Sculpting with Epoxy Putty (AKA: "Green Stuff")

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in this video I attempt to make an entire sculpture out of nothing but a very tacky and tricky to work with epoxy resin that you mix together into what is known as green stuff let's get started this is green stuff which is weird because it's yellow and blue which the artists veterans among you will know becomes green which is why it's called green stuff because when you pick off equal parts of a yellow and blue and you smush it all together you get this which is the green stuff it's used by a lot of modelers and hobbyists and miniature crafters to fill in gaps or even create entirely unique and new objects or props but I have never seen a sculpture made entirely of green stuff now I'm very excited about this this is actually a collab with squid Mar miniatures on YouTube who is a youtuber I follow and really enjoys content so if you're into miniatures or tabletop gaming models especially the miniature painting element of miniatures go check out squid Mar miniatures and subscribe I am going to create a model made entirely of green stuff and I'm going to send it to squid ma to paint this is gonna be quite a challenge to do and he is an astounding painter so I feel like if it has to be justifiable for visit I'm dry I'm up for the challenge time to bring out the Box know why I make the sound effect with my mouth because we can just add that sound effect in post in fact let's give this whole opening a load of sound effects by the way those of you didn't catch the video I made to this portable miniature hobby box because miniature painting is now like the thing I love to do in the evenings and I made this so I can set up and pack up really quick so I go check out the video where I made this I'll put that in the description as well as far as approaching the sculpting goes I think I have reasonable amount of experience I've done a whole bunch of sculptures on this channel in virtual reality or with clay various clays polymer clay monster clay and I really enjoy the process of sculpting so in attempting to make a full miniature character first of all I'm going to work at a larger scale I'll use a base but I'll use a bigger base and I'm gonna do a character that's gonna be bigger by comparison simply because I won't be able to get all the very gritty details I might like to if I try to do it to the same scale I've done a lot of talking and a lot of introduction I think it's about time I get sculpting all right so to do this effectively my plan was to break the sculpting process into a few steps the first being to create a opposing silhouette of the figure so I could give it time to harden em and take time meticulously adding detail to the model on top of a more solidified surface light to nail the pose and the silhouette I needed to experiment with some level of flexibility and green stuff is not the kind of stuff that allows this so as with most sculpture bases I've built an armature to work from using armature wire I first position the legs and then a spine that carried through to a tail the more I've worked the more I realized I wanted to do something a little more animalistic or demonic one of the benefits of this of course is that if my final sculptures proportions were a little awful the surface was rough or over textured I could just pretend it was always meant to be with a rough wire pose I was happy with in place it was time to start layering in the green stuff I also thought it'd be cool at this point to raise one of the characters legs to be stepping up or on top of something I figured I'd leave it to my dear collaborator squid Mar to do something cool with this you can see as I add big chunks of green stuff and focus on the silhouette the figure dips constantly under its own weight if I didn't have the armature prepared beforehand not only would I not have been able to fine-tune the dynamics of the pose as I was able to but even if I did get the post to a place I was happy with it would constantly fall out of shape fortunately the model though a little bit unstable was mostly able to hold its shape so I could keep building onto that silhouette I mean I wasn't really a hundred percent sure on whether the character should be upright and more humanoid in its stance leaning forward or even sort of twisting and turning I settled on something in the middle sort of leaning forward but also turning sideways indignant Lee may be preparing to strike giving a mix of animalistic and humanoid proportions and in the pose dynamic that would make for a really cool badass deal [Music] so after quite a while and a lot of fiddling and messing around I ended up with this sculpture which I am super happy with I think it might be to my advantage to be able to while it's malleable carve in a few anatomical details and break this character up into smaller parts and then work on the details in the individual parts with that said though the overall silhouette I'm really happy with I went over the whole model and trimmed back areas that were a little overfilled carved in some rudimentary anatomical detail and then using a fine liner outline to the planned anatomy of the whole model [Music] with the details pre-planned I sword and cut off the arms and the head and mounted them on little rods so I could put them aside or work on them separately and without needing to move the whole model around or accidentally bump something I just sculpted now it's poor to point out that I finished this process off that you're watching on Friday afternoon which meant that when I got back to work to the model the following Monday all of the parts were fully hardened and adding the anatomical details and textures was really easy and well supported because obviously the putty I'd put in was fully hardened at this point [Music] as you can see with the legs I added a little lumps of detail for where the muscles would go and smooth them all out to look as dynamic and clean as possible but I knew texture was going tomorrow with a model intended for painting so on the topmost areas of the demon I added a bit of a rough texture this could be scales or it could be demonic pores or fur I didn't really know frankly that depends on how he'll end up painting him but I wanted to create a model that could be dynamic on his own before even being painted this means of course as I'm trying to do creating a variety of textures and surfaces and I guess it's just an overall dynamic approach [Music] now sculpting the head was interesting normally when sculpting a character like this I'd approach it with a sketch or some sort of plan beforehand but I sort of knew the nature of this green stuff and also that trying to copy something specific would be way more frustrating than just working in a more improvised way to reach an organic result so I just moved through sculpting the foundation of the head with a pretty relaxed approach I mean I didn't even want to add too much detail because I figured I could do that later once the surface area or the bigger chunk of the head like ninety percent of the mass that I was focusing on now would harden and then I'd have a strong silhouette and hardened surface to work on Todd the final details and once I clipped an opening for the mouth and shaped the lower jaw I really felt like he was starting to look pretty cool started to see the character emerging that he had the potential of being so not wanting to overwork it I moved on to build out the claws and the rest of the anatomy all right so they're about to be a couple of people who might pick up on a little naughty trick that I've been using while sculpting this stuff and that is that in order to keep the tool I sculpt with nice and I might be wetting it with my tongue as I sculpt now there are reasons for this obviously I could use water which I had filled up a water cup and kept it by my side to try and do it hygienic ly but every time you dip it puts too much water on the tool and then you have to manually get rid of the water with like a a thing like a toilet paper it's just slows down the process and it's not as organic as just comes every time you need to just sort of lubricate the tool this is there is no way I can make this sound normal is that it's a thing people do what a minute depending I swear to God look this this grain stuff is is it's epoxy putty it's like sticky as hell its adhesive and in order to actually sculpt it with any reasonable amount of finesse or detail I need a wet mutt tool y'all I guess I've just confessed that I've sent a spit soaked model over seas to collaborator say can't wait to see what you do a meal finally with most of the anatomy sculpted and texture added I glue the arms back into place I didn't think I'd need to reach under the arms anymore for sculpting as I've already done that finicky stuff and honestly I just thought the anatomy of the arms would be best sculpted in place with the arms on the body and I'm gonna say even when the arms not properly sculpted or the anatomy not added there this demon dude was starting to look really cool so as you can see the model is starting to really come together and I would say he's probably about 90% done there's definitely some definition or detail and refinement to be added but overall he's looking really really cool so this is what we're looking at so far and the main things that I need to finish are the anomie in the arms as I mentioned and then the details the face but there are also other places where I could just sort of add detail or character to make this character stand out a little bit more so I'm gonna move forward sculpting the rest of the arms I'm gonna put in the details of the face I'm going to put some spikes and any other character Dee's bit's I feel like throughout the model and I'm also gonna bring in and paint on this stuff which is as you can see liquid green stuff this is a green stuff only challenge and technically I mean that's still green stuff basically the way this works is it's like a sort of putty ish painter by painting that on areas you can sort of control or smooth out gaps you can fill in or smooth out surfaces so wherever some of the texture needs a little bit more refinement or control and obviously it's hardened or is going to be too finicky to sculpt in with the green stuff that's when the liquid green stuff comes in [Music] rested ease don't worry I didn't actually send a spit soaked model to a meal I soaked a cleaning brush in pine a clean disinfectant wipes I gave the whole thing a good once-over irrespective of whether it would ruin or not affect my final model simply because I do have enough respect to not send a spit soaked model overseas so you're welcome squid MA anyways there's no graceful way to transition from talking about cleaning up a spit soaked model to a final epic reveal shot but let's just give it a go final a big reveal shot ah you know it's a good project when I can't help but just let days of tension and work out in a big sigh oh my god they are usually the projects where I'm most satisfied with the result its dude here is a bit of a bit of a demon I'm not sure exactly what I'm not sure what world is meant to fit in I just needed to use the green stuff and follow where it ended up because there was no way I could do something refined or mechanical I mean this stuff is really really tacky and if I try to do anything small little more detailed I could but I would probably lose my sanity in the process and I think this was certainly a good way to tackle the challenge I hope you think I did a pretty good job it's gonna be interesting to see what the character is turned into because you could use bright and vibrant colors dark and demonic colors pastels or blues or Reds is that I see or there's a fiery there's a lot of directions that this could be taken in I can't wait to see what direction it's taken in just over a month later and Emal's finished I'm not gonna spoil this for you but I do want to check out the final results which he has sent to me share a little bit of my reaction and I think he has a message for me so that's good check it out arrey just let me tell you a story all about how my life got flipped turned upside down I'd like to take a minute now know this crap okay let me introduce to you two incredible scientists from another time and place that looks amazing I hope you enjoyed the finish because just as much as I enjoyed Wow okay let me just say I did not expect him to go in the direction that he went in and it's better than I ever could have imagined Emel well done my friend guys go check out Emeril's video where he painted the sculpture that I made in this video I'll link to it in the card and in the description go check out and subscribe to squid ma really fun content there and a really cool guy also massive shout out to Eva's Kickstarter which just went live he's producing custom extremely high quality brush now I know personally that they are extremely high quality because I've been using them for the last few weeks I've been using them to practice my lighting effects on this display miniature it's been so much fun it's been all the more fun and effective because I have some amazing tools to work with these brushes are specifically crafted by Emmel for miniature painting and his Kickstarter also includes five carefully crafted busts and skulls that you can check out as well go check it out with a link in the description and to anyone who's come over to this channel from Emal's channel welcome I hope you've enjoyed my little endeavor into sculpting a miniature today well this channel isn't specifically a miniature Channel it is actually something I love and am passionate about I did a video last week with Minnie and it's a hobby I'm enjoying a lot in my personal time so you'll certainly see it in my content occasionally as well but overall the content on this channel is about art creativity and having fun with it I hope you've had fun with me here today I want to thank you so much for watching if you enjoyed it make sure to like this video and subscribe for more fun with art and creativity and hit the notifications bar because though I didn't do it in this video because I started recording it a month ago I'm hiding gift codes in videos and doing occasional giveaways as well so the sooner you get in the video the better chance you have winning some goodies or finding some goodies I'm going to put a couple of videos over there the one ml made as part of this collab and the one where I made my hobby box which I'm sure if you enjoyed this video you'll enjoy that video otherwise thank you for watching and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,153,830
Rating: 4.9587827 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: ke3EnKyH6Ik
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 27sec (987 seconds)
Published: Wed Jun 17 2020
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