Monster Clay Vs. (new) CosClay - Which is best to Sculpt?

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now those of you who have watched a few videos in this channel probably know that I am a bit of a fan of Monster Clare at least what it's like to work with and this was my first ever monster clay creation when I doubled with it and then I dived into something a little more substantial this was a sculpture that took me about four and a half days but getting lost in that sculpture and creative process was really fun and it also made it a little more embarrassing when after all that work it became really apparent he had a pole up his bum I've only ever worked with one kind of monster clay this is the medium monster clay it comes in soft and hard as well and the medium well as you can imagine is right in the middle brought out of this box even though it's medium you'll see that it's quite hard to work with immediately like you wouldn't sculpt with it as it is you actually heat it up in the microwave you soften it you work with it from there I started off with having sort of a structure in place sometimes it's an armature sometimes people use tin foil or whatever basically you don't need to or particularly want to fill out the whole thing with the monster clay so it saves you some extra clay and also gives you a bit of solidity especially when you're working on the softest stages of the clay so when it was all soft in the microwave it sort of goes down almost like a sloppy mud it feels really smooth it's quite waxy and then over time it dries you can still apply it as it's a little firmer but the process of working with this stuff at least the medium himself that I'm now more used to sort of evolves as you work with it the guys who make this stuff saw that video and sent me some prototype monster clay and that's what we're gonna have a look at today so I haven't seen or used any of this stuff and let me just say right up front they haven't sponsored this video and this isn't a paid advertisement I just want to give my honest impressions and actually explore using this material in its different forms so in this video I really just want to have just totally raw look at this stuff I've never looked at it heard about it or seen it before I have it in my hands now to give you an honest impression as to the differences between them what my favourites are and then once we've had a really bit of a rough explore of all of these I actually want to do a couple of zombie sculptures we'll get to that in a moment let's start off the wants to claim Ray because this is obviously a territory are more familiar with oh they have the hardnesses on the back and their unmarked I don't know what it is all right let's open this up I'm just gonna take a bit of my medium clay and compare it to this medium clay I mean yes medium please feel like super solid in there hardened form so I'm going to put this in a container microwave it come back with it it's offered form we'll go from there and after one and a half minutes in the microwave a bit of a monstery soup so no surprises here this is already what I'm used to with the other kind of monster clay it feels like it has the same viscosity like a milkshake I'm gonna put this to the side here let it sit a little bit while we have a little bit of a look at this stuff oh it's oven-baked clay oh I'm curious as to how close this is to working with the monster clay this has a thing medium firm medium firm opinion firm okay these are all the same Boursin what about this medium soft extra firm I got a whole variety we can explore today medium soft oven-baked cuz clay bows clay fantastic flexible plastic make it bake it flex it hey there kick-starting by the time this video comes out their Kickstarter will be live what is this the future of clay is flexible for endless applications this includes stop-motion characters poseable figures and much much more how bendy is this stuff I have to like oven-baked it all to sort of see what the outcome is of these hands twist it pop it pull it all right that's softening don't microwave polymer clay you roll away hello friend let's stop rolling three weeks later this is starting to feel a lot smoother much more malleable as you can see let's try the extra firm cosplay extra firm huh whoa not sure that's how you meant to soften it maybe you just go keep going one eternity later ok so at this stage I think I've run it through about 30 or 40 times and as you can see it is actually sculptable now I think the answer is the hard stuff you got a condition because what I'm gonna do next is bake each of these types of clay but also sculpt directly comparing the monster clay to this new cosplay stuff and I'm also gonna work from the same foundation this is an anatomical skull that is produced by a fellow art youtuber and friend Hiroko or Stan Prokopenko this is a really cool anatomical human skull with a magnetized removable lower jaw and because he sent me to I'm actually gonna use these as a base to sculpt on these are anatomical skulls therefore it's a great foundation for me to put the material onto to create a bit of a zombie and of course we can go through and show the bones and stuff underneath to make it look nice and Nally one awesome feature about this thing which is super noteworthy is the fact that the jaw is separate and magnetized which means you can do this yeah that's right here on I am going to take over the world it's also good for professional stuff too the first order of business was like I mentioned to make a simple test of strength and flexibility of the different grades of cosplay now you saw how tricky the hard grade was to commissioned but to roll up and make the same coil out of soft clay as you can see here required little to no conditioning at all so how do the medium grade go well I guess at the end of day I'm realizing what this stuff is it's just polymer clay with a twist the twist of course will be the outcome and how it hardens after baking which remains to be seen but the process of conditioning the cosplay to be workable was pretty similar to working with polymer clay which I had done before if just a little extra crumbly to start out with half a drop of oil and a few dozen passes through the roller and you're on the way to being good to go so my three coils of conditioning were ready to bake and I threw them in a tray and sent them off to the cooker but now it's time to get serious and I'm going to start off in familiar territory with the medium grade monster clay but this time in the new gray variation I softened it up and made the first thin layer over the skull to work on now I did initially say I wanted to make zombies but the more clay I added to the skull the more I enjoyed the fact that working on the skull base actually gave me really accurate facial proportions as I sculpted so I kind of wanted to just sculpt to more of a normal-looking face rather than have it show through too much of their bones and skull underneath I kind of felt like those guys in CSI who recreate the face of a victim with the anatomy of the skull to show you what the victim looked like but I don't want to disappoint you so I will do a monster and I promised a Halloween esque sort of monster so I thought I should at least stick to that and in doing so I decided to go into more shall we say transylvanian direction [Laughter] [Music] as the rough mass of my sculpture was building up to a place I was happy with him clay was hardening I started to shave back and refine the surface of the face but then with the proportions and the facial post solidifying I attached the sculpture with a heat gun to soften the harsh and looking areas and generally smooth it out so I could then go in clean up the skin and slowly add in the details [Music] now I'm gonna say I kind of love that the skull base and then the gray clay are almost identical colors I mean I didn't even have to sculpt the teeth which already looked so perfect in detail and also meant that in adding the finishing touch of the vampire fangs it looked like it was always meant to work that way though you just love those happy accidents so I'm just trying to stick to that slightly spooky theme you spooked out yet now on to trying the cosplay on the same skull base but before I could start sculpting I had to condition the clay to be workable now I learnt about this when I first played with polymer clay that the stuff is really quite dry and hard out of the packet or if it hasn't been used for a while it's pretty normal for the polymer clay to need to be conditioned and I admit that I did find this a little more difficult and time consuming to condition than your average polymer clay not the worst in the world but definitely a time consuming that necessary first step running it through the roller again and again and again I am now officially motivated to buy an electric pasta roller to do this crap for me uh forgive all the shouting but when it was finally done I started applying the clay to the skull creating an outer layer of skin and thickening up the hollows of the cheeks and building out the mouth and brows this was slow going definitely and I have to say in the earlier stages of building up the mass I felt some pretty heavy pros and cons con this stuff was really tough to work in and build up and make me really miss that liquefiable state of monster clay and the process took a lot longer with less room to just play around with the mass and shape pro obviously there's a more permanent result if you bake it and the more I added and worked with this stuff the more cool I realized that that fleshy color and slightly waxy looking surface was making it pretty clear that realistic monsters and figures and the stuff would look incredibly cool and that's my impression before baking it which I guess will discover what that is later now the more I refined the base of the skin of this dude the more I started to love how the cosplay worked and with the fleshy color and waxy surface as it is it's like I was literally sculpting the face of a hideous monster and where previously I found myself wanting to break away from making a zombie with the monster clay here with the cosplayer I actually found myself wanting to come back to making a zombie because I mean I guess I wanted to see how the textures and the rotting aesthetic would look on the cosplay when baked and compared to my first monster clay sculpture which of course is also a zombie but also because I wanted to sculpt flesh that looked like it would be falling apart and have some layers to it so that after baking it I could see how this flexible hardening feature of boasts actually works and practice I was painstaking as my initial conditioning and the early sculpture process was the later refinement stages the process were an absolute delight in fact sculpting the details and smoothing the skin making gnarly cuts and gashes our process [Music] so now that we've had a really solid play with everything it's time to have a look at everything and just see what the final thoughts are let's start off with the monster clay now obviously this was my first ever monster clay sculpt in the commonly known monster clay color this was my scoped in the monster clay great [Music] now I don't think it's a huge deal the difference in color but at the same time it is refreshing because I have seen this monster clay color pretty much everywhere and it is synonymous with that concept character sculpting it's sort of cool in that way but also sometimes it might not benefit the aesthetic that you're going for even if you're just trying to convey a concept now obviously in this case the skull underneath was almost an identical color and as I mentioned it's perfect in that way because it sort of blends in with the actual clay sculpture that I have but also as a final sculpture it almost looks cleaner and clearer because it's lighter in tone so if you're looking for something to feel a bit brighter conceptually or or to not have such color saturation maybe the gray is the way you might want to go but I really do like that gray unsaturated aesthetic and it does make me want to try doing a bigger more epic sculpture with the monster clay gray so that is the monster clay time to move on to the cosplay starting off with our little baked test here we have the soft Koz clay the medium coz clay and the hard cause clay conditioning these clays was easy hard nearly impossible not a fun process but let's see what the baked result is like starting off with the soft costclub okay the feels firmer than I expected Wow I am surprised this hasn't broken extra points there for coolness I'm wondering if as the original clays get firmer if the baked result gets firmer sorta a little bit still really salt I am actually really impressed that is really really strong that's our baked sampling and I am actually really thoroughly impressed by that so let's see how the full project ended up baking okay I've kept it covered so that I would give you my honest and immediate reaction [Music] this is genuinely really cool though this is more difficult to work with the fact that you can make it I mean this is this is juror like I can bend his ears and I'm not worried about them breaking off look at this these are the folds of flesh that are overhanging and I'm not worried about that peeling off or chipping or breaking I made something that would in theory be delicate but when baked it does not feel delicate I mean you can even see this upper lip was sculpted to be quite split and pulling on that isn't dislodging it at all this is a dragon I painted and sculpted in a traditional polymer clay and it's held up well it's it's pretty durable but I also haven't tested it or pushed it and even just touching it now a little bit actually just chipped off it's interesting because if first gob did this in the cause clay I would feel confident pulling the tail or even the wings around sorry as far as first impressions goes for my use of the cosplay the result is amazing the sculpting process like I mentioned and the conditioning in particular there are definitely some tedious aspects to that but when you get along to the refinement element of it it really becomes a lot of fun to work with and the results like the baked durable rubbery but still solid outcome I mean that is why I had a lot of fun making these dudes in today's video wildly different sculpting experience and very different outcome really interesting and cool pros and cons in their own way but both a lot of fun in their own way too and it does bear mentioning again I have not been paid to say or do any of this stuff I have literally had these packets of beta testing clay sitting around my office for months and never got around to doing anything with them and when I decided what I felt like doing today this was it and it just so happened that their Kickstarter just went live and if your interest to go check it out they definitely have my thumbs up because there's an outcome goes I'm pretty impressed with both these things and look forward to working with them in the future so definite thumbs up for me here also a shout outs of proko for making the cool skulls that I've worked with here today and a huge thank you to you for watching this video if you enjoyed it make sure of course to like this video so other people can see it and enjoy it and subscribe for more fun with art creativity and all sorts of forms in future thank you so much for watching and until next time I'll see you later subscribe do it
Channel: Jazza
Views: 2,427,259
Rating: 4.9474988 out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross, monster clay, sculpt, sculpture, cosclay, monster makers, clay, polymer, rubber, flexible, detail, carve
Id: vBrKgkpno4Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 18sec (1098 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 01 2019
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