of that happening bad news i've already hit the piston push limit that happened way sooner than i expected like a lot sooner than i expected and legs are breaking okay um well this obviously isn't a good situation so i tore it all down and i'm starting again and i'm doing it in a much more modular fashion so instead of having things curving round corners i think we're going to have just modules of things that i want in my base so the first one is going to be a storage system i think i'm going to have another storage system here and then we can move on to the other bits that is if this one works i haven't actually tried it out yet if we fail on this one then i give up you'll be happy to hear that it does actually work this i'm a little bit dubious of though i mean i like the idea i love the idea in fact of having like this archway and then we have all the chests and things so you kind of have like a three-tier storage system here but we might be pushing the limits we genuinely might be pushing the limits with this one which has led me to come up with a fairly interesting idea so if i just place in these walls what i've done is i'm essentially resetting the piston push limit in this area so we have the observers we have all of these pistons lined up and these pistons are going to push the next phase of the base and then i'm thinking if i just get myself some blackstone stairs we should be able to cover up any of that a little bit like that and that actually that looks really cool that looks that's actually an improvement oh and if you're wondering why i've got this glazed terracotta floor yeah it wouldn't be my first choice but glazed terracotta has the wonderful property that it doesn't actually stick to slime blocks or honey blocks which means that say for example this honey block right here it's not sticking to any of these blocks so it's not sticking to this block and then adding this entire line to its push limit instead it's just treating it as a regular block i hope that made sense i feel like that might not have made sense to people who don't understand that game mechanic and clearly all of redstone doesn't make sense to me because this is we've hit the piston push limit again i never thought i'd hit a thousand except we didn't spend hours spent hours troubleshooting this problem without making any further progress on the build the backup i was using didn't have movable tile entities on as being movable so the chests the chests and everything and the furnaces were just a movable objects it was like having an obsidian in my build and wondering why it wasn't working well with that in mind now let's try continuing forward all right i've also just found out the ender chests are obviously not movable they're made of obsidian what was i thinking at this point it's just getting a little bit embarrassing isn't it well finally after a lot of headaches here's what we've got a 10 negative black and gold base that has three storage systems a furnace system an armor equipping station an observation deck that moves it walks it walks across the landscape and it actually does it quite quickly now i've decided i wanted to speed things up a little bit because the original design was a tiny bit slow so this one is considerably quicker and as you can see it just it just works it just gradually walks along which is like the weirdest thing in the world so starting things off at the back here we've got ourselves our back storage system then we have an extra storage system right here for all of the extra bits and pieces that we need and then we have even more chests available to us because obviously you know when you're being pneumatic you have to carry everything with you so you're going to need plenty of storage then here is our furnace system complete with smokers and also blast furnaces and here's a really interesting one okay armor equipping station i currently have no armor on if i just hop inside here and place down a minecart you can see i am now fully equipped in the stuff obviously you know you have to be careful of the base moving while you're in there and the minecarts in there but still how cool is that now obviously with this base being on the move and all we probably need to watch out where we're going so i thought it would be cool to install this little system right here which is just just a little viewing platform you know i can stand up at the top i can see that village over there about to become very very close neighbors i mean this is this is about as cool as it gets it's so stupid it's so over it's so ridiculous it's so unnecessary i absolutely love it so there we have it ladies and gents that is a walking bass in minecraft a big thank you to the carpet mod and of course nem bomb who created the carpet mod for making all of this possible this is this has been incredibly eye-opening for me i've really really enjoyed it it's really made me think about what features i personally would love to see in minecraft and of course if you have enjoyed then please do hit that like button subscribe all that business but anyway i'll catch you in the next video see ya and now the video is over i can confirm there were times when i was recording this where i did not think i was gonna be able to finish it i genuinely thought that i had come up with an idea that actually turned out to be impossible and i just hadn't realized it but i had sunk so many hours into it at the time that i was like you know what i just have to make this work i went through so many different designs before reaching that end one
Channel: Mumbo Jumbo
Views: 2,194,474
Rating: 4.9657712 out of 5
Keywords: I made a Walking Base in Minecraft 1.16, Walking Base in Minecraft 1.16, Minecraft 1.16, Minecraft, Walking Base in Minecraft, Base in Minecraft, Base in Minecraft 1.16, I made a walking house in Minecraft, walking house in Minecraft, house in Minecraft, walking redstone contraptions, slimeblock flying machines, Carpet mod, movable chests in Minecraft, pistons that can push 1000 blocks, modded minecraft, modded minecraft world, Gnembon, Mumbo, Mumbo Jumbo, Mumbo Minecraft
Id: lrn9iA219LE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 33sec (753 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 20 2020
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