Vietnam's Border With China 🇻🇳

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He'll probably go to the border area tomorrow on his video (5th October 2019)

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/theworldvideos 📅︎︎ Oct 04 2019 🗫︎ replies
so here I am minding my own business and this truck comes and starts literally digging up the road right in front of me it's really really funny the road is perfectly fine and now he's digging it up nobody seems to care everyone keeps driving okay can drive okay oh good or him first him first Hey it's not clear who's going first I go all right bye-bye it's one of the coolest things I've seen this is the first functional you go first first functional stretch of road good luck that I have seen in maybe three hours and then that's the stretch taking up come on this area is just hilarious again I just can't believe that this is the actual road to the north that motorbikes have to go and I must be on a lesser-known Road but it's so funny even on houses like this whether I'm filming or not it doesn't make a difference people suddenly I will just hair like who I wear some will come screaming out of a house or on top of a hill just like why hello hello they're just so excited to see the albino drive through the village and I am sure if I stopped they would have mean auntie and everything but oh let me speed past this guy so again moving at snail's pace but it's a highly entertaining right but when I come to the hotel now I'm gonna have to crash because I have absolutely no willpower or energy to go into a market on which was my initial plan bah ha waha does anyone know what or where that is I guess that is the direction I'm going in another graveyard chinese-style graveyard I guess the Vietnamese graveyards also use that style because I see no reason why there would be a Chinese graveyards here so it is Vietnamese style grave size you so just hit the city center apparently I was mighty excited about getting some some petrol let's see if I can get the math up here for you guys but no doesn't seem to be any petrol here so we I guess we go left here and over a little bridge and then we see where we end up over that bridge we need petrol though I've been driving all day on the same tank of gas still good for another ten okay maybe maybe even 15 this more like it the proper roads civilization hallelujah hello how's it going yes sure hello hello hello hello hello you two you see what I'm dealing with everywhere you drive here it's just a party you know where I can get some petrol petrol station hang hi hung this way this way honey yes well nice to meet you I cannot I'm breaking without her nice to meet you where can I get some some petrol petrol stations fun this way this way I have to go back there I want to get some petrol [Music] hang or Sun you know which this way but he's your friend is saying up here I trust him he looks like an honest man hello do you know where I can get some petrol does he speak English this man here he might help me with some petrol where can I get some gasoline petrol hung fine petrol for this gasoline yeah this way back there okay you take me okay this man's gonna show me okay guys stay in school study hard I'm from not.we yes no I have to hold it on my bike will fall all right there we go I bye guys bye bye I follow you [Music] bye-bye [Music] awesome people are so helpful here this is more like it though a proper a proper bridge similar even the markets I could do a market on terror I on the roads I on the road well no wonder this was a Monday this was hard to find hallelujah come on come on thank you so much okay 95 this one it says 92 am I making a big mistake 95 cinema 95 hmm should we give it a go okay okay there's nothing else around so here we go oh yeah [Music] hello there I'm a little worried about this I have never filled up on on this g5 run 92 before but hopefully hopefully it will be okay every other motorbike runs on this too and it's just Honda Honda I think like mine yes okay yes yes Burundi 40,000 is that a 50 that's okay thank you so much alright we're on day bye-bye I'm gonna have to stop anyway and look at where the hell I am but at least this looks like a decent Road it's not a highway so not gonna be chased off it on this Wow a barber now don't have anything to shave and I'm not cut my hair regardless of how many of you nag me about it you guys are insane just love to love the fact that so many of you taking a great interest in my hair anyway we're gonna have to see where I'm going now so off with the camera and see you when you see me it is now 12 o'clock so six hours on the road another two hours according to the map and I thought I would try my my chances at a little swim the the current is very strong right here but on the edges here I think it's somewhat somewhat safe like right down here or or there on this side my main worry would be the industrial waste that runs in this river but I'd swam in much worse let's part the bike there we go let's just check that I have the key this is not somewhere you want to lose the bike the key is with me if this works out it's gonna be the most refreshing swim of all time I don't see as much garbage here as I did on the other river this is a different river I've driven quite far now since I recorded anything last time looks alright to me I'm gonna go for a little dip I really need this nearly passing out on the bike here no not from the smoke as I'm sure some of you guys believe so let's it's fairly easy to get sucked in here because it is I feel it already just standing here so let's not is that a carcass no no carcass Paul there's so nice damn I should have done this much sooner if anyone know what whoa then it would know what river there's this let me know in the comment section to me right now it's the greatest river in the world it's the most refreshing river in the world I might just slow the Lao around there for a little bit longer whoops all right see you on the Chinese border what you said we're gonna see you at the border and now you're still rolling tape and playing with your luscious looks yeah because that's what I do which is kind of man that I am I may or may not also be taking a leak right now but we don't know nobody knows if I had the GoPro I would show you underwater I'm not gonna I'm not gonna risk it so seeing as I'm now swimming in my boxers what am I gonna do for the rest of this journey what's that floating by I am going to go commando of course gonna be commando Boulder focus for a second which means right now it's time to get naked which means no more camera goodbye okay after my swim I just crossed a bridge right here and I saw this little pit stop it's time for a for a local drink from this lady hello there no bye bye hello oh this is a gold is this the same one no this one this one is the same same same Vina 1c wonder farm oh this no it's okay this okay this one okay because this one is cold this one this one thank you let's see how much and then I'll go and show you the view from here okay all right bye bye bye bye I'll just keep this here two minutes I'm gonna go and see that the bridge let's keep it here two minutes hello well there you go there I was rolling tape without without saying hello first and as you can see everyone yells hello to the white man wherever I go or do this think that I am an albino ghost I don't know so this is not the drink that I initially wanted but it's just as good Wow I'm gonna stop drinking coca-cola and just start living on these things it's a new brand delicious so the place I had a swim is actually just right up there you can see it from here and you can also see that the current isn't too bad so they asked me down there if I was going to sapa I'm gonna have to have a look at the map maybe sapa is a better place to visit on the other hand though if they think I'm going to sapa that's probably where there are other tourists and as you probably know if you watched my videos before I'm not necessarily a fan of running into other tourists I like to be there yeah the first one stumbling into a village and having everyone confused so I'm gonna help do some investigations right now check the map see what's happening in sapa as to pose to this Lao Sin City I'm going to say Laos ow okay anyway see you there half an hour from the Chinese border according to Google Maps but you can always add double that it's just I've been doing very good for time for the past hour though I've had a Vietnamese guy just started riding next to me and he said he's going to is actually I stopped to pull up my camera he stopped up here I can show he's pretty funny he's been a trailblazing like driving fast ahead of me so how's it going are you going to eat so you eat fur fur okay good luck bye bye I'm gonna continue selfie riding no he's been he just started driving next to me and he said is going to stop up spoke elementary English so he's been they go faster they hoped before they enter the turns I certainly drove a lot faster within the past hour than if I was gonna do it alone but I don't really feel like stopping for food there when I'm this close to leh I don't know how big this city is but it is a border city and I mean most border cities are entertaining I wonder if most of the people come from China to Vietnam to do their shopping or if it's the other way around if it's at the Chinese side of the border that everyone from Vietnam go to buy cheaper things in Norway I mean on our side of the border no Swedes come to Norway to buy anything whereas the Swedish cities on the border with Norway are just full of the region's buying all kinds of things for a third the price of what we do in Norway a lot of industry out there by the way a lot of industry why are you still here oh it turns out no fur for him anyway no food maybe it's using the Google Translate I was gonna put my camera down and start to speed if that's a for me oh now you say Hotel in in let's roll tape unless he says something interesting here are you in Google Translate okay let's see oh you want to invite me to lunch back there oh okay okay I'll join you I can't say no to that fun this way or this way oh this way okay I follow you I can't say no to that awesome I'm gonna have whatever he's having see you at lunch people beautiful really he could be a psycho yeah yeah yeah yes I came you cannot work as a teacher we're doing a proper Google Translate conversation here I'm on mine he's on his touch of his a geography teacher is 27 years old and he's going to suffer ah perfect yes too yes yes ice ice Mindy community s I've only met me it's it's pretty fun how was this Facebook I don't have facebook I have telephone number I don't use Facebook you have instant no I don't have Instagram now either oh yes there we go perfect me the nice I don't know him at all your give me your telephone number yeah your number and I'll fix the beer [Music] calling well now you guys have his number too so let's see what this tastes like then the veer is of course well number one they are Saigon yes no I can use this yes I can use this I can eat like this at least I can try this what what name is for aura / oh my got it I got it I got this movie survived well you see you don't know - don't need to speak the language in order to make friends I like it very good cardigan - okay cheers to Friendship all right I'm finished here this was the best soup I've had in Vietnam obviously but not just that it was actually free because before I was able to pay the man sitting here he ran over there and then paid to the chefs I told him no no let me pay for this and he said no I invited you here so now I actually regrets ordering the beers because I don't know how how expensive them that was for him but he did not want me to pay here anyway so hospitality sublime we'll have a look at the kitchen [Music] is the master chef your food you know very good very good your food is so good right smells like fish and rice hey good sound it's fish that can sell it no good thank you so much thank you so much come on okay here's the man it's the man who paid for my for my food Wow my new best friend let's let no I'm good I'm good all right guys see on the road I have arrived what seems to be a typical border town let me turn the blinker on air so the bus knows that I'm turning left over there so to my left right now is Vietnam to my right is China you can see the big towers over there looks more lively at the Chinese side of things to be honest so priority they'll just find a hotel and crash it's tough to know but I mean all the writing over there is in Chinese I assume China it's across that side of the river and then somewhere hidden around here is a border crossing actually a lot a lot of the things here is in Chinese as well anyway let's get down to business let's find a place to live I have arrived in a hotel I finally figured out what crossing this is my sunglasses it makes dust gather in one space so look like I've been black black eyed that's an expression so let's see this way hotel straight I have a proper ticket and everything thank you so much okay thank you so it may not look like much right now as I'm coming up here but it's a world apart from my hotel yesterday I think it's here all right as you can see quite beautiful I think most of the customers there are Chinese at least that's the idea that I get let's see if my room is ready already gave them my details my room ready awesome million yes okay on the ninth floor all ready to go okay thank you awesome do you have a gym on the fourth floor great Wi-Fi password awesome everything's loaded thank you guys bye bye so efficient here the service in I must say all of it nom now they're really taking service to the next level there's the restaurant everything nothing is very often you know you travel around the world and you there's just a lot of headaches not in Vietnam Kerala Peru Vietnamese efficiency and my epic epic here in black guys let's see the rooms and then I'm gonna end this video or MI and there we go we are ready to roll for reference it is now 2:30 so I don't know how many videos I have now made since I started the motorbike journey this might be number three or four but roll my mine again that makes no sense oh there we go stupid yeah I don't know how many videos I have made now but it's been on the road for 26 hours that's when I left so those are you commenting Wow I couldn't do what you do traveling around without knowing where I'm going and so on I'm just gonna have to say yes you can and yes you could also visit countries that you don't speak the language sure as you see it doesn't doesn't really matter sure it's more fun when you speak the language but if you don't doesn't mean that you can't check out how people live eat with them have a chat joke around with Google Translate and to make matters oh I have a view over to China and also you have to remember that it's a hell of a lot harder to do this with the camera it's can be awkward enough you imagine if you're gonna talk to a stranger okay and can be a bit a bit confusing and intimidating you know pending who it is but you it's not that's hard if you don't have a camera the fact that I have a camera complicates matters a million times view over to China right here I think that is the border right there and I assume you're not allowed to unless they have some kind of free zone area because I don't see a border check or anything there if it's possible I mean I'm gonna go over there and then I can say I've been to mainland China as for the room I'm pretty impressed it's alright it's basic I'm gonna check out the Wi-Fi now and then possibly edit one or two of these videos and pass out so see you when you see me Burundi
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 986,497
Rating: 4.8793263 out of 5
Keywords: North vietnam, Vietnam China Border
Id: Y-viK3NuyiI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 26sec (1946 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 03 2019
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