Avoid the Saqsaywaman Scam Peru 🇵🇪

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Thanks I take this tip whenever I go to Peru

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theworldvideos 📅︎︎ Nov 14 2019 🗫︎ replies
good morning guys I woke up today hearing an atrocious rumor by the way I am on my way up to that hill over there but before I do Trek up there to see some ancient ruins I rumor had it for now it's ending rumor had it that this morning Jeff's mama was putting out for pennies and hey you just met Jeff's mom mom I dip my deaf Yama okay how much did you pay since all this alright gracias Jesus Christ Jeff have you know Jeff's mom do you have you no dignity you're worth more than that she'll be a hundred hola como esta not my Jeff how are you can't believe you're out here just on the streets for tena Wow it's so nice it's beautiful hey there yes hey I know you're I know your son who's Ted Yama who's dead alpaca oh wow it's an alpaca didn't know that that Jeff was the crossbreed okay Julie should we help her out this is such you won this way think I'm going to place I can't pronounce but anyway let's help her out oh you made this one why are you why is why is every yama or alpaca I'm eating in a pride parade very confusing all right quanto grant drop pina who an approve Pina okay take care take care of Jeff's mama you know she doesn't have to be out here it's getting late you know you're better than this go home ah well alright well guess sometimes you gotta do what you got to do so obviously hit a rough patch maybe she's morning Jeff so am i anyway oh yeah I do have my I put my a my short hair as I came up these stairs anyway I am on my way to some ruins this is one of those scenes I don't know if I can get away with if it's unrelated or whatever why she's going she's going hope she hope she takes my my deaf home okay up and beyond Wow so I just had pasta to a gate down there and of course it's a guy standing there turning tourists away man I'm pissed off I don't feel like getting into a fight like in Florence at least not now until I've seen the ruins which are up there anyway back down there there's a guy who stands there who says that it's closed and you have to walk 20 minutes around to buy your ticket of course conveniently he wants to sell you a car to go there and so on but don't believe them just walk to past the gate I told him do what you want I'm gonna walk he did nothing I might film it on the way back but then I'm gonna be cutting into someone's hustle again and yeah seeing as I'm not about to leave anytime soon I'm not sure I want to do that now but we'll see almost there okay almost here Jeff's old family is here but I'm gonna ask that ticket counter what they say how about the scammers had their entrance down there let's see let's see Ola won't be net you speak English down there on this road you see this road down there there is a man who tells that that entrance is closed I just came from there that entrance and there's a group of men down there who tells tourists that that entrance is closed and that they have to buy a car ticket and a tour from him it's not closed I just walked through I mean you should know this is your sight right so this is to take it place and this part is not closed No so he's lying okay maybe you should do something about that anyway will not be like wait for what for one today okay Federal Reserve's so you don't really care about that guy who'd says that your your entrance is closed that's fine okay there's no problem I understand you don't want to deal with it yes maybe there we go muchos Gracias okay thank you okay all right is it this is mine okay oh yeah the same problem will you just went through all right I'm the enemy of all scammers I stood there he turned so many people away yeah and I just thought to myself this can't be at this site no way you know so I'm gonna go down there with my camera and I'm gonna get in his face as I leave and then we'll see what happens all right thanks for verifying if people don't think I'm making [ __ ] up Thanks Hey Oh ticket okay okay yeah so you work here right yes there is a guy down there who tells tourists that the entrance is closed and he tries to sell a a car ticket and a tour and he turned many people away so many tourists walked away because he says he stands at the entrance with his friends and he says that that his entrance is closed and you have to walk 20 minutes around the mountain he say if you want to come in here so this is your official entrance I just think it's very bad for your site and tourism so yes but he acts like his formal yeah via tourists I how can I know I asked his idea he couldn't show me so then I said okay you're lying but he's standing right there right now and everyone in the shops down there two are in on it and they will back up what he says so guys it's like we have like this is the real guide yeah okay you're a real good yes I okay okay for mouth okay good I hope I hope they stop him communicate but it's not that's good yep it's very easy to just have some guy down there at the ticket office right yeah so okay so maybe if you want to information all these places yes I do I do your official guide all right all right what do you charge for that then it's like it let me please tell you when I show to do you want a long they painted I don't know I want to know a little bit about this site I want to make make a little filming walking up on these you know talk about the history of this maybe I don't know how long are your tours longest with one hour half behind and short tour I get 45 minutes 45 how much is 45 minutes it's like a fifty solace fifty solace yes that's a deal okay okay yes all right okay please we have a guide hey can I just say that uh yes they'll Park us yeah I think it's Jeff's family oh they're not it's this the entrance do we go through here or we come in out here no we'd go okay we're back for this way you back for this way I'm coming back here yes I'll do that after them okay okay so now you're saying over there okay okay all right so I'll turn the camera back on later on when we when we have some proper information yes see you then he says to follow him into this dark alley okay yeah so I'm putting a lot of trust in you here watch your head I will yeah okay I'll go down yeah okay if I touch your body okay strange request to us okay I guess it gets really dark in here what kind of mist is a man-made tunnel yeah damn I see nothing now yeah if I didn't grab on to your bum how would we lost good thing that I can grab onto it yeah okay we're for more than one reason yes so what's the name of this site it's suck why um exact sucks I want and it's from before the Incas right no it's not before a 15th century yeah but what about those stones out there what about the stones out there I thought they are older than the Incas okay here we are I see you like to yeah he was raining a lot today so there's this what was this for this tunnel do you know I know you know outside all right yeah yeah I don't worry always careful yeah I'm yeah Harold careful Boulder is my middle name okay we survived the dark alley with a strange man not completely not entirely unmolested but okay oh this almost looks like a like a forum like an amphitheater kocha can you see him says coach oh yes what this means the kocha so what's like wizard war a reservoir yes for water yes so this was a water system yes for the city yes exactly wow that's math it was not difficult yes but did that did that water then lead all the way down to the city yes and it was for for drinking or for wow that's great yes built by the Incas yes okay so what happened here now look like around here the smaller stones natural is you know is restore I see because I say one man was destroyed by 80% just now the Spanish damn you Spanish again just like it fine I get twenty four single original the other one a 20 percent destroy Spanish everything just now looking so so they didn't see the need to use this as a water yes they didn't see the need for that to Spanish yeah nothing for not okay yes how did they get water then so they borrowed from the mountain the Incas yeah six camera phone from the mountain they brought for instant evident that was the Incas yes and what about the Spanish since they destroyed this but they do use it for nothing they but they when they can't that when they Spanish Kim here so they use like a different spring water they found a different water source yes okay yeah but I think us thinking because palaces or the Incas really just have really just places they now use for nothing they destroy everything but then they know when continuum or the Incas or they think they know one practices more the Incas religions because Castro's nothing they wanted to end all that yeah vanquished inca religion and all the culture of the history exactly yes so he said he could teach me some catch on Quechua Quechua and Quechua so you is that your first language yes Quechua yes and Spanish is the second yes my second okay so how would you say water in ketchup it's the culture yes and water reservoir yes so porcha means water or water reservoir listen well wizard weather wizard war it means the okay okay yeah yeah my first quarter lesson is not I need to start paying attention not ask about things he's already told me about okay how would you say hombre man yeah buddy Cody Cody Cody woman what a me well so what what is Quechua language similar to is it is it just a very unique language there is no languages similar to this similar is like a Japanese - Japanese yes in the sounds in there yes in a sound Wow so like if we seem like a Japanese like you say uma whom I say what means in Japanese is course horses horse horses and uma means in Quechua is head Wow yeah understand yes same that is very strange yeah yeah so you speak Japanese to then anything yes if you see if you want to learn yeah think you can pronounce the words very easily and so on so natural what no it's not waterslide there's no water so it's a slide yes is it only for kids or can an adult like me do it too this is the same set the pin is you and I slide down here yes where do I go I go up there that way so let me guess in Quechua you say so tuna yes okay so I want to try this - tuna okay how would I say that in Quechua sooo tuna I want to try this so tuna the whole sentence yeah in Quechua mocha mousse so chewy Musa so Chi Musa okay yeah let's go how I it looks like they're having so much fun no problem it's not the first damn damn you Tim K you know that these trekking shoes are the most slippery shoes that I've ever worn never wearing trekking shoes ever again well there's a queue look at that man effortlessly walks up here once I have to lean forward because I'm in trekking shoes you first show how show me how it's done Oh after them okay we're in a race I'll catch something this man come on Oh bye-bye whoa [Applause] [Music] they thought I was going to go in there I was pretty close I wonder not the first slide I've been on this is the oldest part right yes so now let me show you here and then we'll find it here a huge work like now what it sucks a woman what does that mean sucks a woman means say like in Saks I say that you satisfied it means to satisfy yeah satisfied what meaning what one man is hug you know hug yes satisfies hug sucks i 1r means it means satisfied with hug satisfies hug satisfies hug hug hug you know hug a hug or a hug hug no no or aura aura or a hug you know like you Huck you know Huck I don't know what a hawk is a hawk oh yes yes yes I know I understand he means a hawk Wow yeah I kind of thought that was my my entry to make a move with a hug but okay yeah this is funny okay Lee means like a hawk yeah okay okay and when people say that did they're like a hawk they understand right away yeah yeah it's just me that don't understand yeah yeah yeah I'm not too bright okay so it so and this how old is this site is the 15th century this is from the 15th century also yes it's not from before Inca no the Inca build this yes it was building by the these kings by Chuck duty by track but you could a he sounds like a real man yeah he's was a maximum leader he was Kings in 50 century I see just like a hundred years before into Spanish can you see from here the Incas building zigzag shaped crazy like in zigzag shape you're right yeah so what was these places I do not know a fortification no sir just like it was the temples just where the worship places so maybe you know the Incas so by Incas what was the economic power 1 by n cuz you know I do not know their their economy no okay yeah you think think well I think agriculture animals it was a good future okay yes but why they build in the exact shape I do not know because they don't know art is lightning that Thor from Norway didn't know that he helps way down here well contour your yes beyond what I thought okay sir I like it that they build it in lightning shape can you see I see that's pretty cool okay so we can walk up there later yeah yeah yeah so like you like nightshade can you see yes I see it right why - on earth or no because what's the special got so lucky so the lightning this lightning by Incas was special God they consider like it the lightning got bring rain the rain the rain bring prosperity like food the other thing I see when it's lightning when it's raining it's it's fertilizer to the soil and all that and yes or yeah right yes so this was a a way to kind of honor the rain gods yes so they pray here they worship for bring the lightning the lightning bring rain the rain bring a good harvest exactly wow the washing place was like this website the people came here was a racially from festivites or they play here are different gods the Incas amazing yeah so before was much taller so I had 15 meters 15 meters just this wall here yes how tall is it now an IMAX mean I 9 yes it's nice before was a 50 major one two three three levels and did you have other structures here as well on top they were their houses temperance watchtower a watchtower not happy for for like a defensive structure yes for security for protecting this temple I have here this so how much before sexy one which before destroy by Spanish for example a half year yeah look this one okay easy Wow yes yeah and that's happily building watch tower 3 watch tower 9 2 3 we're saying bye bye to the guide and I'm going to take over the tour I'm gonna show you where the Spanish actually laid siege to this because the Dinkas used to use this as a fortress I know that history myself so I can do that myself alright thank you so much as well good yes I will good luck with the guiding and everything and there we go thank you muchas gracias thank you so much Eagle boy Harold Harold yes hello son of Thor yeah all right see you have a good luck with the guiding and everything thank you so much bye bye yeah all right I'm gonna go there but first I'm gonna talk about the Sun gate all right bye-bye so I in my other videos I spoke a little bit about how the Spanish basically were able to conquer cusco which was the Incas home base unopposed there was a a mega squirmish a rather big battle on the outskirts of cusco which is on the other side of this of this structure which he totally told us was used as a temple and a prayer site but as the Incas rebelled under Manko the brother of Paolo Paolo was the puppet Inca that the Spanish had installed here but his brother Manku he was able to dam what's the word he was able to inspire a all the other tribes here even tribes that Incas had conquered to rise up against the Spanish and they were almost able to conquer all of Cusco and they were able to to the Spanish basically just held plaster the armas and a couple of buildings around there and then the Incas and their allies held everything else but after a couple of weeks the Spanish with the Terios thank you to the person who commented with that word their cavalry rode out from Pasadena mas up here and they realized we're gonna have to take back this fortification because the Incas had turned it into a fort and the brother of Francisco Pizarro led that battle but he was killed during the siege or what was what had then become a fort I think he was hidden under Pizarro I may get the first name wrong have a look that up but one of the Pizarro's was then killed right here on this spot in front of the Sun gate but eventually the Spanish were able to take back this fort Wow some strange sounds coming up from here what are you guys up to you speak English ah connect the door yeah well there's many people telling me that I should go to Ecuador after Peru it's better what's better everything food yeah many tourists yes well I don't like that I would like to be the only tourist so it's not better I'm joking we've got you guys here on a school holiday a school trip you have to study there so you're telling me you are here against your will you don't want to be here you want to be in Ecuador what are you studying leadership anthropology yeah all right this is a great place then okay enjoy guys I'm gonna have to continue my vlog Wow does everyone in Ecuador speak English like you or is it just you guys all the people alright I'm going to Ecuador bye-bye very impressed if that is the English level hold on I'm obviously going to jump this one so I can show you the zigzag path pattern here or this lightening wall as you called it well you can kind of see it from here so you see and then it zigzags around oh I'm getting me a lot hey there how are you told you they always have these people who tell you where you can and cannot go here now you have to appreciate so so this guy he said it's the Incas that built this and there was nothing here before the Incas turned this into a religious site as a prayer place for water now I'm sure there were plenty of people in the comment section say oh no it was built by giants and all that stuff but okay you can debate that thing those things I don't know anything about that and it doesn't sound very credible either but you have to appreciate the the ingenuity of putting these stones together because they have to fit before you place them here so as you it involves a lot of cutting and even taking them down and cutting them again and so on if I'm wrong let me let me hear all the theories in the comment section but that is what I read all right this way it says by the way if battery life permits I am gonna go well actually no because this place closes in half an hour so it makes no sense for those guys to stand at the entrance and say that it is closed but I can go back there tomorrow with the sole purpose will be exposing that scam so that tourists are not are not discouraged from from visiting this site I mean what a joke I can't believe that they that they allow that to to go on in a place like this that lives on on tourism we're reaching the summit which in Quetta may be called no guru schmuck oh maybe that means lookout I don't know we will find out so when this is Cusco and when the Incas more or less took back the whole city apart from the downtown plaza de armas the main square I'm not sure if I've shown you that in a video or not that I can do that now as I live on that Square that was all that the Spanish held and they were huddled together there because Pizarro had sent a huge expedition down to Chile to conquer Chile and look for gold so the justo they were only left with 20 cavalry and just 70 or 80 Spanish swordsmen or foot saw soldiers in this little square you can see it down there it's that little square down there everything else here all the hillsides which is lit up at night we think us bonfires all over all over these hills and that is after weeks of that and almost starving to death that's when Posada decided we're gonna have to take back this height regain control because we don't know when we're going to get help so they were they were on the brink of actually losing and and seeing as they didn't doubt that was kind that was kind of it monk oh he he raised rebellions in the future but they never came as close at that time when they when they almost conquered or took back Cusco because all of this here all the hills and the whole city was in inca hands and the Spanish were just huddled together in that tiny little square if you're wondering where those big stones come from that that I that formed that lightning formation the guy told me that the quarry's are up there back across that mountain so they they rolled those those big stones down some of them weighing ridiculous amounts I think I showed you the biggest one back there using the same method as the Egyptians he told me lightning this way exit and rather okay alternate entry well then we try the alternate entry then I he said Sal da dos al fayeed I don't actually know how to say exit in Spanish so that's why I asked him if this is the entry because if it's an entry that means it's over also an exit haha secret foot path with no tripwire Harald investigates oh damn you Tim Kaine your trekking shoes this might be one of the shortest Howell investigates in history because it doesn't look like there's hmm yeah now I see why it's closed off because it's not not closed of course there's nothing so investigation ain't conclusive oh I think there may have been telling me fairytales I do not see an exit or entry here so I'm probably gonna have to go back unless ah but anyway here what I showed you actually up there which probably you can't see anyway because of this wide-angle lens was not plaza de armas this is plaza de armas so see those two churches there so this little quarter here that was all the Spanish had left once Mong ku Inca had had rallied the tribes and and mustard basically how many Buffalo I don't remember off the top of my head some ridiculous amount of soldiers again like 60,000 70,000 to to counter-attack and they they held everything here apart from that little square there and some buildings around it and pretty much most of the city was destroyed ah so this is that cross I see from my hotel but Harold why are you showing your face when you can be showing us the view okay [Applause] happy just to show you how big these stones are now I seem to remember something from a book I read that these stones but I don't know if it was these stones or the stones down in the city but as the Spanish conquistadors spoke to the the Incas here after they'd conquered it apparently I seem to remember that a lot of those the Incas told the Spanish that they did not build these but I I can't say that conclusively because I don't remember if that was in reference to some other stone structures downtown or if it's these ones but anyway the guide said that this was made by the Incas and it does not predate them again all these stones were rolled down from that second Hill do you see over there that's where the quarry is as I'm leaving this site here from many vendors selling interesting things this one it's very beautiful and this is quad and the black one okay I'll have to I like the necklaces I'm going to send these to it to people only only these two listen only to only two come on I guess you're very happy cuz I didn't bargain there you go beautiful this for you guys can we have another one this one's a little broken you see look at that you have another one yes but can we have another one it's a little broken - yes yes thank you very much what all the treasures do they have here what are you buying how are you selling they're very beautiful I got the blue you want a cuesta 15/15 so us what about dear solace oh wow only one solo Oh No there you go thank you Wow this is turning into quite the shopping trip have you thought it no thank you hi older do you have necklaces no thank you wow that's very unique how much is that 160 Solorzano muy Caro I'm sure it's natural but it's also Caro no no I'm gonna say hello to Jeff now Jeff's family a family of llamas let's get well maybe we can give give Jeff a little necklace Hey hola what's the name what does she want to wear my necklace here here okay Lindo beautiful oh you like that hey look at that yes now you have a beautiful necklace hey can I hold him let me try to hold him come to Papa see okay how do you hold this thing oh there we go look at that we do a beautiful necklace hey do you like that Jimmy stiff oh you have a nice hat Jeff has a hat too that is to protect for the Sun it's not for the heat Wow oh I think you missus oh mama keep it keep the necklace I'm sure they're just gonna sell it sell it on but hold on hold on throw Pina si si si boo an appropriate way no what what what's the bueno pro Pina thank you solace all right all right no no no I have to keep it on okay I'll be back tomorrow you better be wearing your necklace bye bye as soon as I'm around the bend here I suspect the necklace is on but if some reason decides to to keep the necklace on that's fun hopefully people will come for for Southeast and so on well yes now I'm signing off unless that's Camrys at the gate then I'm signing on okay so here we go this is the entrance if you type in saqsaywaman in Google Maps this is the entrance that it will lead you to and this is where this gate was open just like now when I entered and that guy is not here now but there was a guy standing there saying that night closed and you have to go another 20 minutes to another entrance or by a tour ticket from him for 80-plus his car or whatever so yeah don't listen to people in Peru and they say that it's very very sad actually that that they have that yeah I guess you must Sukhoi you can kind of say isn't so what happens when tourism becomes somewhat advanced and the locals realize how gullible and dumb tourists are because we'll listen to any man who looks local and you know tells you that something is close but they do the same thing in Asia all over the place but this is this is where he was standing right at the entrance there and oh no this is devastating coming back down from the mountain I Jeff's mom he's still here yeah and even worse saladin before times must be rough hopefully she'll have another Jeff and that Jeff won't die you'll become rich and wealthy and be able to pamper his mama so she can retire in a llama yeah where dude llamas go when they're old I don't know well hello there are you coming to see friend of dog enemy of horse which was another moniker that some people added yesterday let's see hey guys nope this is the path straight back to Plaza de Armas coming back down here now to the last of the Animus as you can see is right here that I wanted to turn the camera on a little earlier because there is a great museum that if you are in Cusco you should go and visit whenever I'm in a city I always check out as many history museums as I can find why don't i film them well people have no interest in it and my channel actually goes down in overall views whenever I do but it's right here at the wassail Inca and it's open till till hold on so pillow it's open tools okay I just want to show this one the statue I also remember that actually it's no filming in here if that's what they told me but I wouldn't have filmed in here anyway because people don't appreciate museums but uh this is where it's at and I highly recommend a visit he was pretty good and it shows you a lot about the civilizations that were here prior to the Incas as well and they also have some women sitting in their weaving showing you how they make their goods that are on sale in in shops like this but as I've said this video is about to end people just find it so interesting that I talk to the camera ah ah I like this this is how you make do you make this one see from this one Wow No no tengo tiempo no time I think I tried to say I don't have time but hola no I already have that one oh do wish I could buy from everyone but it's physically impossible bye-bye enjoy now we're gonna end it down here on Plaza de Armas actually I'm not sure if we will end it here because I have some footage I have some footage from a festival that was here two weeks ago I guess I can throw in some of that here to show you a little bit this it's quite festive as I think I said up there on this square there's almost this is a marching band it's almost something happening every day especially on the weekends but I've some footage from that church in there which was absolutely fantastic there's another one over there I don't think I've filmed anything in there but uh yeah I might as well end the vlog there and also reiterate that this is where the Spanish were kind of squished in when mong-koo Inca rebelled and this is where they then rode up to to that religious site come fortress where the Incas held sway up there and that's where the ones that fell the Spanish were able to re conquer the city so let's go inside that church with my old footage signing off [Music] little a random nighttime video here for you guys some kind of festival going on some people telling me about Jesus others say it's a wedding I don't know what's going on but I assume they're going to light these things right here on fire at some stage give you a closer look and that all of this will be lit up in front of the church I assume the time will tell either way I'm gonna hang out here until something happens it's a lot of fireworks going on over there but this is what I really want to see these things light up in front to the church so bear with me as Harold investigates Jesus festival in Peru struggling Sarita's they try to get this in position [Music] so they just started building these about an hour or two ago as I was walking around here and it takes about four of them to lift it into position [Music] for the sake of the church good thing it's made up 15th century Spanish stones well obviously for Rouen stones but I think this church is very very old I was in here today beautiful beautiful place and it's probably stood here since the Spanish came oh it's gonna be a big one here let's see tear kind of safe distance so they fired up one of the towers it looks very strange thus far it's just worrying at the bottom [Music] [Music] I must say not as spectacular as I had hoped but we'll see about this one this one looks like more fun [Music] safety first so song [Music]
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 582,776
Rating: 4.8315043 out of 5
Keywords: Scam Peru, Saqsaywaman, Cusco Tourism, Peru World Heritage Site, Cusco History, Inca History, Inca Site, Scam Cusco, Saqsaywaman Scam
Id: -jLDaQuOrss
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 48min 39sec (2919 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 11 2019
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