San Pedro Market Peru πŸ‡΅πŸ‡ͺ

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the san pedro market hunt I have a new camera as well so this video might be a bit different in quality then my other videos will see either way we'll start here wallah oh no put it forward quite the Questor I actually don't understand what she said oh I'm getting a proper glass and everything good ass yes you change for a ten do you have a straw this one or am I just going to drink from this Cup that everybody in this market drinks from throw that on there okay how much is that all right that means that it cost 250 muchos Gracias gracias today is my last day in Cusco this morning I uploaded that video the final one bit Cyrus by the way he's very happy what's getting also orders in his Instagram on his Facebook but also whenever I upload a video like that it means kind of I buy to my anonymity walking around in places like this people who's recognized me you know you're that guy who who gave him the cash and so and so on so that's why I'm taking opportunity to do this market hunts before possibly a lot of people here see that video after that it becomes basically impossible to walk around the bargain so what do we need today hey how's it going you okay I think yeah hello oh these are nice these llama earrings how much are these five dollars that is a bargain give me yes two of those thank you so much how are you what are you buying are you buying this one that's 15 solace where are you from okay I thought maybe you're a foreigner or something donde eres where are you from yeah my dad lost ambient noise Modelo solo other Yama's muy bonita CCC solo solo this one there we go obviously these are not for me I'm gonna give away everything I buy today with the exception of maybe a one on [ __ ] shirt what a progressive word I can't say that progressive word because the algorithm doesn't distinguish between Spanish English but this is what I'm gonna gonna get for myself these are beautiful and I left the other one I bought like this back in America maybe we can check this out see what you charges yes I love sure but can we sort to change out first and then I'll try other things arrest a local the local soccer team historian siano cusco but I like the Nacional is national is local yes but I don't like this team I like Universidad yes no tengo that's my team when you gotta see dad Universitario okay there Cusco the Lima okay so my my my team is from Lima I am ego but you Nam accomplice muchos Gracias maybe I can try this one medio medio treinta okay I'll try it forever can you be camera woman for a second year okay is this gonna miss my camera my new my new Sony do periodic that I make youtube videos house you to be you will be a star right now you're the youtuber ciao as you get out tienes mirror coma city says no middle JB say aha it says meet over yes Meera camerawoman just putting the camera down this is this is poor camera work maybe you're better you new camera woman I bet okay now we can see wow that looks I like this this looks muy bueno muy bueno want a cuesta well interpenetrating that every other train des what about what about what is Claire and I actually don't know what that is is it 50 plain terrain - what about deers yeah - no no no no no ten solace what do you think - cheap what is your best price this place is 40 pair of teddy solace for June 30 solace for me but k2 for you to be a thong valid interest well I really do like it so ok treinta thank you okay ten dollars I do have dollars but that's for a donation purpose thank you so much it looks great I'm very happy okay muchas gracias okay bye bye guys wow this looks really good I like it which is the only thing that I wanted to buy for myself now we can buy things for you guys maybe I should have asked you guys on Instagram first again if you note on my Instagram we have a lot of fun over there a lot more funded on YouTube to be honest memes entertaining stories and sometimes we do live streams so check out my Instagram head I'll do bout the Yeti if you are on Instagram and you like that platform hold on I'm just I'm just struggling here to open what other treasures do we need these are kind of neat this is what Cyrus told me that he used to sell finger finger models no we we move on to hola that is a very fancy bottle opener the inca kola yes or maybe this one sΓ­ sΓ­ sΓ­ tiene Cinco what about five dollars five dollars okay okay I want this one what for what it actually need a bottle opener five okay just that then like a couple of dollars yeah but thank you so much do you have other treasures bolos or you have shop - LD sir wait my money is flying everywhere I see something nice that one of you heavy drinkers will appreciate no no this one this one's yes sir boy it's very very cramped in here with three of us in the shop oh she took the hint it's pisco well this is very cute you a little pisco shot glass quanto 35 what about Lane tea this one is very well this one is very nice too but I'd like this one Lane tea what about 2526 treinta 26 and a half eight okay thirty thirty and this one how much this one that one is twenty thank you okay let me get the green one this one yeah and this one so that's 50 this is for you guys this will be sent to one of you will figure out a competition or something over on Instagram I think so sign up on Instagram damn there are some really beautiful things here yeah is this Jeff listen Becky test oh no I think we stick with the alcohol so low alcohol can you put this one in here too I'm not sure I can send the leader of peace go to America but how much is the pisco you know one kind it's a hundred where is it from it's from a real company this one there's shipping large quantities of alcohols I think it encouraged a lot of fees and so on it's beautiful but is this electro lab it's ok no no solo solo this yeah did you throw it in there actually don't remember if I flipped or fifty already or not this will be funny because if I didn't I'm about to flip for another did I pay you already oh no no okay sometimes I'm walking around with the camera I'm not thinking straight oh what's this a sec so cigarette oh it's card this is a muy muy progressive Oh deck of cards play have fun and learn with this 54 images ich want oh 10 solace how about 537 728 okay it's awesome I'll throw this well he's awesome can open these at home all right class spectators hello guys are you looking at the progressive deck of cards as well have you seen her her cards here they were very very progressive here how much was it 8 okay awesome I think I bought the last deck because these are not I'm not the same no my wife said she saw you on YouTube oh I figured cuz usually when people stop and like look because they don't wanna interrupt but I don't mind I really don't mind straight the guy that was saying all you need to get a card to go around and stuff yeah have you been there yet just soldier true yes tell him to F off yeah it's right behind McDonald's on the Plaza de Armas and right behind there too is a good income museum that you should go to ok and then you just go past that museum and then you trek up that hill please do need that tourist ticket thing no no no nothing nothing oh there's two change you guys going to Machu Picchu then I'm jealous fantastic yeah enjoy thank you thank you cheers for watching heat the Bell button but Harold you say you never tell people to subscribe I'm obviously joking idiots when you get angry about this okay thank you so much good as yes well there's so much going on here change no I think I have enough now okay let me clarify that comment the people I call idiots are people who say you say you never tell people to subscribe to you and then in some of your videos you tell people to eat the bell button yeah I do as a joke obviously well got me worked up there thinking about the the criticism for a bell button behavior no I don't think we need a hat no hat that's the 15 minutes in 15 minutes in already [Music] [Music] nope no it's very hot in this oh no we're gonna have some serious showers by the way that's where I took the train to Roo rail to the to the Machu Picchu if you haven't seen this video go check it out all right what treasures to you peddle all you have a flute of lying less old poquito okay let me see what who you can mix a magic potion in here para Matta what's a Matta seems like yeah you can put some whiskey in here and then you can stir it around car alarms going off this looks like something one of my progressive female viewers would appreciate are we gonna find something else but can I walk into your shop here you kind of yes can I can I come inside your shop what a progressive comment there we go all right now we can see she seems to sell a lot of trinkets that that I do not know or here we go a beer Kuzco this is nice quanto Costa venti tres what about dears okay let's find a smaller one then it's hard to ship this without this breaking I think hmm okay here we go this is something that people can appreciate yeah so let's get this this one's okay now you can go into your shop with your hammer okay for you 20 dollars let's see if we can get a progressive bargain at 10 I think she's afraid of the rain so she has to she has to 20 what about 12 [Music] 13:18 1617 okay you have a deal all right all right seventeen for this four short classes soon to be in the hands of the one of you subs okay seventeen I'll just throw it in here no it's okay muchos Gracias let me see there's a 50 TNS treinta taint okay okay no it's okay nobody it's okay muchas gracias I'll pay 20 no problem well now some of you seem to like this well we found another one all right adios this market in the middle there is a food section where they sell things that I'm not sure if you can eat here on the spot I mean it doesn't look like it fancy a chicken Oh cuΓ‘nto cuesta uno 90 solace so I can walk around with that with a dead chicken 420 solace Oh dangerous adios I was gonna pick that up but then I'll be walking around smelling like a dead chicken as opposed to a dead llama Yama so we can't have that now can we okay gonna come around here some of you have said that you like these designs here and I okay this one's pretty good for a girl I think hola but I'm weird okay no I like this one medio I'm not so sure about them but uh say your size yes who the arms are very long compared to it's just part of our a mohair male solo you know that's merely that's Russian one size only you had smaller yeah do you have smaller smaller no because did they does it because they expand when you wash them I think I think that's what they told me in the other shop oh wow this is very nice too gray kind of goes with everything yeah yeah but this is your size okay she's gonna try it on for us and then we'll see doesn't matter if it's a perfect fit just kind of something nice you can wear at home because it feels really comfy and warm in the winter and so uh know what what fabric is this alpaca okay ponder percent out Becca are you gonna try it on for us I mean it looks nice beautiful beautiful yeah a Quantic Westar 55 and this one 35:35 I think we I think we like this one it's the same size what about traitor 50 what about 35 no this 135 and it's hundred percent $35 good price $38 45 40 okay all right we have a deal for one of the 10 percent of the female subscribers to Carol Bolger YouTube channel thank you so much 40 okay that was a hard bargain all right there we go it's okay but I was dead okay if I'll pay you 50 thank you thank you bye bye that is right only ten percent of the users on my channel are female wow these are also let me see here maybe one of I'm not sure about the colors like if I bought this and sent it to one of you guys would you wear these colors around around Chicago or Stockholm I don't know maybe a scarf a progressive scarf is better Machu Picchu oh this is very nice Cusco Peru hola yes that's a good starting price I think we're gonna take her up on that offer because he was already D esse okay who know playful way just throw it throw it in here if we have space now she's giving me another bag let's see if we can take up another ten here's do you have a change for good ass yes muchas gracias that was damn this is soo alpaca e alpaca okay so for the record she says it's alpaca scarf let me see here poor man's wallet it's all us oh that looks like a healthy meal maybe it's time for uh some more food food videos always - well let's see how strong de was gonna go for a haircut after this let's see how strong the rain is too strong to wander around in a lot of interesting things happening outside the market but oh wow a fruit section hola oh it's already 25 minutes one more purchase oh I thought this was a skirt I love women in skirts if this was a skirt over I bought it sadly two purse and I do not approval of versus at all oh the cheese section pensee a-- Luxus are you re cheese cuenta cuesta doses honest which i assume is 12 right okay getting better at understanding what they tell me now most of the time I don't understand at all I just show some notes and then they say see or no [Music] Ola cares a chocolaty Oh faster para the cacao not sure you can send shop what you brother can create quantum is what what you see is Quattro see let me get mass spec can you okay little taste so that's dos Oh Cho dress does okay 12 okay nice to see see okay and one coffee there we go okay sounds very progressive I don't understand my sister Coco I'm not sure I can send this abroad yeah I know I know but I can't send it abroad this is for me amigo so solo yeah do you have a little bag bolsa okay we can't run we can try and fit it in here throw it in here just push it in without destroying the canister okay yeah I see Lucilla do you find some space you did which just does yes adios no Riga see primera vez cuzco primera vez one week only semana mucho gusto si si one semana antis no I mean go no I'm alone ok bye hey hey hey I wish I could talk more with her but the limits of my Spanish has been reached the limits of my Spanish doesn't reach far past hello my friends how's your shopping tour going very great what have you bought many things coca leaves did you buy chocolate yeah are you did ah I don't know coz if it didn't I was gonna give you this for being in my video ah you like one I bought three awesome thank you I do not know how it tastes but I just very rich yeah I think so enjoy guys bye bye ok we're down to two chocolates [Music] I'm not so sure I'll be able to find anything down here in this section what is that black corn I have never seen that before rather my beautiful can even win for eats mice the Black Mesa hmm I don't think I dare to the black maze maybe it's for the black Jesus festival to ward off earthquakes hello [Music] okay so 10 Aquino no I don't think I dare to stairs I'm gonna get out of this city here tomorrow as I told you and if I'm pretty brave but it usually when it comes to drinking and eating things I do not want to be 6:00 tomorrow when I'm traveling and far away from progressive laboratories or own music what am I talking about why am i walking so slow when it's new sick new CEO everywhere Selina hold on 32 minutes I think that's enough for a marketing scare Selita find another Lord the word for exit let's see if it's raining Oh No let's fix this damn you tim kaine you're tracking shoes damn you Tim cake okay hey think that was okay got some bargains some deals well at least we were able to bargain people down a little bit they don't seem to be too eager here though on going down from the initial price which is rare I am used to people starting at four or five times the price so those are you commenting on why don't you pay the price listen everywhere around the world want to pay full price every everywhere around the world the opening price in a market is never a good price it is usually a horrendous ripoff here in Peru dough doesn't seem to be as bad as the starting prices of markets in for example Asia where I have seen 10 times the what you can actually buy the thing for is what they they start at weather with shoes or t-shirts or whatever so this is the haircut Street I saw at least 10 places to cut my hair as I am as I've walked up here so I think it's time for a haircut Oh however you say that in Spanish so signing off to run D
Channel: Harald Baldr
Views: 322,201
Rating: 4.9240041 out of 5
Keywords: Peru Market, Cusco Shopping, Peru Handicrafts Market
Id: k-HSAmTLFa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 32min 40sec (1960 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 15 2019
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