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in this video I turn this unassuming simple little box into the ultimate hobby companion box get everyone I'm Jezza and as some of you might know who watch my minis reaction video I'm really getting into miniature painting again but in doing it in my spare time it means I do it in the house where I don't actually have a studio set up so I end up needing to put all my mini paints or whatever I'm working on time in a box when I was looking for whatever box was lying around this was perfect because I actually bought this as a cheap little box from a craft shop like a year ago thinking to myself that looks pretty cool it's like a good template to turn into something and then I checked out it was perfect to fit my painting tray into so this got my mind reeling a bit because I thought how cool it would be if I could unlatch the sides and the front and the sides could unfold and I could basically have something like this now it won't end up exactly like this but this is what I'll be using his inspiration and trying to get as much functionality as possible out of my little random chest I think this is gonna be a really fun project in doing that there you go to the hardware store and hit all the little bits and pieces that I'll need to put this together [Music] now one of the complicated things is going to be in the hinging these need to fold flat so that they rest flat on the table surface so they don't scratch and we already have tits that are sticking out and poking out so I'm going to need to either remove those or create a buffering between that surface and the table so then a couple of the other main parts are the handle which is intended to actually take weight because the idea is when that's on there when its flipped over I've created enough separation between the handle and the lid like I just need to extend it a bit alright I think I have everything I need but this is just gonna be one of those projects where I really just get stuck into it and see how it goes I started off by cutting back my paint rack to the size that I wanted so I could measure all of the interior fittings of the chest that would come about later around that and then I started to work on the box itself now I'm gonna be honest I am not really one for meticulously measuring and getting it right the first time I have a the most important thing with this project is the functionality box needed to be able to unfold to be flat and well-supported and easily fold back up so I started by screwing the catches inside that would hold to the top edges in when the box was closed and make sure that once I pulled the Box apart I already had a solid guide that I could return to for where the sides should close back up to and with those in place I started working on adding the hinges so I could open this baby up now my thinking here was no matter how ugly it might become in the beginning phase if I could tick off the core function of my portable hobby station of opening and closing on all three sides I could make it a lot prettier later hopefully [Music] all right I have Frankenstein to this box torn it apart put it together and I'm about to see if it's if it works don't know if wealth I haven't measured anything you ready front okay it does unhook just a little tight in places feel like another time I'm gonna have to take these edges off and just wider mac down there should be able to just trim a little bit of the bottom edge without hitting anything else just so that the flaps can open little more easy all right you ready front perfect and sides perfect I'm gonna flatten this out by putting a layer of ply on there so that everything can sit evenly I'm gonna probably build like a little cupboard thing so I can fit stuff under there to a little compartment contain the section over here on the right but slowly it'll come together to be a gorgeous little self-contained painting station [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so I'm gonna want to raise this to about there and I'm gonna hopefully build a draw I don't know how tall all be able to make it I'll figure that out and then I've cut these parts which will be the housing for my little battery here bit by bit putting the pieces together that give it the most functionality possible I measured how much of a gap I would have after lifting the paint rack as much as I thought it would work leaving enough room for the added height of paints sitting on the top shelf then I cut pieces to make a draw housing to hold it up to that height and then carefully cut the pieces for the draw and some dividers this is where the box starts to get more function and surprisingly a lot more pretty and pretty quickly the MDF was really smooth and believe it or not I've managed to cut it so neatly that it fits perfectly this whole process started to really give me a lot of hope that the outcome would be something really special [Music] progress is amazing I'm gonna leave this to dry for a little bit but as you can see I've got the shelf for the paints I've got that compartment for this again I'm trying to make as much use of every part of the space as possible after cutting the internal dividers to fit the curvature of the lid I worked on reinforcing the top structure you see the curved sheet of ply at the top of the box is like 1 millimetre thick and just glued on so just whacking a handle on top and hoping it would hold the weight of the box itself which by the way was becoming heavier by the minute just wouldn't work I needed to further reinforce the structure of the handle later but to start off with I would cut some wood to sit on top and underneath the peak of the curved lid gluing and screwing so I would have something more substantial to screw into later then I moved on to creating the functionality within the lid I measured out the height of the shelves by placing paint pots in with some wood to give it a little extra room and space it out evenly and then with all that setup I went about creating a magnetic lid that would hopefully be strong enough to hold everything in even with the lid that tipped upside down [Music] this is like turned out way neater and nicer than I expected to be honest and all unfolds really nicely I've got these like whites oh oh my god so excited I'll give you the full tour later the couple of things I still want to do is I want to put a brush holder that stands in there when that opens up I can put brushes in this has to dry so I can't lift that off and show you that yet so in the meantime I'm gonna move on to the exterior I have these little Stoppers here these rubber stoppers and so those Stoppers make sure that everything is leveled and supported one of the major things with the exterior is this handle and it's got to be the right height and at the moment there's too much of a gap so like if I stuck it on there right now it wouldn't touch the bottom and I need to lift it by almost an inch of the table once all the functionality is done the last step falls into place which making it pretty on the outside so uh guess it's time to take over the finish line with all of that finally done I could do what I do best make it look cool my plan was to shape out some framing with thicker pieces of balsa wood that I could cut and make a look like a metallic frame of like a big loot chest and video game and then make the larger flat areas of the of the box look like rustic old wood now if you couldn't tell this balsa wood stuff is really soft wood that's why it's favored amongst hobbyists it's really great to shape and to cut and really satisfying and smooth to work with however the trade-off is that it's really easy to scratch and break so I made sure that none of the raised areas were going to bare anyway or really be hitting surfaces or anything I added to the aesthetic by cutting some chunks and scrapes out of these raised section of balsa wood to make the chest look extra authentic and then base coated the whole thing in multiple layers of black the multiple layers also help reinforce the balsa wood a little bit so that it wouldn't scratch or break off as easily next I dry brushed my aesthetic chest frame with a gunmetal metallic paint with some lighter more silver highlights on the very edges and then last but not least I cut the larger thin sections of ply to fit in the middle areas that I would then texture and stain and this final process was certainly the most satisfying I loved my hobby box before but this aesthetic personalization really brought it to life and I feel gathered a lot of character very quickly [Music] [Applause] [Music] with all of the stained wood panels glued in place I gave the whole box a big whack of matte varnish for some final protection and to tie things together neatly now I don't know about you but honestly I really feel like this project resulted in something so much more spectacular than I ever imagined when I started [Music] I have to say I don't think I have been this excited and proud about a finished result in in a while like this is just this just makes me so happy and that's just the outside like first of all can we just soak that in like yeah I think the best way to soak it in is actually to show what it was that cheap $10 craft shop crappy chests now it's to me feels truly epic like something out of warcraft it's just so fun then we get to my favorite stuff there really exciting stuff and I'm gonna give you guys just an extensive tour because I've put way too much thought into this so first of all we open up the lid and the first thing you'll notice is that it's completely flush with the ground with this nice little felt cushion on top so it's not gonna scratch anything but I've rested on then we open up my favorite thing is when you just open the size of the front folds down on the time boom I mean come on this sitting right here is my little light when this was closed up but just it's in there and I've marked here just so I know what side to plug into and then straight away I'm ready to go obviously it's very well lit in here so it's a bit unnecessary but there it is super useful and always there this is a full roll of toilet paper and it just fits perfectly this here is my extra compartment as you can see I've built three shelves for paints specifically for the two sizes of Citadel paints and that's everything I need to do my basing or to just swap out and get some of the less used paint anyways moving forward we've got the Payne rack which I mean it sort of explains itself except for the fact that I can't actually use this one because there's a that hits the top of it and even if I shave some off it would be too much off so that one is out of use and a little tool holder here my battery which I can charge my phone with or put the light on there moving forward this is my model holder so this is a little extra thing that I've added here underneath this strip of balsa wood are two magnets and underneath these models are a couple of moments just like that it'll snap into place I did the same thing inside here which I thought I'd use for models at first but not perfect for the model holdup I put a larger magnet on the bottom of that inside that is a slightly larger magnet as well so it has a little bit extra strength to hold a slightly heavier object and just like that snaps right into place then we have the draw I am insanely proud of this draw I mean first of all it just fits perfectly and it goes in and out beautifully on the front here slightly raised is my brush compartment which when I'm ready to work up with my model together you got some larger holes at the back ah this is it like to be so excited I don't know why like this is just so satisfying and fun for me the left here I've got my sculpting tools and my green stuff a big part of what I'm really looking forward to getting into is the green stuff sculpting which is where basically you can modify the models that you buy and recreate poses or make action scenes and that's something I really want to do is make really unique character designs it bears no explanation obviously this is my cutting mat but my favorite thing is that I personally as someone who is very time for can actually pull this out and start miniature painting within a minute or two and then if I need to go I can literally just put my brushes away empty my water just like that it's all that's the way I started this on Monday on my birthday as a present to myself I finished it at the end of the week and I couldn't be happier I hope you guys have enjoyed watching this be created and maybe been a little bit inspired to do something like that for yourself because it really is pretty straightforward all the materials are used to build this or affordable and easily accessible all it takes is a bit of planning and imagination and hard work and then you've got something that you can use that can just bring you a lot of joy and I think the thing I'm looking forward to most with this thing is using it if you enjoyed this video make sure to hit that like button and subscribe for more fun with art and creativity there are more videos over there you might enjoy specifically related to this miniature stuff that I'm finding really fun so I've done a bit of it before otherwise that's it for now thank you so much for watching and until next time see you later
Channel: Jazza
Views: 1,288,494
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: josiah, brooks, jazza, jazzastudios, animation, newgrounds, flash, humor, drawing, adobe, photoshop, cintiq, 24hd, Adobe Flash (Software), Artist, Painting, challenge, funny, crazy, weird, draw, art, crilley, zhc, vexx, boxofficeartist, entertainment, hillarious, bob ross
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 48sec (948 seconds)
Published: Tue Apr 28 2020
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