Sacred Valley Luxury Cabin Peru 🇵🇪

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I am deep inside the sacred Valley maybe too deep I'm driving here next to a river / the Seward I don't know there is no kind of fresh might take a swim there later the town gathering Town Meeting and then I'm gonna hold on party my hotel the Sun bears oh what a lively place [Music] as soon as I check in I'm going back there looked like they were drinking some kind of magic juice you know renter going to rent a bicycle because then I can drunk drive [Music] I wonder who came up with the idea to build a hotel up here [Music] pretty good idea to leave next to the village need some locals even if they don't want to meet you whoa whoa wila this world is turning into a real piece of work [Music] and I like it nope that's not it where is it that there's a sign sacred dreams Lords but the loop life went to a dream lunch to me ah there we go boom ghetto oh yeah this is looking Porsche Herald already approves for this place of the fro oh man [Applause] it looks kind of deserted I don't see anyone here good so if there's somebody in the resection know nope just hey mu hey there hey how are you come here yes No hey there are you looking for a friend I'm not gonna sleep alone tonight well you can stay here you can stay there hola Hey she's purring hola oh please ring the bell liverwurst a bell you see a bell around here I'm gonna name you what am I gonna name you yes he already sleeping you're already sleeping I don't see a bell around here you have a new best friend we can go everywhere together hey no boxing no boxing here's to pal oh did that scare you I see some people up there what an absolutely stunning property though I'm gonna give you guys the full tour we'd miss I don't know struggling to come up with a good name for the cat what is your name do you have a name do you have a name it's your name hide-and-seek hola hey look there's your mom your mommy coming down how are you I have a booking from booking this your cat what's her name perrito hello there perrito can perrito stay with me tonight yes okay we have a partner for the evening yes I love cats I am friend of cat it turns out perdido is a man very progressive mucho mucho progressive oh we can still have some fun do you like to fight your own tail are you a tail fighter it seems like it hey hey stop the binding stop the body all right this is your name is Herman right sorry man hard man okay Herman is gonna show us the room this is the restaurant that's the dinner and breakfast all right if you want to have dinner you have to tell me because we have to book at the idea of you I do okay are you already booked forward to your letter please do yeah I didn't book yet but please do you know more or less what time do you want to have dinner as soon as you open 6 o'clock 6 so I'm the only guest at the hotel he told me the only today I still have to book see people coming tomorrow okay he told me a funny story on the 1st of December the whole hotel is booked out yes one for 4 months formal one family when is when is your busiest month until June till August that's high season and who can who come who comes here is it Europeans is it Americans from June until August American people for a long goes until now European people my shoes are so dirty so there was so much mud did you have a rainstorm or something this morning these days already organized everything okay this was the picture I saw this view okay I want this room do you have the noodle showerhead yes you do I have to go inside these the first one is for the hot water that's funny yes you have to leave the water runs for what we did and you will have very hot water and the meat in the middle if you change the shower to the laptop okay you do not leave the water from here no drinking this water I understand what happens if I do just a very bad stomach if you are not like me even when I was a child we will use to drink water for every place it's okay but if you take water from that places younger maybe you will have a bit of a problem okay yes something like that the Lord is our for free all right the menu of the restaurant and you have more water-skier you can no cerveza I would send some book services okay it's okay I can come down to the restaurant here I love this okay here you have your safe box it works in that way you pressed this board on and you set your password now it's for example phone numbers I wonder ARP right please oh so I can actually light this up yes if you need help with that you can do you use what's up ah yes yes can I guess I just use these yes this is to help to start the fire yeah I can I can handle it in the in the holes and I'll do a certified that's great and fantastic place you got here thank you and here you will get wet the works in that way it takes around one hour and seven minutes to get filled on so it's recommended to get filled with these theses the thing one is the hot water this is the cold water I see that's hot water even so these manners that you start to fill with this yeah and when it's almost full yeah you open this now great okay and when this almost fool with this borrow you press and you activate the Jets this one this one I see you activate the Jets great I'm Kier you have a waterfall coming from this one yes it's open now but is I just have to twist that one no it's open now just this is closed yeah okay you open and when it's almost full the waterfall recirculate with the same water like here amazing yeah now I see why that guy rented it for four months with his whole family so if people want to come here then they have to when does he leave he leaves in April you said here 1st to December to April so first of April do you open again for customers okay another six months guys hey what are you hunting for do you get any any hummingbirds does he catch them and kill them eat them and eat them okay that was the tour thank you so much thank you I'm gonna hang out with them with with the cat welcome to the hotel thank you thank you so much see you later see you later for the dinner okay are we gonna hang in the jacuzzi are we gonna hang in the jacuzzi I don't know what to do guys should I go on that Trek first and then come back here I think that's what I'm gonna do do you want to stay here I already forgot your name I'm gonna call us Miranda it's easy to remember are you gonna stay here Esmeralda and guard the fort it is 12 o'clock I'm starving I'm on my third day now pretty much without food this always happens when I go on these tours so I'm gonna follow the river and see if we can go up but on that hillside but the one the one behind me see what's there maybe find some food see what's happening come back here and until head to jacuzzi at at the restaurant and maybe show you a little bit more from this hotel but wow you know what this place is beyond all expectations look at this well these cabins even have a balcony hmm I think I rented the priciest one it was a hundred and ten plus taxes which was another thirty but he told me that they have a mega sale on at the moment that normally they would charge 180 for the one I mean now I don't know if that one with the balcony is bigger and better or not but it seems to me here like if you look in here this one ah you probably can't see it due to the glare but it's a two two storey one it has a kitchen so I guess they do have rooms that are bigger and pricier than what I'm having at the moment but maybe they are knocked open as you said I'm the only guest here today you know what time it is I think it's dumb nail o'clock or maybe this can be my cabin or at least in a thumbnail even though that isn't actually my cabin so the setting here I mean if not exactly the jungle it is on the outskirts of town I guess we can call this jungle maybe in my video title this will be called jungle cabin in sacred Valley considering there's no one staying here they're really taking good care of this place as far as hotels that I've stayed at this year let's just do this year damn I'm covered in covered in cat hair as far as hotels have stayed at just in this year I think this is I raid it up there with the one in Sri Lanka where they had where I had a private - cushy on the balcony and everything what I like here though is that there's no one telling you you can't go here and there and so on but then again there's no leopards and wild elephants in this Airport I wonder if not these walls that I'm walking past here - are quite old I mean I certainly look like there could be I don't see what other use for well maybe it's part of all this oh yes we can swim with this oh the beauty up here unreal I was hoping the forest would get thicker and it does it can never be too thick it's no compressive quote for you guys and gals I'm not going to be able to go in there with my shoes on that's what I wanted to I want to be in the middle here and do a little time still do that maybe all the way down let's see what we find up there maybe there's some even better place to swim let's don't pick that this will jump on the first opportunity butts right there what a beautiful place to swim it's going to happen and I'm wearing my absolute ugliest boxer shorts that I bought in the past so you know I'm gonna have to go commando on this one this place is fantastic wow what a find strong currents I mean there is obviously a lot of water up there so I'm gonna try and find the source of this even if it takes me three hours it's another little place for a swim so yeah I mean the current is pretty strong but it's also not very deep and when it's not deep can handle it this is the spot I don't know right here might even be a little too wild even for the mooks fire note the smartest place I have broke my passport to you wondering how I got out there I walked if you're wondering how cold it is it's like a swimming team I have to wear my boxers because sometimes locals dude you will buy us off two people earlier I picked this spot right here and then that one have to go under at least once here is as good a place as any whoa it's pretty strong once you're under because you are your body you know kind of it's so strong that I'm gonna have to do this in stages maybe like an ostrich Wow welcome to work Oh well I tried whoa you drive one more spot down there I'm gonna float down it's gonna have to be the weakest spam ever in fuzzy black there is too strong to do it's like an ostrich Jesus some they'll time if any locals come by now this is going to be the craziest thing they ever saw and albino make it in the river I decided to give it one more go but in the places where I can sit down I can't cover my whole body the places that are deep enough the current just sweeps you down so I mean I have no chance but still what a beautiful place I might come here tomorrow morning with a beer before my drive and just sit there it's amazing and again nobody here well time to go back see the captain you're wondering how I do that while I walk it's kind of yeah it is kind of difficult but there's nothing to grab onto once you're out there and you're stepping on these things it also better selfie some people coming is fishing I can't feel my toes because it's been 15 20 minutes now walking around like this at least Eric can hold on to the branch my shoes over there whoa hey I was walking around here looking and she's already here how's it going you've been sleeping come here come here come here there we go stay there let's go fill up the jacuzzi what you been doing see you guys in jacuzzi it is time to check out Jacuzzi with my original if bob's his name again the guy yesterday is to be believed pisco Rosabelle is passed out but she she moves around whenever she hear sounds and the jacuzzi is almost full it's been about an hour and a half since I turned this thing on I haven't figured out how to work this waterfall yet we will see maybe it maybe it kicks off when I press that button I don't know either way all right no hold on you can do thumbnail later let's dive in then whoa Lily broke mine my pisco before oh Jesus wow it's actually boiling hot or maybe I'm just too cold I was it is kind of cold okay whoa well he's actually super nice that it is hot let's see how this thing works done oh wow I love this hotel maybe I should stay another day I didn't go back to that party that I promised if I kept that scene in as I drove up here through the little town I didn't go back because I just wanted to sit here in district to see and edit let's see guess it needs some some time to warm up well let's yeah listen I'll sit there lest that thing start maybe I need to turn the cold water on for that thing to work a lot a funny if it kicks off no it doesn't what does it well not yet anyway either way I'm gonna sit here enjoy my my pisco i'm really feeling the effects now i'm not eating for what's it been it's almost four o'clock nine hours without food she wondering why i didn't eat breakfast it's gonna find something on the road but didn't wow this must be original mucho mucho up forever alright if the video ends here it ends here if not I guess I'll see you guys at dinner since I booked at 6 o'clock we'll see what they have there maybe I'll film a non-fire rock to the fireplace as well until then Jules jolliness signing off burns my face Wow the cold water is a lifesaver think you know what time it is I may not include this scene this is but it is thumbnail o'clock why is there something on my lens well there's nothing really to wipe it with out here so let's try a couple way background hmm Huk background this dumbbell hunt is gonna get me wasted ah this goes down like chocolate milk pusher original there maybe yeah what kind of sounds is that actually it could be embarrassing if they see me down there actually the reception is right there who gives them I need a dump now here you can see kind of my hot and the jacuzzi hope they didn't see that embarrassing
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 345,502
Rating: 4.9210672 out of 5
Keywords: Hotel Peru, Luxury Hotel Sacred Valley, Ollantaytambo Hotel, Mountain Hotel Cabin Peru, Peru Luxury Hotel
Id: H1z2z2isTvU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 31min 20sec (1880 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 18 2019
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