I figured out how to make Crystal Wings

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stick around to the end and you'll find out how you could win your very own pair of wings hello we're going to make something beautiful and what we're going to make are some glorious crystal wings for this guy this guy i made in part one and if you haven't seen it yet you should go check it out in part one i took a giant bloke of wood i carved it into this guy and then i burned this guy with a flamethrower this video is part three i went ahead and skipped part two because no one likes a number two like i said i'm going to be making crystal wings but technically they're not going to be made out of crystal they're going to be made out of a super clear resin hopefully all working out and not turning into a giant pile of dookie and then we're gonna have to figure out a way to mount them and then put the lights in it's gonna be really tricky and the way i'm gonna do that is we need some clay and mold making supplies so let's go to the clay and mold making supply store and we're here ryan reynolds advanced materials let's go in and check it out that's a lot of stuff hey i remember you buddy how's it going it's okay buddy we'll get you to a dermatologist don't speak oh dear i'm totally hooked on this place i ain't lying well this guy's totally like staring at me [Music] shh don't speak sorry so this is the mold making stuff looks like you got to go through a bunch of steps building it up building it up and then putting this exterior shell on it it's going to be interesting let's get all the stuff we need for it i'm also going to need some clay goodbye my friend until we meet again don't speak yeah okay now that we have our metric butt ton of materials let's go home and make something okay so the way we get this started is first thing i did was i went to the interwebs and i found a picture of wings that i really liked the shape of then i imported that into and manipulated it just to give them a little bit of a stylized look once i was happy with that printed them out and taped them all together to create my reference now since these wings are going to be very tall and also bendy unless they have a skeleton inside them we need to make an armature and to hold the armature i just took some plywood cut it into a couple of squares then i took a metal flange which is threaded so it can accept an eight inch nipple mounted the flange and nipple to the board now using my reference i can go ahead and start creating an aluminium core that way then i can go back and add some clay onto it ah whoa right i know they look stupid now but wait until the morning when they're all set up and hard oh my gosh guys you have to see this it's a miracle whoa yeah [Music] oh never mind they're still ugly so the next step is to put some feathers on these bad boys but first look at this what i've decided to do is use plexiglas for those outside leading edge feathers because those are actually what i'm going to be putting all the other feathers onto and that needs a nice strong foundation so the way i'm going to do that is i'm going to use my print off as a pattern to then create patterns for each individual feathers then using the fact the plexiglass is clear i'm just going to transfer the design of each feather onto it cut those out on the bane saw and once they're all cut out i'm going to use my angle grinder to add a little bit of more of a taper along the edges [Music] how do you work this here phone why is it pointing in the wrong direction oh there we go as you can see i've got all of the feathers done you see i actually put like a bevel into the feather like a real feather actually on both sides yeah i think sometimes i go too far but i think it's going the distance that makes the difference you can quote me on that my plan is drill some holes then i'm going to take those feathers hot glue them this is all essentially a super complicated armature that just also happens to be part of the sculpture all of that was basically just a really long way of me saying let's do that [Music] so so [Music] okay now that we have that done we need to start putting some clay on these bad boys and because i want my feathers to be uniform across both wangs i decided to go ahead and print off another one of these but this time went around the whole thing just to create an outline pattern that's pretty much it video is over thank you for watching [Music] then i'm going to cut it so that it just basically reveals the secondary row of feathers then we use that as a template to then know where to sculpt the second row of feathers then i went ahead and bought a bunch of this stuff it's sulfur free oil-based clay by siobhan the reason you have to go sulfur free is because the silicone will not set up if there's any kind of sulfur on it yes i do say so if i do say something myself and i do connection a games let's get on with it [Music] huh [Music] [Applause] okay you can see the wangs are pretty much done in fact they are done now we just need to mold them and what i'm going to use to make a mold out of this is this stuff this is the stuff you saw me get at the beginning and this stuff is a two-part silicone rubber mold making view so the first step is you take it you mix it equal parts then you paint on a very thin coat being very careful to cover every square inch this is sort of a detail layer to capture well the detail ew it looks like peach flavored boogers delicious then you put another coat on which is a little bit thicker and even another coat you basically keep building up the layers until it's about half inch thick all the way around then we're going to create a really thick area right along the seam where i'm going to cut it to remove it off the piece then once you get your sculpture coated in silicone you want to put some sort of exoskeleton around it because the silicone is basically going to be this floppy rubbery thing and it's not going to hold its shape but today i'm going to be using a two-part super ultra lightweight sculpting epoxy dough and just like the silicone i'm going to thoroughly mix up equal parts until homogeneous then i'm going to apply an even layer all across only one half of the wing making sure to leave a flange that sticks out beyond the edge maybe a couple of inches once that half has completely set up and cured all along the edge i added petroleum jelly that's there so that the other half doesn't stick to it and we can pry it apart then repeat on the other side please tell me i'm pretty okay now that that is done we gotta crack this thing out of its shell there's the seam line and uh ew if it doesn't work then i don't know what i'm going to do let's go for it okay yeah starting to come apart there we go ow let's cut my finger what yay why do i keep getting blue on me whoa that is weird looking it's like a perfect mold of the mold oh yeah now i gotta get the sculpture out of this okay here we go oh that is cool look at the detail it's like opening a really weird present okay this is working now the hard part's gonna be the tips there we go i wonder if i can just kind of peel it that's going to be difficult how am i going to get those out you see it inflate [Music] [Music] yay indeed bobby yey indeed but little did he know after he drilled holes in the outside flange of the mold so that he could securely hold the two halves in place with bolts he made a grave mistake which cost him much time the moment of truth no bobby you are stupid that comes later see what he did was he used the illuminite resin clear slow which is an excellent resin but it clearly states that you have to use a pressure pot so that it doesn't have a copious amount of bubbles but the cure time is very short so i decided to give it a shot and once i learned my lesson i decided to do it again exactly the same way but this time i was hoping for a different outcome because that makes sense poor smoothbrain but what i lack in brains i make up with bangs oh look at the idiot trying to get rid of the air bubbles with a syringe full of resin by the way these are the wings i'll be giving away until i finally bit the bullet and decided to use the resin i should have started with in the first place okay uh let's see if third try is the charm how's that saying go third time's the chart third time's a try yes this one is actually not horrible but i mean if you look at it just look at it i don't mind a little bit of bubbles but this was full of bubbles and this has nothing to do with the resin it has everything to do with me and being impatient i want it now from the very beginning illumilite was like you need to use this stuff this is the amazing deep pore it's a new product from alumalite it's a super slow reacting low viscosity resin where you don't need a pressure pot because it stays liquid for so long that it allows all the bubbles to rise to the top thank you so much to alumni they they've been amazing sending me these resins the way i'm going to pour different this time is i'm actually going to only pour it up to about here all of these bubbles that are caught along this edge i'm going to tip it so that hopefully they'll run up along here collect in the back and then i'm going to tip it back vertical that way they can all run up the back and out the cloaca and then i'm going to finish pouring it the rest of the way please work okay hopefully third charm is the time oh yes wow that is perfect like dude yes it was worth the extra time this took because that is perfect that's what i was wanting now that we have the wings to this point you'll notice that they have a matte finish and that's pretty cool looking but it's not the look i'm going for i want them super clear i want them super glossy and the way i'm going to achieve that is with something called amazing clear cast plus also by alumalite the way i'm going to do that is mix it up then i'm going to paint over the entire surface then once the resin had cured i went ahead and wrapped both wings with some plastic to give them a little bit of extra protection against infection oh my gosh literally the only thing i have left to do is to assemble it i'm scared because this is super complicated and i've never done this before and i've spent hundreds of hours on this piece and i might mess up but you know what no i won't mess up and you know why because i'm bobby do guards [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] hey guys i finally finished entropy of the soul falling through a unicorn tear [Music] so [Music] [Music] wait don't go as promised i still need to tell you how you can win this pair of wings but first i want to tell you about this video sponsor on see what it did there i'm getting almost to the point where i cannot make art unless i'm listening to something on my raikons just bought those in they are by far my very favorite pair of earbuds i mean look at them they're adorable i take these things everywhere when i'm flying when i'm working when i'm sitting around the house they fit inside my pocket inside their little charging cage which by the way will charge the earbuds up to three times without having to recharge the charger we're gonna just pop those right on in there up to six hours of continuous use they also sound amazing with extra bass like i said before as soon as you open the little door they immediately connect pop them on in super low profile and they come in a bunch of fun colors raycon started about half the price of other leading earbuds on the market i do believe i'll pop them in so if you're interested about getting a pair like mine which are the everyday e25s bopmin go down to the description use my link or go to byraycon dot com forward slash bobby duke to get 15 off if you don't absolutely love them which i know you will you still have 45 days to return them that way you know they're exactly the right earbuds you want pop and remember christmas is right around the corner okay and now the way you can win a pair of wings and by the way they're not just gonna come in the mail like this i'm going to mount them they're gonna have some lights under them it's gonna be pretty cool literally all you have to do follow me on the twitters at bobby duke and then retweet the tweet that has to do with this video so i'm gonna tweet a link and a picture to this video you just gotta retweet it that's it i will randomly select a person that does all that i know it sucks but you gotta be in the u.s go ahead and follow me on twitter anyways just because i post literally every single day so if you want a little more dookie in your life go ahead and give me a follow also i have a second pair of wings that i'm going to be giving exclusively to one of my patrons you will have a better chance if you become a patron i wish i could give one to all of my patrons but in the future on patreon i promise i'm going to be doing something where i give all of my patrons something i just figured until then i can at least give one of you guys a pair of the wings thank you guys so much for watching i always appreciate it and i know it's taken me forever to get this video out but this project took a butt load of time i love you all and until next time i can't think of anything
Channel: Bobby Duke Arts
Views: 1,771,391
Rating: 4.9576511 out of 5
Id: hSDHxf2_uH4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 20min 37sec (1237 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 17 2020
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