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give a lesson gentleman welcome to draw with Jazza I'm Josue and today I'm not drawing I'm going to attempt to carve and I'm a little bit terrified because I've wanted to do this for so long and now that it's all in front of me I'm really scared there's no ctrl Z in stone I have the unfortunate habit of talking a lot especially in videos where I'm anxious to sad but I want to start off by thanking the sponsor because this video wouldn't be possible without Ubisoft and the upcoming Assassin's Creed Odyssey game first of all because I have a great theme I am going to be carving Cassandra from Assassin's Creed Odyssey and I'm going to be attempting to create a bust of this awesome character from their upcoming game and of course because they're sponsoring the video I actually have a budget to purchase power tools and the soapstone and all this stuff so it's amazing content that's only possible because of Ubisoft don't check out the Saxons Creed Odyssey is released in Australia on October 5th in Assassin's Creed I see you'll get to play as either Alexius or cassandra and set off into the world of ancient Greece to become a legendary spot hero yes Hayes is that copyright probably that's totally something different so I should stay on track this is Assassin's Creed available on October 5th a big part of the game is the choice aspect you really can't afford your destiny and define your own path in a world on the brink of tearing itself apart find uncharted locations uncover hidden treasures or cleave your way through entire fleets in naval battles you can customize the look of your ship upgrade weaponry to suit your strengths and crew members with unique perks tailoring naval combat to your style the game looks absolutely gorgeous I can't wait to check it out myself and I highly recommend you guys to go check it out and I really am so grateful to Ubisoft for a protein made a sponsor this video and making this content that I've wanted to do for so long possible so I don't want to dilly-dally any longer because I tend to want to do that I want to start off by showing you the tools I have to work with and showing you the stone I have to work soapstone itself is quite carnival it really is quite easy to just sort of gouge into so getting into the details and then nitty-gritty stuff will be fairly straightforward he said with no experience of ever doing it to this scale before I don't know about you but when I was in high school we had a soapstone sort of part of the art curriculum where we had a stone like this big that was my soapstone calming assignment well today yes I haven't even looked at this before so search stone comes in loads of different colors and shapes this thing is so heavy it really it feels quite Sophie there's a reason they call that a bangle now this is the preferred one that I want to work out well but I do have a backup because I don't trust myself very heavy so I have my actual stones but as I do in videos where I haven't really used the material I'll be working with I like to experiment which is why I got this extra small a bit of soapstone I want to play around with the tools that I'll be carving with before I attempt to do something as ambitious as a bus safety first ladies and gentlemen now I have power tools over here this is a reciprocating saw who trusted me with power so this is a dremel there's something good for the really fine detail so if I'm getting into carve like around the nose and mouth and other stuff hopefully if I have something resembling a human face and then this is a what's it called again a die grinder diagram this is a die grinder I'm a professional oh I scare myself with power tools now I've sealed goggles in a dust mask for when I use the power tools because it's gonna get really dusty which is why we have constructed this amazing dust room I'm also hoping I don't suffocate in here because it's wrapped in a lot of plastic so I play around with my piece of wood another thing that I've done is I've actually built what is referred to as a carving bench the idea is that you can carve against it and the stone won't go slipping away hopefully you like fashion wow that's very that feels really cool this is gonna be fun I'm getting excited now the nerves are disappearing as I carve into the stone alright alright ha alright so the rice is sort of a little bit more of an organic way of shaping is soapstone apparently you said with an expert stone even though he's never done this before this is a hand rasp and I think I'm supposed to hold it like this yeah probably I don't know and then we have riff lists and these are we good to get into the details so like let's say I want to like carver like a little corner in here I can just sort of use this to work my way in there so the first thing I'm gonna do is chop up the stone just in some rough blocking until I have something resembling a bust shape another thing I realize I need to keep in mind is that the stone has grain so I can see that the grain here is there's got through like brown tinges in there overall it's gonna have a bit of a marbled look so I'm thinking I'm having the face in this direction because the stone does sort of pop out the front here and the shoulders can sort of go over to the side so I'm gonna have to try and block out and we're gonna get rid of quite large chunks of stone and end up with something fairly small this is the part where I are you suck into some power tools and turn this room into a dust Haven I'm scared again first order of business was to break up the stone into a more manageable geometry starting with slicing the top so I knew the maximum height of what the bust would be this process was actually really satisfying I used the reciprocating saw to get the core of the cutting done and if the blade I used couldn't reach through the whole section I used a hammer and chisel to break it down further there are a few tricky spots that within the stone didn't feel or carve away like soapstone they were much harder probably just you know actual stone they're much grainy er and harder to get out and there were even sparks at times but really I'm just super lucky that by chance I had picked that section to be at the back of the sculpture so fortunately it wouldn't ruin the face or details of the front of the statute slowly I blocked out the general shape of the head and shoulders careful to constantly refer to the reference images are printed and make sure I never cut off too much because I mean this kind of goes without saying but there's no going back and as someone who is primarily a digital artist and as someone trying stone sculpture for the first time ever this was terrified slowly but surely I turned to the big hunk of rock into something resembling a feminine bust and I gotta say I am incredibly glad I got power tools to do the job they gave me a lot of control and speed which definitely shaved at the time I took to make the sculpture in half at least eat your heart out Michelangelo I used a die grinder with metal grinding nibs for the broader areas of sculpting and later on in the piece I used a dremel tool to do the same thing but but with a greater control and level of detail so this is the the end of day ones work I'm gonna say I was really terrified in the middle there but it wouldn't look alright but honestly the way it turned out is pretty good like I'm pretty happy with this I feel like this is a really good foundation to work from so now I'm ready to move on into the next bit I am covered in dust though so the solution to that is to do what dogs do and give yourself a nice big shake you ready how it's done much better I said there's something to that dog shake I'm even clean-shaven now it's very effective so next comes the part where I go into some of the details we start to move away from power tools of it I still have some rough blocking in to do and chunks to remove but overall we're moving in the right direction and getting to the details is gonna require a lot more hand tools and that's also gonna be a little more accurate for me because the power tools take a lot off very quickly but also take a lot of very quickly so there's no going back and if I accidentally take a chunk out which happens now then with the power tools I may regret it so there's the the soapstone chisels and this is where I'm gonna have a lot more control over the details so I think I'll start off with the maybe a little bit more of the the die grinder and then moving on to the dremel to get some some of the bigger chunks and areas out and then a lot of the details are going to be handled with these things the rasps and then the hand chisels and I'm nervous again because there's no going back but I'm still happy with where I am so far so it's a really good place to start [Music] all right I'm interrupting the epic time-lapse to just fill you guys in her nose birkoff I was like shaving something else and stupidly accidentally flicked it off fortunately I found her nose piece it seems to fit in perfectly I'm gonna try not to chip anything else off and I'm gonna try and come back later after I refine this piece and glue it back on with some epoxy and really hope that works if not you're gonna have to excuse that this ancient sculpture has a touch of Sphinx to it oh oh that's my soul a little bit I'm really happy with how it's turning out so far just know you need the nose job but we'll get to that later all right back to the epic time-lapse [Music] oh okay we are here and it's time for the reveal and I usually just reveal the artwork after the time lapse but I feel like after working on this for several days it's justified to take a little bit of a breath also before we reveal I want to thank a few people starting off with me Antony from maker mark art supplies and Bunyan films he helped him out with all the soapstone stuff and I would not have been able to do what I did without his help and advice if you're Australian you're interested in getting into soap stone carving go check them out your website's in the description and of course while we're thinking people I need to take another moment to thank the sponsor of this video this would not have been possible without Ubisoft Assassin's Creed Odyssey is an amazing Greek mythology based Spartan Legend playing either Alexius or Cassandra who I sculpted today you can influence how history unfolds and experience a rich and ever-changing world shaped by your own decisions you can show off your extraordinary warrior abilities and join epic clashes between Sparta and Athens in huge battle pitting 150 versus 150 soldiers against each other discover a world rich with myths and legends from ancient rituals to famed statues come face-to-face with Greeks legendary figures and discover the true nature of its most daunting of mythological beasts and speaking of coming face to face with ancient Greek style epic statues this is what I made [Applause] [Music] [Music] this is my statue of Cassandra as a first-timer in stone sculpture sculpting I'm pretty bloody happy and proud with how this has turned out this was so much fun so challenging she has a nose oh my soul died when that thing broke off but it's on there I I glued it back on with epoxy and it survived to the last little bit of sanding and polishing and here we have my final piece I really hope you guys enjoyed the outcome as much as I am and the best part is I only used the ones stirring so even though I made mistakes I was able to somehow fix a lot of them as I went but that also means we still have why do I keep doing that oh this so while it may be a while before I come back and set up the dust room and create another sculpture I have another stone with which to do so and I'd love to know what you guys think I should can't when I come back to it what do you see hidden and waiting to be unleashed from within this stone and maybe maybe I should get a bigger stone thank you so much for watching make sure to hit that like button for the amount of effort I've gone through to entertain you today and subscribe to drill with Jazza the loads of fun with art and the occasional insanely ambitious project that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 3,253,042
Rating: 4.9510345 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6, AssassinsCreedOdyssey, AssassinsCreed
Id: KIaH2yll2C8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 04 2018
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