Guinea Pig for Dinner Peru šŸ‡µšŸ‡Ŗ

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Makes me want to try it. Iā€™m certainly not out of by it

šŸ‘ļøŽ︎ 2 šŸ‘¤ļøŽ︎ u/theworldvideos šŸ“…ļøŽ︎ Nov 14 2019 šŸ—«︎ replies
we've decided to walk to the guinea-pig place and Cyrus's son did not want to leave his machine gun at home he decided to as you can hear he's firing us whereas we're walking down the hill here so finally it's time to a lot of yo commented come on when you're gonna eat the guinea pig it turns out that his wife's favorite food is guinea pig in it's his favorite food too and this restaurant that they're going to show me has the best guinea pig so I think I'm really lucky nowt on on this one because in the city what I've seen in restaurants it doesn't look too appetizing we'll see maybe this won't look too appetizing either but at least I'm enjoying this little track wasn't this where we saw the Inca ruins over there Tim can your trekking shoes yep [Music] behind your house it is reminds me a lot about Bolivia though every house looks like it's under construction even when it's finished so I'm in this there's no way to tell really if if that house is it's complete or not this is the most slippery slope I have walked down possibly ever okay we're getting there hey don't want to mess with that fella yeah it's interesting that this yeah this whole house is made from mud and wood for once I'm gonna keep the camera away because this is one of the most interesting neighborhoods I've seen I love this walk there's so much to see here you guys probably wanted to take the bus but you should do walking tours up here you know a lot of a lot of tourists would love to see this Cyrus's hillside walking tours because this is much more interesting than than anything you can see in the city maybe maybe yeah it's hard to understand for locals why this is interesting but it just is it's everything is so different this is like this house from the Charlie 4 - so it's - it's normal never use normal you're like why would you want to see this just wonder how long these house and can can stand for when they're made from from bricks like this held together by by hey and nails you're right walking is faster than the bus because he just pierced through the hillside instead of instead of driving around that's I told you when you save me is much better we can go the cars that's the way much faster faster and more interesting to walk what a neighborhoods if I'm gonna contrast this with La Paz though I must say in La Paz things weren't so open I think here maybe it's an illusion but things just appears to me that there's these neighborhoods are much safer just coming around the bend here is this a peace a peace go over those teacher hope it's okay sure is I don't know kind of questioning if it's hostile toward yeah hit by a car it's that common you see that sometimes people get that sometimes they drinking is their most sometimes the other problem in this sociality push Cory's Jocko the Pisco not too much peace I think this you know the government's not doing nothing for that for that so people's and sometimes don't want to like maybe be wired to do the life you know want to escape fighting to the light because it's very strange if you go to with the systems it's very hard with the government if you for example me I work for but for a month so somebody would pay me 1500 so so but you are curtain what's that in dollars that's 500 that would be a normal salary salary for your mom sometimes so you you weigh your last day so you're drinking too much what else this is it this is that right triangle where I eating that's your favorite don't we let me do the favorite guinea pig restaurant it has a fantastic view as well first so we can eat outside yeah let's see it lets see the baby first guess there's one table out there is that outside the next one these this more outside the other one is more building so which one do you prefer this one okay this you asking if we can have a table say play they come here do I need yeah with a view carick Americans who doesn't want to eat and and and check this out you may be you may be okay maybe you don't I do yes don't like to match it so that DC people is English you like to be inside yeah because it's very dangerous Wow operation new brain all right we now will have a beer is your son is your son gonna stop shooting at me just not how many bullets have I haven't taken to them I'll have what you guys are having no more the white man's almost dead he never lets go this gun this is look now I have your gun how do you like that oh you can take the side have no children no I'm childless no wife I'm traveling so it's kind of incompatible with one day because the famous Inca Cola so you love the Inca Cola he'll I think he likes the Inca Cola - that's okay let's try I will try one Inca Cola this one I will just drink from the bottle the Cusco no chriskate Otto we can three candy Cheers all right cheers Cheers well cheers you have to drink Cheers Matthew my plan was to go to gym after this my plan through out the window I guess and I try this Inca Cola Kirsten some people say that the Inca Cola is better than coca-cola what do you think better just little bit little bit little bit you use you like you like it better yeah you like it better to taste a mask a Coca Cola take gusta mask a Coca Cola not sure if Geraldo Cousteau this one Mastan Coca Cola but we'll try wait it's all right that doesn't taste like coca-cola it don't taste like Cola it tastes like some sweet sugary sprite maybe yeah it's Santini finning yeah actually sprite - so much better that's what I think it tastes like it's gonna show us how they make these guinea pigs now Queen you can come here awesome here garnish that they we call this is or no that's cooking the cruise and they put something inside them it's called rocket a rocket is a greens very you will taste is very delicious it adds some some flavor to it yeah flower gracias I don't know about this yeah oh this is for inside pocket I and you put all that inside that's yes well it's the first time for everything as they say whoa my friend of dog okay looks delicious I think it's coming he's trying to balance three big oh my god that is one juicy looking rat my peanut M&Ms estar muy cheeky Jesus Christ where do you start with something like this two minutes time we cheek yeah that's kind of hot se puede no Dennis I just want to see how have I it's too hot to live I want to see how are they coming so you said you could eat this with your hand if you want yeah and some some just look good Jesus what and and this one it's this is noodles there's a paper they've had some spices I see I see I'm the others - it's a potato and this are you gonna indulge a creeper Qui Qui I'll or no no Chuck no Chuck that to proper potatoes all right I just wanted a picture with this one you camera may I got it here just hold it like this okay George trot how do you stop with something like this then I'm gonna have to yeah to cut hold on let's let's learn from the professionals I'll see how you eat it first your start with oh you just dig in with the leg looks like a chicken he's better than - it's better than chicken why are we eating this like I would eat a triple whopper very fast [Laughter] okay let's do another leg then you eat this claw - no no the clothes you discard before I did not think that I would like this but I do i mucho gusto cooee mucho gusto qui it's very hard to eat and film at the same time though so I'm gonna hold on what I'm gonna put the camera down and then I'm gonna start filming when this is over actually I'm gonna try and this one pepper just eat the whole thing okay everything will you take a bite this is a great meal wow I didn't think that this was gonna be good I wanted to just drive but it is actually very good everything about this meal Rico yester is this some kind of was this noodles is noodles like a spaghetti like a bullock nurse the one that this whole meal was phantom all of this cost 114 mm which is about 45 bucks so the whole family has joined us now and I shared my guinea pig is it too much meat for me I don't know how you nearly massacred yours I don't know how you do it you must have been very hungry but this is Cyrus said that this was better than chicken and it is better than chicken because chicken is quite dry where's the guinea pig it's not one problem though ism there's a lot of bone and it's very hard to kind of dig in here to to find a meat it's not a lot of meat on it like on a chicken but the meat that you do find it's much better so there's two different that's not a potato that's a komodo that's a camote this is the potato and the Komodo you dip in in that sauce this one yes better than a potato it's sweet all right no more camera until this meal is empty okay the meal has ended we're now gonna go back to the to the city yes and they're gonna they're gonna finish up so bye bye have a have a good meal go easy on the Bears he's gonna go back to work to the city I am gonna go and edit footage and possibly make another video today we'll see but anyway thank you so much for for showing me your favorite restaurant and maybe if if there's people watching this who wants to try this meal they can contact you oh can you can you can show them this place the real guinea pig maybe you can give him a a barrio tour and whatever he's open to to suggestions he's an aspiring tour guide that is what he's studying too if this is the first video you're watching and you didn't see part one so that was that was different guinea pig meal signing off
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 728,220
Rating: 4.4597411 out of 5
Keywords: Peru Food, Exotic food, weird food, Peru street food, guinea pig dinner, Cuy Peru
Id: nabzgbzZtbA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 19sec (1159 seconds)
Published: Wed Nov 13 2019
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