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fair warning this is going to be one of those videos where I make stuff and the camera gets really close to my hands and I'm a nail biter and tend to have pretty stumpy not very attractive fingers something I really said supervisor please don't be too mean in the comments okay good allies and gentlemen welcome to droid something's off oh that's it okay there we go get ours and Joe and welcome to draw with jazzer i'm Jazza and today we're gonna be having some fun with polymer clay now fair warning I have never used this stuff before in my life but I've seen a lot of people have a lot of fun with it and it just seems really cool today it's really about I guess familiarizing myself of the material and just seeing how it feels and having a bit of fun with it that being said before we get started I thought I'd show off a little bit of what some people in my community have done with polymer clay someone in my communities sent me this and it's absolutely amazing this is a to-scale tiny version of the jazz axe which is the big axe made in collaboration with the folks over at punished props they make this with polymer clay how cool is this thing it's like it even detaches like the original as you can see you can make cool little props they're fairly flexible and durable this was made by Sarah aka scribble fix now this is based I believe on a with this thing a Funko so I believe this is like polymer clay around an actual model Sarah slash scribble fix made a really cool little Jezza avatar character which I love I'm very lucky to have a community that are just so creative and sorry generous have you ever checked out Sarah's channel she's got this really cool tool a channel where she makes videos every week in fact just checking it out now it looks like she's doing a couple of videos a week and she's really crafty and artsy so I can highly recommend subscribing to her I'll put a link of the card in the description last but not least I will also recommend another youtuber who I don't have anything from her with me I mean that's not strictly true I do have the teeny tiny little art book she made for me but that's not polymer clay but she does a lot of stuff with polymer clay so go check out nerdy crafters and not a fantastic.i ichiba who does a lot with a polymer clay in fact if you go to her Channel and search polymer there's a whole bunch of results a whole link to that search result so you can just check out all of the polymer clay and style videos on our nerdy crafters Channel and of course subscribe while you're there cuz love for the art community is love for everyone I don't know is that afraid I don't know I'm just talking crap at this point so this is the stuff I'm using this is fimo polymer clay I've just gone off to recommendations that I can find off of other people who actually do know what they're doing I have a whole bunch of miscellaneous other staffing and play around with so I have seen varnish I have this thing the sculpey clay roller I guess just the the physicality of it being not - I don't know stuff wearing sticker I have no idea I'm just I'm buying things that say they'll do the job so I feel more empowered than I feel not knowing what I'm doing this is like a glue now from what I've read and heard you can use this stuff to glue baked to baked clay or baked to unbaked clay or unbaked clay to unbaked clay so in theory it's a better time these are citadels sculpting tools from Warhammer line-up of stuff and I even got some Warhammer and Citadel paints and a clip isn't a brush here just because I like Warhammer and it's familiar to me and apparently you paint polymer clay sometimes people ask me in comments of a video if I've ever played Warhammer to that I have one thing to not say yes indeed I used to collect Warhammer specifically Warhammer 40k and if you're wondering I collected the blood angels fun fact I sold my entire collection of Warhammer all carefully painted and lovingly collected over many years when I was 22 because I couldn't pay the bills and wanted to keep doing YouTube for a living I guess it paid off in the end which is really good but I was like dead broke and my Warhammer collection dug me out of a ditch okay so like I said we're gonna have a bit of an experiment with this choir stuff I just want to fiddle around with the substances and mix a couple of things and make a few tiny little random not very well made things and just bake them and see how that goes just so I can get an idea as to process and we'll just take it from there [Music] all right everyone I'm back thanks for waiting so I have here some freshly baked treats gosh darn it there's nothing I love more than baking me some treats let's take a look I seriously haven't had a look at any of these and like I said I've never baked polymer clay before so I don't know how sturdy it is the box says here to bake for 30 minutes at 110 degrees Celsius now I baked for about 45 minutes at 90 degrees Celsius so I just I didn't want to risk burning or creating any discoloration and from what I read online or have looked up you can spend longer cooking it at a lower temperature just to be safe let's just break apart our experiment here now keep in mind this isn't the finished state of these projects this is just my halfway point of my experiment very it is looking like they've come together pretty well pretty cute look at these key little thingies so as you can see there's bits that still need to be glued together and there are bits that still need to be broken apart but let's start off with the the first thing that we made it's a little a symmetrical I look like a little bit like the guy from Heroes in Rocky Balboa you know that took anyway so I got a bit of that look going on but otherwise I'm pretty happy with how the sculpt looks it feels pretty solid it doesn't feel like like a rock-hard like really rough texture it feels almost plastic so here's the head there's a little bit of painting I'm going to do that just to finish up my sample head sculpt otherwise I did some jewellery so these here these are lovely earrings you knows I might varnish these up and make them nice and shiny and I guess you could let's say this is like an earring hook thing I don't know how you poke it on your ears there it's a frigging earring beautiful I do know that people do use polymer clay for jewelry and beads and all that stuff obviously not something I have great instincts with but thought I'd try everything I could try so this is my attempt at beads they've been hooked through the middle with armature wire and I just need to look there we go get him off just by twisting him and then just pulling him off individually I had cut them before I put them in the oven to bake now they're gonna look pretty rough like I said this isn't a finished state of all this stuff there's gonna be some varnishing these things can be sanded back I don't know if these are a success oh no other way bead polymer clay jewelry but I'd still red tempered cool colors and and cool cool swells I had this random leftover stuff so I thought I'd try and make a dice out of it obviously it's not a very even dye so I'm gonna attempt to smooth that out but then we have these parts and this is the sort of thing that I randomly thought over the end but I really like the idea of so we have a mini paintbrush we have a mini pencil now this doesn't look like much yet but I'm going to stick the eraser on one end after I chop a bit of the end off and I'm gonna even out this here and paint it up a bit and that will eventually look like a pencil and then we have my attempt at a stylus for a drawing tablet so all these three together will eventually look like I said look like art supplies I even baked this teeny teeny tiny little stylus nib which I'm gonna stick on there later so this like I said is my little past halfway part of the project but I just wanted to to take a break there and show you what I got so far but I'm gonna see how refined and finalized I can make my little sample project look and I guess I'll return and report [Music] all right the time has come to reveal my final dabbling project I don't know you tell me how you think it went I had a lot of fun I think they're kind of cool but they're also again it's dabbling so hopefully it hints to the possibilities of some cool stuff happening in a future project till the starter for the most underwhelming things we have these earrings then we have these beads now I haven't seen them in context yet so I'm just gonna randomly shuffle them and thread them oh they go hey hey that's not the worst thing in the world even from someone who's not a fashion design that's kind of cool I could imagine that if you're into like making or wearing bead things you could like do different color company oh my goodness I'm a fashion designer now oh and also I've made this cube it's a ugly Cuban yay alright moving on to the tube cooler little projects first let's go to our little mini art supplies oh look at this so we have the paintbrush now you'll notice that the the actual painting tip of the brush is varnished so it looks like it's wet we have the pencil doing the lines along the the shaft of the pencil was difficult but because they didn't go down fully ended up looking kind of faint which i think looks a bit better than if they were really solid lines and then after the pencil we have a little stylus oh this is coat I also varnished the tip of the stylus pen and the the gray around the clicky button thing to make them look like plastic and metal oh they're so cute oh this is a dude why am I talking like this I don't know but this is so fun yeah this is pretty freakin adorable okay this is really cool I feel like I want more of these and then last but not least we have the jazz face again I'm going to like ask for forgiveness every time I do our challenge your video where I do in jazz a avatar but at the same time oh no it feels like my way of trying something out is mmm how does it look as a Jezza avatar the only regret I have with this is that the shade color I mixed up for the skin is just a little too dark but it's not that bad it ends up coming out alright my guess from a distance you know it sort of looks more like a detail or whatever with this one I've added a little bit of that varnish over the eyes and the teeth just so that they look slightly wet like Byzantine ah so here it is ladies and gentlemen this is probably the smallest batch of things I've ever sculpted as you can see in relation to the size of my hands getting the details in on these things looking anyway decent took a bit of time and that sometimes was frustrating but the end result I really love this was a lot of fun let me know how I went but also in the comments below I want you to let me know what bigger project I could do I've done this sort of thing before I did a dabbling with the 3d pen video before I did my epic 3d pen video so leave some cool comments and suggestions and feedback and I'm gonna go through those in another video and make something as epic as I possibly can I must say just for some dabbling I love this like this is really good like looking at them all together there I'm worried about getting something substantial done today and technically it's all so small that it doesn't really feel substantial but at the same time when you look at a multi get a negative oh look at our guns Toki you tights so here that brings us to the end of my little experiment and the end of this video so before you go make sure to hit that like button if you enjoyed this video and of course hit this subscribe button if you have not subscribed to the our Tea Party yet join us here on draw with jazzer we have a lot of fun with art of all different kinds including apparently polymer clay which we're gonna have some more fun with in the future thank you so much for watching ladies and gentlemen have a wonderful day and until next time I'll see you later make sure to subscribe to my channel to see more of my videos and while you're at it check out my shop where I sell ebooks brushes photo references video courses and more there's another video you might enjoy from my channel over there and you can also check out my behind-the-scenes daily vlog channel daily Jazza that's it for now and until next time I'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 4,034,419
Rating: 4.9262052 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, game design, media, newgrounds, armor games, flash, humor, drawing, how to draw, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), tutorial, Artist, Painting, Educational, Software Tutorial, CS6
Id: xfJ2UtTNafM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 5sec (905 seconds)
Published: Wed Mar 07 2018
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