"Custom Painting" my door because.

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[Music] g'day everyone i'm jazza and i am no stranger to murals particularly i like a visual representation of something that matters or that you want it to remind you see i come in and out of that door about 50 times a day and maybe i'm really excited or maybe i'm like just frustrated or stressed or tired point is this door is and the entryway into where i make my stuff feels like a missed opportunity and i thought it'd be fun to make a door that is a visual reminder that serves a purpose plus i thought it would be a really cool video and uh process to share with you guys so we're going to start digitally in photoshop and with the canvas 22. that's satisfied this video is sponsored by huion and we'll get to that later first things first i'm gonna measure me door 805 boom all right so i have a reference folder here and i've filled it with a whole bunch of pictures that remind me of things i've made in the past so i'm going to go ahead and make a bit of a mishmashy collage it all is interconnected and it's funny how like as representations of moments in time that's sort of one of the coolest things i like about mules they help you reflect on things and represent something that help you propel yourself forward and that's what i'm driven to create another one for today [Music] now the funny thing is right up into the last 10 minutes of compiling my uh my collage i wasn't sure about the concept i mean i had this which is just like i don't know it just wasn't doing it for me it just felt a bit mish-mashy and then in the last 10 minutes i slapped in like a random stock image sort of comic book uh page splat of color and it turned into this and i was like ah there it is so then i just photoshopped it on top of the door and it's perfect it's it's amazing it's everything i wanted to represent and feel like and look like i love it i think i'm ready so with the door sanded and taped and ready to paint on i just needed to get my art on there easier said than done i scaled up and copied over the art using the grid method where both the door and my reference were divided into the same amount of squares and using the intersecting lines of the grid and where the lines in my artwork crossed as a reference i slowly but surely sketch the artwork onto the door transferring the artwork over was super time consuming especially since i wanted to nail the proportions and feel but by the time it was coming together the payoff was pretty satisfying and because i placed the grid down with the chalk line and because i'm sketching with pencil it meant i could clean up the artwork during the line work process pretty easily [Music] so i'm on the right track and i know this because the time i made my other mural the same way did the grid did the drawing in the old studio i i kept coming in outside of like work hours and just looking at it and last night i finished up packed up turned everything off and then i found myself sort of coming in here and just turning on the lights and just looking at it just having that moment of like i made that i like that that's what i wanted that's and that's what i want to feel when i walk through the door and when it's done i made that i like that that's the place where i make stuff that i like that's what this is all about okay i drew the outlines of the whole piece with a sharpie now these aren't super careful lines as i would paint over them but i needed something dark and solid enough to follow in the painting process and it would show through the paint so that i could of course reference them with the proper line work later as the lines went down it was just really cool to see it come together and made me feel like the final piece would make me feel the way i wanted it to to be honest this is a selfish project i am making this for me i think frankly i my days are much more fragmented than they used to be because of the i don't know the plethora of calls and responsibilities and as a result often when i'm coming in and out of this door i lose sight of what i'm doing or find it hard to find that creative spark every now and then if i get stressed i wanted to make an artwork on this door that looks cool for you guys but also more than that i want to make something for myself to remind me of the things that inspire and motivate me and how i'm capable of inspiring and motivating other people through my creativity [Music] so i've done a bit of swatching because i have a whole bunch of posca pens possible markers i've never used posca paint pens before but in theory that will make the whole process of painting the door a lot quicker because it'll be like just drawing on with paint i know i sound like a noob here because a lot of people have been using posca markers in the last while and i'm late to the party but they seem pretty cool so i'm hoping i'll get like 80 there with the colors i have i have quite a few but i'll probably just have to you know mix the other ones with paint and use a brush like a caveman why use archaic methods when you can live in the future and use the height of technology which is why i'm glad this video is sponsored by huion oh come on that was a good one that was good yeah the canvas 22 is one of the top of the line tablets you can get today top specs and super affordable to give you context when i started doing digital art and i got my first display tablet it cost me thirteen hundred dollars and now a tablet double the size and just way better in every way is under five hundred dollars so until the end of september you can get a further 5 discount on the canvas 22. so click the link in the description and check out the canvas 22 and get that discount for the limited time the canvas 22 has the pentek 3 pen with much more ergonomic nib and 8192 levels of pressure sensitivity the device has usb type-c connection and you can even connect it to your mobile devices or your laptop directly just with a usbc cable with full hd resolution tilt support high color gamut anti-glare film and it comes with a stand but it's compatible with your own stance or boom arms oh my god a huge thank you to everyone for sponsoring this video we're going to experience this together for the first time i'm just going to do the jazzer avatar head i don't know how off the colors are going to be they're off from my illustration but they might work perfectly on the door if they're too far off i'll mix the colors myself but i'm just going to put down all of the defaults as close as i can with the posca pens and see how much i need to make up the difference you have to shake them before use don't be weird all right i gotta say these posca marker things they're all right they're not perfect uh some of the nibs died pretty quickly and it takes quite a few layers to get an even coat and honestly the finish is a little chalky but pickiness aside the simplicity of the use of these markers was amazing it easily halved the amount of time it would have taken to do this project where i to mix and brush on the colors and the vibrancy and quality with which the colors work together was also pretty nice too [Music] smooth real smooth yeah do it again we edit out everything except for the success [Music] let's go [Music] all right so i've left it to dry over the weekend and i'm back at it now it's really cool i'm i'm really happy with how it's turning out so far but couple of problems one there is a streakiness that comes from the posca markers i'm hoping that's just because it's the first layer so i'm gonna do a couple of coats of all the colors two i don't have all the right colors and even if i do like this gray for that dude in the bottom left this is like perfect i think for that dude but it's the only grey marker i have and that nib is not loving it overall i think the foundation has been put down a lot quicker than if i were manually painting it mixing colors and i don't know there's like a uniformity to the colors that i really enjoy i don't know i'm feeling good about this one i think it's gonna be cool so once one full layer of color was down i went through the whole piece and added area by area another two to three coats of color to make the finish and texture as flat and even as possible as the colors became as solid as i could make them i started laying in some of the textures and dot patterns present in the background this quickly added a sense of depth and variety to the piece where i was getting more and more excited to see it all come together in the final line work phase but before i could do that there were simply some colors i didn't have in the posca markers so i just mixed and tested some acrylic paints and then evenly applied several coats to the areas that needed more of that color accuracy specifically the tail tellers outfit and the jazza avatar's here [Music] it was time to tie it all together with my favorite stage the line work and just watch how it makes this baby transform this bit satisfying [Music] starting from the top this is a blood angel space marine anyone who remembers the old mule will recognize him he's an homage to that old mural and having also rediscovered my time passion for miniature painting this year i'm more enthusiastic about warhammer 40k than ever but most of all he's there as a reminder that when i started this channel eight years ago i actually sold my entire blood angels collection which i'd collected through my childhood and carefully painted and pained over because i needed the money and that 500 at the time was enough to keep me out of debt and enabled me to keep this channel going and keeping this dude on that door is a reminder of the sacrifice and how that paid off and though i let go of a very personal collection to me many years ago its legacy lives on because i get to do what i do for a living because of sacrifices like that these two characters are from my how to draw book creating characters my first and only published book and a childhood dream come true i collected how to draw books all of my life and these characters represent that accomplishment bit of a bucket list item and of course my love for adventure and character design [Music] this is larry he was the main character of a series i created when i was 19 and represents my pinnacle of years of learning animation and making flash games and animations [Music] this dude uh is actually not my creation he actually comes from a sketch drawn for me when i was 10 years old by a family friend who actually worked for disney my dad took me to visit him one day to see what work as an animator was like and he just drew this guy like it was nothing and it blew my mind i've kept a copy of this quick sketch he did ever since and though he's probably entirely forgotten about it the inclusion of this character on my door represents the fact that though i may not know the impact of my work by letting you guys into my world and sharing what i do there might be people who take something small with them for the rest of their life that inspires them that makes them want to create or emulate what i do when he drew this i wished i could make things like that and now i get to every day this is the tail teller he's a character of an animation of the same name that took me 10 months to make i got underpaid for and overworked like a madman to finish and it's one of the things i'm most proud of as a result of 10 months of pouring my soul into something and in a funny way i i kind of feel like the telltale in that the story i told didn't necessarily spread far and wide or win awards but i created and shared something that really mattered to me and many of the people who watched it told me that it really mattered to them and that is what art should always aspire to be [Music] and last but not least my avatar representation of who i get to be and the fun i get to have and the things i get to discover and the gratitude i have that you let me into your creative journey [Music] this is my door and i'm a corny guy so i'm gonna call it my dreams come true door it's a reminder that every time i go through it i'm lucky enough to make the things i make for you and for me get a fire extinguisher i thought there was a smoke machine hurry up hey hurry hurry hurry hurry i didn't even know we owned a toaster what jesus dude just kidding we joke i like to do we i like to have a laugh in all seriousness i hope you have not only enjoyed this video but you like the end result i love the end result and i'm just so happy with it which is really cool because when i approached this project it had two purposes one entertain you and make something you like to see but two and probably more important with a selfish project like this make something that serves a long-term purpose of lifting me up and making me feel happy and i'm finding myself like glancing at the door and like double taking and going so yeah it does that i hope you'll forgive the uh fairly selfish nature of this video and project in general because i focus so much on making stuff you guys love i haven't rewarded myself with reminding myself of the things that i love and that that i'm really proud of and i'm really glad that i spent the time to make this and i hope you enjoyed it thank you for watching make sure to subscribe for more fun with art and creativity anyone who's been around here for a long time will have been here through a lot of this stuff and there's a lot more to come but in the meantime there are more videos over there you're bound to enjoy thank you so much for watching and until next time i'll see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,730,089
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Id: wnq9WSYD8Uk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 27sec (927 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 18 2020
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