Superb Hike Inca Ruins Pisac 🇵🇪

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it is 555 and I'm going to the ruins hope it suck from the city hope it suck which is right here the ruins which are four times greater bigger than Machu Picchu is up here through the mist and through this gate if I'm able to walk up here this early I do not know my hotel claims that you're not able to go up here this early but we'll see I'm gonna walk until somebody yells at me Wow so it's been about 100 meters and I'm already short of breath this is a four kilometer trek I think and the site is 500 meters higher up than this so wish me luck my progressive friend I already regret mucho Mucho regret oh I'm not taking a taxi you can take a taxi up it's 20 minutes or if you walk a couple hours if you walk you get to walk through this these are the agricultural terraces that the Incas were fond of building high up here in the mountains six o'clock now the soil here normally isn't as fertile it's high up in the mountains on a mile on the cliffside so what they did was they would bring dirt more fertile soil from below carry it up here and grow things there that is the path I'm supposed to be on good this is the pasture I am actually on so we're going for what I'm actually on so these winding steps and not as bad as you might think because you can see here you don't have to walk from one side to the other well actually here you could if you want to but you seek zag up here much faster then you had to walk the full length of the terrace we're coming up on some kind of look out here I think we are what he says you can go there and it says you can continue here which route though nicer thing not only when you're driving here in Peru are there no road signs but when you're trekking like this there's also not that easy to know which way to go but we say goodbye to pizza I don't think we'll be able to see this city from the top just for the hell of it I want to go here but I also wants to want to climb those inca steps hey sorry they're very famous for this Hey look so cool only problem is the first the first step is missing so how we're gonna hold on especially with the camera it's gonna plaster yourself onto this wall and then here other steps whoa damn you tim kaine your hiking shoes it's nothing to hold on to here but here you can see the steps and this is how the Incas climbed up through the their agricultural system of terraces on the mountainside damn it walking up here that's kind of hoping to get onto this footpath here it turns out I was wrong well which means I don't want to go back down there too dangerous Oh how's this for a selfie basically my thumbnail damn oh okay let's hope for my sake that this is the actual path we're supposed to be on am i feel me I am Jesus how wasted ten minutes already with you guys it's walking 200 meters but I'm in awe at what I'm seeing here the trail nature no one else here this is my type of setting oh please bridge looks better and a mud bridge from yesterday oh come on here to break over Oh Coco you're worrying how I'm gonna make this break Oh longer than my camera lens break yesterday aren't you well I'm considering it so buckle up there may be standing here breathing heavily for a while oh no I changed my mind break off in eat oh wow that's the easy way there's the hard way ever seen anything like this 600 years old and all the way out there and beyond here's where we are going Oh inca steps okay save some battery life it may be even more interesting up there see you there - I stopped had a little study who Google Maps and it appears that the trail I was supposed to beyond he's there somewhere just how that is possible I don't understand because you can see from here there's no trail there and it's only Mountain so they just the trail I'm on whether I like it or not coming up on the first ruins there so keep in mind 600 years old no cement they didn't use anything to glue these stones together I'll give you a closer look here and here it is still 600 years later that path doesn't look too bad actually but the most intriguing one goes up there Wow what I should have done y'all stay one more day sound probably probably a quarter the way up now you probably hear and see I'm struggling I decided to wear as little clothes as possible I probably could a warning all the t-shirt is quite cold there anyway look at these terraces just imagine building this he's unreal and here it is 600 years later they weren't joking when I said at this site is huge it's unreal enjoying this little flat part here and then it appears we start climbing again coming up on a little mud hut or the remnants of a mud hut is not much now I'm just about to breach through the clouds I think but wow this is how the hell'd you go up there I saw a crazy path leading up there but hopefully if I continue on the path that I'm on we will see a path that leads to to up there again more more terraces more inca steps let's do this ones who the hell ever came up with doing farming up here he's unreal the book I read said that you are the valleys down there it's just isn't that much an area below verbal land I don't know how to pronounce that word so the Incas could raise their hydrocal true output by bringing the soil up here and then growing in these hillsides where your device couldn't grow much let's go through through that gate I think I'm actually here that it's really started now these are the the houses and the ruins that you can actually go into which is rare you couldn't really do that in Machu Picchu so let's I just walked past here let's go down there go into one of these buildings and see what's happening I still haven't seen a single soul here which is cool I assume most people take the car hop and then they trek back down which is good because that means I get these ruins hold to myself at least for now until the tour groups sniff this one out oops dead end no circular out what a house so there's a couple of routes you can take that's the ruins I was just in came up from there and you can and I will continue up through there but there's a little bend around here let's see what's here if it's worth going to or not I think it's those houses I saw from below whoa I certainly could have brought another shirt but done is done oh if you're wondering if I'm carrying water I am I'm just conserving it haven't had any yet I think yeah I'm just gonna stop here and then continue further up what's strange is that I have yet to encounter a ticket booth or anything like that have you actually haven't seen a soul yet so if you're coming from the other side where the main entrance this there is a ticket system it's pretty cool irrigation system so maybe you're wondering Harold it's 20 minutes into his video he'll might even be 30 what do I know and you're not telling us about inca history or the Spanish what's wrong the problem is I don't function in the morning I have nothing to say in the morning I don't feel like talking in the morning so I simply I'm lost for words so this is gonna be one of those videos which you should not be entirely unaccustomed to on my channel where I'm just walking through old ruins huffing and puffing talking about how cold it is and how hard it is to walk up here love this irrigation system well these stones I don't see any cement so they could be already no I think us did not use them and let's continue up there hold on what I find truly intriguing though is that if this is not the main site given that there's no people here how incredible must the the main site be if this is just the beginning of the track well we will find out because I'm not about to stop anytime soon here is of course very tempting to do a little walk around here but I'm going to refrain out of respect for the ruins temple certainly looks like it oh whoa Wow we wha don't make them like this anymore that's the funny part is if we tried to build something like this today I don't think we could wear a 600 years ago they managed so up here when I was down there way down there I couldn't really see the trails but standing here right now I can see I guess we call it mule tracks but it's just good old trails leading up the hillside so from even just the path that I've taken now there's been several points vertical you could choose between three paths so there's no one path up here there's a lot of a lot of areas to go to and there's a lot of paths to choose from so what I wanted to say why didn't I just say that I could have said that in one sentence up here , many parts to choose from exclamation mark damn it let's go and see if that is a temple I think it is possibly oh this could be a could this be a good old-fashioned sundial if anyone knows if this is a sundial or not let me know in the comment section I believe that it is if you're wondering I said I wasn't going to step on the stones I'm stepping on the on the actual stones I'm not gonna walk on the on the on the walls like that I don't want to be responsible for one of those things collapsing so I'm gonna stick to the paths but Wow do we have a thumbnail here or maybe a 360 intro either way we did a circle of this ancient sundial for what that is worth so when being up here I can see that that rocky outpost over there he's also probably worth trekking up to even that is back to where I came from let's go up there oh that was kind of worth it there's the sundial a little house I just walked through I still can't believe I haven't seen a soul mix we're going up there and then well after this break oh I'm gonna pop the cherry on my water bottle on that hill a little reward mirror mirror on the wall Schultz not grave pleasures be my all okay let's do another one see if you get this one vork abortion Bruegel three times moonlight stain die grave where is it graves get away bonus point if you know that song it's a killer [Music] it's a killer just like this trail and of you this stone looks like it's hard to crack and this and just collapse down I guess this is something we kind of have to go and stand on isn't it well the elusive clouds I wanted to pierce through the clouds seems to me that I I won't be able to do so goes to further higher up I go the clouds seem to move with me oh what a what a sight I bet you Bruegel would appreciate the sight well there's the shocker not even halfway up the mountain break oh wow it's actually a good place to pop the cherry on my water bottle whoa probably the best sip of water I've ever had well with your soul it's quite the climb let's conserve what we have ha as much as I enjoyed the view right now imagine hop on that one on the third peak in fact I'm not gonna turn my camera on until I'm there see you up there we imagine my surprise when a trail continues and continues hey Harold the best gate pass you're not supposed to go on that's like saying go on this path I mean why would even have that thing this looks like a watchtower of some sort for in this tower I mean they had I've told you these terraces were for agricultural purposes but they also served as a they served military damn see a bridge down there a red bridge over something that is the trail you want to go on I think he's not on any map if I go down instead of cabinet I'm gonna try and go down that path oh yes Jesus this is a little ballsy even for me well I have done worse damn it's even hard to turn here this one is easily up there in the top tree man you just can't catch a break here there's this nice little look out hell is just outdone why do you risk your life like that Harold I'm not have sublime balance I think it's time we venture a little bit off the beaten path to see these ruins here again imagine building up here unreal whoo it's gonna be a problem coming down here highly recommended Trek that I've probably shown you this I mean this whole video is me just panning the camera showing you where I've walked from well so be it it's been an incredible trek that's far I just can't believe still haven't seen a single soul let's give the camera a rest until I do but you said you were gonna rest the camera why are you still filming I don't know old habit I guess dammit where do we go from here I guess back down and follow the path lay down by others the Incas 600 years ago Jesus who the hell comes up with these things how am I gonna fit through there I'm 86 kilo 185 tall I guess the Incas we're not a 60,000 185 tall it works Oh another one where's that bomb to grab onto when you need it Geraldo mucho Mucho intrigued by this oh yeah no choice we're here now not giving up until we're up there on the very top I'm not sure you can see how steeped is it before the pass at least 500 meters has just been straight up pretty much and as you can see hold the signs they lead they leave down meaning no one's so dumb they track backward top like I am doing now because it's a hell of a track this is the dumbest sign I've ever seen despacio slowly yeah as if speed coming up here is any kind of issue yeah I know the sign is meant for people going down how much further can just wreck possibly go for there's still hope being a single person coming down no sign of ha-ah down there I see people oh wow maybe it starts back there then and then they trek up here either way I am the first one here that was quite I like that news which means that it doesn't continue all the way up there as I thought it might okay I conquered this hill first then and now we're going down what does it say here 3500 meters I wonder if that is hit them have you lost the end of the movie it's been I guess it's just her of me walking up huffing and puffing last time I made a video like that was he's actually one of my favorite movies it's the most dangerous movie I ever made I don't even remember what I called it it's one of the castle movies in southern France at 50 minutes when we trekking up a mountain like this more dangerous pitchblack no path check it out I'm gonna put a link to it in the description from this awesome Inca ruins a mucho mucho tired Geraldo is signing off Burundi
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 241,483
Rating: 4.8963828 out of 5
Keywords: Pisac, Inca Ruins, Hiking Peru, Hike Inca Ruins, Hiking Archeological site Peru, Peru
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 49sec (2149 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 16 2019
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