Secrets of Machu Picchu: Inca Empire Under Spanish Rule 🇵🇪

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for almost here the mountain I'm coming from where I started was up there and now it's about half an hour we're coming around the bend here to Machu Picchu which is right here if you take the bus up here that is where the bus stops you just pan this camera one more time yeah you can't even see the the Sun temple or the Sun gate at all now but you saw it at the start of the movie for video now this Machu Picchu was not as I said the Spanish never found this place and the reason is that this was not a normal city this was a royal residence built by I told you about the brothers who fought a civil war at a volper and who asked are their father we honest epic who expanded the Inca Empire to its greatest extent his father is the one who built Machu Picchu and it was a just a royal residence not more than a couple of hundred people living here and it was possibly abandoned right before the Spanish came in here he may also have been decimated by a plague which had its origins in in Europe had started entering Latin America from up where Colombia is nobody knows but it was abandoned nature eventually we claimed it and it was not discovered before a historian from Yale in 1913 called Bingham not sure I'm pronouncing that correctly came here looking for villa combi Villa combi was the last Inca city after the left all right sorry you've been up here anything up there okay that's him let's venture out here Thanks huh where was I yes Villa combi the once the Spanish had conquered everything I told you that installed Inca puppets well the Incas had a high libido Deborah muff divers and I could have take that back if I had choked I should stop throwing these jokes into my serious history videos because so many of you can't handle them you're like why did you say that now I can't watch your videos anymore so I take that back they were prolific baby makers so these spite the fact that the Spanish conquistador and first governor of Spanish Peru Francisco Pizarro killed the Inca and pirata Hoopa didn't mean that he had lots of sons and he had many brothers and so on so they there was always no matter how many times the Spanish installed one of who Yanis epic sons or one of utter hoopa's sons or or there was always another brother who was willing to rebelled and they hid in the mountains not too far from here in a place called villa combi and that's what Bingham was looking for when he discovered this place and in fact he staked his career in internet in 57 he or was it forties he became convinced that this was Villa combi the last Inca city where they fought back against the Spanish raided Spanish Spanish convoys attacked the cities and so on but it is not it is actually not but that's what he was looking for when he found this but seeing it this was a royal residence the how like the stone this almost looks like crenellations but I'm pretty sure that's not and I'm hardly wasn't sure that's not what it is the stone houses and so on you see down here which I am going to go to he's not representative of Inca homes and how Incas normal Incas lived when a Spanish came they lived in in huts that was dark smelly hand full of guinea pigs according to the Spanish chroniclers death that that wrote about this they they led a simple life they had no money they didn't have the wheel they didn't have have the their civilization was the polar opposite it was almost communist just in the village subsistence agriculture where people shared everything let me see if we can find a good view point out here so when the Spanish then came and tried to bring a european-style economy in here with salaries and so on this was this was not not easy selphie ground zero again agricultural terraces around these buildings - inca bridge up when - inca this must be the inca bridge we're not going to go to the inca bridge why they're really living the dressed in local outfits and so on they planned their selfies okay let's go down there and I'll talk about why the Inca Emperor when he walked around spitting it was a woman holding out his her hand catching his spit but I'll tell you that story down there actually actually I'm gonna start filming here because it's so scenic and I think you'll appreciate this so the Inca Emperor when he walked around he would surround himself with an entourage of women and these women would hold out their hand and he would spit in their hand whenever he's here fell onto his body I'm crashing a photo shoot go for the photo I'll wait all right we'll take a while good luck whenever here here's fell on his body she would take the hair pick it off and eat it and the reason she did this capture this bit and ate his hair but not a photo shoot is a good one nice photo can i race ahead yes that's why is that they were incredibly superstitious here and he was afraid of being bewitched and he didn't want a sorcerer to use anything from his body to put a spell on him and kill him similarly everything he ate these women picked up so when he ate chickens or whatever and threw the bones they would assemble the bones and burn them and and bury it so that nothing that had touched him could be used into a concoction to put a spell on him Wow check this out let's try to come here before the crowds but I guess there's kind of there's always clouds here I'm just going to be rude if you want the best shot let's go down and see those houses I guess this could be a long long video or no tour groups the enemy of the lager oops oops blocking every every entry every exit okay I'll race down there and continue the story I guess this is a good lookout that's well we'll ever get are they have llamas still have Yama's hey Jeff Jeff Jeff I see Jeff Oh selfies everywhere that is really cool that they still have Yama's all right we can walk down on those stairs and we can say hello to the amaz so Harold why are you not telling a story I don't know I'm kind of I haven't walked her yet so I'm a little in or myself at what I'm seeing and it's very hard to concentrate to tell a story and and take this in at the same time but once we're in here I'll do my best okay now we're in here I don't know what's original here and what is a reconstruction but like I said this is not representative of how Incas lived it is how the Inca Emperor lived when he was on holiday which I guess is what is this a holiday residence or a there were temples here we actually do not know the the how it's big actually do not know there's a shortcut oh just as I was about to race up there I saw the God above me they have people here watching your every step and I even sat down on the stone and I was told not to do that up there so let's take that conventional route and see what we can find looks like I've found found a spot where I can sit in solitude Oh maybe leave the history for just a minute and talk well it's like being here damn it's bigger its greater it's better than I thought far far better let's go as far as I can until I'm yelled at yeah it lives up to the hype I'd say it's even better even better than the pictures better than what my friends told me if you're not into history not into mountains and ruins I'd still say this should be a place that you visit in your lifetime so I have so I mean I'm gonna it's not the only ruins I'm gonna visit on this tour I have already have the motorbike so the reason I took the train here said you'd want to bring you a lot of luggage and I wanted to do that just wanted to do the train journey see what it was so I could vlog it and so on but as soon as I'm on the bike I'm gonna visit other sites and there's many and I will talk a lot more about Inca history and maybe even the Spanish conquest because I just covered it in a rather broad strokes so let's let's go up there and then I'm going to end this vlog which is already probably far too long for about 98% of my audience to even bother watching but Randy so apparently this little rock we're climbing here now is going to close in a couple of months according to some people and will not be open for tourists so how log this little trek up here through this incredibly the crowds which I assume is just gonna get worse as the day goes on there's who Yana Pete you up there but if you want it that is the mountain I walked up on if you want to go to who Yana Picchu you need to book something like three four months in advance because there is limited how many people they allow up there superhot in the morning everyone here was dressed for winter I was the only one on my bus in a t-shirt good move I should have worn shorts so told you how the Spanish supplanted one imperial power the Incas out to Spanish in so what does that mean for not just the Inca tribe which originated in Cusco but all the other tribes that they ruled in their empire well let me start by saying that the imposition of Spanish the Spanish conquest was an unmitigated complete an utter nightmare and disaster for the people who live there there were some exceptions you even have stories of some Incas marrying Spanish women coming over from Spain the motherland but for average Joe this conquest was an absolute disaster when the Spanish had secured control of these here lands they created something called encomienda x' basically a territory almost like in feudal Europe ruled by a lord this person would naturally be one of the first conquistadors this was a way for the Spanish to award they conquistadors for their effort that they had put into conquering these lands so they would an encomienda will be given to an end common in command arrow who would basically rule a territory as his own private tax farm or fief let me get past this group here then I'll continue now these were given for two lifetimes so you could pass it off to your son and then it would be the income and aro will go the encomienda would go back to the king or apartamento as another word for and como encomienda excuse my Spanish so am i filming yes I am so the idea the Spaniards even a Spanish king who wrote and said that the people here should be treated nice and they should be taxed less than during the Incas but that that was not the case they were taxed so hard that they would have no money left over for themselves their family nothing of course what what ensued was disaster corporal punishment to those that tried to try to repel a lot of people did rebel and flee into the mountains leaving their farms and everything behind and it's just a total operating of society it doesn't end there in the beginning it worked for a while this encomienda system but as soon as they discovered silver mines here in copper mines the people involved in mining started making far more money than the n command arrows so they started at some stage to start a conscripting labour into the mines and working in the mines was another complete and utter disaster something like 80% of Peruvians or people living in the former Inca Empire were forced to live either in encomienda where they were taxed so hard that they had nothing left for themselves or even conscripted into mines and if 200 went into a mind something like a hundred came out the next week it was it was horrible huge profits were extracted but the it was actually a big embarrassment for the Spanish how when I started counting the population estimates were that there had been between 5 to 8 million Incas when the Spanish conquered his territory and at the end of colonial rule I think it was down to a million that was the estimate I saw it's a huge embarrassment for the for the Spanish that the Incas ruled this realm you know the one priest even wrote that when the Incas ruled this place the population was expanding and growing and then now under Spanish rule it is it is sinking and it's basically not sure if you could you could say it amounts to genocide but but I also don't say see why you can't say that it does total total disaster and and yes I'm not sure if I have anything more to expand upon that in this video I can make a separate video on the repercussions of colonial rule while so definitely you could you can certainly in some cases make an argument for how the benefits are to colonialism but oh now I had this error to myself I can finish the blog here but in the terms of Spain here and from what I have read total disaster for the people for the culture for the for the history here the artifacts everything and last but not not least one more disaster damnit what was it I'm gonna end this so I'll be talking for at least an hour now I reckon I should end this and then do a little excursion here on my own there was one I was gonna finish off at one point let me think yes here's the point as to Spanish once the Spanish had consolidated their rule they wanted as I said there was no wheel here there was no money economy there was nothing like that before the Spanish came so it was difficult to Spanish so the natives as Lacey so they came up with a policy of moving one point eight million people forcefully into cities in political science theory of the day it was considered better for to have people live in cities exactly why I can't tell you whether it's easier to tax them or they're more productive or they're easily controllable or as the church would say it's so hard to climb that mountain to preach Christianity to to people wouldn't it be better if we had a city and there were five hundred people and we could preach to them all at once without climbing a mountain just for two people so the prunes didn't want this they used to live on hillsides like this small communities sometimes ten sometimes twenty sometimes a couple of hundred they didn't want to live in cities with the Spanish forced them to so they dragged them out people were killed massacred and all the usual things when a government enforce a policy that the people don't want but it did happen 1.8 million people were moved into cities and in into an environment and a a culture and an economy that day that day not adapted to that then they did not want to live in and so on and and I guess that is the last calamity I wanted to to talk about when it when it comes to this Empire under Spanish rule so I think that is it I have this has been so you sure when I did his talks I don't really have a plan other than the fact that I knew I was going to talk about the conquest but hopefully you found some of this information interesting as I wandered around here in the ruins there's one last thing that I have to do nice to go and say hello to Jeff's cousins which are right down here by the way if you're wondering where Jeff is he's in England Oh oh it's all the way over there okay if I find Jeff's cousins I'll turn the camera on if not bye-bye oh I think Jeff's over there it's a lot of the site is closed off like this sad but I guess they have to take care of their site I'm actually not ready to leave this place I'm gonna do a little walk around here thanks for watching more inca history in the next video signing off hey how's it going hey first man just recognized me in Peru apart from one Frenchman in Lima hey how's it going before we can I do I do well all your in it if you want to be so yeah Harold Harold yeah be a are a builder you enjoying it yeah yeah great huh give me a shout-out man been there done that travel bit okay a shout out been there done there travel yeah alright check him out he's probably on YouTube yes I am been there done their travel alright you'll get a video get a bump now I hope I will I will alright subscribe to that man he's he's the best I'm gonna check out your channel now so they're reconstructing some huts err but as I think I said before depending on whether I edit this footage or not this is not representative of how people lived at all this was a Royal City with priests and servants for the Inca that's a good photo spot selfie rock that's enough iPhone footage I think
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 273,282
Rating: 4.8881006 out of 5
Keywords: Machu Picchu tour, Peru History, Inside Machu Picchu, History of Machu Picchu, Inca History, Inca Empire History, Life in Ince Empire
Id: HyAVMGsyTl4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 28min 46sec (1726 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 09 2019
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