I used a HOT KNIFE to Sculpt FOAM! - Really Satisfying!!

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👍︎︎ 13 👤︎︎ u/CantKmsOutOfGuilt 📅︎︎ Aug 23 2019 🗫︎ replies

tag yourself, I'm 4:05

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Aug 24 2019 🗫︎ replies
[Music] [Applause] [Music] okay so I am very excited because this is a project I wanted to get to for a long time you see what I designed that this mural and before it was even made I always intended to have a set piece that I could use or not use that was made up of large prop art materials I guess you could say reminiscent of Art Attack I am unashamed I'm happy to be the spiritual successor that attack bring it on baby I'm doing this I'm going to be sculpting foam and I don't actually know how it's gonna turn out the last time I've done this I I have done it before a long time ago was using this the hot wire foam factor in here this is the pro kit I couldn't afford the pro kit when I was a young and but I did have the single one of these and it has a hot wire well it's not like you heat it up it heats it up anyway there's a wire that you string between here and you turn it on you heat it up and you sculpt you can carve the foam and may have nearly burnt down the outhouse in my when I was a child definitely you do it with adult supervision fortunately I am an adult as you can see I have a lot of fur they're quite high density they're quite thick I want them to be durable too it's gonna take some time to build this set piece and these giant art supplies but I'm looking forward to finally getting to it and making it happen so I'm gonna use this test piece here to see how it ends up looking and how the hot things are to work with before I work on the big ones like I always say you double before you dive so we're gonna double with the medium and then we're gonna dive right in the first you dabble so with the young Institute all right some assembly required Oh oh good comes with jvd that's technically an instruction manual can you know how I feel about those Oh spare DVD this is a topcoat that you can paint on and it dries and then you can paint on top of the topcoat and I figure if I do that first then hopefully by the end of our little testing segment here we'll be able to see what it's like to work with then you spread it out a bit things that doesn't take too too long honestly if I get a nice rubbery Coast so one thing that I'm here is power thing Hey look there's like degrees it you can you can turn up the temperature it's cool probably says that in the instruction manual let's start off with something I don't have to build this looks like the simplest one so to start off with this oh the hell it's like an audio jack that's so weird I'm going to use the non wet end so let's make it hot oh this is just starting so I feel like it will get the can get hotter and work a bit faster feels like drawing through a marshmallow quick quick quick I'll get a stand somewhere else that's for now you know what these are responsible there you go look at that turn a little smiley face there we go alright switch you off there you go that's how this one works now this looks a little more imposing than the idea with this one is that you can slice up portions a little bit like a butter knife and this is my block of butter oh my god just like that oh my god that is so satisfying oh that is so cool oh so this one is meant to be a tension blade where it pulls it tight and you can essentially do what what this knife thing here does but without the the flex at the end and this one is a shaped version I'm going to bend this when it's completely cooled to about the diameter of the shape of the face there just like that this is the scroll pages and I thought this would be particularly useful if I need to cut straight lines or longer sections of these and as you can see they're very large long blocks that comes with these wires this all really does feel like an operation it's like get your tools like a scalpel scroll table I don't really have those in operations but you go I mean it feel quite surgical masks you do the slicing and dicing who I think the trick with this one is to just go really slow I bought some sandpaper because I wanted to see if there is some sort of grain or surface you know ridges that I want to get rid of if I can shave them back this is gonna make a huge mess I may need a vacuum cleaner in here oh but hey it works I've done all my carving smoothing and shaping tests oh wait wait no I thought I was done I forgot one entire container that is the industrial knife kit oh wow so this is just the one tool let's just grab the smallest humblest of blades what's this what oh my god you use these wire danglies between here and I heats them up and you rest it on the you put the plate in there you make your shape put it on there and you push it in it does a clean cut a lot very cool let's just give this one a go you can see how it cuts oh my god that works fast that heats up and cuts very quickly and very smoothly oh my god this is intense this is gonna be the workhorse okay so where does that leave us well I've tried it out pretty much all of the tools and I'm feeling like this is gonna be fun if incredibly messy and smelly I've also left some time for this to dry I can feel like that is there's gonna be a paintable surface and it sort of seals in the foam so before I really dive into it I need to seriously prepare this area in a way I may not have been prepared to prepare and prepare I did starting off with the rugs which if I left them open would of course act like styrofoam magnets especially with those teeny tiny beads that spread everywhere and then after laying down some drop sheets made sure my room was properly ventilated with a fan on one end the aircon in the room blowing and the door anchored open and of course having goggles and a facemask eqing and wearing my gloves when I was carving as well because at the end of the day in SU part knives and if they touch my skin would hurt as much as I am a bit of a goofball and rough around the edges safety is important especially when working with very dangerous hot knife cutting Bernie things speedy of working with dangerous hot knife he cut he Bernie things I had these tools that I needed to essentially hot swap between as I used them and in doing so need to make sure I had a way to hot spot between them without dropping them or burning and melting things accidentally so I did the genius thing of using the foaming tools to make a custom stand cutting out a little nuke for each of the tools so they could safely nestled in there and even made a little holder for the power pack and the cable to nicely nestle into and then when using the tools it would just be a matter of grabbing the one I wanted grabbing the cable and putting it into the exposed input good Jesus now with all my tools ready to go on my workspace nicely safe and ventilator it was time to get into making the props and that required a bit more planning I mean you guys know me I'm all for improvising but if you have a specific outcome you want to achieve and vision you really want to get close to in your own result there really takes going through it in a step-by-step process until you incremental II get there as close as you can and this meant testing out my design and envisioning it in place with the blocks of foam I had so I taped the blocks of foam to the stand and then drew in the art tool props referencing my original design and your comments in the recent video about my studio redesign to come up with a combination and an order I was really happy with which I ended up with I was pretty happy with this layer now with the eight props I didn't want them all to be the same length I did want them to get a little bit shorter on the outer edges to have a bit more of a fan effect and then with the design and proportions prepared it was time to finally do a little bit more preparation I'm sorry requires a lot of preparation I cut a bunch of aluminium bars to size oh wait you Americans call them a new don't you aluminum bars with my bars prepared I used my heavy-duty hot knife to carve big door like flaps at the back of each of my prop blocks of foam and then I used the sled attached to my heavy-duty hot knife handle to carve a nook the size of the aluminum aluminum bar things so I pull out a little chunk of foam put a bunch of glue in the slap of the aluminum aluminum bars in which no one want to stick with it but I mean the point this is the same lot of glue on the bars bunch of glue on the foam slap in the foam shut and tightly taping it so that would be supported while it dried and with all that preparation done and laid out I was more than satisfied with how it looked and finally ready to dive into it [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] Oh huh it's been I think three days that I've spent on this project so far and I think this is as far as I can go in this video for a number of reasons one is I actually have to pack up the studio and set it up for a bunch of other stuff and the other is I actually think just the base sculpting sort of stands on its own it's a really fun experience and I've learned a few things along the way about this stuff the first is this one is definitely the best one and cuts the fastest but it's also really quite you know that was like a tap I accidentally tapped by flesh it seared it instantly so you're definitely got to be careful and I wore gloves the whole time I just that missed the glove my cameraman Burt this jacket check this out do that I'm sorry Gary so so from that although these tools are pretty cool they're much slower and I think for like more low density phones these will cut fine especially for smaller projects but yeah they they really unless like for little fiddly bits like this they're just too slow however they may come in more useful in the future when I come back to fine-tune the sculptures coat them and paint them so we've got the blocking in done now I'm really happy with the result in fact if I sort of step back in and so just standing back and soaking it in it's perfect obviously they're very rough around the edges quite literally but when I come back we're gonna sand these babies up we'll add a whole bunch of cool detail and that's where these may come in more useful life hairs and the brush and different like things on the anyway every fun we'll get back to it but I hope this has been fun for you to watch so far and I hope you enjoy the result has a bit of a teaser as to what will end up here when I can finally finish this set piece I think it's really cool and one of the coolest things is its modular so if ever want like gags or props in other sets or whatever mahjongg art supplies you know I got them now yeah here is I hope you've enjoyed this video so far it's a really fun project to work in progress but the progress were made has been awesome hit that like button if you enjoyed it and subscribe for more fun with art and creativity there are more videos my challenge over there otherwise thank you for watching until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 6,013,276
Rating: 4.8912191 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, hot knife, hot wire foam factory, foam, carve, styrofoam, melt, sculpt, sculpture
Id: cTzewkgvTmE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Tue Aug 20 2019
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